/* Copyright 2019 Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> Copyright 2015 - 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from 'react'; import { EventStatus, MatrixEvent } from 'matrix-js-sdk/src/models/event'; import { EventType, RelationType } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/@types/event"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from '../../../MatrixClientPeg'; import dis from '../../../dispatcher/dispatcher'; import { _t } from '../../../languageHandler'; import Modal from '../../../Modal'; import Resend from '../../../Resend'; import SettingsStore from '../../../settings/SettingsStore'; import { isUrlPermitted } from '../../../HtmlUtils'; import { isContentActionable } from '../../../utils/EventUtils'; import IconizedContextMenu, { IconizedContextMenuOption, IconizedContextMenuOptionList } from './IconizedContextMenu'; import { replaceableComponent } from "../../../utils/replaceableComponent"; import { ReadPinsEventId } from "../right_panel/PinnedMessagesCard"; import ForwardDialog from "../dialogs/ForwardDialog"; import { Action } from "../../../dispatcher/actions"; import ReportEventDialog from '../dialogs/ReportEventDialog'; import ViewSource from '../../structures/ViewSource'; import ConfirmRedactDialog from '../dialogs/ConfirmRedactDialog'; import ErrorDialog from '../dialogs/ErrorDialog'; import ShareDialog from '../dialogs/ShareDialog'; import { RoomPermalinkCreator } from "../../../utils/permalinks/Permalinks"; export function canCancel(eventStatus: EventStatus): boolean { return eventStatus === EventStatus.QUEUED || eventStatus === EventStatus.NOT_SENT; } interface IEventTileOps { isWidgetHidden(): boolean; unhideWidget(): void; } interface IProps { /* the MatrixEvent associated with the context menu */ mxEvent: MatrixEvent; /* an optional EventTileOps implementation that can be used to unhide preview widgets */ eventTileOps?: IEventTileOps; permalinkCreator?: RoomPermalinkCreator; /* an optional function to be called when the user clicks collapse thread, if not provided hide button */ collapseReplyThread?(): void; /* callback called when the menu is dismissed */ onFinished(): void; /* if the menu is inside a dialog, we sometimes need to close that dialog after click (forwarding) */ onCloseDialog?(): void; } interface IState { canRedact: boolean; canPin: boolean; } @replaceableComponent("views.context_menus.MessageContextMenu") export default class MessageContextMenu extends React.Component { state = { canRedact: false, canPin: false, }; componentDidMount() { MatrixClientPeg.get().on('RoomMember.powerLevel', this.checkPermissions); this.checkPermissions(); } componentWillUnmount() { const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); if (cli) { cli.removeListener('RoomMember.powerLevel', this.checkPermissions); } } private checkPermissions = (): void => { const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const room = cli.getRoom(this.props.mxEvent.getRoomId()); // We explicitly decline to show the redact option on ACL events as it has a potential // to obliterate the room - https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/4042 // Similarly for encryption events, since redacting them "breaks everything" const canRedact = room.currentState.maySendRedactionForEvent(this.props.mxEvent, cli.credentials.userId) && this.props.mxEvent.getType() !== EventType.RoomServerAcl && this.props.mxEvent.getType() !== EventType.RoomEncryption; let canPin = room.currentState.mayClientSendStateEvent(EventType.RoomPinnedEvents, cli); // HACK: Intentionally say we can't pin if the user doesn't want to use the functionality if (!SettingsStore.getValue("feature_pinning")) canPin = false; this.setState({ canRedact, canPin }); }; private isPinned(): boolean { const room = MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(this.props.mxEvent.getRoomId()); const pinnedEvent = room.currentState.getStateEvents(EventType.RoomPinnedEvents, ''); if (!pinnedEvent) return false; const content = pinnedEvent.getContent(); return content.pinned && Array.isArray(content.pinned) && content.pinned.includes(this.props.mxEvent.getId()); } private onResendReactionsClick = (): void => { for (const reaction of this.getUnsentReactions()) { Resend.resend(reaction); } this.closeMenu(); }; private onReportEventClick = (): void => { Modal.createTrackedDialog('Report Event', '', ReportEventDialog, { mxEvent: this.props.mxEvent, }, 'mx_Dialog_reportEvent'); this.closeMenu(); }; private onViewSourceClick = (): void => { Modal.createTrackedDialog('View Event Source', '', ViewSource, { mxEvent: this.props.mxEvent, }, 'mx_Dialog_viewsource'); this.closeMenu(); }; private onRedactClick = (): void => { Modal.createTrackedDialog('Confirm Redact Dialog', '', ConfirmRedactDialog, { onFinished: async (proceed: boolean, reason?: string) => { if (!proceed) return; const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); try { this.props.onCloseDialog?.(); await cli.redactEvent( this.props.mxEvent.getRoomId(), this.props.mxEvent.getId(), undefined, reason ? { reason } : {}, ); } catch (e) { const code = e.errcode || e.statusCode; // only show the dialog if failing for something other than a network error // (e.g. no errcode or statusCode) as in that case the redactions end up in the // detached queue and we show the room status bar to allow retry if (typeof code !== "undefined") { // display error message stating you couldn't delete this. Modal.createTrackedDialog('You cannot delete this message', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t('Error'), description: _t('You cannot delete this message. (%(code)s)', { code }), }); } } }, }, 'mx_Dialog_confirmredact'); this.closeMenu(); }; private onForwardClick = (): void => { Modal.createTrackedDialog('Forward Message', '', ForwardDialog, { matrixClient: MatrixClientPeg.get(), event: this.props.mxEvent, permalinkCreator: this.props.permalinkCreator, }); this.closeMenu(); }; private onPinClick = (): void => { const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const room = cli.getRoom(this.props.mxEvent.getRoomId()); const eventId = this.props.mxEvent.getId(); const pinnedIds = room?.currentState?.getStateEvents(EventType.RoomPinnedEvents, "")?.getContent().pinned || []; if (pinnedIds.includes(eventId)) { pinnedIds.splice(pinnedIds.indexOf(eventId), 1); } else { pinnedIds.push(eventId); cli.setRoomAccountData(room.roomId, ReadPinsEventId, { event_ids: [ ...(room.getAccountData(ReadPinsEventId)?.getContent()?.event_ids || []), eventId, ], }); } cli.sendStateEvent(this.props.mxEvent.getRoomId(), EventType.RoomPinnedEvents, { pinned: pinnedIds }, ""); this.closeMenu(); }; private closeMenu = (): void => { this.props.onFinished(); }; private onUnhidePreviewClick = (): void => { this.props.eventTileOps?.unhideWidget(); this.closeMenu(); }; private onQuoteClick = (): void => { dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ComposerInsert, event: this.props.mxEvent, }); this.closeMenu(); }; private onPermalinkClick = (e: React.MouseEvent): void => { e.preventDefault(); Modal.createTrackedDialog('share room message dialog', '', ShareDialog, { target: this.props.mxEvent, permalinkCreator: this.props.permalinkCreator, }); this.closeMenu(); }; private onCollapseReplyThreadClick = (): void => { this.props.collapseReplyThread(); this.closeMenu(); }; private getReactions(filter: (e: MatrixEvent) => boolean): MatrixEvent[] { const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const room = cli.getRoom(this.props.mxEvent.getRoomId()); const eventId = this.props.mxEvent.getId(); return room.getPendingEvents().filter(e => { const relation = e.getRelation(); return relation?.rel_type === RelationType.Annotation && relation.event_id === eventId && filter(e); }); } private getPendingReactions(): MatrixEvent[] { return this.getReactions(e => canCancel(e.status)); } private getUnsentReactions(): MatrixEvent[] { return this.getReactions(e => e.status === EventStatus.NOT_SENT); } render() { const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const me = cli.getUserId(); const mxEvent = this.props.mxEvent; const eventStatus = mxEvent.status; const unsentReactionsCount = this.getUnsentReactions().length; let resendReactionsButton: JSX.Element; let redactButton: JSX.Element; let forwardButton: JSX.Element; let pinButton: JSX.Element; let unhidePreviewButton: JSX.Element; let externalURLButton: JSX.Element; let quoteButton: JSX.Element; let collapseReplyThread: JSX.Element; let redactItemList: JSX.Element; // status is SENT before remote-echo, null after const isSent = !eventStatus || eventStatus === EventStatus.SENT; if (!mxEvent.isRedacted()) { if (unsentReactionsCount !== 0) { resendReactionsButton = ( ); } } if (isSent && this.state.canRedact) { redactButton = ( ); } if (isContentActionable(mxEvent)) { forwardButton = ( ); if (this.state.canPin) { pinButton = ( ); } } const viewSourceButton = ( ); if (this.props.eventTileOps) { if (this.props.eventTileOps.isWidgetHidden()) { unhidePreviewButton = ( ); } } let permalink; if (this.props.permalinkCreator) { permalink = this.props.permalinkCreator.forEvent(this.props.mxEvent.getId()); } const permalinkButton = ( ); if (this.props.eventTileOps) { // this event is rendered using TextualBody quoteButton = ( ); } // Bridges can provide a 'external_url' to link back to the source. if (typeof (mxEvent.getContent().external_url) === "string" && isUrlPermitted(mxEvent.getContent().external_url) ) { externalURLButton = ( ); } if (this.props.collapseReplyThread) { collapseReplyThread = ( ); } let reportEventButton: JSX.Element; if (mxEvent.getSender() !== me) { reportEventButton = ( ); } const commonItemsList = ( { quoteButton } { forwardButton } { pinButton } { permalinkButton } { reportEventButton } { externalURLButton } { unhidePreviewButton } { viewSourceButton } { resendReactionsButton } { collapseReplyThread } ); if (redactButton) { redactItemList = ( { redactButton } ); } return ( { commonItemsList } { redactItemList } ); } }