/* Copyright 2024 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React, { ChangeEvent } from "react"; import { act, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react"; import { MatrixClient, UploadResponse } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import UserProfileSettings from "../../../../src/components/views/settings/UserProfileSettings"; import { stubClient } from "../../../test-utils"; import { ToastContext, ToastRack } from "../../../../src/contexts/ToastContext"; import { OwnProfileStore } from "../../../../src/stores/OwnProfileStore"; interface MockedAvatarSettingProps { removeAvatar: () => void; onChange: (file: File) => void; } let removeAvatarFn: () => void; let changeAvatarFn: (file: File) => void; jest.mock( "../../../../src/components/views/settings/AvatarSetting", () => (({ removeAvatar, onChange }) => { removeAvatarFn = removeAvatar; changeAvatarFn = onChange; return
Mocked AvatarSetting
; }) as React.FC, ); let editInPlaceOnChange: (e: ChangeEvent) => void; let editInPlaceOnSave: () => void; let editInPlaceOnCancel: () => void; interface MockedEditInPlaceProps { onChange: (e: ChangeEvent) => void; onSave: () => void; onCancel: () => void; value: string; } jest.mock("@vector-im/compound-web", () => ({ EditInPlace: (({ onChange, onSave, onCancel, value }) => { editInPlaceOnChange = onChange; editInPlaceOnSave = onSave; editInPlaceOnCancel = onCancel; return
Mocked EditInPlace: {value}
; }) as React.FC, })); describe("ProfileSettings", () => { let client: MatrixClient; let toastRack: Partial; beforeEach(() => { client = stubClient(); toastRack = { displayToast: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(jest.fn()), }; }); it("removes avatar", async () => { render( , ); expect(await screen.findByText("Mocked AvatarSetting")).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(removeAvatarFn).toBeDefined(); act(() => { removeAvatarFn(); }); expect(client.setAvatarUrl).toHaveBeenCalledWith(""); }); it("changes avatar", async () => { render( , ); expect(await screen.findByText("Mocked AvatarSetting")).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(changeAvatarFn).toBeDefined(); const returnedMxcUri = "mxc://example.org/my-avatar"; mocked(client).uploadContent.mockResolvedValue({ content_uri: returnedMxcUri }); const fileSentinel = {}; await act(async () => { await changeAvatarFn(fileSentinel as File); }); expect(client.uploadContent).toHaveBeenCalledWith(fileSentinel); expect(client.setAvatarUrl).toHaveBeenCalledWith(returnedMxcUri); }); it("displays toast while uploading avatar", async () => { render( , ); const clearToastFn = jest.fn(); mocked(toastRack.displayToast!).mockReturnValue(clearToastFn); expect(await screen.findByText("Mocked AvatarSetting")).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(changeAvatarFn).toBeDefined(); let resolveUploadPromise = (r: UploadResponse) => {}; const uploadPromise = new Promise((r) => { resolveUploadPromise = r; }); mocked(client).uploadContent.mockReturnValue(uploadPromise); const fileSentinel = {}; const changeAvatarActPromise = act(async () => { await changeAvatarFn(fileSentinel as File); }); expect(toastRack.displayToast).toHaveBeenCalled(); act(() => { resolveUploadPromise({ content_uri: "bloop" }); }); await changeAvatarActPromise; expect(clearToastFn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("changes display name", async () => { jest.spyOn(OwnProfileStore.instance, "displayName", "get").mockReturnValue("Alice"); render( , ); expect(await screen.findByText("Mocked EditInPlace: Alice")).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(editInPlaceOnSave).toBeDefined(); act(() => { editInPlaceOnChange({ target: { value: "The Value" } as HTMLInputElement, } as ChangeEvent); }); await act(async () => { await editInPlaceOnSave(); }); expect(client.setDisplayName).toHaveBeenCalledWith("The Value"); }); it("resets on cancel", async () => { jest.spyOn(OwnProfileStore.instance, "displayName", "get").mockReturnValue("Alice"); render( , ); expect(await screen.findByText("Mocked EditInPlace: Alice")).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(editInPlaceOnChange).toBeDefined(); expect(editInPlaceOnCancel).toBeDefined(); act(() => { editInPlaceOnChange({ target: { value: "Alicia Zattic" } as HTMLInputElement, } as ChangeEvent); }); expect(await screen.findByText("Mocked EditInPlace: Alicia Zattic")).toBeInTheDocument(); act(() => { editInPlaceOnCancel(); }); expect(await screen.findByText("Mocked EditInPlace: Alice")).toBeInTheDocument(); }); });