/* Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from 'react'; var marked = require("marked"); marked.setOptions({ renderer: new marked.Renderer(), gfm: true, tables: true, breaks: true, pedantic: false, sanitize: true, smartLists: true, smartypants: false }); import {Editor, EditorState, RichUtils, CompositeDecorator, convertFromRaw, convertToRaw, Modifier, EditorChangeType, getDefaultKeyBinding, KeyBindingUtil, ContentState} from 'draft-js'; import {stateToMarkdown} from 'draft-js-export-markdown'; var MatrixClientPeg = require("../../../MatrixClientPeg"); var SlashCommands = require("../../../SlashCommands"); var Modal = require("../../../Modal"); var MemberEntry = require("../../../TabCompleteEntries").MemberEntry; var sdk = require('../../../index'); var dis = require("../../../dispatcher"); var KeyCode = require("../../../KeyCode"); import * as RichText from '../../../RichText'; const TYPING_USER_TIMEOUT = 10000, TYPING_SERVER_TIMEOUT = 30000; const KEY_M = 77; // FIXME Breaks markdown with multiple paragraphs, since it only strips first and last

function mdownToHtml(mdown) { var html = marked(mdown) || ""; html = html.trim(); // strip start and end

tags else you get 'orrible spacing if (html.indexOf("

") === 0) { html = html.substring("

".length); } if (html.lastIndexOf("

") === (html.length - "

".length)) { html = html.substring(0, html.length - "

".length); } return html; } /* * The textInput part of the MessageComposer */ export default class MessageComposerInput extends React.Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.onAction = this.onAction.bind(this); this.onInputClick = this.onInputClick.bind(this); this.handleReturn = this.handleReturn.bind(this); this.handleKeyCommand = this.handleKeyCommand.bind(this); this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this); let isRichtextEnabled = window.localStorage.getItem('mx_editor_rte_enabled'); if(isRichtextEnabled == null) { isRichtextEnabled = 'true'; } isRichtextEnabled = isRichtextEnabled === 'true'; this.state = { isRichtextEnabled: isRichtextEnabled, editorState: null }; // bit of a hack, but we need to do this here since createEditorState needs isRichtextEnabled this.state.editorState = this.createEditorState(); this.client = MatrixClientPeg.get(); } static getKeyBinding(e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent): string { // C-m => Toggles between rich text and markdown modes if(e.keyCode == KEY_M && KeyBindingUtil.isCtrlKeyCommand(e)) { return 'toggle-mode'; } return getDefaultKeyBinding(e); } /** * "Does the right thing" to create an EditorState, based on: * - whether we've got rich text mode enabled * - contentState was passed in */ createEditorState(richText: boolean, contentState: ?ContentState): EditorState { let decorators = richText ? RichText.getScopedRTDecorators(this.props) : RichText.getScopedMDDecorators(this.props), compositeDecorator = new CompositeDecorator(decorators); let editorState = null; if (contentState) { editorState = EditorState.createWithContent(contentState, compositeDecorator); } else { editorState = EditorState.createEmpty(compositeDecorator); } return EditorState.moveFocusToEnd(editorState); } componentWillMount() { const component = this; this.sentHistory = { // The list of typed messages. Index 0 is more recent data: [], // The position in data currently displayed position: -1, // The room the history is for. roomId: null, // The original text before they hit UP originalText: null, // The textarea element to set text to. element: null, init: function(element, roomId) { this.roomId = roomId; this.element = element; this.position = -1; var storedData = window.sessionStorage.getItem( "history_" + roomId ); if (storedData) { this.data = JSON.parse(storedData); } if (this.roomId) { this.setLastTextEntry(); } }, push: function(text) { // store a message in the sent history this.data.unshift(text); window.sessionStorage.setItem( "history_" + this.roomId, JSON.stringify(this.data) ); // reset history position this.position = -1; this.originalText = null; }, // move in the history. Returns true if we managed to move. next: function(offset) { if (this.position === -1) { // user is going into the history, save the current line. this.originalText = this.element.value; } else { // user may have modified this line in the history; remember it. this.data[this.position] = this.element.value; } if (offset > 0 && this.position === (this.data.length - 1)) { // we've run out of history return false; } // retrieve the next item (bounded). var newPosition = this.position + offset; newPosition = Math.max(-1, newPosition); newPosition = Math.min(newPosition, this.data.length - 1); this.position = newPosition; if (this.position !== -1) { // show the message this.element.value = this.data[this.position]; } else if (this.originalText !== undefined) { // restore the original text the user was typing. this.element.value = this.originalText; } return true; }, saveLastTextEntry: function() { // save the currently entered text in order to restore it later. // NB: This isn't 'originalText' because we want to restore // sent history items too! let contentJSON = JSON.stringify(convertToRaw(component.state.editorState.getCurrentContent())); window.sessionStorage.setItem("input_" + this.roomId, contentJSON); }, setLastTextEntry: function() { let contentJSON = window.sessionStorage.getItem("input_" + this.roomId); if (contentJSON) { let content = convertFromRaw(JSON.parse(contentJSON)); component.setState({ editorState: component.createEditorState(component.state.isRichtextEnabled, content) }); } } }; } componentDidMount() { this.dispatcherRef = dis.register(this.onAction); this.sentHistory.init( this.refs.editor, this.props.room.roomId ); // this is disabled for now, since https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-react-sdk/pull/296 will land soon // if (this.props.tabComplete) { // this.props.tabComplete.setEditor(this.refs.editor); // } } componentWillUnmount() { dis.unregister(this.dispatcherRef); this.sentHistory.saveLastTextEntry(); } onAction(payload) { var editor = this.refs.editor; switch (payload.action) { case 'focus_composer': editor.focus(); break; // TODO change this so we insert a complete user alias case 'insert_displayname': if (this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent().hasText()) { console.log(payload); let contentState = Modifier.replaceText( this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent(), this.state.editorState.getSelection(), payload.displayname ); this.setState({ editorState: EditorState.push(this.state.editorState, contentState, 'insert-characters') }); editor.focus(); } break; } } onKeyDown(ev) { if (ev.keyCode === KeyCode.UP || ev.keyCode === KeyCode.DOWN) { var oldSelectionStart = this.refs.textarea.selectionStart; // Remember the keyCode because React will recycle the synthetic event var keyCode = ev.keyCode; // set a callback so we can see if the cursor position changes as // a result of this event. If it doesn't, we cycle history. setTimeout(() => { if (this.refs.textarea.selectionStart == oldSelectionStart) { this.sentHistory.next(keyCode === KeyCode.UP ? 1 : -1); } }, 0); } } onTypingActivity() { this.isTyping = true; if (!this.userTypingTimer) { this.sendTyping(true); } this.startUserTypingTimer(); this.startServerTypingTimer(); } onFinishedTyping() { this.isTyping = false; this.sendTyping(false); this.stopUserTypingTimer(); this.stopServerTypingTimer(); } startUserTypingTimer() { this.stopUserTypingTimer(); var self = this; this.userTypingTimer = setTimeout(function() { self.isTyping = false; self.sendTyping(self.isTyping); self.userTypingTimer = null; }, TYPING_USER_TIMEOUT); } stopUserTypingTimer() { if (this.userTypingTimer) { clearTimeout(this.userTypingTimer); this.userTypingTimer = null; } } startServerTypingTimer() { if (!this.serverTypingTimer) { var self = this; this.serverTypingTimer = setTimeout(function() { if (self.isTyping) { self.sendTyping(self.isTyping); self.startServerTypingTimer(); } }, TYPING_SERVER_TIMEOUT / 2); } } stopServerTypingTimer() { if (this.serverTypingTimer) { clearTimeout(this.servrTypingTimer); this.serverTypingTimer = null; } } sendTyping(isTyping) { MatrixClientPeg.get().sendTyping( this.props.room.roomId, this.isTyping, TYPING_SERVER_TIMEOUT ).done(); } refreshTyping() { if (this.typingTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.typingTimeout); this.typingTimeout = null; } } onInputClick(ev) { this.refs.editor.focus(); } onChange(editorState: EditorState) { this.setState({editorState}); if(editorState.getCurrentContent().hasText()) { this.onTypingActivity() } else { this.onFinishedTyping(); } } enableRichtext(enabled: boolean) { if (enabled) { let html = mdownToHtml(this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText()); this.setState({ editorState: this.createEditorState(enabled, RichText.HTMLtoContentState(html)) }); } else { let markdown = stateToMarkdown(this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent()), contentState = ContentState.createFromText(markdown); this.setState({ editorState: this.createEditorState(enabled, contentState) }); } window.localStorage.setItem('mx_editor_rte_enabled', enabled); this.setState({ isRichtextEnabled: enabled }); } handleKeyCommand(command: string): boolean { if(command === 'toggle-mode') { this.enableRichtext(!this.state.isRichtextEnabled); return true; } let newState: ?EditorState = null; // Draft handles rich text mode commands by default but we need to do it ourselves for Markdown. if(!this.state.isRichtextEnabled) { let contentState = this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent(), selection = this.state.editorState.getSelection(); let modifyFn = { bold: text => `**${text}**`, italic: text => `*${text}*`, underline: text => `_${text}_`, // there's actually no valid underline in Markdown, but *shrug* code: text => `\`${text}\`` }[command]; if(modifyFn) { newState = EditorState.push( this.state.editorState, RichText.modifyText(contentState, selection, modifyFn), 'insert-characters' ); } } if(newState == null) newState = RichUtils.handleKeyCommand(this.state.editorState, command); if (newState != null) { this.onChange(newState); return true; } return false; } handleReturn(ev) { if(ev.shiftKey) return false; const contentState = this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent(); if(!contentState.hasText()) return true; let contentText = contentState.getPlainText(), contentHTML; var cmd = SlashCommands.processInput(this.props.room.roomId, contentText); if (cmd) { if (!cmd.error) { this.setState({ editorState: this.createEditorState() }); } if (cmd.promise) { cmd.promise.done(function() { console.log("Command success."); }, function(err) { console.error("Command failure: %s", err); var ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, { title: "Server error", description: err.message }); }); } else if (cmd.error) { console.error(cmd.error); var ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog"); Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, { title: "Command error", description: cmd.error }); } return true; } if(this.state.isRichtextEnabled) { contentHTML = RichText.contentStateToHTML(contentState); } else { contentHTML = mdownToHtml(contentText); } let sendFn = this.client.sendHtmlMessage; if (contentText.startsWith('/me')) { contentText = contentText.replace('/me', ''); // bit of a hack, but the alternative would be quite complicated contentHTML = contentHTML.replace('/me', ''); sendFn = this.client.sendHtmlEmote; } this.sentHistory.push(contentHTML); let sendMessagePromise = sendFn.call(this.client, this.props.room.roomId, contentText, contentHTML); sendMessagePromise.done(() => { dis.dispatch({ action: 'message_sent' }); }, () => { dis.dispatch({ action: 'message_send_failed' }); }); this.setState({ editorState: this.createEditorState() }); return true; } render() { let className = "mx_MessageComposer_input"; if(this.state.isRichtextEnabled) { className += " mx_MessageComposer_input_rte"; // placeholder indicator for RTE mode } return (
); } }; MessageComposerInput.propTypes = { tabComplete: React.PropTypes.any, // a callback which is called when the height of the composer is // changed due to a change in content. onResize: React.PropTypes.func, // js-sdk Room object room: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired };