/* Copyright 2016-2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React, { ChangeEvent, createRef } from "react"; import { MatrixEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/event"; import EditableItemList from "../elements/EditableItemList"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../MatrixClientPeg"; import { _t } from '../../../languageHandler'; import Field from "../elements/Field"; import Spinner from "../elements/Spinner"; import ErrorDialog from "../dialogs/ErrorDialog"; import AccessibleButton from "../elements/AccessibleButton"; import Modal from "../../../Modal"; import RoomPublishSetting from "./RoomPublishSetting"; import { replaceableComponent } from "../../../utils/replaceableComponent"; import RoomAliasField from "../elements/RoomAliasField"; interface IEditableAliasesListProps { domain?: string; } class EditableAliasesList extends EditableItemList { private aliasField = createRef(); private onAliasAdded = async () => { await this.aliasField.current.validate({ allowEmpty: false }); if (this.aliasField.current.isValid) { if (this.props.onItemAdded) this.props.onItemAdded(this.props.newItem); return; } this.aliasField.current.focus(); this.aliasField.current.validate({ allowEmpty: false, focused: true }); }; protected renderNewItemField() { // if we don't need the RoomAliasField, // we don't need to overriden version of renderNewItemField if (!this.props.domain) { return super.renderNewItemField(); } const onChange = (alias) => this.onNewItemChanged({target: {value: alias}}); return (
{ _t("Add") } ); } } interface IProps { roomId: string; canSetCanonicalAlias: boolean; canSetAliases: boolean; canonicalAliasEvent?: MatrixEvent; hidePublishSetting?: boolean; } interface IState { altAliases: string[]; localAliases: string[]; canonicalAlias?: string; updatingCanonicalAlias: boolean; localAliasesLoading: boolean; detailsOpen: boolean; newAlias?: string; newAltAlias?: string; } @replaceableComponent("views.room_settings.AliasSettings") export default class AliasSettings extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { canSetAliases: false, canSetCanonicalAlias: false, }; constructor(props) { super(props); const state = { altAliases: [], // [ #alias:domain.tld, ... ] localAliases: [], // [ #alias:my-hs.tld, ... ] canonicalAlias: null, // #canonical:domain.tld updatingCanonicalAlias: false, localAliasesLoading: false, detailsOpen: false, }; if (props.canonicalAliasEvent) { const content = props.canonicalAliasEvent.getContent(); const altAliases = content.alt_aliases; if (Array.isArray(altAliases)) { state.altAliases = altAliases.slice(); } state.canonicalAlias = content.alias; } this.state = state; } componentDidMount() { if (this.props.canSetCanonicalAlias) { // load local aliases for providing recommendations // for the canonical alias and alt_aliases this.loadLocalAliases(); } } private async loadLocalAliases() { this.setState({ localAliasesLoading: true }); try { const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); let localAliases = []; if (await cli.doesServerSupportUnstableFeature("org.matrix.msc2432")) { const response = await cli.unstableGetLocalAliases(this.props.roomId); if (Array.isArray(response.aliases)) { localAliases = response.aliases; } } this.setState({ localAliases }); } finally { this.setState({ localAliasesLoading: false }); } } private changeCanonicalAlias(alias: string) { if (!this.props.canSetCanonicalAlias) return; const oldAlias = this.state.canonicalAlias; this.setState({ canonicalAlias: alias, updatingCanonicalAlias: true, }); const eventContent = { alt_aliases: this.state.altAliases, }; if (alias) eventContent["alias"] = alias; MatrixClientPeg.get().sendStateEvent(this.props.roomId, "m.room.canonical_alias", eventContent, "").catch((err) => { console.error(err); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Error updating main address', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Error updating main address"), description: _t( "There was an error updating the room's main address. It may not be allowed by the server " + "or a temporary failure occurred.", ), }); this.setState({canonicalAlias: oldAlias}); }).finally(() => { this.setState({updatingCanonicalAlias: false}); }); } private changeAltAliases(altAliases: string[]) { if (!this.props.canSetCanonicalAlias) return; this.setState({ updatingCanonicalAlias: true, altAliases, }); const eventContent = {}; if (this.state.canonicalAlias) { eventContent["alias"] = this.state.canonicalAlias; } if (altAliases) { eventContent["alt_aliases"] = altAliases; } MatrixClientPeg.get().sendStateEvent(this.props.roomId, "m.room.canonical_alias", eventContent, "").catch((err) => { console.error(err); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Error updating alternative addresses', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Error updating main address"), description: _t( "There was an error updating the room's alternative addresses. " + "It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.", ), }); }).finally(() => { this.setState({updatingCanonicalAlias: false}); }); } private onNewAliasChanged = (value: string) => { this.setState({ newAlias: value }); }; private onLocalAliasAdded = (alias: string) => { if (!alias || alias.length === 0) return; // ignore attempts to create blank aliases const localDomain = MatrixClientPeg.get().getDomain(); if (!alias.includes(':')) alias += ':' + localDomain; MatrixClientPeg.get().createAlias(alias, this.props.roomId).then(() => { this.setState({ localAliases: this.state.localAliases.concat(alias), newAlias: null, }); if (!this.state.canonicalAlias) { this.changeCanonicalAlias(alias); } }).catch((err) => { console.error(err); Modal.createTrackedDialog('Error creating address', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Error creating address"), description: _t( "There was an error creating that address. It may not be allowed by the server " + "or a temporary failure occurred.", ), }); }); }; private onLocalAliasDeleted = (index: number) => { const alias = this.state.localAliases[index]; // TODO: In future, we should probably be making sure that the alias actually belongs // to this room. See https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/7353 MatrixClientPeg.get().deleteAlias(alias).then(() => { const localAliases = this.state.localAliases.filter(a => a !== alias); this.setState({localAliases}); if (this.state.canonicalAlias === alias) { this.changeCanonicalAlias(null); } }).catch((err) => { console.error(err); let description; if (err.errcode === "M_FORBIDDEN") { description = _t("You don't have permission to delete the address."); } else { description = _t( "There was an error removing that address. It may no longer exist or a temporary " + "error occurred.", ); } Modal.createTrackedDialog('Error removing address', '', ErrorDialog, { title: _t("Error removing address"), description, }); }); }; private onLocalAliasesToggled = (event: ChangeEvent) => { // expanded if (event.target.open) { // if local aliases haven't been preloaded yet at component mount if (!this.props.canSetCanonicalAlias && this.state.localAliases.length === 0) { this.loadLocalAliases(); } } this.setState({ detailsOpen: event.currentTarget.open }); }; private onCanonicalAliasChange = (event: ChangeEvent) => { this.changeCanonicalAlias(event.target.value); }; private onNewAltAliasChanged = (value: string) => { this.setState({ newAltAlias: value }); } private onAltAliasAdded = (alias: string) => { const altAliases = this.state.altAliases.slice(); if (!altAliases.some(a => a.trim() === alias.trim())) { altAliases.push(alias.trim()); this.changeAltAliases(altAliases); this.setState({ newAltAlias: "" }); } } private onAltAliasDeleted = (index: number) => { const altAliases = this.state.altAliases.slice(); altAliases.splice(index, 1); this.changeAltAliases(altAliases); } private getAliases() { return this.state.altAliases.concat(this.getLocalNonAltAliases()); } private getLocalNonAltAliases() { const {altAliases} = this.state; return this.state.localAliases.filter(alias => !altAliases.includes(alias)); } render() { const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const localDomain = cli.getDomain(); const isSpaceRoom = cli.getRoom(this.props.roomId)?.isSpaceRoom(); let found = false; const canonicalValue = this.state.canonicalAlias || ""; const canonicalAliasSection = ( { this.getAliases().map((alias, i) => { if (alias === this.state.canonicalAlias) found = true; return ( ); }) } { found || !this.state.canonicalAlias ? '' : } ); let localAliasesList; if (this.state.localAliasesLoading) { localAliasesList = ; } else { localAliasesList = (); } return (
{_t("Published Addresses")}

{ isSpaceRoom ? _t("Published addresses can be used by anyone on any server to join your space.") : _t("Published addresses can be used by anyone on any server to join your room.")}   { _t("To publish an address, it needs to be set as a local address first.") }

{ canonicalAliasSection } { this.props.hidePublishSetting ? null : } {this.getLocalNonAltAliases().map(alias => { return { _t("Local Addresses") }

{ isSpaceRoom ? _t("Set addresses for this space so users can find this space " + "through your homeserver (%(localDomain)s)", { localDomain }) : _t("Set addresses for this room so users can find this room " + "through your homeserver (%(localDomain)s)", { localDomain }) }

{ this.state.detailsOpen ? _t('Show less') : _t("Show more")} { localAliasesList }
); } }