2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
// Copyright (c) 2014, David Kitchen <david@buro9.com>
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
// list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * Neither the name of the organisation (Microcosm) nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
package bluemonday
//TODO sgutzwiller create map of styles to default handlers
//TODO sgutzwiller create handlers for various attributes
import (
// Policy encapsulates the allowlist of HTML elements and attributes that will
// be applied to the sanitised HTML.
// You should use bluemonday.NewPolicy() to create a blank policy as the
// unexported fields contain maps that need to be initialized.
type Policy struct {
// Declares whether the maps have been initialized, used as a cheap check to
// ensure that those using Policy{} directly won't cause nil pointer
// exceptions
initialized bool
// If true then we add spaces when stripping tags, specifically the closing
// tag is replaced by a space character.
addSpaces bool
// When true, add rel="nofollow" to HTML a, area, and link tags
requireNoFollow bool
// When true, add rel="nofollow" to HTML a, area, and link tags
// Will add for href="http://foo"
// Will skip for href="/foo" or href="foo"
requireNoFollowFullyQualifiedLinks bool
// When true, add rel="noreferrer" to HTML a, area, and link tags
requireNoReferrer bool
// When true, add rel="noreferrer" to HTML a, area, and link tags
// Will add for href="http://foo"
// Will skip for href="/foo" or href="foo"
requireNoReferrerFullyQualifiedLinks bool
// When true, add crossorigin="anonymous" to HTML audio, img, link, script, and video tags
requireCrossOriginAnonymous bool
2022-05-02 14:05:18 +01:00
// When true, add and filter sandbox attribute on iframe tags
requireSandboxOnIFrame map [ string ] bool
2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
// When true add target="_blank" to fully qualified links
// Will add for href="http://foo"
// Will skip for href="/foo" or href="foo"
addTargetBlankToFullyQualifiedLinks bool
// When true, URLs must be parseable by "net/url" url.Parse()
requireParseableURLs bool
// When true, u, _ := url.Parse("url"); !u.IsAbs() is permitted
allowRelativeURLs bool
// When true, allow data attributes.
allowDataAttributes bool
// When true, allow comments.
allowComments bool
// map[htmlElementName]map[htmlAttributeName][]attrPolicy
elsAndAttrs map [ string ] map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy
// elsMatchingAndAttrs stores regex based element matches along with attributes
elsMatchingAndAttrs map [ * regexp . Regexp ] map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy
// map[htmlAttributeName][]attrPolicy
globalAttrs map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy
// map[htmlElementName]map[cssPropertyName][]stylePolicy
elsAndStyles map [ string ] map [ string ] [ ] stylePolicy
// map[regex]map[cssPropertyName][]stylePolicy
elsMatchingAndStyles map [ * regexp . Regexp ] map [ string ] [ ] stylePolicy
// map[cssPropertyName][]stylePolicy
globalStyles map [ string ] [ ] stylePolicy
// If urlPolicy is nil, all URLs with matching schema are allowed.
// Otherwise, only the URLs with matching schema and urlPolicy(url)
// returning true are allowed.
allowURLSchemes map [ string ] [ ] urlPolicy
2023-05-29 14:03:08 +01:00
// These regexps are used to match allowed URL schemes, for example
// if one would want to allow all URL schemes, they would add `.+`
allowURLSchemeRegexps [ ] * regexp . Regexp
2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
// If an element has had all attributes removed as a result of a policy
// being applied, then the element would be removed from the output.
// However some elements are valid and have strong layout meaning without
// any attributes, i.e. <table>. To prevent those being removed we maintain
// a list of elements that are allowed to have no attributes and that will
// be maintained in the output HTML.
setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs map [ string ] struct { }
// If an element has had all attributes removed as a result of a policy
// being applied, then the element would be removed from the output.
// However some elements are valid and have strong layout meaning without
// any attributes, i.e. <table>.
// In this case, any element matching a regular expression will be accepted without
// attributes added.
setOfElementsMatchingAllowedWithoutAttrs [ ] * regexp . Regexp
setOfElementsToSkipContent map [ string ] struct { }
2021-11-13 12:29:08 +01:00
// Permits fundamentally unsafe elements.
// If false (default) then elements such as `style` and `script` will not be
// permitted even if declared in a policy. These elements when combined with
// untrusted input cannot be safely handled by bluemonday at this point in
// time.
// If true then `style` and `script` would be permitted by bluemonday if a
// policy declares them. However this is not recommended under any circumstance
// and can lead to XSS being rendered thus defeating the purpose of using a
// HTML sanitizer.
allowUnsafe bool
2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
type attrPolicy struct {
// optional pattern to match, when not nil the regexp needs to match
// otherwise the attribute is removed
regexp * regexp . Regexp
type stylePolicy struct {
// handler to validate
handler func ( string ) bool
// optional pattern to match, when not nil the regexp needs to match
// otherwise the property is removed
regexp * regexp . Regexp
// optional list of allowed property values, for properties which
// have a defined list of allowed values; property will be removed
// if the value is not allowed
enum [ ] string
type attrPolicyBuilder struct {
p * Policy
attrNames [ ] string
regexp * regexp . Regexp
allowEmpty bool
type stylePolicyBuilder struct {
p * Policy
propertyNames [ ] string
regexp * regexp . Regexp
enum [ ] string
handler func ( string ) bool
type urlPolicy func ( url * url . URL ) ( allowUrl bool )
2022-05-02 14:05:18 +01:00
type SandboxValue int64
const (
SandboxAllowDownloads SandboxValue = iota
2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
// init initializes the maps if this has not been done already
func ( p * Policy ) init ( ) {
if ! p . initialized {
p . elsAndAttrs = make ( map [ string ] map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy )
p . elsMatchingAndAttrs = make ( map [ * regexp . Regexp ] map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy )
p . globalAttrs = make ( map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy )
p . elsAndStyles = make ( map [ string ] map [ string ] [ ] stylePolicy )
p . elsMatchingAndStyles = make ( map [ * regexp . Regexp ] map [ string ] [ ] stylePolicy )
p . globalStyles = make ( map [ string ] [ ] stylePolicy )
p . allowURLSchemes = make ( map [ string ] [ ] urlPolicy )
2023-05-29 14:03:08 +01:00
p . allowURLSchemeRegexps = make ( [ ] * regexp . Regexp , 0 )
2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs = make ( map [ string ] struct { } )
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent = make ( map [ string ] struct { } )
p . initialized = true
// NewPolicy returns a blank policy with nothing allowed or permitted. This
// is the recommended way to start building a policy and you should now use
// AllowAttrs() and/or AllowElements() to construct the allowlist of HTML
// elements and attributes.
func NewPolicy ( ) * Policy {
p := Policy { }
p . addDefaultElementsWithoutAttrs ( )
p . addDefaultSkipElementContent ( )
return & p
// AllowAttrs takes a range of HTML attribute names and returns an
// attribute policy builder that allows you to specify the pattern and scope of
// the allowed attribute.
// The attribute policy is only added to the core policy when either Globally()
// or OnElements(...) are called.
func ( p * Policy ) AllowAttrs ( attrNames ... string ) * attrPolicyBuilder {
p . init ( )
abp := attrPolicyBuilder {
p : p ,
allowEmpty : false ,
for _ , attrName := range attrNames {
abp . attrNames = append ( abp . attrNames , strings . ToLower ( attrName ) )
return & abp
// AllowDataAttributes permits all data attributes. We can't specify the name
// of each attribute exactly as they are customized.
// NOTE: These values are not sanitized and applications that evaluate or process
// them without checking and verification of the input may be at risk if this option
// is enabled. This is a 'caveat emptor' option and the person enabling this option
// needs to fully understand the potential impact with regards to whatever application
// will be consuming the sanitized HTML afterwards, i.e. if you know you put a link in a
// data attribute and use that to automatically load some new window then you're giving
// the author of a HTML fragment the means to open a malicious destination automatically.
// Use with care!
func ( p * Policy ) AllowDataAttributes ( ) {
p . allowDataAttributes = true
// AllowComments allows comments.
// Please note that only one type of comment will be allowed by this, this is the
// the standard HTML comment <!-- --> which includes the use of that to permit
// conditionals as per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/compatibility/ms537512(v=vs.85)?redirectedfrom=MSDN
// What is not permitted are CDATA XML comments, as the x/net/html package we depend
// on does not handle this fully and we are not choosing to take on that work:
// https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/net/html#Tokenizer.AllowCDATA . If the x/net/html
// package changes this then these will be considered, otherwise if you AllowComments
// but provide a CDATA comment, then as per the documentation in x/net/html this will
// be treated as a plain HTML comment.
func ( p * Policy ) AllowComments ( ) {
p . allowComments = true
// AllowNoAttrs says that attributes on element are optional.
// The attribute policy is only added to the core policy when OnElements(...)
// are called.
func ( p * Policy ) AllowNoAttrs ( ) * attrPolicyBuilder {
p . init ( )
abp := attrPolicyBuilder {
p : p ,
allowEmpty : true ,
return & abp
// AllowNoAttrs says that attributes on element are optional.
// The attribute policy is only added to the core policy when OnElements(...)
// are called.
func ( abp * attrPolicyBuilder ) AllowNoAttrs ( ) * attrPolicyBuilder {
abp . allowEmpty = true
return abp
// Matching allows a regular expression to be applied to a nascent attribute
// policy, and returns the attribute policy.
func ( abp * attrPolicyBuilder ) Matching ( regex * regexp . Regexp ) * attrPolicyBuilder {
abp . regexp = regex
return abp
// OnElements will bind an attribute policy to a given range of HTML elements
// and return the updated policy
func ( abp * attrPolicyBuilder ) OnElements ( elements ... string ) * Policy {
for _ , element := range elements {
element = strings . ToLower ( element )
for _ , attr := range abp . attrNames {
if _ , ok := abp . p . elsAndAttrs [ element ] ; ! ok {
abp . p . elsAndAttrs [ element ] = make ( map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy )
ap := attrPolicy { }
if abp . regexp != nil {
ap . regexp = abp . regexp
abp . p . elsAndAttrs [ element ] [ attr ] = append ( abp . p . elsAndAttrs [ element ] [ attr ] , ap )
if abp . allowEmpty {
abp . p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ element ] = struct { } { }
if _ , ok := abp . p . elsAndAttrs [ element ] ; ! ok {
abp . p . elsAndAttrs [ element ] = make ( map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy )
return abp . p
// OnElementsMatching will bind an attribute policy to all elements matching a given regex
// and return the updated policy
func ( abp * attrPolicyBuilder ) OnElementsMatching ( regex * regexp . Regexp ) * Policy {
for _ , attr := range abp . attrNames {
if _ , ok := abp . p . elsMatchingAndAttrs [ regex ] ; ! ok {
abp . p . elsMatchingAndAttrs [ regex ] = make ( map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy )
ap := attrPolicy { }
if abp . regexp != nil {
ap . regexp = abp . regexp
abp . p . elsMatchingAndAttrs [ regex ] [ attr ] = append ( abp . p . elsMatchingAndAttrs [ regex ] [ attr ] , ap )
if abp . allowEmpty {
abp . p . setOfElementsMatchingAllowedWithoutAttrs = append ( abp . p . setOfElementsMatchingAllowedWithoutAttrs , regex )
if _ , ok := abp . p . elsMatchingAndAttrs [ regex ] ; ! ok {
abp . p . elsMatchingAndAttrs [ regex ] = make ( map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy )
return abp . p
// Globally will bind an attribute policy to all HTML elements and return the
// updated policy
func ( abp * attrPolicyBuilder ) Globally ( ) * Policy {
for _ , attr := range abp . attrNames {
if _ , ok := abp . p . globalAttrs [ attr ] ; ! ok {
abp . p . globalAttrs [ attr ] = [ ] attrPolicy { }
ap := attrPolicy { }
if abp . regexp != nil {
ap . regexp = abp . regexp
abp . p . globalAttrs [ attr ] = append ( abp . p . globalAttrs [ attr ] , ap )
return abp . p
// AllowStyles takes a range of CSS property names and returns a
// style policy builder that allows you to specify the pattern and scope of
// the allowed property.
// The style policy is only added to the core policy when either Globally()
// or OnElements(...) are called.
func ( p * Policy ) AllowStyles ( propertyNames ... string ) * stylePolicyBuilder {
p . init ( )
abp := stylePolicyBuilder {
p : p ,
for _ , propertyName := range propertyNames {
abp . propertyNames = append ( abp . propertyNames , strings . ToLower ( propertyName ) )
return & abp
// Matching allows a regular expression to be applied to a nascent style
// policy, and returns the style policy.
func ( spb * stylePolicyBuilder ) Matching ( regex * regexp . Regexp ) * stylePolicyBuilder {
spb . regexp = regex
return spb
// MatchingEnum allows a list of allowed values to be applied to a nascent style
// policy, and returns the style policy.
func ( spb * stylePolicyBuilder ) MatchingEnum ( enum ... string ) * stylePolicyBuilder {
spb . enum = enum
return spb
// MatchingHandler allows a handler to be applied to a nascent style
// policy, and returns the style policy.
func ( spb * stylePolicyBuilder ) MatchingHandler ( handler func ( string ) bool ) * stylePolicyBuilder {
spb . handler = handler
return spb
// OnElements will bind a style policy to a given range of HTML elements
// and return the updated policy
func ( spb * stylePolicyBuilder ) OnElements ( elements ... string ) * Policy {
for _ , element := range elements {
element = strings . ToLower ( element )
for _ , attr := range spb . propertyNames {
if _ , ok := spb . p . elsAndStyles [ element ] ; ! ok {
spb . p . elsAndStyles [ element ] = make ( map [ string ] [ ] stylePolicy )
sp := stylePolicy { }
if spb . handler != nil {
sp . handler = spb . handler
} else if len ( spb . enum ) > 0 {
sp . enum = spb . enum
} else if spb . regexp != nil {
sp . regexp = spb . regexp
} else {
sp . handler = css . GetDefaultHandler ( attr )
spb . p . elsAndStyles [ element ] [ attr ] = append ( spb . p . elsAndStyles [ element ] [ attr ] , sp )
return spb . p
// OnElementsMatching will bind a style policy to any HTML elements matching the pattern
// and return the updated policy
func ( spb * stylePolicyBuilder ) OnElementsMatching ( regex * regexp . Regexp ) * Policy {
for _ , attr := range spb . propertyNames {
if _ , ok := spb . p . elsMatchingAndStyles [ regex ] ; ! ok {
spb . p . elsMatchingAndStyles [ regex ] = make ( map [ string ] [ ] stylePolicy )
sp := stylePolicy { }
if spb . handler != nil {
sp . handler = spb . handler
} else if len ( spb . enum ) > 0 {
sp . enum = spb . enum
} else if spb . regexp != nil {
sp . regexp = spb . regexp
} else {
sp . handler = css . GetDefaultHandler ( attr )
spb . p . elsMatchingAndStyles [ regex ] [ attr ] = append ( spb . p . elsMatchingAndStyles [ regex ] [ attr ] , sp )
return spb . p
// Globally will bind a style policy to all HTML elements and return the
// updated policy
func ( spb * stylePolicyBuilder ) Globally ( ) * Policy {
for _ , attr := range spb . propertyNames {
if _ , ok := spb . p . globalStyles [ attr ] ; ! ok {
spb . p . globalStyles [ attr ] = [ ] stylePolicy { }
// Use only one strategy for validating styles, fallback to default
sp := stylePolicy { }
if spb . handler != nil {
sp . handler = spb . handler
} else if len ( spb . enum ) > 0 {
sp . enum = spb . enum
} else if spb . regexp != nil {
sp . regexp = spb . regexp
} else {
sp . handler = css . GetDefaultHandler ( attr )
spb . p . globalStyles [ attr ] = append ( spb . p . globalStyles [ attr ] , sp )
return spb . p
// AllowElements will append HTML elements to the allowlist without applying an
// attribute policy to those elements (the elements are permitted
// sans-attributes)
func ( p * Policy ) AllowElements ( names ... string ) * Policy {
p . init ( )
for _ , element := range names {
element = strings . ToLower ( element )
if _ , ok := p . elsAndAttrs [ element ] ; ! ok {
p . elsAndAttrs [ element ] = make ( map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy )
return p
// AllowElementsMatching will append HTML elements to the allowlist if they
// match a regexp.
func ( p * Policy ) AllowElementsMatching ( regex * regexp . Regexp ) * Policy {
p . init ( )
if _ , ok := p . elsMatchingAndAttrs [ regex ] ; ! ok {
p . elsMatchingAndAttrs [ regex ] = make ( map [ string ] [ ] attrPolicy )
return p
2023-05-29 14:03:08 +01:00
// AllowURLSchemesMatching will append URL schemes to the allowlist if they
// match a regexp.
func ( p * Policy ) AllowURLSchemesMatching ( r * regexp . Regexp ) * Policy {
p . allowURLSchemeRegexps = append ( p . allowURLSchemeRegexps , r )
return p
2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
// RequireNoFollowOnLinks will result in all a, area, link tags having a
// rel="nofollow"added to them if one does not already exist
// Note: This requires p.RequireParseableURLs(true) and will enable it.
func ( p * Policy ) RequireNoFollowOnLinks ( require bool ) * Policy {
p . requireNoFollow = require
p . requireParseableURLs = true
return p
// RequireNoFollowOnFullyQualifiedLinks will result in all a, area, and link
// tags that point to a non-local destination (i.e. starts with a protocol and
// has a host) having a rel="nofollow" added to them if one does not already
// exist
// Note: This requires p.RequireParseableURLs(true) and will enable it.
func ( p * Policy ) RequireNoFollowOnFullyQualifiedLinks ( require bool ) * Policy {
p . requireNoFollowFullyQualifiedLinks = require
p . requireParseableURLs = true
return p
// RequireNoReferrerOnLinks will result in all a, area, and link tags having a
// rel="noreferrrer" added to them if one does not already exist
// Note: This requires p.RequireParseableURLs(true) and will enable it.
func ( p * Policy ) RequireNoReferrerOnLinks ( require bool ) * Policy {
p . requireNoReferrer = require
p . requireParseableURLs = true
return p
// RequireNoReferrerOnFullyQualifiedLinks will result in all a, area, and link
// tags that point to a non-local destination (i.e. starts with a protocol and
// has a host) having a rel="noreferrer" added to them if one does not already
// exist
// Note: This requires p.RequireParseableURLs(true) and will enable it.
func ( p * Policy ) RequireNoReferrerOnFullyQualifiedLinks ( require bool ) * Policy {
p . requireNoReferrerFullyQualifiedLinks = require
p . requireParseableURLs = true
return p
// RequireCrossOriginAnonymous will result in all audio, img, link, script, and
// video tags having a crossorigin="anonymous" added to them if one does not
// already exist
func ( p * Policy ) RequireCrossOriginAnonymous ( require bool ) * Policy {
p . requireCrossOriginAnonymous = require
return p
// AddTargetBlankToFullyQualifiedLinks will result in all a, area and link tags
// that point to a non-local destination (i.e. starts with a protocol and has a
// host) having a target="_blank" added to them if one does not already exist
// Note: This requires p.RequireParseableURLs(true) and will enable it.
func ( p * Policy ) AddTargetBlankToFullyQualifiedLinks ( require bool ) * Policy {
p . addTargetBlankToFullyQualifiedLinks = require
p . requireParseableURLs = true
return p
// RequireParseableURLs will result in all URLs requiring that they be parseable
// by "net/url" url.Parse()
// This applies to:
// - a.href
// - area.href
// - blockquote.cite
// - img.src
// - link.href
// - script.src
func ( p * Policy ) RequireParseableURLs ( require bool ) * Policy {
p . requireParseableURLs = require
return p
// AllowRelativeURLs enables RequireParseableURLs and then permits URLs that
// are parseable, have no schema information and url.IsAbs() returns false
// This permits local URLs
func ( p * Policy ) AllowRelativeURLs ( require bool ) * Policy {
p . RequireParseableURLs ( true )
p . allowRelativeURLs = require
return p
// AllowURLSchemes will append URL schemes to the allowlist
// Example: p.AllowURLSchemes("mailto", "http", "https")
func ( p * Policy ) AllowURLSchemes ( schemes ... string ) * Policy {
p . init ( )
p . RequireParseableURLs ( true )
for _ , scheme := range schemes {
scheme = strings . ToLower ( scheme )
// Allow all URLs with matching scheme.
p . allowURLSchemes [ scheme ] = nil
return p
// AllowURLSchemeWithCustomPolicy will append URL schemes with
// a custom URL policy to the allowlist.
// Only the URLs with matching schema and urlPolicy(url)
// returning true will be allowed.
func ( p * Policy ) AllowURLSchemeWithCustomPolicy (
scheme string ,
urlPolicy func ( url * url . URL ) ( allowUrl bool ) ,
) * Policy {
p . init ( )
p . RequireParseableURLs ( true )
scheme = strings . ToLower ( scheme )
p . allowURLSchemes [ scheme ] = append ( p . allowURLSchemes [ scheme ] , urlPolicy )
return p
2022-05-02 14:05:18 +01:00
// RequireSandboxOnIFrame will result in all iframe tags having a sandbox="" tag
// Any sandbox values not specified here will be filtered from the generated HTML
func ( p * Policy ) RequireSandboxOnIFrame ( vals ... SandboxValue ) {
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame = make ( map [ string ] bool )
for _ , val := range vals {
switch SandboxValue ( val ) {
case SandboxAllowDownloads :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-downloads" ] = true
case SandboxAllowDownloadsWithoutUserActivation :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-downloads-without-user-activation" ] = true
case SandboxAllowForms :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-forms" ] = true
case SandboxAllowModals :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-modals" ] = true
case SandboxAllowOrientationLock :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-orientation-lock" ] = true
case SandboxAllowPointerLock :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-pointer-lock" ] = true
case SandboxAllowPopups :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-popups" ] = true
case SandboxAllowPopupsToEscapeSandbox :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox" ] = true
case SandboxAllowPresentation :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-presentation" ] = true
case SandboxAllowSameOrigin :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-same-origin" ] = true
case SandboxAllowScripts :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-scripts" ] = true
case SandboxAllowStorageAccessByUserActivation :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-storage-access-by-user-activation" ] = true
case SandboxAllowTopNavigation :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-top-navigation" ] = true
case SandboxAllowTopNavigationByUserActivation :
p . requireSandboxOnIFrame [ "allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" ] = true
2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
// AddSpaceWhenStrippingTag states whether to add a single space " " when
// removing tags that are not allowed by the policy.
// This is useful if you expect to strip tags in dense markup and may lose the
// value of whitespace.
// For example: "<p>Hello</p><p>World</p>"" would be sanitized to "HelloWorld"
// with the default value of false, but you may wish to sanitize this to
// " Hello World " by setting AddSpaceWhenStrippingTag to true as this would
// retain the intent of the text.
func ( p * Policy ) AddSpaceWhenStrippingTag ( allow bool ) * Policy {
p . addSpaces = allow
return p
// SkipElementsContent adds the HTML elements whose tags is needed to be removed
// with its content.
func ( p * Policy ) SkipElementsContent ( names ... string ) * Policy {
p . init ( )
for _ , element := range names {
element = strings . ToLower ( element )
if _ , ok := p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ element ] ; ! ok {
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ element ] = struct { } { }
return p
// AllowElementsContent marks the HTML elements whose content should be
// retained after removing the tag.
func ( p * Policy ) AllowElementsContent ( names ... string ) * Policy {
p . init ( )
for _ , element := range names {
delete ( p . setOfElementsToSkipContent , strings . ToLower ( element ) )
return p
2021-11-13 12:29:08 +01:00
// AllowUnsafe permits fundamentally unsafe elements.
// If false (default) then elements such as `style` and `script` will not be
// permitted even if declared in a policy. These elements when combined with
// untrusted input cannot be safely handled by bluemonday at this point in
// time.
// If true then `style` and `script` would be permitted by bluemonday if a
// policy declares them. However this is not recommended under any circumstance
// and can lead to XSS being rendered thus defeating the purpose of using a
// HTML sanitizer.
func ( p * Policy ) AllowUnsafe ( allowUnsafe bool ) * Policy {
p . init ( )
p . allowUnsafe = allowUnsafe
return p
2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
// addDefaultElementsWithoutAttrs adds the HTML elements that we know are valid
// without any attributes to an internal map.
// i.e. we know that <table> is valid, but <bdo> isn't valid as the "dir" attr
// is mandatory
func ( p * Policy ) addDefaultElementsWithoutAttrs ( ) {
p . init ( )
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "abbr" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "acronym" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "address" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "article" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "aside" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "audio" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "b" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "bdi" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "blockquote" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "body" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "br" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "button" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "canvas" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "caption" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "center" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "cite" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "code" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "col" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "colgroup" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "datalist" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "dd" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "del" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "details" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "dfn" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "div" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "dl" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "dt" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "em" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "fieldset" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "figcaption" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "figure" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "footer" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "h1" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "h2" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "h3" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "h4" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "h5" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "h6" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "head" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "header" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "hgroup" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "hr" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "html" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "i" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "ins" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "kbd" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "li" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "mark" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "marquee" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "nav" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "ol" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "optgroup" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "option" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "p" ] = struct { } { }
2023-01-30 10:45:19 +01:00
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "picture" ] = struct { } { }
2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "pre" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "q" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "rp" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "rt" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "ruby" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "s" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "samp" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "script" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "section" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "select" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "small" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "span" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "strike" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "strong" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "style" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "sub" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "summary" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "sup" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "svg" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "table" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "tbody" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "td" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "textarea" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "tfoot" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "th" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "thead" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "title" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "time" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "tr" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "tt" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "u" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "ul" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "var" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "video" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs [ "wbr" ] = struct { } { }
// addDefaultSkipElementContent adds the HTML elements that we should skip
// rendering the character content of, if the element itself is not allowed.
// This is all character data that the end user would not normally see.
// i.e. if we exclude a <script> tag then we shouldn't render the JavaScript or
// anything else until we encounter the closing </script> tag.
func ( p * Policy ) addDefaultSkipElementContent ( ) {
p . init ( )
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ "frame" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ "frameset" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ "iframe" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ "noembed" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ "noframes" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ "noscript" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ "nostyle" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ "object" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ "script" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ "style" ] = struct { } { }
p . setOfElementsToSkipContent [ "title" ] = struct { } { }