
1385 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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color: #fa1;
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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color: #5f8700;
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/* NameBuiltinPseudo */
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color: #9daccc;
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color: #fa1;
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.chroma .no {
color: #fa1;
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.chroma .nd {
color: #9daccc;
/* NameEntity */
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color: #fa1;
/* NameException */
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color: #af8700;
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color: #9daccc;
/* NameLabel */
.chroma .nl {
color: #fa1;
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.chroma .nn {
color: #fa1;
/* NameOther */
.chroma .nx {
color: #9daccc;
/* NameTag */
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color: #9daccc;
/* NameVariable */
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color: #9daccc;
/* NameVariableClass */
.chroma .vc {
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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color: #1af;
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color: #1af;
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color: #1af;
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color: #1af;
/* LiteralNumberIntegerLong */
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color: #1af;
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.chroma .mo {
color: #1af;
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color: #f63;
/* OperatorWord */
.chroma .ow {
color: #5f8700;
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color: #6a737d;
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color: #6a737d;
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00 .bar {
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00 {
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00 a.item:hover {
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00 .item, a.item, .item a:not(.ui) {
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2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00, .label {
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00, .label, {
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00 a.label:hover,
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00 a.label:hover,,
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00 {
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00, .button {
background-color: #87ab63;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00, .button:hover {
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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color: #dbdbdb;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00 > .results {
background: #383c4a;
border-color: var(--color-secondary);
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background: var(--color-secondary);
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color: #dbdbdb;
2019-12-18 00:34:11 +03:00
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2019-12-18 00:34:11 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00 .items .item {
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00 .items .item:hover {
color: #dbdbdb;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-12-18 00:34:11 +03:00
.ui.list > .item > .content {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6) !important;
2019-12-18 00:34:11 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00,
.ui.button:focus, {
background-color: #2e3e4e;
color: #dbdbdb;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00 {
background-color: #475e75;
color: #dbdbdb;
Add Octicon SVG spritemap (#10107) * Add octicon SVG sprite Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Static prefix Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * SVG for all repo icons Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * make vendor Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Swap out octicons Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Move octicons to top of less imports Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Fix JS Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Definitely not a search/replace Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Missed regex Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Move to more generic calls and webpack Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * make svg -> make webpack Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Remove svg-sprite Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Update tests Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Missed a test Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Remove svg from makefile Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Suggestions Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Attempt to fix test Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Update tests Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Revert timetracking test Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Swap .octicon for .svg in less Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Add aria-hidden Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Replace mega-octicon Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Fix webpack globbing on Windows Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Revert Co-Authored-By: silverwind <> * Fix octions from upstream Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Fix Vue and missed JS function Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Add JS helper and PWA Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Preload SVG Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> Co-authored-by: silverwind <> Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <>
2020-02-11 20:02:41 +03:00
.repository.view.issue .comment-list .event > .svg.issue-symbol {
background: #3b4954;
Add Octicon SVG spritemap (#10107) * Add octicon SVG sprite Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Static prefix Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * SVG for all repo icons Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * make vendor Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Swap out octicons Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Move octicons to top of less imports Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Fix JS Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Definitely not a search/replace Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Missed regex Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Move to more generic calls and webpack Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * make svg -> make webpack Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Remove svg-sprite Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Update tests Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Missed a test Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Remove svg from makefile Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Suggestions Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Attempt to fix test Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Update tests Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Revert timetracking test Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Swap .octicon for .svg in less Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Add aria-hidden Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Replace mega-octicon Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Fix webpack globbing on Windows Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Revert Co-Authored-By: silverwind <> * Fix octions from upstream Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Fix Vue and missed JS function Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Add JS helper and PWA Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Preload SVG Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> Co-authored-by: silverwind <> Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <>
2020-02-11 20:02:41 +03:00
.repository.view.issue .comment-list .event > .svg:not(.issue-symbol) {
text-shadow: -2px 0 #383c4a, 0 2px #383c4a, 2px 0 #383c4a, 0 -2px #383c4a;
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color: #dbdbdb;
background-color: var(--color-secondary);
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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color: #ccc;
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border-color: transparent !important;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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background-color: var(--color-secondary) !important;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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border-color: #314a37 !important;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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background-color: #2c4632 !important;
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border-color: var(--color-secondary);
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background-color: #5f3737;
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background-color: #3a523a;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
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2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00
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2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00
.ui.card > .extra a:not(.ui), > .card > .extra a:not(.ui) {
color: #87ab63;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui {
color: #dbdbdb;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.secondary.segment {
background: #353945;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00, {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #4b5e71 inset, 0 0 0 0 transparent;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.bottom.attached.message {
background-color: #2c662d;
color: #87ab63;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.bottom.attached.message .pull-right {
color: #87ab63;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00 {
background-color: #2c3b4a;
color: #9ebcc5;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui .warning.header,
.ui.warning.message {
background-color: #542 !important;
border-color: #ec8;
.ui.warning.message {
color: #ec8;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #ec8;
.ui.warning.segment {
border-color: #ec8;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00,
.ui.error.message {
background-color: #522;
color: #f9cbcb;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #a04141 inset;
.ui .error.header,
.ui.error.message {
background-color: #522 !important;
border-color: #a04141;
.ui.error.segment {
border-color: #a04141;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00, .button {
background-color: #7d3434;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00, .button:hover {
background-color: #984646;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.positive.message {
background-color: #0d491b;
color: #87ab63;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #2d693b inset, 0 0 0 0 transparent;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.negative.message {
background-color: rgba(80, 23, 17, .6);
color: #f9cbcb;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(121, 71, 66, .5) inset, 0 0 0 0 transparent;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.form .dropzone .dz-button {
color: rgba(158, 158, 158, .8);
.ui.form .dropzone:hover .dz-button {
color: rgba(158, 158, 158, 1);
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00
.ui.list .list > .item .header,
.ui.list > .item .header {
color: #dedede;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00
.ui.list .list > .item .description,
.ui.list > .item .description {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
Add Octicon SVG spritemap (#10107) * Add octicon SVG sprite Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Static prefix Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * SVG for all repo icons Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * make vendor Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Swap out octicons Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Move octicons to top of less imports Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Fix JS Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Definitely not a search/replace Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Missed regex Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Move to more generic calls and webpack Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * make svg -> make webpack Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Remove svg-sprite Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Update tests Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Missed a test Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Remove svg from makefile Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Suggestions Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Attempt to fix test Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Update tests Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Revert timetracking test Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Swap .octicon for .svg in less Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Add aria-hidden Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Replace mega-octicon Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Fix webpack globbing on Windows Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Revert Co-Authored-By: silverwind <> * Fix octions from upstream Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Fix Vue and missed JS function Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Add JS helper and PWA Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> * Preload SVG Signed-off-by: jolheiser <> Co-authored-by: silverwind <> Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <>
2020-02-11 20:02:41 +03:00
.repository.file.list #repo-files-table tbody .svg.octicon-file-directory,
.repository.file.list #repo-files-table tbody .svg.octicon-file-submodule {
color: #7c9b5e;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.repository.labels {
background-color: #bbbbbb !important;
.blame .lines-num {
background: #2e323e !important;
.lines-num {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6) !important;
border-color: var(--color-secondary) !important;
td.blob-excerpt {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
a.blob-excerpt {
color: #ccc;
background: #393d4a;
a.blob-excerpt:hover {
background: #87ab63;
.lines-code .active {
background: #534d1b !important;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.ui.table {
color: #dbdbdb;
Multiple GitGraph improvements: Exclude PR heads, Add branch/PR links, Show only certain branches, (#12766) * Multiple GitGraph improvements. Add backend support for excluding PRs, selecting branches and files. Fix #10327 Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Only show refs in dropdown we display on the graph Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * use flexbox for ui header Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Move Hide Pull Request button to the dropdown Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Add SHA and user pictures Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix test Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix test 2 Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fixes * async * more tweaks * use tabs in tmpl Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * remove commented thing Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix linting Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Update web_src/js/features/gitgraph.js Co-authored-by: silverwind <> * graph tweaks * more tweaks * add title Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix loading indicator z-index and position Co-authored-by: silverwind <> Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <> Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <>
2020-11-08 20:21:54 +03:00 {
background: #393d4a;
border-color: #393d4a;
color: #dbdbdb;
.repository #repo-files-table .sha.label,
.repository #commits-table td.sha .sha.label,
Multiple GitGraph improvements: Exclude PR heads, Add branch/PR links, Show only certain branches, (#12766) * Multiple GitGraph improvements. Add backend support for excluding PRs, selecting branches and files. Fix #10327 Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Only show refs in dropdown we display on the graph Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * use flexbox for ui header Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Move Hide Pull Request button to the dropdown Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Add SHA and user pictures Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix test Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix test 2 Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fixes * async * more tweaks * use tabs in tmpl Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * remove commented thing Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix linting Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Update web_src/js/features/gitgraph.js Co-authored-by: silverwind <> * graph tweaks * more tweaks * add title Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix loading indicator z-index and position Co-authored-by: silverwind <> Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <> Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <>
2020-11-08 20:21:54 +03:00
#rev-list .sha.label,
.repository .timeline-item.commits-list .singular-commit .sha.label,
.repository.view.issue .comment-list .timeline-item.commits-list .singular-commit .shabox .sha.label {
border-color: #505667;
.sha.label.isSigned .detail.icon,
.repository #commits-table td.sha .sha.label.isSigned .detail.icon,
Multiple GitGraph improvements: Exclude PR heads, Add branch/PR links, Show only certain branches, (#12766) * Multiple GitGraph improvements. Add backend support for excluding PRs, selecting branches and files. Fix #10327 Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Only show refs in dropdown we display on the graph Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * use flexbox for ui header Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Move Hide Pull Request button to the dropdown Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Add SHA and user pictures Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix test Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix test 2 Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fixes * async * more tweaks * use tabs in tmpl Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * remove commented thing Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix linting Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Update web_src/js/features/gitgraph.js Co-authored-by: silverwind <> * graph tweaks * more tweaks * add title Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix loading indicator z-index and position Co-authored-by: silverwind <> Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <> Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <>
2020-11-08 20:21:54 +03:00
#rev-list .sha.label.isSigned .detail.icon,
.repository #repo-files-table .sha.label.isSigned .detail.icon,
.repository .timeline-item.commits-list .singular-commit .sha.label.isSigned .detail.icon,
.repository.view.issue .comment-list .timeline-item.commits-list .singular-commit .shabox .sha.label.isSigned .detail.icon {
background: none;
border-left-color: #888;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.repository .ui.attached.message.isSigned.isVerified {
background-color: #394829;
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
&.message {
color: #87ab63;
.ui.text {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
.pull-right {
color: #87ab63;
.repository .ui.attached.message.isSigned.isVerifiedUntrusted {
background-color: #4a3903;
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
&.message {
color: #c2c193;
.ui.text {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
a {
color: #c2c193;
.repository .ui.attached.message.isSigned.isVerifiedUnmatched {
background-color: #4e3321;
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
&.message {
color: #c2a893;
.ui.text {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
a {
color: #c2a893;
.repository .ui.attached.message.isSigned.isWarning {
background-color: rgba(80, 23, 17, .6);
&.message {
color: #d07d7d;
.ui.text {
color: #d07d7d;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.repository .label.list .item {
border-bottom: 1px dashed var(--color-secondary);
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.add-code td:nth-child(1),
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.add-code td:nth-child(2),
2019-07-23 17:31:51 +03:00
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.add-code td:nth-child(3),
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.del-code td:nth-child(4),
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.del-code td:nth-child(5),
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.del-code td:nth-child(6) {
background-color: #2a2e3a;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.add-code td:nth-child(4),
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.add-code td:nth-child(5),
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.add-code td:nth-child(6),
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr td.add-code,
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr td.lines-num-new.add-code {
background-color: #283e2d !important;
border-color: #314a37 !important;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.del-code td:nth-child(1),
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.del-code td:nth-child(2),
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr.del-code td:nth-child(3),
2019-05-14 03:54:23 +03:00
.repository .diff-file-box .code-diff-split tbody tr td.del-code {
background-color: #3c2626 !important;
border-color: #634343 !important;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.header .sub.header {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.dividing.header {
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-secondary);
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.modal > .header {
background: var(--color-secondary);
color: #dbdbdb;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.modal > .actions {
background: var(--color-secondary);
border-color: var(--color-secondary);
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.ui.modal > .content {
background: #383c4a;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.minicolors-panel {
background: var(--color-secondary) !important;
border-color: #6a737d !important;
/* invert emojis that are hard to read otherwise */
.emoji[aria-label="check mark"],
.emoji[aria-label="currency exchange"],
.emoji[aria-label="TOP arrow"],
.emoji[aria-label="END arrow"],
.emoji[aria-label="ON! arrow"],
.emoji[aria-label="SOON arrow"],
.emoji[aria-label="heavy dollar sign"],
.emoji[aria-label="trade mark"],
.emoji[aria-label="curly loop"],
.emoji[aria-label="double curly loop"],
.emoji[aria-label="wavy dash"],
.emoji[aria-label="paw prints"],
.emoji[aria-label="musical note"],
.emoji[aria-label="musical notes"] {
filter: invert(100%);
.edit-diff > div > .ui.table {
border-left-color: var(--color-secondary) !important;
border-right-color: var(--color-secondary) !important;
.repository .diff-detail-box {
background-color: #383c4a;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.detail-files {
background-color: inherit;
&.sticky {
border-bottom-color: var(--color-secondary);
.comment-code-cloud {
border-color: transparent; {
background: none transparent;
border: 0;
.footer .markdown-info {
color: inherit;
.file-comment {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
.ui.comments .comment {
.author {
color: #dbdbdb;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.metadata {
color: #808084;
2019-05-13 09:26:32 +03:00
.text {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
.comment-header a {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6) !important;
.comment-header .actions a:hover,
.comment-header .actions {
color: #dedede !important;
/* code mirror dark theme */
.CodeMirror {
&.cm-s-paper {
.cm-property {
color: #a0cc75;
.cm-header {
color: #9daccc;
.cm-quote {
color: #009900;
.cm-keyword {
color: #cc8a61;
.cm-atom {
color: #ef5e77;
.cm-number {
color: #ff5656;
.cm-def {
color: #e4e4e4;
.cm-variable-2 {
color: #00bdbf;
.cm-variable-3 {
color: #008855;
.cm-comment {
color: #8e9ab3;
.cm-string {
color: #a77272;
.cm-string-2 {
color: #ff5500;
.cm-qualifier {
color: #ffb176;
.cm-builtin {
color: #b7c951;
.cm-bracket {
color: #999977;
.cm-tag {
color: #f1d273;
.cm-attribute {
color: #bfcc70;
.cm-hr {
color: #999999;
.cm-url {
color: #c5cfd0;
.cm-link {
color: #d8c792;
.cm-error {
/* color: #ff6e00; */
color: #dbdbeb;
footer .container .links > * {
border-left-color: #888;
.repository.file.list #repo-files-table tbody .svg {
color: var(--color-secondary-dark-6);
.repository.release #release-list > li .detail .dot {
background-color: #505667;
border-color: #383c4a;
.board-column {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2) !important;
.tribute-container {
box-shadow: 0 .25rem .5rem rgba(0, 0, 0, .6);
.repository .repo-header .ui.huge.breadcrumb.repo-title .repo-header-icon .avatar {
color: #2a2e3a;
img[src$="/img/matrix.svg"] {
filter: invert(80%);
Multiple GitGraph improvements: Exclude PR heads, Add branch/PR links, Show only certain branches, (#12766) * Multiple GitGraph improvements. Add backend support for excluding PRs, selecting branches and files. Fix #10327 Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Only show refs in dropdown we display on the graph Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * as per @silverwind Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * use flexbox for ui header Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Move Hide Pull Request button to the dropdown Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Add SHA and user pictures Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix test Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix test 2 Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fixes * async * more tweaks * use tabs in tmpl Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * remove commented thing Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix linting Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * Update web_src/js/features/gitgraph.js Co-authored-by: silverwind <> * graph tweaks * more tweaks * add title Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <> * fix loading indicator z-index and position Co-authored-by: silverwind <> Co-authored-by: techknowlogick <> Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <>
2020-11-08 20:21:54 +03:00
#git-graph-container li .time {
color: #6a737d;
#git-graph-container.monochrome #rel-container .flow-group {
stroke: dimgrey;
fill: dimgrey;
#git-graph-container.monochrome #rel-container .flow-group.highlight {
stroke: darkgrey;
fill: darkgrey;
#git-graph-container:not(.monochrome) #rel-container .flow-group {
&.flow-color-16-5 {
stroke: #5543b1;
fill: #5543b1;
#git-graph-container:not(.monochrome) #rel-container .flow-group.highlight {
&.flow-color-16-5 {
stroke: #7058e6;
fill: #7058e6;
#git-graph-container #rev-list li.highlight.hover {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .1);
#git-graph-container .ui.buttons button#flow-color-monochrome.ui.button {
border-left-color: rgb(76, 80, 92);
border-left-style: solid;
border-left-width: 1px;
.mermaid-chart {
filter: invert(84%) hue-rotate(180deg);
.is-loading::after {
border-color: #4a4c58 #4a4c58 #d7d7da #d7d7da;
.markdown-block-error {
border: 1px solid rgba(121, 71, 66, .5) !important;
border-bottom: none !important;
.migrate .cards .card {
text-align: center;
.migrate .cards .card .content a {
color: rgb(158, 158, 158) !important;
.migrate .cards .card .content a:hover {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
.migrate .cards .card .content .description {
color: rgb(158, 158, 158);