/* Copyright 2019 New Vector Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {PlainPart, RoomPillPart, UserPillPart} from "./parts"; import {diffAtCaret, diffDeletion} from "./diff"; export default class EditorModel { constructor(parts = []) { this._parts = parts; this.actions = null; this._previousValue = parts.reduce((text, p) => text + p.text, ""); } _insertPart(index, part) { this._parts.splice(index, 0, part); } _removePart(index) { this._parts.splice(index, 1); } _replacePart(index, part) { this._parts.splice(index, 1, part); } get parts() { return this._parts; } serializeParts() { return this._parts.map(({type, text}) => {return {type, text};}); } _diff(newValue, inputType, caret) { if (inputType === "deleteByDrag") { return diffDeletion(this._previousValue, newValue); } else { return diffAtCaret(this._previousValue, newValue, caret.offset); } } update(newValue, inputType, caret) { const diff = this._diff(newValue, inputType, caret); const position = this._positionForOffset(diff.at, caret.atNodeEnd); console.log("update at", {position, diff, newValue, prevValue: this._previousValue}); if (diff.removed) { this._removeText(position, diff.removed.length); } if (diff.added) { this._addText(position, diff.added); } this._mergeAdjacentParts(); this._previousValue = newValue; const caretOffset = diff.at + (diff.added ? diff.added.length : 0); return this._positionForOffset(caretOffset, true); } _mergeAdjacentParts(docPos) { let prevPart = this._parts[0]; for (let i = 1; i < this._parts.length; ++i) { let part = this._parts[i]; const isEmpty = !part.text.length; const isMerged = !isEmpty && prevPart.merge(part); if (isEmpty || isMerged) { // remove empty or merged part part = prevPart; this._removePart(i); //repeat this index, as it's removed now --i; } prevPart = part; } } _removeText(pos, len) { let {index, offset} = pos; while (len !== 0) { // part might be undefined here let part = this._parts[index]; const amount = Math.min(len, part.text.length - offset); const replaceWith = part.remove(offset, amount); if (typeof replaceWith === "string") { this._replacePart(index, new PlainPart(replaceWith)); } part = this._parts[index]; // remove empty part if (!part.text.length) { this._removePart(index); } else { index += 1; } len -= amount; offset = 0; } } _addText(pos, str, actions) { let {index, offset} = pos; const part = this._parts[index]; if (part) { if (part.insertAll(offset, str)) { str = null; } else { // console.log("splitting", offset, [part.text]); const splitPart = part.split(offset); // console.log("splitted", [part.text, splitPart.text]); index += 1; this._insertPart(index, splitPart); } } while (str) { let newPart; switch (str[0]) { case "#": newPart = new RoomPillPart(); break; case "@": newPart = new UserPillPart(); break; default: newPart = new PlainPart(); } str = newPart.appendUntilRejected(str); this._insertPart(index, newPart); index += 1; } } _positionForOffset(totalOffset, atPartEnd) { let currentOffset = 0; const index = this._parts.findIndex(part => { const partLen = part.text.length; if ( (atPartEnd && (currentOffset + partLen) >= totalOffset) || (!atPartEnd && (currentOffset + partLen) > totalOffset) ) { return true; } currentOffset += partLen; return false; }); return new DocumentPosition(index, totalOffset - currentOffset); } } class DocumentPosition { constructor(index, offset) { this._index = index; this._offset = offset; } get index() { return this._index; } get offset() { return this._offset; } }