/* Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd Copyright 2017, 2018 New Vector Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import SettingsStore, {SettingLevel} from "../../settings/SettingsStore"; const React = require('react'); const ReactDOM = require('react-dom'); import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; const sdk = require('../../index'); const MatrixClientPeg = require("../../MatrixClientPeg"); const PlatformPeg = require("../../PlatformPeg"); const Modal = require('../../Modal'); const dis = require("../../dispatcher"); import sessionStore from '../../stores/SessionStore'; import Promise from 'bluebird'; const packageJson = require('../../../package.json'); const UserSettingsStore = require('../../UserSettingsStore'); const CallMediaHandler = require('../../CallMediaHandler'); const Email = require('../../email'); const AddThreepid = require('../../AddThreepid'); const SdkConfig = require('../../SdkConfig'); import Analytics from '../../Analytics'; import AccessibleButton from '../views/elements/AccessibleButton'; import { _t, _td } from '../../languageHandler'; import * as languageHandler from '../../languageHandler'; import * as FormattingUtils from '../../utils/FormattingUtils'; // if this looks like a release, use the 'version' from package.json; else use // the git sha. Prepend version with v, to look like riot-web version const REACT_SDK_VERSION = 'dist' in packageJson ? packageJson.version : packageJson.gitHead || ''; // Simple method to help prettify GH Release Tags and Commit Hashes. const semVerRegex = /^v?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:-rc.+)?)(?:-(?:\d+-g)?([0-9a-fA-F]+))?(?:-dirty)?$/i; const gHVersionLabel = function(repo, token='') { const match = token.match(semVerRegex); let url; if (match && match[1]) { // basic semVer string possibly with commit hash url = (match.length > 1 && match[2]) ? `https://github.com/${repo}/commit/${match[2]}` : `https://github.com/${repo}/releases/tag/v${match[1]}`; } else { url = `https://github.com/${repo}/commit/${token.split('-')[0]}`; } return { token }; }; // Enumerate some simple 'flip a bit' UI settings (if any). The strings provided here // must be settings defined in SettingsStore. const SIMPLE_SETTINGS = [ { id: "urlPreviewsEnabled" }, { id: "autoplayGifsAndVideos" }, { id: "alwaysShowEncryptionIcons" }, { id: "hideReadReceipts" }, { id: "dontSendTypingNotifications" }, { id: "alwaysShowTimestamps" }, { id: "showTwelveHourTimestamps" }, { id: "hideJoinLeaves" }, { id: "hideAvatarChanges" }, { id: "hideDisplaynameChanges" }, { id: "useCompactLayout" }, { id: "hideRedactions" }, { id: "enableSyntaxHighlightLanguageDetection" }, { id: "MessageComposerInput.autoReplaceEmoji" }, { id: "MessageComposerInput.dontSuggestEmoji" }, { id: "Pill.shouldHidePillAvatar" }, { id: "TextualBody.disableBigEmoji" }, { id: "VideoView.flipVideoHorizontally" }, { id: "TagPanel.disableTagPanel" }, { id: "enableWidgetScreenshots" }, { id: "RoomSubList.showEmpty" }, { id: "pinMentionedRooms" }, { id: "pinUnreadRooms" }, { id: "showDeveloperTools" }, ]; // These settings must be defined in SettingsStore const ANALYTICS_SETTINGS = [ { id: 'analyticsOptIn', fn: function(checked) { checked ? Analytics.enable() : Analytics.disable(); }, }, ]; // These settings must be defined in SettingsStore const WEBRTC_SETTINGS = [ { id: 'webRtcForceTURN', fn: (val) => { MatrixClientPeg.get().setForceTURN(val); }, }, ]; // These settings must be defined in SettingsStore const CRYPTO_SETTINGS = [ { id: 'blacklistUnverifiedDevices', fn: function(checked) { MatrixClientPeg.get().setGlobalBlacklistUnverifiedDevices(checked); }, }, ]; // Enumerate the available themes, with a nice human text label. // 'label' is how we describe it in the UI. // 'value' is the value for the theme setting // // XXX: Ideally we would have a theme manifest or something and they'd be nicely // packaged up in a single directory, and/or located at the application layer. // But for now for expedience we just hardcode them here. const THEMES = [ { label: _td('Light theme'), value: 'light' }, { label: _td('Dark theme'), value: 'dark' }, { label: _td('Status.im theme'), value: 'status' }, ]; const IgnoredUser = React.createClass({ propTypes: { userId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, onUnignored: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }, _onUnignoreClick: function() { const ignoredUsers = MatrixClientPeg.get().getIgnoredUsers(); const index = ignoredUsers.indexOf(this.props.userId); if (index !== -1) { ignoredUsers.splice(index, 1); MatrixClientPeg.get().setIgnoredUsers(ignoredUsers) .then(() => this.props.onUnignored(this.props.userId)); } else this.props.onUnignored(this.props.userId); }, render: function() { return (
  • { _t("Unignore") } { this.props.userId }
  • ); }, }); module.exports = React.createClass({ displayName: 'UserSettings', propTypes: { onClose: PropTypes.func, // The brand string given when creating email pushers brand: PropTypes.string, // The base URL to use in the referral link. Defaults to window.location.origin. referralBaseUrl: PropTypes.string, // Team token for the referral link. If falsy, the referral section will // not appear teamToken: PropTypes.string, }, getDefaultProps: function() { return { onClose: function() {}, }; }, getInitialState: function() { return { avatarUrl: null, threepids: [], phase: "UserSettings.LOADING", // LOADING, DISPLAY email_add_pending: false, vectorVersion: undefined, rejectingInvites: false, mediaDevices: null, ignoredUsers: [], }; }, componentWillMount: function() { this._unmounted = false; this._addThreepid = null; if (PlatformPeg.get()) { Promise.resolve().then(() => { return PlatformPeg.get().getAppVersion(); }).done((appVersion) => { if (this._unmounted) return; this.setState({ vectorVersion: appVersion, }); }, (e) => { console.log("Failed to fetch app version", e); }); } this._refreshMediaDevices(); this._refreshIgnoredUsers(); // Bulk rejecting invites: // /sync won't have had time to return when UserSettings re-renders from state changes, so getRooms() // will still return rooms with invites. To get around this, add a listener for // membership updates and kick the UI. MatrixClientPeg.get().on("RoomMember.membership", this._onInviteStateChange); dis.dispatch({ action: 'panel_disable', sideDisabled: true, middleDisabled: true, }); this._refreshFromServer(); if (PlatformPeg.get().isElectron()) { const {ipcRenderer} = require('electron'); ipcRenderer.on('settings', this._electronSettings); ipcRenderer.send('settings_get'); } this.setState({ language: languageHandler.getCurrentLanguage(), }); this._sessionStore = sessionStore; this._sessionStoreToken = this._sessionStore.addListener( this._setStateFromSessionStore, ); this._setStateFromSessionStore(); }, componentDidMount: function() { this.dispatcherRef = dis.register(this.onAction); this._me = MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId; }, componentWillUnmount: function() { this._unmounted = true; dis.dispatch({ action: 'panel_disable', sideDisabled: false, middleDisabled: false, }); dis.unregister(this.dispatcherRef); const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); if (cli) { cli.removeListener("RoomMember.membership", this._onInviteStateChange); } if (PlatformPeg.get().isElectron()) { const {ipcRenderer} = require('electron'); ipcRenderer.removeListener('settings', this._electronSettings); } }, // `UserSettings` assumes that the client peg will not be null, so give it some // sort of assurance here by only allowing a re-render if the client is truthy. // // This is required because `UserSettings` maintains its own state and if this state // updates (e.g. during _setStateFromSessionStore) after the client peg has been made // null (during logout), then it will attempt to re-render and throw errors. shouldComponentUpdate: function() { return Boolean(MatrixClientPeg.get()); }, _setStateFromSessionStore: function() { this.setState({ userHasGeneratedPassword: Boolean(this._sessionStore.getCachedPassword()), }); }, _electronSettings: function(ev, settings) { this.setState({ electron_settings: settings }); }, _refreshMediaDevices: function(stream) { if (stream) { // kill stream so that we don't leave it lingering around with webcam enabled etc // as here we called gUM to ask user for permission to their device names only stream.getTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop()); } Promise.resolve().then(() => { return CallMediaHandler.getDevices(); }).then((mediaDevices) => { // console.log("got mediaDevices", mediaDevices, this._unmounted); if (this._unmounted) return; this.setState({ mediaDevices, activeAudioOutput: SettingsStore.getValueAt(SettingLevel.DEVICE, 'webrtc_audiooutput'), activeAudioInput: SettingsStore.getValueAt(SettingLevel.DEVICE, 'webrtc_audioinput'), activeVideoInput: SettingsStore.getValueAt(SettingLevel.DEVICE, 'webrtc_videoinput'), }); }); }, _refreshFromServer: function() { const self = this; Promise.all([ UserSettingsStore.loadProfileInfo(), UserSettingsStore.loadThreePids(), ]).done(function(resps) { self.setState({ avatarUrl: resps[0].avatar_url, threepids: resps[1].threepids, phase: "UserSettings.DISPLAY", }); }, function(error) { const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); console.error("Failed to load user settings: " + error); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Can\'t load user settings', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Can't load user settings"), description: ((error && error.message) ? error.message : _t("Server may be unavailable or overloaded")), }); }); }, _refreshIgnoredUsers: function(userIdUnignored=null) { const users = MatrixClientPeg.get().getIgnoredUsers(); if (userIdUnignored) { const index = users.indexOf(userIdUnignored); if (index !== -1) users.splice(index, 1); } this.setState({ ignoredUsers: users, }); }, onAction: function(payload) { if (payload.action === "notifier_enabled") { this.forceUpdate(); } else if (payload.action === "ignore_state_changed") { this._refreshIgnoredUsers(); } }, onAvatarPickerClick: function(ev) { if (this.refs.file_label) { this.refs.file_label.click(); } }, onAvatarSelected: function(ev) { const self = this; const changeAvatar = this.refs.changeAvatar; if (!changeAvatar) { console.error("No ChangeAvatar found to upload image to!"); return; } changeAvatar.onFileSelected(ev).done(function() { // dunno if the avatar changed, re-check it. self._refreshFromServer(); }, function(err) { // const errMsg = (typeof err === "string") ? err : (err.error || ""); console.error("Failed to set avatar: " + err); const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Failed to set avatar', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Failed to set avatar."), description: ((err && err.message) ? err.message : _t("Operation failed")), }); }); }, onAvatarRemoveClick: function() { MatrixClientPeg.get().setAvatarUrl(null); this.setState({avatarUrl: null}); // the avatar update will complete async for us }, onLogoutClicked: function(ev) { const QuestionDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.QuestionDialog"); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Logout E2E Export', '', QuestionDialog, { title: _t("Sign out"), description:
    { _t("For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end " + "encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able " + "to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, " + "please export your room keys for safe-keeping.") }
    , button: _t("Sign out"), extraButtons: [ , ], onFinished: (confirmed) => { if (confirmed) { dis.dispatch({action: 'logout'}); if (this.props.onFinished) { this.props.onFinished(); } } }, }); }, onPasswordChangeError: function(err) { let errMsg = err.error || ""; if (err.httpStatus === 403) { errMsg = _t("Failed to change password. Is your password correct?"); } else if (err.httpStatus) { errMsg += ` (HTTP status ${err.httpStatus})`; } const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); console.error("Failed to change password: " + errMsg); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Failed to change password', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Error"), description: errMsg, }); }, onPasswordChanged: function() { const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Password changed', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Success"), description: _t( "Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive " + "push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them", ) + ".", }); }, _onAddEmailEditFinished: function(value, shouldSubmit) { if (!shouldSubmit) return; this._addEmail(); }, _addEmail: function() { const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); const QuestionDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.QuestionDialog"); const emailAddress = this.refs.add_email_input.value; if (!Email.looksValid(emailAddress)) { Modal.createTrackedDialog('Invalid email address', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Invalid Email Address"), description: _t("This doesn't appear to be a valid email address"), }); return; } this._addThreepid = new AddThreepid(); // we always bind emails when registering, so let's do the // same here. this._addThreepid.addEmailAddress(emailAddress, true).done(() => { Modal.createTrackedDialog('Verification Pending', '', QuestionDialog, { title: _t("Verification Pending"), description: _t( "Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this " + "is done, click continue.", ), button: _t('Continue'), onFinished: this.onEmailDialogFinished, }); }, (err) => { this.setState({email_add_pending: false}); console.error("Unable to add email address " + emailAddress + " " + err); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Unable to add email address', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Unable to add email address"), description: ((err && err.message) ? err.message : _t("Operation failed")), }); }); ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.add_email_input).blur(); this.setState({email_add_pending: true}); }, onRemoveThreepidClicked: function(threepid) { const QuestionDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.QuestionDialog"); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Remove 3pid', '', QuestionDialog, { title: _t("Remove Contact Information?"), description: _t("Remove %(threePid)s?", { threePid: threepid.address }), button: _t('Remove'), onFinished: (submit) => { if (submit) { this.setState({ phase: "UserSettings.LOADING", }); MatrixClientPeg.get().deleteThreePid(threepid.medium, threepid.address).then(() => { return this._refreshFromServer(); }).catch((err) => { const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); console.error("Unable to remove contact information: " + err); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Remove 3pid failed', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Unable to remove contact information"), description: ((err && err.message) ? err.message : _t("Operation failed")), }); }).done(); } }, }); }, onEmailDialogFinished: function(ok) { if (ok) { this.verifyEmailAddress(); } else { this.setState({email_add_pending: false}); } }, verifyEmailAddress: function() { this._addThreepid.checkEmailLinkClicked().done(() => { this._addThreepid = null; this.setState({ phase: "UserSettings.LOADING", }); this._refreshFromServer(); this.setState({email_add_pending: false}); }, (err) => { this.setState({email_add_pending: false}); if (err.errcode == 'M_THREEPID_AUTH_FAILED') { const QuestionDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.QuestionDialog"); const message = _t("Unable to verify email address.") + " " + _t("Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue."); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Verification Pending', '', QuestionDialog, { title: _t("Verification Pending"), description: message, button: _t('Continue'), onFinished: this.onEmailDialogFinished, }); } else { const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); console.error("Unable to verify email address: " + err); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Unable to verify email address', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Unable to verify email address."), description: ((err && err.message) ? err.message : _t("Operation failed")), }); } }); }, _onDeactivateAccountClicked: function() { const DeactivateAccountDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.DeactivateAccountDialog"); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Deactivate Account', '', DeactivateAccountDialog, {}); }, _onBugReportClicked: function() { const BugReportDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.BugReportDialog"); if (!BugReportDialog) { return; } Modal.createTrackedDialog('Bug Report Dialog', '', BugReportDialog, {}); }, _onClearCacheClicked: function() { if (!PlatformPeg.get()) return; MatrixClientPeg.get().stopClient(); MatrixClientPeg.get().store.deleteAllData().done(() => { PlatformPeg.get().reload(); }); }, _onInviteStateChange: function(event, member, oldMembership) { if (member.userId === this._me && oldMembership === "invite") { this.forceUpdate(); } }, _onRejectAllInvitesClicked: function(rooms, ev) { this.setState({ rejectingInvites: true, }); // reject the invites const promises = rooms.map((room) => { return MatrixClientPeg.get().leave(room.roomId).catch((e) => { // purposefully drop errors to the floor: we'll just have a non-zero number on the UI // after trying to reject all the invites. }); }); Promise.all(promises).then(() => { this.setState({ rejectingInvites: false, }); }); }, _onExportE2eKeysClicked: function() { Modal.createTrackedDialogAsync('Export E2E Keys', '', import('../../async-components/views/dialogs/ExportE2eKeysDialog'), { matrixClient: MatrixClientPeg.get(), }, ); }, _onImportE2eKeysClicked: function() { Modal.createTrackedDialogAsync('Import E2E Keys', '', import('../../async-components/views/dialogs/ImportE2eKeysDialog'), { matrixClient: MatrixClientPeg.get(), }, ); }, _renderGroupSettings: function() { const GroupUserSettings = sdk.getComponent('groups.GroupUserSettings'); return ; }, _renderReferral: function() { const teamToken = this.props.teamToken; if (!teamToken) { return null; } if (typeof teamToken !== 'string') { console.warn('Team token not a string'); return null; } const href = (this.props.referralBaseUrl || window.location.origin) + `/#/register?referrer=${this._me}&team_token=${teamToken}`; return (


    { _t("Refer a friend to Riot:") } { href }
    ); }, onLanguageChange: function(newLang) { if (this.state.language !== newLang) { SettingsStore.setValue("language", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, newLang); this.setState({ language: newLang, }); PlatformPeg.get().reload(); } }, _renderLanguageSetting: function() { const LanguageDropdown = sdk.getComponent('views.elements.LanguageDropdown'); return
    ; }, _renderUserInterfaceSettings: function() { // TODO: this ought to be a separate component so that we don't need // to rebind the onChange each time we render const onChange = (e) => SettingsStore.setValue("autocompleteDelay", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, e.target.value); return (

    { _t("User Interface") }

    { SIMPLE_SETTINGS.map( this._renderAccountSetting ) } { THEMES.map( this._renderThemeOption ) }
    { _t('Autocomplete Delay (ms):') }
    { this._renderLanguageSetting() }
    ); }, _renderAccountSetting: function(setting) { const SettingsFlag = sdk.getComponent("elements.SettingsFlag"); return (
    ); }, _renderThemeOption: function(setting) { const SettingsFlag = sdk.getComponent("elements.SettingsFlag"); const onChange = (v) => dis.dispatch({action: 'set_theme', value: setting.value}); return (
    ); }, _renderCryptoInfo: function() { const client = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const deviceId = client.deviceId; let identityKey = client.getDeviceEd25519Key(); if (!identityKey) { identityKey = _t(""); } else { identityKey = FormattingUtils.formatCryptoKey(identityKey); } let importExportButtons = null; if (client.isCryptoEnabled) { importExportButtons = (
    { _t("Export E2E room keys") } { _t("Import E2E room keys") }
    ); } let keyBackupSection; if (SettingsStore.isFeatureEnabled("feature_keybackup")) { const KeyBackupPanel = sdk.getComponent('views.settings.KeyBackupPanel'); keyBackupSection =

    { _t("Key Backup") }

    ; } return (

    { _t("Cryptography") }

    • { deviceId }
    • { identityKey }
    { importExportButtons }
    { CRYPTO_SETTINGS.map( this._renderDeviceSetting ) }
    ); }, _renderIgnoredUsers: function() { if (this.state.ignoredUsers.length > 0) { const updateHandler = this._refreshIgnoredUsers; return (

    { _t("Ignored Users") }

      { this.state.ignoredUsers.map(function(userId) { return (); }) }
    ); } else return (
    ); }, _renderDeviceSetting: function(setting) { const SettingsFlag = sdk.getComponent("elements.SettingsFlag"); return (
    ); }, _renderDevicesPanel: function() { const DevicesPanel = sdk.getComponent('settings.DevicesPanel'); return (

    { _t("Devices") }

    ); }, _renderBugReport: function() { if (!SdkConfig.get().bug_report_endpoint_url) { return
    ; } return (

    { _t("Submit Debug Logs") }

    { _t( "If you've submitted a bug via GitHub, debug logs can help " + "us track down the problem. Debug logs contain application " + "usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of " + "the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of " + "other users. They do not contain messages.", ) }

    ); }, _renderAnalyticsControl: function() { if (!SdkConfig.get().piwik) return
    ; return

    { _t('Analytics') }

    { _t('Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.') }
    { _t('Privacy is important to us, so we don\'t collect any personal' + ' or identifiable data for our analytics.') } { _t('Learn more about how we use analytics.') } { ANALYTICS_SETTINGS.map( this._renderDeviceSetting ) }
    ; }, _renderLabs: function() { const features = []; SettingsStore.getLabsFeatures().forEach((featureId) => { // TODO: this ought to be a separate component so that we don't need // to rebind the onChange each time we render const onChange = async(e) => { const checked = e.target.checked; if (featureId === "feature_lazyloading") { const confirmed = await this._onLazyLoadChanging(checked); if (!confirmed) { e.preventDefault(); return; } } await SettingsStore.setFeatureEnabled(featureId, checked); this.forceUpdate(); }; features.push(
    ); }); // No labs section when there are no features in labs if (features.length === 0) { return null; } return (

    { _t("Labs") }

    { _t("These are experimental features that may break in unexpected ways") }. { _t("Use with caution") }.

    { features }
    ); }, _onLazyLoadChanging: async function(enabling) { // don't prevent turning LL off when not supported if (enabling) { const supported = await MatrixClientPeg.get().doesServerSupportLazyLoading(); if (!supported) { await new Promise((resolve) => { const QuestionDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.QuestionDialog"); Modal.createDialog(QuestionDialog, { title: _t("Lazy loading members not supported"), description:
    { _t("Lazy loading is not supported by your " + "current homeserver.") }
    , button: _t("OK"), onFinished: resolve, }); }); return false; } } return true; }, _renderDeactivateAccount: function() { return

    { _t("Deactivate Account") }

    { _t("Deactivate my account") }
    ; }, _renderTermsAndConditionsLinks: function() { if (SdkConfig.get().terms_and_conditions_links) { const tncLinks = []; for (const tncEntry of SdkConfig.get().terms_and_conditions_links) { tncLinks.push(); } return

    { _t("Legal") }

    ; } else { return null; } }, _renderClearCache: function() { return

    { _t("Clear Cache") }

    { _t("Clear Cache and Reload") }
    ; }, _renderCheckUpdate: function() { const platform = PlatformPeg.get(); if ('canSelfUpdate' in platform && platform.canSelfUpdate() && 'startUpdateCheck' in platform) { return

    { _t('Updates') }

    { _t('Check for update') }
    ; } return
    ; }, _renderBulkOptions: function() { const invitedRooms = MatrixClientPeg.get().getRooms().filter((r) => { return r.hasMembershipState(this._me, "invite"); }); if (invitedRooms.length === 0) { return null; } const Spinner = sdk.getComponent("elements.Spinner"); let reject = ; if (!this.state.rejectingInvites) { // bind() the invited rooms so any new invites that may come in as this button is clicked // don't inadvertently get rejected as well. const onClick = this._onRejectAllInvitesClicked.bind(this, invitedRooms); reject = ( { _t("Reject all %(invitedRooms)s invites", {invitedRooms: invitedRooms.length}) } ); } return

    { _t("Bulk Options") }

    { reject }
    ; }, _renderElectronSettings: function() { const settings = this.state.electron_settings; if (!settings) return; // TODO: This should probably be a granular setting, but it only applies to electron // and ends up being get/set outside of matrix anyways (local system setting). return

    { _t('Desktop specific') }

    ; }, _onAutoLaunchChanged: function(e) { const {ipcRenderer} = require('electron'); ipcRenderer.send('settings_set', 'auto-launch', e.target.checked); }, _mapWebRtcDevicesToSpans: function(devices) { return devices.map((device) => { device.label }); }, _setAudioOutput: function(deviceId) { this.setState({activeAudioOutput: deviceId}); CallMediaHandler.setAudioOutput(deviceId); }, _setAudioInput: function(deviceId) { this.setState({activeAudioInput: deviceId}); CallMediaHandler.setAudioInput(deviceId); }, _setVideoInput: function(deviceId) { this.setState({activeVideoInput: deviceId}); CallMediaHandler.setVideoInput(deviceId); }, _requestMediaPermissions: function(event) { const getUserMedia = ( window.navigator.getUserMedia || window.navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || window.navigator.mozGetUserMedia ); if (getUserMedia) { return getUserMedia.apply(window.navigator, [ { video: true, audio: true }, this._refreshMediaDevices, function() { const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent('dialogs.ErrorDialog'); Modal.createTrackedDialog('No media permissions', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t('No media permissions'), description: _t('You may need to manually permit Riot to access your microphone/webcam'), }); }, ]); } }, _renderWebRtcDeviceSettings: function() { if (this.state.mediaDevices === false) { return ( { _t('Missing Media Permissions, click here to request.') } ); } else if (!this.state.mediaDevices) return; const Dropdown = sdk.getComponent('elements.Dropdown'); let speakerDropdown =

    { _t('No Audio Outputs detected') }

    ; let microphoneDropdown =

    { _t('No Microphones detected') }

    ; let webcamDropdown =

    { _t('No Webcams detected') }

    ; const defaultOption = { deviceId: '', label: _t('Default Device'), }; const audioOutputs = this.state.mediaDevices.audiooutput.slice(0); if (audioOutputs.length > 0) { let defaultOutput = ''; if (!audioOutputs.some((input) => input.deviceId === 'default')) { audioOutputs.unshift(defaultOption); } else { defaultOutput = 'default'; } speakerDropdown =

    { _t('Audio Output') }

    { this._mapWebRtcDevicesToSpans(audioOutputs) }
    ; } const audioInputs = this.state.mediaDevices.audioinput.slice(0); if (audioInputs.length > 0) { let defaultInput = ''; if (!audioInputs.some((input) => input.deviceId === 'default')) { audioInputs.unshift(defaultOption); } else { defaultInput = 'default'; } microphoneDropdown =

    { _t('Microphone') }

    { this._mapWebRtcDevicesToSpans(audioInputs) }
    ; } const videoInputs = this.state.mediaDevices.videoinput.slice(0); if (videoInputs.length > 0) { let defaultInput = ''; if (!videoInputs.some((input) => input.deviceId === 'default')) { videoInputs.unshift(defaultOption); } else { defaultInput = 'default'; } webcamDropdown =

    { _t('Camera') }

    { this._mapWebRtcDevicesToSpans(videoInputs) }
    ; } return
    { speakerDropdown } { microphoneDropdown } { webcamDropdown }
    ; }, _renderWebRtcSettings: function() { return

    { _t('VoIP') }

    { WEBRTC_SETTINGS.map(this._renderDeviceSetting) } { this._renderWebRtcDeviceSettings() }
    ; }, onSelfShareClick: function() { const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const ShareDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ShareDialog"); Modal.createTrackedDialog('share self dialog', '', ShareDialog, { target: cli.getUser(this._me), }); }, _showSpoiler: function(event) { const target = event.target; target.innerHTML = target.getAttribute('data-spoiler'); const range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(target); const selection = window.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); }, nameForMedium: function(medium) { if (medium === 'msisdn') return _t('Phone'); if (medium === 'email') return _t('Email'); return medium[0].toUpperCase() + medium.slice(1); }, presentableTextForThreepid: function(threepid) { if (threepid.medium === 'msisdn') { return '+' + threepid.address; } else { return threepid.address; } }, render: function() { const Loader = sdk.getComponent("elements.Spinner"); switch (this.state.phase) { case "UserSettings.LOADING": return ( ); case "UserSettings.DISPLAY": break; // quit the switch to return the common state default: throw new Error("Unknown state.phase => " + this.state.phase); } // can only get here if phase is UserSettings.DISPLAY const SimpleRoomHeader = sdk.getComponent('rooms.SimpleRoomHeader'); const ChangeDisplayName = sdk.getComponent("views.settings.ChangeDisplayName"); const ChangePassword = sdk.getComponent("views.settings.ChangePassword"); const ChangeAvatar = sdk.getComponent('settings.ChangeAvatar'); const Notifications = sdk.getComponent("settings.Notifications"); const EditableText = sdk.getComponent('elements.EditableText'); const GeminiScrollbarWrapper = sdk.getComponent("elements.GeminiScrollbarWrapper"); const avatarUrl = ( this.state.avatarUrl ? MatrixClientPeg.get().mxcUrlToHttp(this.state.avatarUrl) : null ); const threepidsSection = this.state.threepids.map((val, pidIndex) => { const id = "3pid-" + val.address; // TODO: make a separate component to avoid having to rebind onClick // each time we render const onRemoveClick = (e) => this.onRemoveThreepidClicked(val); return (
    ); }); let addEmailSection; if (this.state.email_add_pending) { addEmailSection = ; } else { addEmailSection = (
    ); } const AddPhoneNumber = sdk.getComponent('views.settings.AddPhoneNumber'); const addMsisdnSection = ( ); threepidsSection.push(addEmailSection); threepidsSection.push(addMsisdnSection); const accountJsx = ( ); let notificationArea; if (this.state.threepids !== undefined) { notificationArea = (

    { _t("Notifications") }

    ); } const olmVersion = MatrixClientPeg.get().olmVersion; // If the olmVersion is not defined then either crypto is disabled, or // we are using a version old version of olm. We assume the former. let olmVersionString = ""; if (olmVersion) { olmVersionString = `${olmVersion[0]}.${olmVersion[1]}.${olmVersion[2]}`; } return (

    { _t("Profile") }

    { threepidsSection }

    { _t("Account") }

    { _t("Sign out") } { this.state.userHasGeneratedPassword ?
    { _t("To return to your account in future you need to set a password") }
    : null } { accountJsx }
    { this._renderGroupSettings() } { this._renderReferral() } { notificationArea } { this._renderUserInterfaceSettings() } { this._renderLabs() } { this._renderWebRtcSettings() } { this._renderDevicesPanel() } { this._renderCryptoInfo() } { this._renderIgnoredUsers() } { this._renderBulkOptions() } { this._renderBugReport() } { PlatformPeg.get().isElectron() && this._renderElectronSettings() } { this._renderAnalyticsControl() }

    { _t("Advanced") }

    { _t("Logged in as:") + ' ' } { this._me }
    { _t('Access Token:') + ' ' } <{ _t("click to reveal") }>
    { _t("Homeserver is") } { MatrixClientPeg.get().getHomeserverUrl() }
    { _t("Identity Server is") } { MatrixClientPeg.get().getIdentityServerUrl() }
    { _t('matrix-react-sdk version:') } { (REACT_SDK_VERSION !== '') ? gHVersionLabel('matrix-org/matrix-react-sdk', REACT_SDK_VERSION) : REACT_SDK_VERSION }
    { _t('riot-web version:') } { (this.state.vectorVersion !== undefined) ? gHVersionLabel('vector-im/riot-web', this.state.vectorVersion) : 'unknown' }
    { _t("olm version:") } { olmVersionString }
    { this._renderCheckUpdate() } { this._renderClearCache() } { this._renderDeactivateAccount() } { this._renderTermsAndConditionsLinks() }
    ); }, });