/* Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import { render, RenderResult } from "@testing-library/react"; // eslint-disable-next-line deprecate/import import { mount, ReactWrapper } from "enzyme"; import { MessageEvent } from "matrix-events-sdk"; import { ReceiptType } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/@types/read_receipts"; import { EventTimelineSet, EventType, MatrixClient, MatrixEvent, PendingEventOrdering, Room, RoomEvent, TimelineWindow, } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { EventTimeline } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/event-timeline"; import { FeatureSupport, Thread, THREAD_RELATION_TYPE, ThreadEvent, ThreadFilterType, } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/thread"; import React from "react"; import TimelinePanel from "../../../src/components/structures/TimelinePanel"; import MatrixClientContext from "../../../src/contexts/MatrixClientContext"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../src/MatrixClientPeg"; import SettingsStore from "../../../src/settings/SettingsStore"; import { isCallEvent } from "../../../src/components/structures/LegacyCallEventGrouper"; import { flushPromises, mkRoom, stubClient } from "../../test-utils"; const newReceipt = (eventId: string, userId: string, readTs: number, fullyReadTs: number): MatrixEvent => { const receiptContent = { [eventId]: { [ReceiptType.Read]: { [userId]: { ts: readTs } }, [ReceiptType.ReadPrivate]: { [userId]: { ts: readTs } }, [ReceiptType.FullyRead]: { [userId]: { ts: fullyReadTs } }, }, }; return new MatrixEvent({ content: receiptContent, type: EventType.Receipt }); }; const getProps = (room: Room, events: MatrixEvent[]): TimelinePanel["props"] => { const timelineSet = { room: room as Room } as EventTimelineSet; const timeline = new EventTimeline(timelineSet); events.forEach((event) => timeline.addEvent(event, true)); timelineSet.getLiveTimeline = () => timeline; timelineSet.getTimelineForEvent = () => timeline; timelineSet.getPendingEvents = () => events; timelineSet.room!.getEventReadUpTo = () => events[1].getId() ?? null; return { timelineSet, manageReadReceipts: true, sendReadReceiptOnLoad: true, }; }; const renderPanel = (room: Room, events: MatrixEvent[]): RenderResult => { const props = getProps(room, events); return render(); }; const mockEvents = (room: Room, count = 2): MatrixEvent[] => { const events: MatrixEvent[] = []; for (let index = 0; index < count; index++) { events.push( new MatrixEvent({ room_id: room.roomId, event_id: `${room.roomId}_event_${index}`, type: EventType.RoomMessage, user_id: "userId", content: MessageEvent.from(`Event${index}`).serialize().content, }), ); } return events; }; const setupTestData = (): [MatrixClient, Room, MatrixEvent[]] => { const client = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const room = mkRoom(client, "roomId"); const events = mockEvents(room); return [client, room, events]; }; describe("TimelinePanel", () => { beforeEach(() => { stubClient(); }); describe("read receipts and markers", () => { it("should forget the read marker when asked to", () => { const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const readMarkersSent: string[] = []; // Track calls to setRoomReadMarkers cli.setRoomReadMarkers = (_roomId, rmEventId, _a, _b) => { readMarkersSent.push(rmEventId); return Promise.resolve({}); }; const ev0 = new MatrixEvent({ event_id: "ev0", sender: "@u2:m.org", origin_server_ts: 111, ...MessageEvent.from("hello 1").serialize(), }); const ev1 = new MatrixEvent({ event_id: "ev1", sender: "@u2:m.org", origin_server_ts: 222, ...MessageEvent.from("hello 2").serialize(), }); const roomId = "#room:example.com"; const userId = cli.credentials.userId!; const room = new Room(roomId, cli, userId, { pendingEventOrdering: PendingEventOrdering.Detached }); // Create a TimelinePanel with ev0 already present const timelineSet = new EventTimelineSet(room, {}); timelineSet.addLiveEvent(ev0); const component: ReactWrapper = mount( , ); const timelinePanel = component.instance() as TimelinePanel; // An event arrived, and we read it timelineSet.addLiveEvent(ev1); room.addEphemeralEvents([newReceipt("ev1", userId, 222, 220)]); // Sanity: We have not sent any read marker yet expect(readMarkersSent).toEqual([]); // This is what we are testing: forget the read marker - this should // update our read marker to match the latest receipt we sent timelinePanel.forgetReadMarker(); // We sent off a read marker for the new event expect(readMarkersSent).toEqual(["ev1"]); }); it("sends public read receipt when enabled", () => { const [client, room, events] = setupTestData(); const getValueCopy = SettingsStore.getValue; SettingsStore.getValue = jest.fn().mockImplementation((name: string) => { if (name === "sendReadReceipts") return true; if (name === "feature_threadstable") return false; return getValueCopy(name); }); renderPanel(room, events); expect(client.setRoomReadMarkers).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, "", events[0], events[0]); }); it("does not send public read receipt when enabled", () => { const [client, room, events] = setupTestData(); const getValueCopy = SettingsStore.getValue; SettingsStore.getValue = jest.fn().mockImplementation((name: string) => { if (name === "sendReadReceipts") return false; if (name === "feature_threadstable") return false; return getValueCopy(name); }); renderPanel(room, events); expect(client.setRoomReadMarkers).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId, "", undefined, events[0]); }); }); it("should scroll event into view when props.eventId changes", () => { const client = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const room = mkRoom(client, "roomId"); const events = mockEvents(room); const props = { ...getProps(room, events), onEventScrolledIntoView: jest.fn(), }; const { rerender } = render(); expect(props.onEventScrolledIntoView).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined); props.eventId = events[1].getId(); rerender(); expect(props.onEventScrolledIntoView).toHaveBeenCalledWith(events[1].getId()); }); describe("onRoomTimeline", () => { it("ignores events for other timelines", () => { const [client, room, events] = setupTestData(); const otherTimelineSet = { room: room as Room } as EventTimelineSet; const otherTimeline = new EventTimeline(otherTimelineSet); const props = { ...getProps(room, events), onEventScrolledIntoView: jest.fn(), }; const paginateSpy = jest.spyOn(TimelineWindow.prototype, "paginate").mockClear(); render(); const event = new MatrixEvent({ type: RoomEvent.Timeline }); const data = { timeline: otherTimeline, liveEvent: true }; client.emit(RoomEvent.Timeline, event, room, false, false, data); expect(paginateSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("ignores timeline updates without a live event", () => { const [client, room, events] = setupTestData(); const props = getProps(room, events); const paginateSpy = jest.spyOn(TimelineWindow.prototype, "paginate").mockClear(); render(); const event = new MatrixEvent({ type: RoomEvent.Timeline }); const data = { timeline: props.timelineSet.getLiveTimeline(), liveEvent: false }; client.emit(RoomEvent.Timeline, event, room, false, false, data); expect(paginateSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("ignores timeline where toStartOfTimeline is true", () => { const [client, room, events] = setupTestData(); const props = getProps(room, events); const paginateSpy = jest.spyOn(TimelineWindow.prototype, "paginate").mockClear(); render(); const event = new MatrixEvent({ type: RoomEvent.Timeline }); const data = { timeline: props.timelineSet.getLiveTimeline(), liveEvent: false }; const toStartOfTimeline = true; client.emit(RoomEvent.Timeline, event, room, toStartOfTimeline, false, data); expect(paginateSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("advances the timeline window", () => { const [client, room, events] = setupTestData(); const props = getProps(room, events); const paginateSpy = jest.spyOn(TimelineWindow.prototype, "paginate").mockClear(); render(); const event = new MatrixEvent({ type: RoomEvent.Timeline }); const data = { timeline: props.timelineSet.getLiveTimeline(), liveEvent: true }; client.emit(RoomEvent.Timeline, event, room, false, false, data); expect(paginateSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(EventTimeline.FORWARDS, 1, false); }); it("advances the overlay timeline window", async () => { const [client, room, events] = setupTestData(); const virtualRoom = mkRoom(client, "virtualRoomId"); const virtualEvents = mockEvents(virtualRoom); const { timelineSet: overlayTimelineSet } = getProps(virtualRoom, virtualEvents); const props = { ...getProps(room, events), overlayTimelineSet, }; const paginateSpy = jest.spyOn(TimelineWindow.prototype, "paginate").mockClear(); render(); const event = new MatrixEvent({ type: RoomEvent.Timeline }); const data = { timeline: props.timelineSet.getLiveTimeline(), liveEvent: true }; client.emit(RoomEvent.Timeline, event, room, false, false, data); await flushPromises(); expect(paginateSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); }); describe("with overlayTimeline", () => { it("renders merged timeline", () => { const [client, room, events] = setupTestData(); const virtualRoom = mkRoom(client, "virtualRoomId"); const virtualCallInvite = new MatrixEvent({ type: "m.call.invite", room_id: virtualRoom.roomId, event_id: `virtualCallEvent1`, }); const virtualCallMetaEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: "org.matrix.call.sdp_stream_metadata_changed", room_id: virtualRoom.roomId, event_id: `virtualCallEvent2`, }); const virtualEvents = [virtualCallInvite, ...mockEvents(virtualRoom), virtualCallMetaEvent]; const { timelineSet: overlayTimelineSet } = getProps(virtualRoom, virtualEvents); const props = { ...getProps(room, events), overlayTimelineSet, overlayTimelineSetFilter: isCallEvent, }; const { container } = render(); const eventTiles = container.querySelectorAll(".mx_EventTile"); const eventTileIds = [...eventTiles].map((tileElement) => tileElement.getAttribute("data-event-id")); expect(eventTileIds).toEqual([ // main timeline events are included events[1].getId(), events[0].getId(), // virtual timeline call event is included virtualCallInvite.getId(), // virtual call event has no tile renderer => not rendered ]); }); }); describe("when a thread updates", () => { let client: MatrixClient; let room: Room; let allThreads: EventTimelineSet; let root: MatrixEvent; let reply1: MatrixEvent; let reply2: MatrixEvent; beforeEach(() => { client = MatrixClientPeg.get(); Thread.hasServerSideSupport = FeatureSupport.Stable; client.supportsExperimentalThreads = () => true; const getValueCopy = SettingsStore.getValue; SettingsStore.getValue = jest.fn().mockImplementation((name: string) => { if (name === "feature_threadstable") return true; return getValueCopy(name); }); room = new Room("roomId", client, "userId"); allThreads = new EventTimelineSet( room, { pendingEvents: false, }, undefined, undefined, ThreadFilterType.All, ); const timeline = new EventTimeline(allThreads); allThreads.getLiveTimeline = () => timeline; allThreads.getTimelineForEvent = () => timeline; reply1 = new MatrixEvent({ room_id: room.roomId, event_id: "event_reply_1", type: EventType.RoomMessage, user_id: "userId", content: MessageEvent.from(`ReplyEvent1`).serialize().content, }); reply2 = new MatrixEvent({ room_id: room.roomId, event_id: "event_reply_2", type: EventType.RoomMessage, user_id: "userId", content: MessageEvent.from(`ReplyEvent2`).serialize().content, }); root = new MatrixEvent({ room_id: room.roomId, event_id: "event_root_1", type: EventType.RoomMessage, user_id: "userId", content: MessageEvent.from(`RootEvent`).serialize().content, }); const eventMap: { [key: string]: MatrixEvent } = { [root.getId()!]: root, [reply1.getId()!]: reply1, [reply2.getId()!]: reply2, }; room.findEventById = (eventId: string) => eventMap[eventId]; client.fetchRoomEvent = async (roomId: string, eventId: string) => roomId === room.roomId ? eventMap[eventId]?.event : {}; }); it("updates thread previews", async () => { root.setUnsigned({ "m.relations": { [THREAD_RELATION_TYPE.name]: { latest_event: reply1.event, count: 1, current_user_participated: true, }, }, }); const thread = room.createThread(root.getId()!, root, [], true); // So that we do not have to mock the thread loading thread.initialEventsFetched = true; // @ts-ignore thread.fetchEditsWhereNeeded = () => Promise.resolve(); await thread.addEvent(reply1, true); await allThreads.getLiveTimeline().addEvent(thread.rootEvent!, true); const replyToEvent = jest.spyOn(thread, "replyToEvent", "get"); const dom = render( , ); await dom.findByText("RootEvent"); await dom.findByText("ReplyEvent1"); expect(replyToEvent).toHaveBeenCalled(); root.setUnsigned({ "m.relations": { [THREAD_RELATION_TYPE.name]: { latest_event: reply2.event, count: 2, current_user_participated: true, }, }, }); replyToEvent.mockClear(); await thread.addEvent(reply2, false, true); await dom.findByText("RootEvent"); await dom.findByText("ReplyEvent2"); expect(replyToEvent).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("ignores thread updates for unknown threads", async () => { root.setUnsigned({ "m.relations": { [THREAD_RELATION_TYPE.name]: { latest_event: reply1.event, count: 1, current_user_participated: true, }, }, }); const realThread = room.createThread(root.getId()!, root, [], true); // So that we do not have to mock the thread loading realThread.initialEventsFetched = true; // @ts-ignore realThread.fetchEditsWhereNeeded = () => Promise.resolve(); await realThread.addEvent(reply1, true); await allThreads.getLiveTimeline().addEvent(realThread.rootEvent!, true); const replyToEvent = jest.spyOn(realThread, "replyToEvent", "get"); // @ts-ignore const fakeThread1: Thread = { id: undefined!, get roomId(): string { return room.roomId; }, }; const fakeRoom = new Room("thisroomdoesnotexist", client, "userId"); // @ts-ignore const fakeThread2: Thread = { id: root.getId()!, get roomId(): string { return fakeRoom.roomId; }, }; const dom = render( , ); await dom.findByText("RootEvent"); await dom.findByText("ReplyEvent1"); expect(replyToEvent).toHaveBeenCalled(); replyToEvent.mockClear(); room.emit(ThreadEvent.Update, fakeThread1); room.emit(ThreadEvent.Update, fakeThread2); await dom.findByText("ReplyEvent1"); expect(replyToEvent).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); replyToEvent.mockClear(); }); }); });