import React from "react"; import { mocked } from 'jest-mock'; import { renderIntoDocument, Simulate, } from 'react-dom/test-utils'; import { act } from "react-dom/test-utils"; import { EventType, MatrixClient, Room } from 'matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix'; import { GuestAccess, HistoryVisibility, JoinRule } from 'matrix-js-sdk/src/@types/partials'; import _SpaceSettingsVisibilityTab from "../../../../src/components/views/spaces/SpaceSettingsVisibilityTab"; import { createTestClient, mkEvent, wrapInMatrixClientContext } from '../../../test-utils'; import { mkSpace, mockStateEventImplementation } from '../../../test-utils'; import { MatrixClientPeg } from '../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg'; const SpaceSettingsVisibilityTab = wrapInMatrixClientContext(_SpaceSettingsVisibilityTab); jest.useFakeTimers(); describe('', () => { const mockMatrixClient = createTestClient() as MatrixClient; const makeJoinEvent = (rule: JoinRule = JoinRule.Invite) => mkEvent({ type: EventType.RoomJoinRules, event: true, content: { join_rule: rule, }, } as any); const makeGuestAccessEvent = (rule: GuestAccess = GuestAccess.CanJoin) => mkEvent({ type: EventType.RoomGuestAccess, event: true, content: { guest_access: rule, }, } as any); const makeHistoryEvent = (rule: HistoryVisibility = HistoryVisibility.Shared) => mkEvent({ type: EventType.RoomHistoryVisibility, event: true, content: { history_visibility: rule, }, } as any); const mockSpaceId = 'mock-space'; // TODO case for canonical const makeMockSpace = ( client: MatrixClient, joinRule: JoinRule = JoinRule.Invite, guestRule: GuestAccess = GuestAccess.CanJoin, historyRule: HistoryVisibility = HistoryVisibility.WorldReadable, ): Room => { const events = [ makeJoinEvent(joinRule), makeGuestAccessEvent(guestRule), makeHistoryEvent(historyRule), ]; const space = mkSpace(client, mockSpaceId); const getStateEvents = mockStateEventImplementation(events); mocked(space.currentState).getStateEvents.mockImplementation(getStateEvents); mocked(space.currentState).mayClientSendStateEvent.mockReturnValue(false); space.getJoinRule.mockReturnValue(joinRule); mocked(space.currentState).getJoinRule.mockReturnValue(joinRule); return space as unknown as Room; }; const defaultProps = { matrixClient: mockMatrixClient, space: makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient), closeSettingsFn: jest.fn(), }; const getComponent = (props = {}) => { const wrapper = renderIntoDocument( // wrap in element so renderIntoDocument can render functional component , ) as HTMLSpanElement; return wrapper.children[0]; }; const getByTestId = (container: Element, id: string) => container.querySelector(`[data-test-id=${id}]`); const toggleGuestAccessSection = async (component) => { const toggleButton = getByTestId(component, 'toggle-guest-access-btn'); await act(async () => {; }); }; const getGuestAccessToggle = component => component.querySelector('[aria-label="Enable guest access"'); const getHistoryVisibilityToggle = component => component.querySelector('[aria-label="Preview Space"'); const getErrorMessage = component => getByTestId(component, 'space-settings-error')?.textContent; beforeEach(() => { (mockMatrixClient.sendStateEvent as jest.Mock).mockClear().mockResolvedValue({}); MatrixClientPeg.get = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(mockMatrixClient); }); afterEach(() => { jest.runAllTimers(); }); it('renders container', () => { const component = getComponent(); expect(component).toMatchSnapshot(); }); describe('for a private space', () => { const joinRule = JoinRule.Invite; it('does not render addresses section', () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule); const component = getComponent({ space }); expect(getByTestId(component, 'published-address-fieldset')).toBeFalsy(); expect(getByTestId(component, 'local-address-fieldset')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('for a public space', () => { const joinRule = JoinRule.Public; const guestRule = GuestAccess.CanJoin; const historyRule = HistoryVisibility.Joined; describe('Access', () => { it('renders guest access section toggle', async () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule); const component = getComponent({ space }); await toggleGuestAccessSection(component); expect(getGuestAccessToggle(component)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('send guest access event on toggle', async () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule); const component = getComponent({ space }); await toggleGuestAccessSection(component); const guestAccessInput = getGuestAccessToggle(component); expect(guestAccessInput.getAttribute('aria-checked')).toEqual("true"); await act(async () => {; }); expect(mockMatrixClient.sendStateEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith( mockSpaceId, EventType.RoomGuestAccess, // toggled off { guest_access: GuestAccess.Forbidden }, "", ); // toggled off expect(guestAccessInput.getAttribute('aria-checked')).toEqual("false"); }); it('renders error message when update fails', async () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule); (mockMatrixClient.sendStateEvent as jest.Mock).mockRejectedValue({}); const component = getComponent({ space }); await toggleGuestAccessSection(component); await act(async () => {; }); expect(getErrorMessage(component)).toEqual("Failed to update the guest access of this space"); }); it('disables guest access toggle when setting guest access is not allowed', async () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule); (space.currentState.maySendStateEvent as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(false); const component = getComponent({ space }); await toggleGuestAccessSection(component); expect(getGuestAccessToggle(component).getAttribute('aria-disabled')).toEqual("true"); }); }); describe('Preview', () => { it('renders preview space toggle', () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule, historyRule); const component = getComponent({ space }); // toggle off because space settings is != WorldReadable expect(getHistoryVisibilityToggle(component).getAttribute('aria-checked')).toEqual("false"); }); it('updates history visibility on toggle', async () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule, historyRule); const component = getComponent({ space }); // toggle off because space settings is != WorldReadable expect(getHistoryVisibilityToggle(component).getAttribute('aria-checked')).toEqual("false"); await act(async () => {; }); expect(mockMatrixClient.sendStateEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith( mockSpaceId, EventType.RoomHistoryVisibility, { history_visibility: HistoryVisibility.WorldReadable }, "", ); expect(getHistoryVisibilityToggle(component).getAttribute('aria-checked')).toEqual("true"); }); it('renders error message when history update fails', async () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule, historyRule); (mockMatrixClient.sendStateEvent as jest.Mock).mockRejectedValue({}); const component = getComponent({ space }); await act(async () => {; }); expect(getErrorMessage(component)).toEqual("Failed to update the history visibility of this space"); }); it('disables room preview toggle when history visability changes are not allowed', () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule, historyRule); (space.currentState.maySendStateEvent as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(false); const component = getComponent({ space }); expect(getHistoryVisibilityToggle(component).getAttribute('aria-disabled')).toEqual("true"); }); }); it('renders addresses section', () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule); const component = getComponent({ space }); expect(getByTestId(component, 'published-address-fieldset')).toBeTruthy(); expect(getByTestId(component, 'local-address-fieldset')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); });