<script setup lang="ts"> import type { SearchResult as SearchResultType } from '@/components/search/types' import type { CommandScope, QueryResult, QueryResultItem } from '@/composables/command' const emit = defineEmits<{ (event: 'close'): void }>() const registry = useCommandRegistry() const router = useRouter() const inputEl = $ref<HTMLInputElement>() const resultEl = $ref<HTMLDivElement>() const scopes = $ref<CommandScope[]>([]) let input = $(commandPanelInput) onMounted(() => { inputEl?.focus() }) const commandMode = $computed(() => input.startsWith('>')) const query = $computed(() => commandMode ? '' : input.trim()) const { accounts, hashtags, loading } = useSearch($$(query)) const toSearchQueryResultItem = (search: SearchResultType): QueryResultItem => ({ index: 0, type: 'search', search, onActivate: () => router.push(search.to), }) const searchResult = $computed<QueryResult>(() => { if (query.length === 0 || loading.value) return { length: 0, items: [], grouped: {} as any } const hashtagList = hashtags.value.slice(0, 3) .map<SearchResultType>(hashtag => ({ type: 'hashtag', hashtag, to: `/tags/${hashtag.name}` })) .map(toSearchQueryResultItem) const accountList = accounts.value .map<SearchResultType>(account => ({ type: 'account', account, to: `/@${account.acct}` })) .map(toSearchQueryResultItem) const grouped: QueryResult['grouped'] = new Map() grouped.set('Hashtags', hashtagList) grouped.set('Users', accountList) let index = 0 for (const items of grouped.values()) { for (const item of items) item.index = index++ } return { grouped, items: [...hashtagList, ...accountList], length: hashtagList.length + accountList.length, } }) const result = $computed<QueryResult>(() => commandMode ? registry.query(scopes.map(s => s.id).join('.'), input.slice(1)) : searchResult, ) let active = $ref(0) watch($$(result), (n, o) => { if (n.length !== o.length || !n.items.every((i, idx) => i === o.items[idx])) active = 0 }) const findItemEl = (index: number) => resultEl?.querySelector(`[data-index="${index}"]`) as HTMLDivElement | null const onCommandActivate = (item: QueryResultItem) => { if (item.onActivate) { item.onActivate() emit('close') } else if (item.onComplete) { scopes.push(item.onComplete()) input = '>' } } const onCommandComplete = (item: QueryResultItem) => { if (item.onComplete) { scopes.push(item.onComplete()) input = '>' } else if (item.onActivate) { item.onActivate() emit('close') } } const intoView = (index: number) => { const el = findItemEl(index) if (el) el.scrollIntoView({ block: 'nearest' }) } function setActive(index: number) { const len = result.length active = (index + len) % len intoView(active) } const onKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { switch (e.key) { case 'p': case 'ArrowUp': { if (e.key === 'p' && !e.ctrlKey) break e.preventDefault() setActive(active - 1) break } case 'n': case 'ArrowDown': { if (e.key === 'n' && !e.ctrlKey) break e.preventDefault() setActive(active + 1) break } case 'Home': { e.preventDefault() active = 0 intoView(active) break } case 'End': { e.preventDefault() setActive(result.length - 1) break } case 'Enter': { e.preventDefault() const cmd = result.items[active] if (cmd) onCommandActivate(cmd) break } case 'Tab': { e.preventDefault() const cmd = result.items[active] if (cmd) onCommandComplete(cmd) break } case 'Backspace': { if (input === '>' && scopes.length) { e.preventDefault() scopes.pop() } break } } } </script> <template> <div class="flex flex-col w-50vw max-w-180 h-50vh max-h-120"> <!-- Input --> <label class="flex mx-3 my-1 items-center"> <div mx-1 i-ri:search-line /> <div v-for="scope in scopes" :key="scope.id" class="flex items-center mx-1 gap-2"> <div class="text-sm">{{ scope.display }}</div> <span class="text-secondary">/</span> </div> <input ref="inputEl" v-model="input" class="focus:outline-none flex-1 p-2 rounded bg-base" placeholder="Search" @keydown="onKeyDown" > <CommandKey name="Escape" /> </label> <div class="w-full border-b-1 border-base" /> <!-- Results --> <div ref="resultEl" class="flex-1 mx-1 overflow-y-auto"> <template v-if="loading"> <SearchResultSkeleton /> <SearchResultSkeleton /> <SearchResultSkeleton /> </template> <template v-else-if="result.length"> <template v-for="[scope, group] in result.grouped" :key="scope"> <div class="mt-2 px-2 py-1 text-sm text-secondary"> {{ scope }} </div> <template v-for="item in group" :key="item.index"> <SearchResult v-if="item.type === 'search'" :active="active === item.index" :result="item.search" /> <CommandItem v-else :index="item.index" :cmd="item.cmd" :active="active === item.index" @activate="onCommandActivate(item)" /> </template> </template> </template> <div v-else p5 text-center text-secondary italic> {{ input.length ? $t('common.not_found') : $t('search.search_desc') }} </div> </div> <div class="w-full border-b-1 border-base" /> <!-- Footer --> <div class="flex items-center px-3 py-1 text-xs"> <div i-ri:lightbulb-flash-line /> Tip: Use <!-- <CommandKey name="Ctrl+K" /> to search, --> <CommandKey name="Ctrl+/" /> to activate command mode. </div> </div> </template>