diff --git a/internal/ap/interfaces.go b/internal/ap/interfaces.go
index 803eda640..05e030d68 100644
--- a/internal/ap/interfaces.go
+++ b/internal/ap/interfaces.go
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ type Accountable interface {
+ WithTag
// Statusable represents the minimum activitypub interface for representing a 'status'.
diff --git a/internal/api/client/account/accountupdate_test.go b/internal/api/client/account/accountupdate_test.go
index d59cd02a5..259bb69e9 100644
--- a/internal/api/client/account/accountupdate_test.go
+++ b/internal/api/client/account/accountupdate_test.go
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ func (suite *AccountUpdateTestSuite) TestAccountUpdateCredentialsPATCHHandlerGet
func (suite *AccountUpdateTestSuite) TestAccountUpdateCredentialsPATCHHandlerTwoFields() {
// set up the request
// we're updating the note of zork, and setting locked to true
- newBio := "this is my new bio read it and weep"
+ newBio := "this is my new bio read it and weep :rainbow:"
requestBody, w, err := testrig.CreateMultipartFormData(
"", "",
@@ -235,9 +235,19 @@ func (suite *AccountUpdateTestSuite) TestAccountUpdateCredentialsPATCHHandlerTwo
// check the returned api model account
// fields should be updated
- suite.Equal("
this is my new bio read it and weep
", apimodelAccount.Note)
+ suite.Equal("this is my new bio read it and weep :rainbow:
", apimodelAccount.Note)
suite.Equal(newBio, apimodelAccount.Source.Note)
+ suite.NotEmpty(apimodelAccount.Emojis)
+ suite.Equal(apimodelAccount.Emojis[0].Shortcode, "rainbow")
+ // check the account in the database
+ dbZork, err := suite.db.GetAccountByID(context.Background(), apimodelAccount.ID)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.Equal(newBio, dbZork.NoteRaw)
+ suite.Equal("this is my new bio read it and weep :rainbow:
", dbZork.Note)
+ suite.True(*dbZork.Locked)
+ suite.NotEmpty(dbZork.EmojiIDs)
func (suite *AccountUpdateTestSuite) TestAccountUpdateCredentialsPATCHHandlerWithMedia() {
diff --git a/internal/api/s2s/user/inboxpost_test.go b/internal/api/s2s/user/inboxpost_test.go
index ff3ec47d3..7180fd2f9 100644
--- a/internal/api/s2s/user/inboxpost_test.go
+++ b/internal/api/s2s/user/inboxpost_test.go
@@ -237,6 +237,8 @@ func (suite *InboxPostTestSuite) TestPostUnblock() {
func (suite *InboxPostTestSuite) TestPostUpdate() {
updatedAccount := *suite.testAccounts["remote_account_1"]
updatedAccount.DisplayName = "updated display name!"
+ testEmoji := testrig.NewTestEmojis()["rainbow"]
+ updatedAccount.Emojis = []*gtsmodel.Emoji{testEmoji}
asAccount, err := suite.tc.AccountToAS(context.Background(), &updatedAccount)
@@ -288,6 +290,15 @@ func (suite *InboxPostTestSuite) TestPostUpdate() {
federator := testrig.NewTestFederator(suite.db, tc, suite.storage, suite.mediaManager, fedWorker)
emailSender := testrig.NewEmailSender("../../../../web/template/", nil)
processor := testrig.NewTestProcessor(suite.db, suite.storage, federator, emailSender, suite.mediaManager, clientWorker, fedWorker)
+ if err := processor.Start(); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ defer func() {
+ if err := processor.Stop(); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ }()
userModule := user.New(processor).(*user.Module)
// setup request
@@ -322,11 +333,21 @@ func (suite *InboxPostTestSuite) TestPostUpdate() {
suite.Equal(http.StatusOK, result.StatusCode)
// account should be changed in the database now
- dbUpdatedAccount, err := suite.db.GetAccountByID(context.Background(), updatedAccount.ID)
- suite.NoError(err)
+ var dbUpdatedAccount *gtsmodel.Account
- // displayName should be updated
- suite.Equal("updated display name!", dbUpdatedAccount.DisplayName)
+ if !testrig.WaitFor(func() bool {
+ // displayName should be updated
+ dbUpdatedAccount, _ = suite.db.GetAccountByID(context.Background(), updatedAccount.ID)
+ return dbUpdatedAccount.DisplayName == "updated display name!"
+ }) {
+ suite.FailNow("timed out waiting for account update")
+ }
+ // emojis should be updated
+ suite.Contains(dbUpdatedAccount.EmojiIDs, testEmoji.ID)
+ // account should be freshly webfingered
+ suite.WithinDuration(time.Now(), dbUpdatedAccount.LastWebfingeredAt, 10*time.Second)
// everything else should be the same as it was before
suite.EqualValues(updatedAccount.Username, dbUpdatedAccount.Username)
@@ -350,7 +371,6 @@ func (suite *InboxPostTestSuite) TestPostUpdate() {
suite.EqualValues(updatedAccount.Language, dbUpdatedAccount.Language)
suite.EqualValues(updatedAccount.URI, dbUpdatedAccount.URI)
suite.EqualValues(updatedAccount.URL, dbUpdatedAccount.URL)
- suite.EqualValues(updatedAccount.LastWebfingeredAt, dbUpdatedAccount.LastWebfingeredAt)
suite.EqualValues(updatedAccount.InboxURI, dbUpdatedAccount.InboxURI)
suite.EqualValues(updatedAccount.OutboxURI, dbUpdatedAccount.OutboxURI)
suite.EqualValues(updatedAccount.FollowingURI, dbUpdatedAccount.FollowingURI)
diff --git a/internal/cache/account.go b/internal/cache/account.go
index f478c81d3..7e23c3194 100644
--- a/internal/cache/account.go
+++ b/internal/cache/account.go
@@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ func copyAccount(account *gtsmodel.Account) *gtsmodel.Account {
HeaderMediaAttachment: nil,
HeaderRemoteURL: account.HeaderRemoteURL,
DisplayName: account.DisplayName,
+ EmojiIDs: account.EmojiIDs,
+ Emojis: nil,
Fields: account.Fields,
Note: account.Note,
NoteRaw: account.NoteRaw,
diff --git a/internal/db/account.go b/internal/db/account.go
index 5f1336872..351d6d01c 100644
--- a/internal/db/account.go
+++ b/internal/db/account.go
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ type Account interface {
// GetAccountByPubkeyID returns one account with the given public key URI (ID), or an error if something goes wrong.
GetAccountByPubkeyID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*gtsmodel.Account, Error)
+ // PutAccount puts one account in the database.
+ PutAccount(ctx context.Context, account *gtsmodel.Account) (*gtsmodel.Account, Error)
// UpdateAccount updates one account by ID.
UpdateAccount(ctx context.Context, account *gtsmodel.Account) (*gtsmodel.Account, Error)
diff --git a/internal/db/bundb/account.go b/internal/db/bundb/account.go
index 2105368d3..074804690 100644
--- a/internal/db/bundb/account.go
+++ b/internal/db/bundb/account.go
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ func (a *accountDB) newAccountQ(account *gtsmodel.Account) *bun.SelectQuery {
- Relation("HeaderMediaAttachment")
+ Relation("HeaderMediaAttachment").
+ Relation("Emojis")
func (a *accountDB) GetAccountByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*gtsmodel.Account, db.Error) {
@@ -138,24 +139,61 @@ func (a *accountDB) getAccount(ctx context.Context, cacheGet func() (*gtsmodel.A
return account, nil
+func (a *accountDB) PutAccount(ctx context.Context, account *gtsmodel.Account) (*gtsmodel.Account, db.Error) {
+ if err := a.conn.RunInTx(ctx, func(tx bun.Tx) error {
+ // create links between this account and any emojis it uses
+ for _, i := range account.EmojiIDs {
+ if _, err := tx.NewInsert().Model(>smodel.AccountToEmoji{
+ AccountID: account.ID,
+ EmojiID: i,
+ }).Exec(ctx); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ // insert the account
+ _, err := tx.NewInsert().Model(account).Exec(ctx)
+ return err
+ }); err != nil {
+ return nil, a.conn.ProcessError(err)
+ }
+ a.cache.Put(account)
+ return account, nil
func (a *accountDB) UpdateAccount(ctx context.Context, account *gtsmodel.Account) (*gtsmodel.Account, db.Error) {
// Update the account's last-updated
account.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
- // Update the account model in the DB
- _, err := a.conn.
- NewUpdate().
- Model(account).
- WherePK().
- Exec(ctx)
- if err != nil {
+ if err := a.conn.RunInTx(ctx, func(tx bun.Tx) error {
+ // create links between this account and any emojis it uses
+ // first clear out any old emoji links
+ if _, err := tx.NewDelete().
+ Model(&[]*gtsmodel.AccountToEmoji{}).
+ Where("account_id = ?", account.ID).
+ Exec(ctx); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // now populate new emoji links
+ for _, i := range account.EmojiIDs {
+ if _, err := tx.NewInsert().Model(>smodel.AccountToEmoji{
+ AccountID: account.ID,
+ EmojiID: i,
+ }).Exec(ctx); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ // update the account
+ _, err := tx.NewUpdate().Model(account).WherePK().Exec(ctx)
+ return err
+ }); err != nil {
return nil, a.conn.ProcessError(err)
- // Place updated account in cache
- // (this will replace existing, i.e. invalidating)
return account, nil
diff --git a/internal/db/bundb/account_test.go b/internal/db/bundb/account_test.go
index 3c19e84d9..1e6dc4436 100644
--- a/internal/db/bundb/account_test.go
+++ b/internal/db/bundb/account_test.go
@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ import (
+ "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/db/bundb"
+ "github.com/uptrace/bun"
type AccountTestSuite struct {
@@ -71,17 +73,70 @@ func (suite *AccountTestSuite) TestGetAccountByUsernameDomain() {
func (suite *AccountTestSuite) TestUpdateAccount() {
+ ctx := context.Background()
testAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"]
testAccount.DisplayName = "new display name!"
+ testAccount.EmojiIDs = []string{"01GD36ZKWTKY3T1JJ24JR7KY1Q", "01GD36ZV904SHBHNAYV6DX5QEF"}
- _, err := suite.db.UpdateAccount(context.Background(), testAccount)
+ _, err := suite.db.UpdateAccount(ctx, testAccount)
- updated, err := suite.db.GetAccountByID(context.Background(), testAccount.ID)
+ updated, err := suite.db.GetAccountByID(ctx, testAccount.ID)
suite.Equal("new display name!", updated.DisplayName)
+ suite.Equal([]string{"01GD36ZKWTKY3T1JJ24JR7KY1Q", "01GD36ZV904SHBHNAYV6DX5QEF"}, updated.EmojiIDs)
suite.WithinDuration(time.Now(), updated.UpdatedAt, 5*time.Second)
+ // get account without cache + make sure it's really in the db as desired
+ dbService, ok := suite.db.(*bundb.DBService)
+ if !ok {
+ panic("db was not *bundb.DBService")
+ }
+ noCache := >smodel.Account{}
+ err = dbService.GetConn().
+ NewSelect().
+ Model(noCache).
+ Where("account.id = ?", bun.Ident(testAccount.ID)).
+ Relation("AvatarMediaAttachment").
+ Relation("HeaderMediaAttachment").
+ Relation("Emojis").
+ Scan(ctx)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.Equal("new display name!", noCache.DisplayName)
+ suite.Equal([]string{"01GD36ZKWTKY3T1JJ24JR7KY1Q", "01GD36ZV904SHBHNAYV6DX5QEF"}, noCache.EmojiIDs)
+ suite.WithinDuration(time.Now(), noCache.UpdatedAt, 5*time.Second)
+ suite.NotNil(noCache.AvatarMediaAttachment)
+ suite.NotNil(noCache.HeaderMediaAttachment)
+ // update again to remove emoji associations
+ testAccount.EmojiIDs = []string{}
+ _, err = suite.db.UpdateAccount(ctx, testAccount)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ updated, err = suite.db.GetAccountByID(ctx, testAccount.ID)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.Equal("new display name!", updated.DisplayName)
+ suite.Empty(updated.EmojiIDs)
+ suite.WithinDuration(time.Now(), updated.UpdatedAt, 5*time.Second)
+ err = dbService.GetConn().
+ NewSelect().
+ Model(noCache).
+ Where("account.id = ?", bun.Ident(testAccount.ID)).
+ Relation("AvatarMediaAttachment").
+ Relation("HeaderMediaAttachment").
+ Relation("Emojis").
+ Scan(ctx)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.Equal("new display name!", noCache.DisplayName)
+ suite.Empty(noCache.EmojiIDs)
+ suite.WithinDuration(time.Now(), noCache.UpdatedAt, 5*time.Second)
func (suite *AccountTestSuite) TestInsertAccountWithDefaults() {
diff --git a/internal/db/bundb/bundb.go b/internal/db/bundb/bundb.go
index b944ae3ea..2fc65364f 100644
--- a/internal/db/bundb/bundb.go
+++ b/internal/db/bundb/bundb.go
@@ -67,12 +67,13 @@ const (
var registerTables = []interface{}{
+ >smodel.AccountToEmoji{},
-// bunDBService satisfies the DB interface
-type bunDBService struct {
+// DBService satisfies the DB interface
+type DBService struct {
@@ -89,6 +90,12 @@ type bunDBService struct {
conn *DBConn
+// GetConn returns the underlying bun connection.
+// Should only be used in testing + exceptional circumstance.
+func (dbService *DBService) GetConn() *DBConn {
+ return dbService.conn
func doMigration(ctx context.Context, db *bun.DB) error {
migrator := migrate.NewMigrator(db, migrations.Migrations)
@@ -177,7 +184,7 @@ func NewBunDBService(ctx context.Context) (db.DB, error) {
// Prepare domain block cache
blockCache := cache.NewDomainBlockCache()
- ps := &bunDBService{
+ ps := &DBService{
Account: accounts,
Admin: &adminDB{
conn: conn,
@@ -399,7 +406,7 @@ func tweakConnectionValues(sqldb *sql.DB) {
-func (ps *bunDBService) TagStringsToTags(ctx context.Context, tags []string, originAccountID string) ([]*gtsmodel.Tag, error) {
+func (dbService *DBService) TagStringsToTags(ctx context.Context, tags []string, originAccountID string) ([]*gtsmodel.Tag, error) {
protocol := config.GetProtocol()
host := config.GetHost()
@@ -408,7 +415,7 @@ func (ps *bunDBService) TagStringsToTags(ctx context.Context, tags []string, ori
tag := >smodel.Tag{}
// we can use selectorinsert here to create the new tag if it doesn't exist already
// inserted will be true if this is a new tag we just created
- if err := ps.conn.NewSelect().Model(tag).Where("LOWER(?) = LOWER(?)", bun.Ident("name"), t).Scan(ctx); err != nil {
+ if err := dbService.conn.NewSelect().Model(tag).Where("LOWER(?) = LOWER(?)", bun.Ident("name"), t).Scan(ctx); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
// tag doesn't exist yet so populate it
newID, err := id.NewRandomULID()
diff --git a/internal/db/bundb/migrations/20220916122701_emojis_in_accounts.go b/internal/db/bundb/migrations/20220916122701_emojis_in_accounts.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91468a4c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/db/bundb/migrations/20220916122701_emojis_in_accounts.go
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ GoToSocial
+ Copyright (C) 2021-2022 GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+package migrations
+import (
+ "context"
+ "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/gtsmodel"
+ "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/log"
+ "github.com/uptrace/bun"
+ "github.com/uptrace/bun/dialect"
+func init() {
+ up := func(ctx context.Context, db *bun.DB) error {
+ return db.RunInTx(ctx, nil, func(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx) error {
+ q := tx.NewAddColumn().Model(>smodel.Account{})
+ switch tx.Dialect().Name() {
+ case dialect.PG:
+ q = q.ColumnExpr("? VARCHAR[]", bun.Ident("emojis"))
+ case dialect.SQLite:
+ q = q.ColumnExpr("? VARCHAR", bun.Ident("emojis"))
+ default:
+ log.Panic("db dialect was neither pg nor sqlite")
+ }
+ if _, err := q.Exec(ctx); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if _, err := tx.
+ NewCreateTable().
+ Model(>smodel.AccountToEmoji{}).
+ IfNotExists().
+ Exec(ctx); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+ })
+ }
+ down := func(ctx context.Context, db *bun.DB) error {
+ return db.RunInTx(ctx, nil, func(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx) error {
+ return nil
+ })
+ }
+ if err := Migrations.Register(up, down); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
diff --git a/internal/federation/dereferencing/account.go b/internal/federation/dereferencing/account.go
index 6a633a54a..41a8aa8a9 100644
--- a/internal/federation/dereferencing/account.go
+++ b/internal/federation/dereferencing/account.go
@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@ type GetRemoteAccountParams struct {
// quickly fetch a remote account from the database or fail, and don't want to cause
// http requests to go flying around.
SkipResolve bool
+ // PartialAccount can be used if the GetRemoteAccount call results from a federated/ap
+ // account update. In this case, we will already have a partial representation of the account,
+ // derived from converting the AP representation to a gtsmodel representation. If this field
+ // is provided, then GetRemoteAccount will use this as a basis for building the full account.
+ PartialAccount *gtsmodel.Account
// GetRemoteAccount completely dereferences a remote account, converts it to a GtS model account,
@@ -107,8 +112,16 @@ func (d *deref) GetRemoteAccount(ctx context.Context, params GetRemoteAccountPar
skipResolve := params.SkipResolve
// this first step checks if we have the
- // account in the database somewhere already
+ // account in the database somewhere already,
+ // or if we've been provided it as a partial
switch {
+ case params.PartialAccount != nil:
+ foundAccount = params.PartialAccount
+ if foundAccount.Domain == "" || foundAccount.Domain == config.GetHost() || foundAccount.Domain == config.GetAccountDomain() {
+ // this is actually a local account,
+ // make sure we don't try to resolve
+ skipResolve = true
+ }
case params.RemoteAccountID != nil:
uri := params.RemoteAccountID
host := uri.Host
@@ -163,7 +176,7 @@ func (d *deref) GetRemoteAccount(ctx context.Context, params GetRemoteAccountPar
params.RemoteAccountHost = params.RemoteAccountID.Host
// ... but we still need the username so we can do a finger for the accountDomain
- // check if we had the account stored already and got it earlier
+ // check if we got the account earlier
if foundAccount != nil {
params.RemoteAccountUsername = foundAccount.Username
} else {
@@ -201,9 +214,10 @@ func (d *deref) GetRemoteAccount(ctx context.Context, params GetRemoteAccountPar
// to save on remote calls, only webfinger if:
// - we don't know the remote account ActivityPub ID yet OR
// - we haven't found the account yet in some other way OR
+ // - we were passed a partial account in params OR
// - we haven't webfingered the account for two days AND the account isn't an instance account
var fingered time.Time
- if params.RemoteAccountID == nil || foundAccount == nil || (foundAccount.LastWebfingeredAt.Before(time.Now().Add(webfingerInterval)) && !instanceAccount(foundAccount)) {
+ if params.RemoteAccountID == nil || foundAccount == nil || params.PartialAccount != nil || (foundAccount.LastWebfingeredAt.Before(time.Now().Add(webfingerInterval)) && !instanceAccount(foundAccount)) {
accountDomain, params.RemoteAccountID, err = d.fingerRemoteAccount(ctx, params.RequestingUsername, params.RemoteAccountUsername, params.RemoteAccountHost)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteAccount: error while fingering: %s", err)
@@ -263,7 +277,7 @@ func (d *deref) GetRemoteAccount(ctx context.Context, params GetRemoteAccountPar
foundAccount.LastWebfingeredAt = fingered
foundAccount.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
- err = d.db.Put(ctx, foundAccount)
+ foundAccount, err = d.db.PutAccount(ctx, foundAccount)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteAccount: error putting new account: %s", err)
@@ -273,13 +287,10 @@ func (d *deref) GetRemoteAccount(ctx context.Context, params GetRemoteAccountPar
// we had the account already, but now we know the account domain, so update it if it's different
+ var accountDomainChanged bool
if !strings.EqualFold(foundAccount.Domain, accountDomain) {
+ accountDomainChanged = true
foundAccount.Domain = accountDomain
- foundAccount, err = d.db.UpdateAccount(ctx, foundAccount)
- if err != nil {
- err = fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteAccount: error updating account: %s", err)
- return
- }
// if SharedInboxURI is nil, that means we don't know yet if this account has
@@ -327,8 +338,7 @@ func (d *deref) GetRemoteAccount(ctx context.Context, params GetRemoteAccountPar
foundAccount.LastWebfingeredAt = fingered
- if fieldsChanged || fingeredChanged || sharedInboxChanged {
- foundAccount.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
+ if accountDomainChanged || sharedInboxChanged || fieldsChanged || fingeredChanged {
foundAccount, err = d.db.UpdateAccount(ctx, foundAccount)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("GetRemoteAccount: error updating remoteAccount: %s", err)
@@ -423,15 +433,20 @@ func (d *deref) populateAccountFields(ctx context.Context, account *gtsmodel.Acc
return false, fmt.Errorf("populateAccountFields: domain %s is blocked", accountURI.Host)
- t, err := d.transportController.NewTransportForUsername(ctx, requestingUsername)
- if err != nil {
- return false, fmt.Errorf("populateAccountFields: error getting transport for user: %s", err)
- }
+ var changed bool
// fetch the header and avatar
- changed, err := d.fetchRemoteAccountMedia(ctx, account, t, blocking)
- if err != nil {
+ if mediaChanged, err := d.fetchRemoteAccountMedia(ctx, account, requestingUsername, blocking); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("populateAccountFields: error fetching header/avi for account: %s", err)
+ } else if mediaChanged {
+ changed = mediaChanged
+ }
+ // fetch any emojis used in note, fields, display name, etc
+ if emojisChanged, err := d.fetchRemoteAccountEmojis(ctx, account, requestingUsername); err != nil {
+ return false, fmt.Errorf("populateAccountFields: error fetching emojis for account: %s", err)
+ } else if emojisChanged {
+ changed = emojisChanged
return changed, nil
@@ -449,17 +464,11 @@ func (d *deref) populateAccountFields(ctx context.Context, account *gtsmodel.Acc
// If blocking is true, then the calls to the media manager made by this function will be blocking:
// in other words, the function won't return until the header and the avatar have been fully processed.
-func (d *deref) fetchRemoteAccountMedia(ctx context.Context, targetAccount *gtsmodel.Account, t transport.Transport, blocking bool) (bool, error) {
- changed := false
- accountURI, err := url.Parse(targetAccount.URI)
- if err != nil {
- return changed, fmt.Errorf("fetchRemoteAccountMedia: couldn't parse account URI %s: %s", targetAccount.URI, err)
- }
- if blocked, err := d.db.IsDomainBlocked(ctx, accountURI.Host); blocked || err != nil {
- return changed, fmt.Errorf("fetchRemoteAccountMedia: domain %s is blocked", accountURI.Host)
- }
+func (d *deref) fetchRemoteAccountMedia(ctx context.Context, targetAccount *gtsmodel.Account, requestingUsername string, blocking bool) (bool, error) {
+ var (
+ changed bool
+ t transport.Transport
+ )
if targetAccount.AvatarRemoteURL != "" && (targetAccount.AvatarMediaAttachmentID == "") {
var processingMedia *media.ProcessingMedia
@@ -479,6 +488,14 @@ func (d *deref) fetchRemoteAccountMedia(ctx context.Context, targetAccount *gtsm
return changed, err
+ if t == nil {
+ var err error
+ t, err = d.transportController.NewTransportForUsername(ctx, requestingUsername)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, fmt.Errorf("fetchRemoteAccountMedia: error getting transport for user: %s", err)
+ }
+ }
data := func(innerCtx context.Context) (io.Reader, int, error) {
return t.DereferenceMedia(innerCtx, avatarIRI)
@@ -537,6 +554,14 @@ func (d *deref) fetchRemoteAccountMedia(ctx context.Context, targetAccount *gtsm
return changed, err
+ if t == nil {
+ var err error
+ t, err = d.transportController.NewTransportForUsername(ctx, requestingUsername)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, fmt.Errorf("fetchRemoteAccountMedia: error getting transport for user: %s", err)
+ }
+ }
data := func(innerCtx context.Context) (io.Reader, int, error) {
return t.DereferenceMedia(innerCtx, headerIRI)
@@ -580,6 +605,118 @@ func (d *deref) fetchRemoteAccountMedia(ctx context.Context, targetAccount *gtsm
return changed, nil
+func (d *deref) fetchRemoteAccountEmojis(ctx context.Context, targetAccount *gtsmodel.Account, requestingUsername string) (bool, error) {
+ maybeEmojis := targetAccount.Emojis
+ maybeEmojiIDs := targetAccount.EmojiIDs
+ // It's possible that the account had emoji IDs set on it, but not Emojis
+ // themselves, depending on how it was fetched before being passed to us.
+ //
+ // If we only have IDs, fetch the emojis from the db. We know they're in
+ // there or else they wouldn't have IDs.
+ if len(maybeEmojiIDs) > len(maybeEmojis) {
+ maybeEmojis = []*gtsmodel.Emoji{}
+ for _, emojiID := range maybeEmojiIDs {
+ maybeEmoji, err := d.db.GetEmojiByID(ctx, emojiID)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, err
+ }
+ maybeEmojis = append(maybeEmojis, maybeEmoji)
+ }
+ }
+ // For all the maybe emojis we have, we either fetch them from the database
+ // (if we haven't already), or dereference them from the remote instance.
+ gotEmojis, err := d.populateEmojis(ctx, maybeEmojis, requestingUsername)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, err
+ }
+ // Extract the ID of each fetched or dereferenced emoji, so we can attach
+ // this to the account if necessary.
+ gotEmojiIDs := make([]string, 0, len(gotEmojis))
+ for _, e := range gotEmojis {
+ gotEmojiIDs = append(gotEmojiIDs, e.ID)
+ }
+ var (
+ changed = false // have the emojis for this account changed?
+ maybeLen = len(maybeEmojis)
+ gotLen = len(gotEmojis)
+ )
+ // if the length of everything is zero, this is simple:
+ // nothing has changed and there's nothing to do
+ if maybeLen == 0 && gotLen == 0 {
+ return changed, nil
+ }
+ // if the *amount* of emojis on the account has changed, then the got emojis
+ // are definitely different from the previous ones (if there were any) --
+ // the account has either more or fewer emojis set on it now, so take the
+ // discovered emojis as the new correct ones.
+ if maybeLen != gotLen {
+ changed = true
+ targetAccount.Emojis = gotEmojis
+ targetAccount.EmojiIDs = gotEmojiIDs
+ return changed, nil
+ }
+ // if the lengths are the same but not all of the slices are
+ // zero, something *might* have changed, so we have to check
+ // 1. did we have emojis before that we don't have now?
+ for _, maybeEmoji := range maybeEmojis {
+ var stillPresent bool
+ for _, gotEmoji := range gotEmojis {
+ if maybeEmoji.URI == gotEmoji.URI {
+ // the emoji we maybe had is still present now,
+ // so we can stop checking gotEmojis
+ stillPresent = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !stillPresent {
+ // at least one maybeEmoji is no longer present in
+ // the got emojis, so we can stop checking now
+ changed = true
+ targetAccount.Emojis = gotEmojis
+ targetAccount.EmojiIDs = gotEmojiIDs
+ return changed, nil
+ }
+ }
+ // 2. do we have emojis now that we didn't have before?
+ for _, gotEmoji := range gotEmojis {
+ var wasPresent bool
+ for _, maybeEmoji := range maybeEmojis {
+ // check emoji IDs here as well, because unreferenced
+ // maybe emojis we didn't already have would not have
+ // had IDs set on them yet
+ if gotEmoji.URI == maybeEmoji.URI && gotEmoji.ID == maybeEmoji.ID {
+ // this got emoji was present already in the maybeEmoji,
+ // so we can stop checking through maybeEmojis
+ wasPresent = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !wasPresent {
+ // at least one gotEmojis was not present in
+ // the maybeEmojis, so we can stop checking now
+ changed = true
+ targetAccount.Emojis = gotEmojis
+ targetAccount.EmojiIDs = gotEmojiIDs
+ return changed, nil
+ }
+ }
+ return changed, nil
func lockAndLoad(ctx context.Context, lock *sync.Mutex, processing *media.ProcessingMedia, processingMap map[string]*media.ProcessingMedia, accountID string) error {
// whatever happens, remove the in-process media from the map
defer func() {
diff --git a/internal/federation/dereferencing/account_test.go b/internal/federation/dereferencing/account_test.go
index 4f1a83a96..aec612ac8 100644
--- a/internal/federation/dereferencing/account_test.go
+++ b/internal/federation/dereferencing/account_test.go
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/gtsmodel"
@@ -195,6 +196,205 @@ func (suite *AccountTestSuite) TestDereferenceLocalAccountWithUnknownUserURI() {
+func (suite *AccountTestSuite) TestDereferenceRemoteAccountWithPartial() {
+ fetchingAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"]
+ remoteAccount := suite.testAccounts["remote_account_1"]
+ remoteAccountPartial := >smodel.Account{
+ ID: remoteAccount.ID,
+ ActorType: remoteAccount.ActorType,
+ Language: remoteAccount.Language,
+ CreatedAt: remoteAccount.CreatedAt,
+ UpdatedAt: remoteAccount.UpdatedAt,
+ Username: remoteAccount.Username,
+ Domain: remoteAccount.Domain,
+ DisplayName: remoteAccount.DisplayName,
+ URI: remoteAccount.URI,
+ InboxURI: remoteAccount.URI,
+ SharedInboxURI: remoteAccount.SharedInboxURI,
+ PublicKeyURI: remoteAccount.PublicKeyURI,
+ URL: remoteAccount.URL,
+ FollowingURI: remoteAccount.FollowingURI,
+ FollowersURI: remoteAccount.FollowersURI,
+ OutboxURI: remoteAccount.OutboxURI,
+ FeaturedCollectionURI: remoteAccount.FeaturedCollectionURI,
+ Emojis: []*gtsmodel.Emoji{
+ // dereference an emoji we don't have stored yet
+ {
+ URI: "http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/01GD5HCC2YECT012TK8PAGX4D1",
+ Shortcode: "kip_van_den_bos",
+ UpdatedAt: testrig.TimeMustParse("2022-09-13T12:13:12+02:00"),
+ ImageRemoteURL: "http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/kip.gif",
+ Disabled: testrig.FalseBool(),
+ VisibleInPicker: testrig.FalseBool(),
+ Domain: "fossbros-anonymous.io",
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ fetchedAccount, err := suite.dereferencer.GetRemoteAccount(context.Background(), dereferencing.GetRemoteAccountParams{
+ RequestingUsername: fetchingAccount.Username,
+ RemoteAccountID: testrig.URLMustParse(remoteAccount.URI),
+ RemoteAccountHost: remoteAccount.Domain,
+ RemoteAccountUsername: remoteAccount.Username,
+ PartialAccount: remoteAccountPartial,
+ Blocking: true,
+ })
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount.EmojiIDs)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount.Emojis)
+func (suite *AccountTestSuite) TestDereferenceRemoteAccountWithPartial2() {
+ fetchingAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"]
+ knownEmoji := suite.testEmojis["yell"]
+ remoteAccount := suite.testAccounts["remote_account_1"]
+ remoteAccountPartial := >smodel.Account{
+ ID: remoteAccount.ID,
+ ActorType: remoteAccount.ActorType,
+ Language: remoteAccount.Language,
+ CreatedAt: remoteAccount.CreatedAt,
+ UpdatedAt: remoteAccount.UpdatedAt,
+ Username: remoteAccount.Username,
+ Domain: remoteAccount.Domain,
+ DisplayName: remoteAccount.DisplayName,
+ URI: remoteAccount.URI,
+ InboxURI: remoteAccount.URI,
+ SharedInboxURI: remoteAccount.SharedInboxURI,
+ PublicKeyURI: remoteAccount.PublicKeyURI,
+ URL: remoteAccount.URL,
+ FollowingURI: remoteAccount.FollowingURI,
+ FollowersURI: remoteAccount.FollowersURI,
+ OutboxURI: remoteAccount.OutboxURI,
+ FeaturedCollectionURI: remoteAccount.FeaturedCollectionURI,
+ Emojis: []*gtsmodel.Emoji{
+ // an emoji we already have
+ {
+ URI: knownEmoji.URI,
+ Shortcode: knownEmoji.Shortcode,
+ UpdatedAt: knownEmoji.CreatedAt,
+ ImageRemoteURL: knownEmoji.ImageRemoteURL,
+ Disabled: knownEmoji.Disabled,
+ VisibleInPicker: knownEmoji.VisibleInPicker,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ fetchedAccount, err := suite.dereferencer.GetRemoteAccount(context.Background(), dereferencing.GetRemoteAccountParams{
+ RequestingUsername: fetchingAccount.Username,
+ RemoteAccountID: testrig.URLMustParse(remoteAccount.URI),
+ RemoteAccountHost: remoteAccount.Domain,
+ RemoteAccountUsername: remoteAccount.Username,
+ PartialAccount: remoteAccountPartial,
+ Blocking: true,
+ })
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount.EmojiIDs)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount.Emojis)
+func (suite *AccountTestSuite) TestDereferenceRemoteAccountWithPartial3() {
+ fetchingAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"]
+ knownEmoji := suite.testEmojis["yell"]
+ remoteAccount := suite.testAccounts["remote_account_1"]
+ remoteAccountPartial := >smodel.Account{
+ ID: remoteAccount.ID,
+ ActorType: remoteAccount.ActorType,
+ Language: remoteAccount.Language,
+ CreatedAt: remoteAccount.CreatedAt,
+ UpdatedAt: remoteAccount.UpdatedAt,
+ Username: remoteAccount.Username,
+ Domain: remoteAccount.Domain,
+ DisplayName: remoteAccount.DisplayName,
+ URI: remoteAccount.URI,
+ InboxURI: remoteAccount.URI,
+ SharedInboxURI: remoteAccount.SharedInboxURI,
+ PublicKeyURI: remoteAccount.PublicKeyURI,
+ URL: remoteAccount.URL,
+ FollowingURI: remoteAccount.FollowingURI,
+ FollowersURI: remoteAccount.FollowersURI,
+ OutboxURI: remoteAccount.OutboxURI,
+ FeaturedCollectionURI: remoteAccount.FeaturedCollectionURI,
+ Emojis: []*gtsmodel.Emoji{
+ // an emoji we already have
+ {
+ URI: knownEmoji.URI,
+ Shortcode: knownEmoji.Shortcode,
+ UpdatedAt: knownEmoji.CreatedAt,
+ ImageRemoteURL: knownEmoji.ImageRemoteURL,
+ Disabled: knownEmoji.Disabled,
+ VisibleInPicker: knownEmoji.VisibleInPicker,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ fetchedAccount, err := suite.dereferencer.GetRemoteAccount(context.Background(), dereferencing.GetRemoteAccountParams{
+ RequestingUsername: fetchingAccount.Username,
+ RemoteAccountID: testrig.URLMustParse(remoteAccount.URI),
+ RemoteAccountHost: remoteAccount.Domain,
+ RemoteAccountUsername: remoteAccount.Username,
+ PartialAccount: remoteAccountPartial,
+ Blocking: true,
+ })
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount.EmojiIDs)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount.Emojis)
+ suite.Equal(knownEmoji.URI, fetchedAccount.Emojis[0].URI)
+ remoteAccountPartial2 := >smodel.Account{
+ ID: remoteAccount.ID,
+ ActorType: remoteAccount.ActorType,
+ Language: remoteAccount.Language,
+ CreatedAt: remoteAccount.CreatedAt,
+ UpdatedAt: remoteAccount.UpdatedAt,
+ Username: remoteAccount.Username,
+ Domain: remoteAccount.Domain,
+ DisplayName: remoteAccount.DisplayName,
+ URI: remoteAccount.URI,
+ InboxURI: remoteAccount.URI,
+ SharedInboxURI: remoteAccount.SharedInboxURI,
+ PublicKeyURI: remoteAccount.PublicKeyURI,
+ URL: remoteAccount.URL,
+ FollowingURI: remoteAccount.FollowingURI,
+ FollowersURI: remoteAccount.FollowersURI,
+ OutboxURI: remoteAccount.OutboxURI,
+ FeaturedCollectionURI: remoteAccount.FeaturedCollectionURI,
+ Emojis: []*gtsmodel.Emoji{
+ // dereference an emoji we don't have stored yet
+ {
+ URI: "http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/01GD5HCC2YECT012TK8PAGX4D1",
+ Shortcode: "kip_van_den_bos",
+ UpdatedAt: testrig.TimeMustParse("2022-09-13T12:13:12+02:00"),
+ ImageRemoteURL: "http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/kip.gif",
+ Disabled: testrig.FalseBool(),
+ VisibleInPicker: testrig.FalseBool(),
+ Domain: "fossbros-anonymous.io",
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ fetchedAccount2, err := suite.dereferencer.GetRemoteAccount(context.Background(), dereferencing.GetRemoteAccountParams{
+ RequestingUsername: fetchingAccount.Username,
+ RemoteAccountID: testrig.URLMustParse(remoteAccount.URI),
+ RemoteAccountHost: remoteAccount.Domain,
+ RemoteAccountUsername: remoteAccount.Username,
+ PartialAccount: remoteAccountPartial2,
+ Blocking: true,
+ })
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount2)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount2.EmojiIDs)
+ suite.NotNil(fetchedAccount2.Emojis)
+ suite.Equal("http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/01GD5HCC2YECT012TK8PAGX4D1", fetchedAccount2.Emojis[0].URI)
func TestAccountTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(AccountTestSuite))
diff --git a/internal/federation/dereferencing/dereferencer_test.go b/internal/federation/dereferencing/dereferencer_test.go
index c0343a6b8..1bf11d668 100644
--- a/internal/federation/dereferencing/dereferencer_test.go
+++ b/internal/federation/dereferencing/dereferencer_test.go
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ type DereferencerStandardTestSuite struct {
testRemoteServices map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsService
testRemoteAttachments map[string]testrig.RemoteAttachmentFile
testAccounts map[string]*gtsmodel.Account
+ testEmojis map[string]*gtsmodel.Emoji
dereferencer dereferencing.Dereferencer
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ func (suite *DereferencerStandardTestSuite) SetupTest() {
suite.testRemoteGroups = testrig.NewTestFediGroups()
suite.testRemoteServices = testrig.NewTestFediServices()
suite.testRemoteAttachments = testrig.NewTestFediAttachments("../../../testrig/media")
+ suite.testEmojis = testrig.NewTestEmojis()
suite.db = testrig.NewTestDB()
suite.storage = testrig.NewInMemoryStorage()
diff --git a/internal/federation/dereferencing/emoji.go b/internal/federation/dereferencing/emoji.go
index 49811b131..87d0bd515 100644
--- a/internal/federation/dereferencing/emoji.go
+++ b/internal/federation/dereferencing/emoji.go
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ import (
+ "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/db"
+ "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/gtsmodel"
+ "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/id"
+ "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/log"
@@ -49,3 +53,57 @@ func (d *deref) GetRemoteEmoji(ctx context.Context, requestingUsername string, r
return processingMedia, nil
+func (d *deref) populateEmojis(ctx context.Context, rawEmojis []*gtsmodel.Emoji, requestingUsername string) ([]*gtsmodel.Emoji, error) {
+ // At this point we should know:
+ // * the AP uri of the emoji
+ // * the domain of the emoji
+ // * the shortcode of the emoji
+ // * the remote URL of the image
+ // This should be enough to dereference the emoji
+ gotEmojis := make([]*gtsmodel.Emoji, 0, len(rawEmojis))
+ for _, e := range rawEmojis {
+ var gotEmoji *gtsmodel.Emoji
+ var err error
+ // check if we've already got this emoji in the db
+ if gotEmoji, err = d.db.GetEmojiByURI(ctx, e.URI); err != nil && err != db.ErrNoEntries {
+ log.Errorf("populateEmojis: error checking database for emoji %s: %s", e.URI, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if gotEmoji == nil {
+ // it's new! go get it!
+ newEmojiID, err := id.NewRandomULID()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Errorf("populateEmojis: error generating id for remote emoji %s: %s", e.URI, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ processingEmoji, err := d.GetRemoteEmoji(ctx, requestingUsername, e.ImageRemoteURL, e.Shortcode, newEmojiID, e.URI, &media.AdditionalEmojiInfo{
+ Domain: &e.Domain,
+ ImageRemoteURL: &e.ImageRemoteURL,
+ ImageStaticRemoteURL: &e.ImageRemoteURL,
+ Disabled: e.Disabled,
+ VisibleInPicker: e.VisibleInPicker,
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Errorf("populateEmojis: couldn't get remote emoji %s: %s", e.URI, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if gotEmoji, err = processingEmoji.LoadEmoji(ctx); err != nil {
+ log.Errorf("populateEmojis: couldn't load remote emoji %s: %s", e.URI, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ // if we get here, we either had the emoji already or we successfully fetched it
+ gotEmojis = append(gotEmojis, gotEmoji)
+ }
+ return gotEmojis, nil
diff --git a/internal/federation/dereferencing/status.go b/internal/federation/dereferencing/status.go
index 645910d19..bfbc790d8 100644
--- a/internal/federation/dereferencing/status.go
+++ b/internal/federation/dereferencing/status.go
@@ -406,58 +406,17 @@ func (d *deref) populateStatusAttachments(ctx context.Context, status *gtsmodel.
func (d *deref) populateStatusEmojis(ctx context.Context, status *gtsmodel.Status, requestingUsername string) error {
- // At this point we should know:
- // * the AP uri of the emoji
- // * the domain of the emoji
- // * the shortcode of the emoji
- // * the remote URL of the image
- // This should be enough to dereference the emoji
- gotEmojis := make([]*gtsmodel.Emoji, 0, len(status.Emojis))
- emojiIDs := make([]string, 0, len(status.Emojis))
- for _, e := range status.Emojis {
- var gotEmoji *gtsmodel.Emoji
- var err error
- // check if we've already got this emoji in the db
- if gotEmoji, err = d.db.GetEmojiByURI(ctx, e.URI); err != nil && err != db.ErrNoEntries {
- log.Errorf("populateStatusEmojis: error checking database for emoji %s: %s", e.URI, err)
- continue
- }
- if gotEmoji == nil {
- // it's new! go get it!
- newEmojiID, err := id.NewRandomULID()
- if err != nil {
- log.Errorf("populateStatusEmojis: error generating id for remote emoji %s: %s", e.URI, err)
- continue
- }
- processingEmoji, err := d.GetRemoteEmoji(ctx, requestingUsername, e.ImageRemoteURL, e.Shortcode, newEmojiID, e.URI, &media.AdditionalEmojiInfo{
- Domain: &e.Domain,
- ImageRemoteURL: &e.ImageRemoteURL,
- ImageStaticRemoteURL: &e.ImageRemoteURL,
- Disabled: e.Disabled,
- VisibleInPicker: e.VisibleInPicker,
- })
- if err != nil {
- log.Errorf("populateStatusEmojis: couldn't get remote emoji %s: %s", e.URI, err)
- continue
- }
- if gotEmoji, err = processingEmoji.LoadEmoji(ctx); err != nil {
- log.Errorf("populateStatusEmojis: couldn't load remote emoji %s: %s", e.URI, err)
- continue
- }
- }
- // if we get here, we either had the emoji already or we successfully fetched it
- gotEmojis = append(gotEmojis, gotEmoji)
- emojiIDs = append(emojiIDs, gotEmoji.ID)
+ emojis, err := d.populateEmojis(ctx, status.Emojis, requestingUsername)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
- status.Emojis = gotEmojis
+ emojiIDs := make([]string, 0, len(emojis))
+ for _, e := range emojis {
+ emojiIDs = append(emojiIDs, e.ID)
+ }
+ status.Emojis = emojis
status.EmojiIDs = emojiIDs
return nil
diff --git a/internal/federation/federatingdb/update.go b/internal/federation/federatingdb/update.go
index 599544e34..f3a04cbcc 100644
--- a/internal/federation/federatingdb/update.go
+++ b/internal/federation/federatingdb/update.go
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func (f *federatingDB) Update(ctx context.Context, asType vocab.Type) error {
return fmt.Errorf("UPDATE: error converting to account: %s", err)
- if updatedAcct.Domain == config.GetHost() {
+ if updatedAcct.Domain == config.GetHost() || updatedAcct.Domain == config.GetAccountDomain() {
// no need to update local accounts
// in fact, if we do this will break the shit out of things so do NOT
return nil
@@ -136,13 +136,8 @@ func (f *federatingDB) Update(ctx context.Context, asType vocab.Type) error {
updatedAcct.ID = requestingAcct.ID
updatedAcct.Language = requestingAcct.Language
- // do the update
- updatedAcct, err = f.db.UpdateAccount(ctx, updatedAcct)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("UPDATE: database error inserting updated account: %s", err)
- }
- // pass to the processor for further processing of eg., avatar/header
+ // pass to the processor for further updating of eg., avatar/header, emojis
+ // the actual db insert/update will take place a bit later
APObjectType: ap.ObjectProfile,
APActivityType: ap.ActivityUpdate,
diff --git a/internal/gtsmodel/account.go b/internal/gtsmodel/account.go
index 20405f9ac..ca5c74208 100644
--- a/internal/gtsmodel/account.go
+++ b/internal/gtsmodel/account.go
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ type Account struct {
HeaderMediaAttachment *MediaAttachment `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // MediaAttachment corresponding to headerMediaAttachmentID
HeaderRemoteURL string `validate:"omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"` // For a non-local account, where can the header be fetched?
DisplayName string `validate:"-" bun:""` // DisplayName for this account. Can be empty, then just the Username will be used for display purposes.
+ EmojiIDs []string `validate:"dive,ulid" bun:"emojis,array"` // Database IDs of any emojis used in this account's bio, display name, etc
+ Emojis []*Emoji `validate:"-" bun:"attached_emojis,m2m:account_to_emojis"` // Emojis corresponding to emojiIDs. https://bun.uptrace.dev/guide/relations.html#many-to-many-relation
Fields []Field `validate:"-"` // a key/value map of fields that this account has added to their profile
Note string `validate:"-" bun:""` // A note that this account has on their profile (ie., the account's bio/description of themselves)
NoteRaw string `validate:"-" bun:""` // The raw contents of .Note without conversion to HTML, only available when requester = target
@@ -76,6 +78,14 @@ type Account struct {
SuspensionOrigin string `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // id of the database entry that caused this account to become suspended -- can be an account ID or a domain block ID
+// AccountToEmoji is an intermediate struct to facilitate the many2many relationship between an account and one or more emojis.
+type AccountToEmoji struct {
+ AccountID string `validate:"ulid,required" bun:"type:CHAR(26),unique:accountemoji,nullzero,notnull"`
+ Account *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"`
+ EmojiID string `validate:"ulid,required" bun:"type:CHAR(26),unique:accountemoji,nullzero,notnull"`
+ Emoji *Emoji `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"`
// Field represents a key value field on an account, for things like pronouns, website, etc.
// VerifiedAt is optional, to be used only if Value is a URL to a webpage that contains the
// username of the user.
diff --git a/internal/processing/account/delete.go b/internal/processing/account/delete.go
index bf7f60d67..3a5a9c622 100644
--- a/internal/processing/account/delete.go
+++ b/internal/processing/account/delete.go
@@ -259,6 +259,8 @@ selectStatusesLoop:
account.HeaderMediaAttachmentID = ""
account.HeaderRemoteURL = ""
account.Reason = ""
+ account.Emojis = []*gtsmodel.Emoji{}
+ account.EmojiIDs = []string{}
account.Fields = []gtsmodel.Field{}
hideCollections := true
account.HideCollections = &hideCollections
diff --git a/internal/processing/account/update.go b/internal/processing/account/update.go
index 47c4a2b4b..eddaeab27 100644
--- a/internal/processing/account/update.go
+++ b/internal/processing/account/update.go
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import (
apimodel "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/api/model"
+ "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/db"
@@ -46,11 +47,14 @@ func (p *processor) Update(ctx context.Context, account *gtsmodel.Account, form
account.Bot = form.Bot
+ var updateEmojis bool
if form.DisplayName != nil {
if err := validate.DisplayName(*form.DisplayName); err != nil {
return nil, gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err)
account.DisplayName = text.SanitizePlaintext(*form.DisplayName)
+ updateEmojis = true
if form.Note != nil {
@@ -69,6 +73,30 @@ func (p *processor) Update(ctx context.Context, account *gtsmodel.Account, form
// Set updated HTML-ified note
account.Note = note
+ updateEmojis = true
+ }
+ if updateEmojis {
+ // account emojis -- treat the sanitized display name and raw
+ // note like one long text for the purposes of deriving emojis
+ accountEmojiShortcodes := util.DeriveEmojisFromText(account.DisplayName + "\n\n" + account.NoteRaw)
+ account.Emojis = make([]*gtsmodel.Emoji, 0, len(accountEmojiShortcodes))
+ account.EmojiIDs = make([]string, 0, len(accountEmojiShortcodes))
+ for _, shortcode := range accountEmojiShortcodes {
+ emoji, err := p.db.GetEmojiByShortcodeDomain(ctx, shortcode, "")
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != db.ErrNoEntries {
+ log.Errorf("error getting local emoji with shortcode %s: %s", shortcode, err)
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if *emoji.VisibleInPicker && !*emoji.Disabled {
+ account.Emojis = append(account.Emojis, emoji)
+ account.EmojiIDs = append(account.EmojiIDs, emoji.ID)
+ }
+ }
if form.Avatar != nil && form.Avatar.Size != 0 {
diff --git a/internal/processing/fromfederator.go b/internal/processing/fromfederator.go
index ad8273869..29d996502 100644
--- a/internal/processing/fromfederator.go
+++ b/internal/processing/fromfederator.go
@@ -369,10 +369,14 @@ func (p *processor) processUpdateAccountFromFederator(ctx context.Context, feder
return err
+ // further database updates occur inside getremoteaccount
if _, err := p.federator.GetRemoteAccount(ctx, dereferencing.GetRemoteAccountParams{
- RequestingUsername: federatorMsg.ReceivingAccount.Username,
- RemoteAccountID: incomingAccountURL,
- Blocking: true,
+ RequestingUsername: federatorMsg.ReceivingAccount.Username,
+ RemoteAccountID: incomingAccountURL,
+ RemoteAccountHost: incomingAccount.Domain,
+ RemoteAccountUsername: incomingAccount.Username,
+ PartialAccount: incomingAccount,
+ Blocking: true,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error enriching updated account from federator: %s", err)
diff --git a/internal/typeutils/astointernal.go b/internal/typeutils/astointernal.go
index b69bb247e..27464809b 100644
--- a/internal/typeutils/astointernal.go
+++ b/internal/typeutils/astointernal.go
@@ -88,6 +88,13 @@ func (c *converter) ASRepresentationToAccount(ctx context.Context, accountable a
acct.DisplayName = displayName
+ // account emojis (used in bio, display name, fields)
+ if emojis, err := ap.ExtractEmojis(accountable); err != nil {
+ log.Infof("ASRepresentationToAccount: error extracting account emojis: %s", err)
+ } else {
+ acct.Emojis = emojis
+ }
// TODO: fields aka attachment array
// note aka summary
diff --git a/internal/typeutils/converter_test.go b/internal/typeutils/converter_test.go
index 604888050..f56afcd9d 100644
--- a/internal/typeutils/converter_test.go
+++ b/internal/typeutils/converter_test.go
@@ -473,6 +473,7 @@ type TypeUtilsTestSuite struct {
testAccounts map[string]*gtsmodel.Account
testStatuses map[string]*gtsmodel.Status
testPeople map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsPerson
+ testEmojis map[string]*gtsmodel.Emoji
typeconverter typeutils.TypeConverter
@@ -485,6 +486,7 @@ func (suite *TypeUtilsTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
suite.testAccounts = testrig.NewTestAccounts()
suite.testStatuses = testrig.NewTestStatuses()
suite.testPeople = testrig.NewTestFediPeople()
+ suite.testEmojis = testrig.NewTestEmojis()
suite.typeconverter = typeutils.NewConverter(suite.db)
diff --git a/internal/typeutils/internaltoas.go b/internal/typeutils/internaltoas.go
index a678a970f..6194dba82 100644
--- a/internal/typeutils/internaltoas.go
+++ b/internal/typeutils/internaltoas.go
@@ -216,8 +216,33 @@ func (c *converter) AccountToAS(ctx context.Context, a *gtsmodel.Account) (vocab
// set the public key property on the Person
- // tag
- // TODO: Any tags used in the summary of this profile
+ // tags
+ tagProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsTagProperty()
+ // tag -- emojis
+ emojis := a.Emojis
+ if len(a.EmojiIDs) > len(emojis) {
+ emojis = []*gtsmodel.Emoji{}
+ for _, emojiID := range a.EmojiIDs {
+ emoji, err := c.db.GetEmojiByID(ctx, emojiID)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("AccountToAS: error getting emoji %s from database: %s", emojiID, err)
+ }
+ emojis = append(emojis, emoji)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, emoji := range emojis {
+ asEmoji, err := c.EmojiToAS(ctx, emoji)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("AccountToAS: error converting emoji to AS emoji: %s", err)
+ }
+ tagProp.AppendTootEmoji(asEmoji)
+ }
+ // tag -- hashtags
+ // TODO
+ person.SetActivityStreamsTag(tagProp)
// attachment
// Used for profile fields.
@@ -477,11 +502,11 @@ func (c *converter) StatusToAS(ctx context.Context, s *gtsmodel.Status) (vocab.A
for _, emoji := range emojis {
- asMention, err := c.EmojiToAS(ctx, emoji)
+ asEmoji, err := c.EmojiToAS(ctx, emoji)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("StatusToAS: error converting emoji to AS emoji: %s", err)
- tagProp.AppendTootEmoji(asMention)
+ tagProp.AppendTootEmoji(asEmoji)
// tag -- hashtags
diff --git a/internal/typeutils/internaltoas_test.go b/internal/typeutils/internaltoas_test.go
index 83e235113..f2845be02 100644
--- a/internal/typeutils/internaltoas_test.go
+++ b/internal/typeutils/internaltoas_test.go
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/gtsmodel"
@@ -34,7 +35,8 @@ type InternalToASTestSuite struct {
func (suite *InternalToASTestSuite) TestAccountToAS() {
- testAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] // take zork for this test
+ testAccount := >smodel.Account{}
+ *testAccount = *suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] // take zork for this test
asPerson, err := suite.typeconverter.AccountToAS(context.Background(), testAccount)
@@ -49,11 +51,33 @@ func (suite *InternalToASTestSuite) TestAccountToAS() {
// this is necessary because the order of multiple 'context' entries is not determinate
trimmed := strings.Split(string(bytes), "\"discoverable\"")[1]
- suite.Equal(`:true,"featured":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/collections/featured","followers":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/followers","following":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/following","icon":{"mediaType":"image/jpeg","type":"Image","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/avatar/original/01F8MH58A357CV5K7R7TJMSH6S.jpeg"},"id":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork","image":{"mediaType":"image/jpeg","type":"Image","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/header/original/01PFPMWK2FF0D9WMHEJHR07C3Q.jpeg"},"inbox":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/inbox","manuallyApprovesFollowers":false,"name":"original zork (he/they)","outbox":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/outbox","preferredUsername":"the_mighty_zork","publicKey":{"id":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/main-key","owner":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork","publicKeyPem":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwXTcOAvM1Jiw5Ffpk0qn\nr0cwbNvFe/5zQ+Tp7tumK/ZnT37o7X0FUEXrxNi+dkhmeJ0gsaiN+JQGNUewvpSk\nPIAXKvi908aSfCGjs7bGlJCJCuDuL5d6m7hZnP9rt9fJc70GElPpG0jc9fXwlz7T\nlsPb2ecatmG05Y4jPwdC+oN4MNCv9yQzEvCVMzl76EJaM602kIHC1CISn0rDFmYd\n9rSN7XPlNJw1F6PbpJ/BWQ+pXHKw3OEwNTETAUNYiVGnZU+B7a7bZC9f6/aPbJuV\nt8Qmg+UnDvW1Y8gmfHnxaWG2f5TDBvCHmcYtucIZPLQD4trAozC4ryqlmCWQNKbt\n0wIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"},"summary":"\u003cp\u003ehey yo this is my profile!\u003c/p\u003e","type":"Person","url":"http://localhost:8080/@the_mighty_zork"}`, trimmed)
+ suite.Equal(`:true,"featured":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/collections/featured","followers":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/followers","following":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/following","icon":{"mediaType":"image/jpeg","type":"Image","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/avatar/original/01F8MH58A357CV5K7R7TJMSH6S.jpeg"},"id":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork","image":{"mediaType":"image/jpeg","type":"Image","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/header/original/01PFPMWK2FF0D9WMHEJHR07C3Q.jpeg"},"inbox":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/inbox","manuallyApprovesFollowers":false,"name":"original zork (he/they)","outbox":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/outbox","preferredUsername":"the_mighty_zork","publicKey":{"id":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/main-key","owner":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork","publicKeyPem":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwXTcOAvM1Jiw5Ffpk0qn\nr0cwbNvFe/5zQ+Tp7tumK/ZnT37o7X0FUEXrxNi+dkhmeJ0gsaiN+JQGNUewvpSk\nPIAXKvi908aSfCGjs7bGlJCJCuDuL5d6m7hZnP9rt9fJc70GElPpG0jc9fXwlz7T\nlsPb2ecatmG05Y4jPwdC+oN4MNCv9yQzEvCVMzl76EJaM602kIHC1CISn0rDFmYd\n9rSN7XPlNJw1F6PbpJ/BWQ+pXHKw3OEwNTETAUNYiVGnZU+B7a7bZC9f6/aPbJuV\nt8Qmg+UnDvW1Y8gmfHnxaWG2f5TDBvCHmcYtucIZPLQD4trAozC4ryqlmCWQNKbt\n0wIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"},"summary":"\u003cp\u003ehey yo this is my profile!\u003c/p\u003e","tag":[],"type":"Person","url":"http://localhost:8080/@the_mighty_zork"}`, trimmed)
+func (suite *InternalToASTestSuite) TestAccountToASWithEmoji() {
+ testAccount := >smodel.Account{}
+ *testAccount = *suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] // take zork for this test
+ testAccount.Emojis = []*gtsmodel.Emoji{suite.testEmojis["rainbow"]}
+ asPerson, err := suite.typeconverter.AccountToAS(context.Background(), testAccount)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ ser, err := streams.Serialize(asPerson)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ bytes, err := json.Marshal(ser)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ // trim off everything up to 'discoverable';
+ // this is necessary because the order of multiple 'context' entries is not determinate
+ trimmed := strings.Split(string(bytes), "\"discoverable\"")[1]
+ suite.Equal(`:true,"featured":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/collections/featured","followers":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/followers","following":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/following","icon":{"mediaType":"image/jpeg","type":"Image","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/avatar/original/01F8MH58A357CV5K7R7TJMSH6S.jpeg"},"id":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork","image":{"mediaType":"image/jpeg","type":"Image","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/header/original/01PFPMWK2FF0D9WMHEJHR07C3Q.jpeg"},"inbox":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/inbox","manuallyApprovesFollowers":false,"name":"original zork (he/they)","outbox":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/outbox","preferredUsername":"the_mighty_zork","publicKey":{"id":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/main-key","owner":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork","publicKeyPem":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwXTcOAvM1Jiw5Ffpk0qn\nr0cwbNvFe/5zQ+Tp7tumK/ZnT37o7X0FUEXrxNi+dkhmeJ0gsaiN+JQGNUewvpSk\nPIAXKvi908aSfCGjs7bGlJCJCuDuL5d6m7hZnP9rt9fJc70GElPpG0jc9fXwlz7T\nlsPb2ecatmG05Y4jPwdC+oN4MNCv9yQzEvCVMzl76EJaM602kIHC1CISn0rDFmYd\n9rSN7XPlNJw1F6PbpJ/BWQ+pXHKw3OEwNTETAUNYiVGnZU+B7a7bZC9f6/aPbJuV\nt8Qmg+UnDvW1Y8gmfHnxaWG2f5TDBvCHmcYtucIZPLQD4trAozC4ryqlmCWQNKbt\n0wIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"},"summary":"\u003cp\u003ehey yo this is my profile!\u003c/p\u003e","tag":{"icon":{"mediaType":"image/png","type":"Image","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH17FWEB39HZJ76B6VXSKF/emoji/original/01F8MH9H8E4VG3KDYJR9EGPXCQ.png"},"id":"http://localhost:8080/emoji/01F8MH9H8E4VG3KDYJR9EGPXCQ","name":":rainbow:","type":"Emoji"},"type":"Person","url":"http://localhost:8080/@the_mighty_zork"}`, trimmed)
func (suite *InternalToASTestSuite) TestAccountToASWithSharedInbox() {
- testAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] // take zork for this test
+ testAccount := >smodel.Account{}
+ *testAccount = *suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] // take zork for this test
sharedInbox := "http://localhost:8080/sharedInbox"
testAccount.SharedInboxURI = &sharedInbox
@@ -70,7 +94,7 @@ func (suite *InternalToASTestSuite) TestAccountToASWithSharedInbox() {
// this is necessary because the order of multiple 'context' entries is not determinate
trimmed := strings.Split(string(bytes), "\"discoverable\"")[1]
- suite.Equal(`:true,"endpoints":{"sharedInbox":"http://localhost:8080/sharedInbox"},"featured":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/collections/featured","followers":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/followers","following":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/following","icon":{"mediaType":"image/jpeg","type":"Image","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/avatar/original/01F8MH58A357CV5K7R7TJMSH6S.jpeg"},"id":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork","image":{"mediaType":"image/jpeg","type":"Image","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/header/original/01PFPMWK2FF0D9WMHEJHR07C3Q.jpeg"},"inbox":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/inbox","manuallyApprovesFollowers":false,"name":"original zork (he/they)","outbox":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/outbox","preferredUsername":"the_mighty_zork","publicKey":{"id":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/main-key","owner":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork","publicKeyPem":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwXTcOAvM1Jiw5Ffpk0qn\nr0cwbNvFe/5zQ+Tp7tumK/ZnT37o7X0FUEXrxNi+dkhmeJ0gsaiN+JQGNUewvpSk\nPIAXKvi908aSfCGjs7bGlJCJCuDuL5d6m7hZnP9rt9fJc70GElPpG0jc9fXwlz7T\nlsPb2ecatmG05Y4jPwdC+oN4MNCv9yQzEvCVMzl76EJaM602kIHC1CISn0rDFmYd\n9rSN7XPlNJw1F6PbpJ/BWQ+pXHKw3OEwNTETAUNYiVGnZU+B7a7bZC9f6/aPbJuV\nt8Qmg+UnDvW1Y8gmfHnxaWG2f5TDBvCHmcYtucIZPLQD4trAozC4ryqlmCWQNKbt\n0wIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"},"summary":"\u003cp\u003ehey yo this is my profile!\u003c/p\u003e","type":"Person","url":"http://localhost:8080/@the_mighty_zork"}`, trimmed)
+ suite.Equal(`:true,"endpoints":{"sharedInbox":"http://localhost:8080/sharedInbox"},"featured":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/collections/featured","followers":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/followers","following":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/following","icon":{"mediaType":"image/jpeg","type":"Image","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/avatar/original/01F8MH58A357CV5K7R7TJMSH6S.jpeg"},"id":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork","image":{"mediaType":"image/jpeg","type":"Image","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/header/original/01PFPMWK2FF0D9WMHEJHR07C3Q.jpeg"},"inbox":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/inbox","manuallyApprovesFollowers":false,"name":"original zork (he/they)","outbox":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/outbox","preferredUsername":"the_mighty_zork","publicKey":{"id":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/main-key","owner":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork","publicKeyPem":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwXTcOAvM1Jiw5Ffpk0qn\nr0cwbNvFe/5zQ+Tp7tumK/ZnT37o7X0FUEXrxNi+dkhmeJ0gsaiN+JQGNUewvpSk\nPIAXKvi908aSfCGjs7bGlJCJCuDuL5d6m7hZnP9rt9fJc70GElPpG0jc9fXwlz7T\nlsPb2ecatmG05Y4jPwdC+oN4MNCv9yQzEvCVMzl76EJaM602kIHC1CISn0rDFmYd\n9rSN7XPlNJw1F6PbpJ/BWQ+pXHKw3OEwNTETAUNYiVGnZU+B7a7bZC9f6/aPbJuV\nt8Qmg+UnDvW1Y8gmfHnxaWG2f5TDBvCHmcYtucIZPLQD4trAozC4ryqlmCWQNKbt\n0wIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"},"summary":"\u003cp\u003ehey yo this is my profile!\u003c/p\u003e","tag":[],"type":"Person","url":"http://localhost:8080/@the_mighty_zork"}`, trimmed)
func (suite *InternalToASTestSuite) TestOutboxToASCollection() {
diff --git a/internal/typeutils/internaltofrontend.go b/internal/typeutils/internaltofrontend.go
index 2f21f2d19..ca86a1284 100644
--- a/internal/typeutils/internaltofrontend.go
+++ b/internal/typeutils/internaltofrontend.go
@@ -159,8 +159,29 @@ func (c *converter) AccountToAPIAccountPublic(ctx context.Context, a *gtsmodel.A
fields = append(fields, mField)
+ // account emojis
emojis := []model.Emoji{}
- // TODO: account emojis
+ gtsEmojis := a.Emojis
+ if len(a.EmojiIDs) > len(gtsEmojis) {
+ gtsEmojis = []*gtsmodel.Emoji{}
+ for _, emojiID := range a.EmojiIDs {
+ emoji, err := c.db.GetEmojiByID(ctx, emojiID)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("AccountToAPIAccountPublic: error getting emoji %s from database: %s", emojiID, err)
+ }
+ gtsEmojis = append(gtsEmojis, emoji)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, emoji := range gtsEmojis {
+ if *emoji.Disabled {
+ continue
+ }
+ apiEmoji, err := c.EmojiToAPIEmoji(ctx, emoji)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("AccountToAPIAccountPublic: error converting emoji to api emoji: %s", err)
+ }
+ emojis = append(emojis, apiEmoji)
+ }
var acct string
if a.Domain != "" {
@@ -194,7 +215,7 @@ func (c *converter) AccountToAPIAccountPublic(ctx context.Context, a *gtsmodel.A
FollowingCount: followingCount,
StatusesCount: statusesCount,
LastStatusAt: lastStatusAt,
- Emojis: emojis, // TODO: implement this
+ Emojis: emojis,
Fields: fields,
Suspended: suspended,
CustomCSS: a.CustomCSS,
diff --git a/internal/typeutils/internaltofrontend_test.go b/internal/typeutils/internaltofrontend_test.go
index dc92260e1..6028344b4 100644
--- a/internal/typeutils/internaltofrontend_test.go
+++ b/internal/typeutils/internaltofrontend_test.go
@@ -43,6 +43,36 @@ func (suite *InternalToFrontendTestSuite) TestAccountToFrontend() {
suite.Equal(`{"id":"01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF","username":"the_mighty_zork","acct":"the_mighty_zork","display_name":"original zork (he/they)","locked":false,"bot":false,"created_at":"2022-05-20T11:09:18.000Z","note":"\u003cp\u003ehey yo this is my profile!\u003c/p\u003e","url":"http://localhost:8080/@the_mighty_zork","avatar":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/avatar/original/01F8MH58A357CV5K7R7TJMSH6S.jpeg","avatar_static":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/avatar/small/01F8MH58A357CV5K7R7TJMSH6S.jpeg","header":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/header/original/01PFPMWK2FF0D9WMHEJHR07C3Q.jpeg","header_static":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/header/small/01PFPMWK2FF0D9WMHEJHR07C3Q.jpeg","followers_count":2,"following_count":2,"statuses_count":5,"last_status_at":"2022-05-20T11:37:55.000Z","emojis":[],"fields":[]}`, string(b))
+func (suite *InternalToFrontendTestSuite) TestAccountToFrontendWithEmojiStruct() {
+ testAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] // take zork for this test
+ testEmoji := suite.testEmojis["rainbow"]
+ testAccount.Emojis = []*gtsmodel.Emoji{testEmoji}
+ apiAccount, err := suite.typeconverter.AccountToAPIAccountPublic(context.Background(), testAccount)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.NotNil(apiAccount)
+ b, err := json.Marshal(apiAccount)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.Equal(`{"id":"01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF","username":"the_mighty_zork","acct":"the_mighty_zork","display_name":"original zork (he/they)","locked":false,"bot":false,"created_at":"2022-05-20T11:09:18.000Z","note":"\u003cp\u003ehey yo this is my profile!\u003c/p\u003e","url":"http://localhost:8080/@the_mighty_zork","avatar":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/avatar/original/01F8MH58A357CV5K7R7TJMSH6S.jpeg","avatar_static":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/avatar/small/01F8MH58A357CV5K7R7TJMSH6S.jpeg","header":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/header/original/01PFPMWK2FF0D9WMHEJHR07C3Q.jpeg","header_static":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/header/small/01PFPMWK2FF0D9WMHEJHR07C3Q.jpeg","followers_count":2,"following_count":2,"statuses_count":5,"last_status_at":"2022-05-20T11:37:55.000Z","emojis":[{"shortcode":"rainbow","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH17FWEB39HZJ76B6VXSKF/emoji/original/01F8MH9H8E4VG3KDYJR9EGPXCQ.png","static_url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH17FWEB39HZJ76B6VXSKF/emoji/static/01F8MH9H8E4VG3KDYJR9EGPXCQ.png","visible_in_picker":true}],"fields":[]}`, string(b))
+func (suite *InternalToFrontendTestSuite) TestAccountToFrontendWithEmojiIDs() {
+ testAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] // take zork for this test
+ testEmoji := suite.testEmojis["rainbow"]
+ testAccount.EmojiIDs = []string{testEmoji.ID}
+ apiAccount, err := suite.typeconverter.AccountToAPIAccountPublic(context.Background(), testAccount)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.NotNil(apiAccount)
+ b, err := json.Marshal(apiAccount)
+ suite.NoError(err)
+ suite.Equal(`{"id":"01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF","username":"the_mighty_zork","acct":"the_mighty_zork","display_name":"original zork (he/they)","locked":false,"bot":false,"created_at":"2022-05-20T11:09:18.000Z","note":"\u003cp\u003ehey yo this is my profile!\u003c/p\u003e","url":"http://localhost:8080/@the_mighty_zork","avatar":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/avatar/original/01F8MH58A357CV5K7R7TJMSH6S.jpeg","avatar_static":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/avatar/small/01F8MH58A357CV5K7R7TJMSH6S.jpeg","header":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/header/original/01PFPMWK2FF0D9WMHEJHR07C3Q.jpeg","header_static":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF/header/small/01PFPMWK2FF0D9WMHEJHR07C3Q.jpeg","followers_count":2,"following_count":2,"statuses_count":5,"last_status_at":"2022-05-20T11:37:55.000Z","emojis":[{"shortcode":"rainbow","url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH17FWEB39HZJ76B6VXSKF/emoji/original/01F8MH9H8E4VG3KDYJR9EGPXCQ.png","static_url":"http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH17FWEB39HZJ76B6VXSKF/emoji/static/01F8MH9H8E4VG3KDYJR9EGPXCQ.png","visible_in_picker":true}],"fields":[]}`, string(b))
func (suite *InternalToFrontendTestSuite) TestAccountToFrontendSensitive() {
testAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] // take zork for this test
apiAccount, err := suite.typeconverter.AccountToAPIAccountSensitive(context.Background(), testAccount)
diff --git a/testrig/db.go b/testrig/db.go
index ae3132835..72446e2bc 100644
--- a/testrig/db.go
+++ b/testrig/db.go
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import (
var testModels = []interface{}{
+ >smodel.AccountToEmoji{},
diff --git a/testrig/media/kip-original.gif b/testrig/media/kip-original.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e83746f6
Binary files /dev/null and b/testrig/media/kip-original.gif differ
diff --git a/testrig/media/kip-static.png b/testrig/media/kip-static.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ba296687
Binary files /dev/null and b/testrig/media/kip-static.png differ
diff --git a/testrig/media/yell-original.png b/testrig/media/yell-original.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b369a96b1
Binary files /dev/null and b/testrig/media/yell-original.png differ
diff --git a/testrig/media/yell-static.png b/testrig/media/yell-static.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b5d2837e
Binary files /dev/null and b/testrig/media/yell-static.png differ
diff --git a/testrig/testmodels.go b/testrig/testmodels.go
index 98b23721e..f53022fd8 100644
--- a/testrig/testmodels.go
+++ b/testrig/testmodels.go
@@ -952,6 +952,28 @@ func NewTestEmojis() map[string]*gtsmodel.Emoji {
VisibleInPicker: TrueBool(),
CategoryID: "",
+ "yell": {
+ Shortcode: "yell",
+ Domain: "fossbros-anonymous.io",
+ CreatedAt: TimeMustParse("2020-03-18T13:12:00+01:00"),
+ UpdatedAt: TimeMustParse("2020-03-18T13:12:00+01:00"),
+ ImageRemoteURL: "http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/yell.gif",
+ ImageStaticRemoteURL: "",
+ ImageURL: "http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01GD5KR15NHTY8FZ01CD4D08XP/emoji/original/01GD5KP5CQEE1R3X43Y1EHS2CW.png",
+ ImagePath: "/tmp/gotosocial/01GD5KR15NHTY8FZ01CD4D08XP/emoji/original/01GD5KP5CQEE1R3X43Y1EHS2CW.png",
+ ImageStaticURL: "http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01GD5KR15NHTY8FZ01CD4D08XP/emoji/static/01GD5KP5CQEE1R3X43Y1EHS2CW.png",
+ ImageStaticPath: "/tmp/gotosocial/01GD5KR15NHTY8FZ01CD4D08XP/emoji/static/01GD5KP5CQEE1R3X43Y1EHS2CW.png",
+ ImageContentType: "image/png",
+ ImageStaticContentType: "image/png",
+ ImageFileSize: 10889,
+ ImageStaticFileSize: 10808,
+ ImageUpdatedAt: TimeMustParse("2020-03-18T13:12:00+01:00"),
+ Disabled: FalseBool(),
+ URI: "http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/01GD5KP5CQEE1R3X43Y1EHS2CW",
+ VisibleInPicker: FalseBool(),
+ CategoryID: "",
+ },
@@ -1045,6 +1067,10 @@ func newTestStoredEmoji() map[string]filenames {
Original: "rainbow-original.png",
Static: "rainbow-static.png",
+ "yell": {
+ Original: "yell-original.png",
+ Static: "yell-static.png",
+ },
@@ -1941,6 +1967,22 @@ func NewTestFediServices() map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsService {
+func NewTestFediEmojis() map[string]vocab.TootEmoji {
+ return map[string]vocab.TootEmoji{
+ "http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/01GD5HCC2YECT012TK8PAGX4D1": newAPEmoji(
+ URLMustParse("http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/01GD5HCC2YECT012TK8PAGX4D1"),
+ "kip_van_den_bos",
+ TimeMustParse("2022-09-13T12:13:12+02:00"),
+ newAPImage(
+ URLMustParse("http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/kip.gif"),
+ "image/gif",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ),
+ ),
+ }
// RemoteAttachmentFile mimics a remote (federated) attachment
type RemoteAttachmentFile struct {
Data []byte
@@ -1968,6 +2010,16 @@ func NewTestFediAttachments(relativePath string) map[string]RemoteAttachmentFile
+ kipBytes, err := os.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/kip-original.gif", relativePath))
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ yellBytes, err := os.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/yell-original.png", relativePath))
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
return map[string]RemoteAttachmentFile{
"https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/plushcity/media_attachments/files/106/867/380/219/163/828/original/88e8758c5f011439.jpg": {
Data: beeBytes,
@@ -1985,6 +2037,14 @@ func NewTestFediAttachments(relativePath string) map[string]RemoteAttachmentFile
Data: peglinBytes,
ContentType: "image/gif",
+ "http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/kip.gif": {
+ Data: kipBytes,
+ ContentType: "image/gif",
+ },
+ "http://fossbros-anonymous.io/emoji/yell.gif": {
+ Data: yellBytes,
+ ContentType: "image/png",
+ },
@@ -2857,6 +2917,28 @@ func newAPImage(url *url.URL, mediaType string, imageDescription string, blurhas
return image
+func newAPEmoji(id *url.URL, name string, updated time.Time, image vocab.ActivityStreamsImage) vocab.TootEmoji {
+ emoji := streams.NewTootEmoji()
+ idProp := streams.NewJSONLDIdProperty()
+ idProp.SetIRI(id)
+ emoji.SetJSONLDId(idProp)
+ nameProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsNameProperty()
+ nameProp.AppendXMLSchemaString(`:` + strings.Trim(name, ":") + `:`)
+ emoji.SetActivityStreamsName(nameProp)
+ updatedProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsUpdatedProperty()
+ updatedProp.Set(updated)
+ emoji.SetActivityStreamsUpdated(updatedProp)
+ iconProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsIconProperty()
+ iconProp.AppendActivityStreamsImage(image)
+ emoji.SetActivityStreamsIcon(iconProp)
+ return emoji
// NewAPNote returns a new activity streams note for the given parameters
func NewAPNote(
noteID *url.URL,
diff --git a/testrig/transportcontroller.go b/testrig/transportcontroller.go
index 68f03398d..70f2f0c61 100644
--- a/testrig/transportcontroller.go
+++ b/testrig/transportcontroller.go
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ type MockHTTPClient struct {
testRemoteGroups map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsGroup
testRemoteServices map[string]vocab.ActivityStreamsService
testRemoteAttachments map[string]RemoteAttachmentFile
+ testRemoteEmojis map[string]vocab.TootEmoji
SentMessages sync.Map
@@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ func NewMockHTTPClient(do func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error), relat
mockHTTPClient.testRemoteGroups = NewTestFediGroups()
mockHTTPClient.testRemoteServices = NewTestFediServices()
mockHTTPClient.testRemoteAttachments = NewTestFediAttachments(relativeMediaPath)
+ mockHTTPClient.testRemoteEmojis = NewTestFediEmojis()
mockHTTPClient.do = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
responseCode := http.StatusNotFound
@@ -173,6 +175,19 @@ func NewMockHTTPClient(do func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error), relat
responseBytes = serviceJSON
responseContentType = applicationActivityJSON
responseContentLength = len(serviceJSON)
+ } else if emoji, ok := mockHTTPClient.testRemoteEmojis[req.URL.String()]; ok {
+ emojiI, err := streams.Serialize(emoji)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ emojiJSON, err := json.Marshal(emojiI)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ responseCode = http.StatusOK
+ responseBytes = emojiJSON
+ responseContentType = applicationActivityJSON
+ responseContentLength = len(emojiJSON)
} else if attachment, ok := mockHTTPClient.testRemoteAttachments[req.URL.String()]; ok {
responseCode = http.StatusOK
responseBytes = attachment.Data
diff --git a/web/template/profile.tmpl b/web/template/profile.tmpl
index 22f192c06..9838e5b30 100644
--- a/web/template/profile.tmpl
+++ b/web/template/profile.tmpl
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@

{{if .account.DisplayName}}{{.account.DisplayName}}{{else}}{{.account.Username}}{{end}}
{{if .account.DisplayName}}{{emojify .account.Emojis (escape .account.DisplayName)}}{{else}}{{.account.Username}}{{end}}
- {{ if .account.Note }}{{ .account.Note | noescape }}{{else}}This GoToSocial user hasn't written a bio yet!{{end}}
+ {{ if .account.Note }}{{emojify .account.Emojis (noescape .account.Note)}}{{else}}This GoToSocial user hasn't written a bio yet!{{end}}
diff --git a/web/template/status.tmpl b/web/template/status.tmpl
index 16f724a94..c3b243445 100644
--- a/web/template/status.tmpl
+++ b/web/template/status.tmpl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@