diff --git a/internal/media/ffmpeg.go b/internal/media/ffmpeg.go
index 0443f95b8..58c2f9503 100644
--- a/internal/media/ffmpeg.go
+++ b/internal/media/ffmpeg.go
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
+	"os"
@@ -39,10 +40,7 @@ import (
 // any metadata encoded into the media stream itself will not be cleared. This is the best we
 // can do without absolutely tanking performance by requiring transcodes :(
 func ffmpegClearMetadata(ctx context.Context, outpath, inpath string) error {
-	// Get directory from filepath.
-	dirpath := path.Dir(inpath)
-	return ffmpeg(ctx, dirpath,
+	return ffmpeg(ctx, inpath, outpath,
 		// Only log errors.
 		"-loglevel", "error",
@@ -66,18 +64,15 @@ func ffmpegClearMetadata(ctx context.Context, outpath, inpath string) error {
 // ffmpegGenerateWebpThumb generates a thumbnail webp from input media of any type, useful for any media.
-func ffmpegGenerateWebpThumb(ctx context.Context, filepath, outpath string, width, height int, pixfmt string) error {
-	// Get directory from filepath.
-	dirpath := path.Dir(filepath)
+func ffmpegGenerateWebpThumb(ctx context.Context, inpath, outpath string, width, height int, pixfmt string) error {
 	// Generate thumb with ffmpeg.
-	return ffmpeg(ctx, dirpath,
+	return ffmpeg(ctx, inpath, outpath,
 		// Only log errors.
 		"-loglevel", "error",
 		// Input file.
-		"-i", filepath,
+		"-i", inpath,
 		// Encode using libwebp.
 		// (NOT as libwebp_anim).
@@ -116,27 +111,24 @@ func ffmpegGenerateWebpThumb(ctx context.Context, filepath, outpath string, widt
 // ffmpegGenerateStatic generates a static png from input image of any type, useful for emoji.
-func ffmpegGenerateStatic(ctx context.Context, filepath string) (string, error) {
+func ffmpegGenerateStatic(ctx context.Context, inpath string) (string, error) {
 	var outpath string
 	// Generate thumb output path REPLACING extension.
-	if i := strings.IndexByte(filepath, '.'); i != -1 {
-		outpath = filepath[:i] + "_static.png"
+	if i := strings.IndexByte(inpath, '.'); i != -1 {
+		outpath = inpath[:i] + "_static.png"
 	} else {
 		return "", gtserror.New("input file missing extension")
-	// Get directory from filepath.
-	dirpath := path.Dir(filepath)
 	// Generate static with ffmpeg.
-	if err := ffmpeg(ctx, dirpath,
+	if err := ffmpeg(ctx, inpath, outpath,
 		// Only log errors.
 		"-loglevel", "error",
 		// Input file.
-		"-i", filepath,
+		"-i", inpath,
 		// Only first frame.
 		"-frames:v", "1",
@@ -157,18 +149,45 @@ func ffmpegGenerateStatic(ctx context.Context, filepath string) (string, error)
 	return outpath, nil
-// ffmpeg calls `ffmpeg [args...]` (WASM) with directory path mounted in runtime.
-func ffmpeg(ctx context.Context, dirpath string, args ...string) error {
+// ffmpeg calls `ffmpeg [args...]` (WASM) with in + out paths mounted in runtime.
+func ffmpeg(ctx context.Context, inpath string, outpath string, args ...string) error {
 	var stderr byteutil.Buffer
 	rc, err := _ffmpeg.Ffmpeg(ctx, _ffmpeg.Args{
 		Stderr: &stderr,
 		Args:   args,
 		Config: func(modcfg wazero.ModuleConfig) wazero.ModuleConfig {
-			fscfg := wazero.NewFSConfig() // needs /dev/urandom
-			fscfg = fscfg.WithReadOnlyDirMount("/dev", "/dev")
-			fscfg = fscfg.WithDirMount(dirpath, dirpath)
-			modcfg = modcfg.WithFSConfig(fscfg)
-			return modcfg
+			fscfg := wazero.NewFSConfig()
+			// Needs read-only access to
+			// /dev/urandom for some types.
+			urandom := &allowFiles{
+				{
+					abs:  "/dev/urandom",
+					flag: os.O_RDONLY,
+					perm: 0,
+				},
+			}
+			fscfg = fscfg.WithFSMount(urandom, "/dev")
+			// In+out dirs are always the same (tmp),
+			// so we can share one file system for
+			// both + grant different perms to inpath
+			// (read only) and outpath (read+write).
+			shared := &allowFiles{
+				{
+					abs:  inpath,
+					flag: os.O_RDONLY,
+					perm: 0,
+				},
+				{
+					abs:  outpath,
+					flag: os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_TRUNC,
+					perm: 0666,
+				},
+			}
+			fscfg = fscfg.WithFSMount(shared, path.Dir(inpath))
+			return modcfg.WithFSConfig(fscfg)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -183,9 +202,6 @@ func ffmpeg(ctx context.Context, dirpath string, args ...string) error {
 func ffprobe(ctx context.Context, filepath string) (*result, error) {
 	var stdout byteutil.Buffer
-	// Get directory from filepath.
-	dirpath := path.Dir(filepath)
 	// Run ffprobe on our given file at path.
 	_, err := _ffmpeg.Ffprobe(ctx, _ffmpeg.Args{
 		Stdout: &stdout,
@@ -222,9 +238,19 @@ func ffprobe(ctx context.Context, filepath string) (*result, error) {
 		Config: func(modcfg wazero.ModuleConfig) wazero.ModuleConfig {
 			fscfg := wazero.NewFSConfig()
-			fscfg = fscfg.WithReadOnlyDirMount(dirpath, dirpath)
-			modcfg = modcfg.WithFSConfig(fscfg)
-			return modcfg
+			// Needs read-only access
+			// to file being probed.
+			in := &allowFiles{
+				{
+					abs:  filepath,
+					flag: os.O_RDONLY,
+					perm: 0,
+				},
+			}
+			fscfg = fscfg.WithFSMount(in, path.Dir(filepath))
+			return modcfg.WithFSConfig(fscfg)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/internal/media/util.go b/internal/media/util.go
index f743e3821..22121a546 100644
--- a/internal/media/util.go
+++ b/internal/media/util.go
@@ -22,13 +22,60 @@ import (
+	"io/fs"
+	"path"
+// file represents one file
+// with the given flag and perms.
+type file struct {
+	abs  string
+	flag int
+	perm os.FileMode
+// allowFiles implements fs.FS to allow
+// access to a specified slice of files.
+type allowFiles []file
+// Open implements fs.FS.
+func (af allowFiles) Open(name string) (fs.File, error) {
+	for _, file := range af {
+		var (
+			abs  = file.abs
+			flag = file.flag
+			perm = file.perm
+		)
+		// Allowed to open file
+		// at absolute path.
+		if name == file.abs {
+			return os.OpenFile(abs, flag, perm)
+		}
+		// Check for other valid reads.
+		thisDir, thisFile := path.Split(file.abs)
+		// Allowed to read directory itself.
+		if name == thisDir || name == "." {
+			return os.OpenFile(thisDir, flag, perm)
+		}
+		// Allowed to read file
+		// itself (at relative path).
+		if name == thisFile {
+			return os.OpenFile(abs, flag, perm)
+		}
+	}
+	return nil, os.ErrPermission
 // getExtension splits file extension from path.
 func getExtension(path string) string {
 	for i := len(path) - 1; i >= 0 && path[i] != '/'; i-- {