import type { ComponentInternalInstance } from 'vue' import { onActivated, onDeactivated, ref } from 'vue' import type { ActiveHeadEntry, HeadEntryOptions, UseHeadInput } from '@unhead/vue' import type { SchemaAugmentations } from '@unhead/schema' export const isHydrated = ref(false) export function onHydrated(cb: () => unknown) { watchOnce(isHydrated, () => cb(), { immediate: isHydrated.value }) } /** * ### Whether the current component is running in the background * * for handling problems caused by the keepalive function */ export function useDeactivated() { const deactivated = ref(false) onActivated(() => deactivated.value = false) onDeactivated(() => deactivated.value = true) return deactivated } /** * ### When the component is restored from the background * * for handling problems caused by the keepalive function */ export function onReactivated(hook: Function, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null): void { const initial = ref(true) onActivated(() => { if (initial.value) return hook() }, target) onDeactivated(() => initial.value = false) } export function useHydratedHead<T extends SchemaAugmentations>(input: UseHeadInput<T>, options?: HeadEntryOptions): ActiveHeadEntry<UseHeadInput<T>> | void { if (input && typeof input === 'object' && !('value' in input)) { const title = 'title' in input ? input.title : undefined if (process.server && title) { input.meta = input.meta || [] if (Array.isArray(input.meta)) { input.meta.push( { property: 'og:title', content: (typeof input.title === 'function' ? input.title() : input.title) as string }, ) } } else if (title) { (input as any).title = () => isHydrated.value ? typeof title === 'function' ? title() : title : '' } } return useHead((() => { if (!isHydrated.value) return {} return resolveUnref(input) }) as UseHeadInput<T>, options) }