import React from 'react'; import { Editor, Modifier, ContentState, ContentBlock, convertFromHTML, DefaultDraftBlockRenderMap, DefaultDraftInlineStyle, CompositeDecorator, SelectionState, } from 'draft-js'; import * as sdk from './index'; import * as emojione from 'emojione'; const BLOCK_RENDER_MAP = DefaultDraftBlockRenderMap.set('unstyled', { element: 'span' /* draft uses
by default which we don't really like, so we're using this is probably not a good idea since is not a block level element but we're trying to fix things in contentStateToHTML below */ }); const STYLES = { BOLD: 'strong', CODE: 'code', ITALIC: 'em', STRIKETHROUGH: 's', UNDERLINE: 'u', }; const MARKDOWN_REGEX = { LINK: /(?:\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\))|\<(\w+:\/\/[^\>]+)\>/g, ITALIC: /([\*_])([\w\s]+?)\1/g, BOLD: /([\*_])\1([\w\s]+?)\1\1/g, }; const USERNAME_REGEX = /@\S+:\S+/g; const ROOM_REGEX = /#\S+:\S+/g; const EMOJI_REGEX = new RegExp(emojione.unicodeRegexp, 'g'); export function contentStateToHTML(contentState: ContentState): string { return contentState.getBlockMap().map((block) => { let elem = BLOCK_RENDER_MAP.get(block.getType()).element; let content = []; block.findStyleRanges( () => true, // always return true => don't filter any ranges out (start, end) => { // map style names to elements let tags = block.getInlineStyleAt(start).map(style => STYLES[style]).filter(style => !!style); // combine them to get well-nested HTML let open = => `<${tag}>`).join(''); let close = => ``).reverse().join(''); // and get the HTML representation of this styled range (this .substring() should never fail) let text = block.getText().substring(start, end); // let div = document.createElement('div'); div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); let safeText = div.innerHTML; content.push(`${open}${safeText}${close}`); } ); let result = `<${elem}>${content.join('')}`; // dirty hack because we don't want block level tags by default, but breaks if(elem === 'span') result += '
'; return result; }).join(''); } export function HTMLtoContentState(html: string): ContentState { return ContentState.createFromBlockArray(convertFromHTML(html)); } /** * Returns a composite decorator which has access to provided scope. */ export function getScopedRTDecorators(scope: any): CompositeDecorator { let MemberAvatar = sdk.getComponent('avatars.MemberAvatar'); let usernameDecorator = { strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => { findWithRegex(USERNAME_REGEX, contentBlock, callback); }, component: (props) => { let member =[0].props.text); // unused until we make these decorators immutable (autocomplete needed) let name = member ? : null; let avatar = member ? : null; return {avatar} {props.children}; } }; let roomDecorator = { strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => { findWithRegex(ROOM_REGEX, contentBlock, callback); }, component: (props) => { return {props.children}; } }; // Unused for now, due to let emojiDecorator = { strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => { findWithRegex(EMOJI_REGEX, contentBlock, callback); }, component: (props) => { return } }; return [usernameDecorator, roomDecorator]; } export function getScopedMDDecorators(scope: any): CompositeDecorator { let markdownDecorators = ['BOLD', 'ITALIC'].map( (style) => ({ strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => { return findWithRegex(MARKDOWN_REGEX[style], contentBlock, callback); }, component: (props) => ( {props.children} ) })); markdownDecorators.push({ strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => { return findWithRegex(MARKDOWN_REGEX.LINK, contentBlock, callback); }, component: (props) => ( {props.children} ) }); return markdownDecorators; } /** * Utility function that looks for regex matches within a ContentBlock and invokes {callback} with (start, end) * From */ function findWithRegex(regex, contentBlock: ContentBlock, callback: (start: number, end: number) => any) { const text = contentBlock.getText(); let matchArr, start; while ((matchArr = regex.exec(text)) !== null) { start = matchArr.index; callback(start, start + matchArr[0].length); } } /** * Passes rangeToReplace to modifyFn and replaces it in contentState with the result. */ export function modifyText(contentState: ContentState, rangeToReplace: SelectionState, modifyFn: (text: string) => string, inlineStyle, entityKey): ContentState { let getText = (key) => contentState.getBlockForKey(key).getText(), startKey = rangeToReplace.getStartKey(), startOffset = rangeToReplace.getStartOffset(), endKey = rangeToReplace.getEndKey(), endOffset = rangeToReplace.getEndOffset(), text = ""; for (let currentKey = startKey; currentKey && currentKey !== endKey; currentKey = contentState.getKeyAfter(currentKey)) { let blockText = getText(currentKey); text += blockText.substring(startOffset, blockText.length); // from now on, we'll take whole blocks startOffset = 0; } // add remaining part of last block text += getText(endKey).substring(startOffset, endOffset); return Modifier.replaceText(contentState, rangeToReplace, modifyFn(text), inlineStyle, entityKey); } /** * Computes the plaintext offsets of the given SelectionState. * Note that this inherently means we make assumptions about what that means (no separator between ContentBlocks, etc) * Used by autocomplete to show completions when the current selection lies within, or at the edges of a command. */ export function selectionStateToTextOffsets(selectionState: SelectionState, contentBlocks: Array): {start: number, end: number} { let offset = 0, start = 0, end = 0; for(let block of contentBlocks) { if (selectionState.getStartKey() === block.getKey()) { start = offset + selectionState.getStartOffset(); } if (selectionState.getEndKey() === block.getKey()) { end = offset + selectionState.getEndOffset(); break; } offset += block.getLength(); } return { start, end, }; } export function textOffsetsToSelectionState({start, end}: {start: number, end: number}, contentBlocks: Array): SelectionState { let selectionState = SelectionState.createEmpty(); for (let block of contentBlocks) { let blockLength = block.getLength(); if (start !== -1 && start < blockLength) { selectionState = selectionState.merge({ anchorKey: block.getKey(), anchorOffset: start, }); start = -1; } else { start -= blockLength; } if (end !== -1 && end <= blockLength) { selectionState = selectionState.merge({ focusKey: block.getKey(), focusOffset: end, }); end = -1; } else { end -= blockLength; } } return selectionState; }