// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[` when user has live beacons and geolocation is available renders correctly with one live beacon in room 1`] = `"
You are sharing your live location1h left
exports[` when user has live beacons and geolocation is available renders correctly with two live beacons in room 1`] = `"
You are sharing your live location12h left
exports[` when user has live beacons and geolocation is available stopping beacons displays error when stop sharing fails 1`] = `"
An error occurred while stopping your live location, please try again
exports[` when user has live beacons and geolocation is available with location publish errors displays location publish error when mounted with location publish errors 1`] = `
An error occured whilst sharing your live location, please try again