2024-09-23 12:53:10 +02:00
import { useAsyncIDBKeyval } from '~/composables/idb'
import { STORAGE_KEY_USERS } from '~/constants'
2024-09-30 17:11:56 +09:00
import type { UserLogin } from '~/types'
2024-09-23 12:53:10 +02:00
const mock = process.mock
export default defineNuxtPlugin({
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enforce: 'pre',
2024-09-23 12:53:10 +02:00
parallel: import.meta.server,
async setup() {
const users = useUsers()
let defaultUsers = mock ? [mock.user] : []
// Backward compatibility with localStorage
let removeUsersOnLocalStorage = false
if (globalThis?.localStorage) {
const usersOnLocalStorageString = globalThis.localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY_USERS)
if (usersOnLocalStorageString) {
defaultUsers = JSON.parse(usersOnLocalStorageString)
removeUsersOnLocalStorage = true
if (import.meta.server) {
users.value = defaultUsers
if (removeUsersOnLocalStorage)
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let callback = noop
// when multiple tabs: we need to reload window when sign in, switch account or sign out
if (import.meta.client) {
// prevent reloading on the first visit
const initialLoad = ref(true)
callback = () => (initialLoad.value = false)
const { readIDB } = await useAsyncIDBKeyval<UserLogin[]>(STORAGE_KEY_USERS, defaultUsers, users)
function reload() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0)
() => [currentUserHandle.value, users.value.length] as const,
async ([handle, currentUsers], old) => {
if (initialLoad.value) {
const oldHandle = old?.[0]
// read database users: it is not reactive
const dbUsers = await readIDB()
const numberOfUsers = dbUsers?.length || 0
// sign in or sign out
if (currentUsers !== numberOfUsers) {
let sameAcct: boolean
// 1. detect account switching
if (oldHandle) {
sameAcct = handle === oldHandle
else {
const acct = currentUser.value?.account?.acct
// 2. detect sign-in?
sameAcct = !acct || acct === handle
if (!sameAcct) {
{ debounce: 450, flush: 'post', immediate: true },
const { params, query } = useRoute()
publicServer.value = params.server as string || useRuntimeConfig().public.defaultServer
const masto = createMasto()
const user = (typeof query.server === 'string' && typeof query.token === 'string')
? {
server: query.server,
token: query.token,
vapidKey: typeof query.vapid_key === 'string' ? query.vapid_key : undefined,
: (currentUser.value || { server: publicServer.value })
if (import.meta.client) {
loginTo(masto, user).finally(callback)
return {
provide: {
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