// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`MPollBody renders a finished poll 1`] = `
What should we order for the party?
Final result based on 3 votes
exports[`MPollBody renders a finished poll with multiple winners 1`] = `
What should we order for the party?
Final result based on 4 votes
exports[`MPollBody renders a finished poll with no votes 1`] = `
What should we order for the party?
Final result based on 0 votes
exports[`MPollBody renders a poll that I have not voted in 1`] = `
What should we order for the party?
3 votes cast. Vote to see the results
exports[`MPollBody renders a poll with local, non-local and invalid votes 1`] = `
What should we order for the party?
Based on 5 votes
exports[`MPollBody renders a poll with no votes 1`] = `
What should we order for the party?
No votes cast
exports[`MPollBody renders a poll with only non-local votes 1`] = `
What should we order for the party?
Based on 3 votes
exports[`MPollBody renders an undisclosed, finished poll 1`] = `"
What should we order for the party?
Final result based on 4 votes
exports[`MPollBody renders an undisclosed, unfinished poll 1`] = `"What should we order for the party?
Results will be visible when the poll is ended