<script lang="ts" setup> import { fileOpen } from 'browser-fs-access' import type { FileWithHandle } from 'browser-fs-access' const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{ /** The image src before change */ original?: string /** Allowed file types */ allowedFileTypes?: string[] /** Allowed file size */ allowedFileSize?: number imgClass?: string loading?: boolean }>(), { allowedFileTypes: () => ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'], allowedFileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 5, // 5 MB }) const emit = defineEmits<{ (event: 'pick', value: FileWithHandle): void (event: 'error', code: number, message: string): void }>() const { modelValue: file } = defineModel<{ modelValue: FileWithHandle | null }>() const { t } = useI18n() const defaultImage = computed(() => props.original || '') /** Preview of selected images */ const previewImage = ref('') /** The current images on display */ const imageSrc = computed<string>(() => previewImage.value || defaultImage.value) const pickImage = async () => { if (process.server) return const image = await fileOpen({ description: 'Image', mimeTypes: props.allowedFileTypes, }) if (!props.allowedFileTypes.includes(image.type)) { emit('error', 1, t('error.unsupported_file_format')) return } else if (image.size > props.allowedFileSize) { emit('error', 2, t('error.file_size_cannot_exceed_n_mb', [5])) return } file.value = image emit('pick', file.value) } watch(file, (image, _, onCleanup) => { let expired = false onCleanup(() => expired = true) if (!image) { previewImage.value = '' return } const reader = new FileReader() reader.readAsDataURL(image) reader.onload = (evt) => { if (expired) return previewImage.value = evt.target?.result as string } }) </script> <template> <label class="bg-slate-500/10 focus-within:(outline outline-primary)" relative flex justify-center items-center cursor-pointer of-hidden @click="pickImage" > <img v-if="imageSrc" :src="imageSrc" :class="imgClass || ''" object-cover w-full h-full > <span absolute bg="black/50" text-white rounded-full text-xl w12 h12 flex justify-center items-center hover="bg-black/40 text-primary"> <span block i-ri:upload-line /> </span> <span v-if="loading" absolute inset-0 bg="black/30" text-white flex justify-center items-center > <span class="animate-spin animate-duration-[2.5s] preserve-3d"> <span block i-ri:loader-4-line text-4xl /> </span> </span> </label> </template>