
424 lines
14 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Attachment, CreateStatusParams, Status, StatusVisibility } from 'masto'
import { fileOpen } from 'browser-fs-access'
import { useDropZone } from '@vueuse/core'
import { EditorContent } from '@tiptap/vue-3'
import ISO6391 from 'iso-639-1'
import Fuse from 'fuse.js'
import type { Draft } from '~/types'
type FileUploadError = [filename: string, message: string]
const {
initial = getDefaultDraft() as never /* Bug of vue-core */,
expanded: _expanded = false,
} = defineProps<{
draftKey: string
initial?: () => Draft
placeholder?: string
inReplyToId?: string
inReplyToVisibility?: StatusVisibility
expanded?: boolean
dialogLabelledBy?: string
const emit = defineEmits<{
(evt: 'published', status: Status): void
const { t } = useI18n()
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
let { draft, isEmpty } = $(useDraft(draftKey, initial))
let isSending = $ref(false)
let isExpanded = $ref(false)
const shouldExpanded = $computed(() => _expanded || isExpanded || !isEmpty)
const { editor } = useTiptap({
content: computed({
get: () => draft.params.status,
set: newVal => draft.params.status = newVal,
placeholder: computed(() => placeholder ?? draft.params.inReplyToId ? t('placeholder.replying') : t('placeholder.default_1')),
autofocus: shouldExpanded,
onSubmit: publish,
onFocus() {
if (!isExpanded && draft.initialText) {
editor.value?.chain().insertContent(`${draft.initialText} `).focus('end').run()
draft.initialText = ''
isExpanded = true
onPaste: handlePaste,
const currentVisibility = $computed(() => {
return STATUS_VISIBILITIES.find(v => v.value === draft.params.visibility) || STATUS_VISIBILITIES[0]
let isUploading = $ref<boolean>(false)
let isExceedingAttachmentLimit = $ref<boolean>(false)
let failed = $ref<FileUploadError[]>([])
async function handlePaste(evt: ClipboardEvent) {
const files = evt.clipboardData?.files
if (!files || files.length === 0)
await uploadAttachments(Array.from(files))
function insertEmoji(name: string) {
function insertCustomEmoji(image: any) {
async function pickAttachments() {
const mimeTypes = currentInstance.value!.configuration.mediaAttachments.supportedMimeTypes
const files = await fileOpen({
description: 'Attachments',
multiple: true,
await uploadAttachments(files)
async function toggleSensitive() {
draft.params.sensitive = !draft.params.sensitive
const masto = useMasto()
async function uploadAttachments(files: File[]) {
isUploading = true
failed = []
// TODO: display some kind of message if too many media are selected
const limit = currentInstance.value!.configuration.statuses.maxMediaAttachments || 4
for (const file of files.slice(0, limit)) {
if (draft.attachments.length < limit) {
isExceedingAttachmentLimit = false
try {
const attachment = await masto.mediaAttachments.create({
catch (e) {
// TODO: add some human-readable error message, problem is that masto api will not return response code
failed = [...failed, [file.name, (e as Error).message]]
else {
isExceedingAttachmentLimit = true
failed = [...failed, [file.name, t('state.attachments_limit_error')]]
isUploading = false
async function setDescription(att: Attachment, description: string) {
att.description = description
await masto.mediaAttachments.update(att.id, { description: att.description })
function removeAttachment(index: number) {
draft.attachments.splice(index, 1)
function chooseVisibility(visibility: StatusVisibility) {
draft.params.visibility = visibility
function chooseLanguage(language: string | null) {
draft.params.language = language
async function publish() {
const payload = {
status: htmlToText(draft.params.status || ''),
mediaIds: draft.attachments.map(a => a.id),
} as CreateStatusParams
if (process.dev) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
raw: draft.params.status,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
const result = confirm('[DEV] Payload logged to console, do you want to publish it?')
if (!result)
try {
isSending = true
let status: Status
if (!draft.editingStatus)
status = await masto.statuses.create(payload)
status = await masto.statuses.update(draft.editingStatus.id, payload)
draft = initial()
emit('published', status)
finally {
isSending = false
const dropZoneRef = ref<HTMLDivElement>()
async function onDrop(files: File[] | null) {
if (files)
await uploadAttachments(files)
const { isOverDropZone } = useDropZone(dropZoneRef, onDrop)
const languageKeyword = $ref('')
const languageList: {
code: string | null
nativeName: string
name?: string
}[] = [{
code: null,
nativeName: 'None',
}, ...ISO6391.getAllCodes().map(code => ({
nativeName: ISO6391.getNativeName(code),
name: ISO6391.getName(code),
const fuse = new Fuse(languageList, {
keys: ['code', 'nativeName', 'name'],
shouldSort: true,
const languages = $computed(() =>
? fuse.search(languageKeyword).map(r => r.item)
: languageList,
focusEditor: () => {
<div v-if="isMastoInitialised && currentUser" flex="~ col gap-4" py3 px2 sm:px4>
<template v-if="draft.editingStatus">
<div flex="~ col gap-1">
<div id="state-editing" text-secondary self-center>
{{ $t('state.editing') }}
<StatusCard :status="draft.editingStatus" :actions="false" :hover="false" px-0 />
<div border="b dashed gray/40" />
<div flex gap-3 flex-1>
<NuxtLink :to="getAccountRoute(currentUser.account)">
<AccountBigAvatar :account="currentUser.account" />
<!-- This `w-0` style is used to avoid overflow problems in flex layoutsso don't remove it unless you know what you're doing -->
flex w-0 flex-col gap-3 flex-1
border="2 dashed transparent"
:class="[isSending ? 'pointer-events-none' : '', isOverDropZone ? '!border-primary' : '']"
<div v-if="draft.params.sensitive">
p2 border-rounded w-full bg-transparent
outline-none border="~ base"
<div relative flex-1 flex flex-col>
flex max-w-full
:class="shouldExpanded ? 'min-h-30 md:max-h-[calc(100vh-200px)] sm:max-h-[calc(100vh-400px)] max-h-35 of-y-auto overscroll-contain' : ''"
<div v-if="isUploading" flex gap-1 items-center text-sm p1 text-primary>
<div i-ri:loader-2-fill animate-spin />
{{ $t('state.uploading') }}
v-else-if="failed.length > 0"
:aria-describedby="isExceedingAttachmentLimit ? 'upload-failed uploads-per-post' : 'upload-failed'"
flex="~ col"
gap-1 text-sm
pt-1 ps-2 pe-1 pb-2
text-red-600 dark:text-red-400
border="~ base rounded red-600 dark:red-400"
<head id="upload-failed" flex justify-between>
<div flex items-center gap-x-2 font-bold>
<div aria-hidden="true" i-ri:error-warning-fill />
<p>{{ $t('state.upload_failed') }}</p>
<CommonTooltip placement="bottom" :content="$t('action.clear_upload_failed')">
flex rounded-4 p1
hover:bg-active cursor-pointer transition-100
@click="failed = []"
<span aria-hidden="true" w-1.75em h-1.75em i-ri:close-line />
<div v-if="isExceedingAttachmentLimit" id="uploads-per-post" ps-2 sm:ps-1 text-small>
{{ $t('state.attachments_exceed_server_limit') }}
<ol ps-2 sm:ps-1>
<li v-for="error in failed" :key="error[0]" flex="~ col sm:row" gap-y-1 sm:gap-x-2>
<strong>{{ error[1] }}:</strong>
<span>{{ error[0] }}</span>
<div v-if="draft.attachments.length" flex="~ col gap-2" overflow-auto>
v-for="(att, idx) in draft.attachments" :key="att.id"
:dialog-labelled-by="dialogLabelledBy ?? (draft.editingStatus ? 'state-editing' : null)"
@set-description="setDescription(att, $event)"
<div flex gap-4>
<div w-12 h-full sm:block hidden />
v-if="shouldExpanded" flex="~ gap-1 1 wrap" m="s--1" pt-2 justify="between" max-w-full
border="t base"
<CommonTooltip placement="bottom" :content="$t('tooltip.add_media')">
<button btn-action-icon :aria-label="$t('tooltip.add_media')" @click="pickAttachments">
<div i-ri:image-add-line />
<template v-if="editor">
<CommonTooltip placement="bottom" :content="$t('tooltip.toggle_code_block')">
:class="editor.isActive('codeBlock') ? 'text-primary' : ''"
<div i-ri:code-s-slash-line />
<div flex-auto />
<div dir="ltr" pointer-events-none pe-1 pt-2 text-sm tabular-nums text-secondary flex gap-0.5>
{{ editor?.storage.characterCount.characters() }}<span text-secondary-light>/</span><span text-secondary-light>{{ characterLimit }}</span>
<CommonTooltip placement="bottom" :content="$t('tooltip.add_content_warning')">
<button btn-action-icon :aria-label="$t('tooltip.add_content_warning')" @click="toggleSensitive">
<div v-if="draft.params.sensitive" i-ri:alarm-warning-fill text-orange />
<div v-else i-ri:alarm-warning-line />
<CommonTooltip placement="top" :content="$t('tooltip.change_language')">
<CommonDropdown placement="bottom">
<button btn-action-icon :aria-label="$t('tooltip.change_language')" w-12 mr--1>
<div i-ri:translate-2 />
<div i-ri:arrow-down-s-line text-sm text-secondary me--1 />
<template #popper>
<div min-w-80 p3>
p2 mb2 border-rounded w-full bg-transparent
outline-none border="~ base"
<div max-h-40vh overflow-auto>
v-for="{ code, nativeName, name } in languages"
:checked="code === (draft.params.language || null)"
{{ nativeName }}
<template #description>
<template v-if="name">
{{ name }}
<CommonTooltip placement="bottom" :content="draft.editingStatus ? $t(`visibility.${currentVisibility.value}`) : $t('tooltip.change_content_visibility')">
<button :disabled="!!draft.editingStatus" :aria-label="$t('tooltip.change_content_visibility')" btn-action-icon :class="{ 'w-12': !draft.editingStatus }">
<div :class="currentVisibility.icon" />
<div v-if="!draft.editingStatus" i-ri:arrow-down-s-line text-sm text-secondary me--1 />
<template #popper>
v-for="visibility in STATUS_VISIBILITIES"
:checked="visibility.value === draft.params.visibility"
{{ $t(`visibility.${visibility.value}`) }}
<template #description>
{{ $t(`visibility.${visibility.value}_desc`) }}
btn-solid rounded-full text-sm w-full md:w-fit
:disabled="isEmpty || isUploading || (draft.attachments.length === 0 && !draft.params.status)"
{{ !draft.editingStatus ? $t('action.publish') : $t('action.save_changes') }}