/* Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; var React = require("react"); var ReactDOM = require("react-dom"); var GeminiScrollbar = require('react-gemini-scrollbar'); var MatrixClientPeg = require("../../../MatrixClientPeg"); var CallHandler = require('../../../CallHandler'); var RoomListSorter = require("../../../RoomListSorter"); var Unread = require('../../../Unread'); var dis = require("../../../dispatcher"); var sdk = require('../../../index'); var rate_limited_func = require('../../../ratelimitedfunc'); var Rooms = require('../../../Rooms'); var DMRoomMap = require('../../../utils/DMRoomMap'); var Receipt = require('../../../utils/Receipt'); var HIDE_CONFERENCE_CHANS = true; module.exports = React.createClass({ displayName: 'RoomList', propTypes: { ConferenceHandler: React.PropTypes.any, collapsed: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired, currentRoom: React.PropTypes.string, searchFilter: React.PropTypes.string, }, getInitialState: function() { return { isLoadingLeftRooms: false, lists: {}, incomingCall: null, } }, componentWillMount: function() { var cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); cli.on("Room", this.onRoom); cli.on("deleteRoom", this.onDeleteRoom); cli.on("Room.timeline", this.onRoomTimeline); cli.on("Room.name", this.onRoomName); cli.on("Room.tags", this.onRoomTags); cli.on("Room.receipt", this.onRoomReceipt); cli.on("RoomState.events", this.onRoomStateEvents); cli.on("RoomMember.name", this.onRoomMemberName); cli.on("accountData", this.onAccountData); var s = this.getRoomLists(); this.setState(s); }, componentDidMount: function() { this.dispatcherRef = dis.register(this.onAction); // Initialise the stickyHeaders when the component is created this._updateStickyHeaders(true); }, componentDidUpdate: function() { // Reinitialise the stickyHeaders when the component is updated this._updateStickyHeaders(true); }, onAction: function(payload) { switch (payload.action) { case 'view_tooltip': this.tooltip = payload.tooltip; break; case 'call_state': var call = CallHandler.getCall(payload.room_id); if (call && call.call_state === 'ringing') { this.setState({ incomingCall: call }); this._repositionIncomingCallBox(undefined, true); } else { this.setState({ incomingCall: null }); } break; } }, componentWillUnmount: function() { dis.unregister(this.dispatcherRef); if (MatrixClientPeg.get()) { MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("Room", this.onRoom); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("deleteRoom", this.onDeleteRoom); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("Room.timeline", this.onRoomTimeline); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("Room.name", this.onRoomName); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("Room.tags", this.onRoomTags); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("Room.receipt", this.onRoomReceipt); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("RoomState.events", this.onRoomStateEvents); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("RoomMember.name", this.onRoomMemberName); MatrixClientPeg.get().removeListener("accountData", this.onAccountData); } // cancel any pending calls to the rate_limited_funcs this._delayedRefreshRoomList.cancelPendingCall(); }, onRoom: function(room) { this._delayedRefreshRoomList(); }, onDeleteRoom: function(roomId) { this._delayedRefreshRoomList(); }, onArchivedHeaderClick: function(isHidden, scrollToPosition) { if (!isHidden) { var self = this; this.setState({ isLoadingLeftRooms: true }); // Try scrolling to position this._updateStickyHeaders(true, scrollToPosition); // we don't care about the response since it comes down via "Room" // events. MatrixClientPeg.get().syncLeftRooms().catch(function(err) { console.error("Failed to sync left rooms: %s", err); console.error(err); }).finally(function() { self.setState({ isLoadingLeftRooms: false }); }); } }, onSubListHeaderClick: function(isHidden, scrollToPosition) { // The scroll area has expanded or contracted, so re-calculate sticky headers positions this._updateStickyHeaders(true, scrollToPosition); }, onRoomTimeline: function(ev, room, toStartOfTimeline, removed, data) { if (toStartOfTimeline) return; if (!room) return; if (data.timeline.getTimelineSet() !== room.getUnfilteredTimelineSet()) return; this._delayedRefreshRoomList(); }, onRoomReceipt: function(receiptEvent, room) { // because if we read a notification, it will affect notification count // only bother updating if there's a receipt from us if (Receipt.findReadReceiptFromUserId(receiptEvent, MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId)) { this._delayedRefreshRoomList(); } }, onRoomName: function(room) { this._delayedRefreshRoomList(); }, onRoomTags: function(event, room) { this._delayedRefreshRoomList(); }, onRoomStateEvents: function(ev, state) { this._delayedRefreshRoomList(); }, onRoomMemberName: function(ev, member) { this._delayedRefreshRoomList(); }, onAccountData: function(ev) { if (ev.getType() == 'm.direct') { this._delayedRefreshRoomList(); } }, _delayedRefreshRoomList: new rate_limited_func(function() { this.refreshRoomList(); }, 500), refreshRoomList: function() { // console.log("DEBUG: Refresh room list delta=%s ms", // (!this._lastRefreshRoomListTs ? "-" : (Date.now() - this._lastRefreshRoomListTs)) // ); // TODO: rather than bluntly regenerating and re-sorting everything // every time we see any kind of room change from the JS SDK // we could do incremental updates on our copy of the state // based on the room which has actually changed. This would stop // us re-rendering all the sublists every time anything changes anywhere // in the state of the client. this.setState(this.getRoomLists()); this._lastRefreshRoomListTs = Date.now(); }, getRoomLists: function() { var self = this; var s = { lists: {} }; s.lists["im.vector.fake.invite"] = []; s.lists["m.favourite"] = []; s.lists["im.vector.fake.recent"] = []; s.lists["im.vector.fake.direct"] = []; s.lists["m.lowpriority"] = []; s.lists["im.vector.fake.archived"] = []; const dmRoomMap = new DMRoomMap(MatrixClientPeg.get()); MatrixClientPeg.get().getRooms().forEach(function(room) { const me = room.getMember(MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId); if (!me) return; // console.log("room = " + room.name + ", me.membership = " + me.membership + // ", sender = " + me.events.member.getSender() + // ", target = " + me.events.member.getStateKey() + // ", prevMembership = " + me.events.member.getPrevContent().membership); if (me.membership == "invite") { s.lists["im.vector.fake.invite"].push(room); } else if (HIDE_CONFERENCE_CHANS && Rooms.isConfCallRoom(room, me, self.props.ConferenceHandler)) { // skip past this room & don't put it in any lists } else if (me.membership == "join" || me.membership === "ban" || (me.membership === "leave" && me.events.member.getSender() !== me.events.member.getStateKey())) { // Used to split rooms via tags var tagNames = Object.keys(room.tags); if (tagNames.length) { for (var i = 0; i < tagNames.length; i++) { var tagName = tagNames[i]; s.lists[tagName] = s.lists[tagName] || []; s.lists[tagNames[i]].push(room); } } else if (dmRoomMap.getUserIdForRoomId(room.roomId)) { // "Direct Message" rooms (that we're still in and that aren't otherwise tagged) s.lists["im.vector.fake.direct"].push(room); } else { s.lists["im.vector.fake.recent"].push(room); } } else if (me.membership === "leave") { s.lists["im.vector.fake.archived"].push(room); } else { console.error("unrecognised membership: " + me.membership + " - this should never happen"); } }); if (s.lists["im.vector.fake.direct"].length == 0 && MatrixClientPeg.get().getAccountData('m.direct') === undefined) { // scan through the 'recents' list for any rooms which look like DM rooms // and make them DM rooms const oldRecents = s.lists["im.vector.fake.recent"]; s.lists["im.vector.fake.recent"] = []; for (const room of oldRecents) { const me = room.getMember(MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId); if (me && Rooms.looksLikeDirectMessageRoom(room, me)) { s.lists["im.vector.fake.direct"].push(room); } else { s.lists["im.vector.fake.recent"].push(room); } } // save these new guessed DM rooms into the account data const newMDirectEvent = {}; for (const room of s.lists["im.vector.fake.direct"]) { const me = room.getMember(MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId); const otherPerson = Rooms.getOnlyOtherMember(room, me); if (!otherPerson) continue; const roomList = newMDirectEvent[otherPerson.userId] || []; roomList.push(room.roomId); newMDirectEvent[otherPerson.userId] = roomList; } // if this fails, fine, we'll just do the same thing next time we get the room lists MatrixClientPeg.get().setAccountData('m.direct', newMDirectEvent).done(); } //console.log("calculated new roomLists; im.vector.fake.recent = " + s.lists["im.vector.fake.recent"]); // we actually apply the sorting to this when receiving the prop in RoomSubLists. return s; }, _getScrollNode: function() { var panel = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this); if (!panel) return null; if (panel.classList.contains('gm-prevented')) { return panel; } else { return panel.children[2]; // XXX: Fragile! } }, _whenScrolling: function(e) { this._hideTooltip(e); this._repositionIncomingCallBox(e, false); this._updateStickyHeaders(false); }, _hideTooltip: function(e) { // Hide tooltip when scrolling, as we'll no longer be over the one we were on if (this.tooltip && this.tooltip.style.display !== "none") { this.tooltip.style.display = "none"; } }, _repositionIncomingCallBox: function(e, firstTime) { var incomingCallBox = document.getElementById("incomingCallBox"); if (incomingCallBox && incomingCallBox.parentElement) { var scroll = this._getScrollNode(); var top = (scroll.offsetTop + incomingCallBox.parentElement.offsetTop - scroll.scrollTop); if (firstTime) { // scroll to make sure the callbox is on the screen... if (top < 10) { // 10px of vertical margin at top of screen scroll.scrollTop = incomingCallBox.parentElement.offsetTop - 10; } else if (top > scroll.clientHeight - incomingCallBox.offsetHeight + 50) { scroll.scrollTop = incomingCallBox.parentElement.offsetTop - scroll.offsetHeight + incomingCallBox.offsetHeight - 50; } // recalculate top in case we clipped it. top = (scroll.offsetTop + incomingCallBox.parentElement.offsetTop - scroll.scrollTop); } else { // stop the box from scrolling off the screen if (top < 10) { top = 10; } else if (top > scroll.clientHeight - incomingCallBox.offsetHeight + 50) { top = scroll.clientHeight - incomingCallBox.offsetHeight + 50; } } // slightly ugly hack to offset if there's a toolbar present. // we really should be calculating our absolute offsets of top by recursing through the DOM toolbar = document.getElementsByClassName("mx_MatrixToolbar")[0]; if (toolbar) { top += toolbar.offsetHeight; } incomingCallBox.style.top = top + "px"; incomingCallBox.style.left = scroll.offsetLeft + scroll.offsetWidth + "px"; } }, // Doing the sticky headers as raw DOM, for speed, as it gets very stuttery if done // properly through React _initAndPositionStickyHeaders: function(initialise, scrollToPosition) { var scrollArea = this._getScrollNode(); // Use the offset of the top of the scroll area from the window // as this is used to calculate the CSS fixed top position for the stickies var scrollAreaOffset = scrollArea.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset; // Use the offset of the top of the componet from the window // as this is used to calculate the CSS fixed top position for the stickies var scrollAreaHeight = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).getBoundingClientRect().height; if (initialise) { // Get a collection of sticky header containers references this.stickies = document.getElementsByClassName("mx_RoomSubList_labelContainer"); if (!this.stickies.length) return; // Make sure there is sufficient space to do sticky headers: 120px plus all the sticky headers this.scrollAreaSufficient = (120 + (this.stickies[0].getBoundingClientRect().height * this.stickies.length)) < scrollAreaHeight; // Initialise the sticky headers if (typeof this.stickies === "object" && this.stickies.length > 0) { // Initialise the sticky headers Array.prototype.forEach.call(this.stickies, function(sticky, i) { // Save the positions of all the stickies within scroll area. // These positions are relative to the LHS Panel top sticky.dataset.originalPosition = sticky.offsetTop - scrollArea.offsetTop; // Save and set the sticky heights var originalHeight = sticky.getBoundingClientRect().height; sticky.dataset.originalHeight = originalHeight; sticky.style.height = originalHeight; return sticky; }); } } var self = this; var scrollStuckOffset = 0; // Scroll to the passed in position, i.e. a header was clicked and in a scroll to state // rather than a collapsable one (see RoomSubList.isCollapsableOnClick method for details) if (scrollToPosition !== undefined) { scrollArea.scrollTop = scrollToPosition; } // Stick headers to top and bottom, or free them Array.prototype.forEach.call(this.stickies, function(sticky, i, stickyWrappers) { var stickyPosition = sticky.dataset.originalPosition; var stickyHeight = sticky.dataset.originalHeight; var stickyHeader = sticky.childNodes[0]; var topStuckHeight = stickyHeight * i; var bottomStuckHeight = stickyHeight * (stickyWrappers.length - i) if (self.scrollAreaSufficient && stickyPosition < (scrollArea.scrollTop + topStuckHeight)) { // Top stickies sticky.dataset.stuck = "top"; stickyHeader.classList.add("mx_RoomSubList_fixed"); stickyHeader.style.top = scrollAreaOffset + topStuckHeight + "px"; // If stuck at top adjust the scroll back down to take account of all the stuck headers if (scrollToPosition !== undefined && stickyPosition === scrollToPosition) { scrollStuckOffset = topStuckHeight; } } else if (self.scrollAreaSufficient && stickyPosition > ((scrollArea.scrollTop + scrollAreaHeight) - bottomStuckHeight)) { /// Bottom stickies sticky.dataset.stuck = "bottom"; stickyHeader.classList.add("mx_RoomSubList_fixed"); stickyHeader.style.top = (scrollAreaOffset + scrollAreaHeight) - bottomStuckHeight + "px"; } else { // Not sticky sticky.dataset.stuck = "none"; stickyHeader.classList.remove("mx_RoomSubList_fixed"); stickyHeader.style.top = null; } }); // Adjust the scroll to take account of top stuck headers if (scrollToPosition !== undefined) { scrollArea.scrollTop -= scrollStuckOffset; } }, _updateStickyHeaders: function(initialise, scrollToPosition) { var self = this; if (initialise) { // Useing setTimeout to ensure that the code is run after the painting // of the newly rendered object as using requestAnimationFrame caused // artefacts to appear on screen briefly window.setTimeout(function() { self._initAndPositionStickyHeaders(initialise, scrollToPosition); }); } else { this._initAndPositionStickyHeaders(initialise, scrollToPosition); } }, onShowMoreRooms: function() { // kick gemini in the balls to get it to wake up // XXX: uuuuuuugh. this.refs.gemscroll.forceUpdate(); }, render: function() { var RoomSubList = sdk.getComponent('structures.RoomSubList'); var self = this; return (
{ Object.keys(self.state.lists).map(function(tagName) { if (!tagName.match(/^(m\.(favourite|lowpriority)|im\.vector\.fake\.(invite|recent|direct|archived))$/)) { return } }) }
); } });