2016-08-11 13:05:16 +01:00

422 lines
14 KiB

"use strict";
var MatrixClientPeg = require("./MatrixClientPeg");
var SignupStages = require("./SignupStages");
var dis = require("./dispatcher");
var q = require("q");
const EMAIL_STAGE_TYPE = "m.login.email.identity";
* A base class for common functionality between Registration and Login e.g.
* storage of HS/IS URLs.
class Signup {
constructor(hsUrl, isUrl) {
this._hsUrl = hsUrl;
this._isUrl = isUrl;
getHomeserverUrl() {
return this._hsUrl;
getIdentityServerUrl() {
return this._isUrl;
setHomeserverUrl(hsUrl) {
this._hsUrl = hsUrl;
setIdentityServerUrl(isUrl) {
this._isUrl = isUrl;
* Registration logic class
class Register extends Signup {
constructor(hsUrl, isUrl) {
super(hsUrl, isUrl);
this.data = null; // from the server
// random other stuff (e.g. query params, NOT params from the server)
this.params = {};
this.credentials = null;
this.activeStage = null;
this.registrationPromise = null;
// These values MUST be undefined else we'll send "username: null" which
// will error on Synapse rather than having the key absent.
this.username = undefined; // desired
this.email = undefined; // desired
this.password = undefined; // desired
setClientSecret(secret) {
this.params.clientSecret = secret;
setSessionId(sessionId) {
this.params.sessionId = sessionId;
setRegistrationUrl(regUrl) {
this.params.registrationUrl = regUrl;
setIdSid(idSid) {
this.params.idSid = idSid;
setGuestAccessToken(token) {
this.guestAccessToken = token;
getStep() {
return this._step;
getCredentials() {
return this.credentials;
getServerData() {
return this.data || {};
getPromise() {
return this.registrationPromise;
setStep(step) {
this._step = 'Register.' + step;
// TODO:
// It's a shame this is going to the global dispatcher, we only really
// want things which have an instance of this class to be able to add
// listeners...
console.log("Dispatching 'registration_step_update' for step %s", this._step);
action: "registration_step_update"
register(formVals) {
var {username, password, email} = formVals;
this.email = email;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
// feels a bit wrong to be clobbering the global client for something we
// don't even know if it'll work, but we'll leave this here for now to
// not complicate matters further. It would be nicer to isolate this
// logic entirely from the rest of the app though.
return this._tryRegister();
_tryRegister(authDict, poll_for_success) {
var self = this;
var bindEmail;
if (this.username && this.password) {
// only need to bind_email when sending u/p - sending it at other
// times clobbers the u/p resulting in M_MISSING_PARAM (password)
bindEmail = true;
return MatrixClientPeg.get().register(
this.username, this.password, this.params.sessionId, authDict, bindEmail,
).then(function(result) {
self.credentials = result;
return result; // contains the credentials
}, function(error) {
if (error.httpStatus === 401) {
if (error.data && error.data.flows) {
// Remember the session ID from the server:
// Either this is our first 401 in which case we need to store the
// session ID for future calls, or it isn't in which case this
// is just a no-op since it ought to be the same (or if it isn't,
// we should use the latest one from the server in any case).
self.params.sessionId = error.data.session;
self.data = error.data || {};
var flow = self.chooseFlow(error.data.flows);
if (flow) {
console.log("Active flow => %s", JSON.stringify(flow));
var flowStage = self.firstUncompletedStage(flow);
if (flowStage != self.activeStage) {
return self.startStage(flowStage).catch(function(err) {
throw err;
if (poll_for_success) {
return q.delay(5000).then(function() {
return self._tryRegister(authDict, poll_for_success);
} else {
throw new Error("Authorisation failed!");
} else {
if (error.errcode === 'M_USER_IN_USE') {
throw new Error("Username in use");
} else if (error.errcode == 'M_INVALID_USERNAME') {
throw new Error("User names may only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores or dots!");
} else if (error.httpStatus >= 400 && error.httpStatus < 500) {
throw new Error(`Registration failed! (${error.httpStatus})`);
} else if (error.httpStatus >= 500 && error.httpStatus < 600) {
throw new Error(
`Server error during registration! (${error.httpStatus})`
} else if (error.name == "M_MISSING_PARAM") {
// The HS hasn't remembered the login params from
// the first try when the login email was sent.
throw new Error(
"This home server does not support resuming registration."
firstUncompletedStage(flow) {
for (var i = 0; i < flow.stages.length; ++i) {
if (!this.hasCompletedStage(flow.stages[i])) {
return flow.stages[i];
hasCompletedStage(stageType) {
var completed = (this.data || {}).completed || [];
return completed.indexOf(stageType) !== -1;
startStage(stageName) {
var self = this;
var StageClass = SignupStages[stageName];
if (!StageClass) {
// no idea how to handle this!
throw new Error("Unknown stage: " + stageName);
var stage = new StageClass(MatrixClientPeg.get(), this);
this.activeStage = stage;
return stage.complete().then(function(request) {
if (request.auth) {
console.log("Stage %s is returning an auth dict", stageName);
return self._tryRegister(request.auth, request.poll_for_success);
else {
// never resolve the promise chain. This is for things like email auth
// which display a "check your email" message and relies on the
// link in the email to actually register you.
console.log("Waiting for external action.");
return q.defer().promise;
chooseFlow(flows) {
// If the user gave us an email then we want to pick an email
// flow we can do, else any other flow.
var emailFlow = null;
var otherFlow = null;
flows.forEach(function(flow) {
var flowHasEmail = false;
for (var stageI = 0; stageI < flow.stages.length; ++stageI) {
var stage = flow.stages[stageI];
if (!SignupStages[stage]) {
// we can't do this flow, don't have a Stage impl.
if (stage === EMAIL_STAGE_TYPE) {
flowHasEmail = true;
if (flowHasEmail) {
emailFlow = flow;
} else {
otherFlow = flow;
if (this.email || this.hasCompletedStage(EMAIL_STAGE_TYPE)) {
// we've been given an email or we've already done an email part
return emailFlow;
} else {
return otherFlow;
recheckState() {
// feels a bit wrong to be clobbering the global client for something we
// don't even know if it'll work, but we'll leave this here for now to
// not complicate matters further. It would be nicer to isolate this
// logic entirely from the rest of the app though.
// We've been given a bunch of data from a previous register step,
// this only happens for email auth currently. It's kinda ming we need
// to know this though. A better solution would be to ask the stages if
// they are ready to do something rather than accepting that we know about
// email auth and its internals.
this.params.hasEmailInfo = (
this.params.clientSecret && this.params.sessionId && this.params.idSid
if (this.params.hasEmailInfo) {
this.registrationPromise = this.startStage(EMAIL_STAGE_TYPE);
return this.registrationPromise;
tellStage(stageName, data) {
if (this.activeStage && this.activeStage.type === stageName) {
console.log("Telling stage %s about something..", stageName);
class Login extends Signup {
constructor(hsUrl, isUrl, fallbackHsUrl) {
super(hsUrl, isUrl);
this._fallbackHsUrl = fallbackHsUrl;
this._currentFlowIndex = 0;
this._flows = [];
getFlows() {
var self = this;
// feels a bit wrong to be clobbering the global client for something we
// don't even know if it'll work, but we'll leave this here for now to
// not complicate matters further. It would be nicer to isolate this
// logic entirely from the rest of the app though.
return MatrixClientPeg.get().loginFlows().then(function(result) {
self._flows = result.flows;
self._currentFlowIndex = 0;
// technically the UI should display options for all flows for the
// user to then choose one, so return all the flows here.
return self._flows;
chooseFlow(flowIndex) {
this._currentFlowIndex = flowIndex;
getCurrentFlowStep() {
// technically the flow can have multiple steps, but no one does this
// for login so we can ignore it.
var flowStep = this._flows[this._currentFlowIndex];
return flowStep ? flowStep.type : null;
loginAsGuest() {
MatrixClientPeg.replaceUsingUrls(this._hsUrl, this._isUrl);
return MatrixClientPeg.get().registerGuest().then((creds) => {
return {
userId: creds.user_id,
accessToken: creds.access_token,
homeserverUrl: this._hsUrl,
identityServerUrl: this._isUrl,
guest: true
}, (error) => {
if (error.httpStatus === 403) {
error.friendlyText = "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.";
} else {
error.friendlyText = "Failed to register as guest: " + error.data;
throw error;
loginViaPassword(username, pass) {
var self = this;
var isEmail = username.indexOf("@") > 0;
var loginParams = {
password: pass
if (isEmail) {
loginParams.medium = 'email';
loginParams.address = username;
} else {
loginParams.user = username;
return MatrixClientPeg.get().login('m.login.password', loginParams).then(function(data) {
return q({
homeserverUrl: self._hsUrl,
identityServerUrl: self._isUrl,
userId: data.user_id,
accessToken: data.access_token
}, function(error) {
if (error.httpStatus == 400 && loginParams.medium) {
error.friendlyText = (
'This Home Server does not support login using email address.'
else if (error.httpStatus === 403) {
error.friendlyText = (
'Incorrect username and/or password.'
if (self._fallbackHsUrl) {
// as per elsewhere, it would be much nicer to not replace the global
// client just to try an alternate HS
return MatrixClientPeg.get().login('m.login.password', loginParams).then(function(data) {
return q({
homeserverUrl: self._fallbackHsUrl,
identityServerUrl: self._isUrl,
userId: data.user_id,
accessToken: data.access_token
}, function(fallback_error) {
// We also have to put the default back again if it fails...
// throw the original error
throw error;
else {
error.friendlyText = (
'There was a problem logging in. (HTTP ' + error.httpStatus + ")"
throw error;
module.exports.Register = Register;
module.exports.Login = Login;