<script setup lang="ts"> import type { mastodon } from 'masto' import type { ConfirmDialogChoice } from '~/types' import { isCommandPanelOpen, isConfirmDialogOpen, isEditHistoryDialogOpen, isFavouritedBoostedByDialogOpen, isMediaPreviewOpen, isPreviewHelpOpen, isPublishDialogOpen, isSigninDialogOpen, } from '~/composables/dialog' const isMac = useIsMac() // TODO: temporary, await for keybind system // open search panel // listen to ctrl+k on windows/linux or cmd+k on mac // open command panel // listen to ctrl+/ on windows/linux or cmd+/ on mac // or shift+ctrl+k on windows/linux or shift+cmd+k on mac useEventListener('keydown', (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if ((e.key === 'k' || e.key === 'л') && (isMac.value ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey)) { e.preventDefault() openCommandPanel(e.shiftKey) } if ((e.key === '/' || e.key === ',') && (isMac.value ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey)) { e.preventDefault() openCommandPanel(true) } }) const handlePublished = (status: mastodon.v1.Status) => { lastPublishDialogStatus.value = status isPublishDialogOpen.value = false } const handlePublishClose = () => { lastPublishDialogStatus.value = null } const handleConfirmChoice = (choice: ConfirmDialogChoice) => { confirmDialogChoice.value = choice isConfirmDialogOpen.value = false } const handleFavouritedBoostedByClose = () => { isFavouritedBoostedByDialogOpen.value = false } </script> <template> <template v-if="isHydrated"> <ModalDialog v-model="isSigninDialogOpen" py-4 px-8 max-w-125> <UserSignIn /> </ModalDialog> <ModalDialog v-model="isPreviewHelpOpen" keep-alive max-w-125> <HelpPreview @close="closePreviewHelp()" /> </ModalDialog> <ModalDialog v-model="isPublishDialogOpen" max-w-180 flex @close="handlePublishClose" > <!-- This `w-0` style is used to avoid overflow problems in flex layouts,so don't remove it unless you know what you're doing --> <PublishWidget v-if="dialogDraftKey" :draft-key="dialogDraftKey" expanded flex-1 w-0 @published="handlePublished" /> </ModalDialog> <ModalDialog :model-value="isMediaPreviewOpen" w-full max-w-full h-full max-h-full bg-transparent border-0 shadow-none @update:model-value="closeMediaPreview" > <ModalMediaPreview v-if="isMediaPreviewOpen" @close="closeMediaPreview()" /> </ModalDialog> <ModalDialog v-model="isEditHistoryDialogOpen" max-w-125> <StatusEditPreview v-if="statusEdit" :edit="statusEdit" /> </ModalDialog> <ModalDialog v-model="isCommandPanelOpen" max-w-fit flex> <CommandPanel @close="closeCommandPanel()" /> </ModalDialog> <ModalDialog v-model="isConfirmDialogOpen" py-4 px-8 max-w-125> <ModalConfirm v-if="confirmDialogLabel" v-bind="confirmDialogLabel" @choice="handleConfirmChoice" /> </ModalDialog> <ModalDialog v-model="isFavouritedBoostedByDialogOpen" max-w-180 @close="handleFavouritedBoostedByClose" > <StatusFavouritedBoostedBy /> </ModalDialog> </template> </template>