2023-01-13 22:53:40 +08:00

147 lines
5.3 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { mastodon } from 'masto'
const { account } = defineProps<{
account: mastodon.v1.Account
command?: boolean
const masto = useMasto()
const { t } = useI18n()
const createdAt = $(useFormattedDateTime(() => account.createdAt, {
month: 'long',
day: 'numeric',
year: 'numeric',
const relationship = $(useRelationship(account))
const namedFields = ref<mastodon.v1.AccountField[]>([])
const iconFields = ref<mastodon.v1.AccountField[]>([])
function getFieldIconTitle(fieldName: string) {
return fieldName === 'Joined' ? t('account.joined') : fieldName
function previewHeader() {
id: `${account.acct}:header`,
type: 'image',
previewUrl: account.header,
description: t('account.profile_description', [account.username]),
function previewAvatar() {
id: `${account.acct}:avatar`,
type: 'image',
previewUrl: account.avatar,
description: t('account.avatar_description', [account.username]),
async function toggleNotify() {
// @ts-expect-error: Masto.js only recently added this field. Can be removed when Elk updates Masto.js to 5.4.0 or higher.
relationship!.notifying = !relationship?.notifying
try {
// @ts-expect-error: Masto.js only recently added this field. Can be removed when Elk updates Masto.js to 5.4.0 or higher.
const newRel = await masto.v1.accounts.follow(account.id, { notify: relationship?.notifying })
Object.assign(relationship!, newRel)
catch {
// TODO error handling
// @ts-expect-error: Masto.js only recently added this field. Can be removed when Elk updates Masto.js to 5.4.0 or higher.
relationship!.notifying = !relationship?.notifying
watchEffect(() => {
const named: mastodon.v1.AccountField[] = []
const icons: mastodon.v1.AccountField[] = []
account.fields?.forEach((field) => {
const icon = getAccountFieldIcon(field.name)
if (icon)
name: 'Joined',
value: createdAt,
namedFields.value = named
iconFields.value = icons
const isSelf = $computed(() => currentUser.value?.account.id === account.id)
// @ts-expect-error: Masto.js only recently added this field. Can be removed when Elk updates Masto.js to 5.4.0 or higher.
const isAlertedOnPost = $computed(() => relationship?.notifying)
<div flex flex-col>
<button border="b base" z-1>
<img h-50 height="200" w-full object-cover :src="account.header" :alt="t('account.profile_description', [account.username])" @click="previewHeader">
<div p4 mt--18 flex flex-col gap-4>
<div relative>
<div flex="~ col gap-2 1">
<button :class="{ 'rounded-full': !isSelf, 'squircle': isSelf }" w-30 h-30 p1 bg-base border-bg-base z-2 @click="previewAvatar">
<AccountAvatar :square="isSelf" :account="account" hover:opacity-90 transition-opacity />
<div flex="~ col gap1">
<div flex justify-between>
<AccountDisplayName :account="account" font-bold sm:text-2xl text-xl />
<AccountBotIndicator v-if="account.bot" show-label />
<AccountHandle :account="account" />
<div absolute top-18 inset-ie-0 flex gap-2 items-center>
<AccountMoreButton :account="account" :command="command" />
<AccountFollowButton :account="account" :command="command" />
<!-- Edit profile -->
gap-1 items-center border="1" rounded-full flex="~ gap2 center" font-500 min-w-30 h-fit px3 py1
hover="border-primary text-primary bg-active"
{{ $t('settings.profile.appearance.title') }}
<button v-if="!isSelf && relationship?.following" flex gap-1 items-center w-full rounded op75 hover="op100 text-purple" group @click="toggleNotify()">
<div rounded p2 group-hover="bg-rose/10">
<div v-if="isAlertedOnPost" i-ri:bell-fill />
<div v-else i-ri-bell-line />
<div v-if="account.note" max-h-100 overflow-y-auto>
<ContentRich text-4 text-base :content="account.note" :emojis="account.emojis" />
<div v-if="namedFields.length" flex="~ col wrap gap1">
<div v-for="field in namedFields" :key="field.name" flex="~ gap-1" items-center>
<div text-secondary uppercase text-xs font-bold>
{{ field.name }} |
<ContentRich :content="field.value" :emojis="account.emojis" />
<div v-if="iconFields.length" flex="~ wrap gap-4">
<div v-for="field in iconFields" :key="field.name" flex="~ gap-1" items-center>
<CommonTooltip :content="getFieldIconTitle(field.name)">
<div text-secondary :class="getAccountFieldIcon(field.name)" :title="getFieldIconTitle(field.name)" />
<ContentRich text-sm filter-saturate-0 :content="field.value" :emojis="account.emojis" />
<AccountPostsFollowers :account="account" />