2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
package otelsql
import (
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
semconv "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.10.0"
const instrumName = "github.com/uptrace/opentelemetry-go-extra/otelsql"
var dbRowsAffected = attribute.Key("db.rows_affected")
type config struct {
tracerProvider trace.TracerProvider
tracer trace.Tracer //nolint:structcheck
meterProvider metric.MeterProvider
meter metric.Meter
attrs []attribute.KeyValue
queryFormatter func(query string) string
func newConfig(opts []Option) *config {
c := &config{
tracerProvider: otel.GetTracerProvider(),
meterProvider: global.MeterProvider(),
for _, opt := range opts {
return c
func (c *config) formatQuery(query string) string {
if c.queryFormatter != nil {
return c.queryFormatter(query)
return query
type dbInstrum struct {
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
queryHistogram instrument.Int64Histogram
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
func newDBInstrum(opts []Option) *dbInstrum {
t := &dbInstrum{
config: newConfig(opts),
if t.tracer == nil {
t.tracer = t.tracerProvider.Tracer(instrumName)
if t.meter == nil {
t.meter = t.meterProvider.Meter(instrumName)
var err error
t.queryHistogram, err = t.meter.Int64Histogram(
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
instrument.WithDescription("Timing of processed queries"),
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
if err != nil {
return t
func (t *dbInstrum) withSpan(
ctx context.Context,
spanName string,
query string,
fn func(ctx context.Context, span trace.Span) error,
) error {
var startTime time.Time
if query != "" {
startTime = time.Now()
attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, len(t.attrs)+1)
attrs = append(attrs, t.attrs...)
if query != "" {
attrs = append(attrs, semconv.DBStatementKey.String(t.formatQuery(query)))
ctx, span := t.tracer.Start(ctx, spanName,
err := fn(ctx, span)
if query != "" {
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
t.queryHistogram.Record(ctx, time.Since(startTime).Milliseconds(), t.attrs...)
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
if !span.IsRecording() {
return err
switch err {
case nil,
io.EOF, // end of rows iterator
// ignore
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
return err
type Option func(c *config)
// WithTracerProvider configures a tracer provider that is used to create a tracer.
func WithTracerProvider(tracerProvider trace.TracerProvider) Option {
return func(c *config) {
c.tracerProvider = tracerProvider
// WithAttributes configures attributes that are used to create a span.
func WithAttributes(attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) Option {
return func(c *config) {
c.attrs = append(c.attrs, attrs...)
// WithDBSystem configures a db.system attribute. You should prefer using
// WithAttributes and semconv, for example, `otelsql.WithAttributes(semconv.DBSystemSqlite)`.
func WithDBSystem(system string) Option {
return func(c *config) {
c.attrs = append(c.attrs, semconv.DBSystemKey.String(system))
// WithDBName configures a db.name attribute.
func WithDBName(name string) Option {
return func(c *config) {
c.attrs = append(c.attrs, semconv.DBNameKey.String(name))
// WithMeterProvider configures a metric.Meter used to create instruments.
func WithMeterProvider(meterProvider metric.MeterProvider) Option {
return func(c *config) {
c.meterProvider = meterProvider
// WithQueryFormatter configures a query formatter
func WithQueryFormatter(queryFormatter func(query string) string) Option {
return func(c *config) {
c.queryFormatter = queryFormatter
// ReportDBStatsMetrics reports DBStats metrics using OpenTelemetry Metrics API.
func ReportDBStatsMetrics(db *sql.DB, opts ...Option) {
cfg := newConfig(opts)
if cfg.meter == nil {
cfg.meter = cfg.meterProvider.Meter(instrumName)
meter := cfg.meter
labels := cfg.attrs
maxOpenConns, _ := meter.Int64ObservableGauge(
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
instrument.WithDescription("Maximum number of open connections to the database"),
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
openConns, _ := meter.Int64ObservableGauge(
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
instrument.WithDescription("The number of established connections both in use and idle"),
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
inUseConns, _ := meter.Int64ObservableGauge(
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
instrument.WithDescription("The number of connections currently in use"),
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
idleConns, _ := meter.Int64ObservableGauge(
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
instrument.WithDescription("The number of idle connections"),
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
connsWaitCount, _ := meter.Int64ObservableCounter(
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
instrument.WithDescription("The total number of connections waited for"),
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
connsWaitDuration, _ := meter.Int64ObservableCounter(
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
instrument.WithDescription("The total time blocked waiting for a new connection"),
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
connsClosedMaxIdle, _ := meter.Int64ObservableCounter(
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
instrument.WithDescription("The total number of connections closed due to SetMaxIdleConns"),
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
connsClosedMaxIdleTime, _ := meter.Int64ObservableCounter(
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
instrument.WithDescription("The total number of connections closed due to SetConnMaxIdleTime"),
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
connsClosedMaxLifetime, _ := meter.Int64ObservableCounter(
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
instrument.WithDescription("The total number of connections closed due to SetConnMaxLifetime"),
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
if _, err := meter.RegisterCallback(
func(ctx context.Context, o metric.Observer) error {
stats := db.Stats()
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
o.ObserveInt64(maxOpenConns, int64(stats.MaxOpenConnections), labels...)
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
o.ObserveInt64(openConns, int64(stats.OpenConnections), labels...)
o.ObserveInt64(inUseConns, int64(stats.InUse), labels...)
o.ObserveInt64(idleConns, int64(stats.Idle), labels...)
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
2023-05-12 15:55:18 +03:00
o.ObserveInt64(connsWaitCount, stats.WaitCount, labels...)
o.ObserveInt64(connsWaitDuration, int64(stats.WaitDuration), labels...)
o.ObserveInt64(connsClosedMaxIdle, stats.MaxIdleClosed, labels...)
o.ObserveInt64(connsClosedMaxIdleTime, stats.MaxIdleTimeClosed, labels...)
o.ObserveInt64(connsClosedMaxLifetime, stats.MaxLifetimeClosed, labels...)
2023-05-09 20:19:48 +03:00
return nil
); err != nil {