mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 05:21:28 +03:00
* fix: rtl arrows on settings page * fix: border on settings page for RTL languages * fix: RTL fixes for logo, search box and logout icon * fix: RTL layout bugs in conversations * chore: remove rtl setting icon * improve arabic locale * add new entries to arabic locale * chore: include number format * fix: RTL layout on several pages * fix: RTL layout of account header and sign in modal * fix: always display account handle in LTR * fix: move character counter in publish widget to left side for RTL * fix: remove border-ss-none unocss rule * fix: many RTL fixes * fix: RTL fixes for many pages * fix: use viewer's direction in all content * chore: use new arabic plural rules * chore: flip arrow on main content header * chore: fix StatusPoll and show_new_items for zh-TW * chore: StatusPoll tooltip on bottom * chore: add `en` variants to i18n conf * chore: update entry to use new plural rule * fix: automatic content direction for status * fix: direction for account handle * fix: direction of polls Co-authored-by: userquin <userquin@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jean-Paul Khawam <jeanpaulkhawam@protonmail.com> Co-authored-by: Daniel Roe <daniel@roe.dev>
166 lines
6.8 KiB
166 lines
6.8 KiB
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { FilterContext, Status } from 'masto'
const props = withDefaults(
status: Status
actions?: boolean
context?: FilterContext
hover?: boolean
faded?: boolean
// If we know the prev and next status in the timeline, we can simplify the card
older?: Status
newer?: Status
// Manual overrides
hasOlder?: boolean
hasNewer?: boolean
// When looking into a detailed view of a post, we can simplify the replying badges
// to the main expanded post
main?: Status
{ actions: true, showReplyTo: true },
const status = $computed(() => {
if (props.status.reblog && !props.status.content)
return props.status.reblog
return props.status
// Use original status, avoid connecting a reblog
const directReply = $computed(() => props.hasNewer || (!!status.inReplyToId && (status.inReplyToId === props.newer?.id || status.inReplyToId === props.newer?.reblog?.id)))
// Use reblogged status, connect it to further replies
const connectReply = $computed(() => props.hasOlder || status.id === props.older?.inReplyToId)
const rebloggedBy = $computed(() => props.status.reblog ? props.status.account : null)
const el = ref<HTMLElement>()
const router = useRouter()
function onclick(evt: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) {
const path = evt.composedPath() as HTMLElement[]
const el = path.find(el => ['A', 'BUTTON', 'IMG', 'VIDEO'].includes(el.tagName?.toUpperCase()))
const text = window.getSelection()?.toString()
if (!el && !text)
function go(evt: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) {
const route = getStatusRoute(status)
if (evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey) {
else {
const createdAt = useFormattedDateTime(status.createdAt)
const timeAgoOptions = useTimeAgoOptions(true)
const timeago = useTimeAgo(() => status.createdAt, timeAgoOptions)
// Content Filter logic
const filterResult = $computed(() => status.filtered?.length ? status.filtered[0] : null)
const filter = $computed(() => filterResult?.filter)
// a bit of a hack due to Filter being different in v1 and v2
// clean up when masto.js supports explicit versions: https://github.com/neet/masto.js/issues/722
const filterPhrase = $computed(() => filter?.phrase || (filter as any)?.title)
const isFiltered = $computed(() => filterPhrase && (props.context ? filter?.context.includes(props.context) : false))
const avatarOnAvatar = $(computedEager(() => useFeatureFlags().experimentalAvatarOnAvatar))
const collapseRebloggedBy = $computed(() => rebloggedBy?.id === status.account.id)
const showRebloggedByAvatarOnAvatar = $computed(() => rebloggedBy && avatarOnAvatar && rebloggedBy.id !== status.account.id)
// Collapse ReplyingTo badge if it is a self-reply (thread)
const collapseReplyingTo = $computed(() => (!rebloggedBy || collapseRebloggedBy) && status.inReplyToAccountId === status.account.id)
// Only show avatar in ReplyingTo badge if it was reblogged by the same account or if it is against the main post
const simplifyReplyingTo = $computed(() =>
(props.main && props.main.account.id === status.inReplyToAccountId) || (rebloggedBy && rebloggedBy.id === status.inReplyToAccountId),
const isDM = $computed(() => status.visibility === 'direct')
v-if="filter?.filterAction !== 'hide'"
relative flex flex-col gap-1 px-4 pt-1
:class="{ 'hover:bg-active': hover, 'border-t border-base': newer && !directReply }"
focus:outline-none focus-visible:ring="2 primary"
:lang="status.language ?? undefined"
<div flex justify-between>
<slot name="meta">
<div v-if="rebloggedBy && !collapseRebloggedBy" text-secondary text-sm ws-nowrap flex="~" gap-1 items-center py1 bg-base>
<div i-ri:repeat-fill me-1 text-primary />
<AccountInlineInfo font-bold :account="rebloggedBy" :avatar="!avatarOnAvatar" />
<div v-else />
<StatusReplyingTo v-if="!directReply && !collapseReplyingTo" :status="status" :simplified="simplifyReplyingTo" :class="faded ? 'text-secondary-light' : ''" py1 />
<div flex gap-3 :class="{ 'text-secondary': faded }">
<div relative>
<div v-if="showRebloggedByAvatarOnAvatar" absolute top--3px inset-is--0.8 z--1 w-25px h-25px rounded-full>
<AccountAvatar :account="rebloggedBy" />
<div v-else-if="collapseRebloggedBy" absolute inset-is--0.8 w-5.5 h-5.5 rounded-full bg-base>
<div i-ri:repeat-fill me-1 text-primary text-sm />
<AccountHoverWrapper :account="status.account">
<NuxtLink :to="getAccountRoute(status.account)" rounded-full>
<AccountBigAvatar :account="status.account" :class="showRebloggedByAvatarOnAvatar ? 'mt-11px ' : 'mt-3px'" />
<div v-if="connectReply" w-full h-full flex justify-center>
<div h-full class="w-2.5px" bg-border />
<div flex="~ col 1" min-w-0>
<div flex items-center space-x-1>
<AccountHoverWrapper :account="status.account">
<StatusAccountDetails :account="status.account" />
<div v-if="!directReply && collapseReplyingTo" flex="~" ps-1 items-center justify-center>
<StatusReplyingTo :collapsed="true" :status="status" :class="faded ? 'text-secondary-light' : ''" />
<div flex-auto />
<div v-if="!isZenMode" text-sm text-secondary flex="~ row nowrap" hover:underline>
<AccountBotIndicator v-if="status.account.bot" me-2 />
<div flex>
<CommonTooltip :content="createdAt">
<a :title="status.createdAt" :href="getStatusRoute(status).href" @click.prevent="go($event)">
<time text-sm ws-nowrap hover:underline :datetime="status.createdAt">
{{ timeago }}
<StatusEditIndicator :status="status" inline />
<StatusActionsMore v-if="actions !== false" :status="status" me--2 />
<StatusContent :status="status" :context="context" mb2 :class="{ mt2: isDM }" />
<StatusActions v-if="(actions !== false && !isZenMode)" :status="status" />
<div v-else-if="isFiltered" gap-2 p-4 :class="{ 'border-t border-base': newer }">
<p text-center text-secondary text-sm>
{{ filterPhrase && `${$t('status.filter_removed_phrase')}: ${filterPhrase}` }}