FROM AS base # Prepare work directory WORKDIR /elk FROM base AS builder # Prepare pnpm # workaround for npm registry key change # ref. `pnpm@10.1.0` / `pnpm@9.15.4` cannot be installed due to key id mismatch · Issue #612 · nodejs/corepack # - RUN npm i -g corepack@latest && corepack enable # Prepare deps RUN apk update RUN apk add git --no-cache # Prepare build deps ( ignore postinstall scripts for now ) COPY package.json ./ COPY .npmrc ./ COPY pnpm-lock.yaml ./ COPY patches ./patches RUN pnpm i --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts # Copy all source files COPY . ./ # Run full install with every postinstall script ( This needs project file ) RUN pnpm i --frozen-lockfile # Build RUN pnpm build FROM base AS runner ARG UID=911 ARG GID=911 # Create a dedicated user and group RUN set -eux; \ addgroup -g $GID elk; \ adduser -u $UID -D -G elk elk; USER elk ENV NODE_ENV=production COPY --from=builder /elk/.output ./.output EXPOSE 5314/tcp ENV PORT=5314 # Specify container only environment variables ( can be overwritten by runtime env ) ENV NUXT_STORAGE_FS_BASE='/elk/data' # Persistent storage data VOLUME [ "/elk/data" ] CMD ["node", ".output/server/index.mjs"]