mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 04:52:33 +03:00
167 lines
5.2 KiB
167 lines
5.2 KiB
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { mastodon } from 'masto'
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
attachment: mastodon.v1.MediaAttachment
alt?: string
removable?: boolean
dialogLabelledBy?: string
}>(), {
removable: true,
const emit = defineEmits<{
(evt: 'remove'): void
(evt: 'setDescription', description: string): void
// from https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/dfa984/app/models/media_attachment.rb#L40
const maxDescriptionLength = 1500
const isEditDialogOpen = ref(false)
const description = ref(props.attachment.description ?? '')
const generationInProgress = ref(false)
const userSettings = useUserSettings()
async function generateAltText() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
const url = props.attachment.url
if (!url)
if (generationInProgress.value)
const experimentalAltTextGeneration = getPreferences(userSettings.value, 'experimentalAltTextGeneration')
if (!experimentalAltTextGeneration) {
// TODO @Shinigami92 2024-05-28: Use a fancy dialog instead of the browser's alert
// eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
const allow = confirm('This will download a model with ~250MiB. Do you want to continue? This is an experimental feature and might fail in several scenarios.')
if (!allow)
generationInProgress.value = true
try {
const { pipeline, RawImage } = await import('@xenova/transformers')
const pipe = await pipeline('image-to-text', 'Xenova/vit-gpt2-image-captioning')
const imageElement = new Image()
// See https://www.hacksoft.io/blog/handle-images-cors-error-in-chrome for why using `?request-with-cors`
imageElement.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'
imageElement.src = `${url}?request-with-cors`
const dataUrl = new Promise<string>((resolve) => {
imageElement.onload = () => {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
canvas.width = imageElement.width
canvas.height = imageElement.height
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')!
ctx.drawImage(imageElement, 0, 0)
// TODO @Shinigami92 2024-05-28: Fix "Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not be exported."
const dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL(`image/${url.split('.').pop()!}`)
const img = await RawImage.fromURL(await dataUrl)
const out = await pipe(img)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
const firstOut = out?.[0]
if (!firstOut || Array.isArray(firstOut))
description.value = firstOut.generated_text
catch (error) {
// TODO @Shinigami92 2024-05-27: Display error message to the user, so they know that something went wrong
finally {
generationInProgress.value = false
function toggleApply() {
isEditDialogOpen.value = false
emit('setDescription', description.value)
<div relative group>
<StatusAttachment :attachment="attachment" w-full is-preview />
<div absolute right-2 top-2>
class="bg-black/75 hover:bg-red/75"
text-white px2 py2 rounded-full cursor-pointer
<div i-ri:close-line text-3 text-6 md:text-3 />
<div absolute right-2 bottom-2>
<button class="bg-black/75" text-white px2 py1 rounded-2 @click="isEditDialogOpen = true">
{{ $t('action.edit') }}
px-6 max-w-300
<div flex flex-col-reverse gap-5 md:flex-row>
<div flex flex-col gap-2 justify-between>
<h1 id="edit-attachment" font-bold>
{{ $t('attachment.edit_title') }}
<div flex flex-col gap-2>
<textarea v-model="description" p-3 h-50 bg-base rounded-2 border-strong border-1 md:w-100 />
<div flex flex-row-reverse>
<PublishCharacterCounter :length="description.length" :max="maxDescriptionLength" />
<!-- TODO @Shinigami92 2024-05-27: Style the button in the upper right corner of the textarea -->
<button type="button" btn-outline flex="~ gap2 center" :disabled="generationInProgress" @click="generateAltText">
<span block i-ri:sparkling-2-line />
{{ $t('action.generate-alt-text') }}
<span v-if="generationInProgress" aria-hidden="true" block animate-spin preserve-3d>
<span block i-ri:loader-2-fill aria-hidden="true" />
<button btn-outline :disabled="description.length > maxDescriptionLength" @click="toggleApply">
{{ $t('action.apply') }}
<button btn-outline @click="isEditDialogOpen = false">
{{ $t('action.close') }}
<StatusAttachment :attachment="attachment" w-full is-preview />