/* Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from 'react'; import { mount } from 'enzyme'; import { act } from 'react-dom/test-utils'; import maplibregl from 'maplibre-gl'; import { BeaconEvent, Room, getBeaconInfoIdentifier, } from 'matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix'; import MBeaconBody from '../../../../src/components/views/messages/MBeaconBody'; import { getMockClientWithEventEmitter, makeBeaconEvent, makeBeaconInfoEvent } from '../../../test-utils'; import { RoomPermalinkCreator } from '../../../../src/utils/permalinks/Permalinks'; import { MediaEventHelper } from '../../../../src/utils/MediaEventHelper'; import MatrixClientContext from '../../../../src/contexts/MatrixClientContext'; import Modal from '../../../../src/Modal'; import { TILE_SERVER_WK_KEY } from '../../../../src/utils/WellKnownUtils'; describe('', () => { // 14.03.2022 16:15 const now = 1647270879403; // stable date for snapshots jest.spyOn(global.Date, 'now').mockReturnValue(now); const roomId = '!room:server'; const aliceId = '@alice:server'; const mockMap = new maplibregl.Map(); const mockMarker = new maplibregl.Marker(); const mockClient = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({ getClientWellKnown: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ [TILE_SERVER_WK_KEY.name]: { map_style_url: 'maps.com' }, }), getUserId: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(aliceId), getRoom: jest.fn(), }); // make fresh rooms every time // as we update room state const makeRoomWithStateEvents = (stateEvents = []): Room => { const room1 = new Room(roomId, mockClient, aliceId); room1.currentState.setStateEvents(stateEvents); mockClient.getRoom.mockReturnValue(room1); return room1; }; const defaultEvent = makeBeaconInfoEvent(aliceId, roomId, { isLive: true }, '$alice-room1-1', ); const defaultProps = { mxEvent: defaultEvent, highlights: [], highlightLink: '', onHeightChanged: jest.fn(), onMessageAllowed: jest.fn(), // we dont use these and they pollute the snapshots permalinkCreator: {} as unknown as RoomPermalinkCreator, mediaEventHelper: {} as unknown as MediaEventHelper, }; const getComponent = (props = {}) => mount(, { wrappingComponent: MatrixClientContext.Provider, wrappingComponentProps: { value: mockClient }, }); const modalSpy = jest.spyOn(Modal, 'createTrackedDialog').mockReturnValue(undefined); beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); it('renders stopped beacon UI for an explicitly stopped beacon', () => { const beaconInfoEvent = makeBeaconInfoEvent(aliceId, roomId, { isLive: false }, '$alice-room1-1', ); makeRoomWithStateEvents([beaconInfoEvent]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: beaconInfoEvent }); expect(component.text()).toEqual("Live location ended"); }); it('renders stopped beacon UI for an expired beacon', () => { const beaconInfoEvent = makeBeaconInfoEvent(aliceId, roomId, // puts this beacons live period in the past { isLive: true, timestamp: now - 600000, timeout: 500 }, '$alice-room1-1', ); makeRoomWithStateEvents([beaconInfoEvent]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: beaconInfoEvent }); expect(component.text()).toEqual("Live location ended"); }); it('does not open maximised map when on click when beacon is stopped', () => { const beaconInfoEvent = makeBeaconInfoEvent(aliceId, roomId, // puts this beacons live period in the past { isLive: true, timestamp: now - 600000, timeout: 500 }, '$alice-room1-1', ); makeRoomWithStateEvents([beaconInfoEvent]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: beaconInfoEvent }); act(() => { component.find('.mx_MBeaconBody_map').simulate('click'); }); expect(modalSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('renders stopped UI when a beacon event is not the latest beacon for a user', () => { const aliceBeaconInfo1 = makeBeaconInfoEvent( aliceId, roomId, // this one is a little older { isLive: true, timestamp: now - 500 }, '$alice-room1-1', ); aliceBeaconInfo1.event.origin_server_ts = now - 500; const aliceBeaconInfo2 = makeBeaconInfoEvent( aliceId, roomId, { isLive: true }, '$alice-room1-2', ); makeRoomWithStateEvents([aliceBeaconInfo1, aliceBeaconInfo2]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: aliceBeaconInfo1 }); // beacon1 has been superceded by beacon2 expect(component.text()).toEqual("Live location ended"); }); it('renders stopped UI when a beacon event is replaced', () => { const aliceBeaconInfo1 = makeBeaconInfoEvent( aliceId, roomId, // this one is a little older { isLive: true, timestamp: now - 500 }, '$alice-room1-1', ); aliceBeaconInfo1.event.origin_server_ts = now - 500; const aliceBeaconInfo2 = makeBeaconInfoEvent( aliceId, roomId, { isLive: true }, '$alice-room1-2', ); const room = makeRoomWithStateEvents([aliceBeaconInfo1]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: aliceBeaconInfo1 }); const beaconInstance = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(aliceBeaconInfo1)); // update alice's beacon with a new edition // beacon instance emits act(() => { beaconInstance.update(aliceBeaconInfo2); }); component.setProps({}); // beacon1 has been superceded by beacon2 expect(component.text()).toEqual("Live location ended"); }); describe('on liveness change', () => { it('renders stopped UI when a beacon stops being live', () => { const aliceBeaconInfo = makeBeaconInfoEvent( aliceId, roomId, { isLive: true }, '$alice-room1-1', ); const room = makeRoomWithStateEvents([aliceBeaconInfo]); const beaconInstance = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(aliceBeaconInfo)); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: aliceBeaconInfo }); act(() => { // @ts-ignore cheat to force beacon to not live beaconInstance._isLive = false; beaconInstance.emit(BeaconEvent.LivenessChange, false, beaconInstance); }); component.setProps({}); // stopped UI expect(component.text()).toEqual("Live location ended"); }); }); describe('latestLocationState', () => { const aliceBeaconInfo = makeBeaconInfoEvent( aliceId, roomId, { isLive: true }, '$alice-room1-1', ); const location1 = makeBeaconEvent( aliceId, { beaconInfoId: aliceBeaconInfo.getId(), geoUri: 'geo:51,41', timestamp: now + 1 }, ); const location2 = makeBeaconEvent( aliceId, { beaconInfoId: aliceBeaconInfo.getId(), geoUri: 'geo:52,42', timestamp: now + 10000 }, ); it('renders a live beacon without a location correctly', () => { makeRoomWithStateEvents([aliceBeaconInfo]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: aliceBeaconInfo }); expect(component.text()).toEqual("Loading live location..."); }); it('does nothing on click when a beacon has no location', () => { makeRoomWithStateEvents([aliceBeaconInfo]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: aliceBeaconInfo }); act(() => { component.find('.mx_MBeaconBody_map').simulate('click'); }); expect(modalSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('renders a live beacon with a location correctly', () => { const room = makeRoomWithStateEvents([aliceBeaconInfo]); const beaconInstance = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(aliceBeaconInfo)); beaconInstance.addLocations([location1]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: aliceBeaconInfo }); expect(component.find('Map').length).toBeTruthy; }); it('opens maximised map view on click when beacon has a live location', () => { const room = makeRoomWithStateEvents([aliceBeaconInfo]); const beaconInstance = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(aliceBeaconInfo)); beaconInstance.addLocations([location1]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: aliceBeaconInfo }); act(() => { component.find('Map').simulate('click'); }); // opens modal expect(modalSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('does nothing on click when a beacon has no location', () => { makeRoomWithStateEvents([aliceBeaconInfo]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: aliceBeaconInfo }); act(() => { component.find('.mx_MBeaconBody_map').simulate('click'); }); expect(modalSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('renders a live beacon with a location correctly', () => { const room = makeRoomWithStateEvents([aliceBeaconInfo]); const beaconInstance = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(aliceBeaconInfo)); beaconInstance.addLocations([location1]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: aliceBeaconInfo }); expect(component.find('Map').length).toBeTruthy; }); it('opens maximised map view on click when beacon has a live location', () => { const room = makeRoomWithStateEvents([aliceBeaconInfo]); const beaconInstance = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(aliceBeaconInfo)); beaconInstance.addLocations([location1]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: aliceBeaconInfo }); act(() => { component.find('Map').simulate('click'); }); // opens modal expect(modalSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('updates latest location', () => { const room = makeRoomWithStateEvents([aliceBeaconInfo]); const component = getComponent({ mxEvent: aliceBeaconInfo }); const beaconInstance = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(aliceBeaconInfo)); act(() => { beaconInstance.addLocations([location1]); component.setProps({}); }); expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ lat: 51, lon: 41 }); expect(mockMarker.setLngLat).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ lat: 51, lon: 41 }); act(() => { beaconInstance.addLocations([location2]); component.setProps({}); }); expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ lat: 52, lon: 42 }); expect(mockMarker.setLngLat).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ lat: 52, lon: 42 }); }); }); });