<script setup lang="ts"> import type { mastodon } from 'masto' const props = defineProps<{ card: mastodon.v1.PreviewCard /** For the preview image, only the small image mode is displayed */ smallPictureOnly?: boolean /** When it is root card in the list, not appear as a child card */ root?: boolean }>() interface Meta { code?: string file?: string lines?: string project?: string } // Protect against long code snippets const maxLines = 20 const meta = $computed(() => { const { description } = props.card const meta = description.match(/.+\n\nCode Snippet from (.+), lines ([\w-]+)\n\n(.+)/s) const file = meta?.[1] const lines = meta?.[2].replaceAll('N', '') const code = meta?.[3].split('\n').slice(0, maxLines).join('\n') const project = props.card.title?.replace(' - StackBlitz', '') const info = $ref<Meta>({ file, lines, code, project, }) return info }) const vnodeCode = $computed(() => { if (!meta.code) return null const vnode = contentToVNode(`<p>\`\`\`${meta.file?.split('.')?.[1] ?? ''}\n${meta.code}\n\`\`\`\</p>`, { markdown: true, }) return vnode }) </script> <template> <div v-if="meta.code" flex flex-col gap-1 display-block of-hidden w-full rounded-lg overflow-hidden pb-2 > <div whitespace-pre-wrap break-words> <span v-if="vnodeCode" class="content-rich line-compact" dir="auto"> <component :is="vnodeCode" /> </span> </div> <div flex justify-between display-block of-hidden bg-card w-full p-3 pb-4 > <div flex flex-col> <p flex gap-1> <span>{{ $t('custom_cards.stackblitz.snippet_from', [meta.file]) }}</span><span text-secondary>{{ `- ${$t('custom_cards.stackblitz.lines', [meta.lines])}` }}</span> </p> <div flex font-bold gap-2> <span text-primary>{{ meta.project }}</span><span flex text-secondary><span flex items-center><svg h-5 width="22.27" height="32" viewBox="0 0 256 368"><path fill="currentColor" d="M109.586 217.013H0L200.34 0l-53.926 150.233H256L55.645 367.246l53.927-150.233z" /></svg></span><span>StackBlitz</span></span> </div> </div> <NuxtLink external target="_blank" btn-solid pt-0 pb-1 px-2 h-fit :to="card.url"> {{ $t('custom_cards.stackblitz.open') }} </NuxtLink> </div> </div> <StatusPreviewCardNormal v-else :card="card" :small-picture-only="smallPictureOnly" :root="root" /> </template> <style scoped> .content-rich p { margin-top: 0; } .code-block { margin-top: 0; border-radius: 0; } </style>