2023-05-16 14:25:43 +01:00

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Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* Sliding Sync Architecture - MSC https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/3575
* This is a holistic summary of the changes made to Element-Web / React SDK / JS SDK to enable sliding sync.
* This summary will hopefully signpost where developers need to look if they want to make changes to this code.
* At the lowest level, the JS SDK contains an HTTP API wrapper function in client.ts. This is used by
* a SlidingSync class in JS SDK, which contains code to handle list operations (INSERT/DELETE/SYNC/etc)
* and contains the main request API bodies, but has no code to control updating JS SDK structures: it just
* exposes an EventEmitter to listen for updates. When MatrixClient.startClient is called, callers need to
* provide a SlidingSync instance as this contains the main request API params (timeline limit, required state,
* how many lists, etc).
* The SlidingSyncSdk INTERNAL class in JS SDK attaches listeners to SlidingSync to update JS SDK Room objects,
* and it conveniently exposes an identical public API to SyncApi (to allow it to be a drop-in replacement).
* At the highest level, SlidingSyncManager contains mechanisms to tell UI lists which rooms to show,
* and contains the core request API params used in Element-Web. It does this by listening for events
* emitted by the SlidingSync class and by modifying the request API params on the SlidingSync class.
* (entry point) (updates JS SDK)
* SlidingSyncManager SlidingSyncSdk
* | |
* +------------------.------------------+
* listens | listens
* SlidingSync
* (sync loop,
* list ops)
import { MatrixClient } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { EventType } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/@types/event";
import {
} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/sliding-sync";
import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger";
import { IDeferred, defer, sleep } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/utils";
// how long to long poll for
const SLIDING_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MS = 20 * 1000;
// the things to fetch when a user clicks on a room
timeline_limit: 50,
// missing required_state which will change depending on the kind of room
include_old_rooms: {
timeline_limit: 0,
required_state: [
// state needed to handle space navigation and tombstone chains
[EventType.RoomCreate, ""],
[EventType.RoomTombstone, ""],
[EventType.SpaceChild, MSC3575_WILDCARD],
[EventType.SpaceParent, MSC3575_WILDCARD],
[EventType.RoomMember, MSC3575_STATE_KEY_ME],
// lazy load room members so rooms like Matrix HQ don't take forever to load
required_state: [
[MSC3575_WILDCARD, MSC3575_WILDCARD], // all events
[EventType.RoomMember, MSC3575_STATE_KEY_ME], // except for m.room.members, get our own membership
[EventType.RoomMember, MSC3575_STATE_KEY_LAZY], // ...and lazy load the rest.
// we need all the room members in encrypted rooms because we need to know which users to encrypt
// messages for.
const ENCRYPTED_SUBSCRIPTION = Object.assign(
required_state: [
[MSC3575_WILDCARD, MSC3575_WILDCARD], // all events
export type PartialSlidingSyncRequest = {
filters?: MSC3575Filter;
sort?: string[];
ranges?: [startIndex: number, endIndex: number][];
* This class manages the entirety of sliding sync at a high UI/UX level. It controls the placement
* of placeholders in lists, controls updating sliding window ranges, and controls which events
* are pulled down when. The intention behind this manager is be the single place to look for sliding
* sync options and code.
export class SlidingSyncManager {
public static readonly ListSpaces = "space_list";
public static readonly ListSearch = "search_list";
private static readonly internalInstance = new SlidingSyncManager();
public slidingSync: SlidingSync;
private client?: MatrixClient;
private configureDefer: IDeferred<void>;
public constructor() {
this.configureDefer = defer<void>();
public static get instance(): SlidingSyncManager {
return SlidingSyncManager.internalInstance;
public configure(client: MatrixClient, proxyUrl: string): SlidingSync {
this.client = client;
// by default use the encrypted subscription as that gets everything, which is a safer
// default than potentially missing member events.
this.slidingSync = new SlidingSync(
new Map(),
// set the space list
this.slidingSync.setList(SlidingSyncManager.ListSpaces, {
ranges: [[0, 20]],
sort: ["by_name"],
slow_get_all_rooms: true,
timeline_limit: 0,
required_state: [
[EventType.RoomJoinRules, ""], // the public icon on the room list
[EventType.RoomAvatar, ""], // any room avatar
[EventType.RoomTombstone, ""], // lets JS SDK hide rooms which are dead
[EventType.RoomEncryption, ""], // lets rooms be configured for E2EE correctly
[EventType.RoomCreate, ""], // for isSpaceRoom checks
[EventType.SpaceChild, MSC3575_WILDCARD], // all space children
[EventType.SpaceParent, MSC3575_WILDCARD], // all space parents
[EventType.RoomMember, MSC3575_STATE_KEY_ME], // lets the client calculate that we are in fact in the room
include_old_rooms: {
timeline_limit: 0,
required_state: [
[EventType.RoomCreate, ""],
[EventType.RoomTombstone, ""], // lets JS SDK hide rooms which are dead
[EventType.SpaceChild, MSC3575_WILDCARD], // all space children
[EventType.SpaceParent, MSC3575_WILDCARD], // all space parents
[EventType.RoomMember, MSC3575_STATE_KEY_ME], // lets the client calculate that we are in fact in the room
filters: {
room_types: ["m.space"],
return this.slidingSync;
* Ensure that this list is registered.
* @param listKey The list key to register
* @param updateArgs The fields to update on the list.
* @returns The complete list request params
public async ensureListRegistered(listKey: string, updateArgs: PartialSlidingSyncRequest): Promise<MSC3575List> {
logger.debug("ensureListRegistered:::", listKey, updateArgs);
await this.configureDefer.promise;
let list = this.slidingSync.getListParams(listKey);
if (!list) {
list = {
ranges: [[0, 20]],
sort: ["by_notification_level", "by_recency"],
timeline_limit: 1, // most recent message display: though this seems to only be needed for favourites?
required_state: [
[EventType.RoomJoinRules, ""], // the public icon on the room list
[EventType.RoomAvatar, ""], // any room avatar
[EventType.RoomTombstone, ""], // lets JS SDK hide rooms which are dead
[EventType.RoomEncryption, ""], // lets rooms be configured for E2EE correctly
[EventType.RoomCreate, ""], // for isSpaceRoom checks
[EventType.RoomMember, MSC3575_STATE_KEY_ME], // lets the client calculate that we are in fact in the room
include_old_rooms: {
timeline_limit: 0,
required_state: [
[EventType.RoomCreate, ""],
[EventType.RoomTombstone, ""], // lets JS SDK hide rooms which are dead
[EventType.SpaceChild, MSC3575_WILDCARD], // all space children
[EventType.SpaceParent, MSC3575_WILDCARD], // all space parents
[EventType.RoomMember, MSC3575_STATE_KEY_ME], // lets the client calculate that we are in fact in the room
list = Object.assign(list, updateArgs);
} else {
const updatedList = Object.assign({}, list, updateArgs);
// cannot use objectHasDiff as we need to do deep diff checking
if (JSON.stringify(list) === JSON.stringify(updatedList)) {
logger.debug("list matches, not sending, update => ", updateArgs);
return list;
list = updatedList;
try {
// if we only have range changes then call a different function so we don't nuke the list from before
if (updateArgs.ranges && Object.keys(updateArgs).length === 1) {
await this.slidingSync.setListRanges(listKey, updateArgs.ranges);
} else {
await this.slidingSync.setList(listKey, list);
} catch (err) {
logger.debug("ensureListRegistered: update failed txn_id=", err);
return this.slidingSync.getListParams(listKey)!;
public async setRoomVisible(roomId: string, visible: boolean): Promise<string> {
await this.configureDefer.promise;
const subscriptions = this.slidingSync.getRoomSubscriptions();
if (visible) {
} else {
const room = this.client?.getRoom(roomId);
let shouldLazyLoad = !this.client?.isRoomEncrypted(roomId);
if (!room) {
// default to safety: request all state if we can't work it out. This can happen if you
// refresh the app whilst viewing a room: we call setRoomVisible before we know anything
// about the room.
shouldLazyLoad = false;
logger.log("SlidingSync setRoomVisible:", roomId, visible, "shouldLazyLoad:", shouldLazyLoad);
if (shouldLazyLoad) {
// lazy load this room
this.slidingSync.useCustomSubscription(roomId, UNENCRYPTED_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME);
const p = this.slidingSync.modifyRoomSubscriptions(subscriptions);
if (room) {
return roomId; // we have data already for this room, show immediately e.g it's in a list
try {
// wait until the next sync before returning as RoomView may need to know the current state
await p;
} catch (err) {
logger.warn("SlidingSync setRoomVisible:", roomId, visible, "failed to confirm transaction");
return roomId;
* Retrieve all rooms on the user's account. Used for pre-populating the local search cache.
* Retrieval is gradual over time.
* @param batchSize The number of rooms to return in each request.
* @param gapBetweenRequestsMs The number of milliseconds to wait between requests.
public async startSpidering(batchSize: number, gapBetweenRequestsMs: number): Promise<void> {
await sleep(gapBetweenRequestsMs); // wait a bit as this is called on first render so let's let things load
let startIndex = batchSize;
let hasMore = true;
let firstTime = true;
while (hasMore) {
const endIndex = startIndex + batchSize - 1;
try {
const ranges = [
[0, batchSize - 1],
[startIndex, endIndex],
if (firstTime) {
await this.slidingSync.setList(SlidingSyncManager.ListSearch, {
// e.g [0,19] [20,39] then [0,19] [40,59]. We keep [0,20] constantly to ensure
// any changes to the list whilst spidering are caught.
ranges: ranges,
sort: [
"by_recency", // this list isn't shown on the UI so just sorting by timestamp is enough
timeline_limit: 0, // we only care about the room details, not messages in the room
required_state: [
[EventType.RoomJoinRules, ""], // the public icon on the room list
[EventType.RoomAvatar, ""], // any room avatar
[EventType.RoomTombstone, ""], // lets JS SDK hide rooms which are dead
[EventType.RoomEncryption, ""], // lets rooms be configured for E2EE correctly
[EventType.RoomCreate, ""], // for isSpaceRoom checks
[EventType.RoomMember, MSC3575_STATE_KEY_ME], // lets the client calculate that we are in fact in the room
// we don't include_old_rooms here in an effort to reduce the impact of spidering all rooms
// on the user's account. This means some data in the search dialog results may be inaccurate
// e.g membership of space, but this will be corrected when the user clicks on the room
// as the direct room subscription does include old room iterations.
filters: {
// we get spaces via a different list, so filter them out
not_room_types: ["m.space"],
} else {
await this.slidingSync.setListRanges(SlidingSyncManager.ListSearch, ranges);
} catch (err) {
// do nothing, as we reject only when we get interrupted but that's fine as the next
// request will include our data
} finally {
// gradually request more over time, even on errors.
await sleep(gapBetweenRequestsMs);
const listData = this.slidingSync.getListData(SlidingSyncManager.ListSearch)!;
hasMore = endIndex + 1 < listData.joinedCount;
startIndex += batchSize;
firstTime = false;