/* Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from "react"; import { render, screen, act, fireEvent, waitFor, getByRole, RenderResult } from "@testing-library/react"; import { mocked, Mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { EventType, RoomType, Room, RoomStateEvent, PendingEventOrdering, ISearchResults, } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { CallType } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/webrtc/call"; import { ClientWidgetApi, Widget } from "matrix-widget-api"; import EventEmitter from "events"; import { setupJestCanvasMock } from "jest-canvas-mock"; import { ViewRoomOpts } from "@matrix-org/react-sdk-module-api/lib/lifecycles/RoomViewLifecycle"; import { TooltipProvider } from "@vector-im/compound-web"; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports import { MatrixRTCSessionManagerEvents } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrixrtc/MatrixRTCSessionManager"; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports import { MatrixRTCSession } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrixrtc/MatrixRTCSession"; import type { MatrixClient, MatrixEvent, RoomMember } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import type { MatrixCall } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/webrtc/call"; import { stubClient, mkRoomMember, setupAsyncStoreWithClient, resetAsyncStoreWithClient, mockPlatformPeg, mkEvent, filterConsole, } from "../../../test-utils"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg"; import DMRoomMap from "../../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap"; import RoomHeader, { IProps as RoomHeaderProps } from "../../../../src/components/views/rooms/LegacyRoomHeader"; import { SearchScope } from "../../../../src/components/views/rooms/SearchBar"; import { E2EStatus } from "../../../../src/utils/ShieldUtils"; import { IRoomState } from "../../../../src/components/structures/RoomView"; import RoomContext from "../../../../src/contexts/RoomContext"; import SdkConfig from "../../../../src/SdkConfig"; import SettingsStore from "../../../../src/settings/SettingsStore"; import { ElementCall, JitsiCall } from "../../../../src/models/Call"; import { CallStore } from "../../../../src/stores/CallStore"; import LegacyCallHandler from "../../../../src/LegacyCallHandler"; import defaultDispatcher from "../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; import { Action } from "../../../../src/dispatcher/actions"; import WidgetStore from "../../../../src/stores/WidgetStore"; import { WidgetMessagingStore } from "../../../../src/stores/widgets/WidgetMessagingStore"; import MediaDeviceHandler, { MediaDeviceKindEnum } from "../../../../src/MediaDeviceHandler"; import { shouldShowComponent } from "../../../../src/customisations/helpers/UIComponents"; import { UIComponent } from "../../../../src/settings/UIFeature"; import WidgetUtils from "../../../../src/utils/WidgetUtils"; import { ElementWidgetActions } from "../../../../src/stores/widgets/ElementWidgetActions"; jest.mock("../../../../src/customisations/helpers/UIComponents", () => ({ shouldShowComponent: jest.fn(), })); describe("LegacyRoomHeader", () => { let client: Mocked; let room: Room; let alice: RoomMember; let bob: RoomMember; let carol: RoomMember; filterConsole( "Age for event was not available, using `now - origin_server_ts` as a fallback. If the device clock is not correct issues might occur.", ); beforeEach(async () => { // some of our tests rely on the jest canvas mock, and `afterEach` will have reset the mock, so we need to // restore it. setupJestCanvasMock(); mockPlatformPeg({ supportsJitsiScreensharing: () => true }); stubClient(); client = mocked(MatrixClientPeg.safeGet()); client.getUserId.mockReturnValue("@alice:example.org"); room = new Room("!1:example.org", client, "@alice:example.org", { pendingEventOrdering: PendingEventOrdering.Detached, }); room.currentState.setStateEvents([mkCreationEvent(room.roomId, "@alice:example.org")]); client.getRoom.mockImplementation((roomId) => (roomId === room.roomId ? room : null)); client.getRooms.mockReturnValue([room]); client.reEmitter.reEmit(room, [RoomStateEvent.Events]); client.sendStateEvent.mockImplementation(async (roomId, eventType, content, stateKey = "") => { if (roomId !== room.roomId) throw new Error("Unknown room"); const event = mkEvent({ event: true, type: eventType, room: roomId, user: alice.userId, skey: stateKey, content, }); room.addLiveEvents([event]); return { event_id: event.getId()! }; }); alice = mkRoomMember(room.roomId, "@alice:example.org"); bob = mkRoomMember(room.roomId, "@bob:example.org"); carol = mkRoomMember(room.roomId, "@carol:example.org"); client.getRoom.mockImplementation((roomId) => (roomId === room.roomId ? room : null)); client.getRooms.mockReturnValue([room]); client.reEmitter.reEmit(room, [RoomStateEvent.Events]); await Promise.all( [CallStore.instance, WidgetStore.instance].map((store) => setupAsyncStoreWithClient(store, client)), ); jest.spyOn(MediaDeviceHandler, "getDevices").mockResolvedValue({ [MediaDeviceKindEnum.AudioInput]: [], [MediaDeviceKindEnum.VideoInput]: [], [MediaDeviceKindEnum.AudioOutput]: [], }); DMRoomMap.makeShared(client); jest.spyOn(DMRoomMap.shared(), "getUserIdForRoomId").mockReturnValue(carol.userId); }); afterEach(async () => { await Promise.all([CallStore.instance, WidgetStore.instance].map(resetAsyncStoreWithClient)); client.reEmitter.stopReEmitting(room, [RoomStateEvent.Events]); jest.restoreAllMocks(); SdkConfig.reset(); }); const mockRoomType = (type: string) => { jest.spyOn(room, "getType").mockReturnValue(type); }; const mockRoomMembers = (members: RoomMember[]) => { jest.spyOn(room, "getJoinedMembers").mockReturnValue(members); jest.spyOn(room, "getMember").mockImplementation( (userId) => members.find((member) => member.userId === userId) ?? null, ); }; const mockEnabledSettings = (settings: string[]) => { jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockImplementation((settingName) => settings.includes(settingName)); }; const mockEventPowerLevels = (events: { [eventType: string]: number }) => { room.currentState.setStateEvents([ mkEvent({ event: true, type: EventType.RoomPowerLevels, room: room.roomId, user: alice.userId, skey: "", content: { events, state_default: 0 }, }), ]); }; const mockLegacyCall = () => { jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "getCallForRoom").mockReturnValue({} as unknown as MatrixCall); }; const withCall = async (fn: (call: ElementCall) => void | Promise): Promise => { await ElementCall.create(room); const call = CallStore.instance.getCall(room.roomId); if (!(call instanceof ElementCall)) throw new Error("Failed to create call"); const widget = new Widget(call.widget); const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); const messaging = { on: eventEmitter.on.bind(eventEmitter), off: eventEmitter.off.bind(eventEmitter), once: eventEmitter.once.bind(eventEmitter), emit: eventEmitter.emit.bind(eventEmitter), stop: jest.fn(), transport: { send: jest.fn(), reply: jest.fn(), }, } as unknown as Mocked; WidgetMessagingStore.instance.storeMessaging(widget, call.roomId, messaging); await fn(call); call.destroy(); WidgetMessagingStore.instance.stopMessaging(widget, call.roomId); }; const renderHeader = (props: Partial = {}, roomContext: Partial = {}) => { render( {}} onInviteClick={null} onForgetClick={() => {}} onAppsClick={() => {}} e2eStatus={E2EStatus.Normal} appsShown={true} searchInfo={{ searchId: Math.random(), promise: new Promise(() => {}), term: "", scope: SearchScope.Room, count: 0, }} viewingCall={false} activeCall={null} {...props} /> , { wrapper: TooltipProvider }, ); }; it("hides call buttons in video rooms", () => { mockRoomType(RoomType.UnstableCall); mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_video_rooms", "feature_element_call_video_rooms"]); renderHeader(); expect(screen.queryByRole("button", { name: /call/i })).toBeNull(); }); it("hides call buttons if showCallButtonsInComposer is disabled", () => { mockEnabledSettings([]); renderHeader(); expect(screen.queryByRole("button", { name: /call/i })).toBeNull(); }); it( "hides the voice call button and disables the video call button if configured to use Element Call exclusively " + "and there's an ongoing call", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); SdkConfig.put({ element_call: { url: "https://call.element.io", use_exclusively: true, brand: "Element Call" }, }); await ElementCall.create(room); renderHeader(); expect(screen.queryByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toBeNull(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }, ); it( "hides the voice call button and starts an Element call when the video call button is pressed if configured to " + "use Element Call exclusively", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); SdkConfig.put({ element_call: { url: "https://call.element.io", use_exclusively: true, brand: "Element Call" }, }); renderHeader(); expect(screen.queryByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toBeNull(); const dispatcherSpy = jest.fn(); const dispatcherRef = defaultDispatcher.register(dispatcherSpy); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })); await waitFor(() => expect(dispatcherSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: room.roomId, skipLobby: false, view_call: true, }), ); defaultDispatcher.unregister(dispatcherRef); }, ); it( "hides the voice call button and disables the video call button if configured to use Element Call exclusively " + "and the user lacks permission", () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); SdkConfig.put({ element_call: { url: "https://call.element.io", use_exclusively: true, brand: "Element Call" }, }); mockEventPowerLevels({ [ElementCall.CALL_EVENT_TYPE.name]: 100 }); renderHeader(); expect(screen.queryByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toBeNull(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }, ); it("disables call buttons in the new group call experience if there's an ongoing Element call", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); await ElementCall.create(room); renderHeader(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }); it("disables call buttons in the new group call experience if there's an ongoing legacy 1:1 call", () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); mockLegacyCall(); renderHeader(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }); it("disables call buttons in the new group call experience if there's an existing Jitsi widget", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); await JitsiCall.create(room); renderHeader(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }); it("disables call buttons in the new group call experience if there's no other members", () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); renderHeader(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }); it( "starts a legacy 1:1 call when call buttons are pressed in the new group call experience if there's 1 other " + "member", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); mockRoomMembers([alice, bob]); renderHeader(); const placeCallSpy = jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "placeCall").mockResolvedValue(undefined); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })); await act(() => Promise.resolve()); // Allow effects to settle expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Voice); placeCallSpy.mockClear(); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })); await act(() => Promise.resolve()); // Allow effects to settle fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("menuitem", { name: "Legacy video call" })); await act(() => Promise.resolve()); // Allow effects to settle expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Video); }, ); it( "creates a Jitsi widget when call buttons are pressed in the new group call experience if the user lacks " + "permission to start Element calls", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); mockRoomMembers([alice, bob, carol]); mockEventPowerLevels({ [ElementCall.CALL_EVENT_TYPE.name]: 100 }); renderHeader(); const placeCallSpy = jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "placeCall").mockResolvedValue(undefined); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })); await act(() => Promise.resolve()); // Allow effects to settle expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Voice); placeCallSpy.mockClear(); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })); await act(() => Promise.resolve()); // Allow effects to settle expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Video); }, ); it( "creates a Jitsi widget when the voice call button is pressed and shows a menu when the video call button is " + "pressed in the new group call experience", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); mockRoomMembers([alice, bob, carol]); renderHeader(); const placeCallSpy = jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "placeCall").mockResolvedValue(undefined); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })); await act(() => Promise.resolve()); // Allow effects to settle expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Voice); // First try creating a Jitsi widget from the menu placeCallSpy.mockClear(); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })); fireEvent.click(getByRole(screen.getByRole("menu"), "menuitem", { name: /jitsi/i })); await act(() => Promise.resolve()); // Allow effects to settle expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Video); // Then try starting an Element call from the menu const dispatcherSpy = jest.fn(); const dispatcherRef = defaultDispatcher.register(dispatcherSpy); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })); fireEvent.click(getByRole(screen.getByRole("menu"), "menuitem", { name: /element/i })); await waitFor(() => expect(dispatcherSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: room.roomId, skipLobby: false, view_call: true, }), ); defaultDispatcher.unregister(dispatcherRef); }, ); it( "disables the voice call button and starts an Element call when the video call button is pressed in the new " + "group call experience if the user lacks permission to edit widgets", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); mockRoomMembers([alice, bob, carol]); mockEventPowerLevels({ "im.vector.modular.widgets": 100 }); renderHeader(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); const dispatcherSpy = jest.fn(); const dispatcherRef = defaultDispatcher.register(dispatcherSpy); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })); await waitFor(() => expect(dispatcherSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: room.roomId, skipLobby: false, view_call: true, }), ); defaultDispatcher.unregister(dispatcherRef); }, ); it("disables call buttons in the new group call experience if the user lacks permission", () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer", "feature_group_calls"]); mockRoomMembers([alice, bob, carol]); mockEventPowerLevels({ [ElementCall.CALL_EVENT_TYPE.name]: 100, "im.vector.modular.widgets": 100 }); renderHeader(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }); it("disables call buttons if there's an ongoing legacy 1:1 call", () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer"]); mockLegacyCall(); renderHeader(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }); it("disables call buttons if there's an existing Jitsi widget", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer"]); await JitsiCall.create(room); renderHeader(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }); it("disables call buttons if there's no other members", () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer"]); renderHeader(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }); it("starts a legacy 1:1 call when call buttons are pressed if there's 1 other member", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer"]); mockRoomMembers([alice, bob]); mockEventPowerLevels({ "im.vector.modular.widgets": 100 }); // Just to verify that it doesn't try to use Jitsi renderHeader(); const placeCallSpy = jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "placeCall").mockResolvedValue(undefined); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })); await act(() => Promise.resolve()); // Allow effects to settle expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Voice); placeCallSpy.mockClear(); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })); await act(() => Promise.resolve()); // Allow effects to settle expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Video); }); it("creates a Jitsi widget when call buttons are pressed", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer"]); mockRoomMembers([alice, bob, carol]); renderHeader(); const placeCallSpy = jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "placeCall").mockResolvedValue(undefined); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })); await act(() => Promise.resolve()); // Allow effects to settle expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Voice); placeCallSpy.mockClear(); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })); await act(() => Promise.resolve()); // Allow effects to settle expect(placeCallSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, CallType.Video); }); it("disables call buttons if the user lacks permission", () => { mockEnabledSettings(["showCallButtonsInComposer"]); mockRoomMembers([alice, bob, carol]); mockEventPowerLevels({ "im.vector.modular.widgets": 100 }); renderHeader(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Voice call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Video call" })).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }); it("shows a close button when viewing a call lobby that returns to the timeline when pressed", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["feature_group_calls"]); renderHeader({ viewingCall: true }); const dispatcherSpy = jest.fn(); const dispatcherRef = defaultDispatcher.register(dispatcherSpy); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: /close/i })); await waitFor(() => expect(dispatcherSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: room.roomId, view_call: false, }), ); defaultDispatcher.unregister(dispatcherRef); }); it("shows a reduce button when viewing a call that returns to the timeline when pressed", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["feature_group_calls"]); await withCall(async (call) => { renderHeader({ viewingCall: true, activeCall: call }); const dispatcherSpy = jest.fn(); const dispatcherRef = defaultDispatcher.register(dispatcherSpy); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: /timeline/i })); await waitFor(() => expect(dispatcherSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: room.roomId, view_call: false, }), ); defaultDispatcher.unregister(dispatcherRef); }); }); it("shows a layout button when viewing a call that shows a menu when pressed", async () => { mockEnabledSettings(["feature_group_calls"]); await withCall(async (call) => { // We set the call to skip lobby because otherwise the connection will wait until // the user clicks the "join" button, inside the widget lobby which is hard to mock. call.widget.data = { ...call.widget.data, skipLobby: true }; // The connect method will wait until the session actually connected. Otherwise it will timeout. // Emitting SessionStarted will trigger the connect method to resolve. setTimeout( () => client.matrixRTC.emit(MatrixRTCSessionManagerEvents.SessionStarted, room.roomId, { room, } as MatrixRTCSession), 100, ); await call.start(); const messaging = WidgetMessagingStore.instance.getMessagingForUid(WidgetUtils.getWidgetUid(call.widget))!; renderHeader({ viewingCall: true, activeCall: call }); // Should start with Freedom selected fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: /layout/i })); screen.getByRole("menuitemradio", { name: "Freedom", checked: true }); // Clicking Spotlight should tell the widget to switch and close the menu fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("menuitemradio", { name: "Spotlight" })); expect(mocked(messaging.transport).send).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ElementWidgetActions.SpotlightLayout, {}); expect(screen.queryByRole("menu")).toBeNull(); // When the widget responds and the user reopens the menu, they should see Spotlight selected act(() => { messaging.emit( `action:${ElementWidgetActions.SpotlightLayout}`, new CustomEvent("widgetapirequest", { detail: { data: {} } }), ); }); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: /layout/i })); screen.getByRole("menuitemradio", { name: "Spotlight", checked: true }); // Now try switching back to Freedom fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("menuitemradio", { name: "Freedom" })); expect(mocked(messaging.transport).send).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ElementWidgetActions.TileLayout, {}); expect(screen.queryByRole("menu")).toBeNull(); // When the widget responds and the user reopens the menu, they should see Freedom selected act(() => { messaging.emit( `action:${ElementWidgetActions.TileLayout}`, new CustomEvent("widgetapirequest", { detail: { data: {} } }), ); }); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: /layout/i })); screen.getByRole("menuitemradio", { name: "Freedom", checked: true }); }); }); it("shows an invite button in video rooms", () => { mockEnabledSettings(["feature_video_rooms", "feature_element_call_video_rooms"]); mockRoomType(RoomType.UnstableCall); const onInviteClick = jest.fn(); renderHeader({ onInviteClick, viewingCall: true }); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: /invite/i })); expect(onInviteClick).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("hides the invite button in non-video rooms when viewing a call", () => { renderHeader({ onInviteClick: () => {}, viewingCall: true }); expect(screen.queryByRole("button", { name: /invite/i })).toBeNull(); }); it("shows the room avatar in a room with only ourselves", () => { // When we render a non-DM room with 1 person in it const room = createRoom({ name: "X Room", isDm: false, userIds: [] }); const rendered = mountHeader(room); // Then the room's avatar is the initial of its name const initial = rendered.container.querySelector(".mx_BaseAvatar"); expect(initial).toHaveTextContent("X"); }); it("shows the room avatar in a room with 2 people", () => { // When we render a non-DM room with 2 people in it const room = createRoom({ name: "Y Room", isDm: false, userIds: ["other"] }); const rendered = mountHeader(room); // Then the room's avatar is the initial of its name const initial = rendered.container.querySelector(".mx_BaseAvatar"); expect(initial).toHaveTextContent("Y"); }); it("shows the room avatar in a room with >2 people", () => { // When we render a non-DM room with 3 people in it const room = createRoom({ name: "Z Room", isDm: false, userIds: ["other1", "other2"] }); const rendered = mountHeader(room); // Then the room's avatar is the initial of its name const initial = rendered.container.querySelector(".mx_BaseAvatar"); expect(initial).toHaveTextContent("Z"); }); it("shows the room avatar in a DM with only ourselves", () => { // When we render a non-DM room with 1 person in it const room = createRoom({ name: "Z Room", isDm: true, userIds: [] }); const rendered = mountHeader(room); // Then the room's avatar is the initial of its name const initial = rendered.container.querySelector(".mx_BaseAvatar"); expect(initial).toHaveTextContent("Z"); }); it("shows the user avatar in a DM with 2 people", () => { // Note: this is the interesting case - this is the ONLY // time we should use the user's avatar. // When we render a DM room with only 2 people in it const room = createRoom({ name: "Y Room", isDm: true, userIds: ["other"] }); const rendered = mountHeader(room); // Then we use the other user's avatar as our room's image avatar const image = rendered.container.querySelector(".mx_BaseAvatar img"); expect(image).toHaveAttribute("src", "http://this.is.a.url/example.org/other"); }); it("shows the room avatar in a DM with >2 people", () => { // When we render a DM room with 3 people in it const room = createRoom({ name: "Z Room", isDm: true, userIds: ["other1", "other2"], }); const rendered = mountHeader(room); // Then the room's avatar is the initial of its name const initial = rendered.container.querySelector(".mx_BaseAvatar"); expect(initial).toHaveTextContent("Z"); }); it("renders call buttons normally", () => { const room = createRoom({ name: "Room", isDm: false, userIds: ["other"] }); const wrapper = mountHeader(room); expect(wrapper.container.querySelector('[aria-label="Voice call"]')).toBeDefined(); expect(wrapper.container.querySelector('[aria-label="Video call"]')).toBeDefined(); }); it("hides call buttons when the room is tombstoned", () => { const room = createRoom({ name: "Room", isDm: false, userIds: [] }); const wrapper = mountHeader( room, {}, { tombstone: mkEvent({ event: true, type: "m.room.tombstone", room: room.roomId, user: "@user1:server", skey: "", content: {}, ts: Date.now(), }), }, ); expect(wrapper.container.querySelector('[aria-label="Voice call"]')).toBeFalsy(); expect(wrapper.container.querySelector('[aria-label="Video call"]')).toBeFalsy(); }); it("should render buttons if not passing showButtons (default true)", () => { const room = createRoom({ name: "Room", isDm: false, userIds: [] }); const wrapper = mountHeader(room); expect(wrapper.container.querySelector(".mx_LegacyRoomHeader_button")).toBeDefined(); }); it("should not render buttons if passing showButtons = false", () => { const room = createRoom({ name: "Room", isDm: false, userIds: [] }); const wrapper = mountHeader(room, { showButtons: false }); expect(wrapper.container.querySelector(".mx_LegacyRoomHeader_button")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("should render the room options context menu if not passing enableRoomOptionsMenu (default true) and UIComponent customisations room options enabled", () => { mocked(shouldShowComponent).mockReturnValue(true); const room = createRoom({ name: "Room", isDm: false, userIds: [] }); const wrapper = mountHeader(room); expect(shouldShowComponent).toHaveBeenCalledWith(UIComponent.RoomOptionsMenu); expect(wrapper.container.querySelector(".mx_LegacyRoomHeader_name.mx_AccessibleButton")).toBeDefined(); }); it.each([ [false, true], [true, false], ])( "should not render the room options context menu if passing enableRoomOptionsMenu = %s and UIComponent customisations room options enable = %s", (enableRoomOptionsMenu, showRoomOptionsMenu) => { mocked(shouldShowComponent).mockReturnValue(showRoomOptionsMenu); const room = createRoom({ name: "Room", isDm: false, userIds: [] }); const wrapper = mountHeader(room, { enableRoomOptionsMenu }); expect(wrapper.container.querySelector(".mx_LegacyRoomHeader_name.mx_AccessibleButton")).toBeFalsy(); }, ); it("renders additionalButtons", async () => { const additionalButtons: ViewRoomOpts["buttons"] = [ { icon: () => <>test-icon, id: "test-id", label: () => "test-label", onClick: () => {}, }, ]; renderHeader({ additionalButtons }); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "test-icon" })).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it("calls onClick-callback on additionalButtons", () => { const callback = jest.fn(); const additionalButtons: ViewRoomOpts["buttons"] = [ { icon: () => <>test-icon, id: "test-id", label: () => "test-label", onClick: callback, }, ]; renderHeader({ additionalButtons }); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "test-icon" })); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); interface IRoomCreationInfo { name: string; isDm: boolean; userIds: string[]; } function createRoom(info: IRoomCreationInfo) { stubClient(); const client: MatrixClient = MatrixClientPeg.safeGet(); const roomId = "!1234567890:domain"; const userId = client.getUserId()!; if (info.isDm) { client.getAccountData = (eventType) => { if (eventType === "m.direct") { return mkDirectEvent(roomId, userId, info.userIds); } else { return undefined; } }; } DMRoomMap.makeShared(client).start(); const room = new Room(roomId, client, userId, { pendingEventOrdering: PendingEventOrdering.Detached, }); const otherJoinEvents: MatrixEvent[] = []; for (const otherUserId of info.userIds) { otherJoinEvents.push(mkJoinEvent(roomId, otherUserId)); } room.currentState.setStateEvents([ mkCreationEvent(roomId, userId), mkNameEvent(roomId, userId, info.name), mkJoinEvent(roomId, userId), ...otherJoinEvents, ]); room.recalculate(); return room; } function mountHeader(room: Room, propsOverride = {}, roomContext?: Partial): RenderResult { const props: RoomHeaderProps = { room, inRoom: true, onSearchClick: () => {}, onInviteClick: null, onForgetClick: () => {}, onAppsClick: () => {}, e2eStatus: E2EStatus.Normal, appsShown: true, searchInfo: { searchId: Math.random(), promise: new Promise(() => {}), term: "", scope: SearchScope.Room, count: 0, }, viewingCall: false, activeCall: null, ...propsOverride, }; return render( , { wrapper: TooltipProvider }, ); } function mkCreationEvent(roomId: string, userId: string): MatrixEvent { return mkEvent({ event: true, type: "m.room.create", room: roomId, user: userId, content: { creator: userId, room_version: "5", predecessor: { room_id: "!prevroom", event_id: "$someevent", }, }, }); } function mkNameEvent(roomId: string, userId: string, name: string): MatrixEvent { return mkEvent({ event: true, type: "m.room.name", room: roomId, user: userId, content: { name }, }); } function mkJoinEvent(roomId: string, userId: string) { const ret = mkEvent({ event: true, type: "m.room.member", room: roomId, user: userId, content: { membership: Membership.Join, avatar_url: "mxc://example.org/" + userId, }, }); ret.event.state_key = userId; return ret; } function mkDirectEvent(roomId: string, userId: string, otherUsers: string[]): MatrixEvent { const content: Record = {}; for (const otherUserId of otherUsers) { content[otherUserId] = [roomId]; } return mkEvent({ event: true, type: "m.direct", room: roomId, user: userId, content, }); }