Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
Copyright 2017 New Vector Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import type SyntheticKeyboardEvent from 'react/lib/SyntheticKeyboardEvent';
import { Editor } from 'slate-react';
import { Value, Document, Event, Inline, Range, Node } from 'slate';
import Html from 'slate-html-serializer';
import { Markdown as Md } from 'slate-md-serializer';
import Plain from 'slate-plain-serializer';
// import {Editor, EditorState, RichUtils, CompositeDecorator, Modifier,
// getDefaultKeyBinding, KeyBindingUtil, ContentState, ContentBlock, SelectionState,
// Entity} from 'draft-js';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import escape from 'lodash/escape';
import Promise from 'bluebird';
import MatrixClientPeg from '../../../MatrixClientPeg';
import type {MatrixClient} from 'matrix-js-sdk/lib/matrix';
import SlashCommands from '../../../SlashCommands';
import { KeyCode, isOnlyCtrlOrCmdKeyEvent } from '../../../Keyboard';
import Modal from '../../../Modal';
import sdk from '../../../index';
import { _t, _td } from '../../../languageHandler';
import Analytics from '../../../Analytics';
import dis from '../../../dispatcher';
import * as RichText from '../../../RichText';
import * as HtmlUtils from '../../../HtmlUtils';
import Autocomplete from './Autocomplete';
import {Completion} from "../../../autocomplete/Autocompleter";
import Markdown from '../../../Markdown';
import ComposerHistoryManager from '../../../ComposerHistoryManager';
import MessageComposerStore from '../../../stores/MessageComposerStore';
import {MATRIXTO_URL_PATTERN, MATRIXTO_MD_LINK_PATTERN} from '../../../linkify-matrix';
import {asciiRegexp, shortnameToUnicode, emojioneList, asciiList, mapUnicodeToShort} from 'emojione';
import SettingsStore, {SettingLevel} from "../../../settings/SettingsStore";
import {makeUserPermalink} from "../../../matrix-to";
import ReplyPreview from "./ReplyPreview";
import RoomViewStore from '../../../stores/RoomViewStore';
import ReplyThread from "../elements/ReplyThread";
import {ContentHelpers} from 'matrix-js-sdk';
const EMOJI_SHORTNAMES = Object.keys(emojioneList);
const EMOJI_UNICODE_TO_SHORTNAME = mapUnicodeToShort();
const REGEX_EMOJI_WHITESPACE = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)(' + asciiRegexp + ')\\s$');
const ENTITY_TYPES = {
function onSendMessageFailed(err, room) {
// XXX: temporary logging to try to diagnose
// https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/3148
console.log('MessageComposer got send failure: ' + err.name + '('+err+')');
action: 'message_send_failed',
* The textInput part of the MessageComposer
export default class MessageComposerInput extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
// a callback which is called when the height of the composer is
// changed due to a change in content.
onResize: PropTypes.func,
// js-sdk Room object
room: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
// called with current plaintext content (as a string) whenever it changes
onContentChanged: PropTypes.func,
onInputStateChanged: PropTypes.func,
static getKeyBinding(ev: SyntheticKeyboardEvent): string {
// Restrict a subset of key bindings to ONLY having ctrl/meta* pressed and
// importantly NOT having alt, shift, meta/ctrl* pressed. draft-js does not
// handle this in `getDefaultKeyBinding` so we do it ourselves here.
// * if macOS, read second option
const ctrlCmdCommand = {
// C-m => Toggles between rich text and markdown modes
[KeyCode.KEY_M]: 'toggle-mode',
[KeyCode.KEY_B]: 'bold',
[KeyCode.KEY_I]: 'italic',
[KeyCode.KEY_U]: 'underline',
[KeyCode.KEY_J]: 'code',
[KeyCode.KEY_O]: 'split-block',
if (ctrlCmdCommand) {
if (!isOnlyCtrlOrCmdKeyEvent(ev)) {
return null;
return ctrlCmdCommand;
// Handle keys such as return, left and right arrows etc.
return getDefaultKeyBinding(ev);
static getBlockStyle(block: ContentBlock): ?string {
if (block.getType() === 'strikethrough') {
return 'mx_Markdown_STRIKETHROUGH';
return null;
client: MatrixClient;
autocomplete: Autocomplete;
historyManager: ComposerHistoryManager;
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
const isRichtextEnabled = SettingsStore.getValue('MessageComposerInput.isRichTextEnabled');
this.state = {
// whether we're in rich text or markdown mode
// the currently displayed editor state (note: this is always what is modified on input)
editorState: this.createEditorState(
// the original editor state, before we started tabbing through completions
originalEditorState: null,
// the virtual state "above" the history stack, the message currently being composed that
// we want to persist whilst browsing history
currentlyComposedEditorState: null,
// whether there were any completions
someCompletions: null,
this.client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
findPillEntities(contentState: ContentState, contentBlock: ContentBlock, callback) {
(character) => {
const entityKey = character.getEntity();
return (
entityKey !== null &&
contentState.getEntity(entityKey).getType() === 'LINK' ||
contentState.getEntity(entityKey).getType() === ENTITY_TYPES.AT_ROOM_PILL
}, callback,
* "Does the right thing" to create an Editor value, based on:
* - whether we've got rich text mode enabled
* - contentState was passed in
createEditorState(richText: boolean, value: ?Value): Value {
if (value instanceof Value) {
return value;
else {
// ...or create a new one.
return Plain.deserialize('')
componentDidMount() {
this.dispatcherRef = dis.register(this.onAction);
this.historyManager = new ComposerHistoryManager(this.props.room.roomId);
componentWillUnmount() {
componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
// this is dirty, but moving all this state to MessageComposer is dirtier
if (this.props.onInputStateChanged && nextState !== this.state) {
const state = this.getSelectionInfo(nextState.editorState);
state.isRichtextEnabled = nextState.isRichtextEnabled;
onAction = (payload) => {
const editor = this.refs.editor;
let editorState = this.state.editorState;
switch (payload.action) {
case 'reply_to_event':
case 'focus_composer':
case 'insert_mention': {
// Pretend that we've autocompleted this user because keeping two code
// paths for inserting a user pill is not fun
const selection = this.state.editorState.getSelection();
const member = this.props.room.getMember(payload.user_id);
const completion = member ?
member.rawDisplayName.replace(' (IRC)', '') : payload.user_id;
href: makeUserPermalink(payload.user_id),
suffix: selection.getStartOffset() === 0 ? ': ' : ' ',
case 'quote': { // old quoting, whilst rich quoting is in labs
/// XXX: Not doing rich-text quoting from formatted-body because draft-js
/// has regressed such that when links are quoted, errors are thrown. See
/// https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/4756.
const body = escape(payload.text);
if (body) {
let content = RichText.htmlToContentState(`
if (!this.state.isRichtextEnabled) {
content = ContentState.createFromText(RichText.stateToMarkdown(content));
const blockMap = content.getBlockMap();
let startSelection = SelectionState.createEmpty(contentState.getFirstBlock().getKey());
contentState = Modifier.splitBlock(contentState, startSelection);
startSelection = SelectionState.createEmpty(contentState.getFirstBlock().getKey());
contentState = Modifier.replaceWithFragment(contentState,
startSelection = SelectionState.createEmpty(contentState.getFirstBlock().getKey());
if (this.state.isRichtextEnabled) {
contentState = Modifier.setBlockType(contentState, startSelection, 'blockquote');
let editorState = EditorState.push(this.state.editorState, contentState, 'insert-characters');
editorState = EditorState.moveSelectionToEnd(editorState);
onTypingActivity() {
this.isTyping = true;
if (!this.userTypingTimer) {
onFinishedTyping() {
this.isTyping = false;
startUserTypingTimer() {
const self = this;
this.userTypingTimer = setTimeout(function() {
self.isTyping = false;
self.userTypingTimer = null;
stopUserTypingTimer() {
if (this.userTypingTimer) {
this.userTypingTimer = null;
startServerTypingTimer() {
if (!this.serverTypingTimer) {
const self = this;
this.serverTypingTimer = setTimeout(function() {
if (self.isTyping) {
stopServerTypingTimer() {
if (this.serverTypingTimer) {
this.serverTypingTimer = null;
sendTyping(isTyping) {
if (SettingsStore.getValue('dontSendTypingNotifications')) return;
refreshTyping() {
if (this.typingTimeout) {
this.typingTimeout = null;
onChange = (change: Change) => {
editorState = RichText.attachImmutableEntitiesToEmoji(editorState);
const currentBlock = editorState.getSelection().getStartKey();
const currentSelection = editorState.getSelection();
const currentStartOffset = editorState.getSelection().getStartOffset();
const block = editorState.getCurrentContent().getBlockForKey(currentBlock);
const text = block.getText();
const entityBeforeCurrentOffset = block.getEntityAt(currentStartOffset - 1);
const entityAtCurrentOffset = block.getEntityAt(currentStartOffset);
// If the cursor is on the boundary between an entity and a non-entity and the
// text before the cursor has whitespace at the end, set the entity state of the
// character before the cursor (the whitespace) to null. This allows the user to
// stop editing the link.
if (entityBeforeCurrentOffset && !entityAtCurrentOffset &&
/\s$/.test(text.slice(0, currentStartOffset))) {
editorState = RichUtils.toggleLink(
anchorOffset: currentStartOffset - 1,
focusOffset: currentStartOffset,
// Reset selection
editorState = EditorState.forceSelection(editorState, currentSelection);
// Automatic replacement of plaintext emoji to Unicode emoji
if (SettingsStore.getValue('MessageComposerInput.autoReplaceEmoji')) {
// The first matched group includes just the matched plaintext emoji
const emojiMatch = REGEX_EMOJI_WHITESPACE.exec(text.slice(0, currentStartOffset));
if (emojiMatch) {
// plaintext -> hex unicode
const emojiUc = asciiList[emojiMatch[1]];
// hex unicode -> shortname -> actual unicode
const unicodeEmoji = shortnameToUnicode(EMOJI_UNICODE_TO_SHORTNAME[emojiUc]);
const newContentState = Modifier.replaceText(
anchorOffset: currentStartOffset - emojiMatch[1].length - 1,
focusOffset: currentStartOffset,
editorState = EditorState.push(
editorState = EditorState.forceSelection(editorState, newContentState.getSelectionAfter());
/* Since a modification was made, set originalEditorState to null, since newState is now our original */
editorState: change.value,
originalEditorState: null,
* We're overriding setState here because it's the most convenient way to monitor changes to the editorState.
* Doing it using a separate function that calls setState is a possibility (and was the old approach), but that
* approach requires a callback and an extra setState whenever trying to set multiple state properties.
* @param state
* @param callback
setState(state, callback) {
if (state.editorState != null) {
state.editorState = RichText.attachImmutableEntitiesToEmoji(
// Hide the autocomplete if the cursor location changes but the plaintext
// content stays the same. We don't hide if the pt has changed because the
// autocomplete will probably have different completions to show.
if (
&& state.editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText() ===
) {
if (state.editorState.getCurrentContent().hasText()) {
} else {
// Record the editor state for this room so that it can be retrieved after
// switching to another room and back
action: 'editor_state',
room_id: this.props.room.roomId,
editor_state: state.editorState.getCurrentContent(),
if (!state.hasOwnProperty('originalEditorState')) {
state.originalEditorState = null;
super.setState(state, () => {
if (callback != null) {
const textContent = this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText();
const selection = RichText.selectionStateToTextOffsets(
if (this.props.onContentChanged) {
this.props.onContentChanged(textContent, selection);
// Scroll to the bottom of the editor if the cursor is on the last line of the
// composer. For some reason the editor won't scroll automatically if we paste
// blocks of text in or insert newlines.
if (textContent.slice(selection.start).indexOf("\n") === -1) {
let editorRoot = this.refs.editor.refs.editor.parentNode.parentNode;
editorRoot.scrollTop = editorRoot.scrollHeight;
enableRichtext(enabled: boolean) {
if (enabled === this.state.isRichtextEnabled) return;
// FIXME: this conversion should be handled in the store, surely
// i.e. "convert my current composer value into Rich or MD, as ComposerHistoryManager already does"
let value = null;
if (enabled) {
// const md = new Markdown(this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText());
// contentState = RichText.htmlToContentState(md.toHTML());
value = Md.deserialize(Plain.serialize(this.state.editorState));
} else {
// let markdown = RichText.stateToMarkdown(this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent());
// value = ContentState.createFromText(markdown);
value = Plain.deserialize(Md.serialize(this.state.editorState));
editorState: this.createEditorState(enabled, value),
isRichtextEnabled: enabled,
SettingsStore.setValue("MessageComposerInput.isRichTextEnabled", null, SettingLevel.ACCOUNT, enabled);
onKeyDown = (ev: Event, change: Change, editor: Editor) => {
switch (ev.keyCode) {
case KeyCode.ENTER:
return this.handleReturn(ev);
case KeyCode.UP:
return this.onVerticalArrow(ev, true);
case KeyCode.DOWN:
return this.onVerticalArrow(ev, false);
case KeyCode.TAB:
return this.onTab(ev);
case KeyCode.ESCAPE:
return this.onEscape(ev);
// don't intercept it
handleKeyCommand = (command: string): boolean => {
if (command === 'toggle-mode') {
return true;
let newState: ?EditorState = null;
// Draft handles rich text mode commands by default but we need to do it ourselves for Markdown.
if (this.state.isRichtextEnabled) {
// These are block types, not handled by RichUtils by default.
const blockCommands = ['code-block', 'blockquote', 'unordered-list-item', 'ordered-list-item'];
const currentBlockType = RichUtils.getCurrentBlockType(this.state.editorState);
const shouldToggleBlockFormat = (
command === 'backspace' ||
command === 'split-block'
) && currentBlockType !== 'unstyled';
if (blockCommands.includes(command)) {
newState = RichUtils.toggleBlockType(this.state.editorState, command);
} else if (command === 'strike') {
// this is the only inline style not handled by Draft by default
newState = RichUtils.toggleInlineStyle(this.state.editorState, 'STRIKETHROUGH');
} else if (shouldToggleBlockFormat) {
const currentStartOffset = this.state.editorState.getSelection().getStartOffset();
const currentEndOffset = this.state.editorState.getSelection().getEndOffset();
if (currentStartOffset === 0 && currentEndOffset === 0) {
// Toggle current block type (setting it to 'unstyled')
newState = RichUtils.toggleBlockType(this.state.editorState, currentBlockType);
} else {
const contentState = this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent();
const multipleLinesSelected = RichText.hasMultiLineSelection(this.state.editorState);
const selectionState = this.state.editorState.getSelection();
const start = selectionState.getStartOffset();
const end = selectionState.getEndOffset();
// If multiple lines are selected or nothing is selected, insert a code block
// instead of applying inline code formatting. This is an attempt to mimic what
// happens in non-MD mode.
const treatInlineCodeAsBlock = multipleLinesSelected || start === end;
const textMdCodeBlock = (text) => `\`\`\`\n${text}\n\`\`\`\n`;
const modifyFn = {
'bold': (text) => `**${text}**`,
'italic': (text) => `*${text}*`,
'underline': (text) => `${text}`,
'strike': (text) => `${text}`,
// ("code" is triggered by ctrl+j by draft-js by default)
'code': (text) => treatInlineCodeAsBlock ? textMdCodeBlock(text) : `\`${text}\``,
'code-block': textMdCodeBlock,
'blockquote': (text) => text.split('\n').map((line) => `> ${line}\n`).join('') + '\n',
'unordered-list-item': (text) => text.split('\n').map((line) => `\n- ${line}`).join(''),
'ordered-list-item': (text) => text.split('\n').map((line, i) => `\n${i + 1}. ${line}`).join(''),
const selectionAfterOffset = {
'bold': -2,
'italic': -1,
'underline': -4,
'strike': -6,
'code': treatInlineCodeAsBlock ? -5 : -1,
'code-block': -5,
'blockquote': -2,
// Returns a function that collapses a selectionState to its end and moves it by offset
const collapseAndOffsetSelection = (selectionState, offset) => {
const key = selectionState.getEndKey();
return new SelectionState({
anchorKey: key, anchorOffset: offset,
focusKey: key, focusOffset: offset,
if (modifyFn) {
const previousSelection = this.state.editorState.getSelection();
const newContentState = RichText.modifyText(contentState, previousSelection, modifyFn);
newState = EditorState.push(
let newSelection = newContentState.getSelectionAfter();
// If the selection range is 0, move the cursor inside the formatted body
if (previousSelection.getStartOffset() === previousSelection.getEndOffset() &&
previousSelection.getStartKey() === previousSelection.getEndKey() &&
selectionAfterOffset !== undefined
) {
const selectedBlock = newContentState.getBlockForKey(previousSelection.getAnchorKey());
const blockLength = selectedBlock.getText().length;
const newOffset = blockLength + selectionAfterOffset;
newSelection = collapseAndOffsetSelection(newSelection, newOffset);
newState = EditorState.forceSelection(newState, newSelection);
if (newState == null) {
newState = RichUtils.handleKeyCommand(this.state.editorState, command);
if (newState != null) {
this.setState({editorState: newState});
return true;
return false;
onTextPasted = (text: string, html?: string) => {
const currentSelection = this.state.editorState.getSelection();
const currentContent = this.state.editorState.getCurrentContent();
let contentState = null;
if (html && this.state.isRichtextEnabled) {
contentState = Modifier.replaceWithFragment(
} else {
contentState = Modifier.replaceText(currentContent, currentSelection, text);
let newEditorState = EditorState.push(this.state.editorState, contentState, 'insert-characters');
newEditorState = EditorState.forceSelection(newEditorState, contentState.getSelectionAfter());
return true;
handleReturn = (ev) => {
if (ev.shiftKey) {
const currentBlockType = RichUtils.getCurrentBlockType(this.state.editorState);
if (
['code-block', 'blockquote', 'unordered-list-item', 'ordered-list-item']
) {
// By returning false, we allow the default draft-js key binding to occur,
// which in this case invokes "split-block". This creates a new block of the
// same type, allowing the user to delete it with backspace.
// See handleKeyCommand (when command === 'backspace')
return false;
const contentState = this.state.editorState;
let contentText = Plain.serialize(contentState);
let contentHTML;
if (contentText === '') return true;
// Strip MD user (tab-completed) mentions to preserve plaintext mention behaviour.
// We have to do this now as opposed to after calculating the contentText for MD
// mode because entity positions may not be maintained when using
// md.toPlaintext().
// Unfortunately this means we lose mentions in history when in MD mode. This
// would be fixed if history was stored as contentState.
contentText = this.removeMDLinks(contentState, ['@']);
// Some commands (/join) require pills to be replaced with their text content
const commandText = this.removeMDLinks(contentState, ['#']);
const commandText = contentText;
const cmd = SlashCommands.processInput(this.props.room.roomId, commandText);
if (cmd) {
if (!cmd.error) {
this.historyManager.save(contentState, this.state.isRichtextEnabled ? 'rich' : 'markdown');
editorState: this.createEditorState(),
if (cmd.promise) {
cmd.promise.then(function() {
console.log("Command success.");
}, function(err) {
console.error("Command failure: %s", err);
const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog");
Modal.createTrackedDialog('Server error', '', ErrorDialog, {
title: _t("Server error"),
description: ((err && err.message) ? err.message : _t("Server unavailable, overloaded, or something else went wrong.")),
} else if (cmd.error) {
const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog");
// TODO possibly track which command they ran (not its Arguments) here
Modal.createTrackedDialog('Command error', '', ErrorDialog, {
title: _t("Command error"),
description: cmd.error,
return true;
const replyingToEv = RoomViewStore.getQuotingEvent();
const mustSendHTML = Boolean(replyingToEv);
if (this.state.isRichtextEnabled) {
// We should only send HTML if any block is styled or contains inline style
let shouldSendHTML = false;
if (mustSendHTML) shouldSendHTML = true;
const blocks = contentState.getBlocksAsArray();
if (blocks.some((block) => block.getType() !== 'unstyled')) {
shouldSendHTML = true;
} else {
const characterLists = blocks.map((block) => block.getCharacterList());
// For each block of characters, determine if any inline styles are applied
// and if yes, send HTML
characterLists.forEach((characters) => {
const numberOfStylesForCharacters = characters.map(
(character) => character.getStyle().toArray().length,
// If any character has more than 0 inline styles applied, send HTML
if (numberOfStylesForCharacters.some((styles) => styles > 0)) {
shouldSendHTML = true;
if (!shouldSendHTML) {
const hasLink = blocks.some((block) => {
return block.getCharacterList().filter((c) => {
const entityKey = c.getEntity();
return entityKey && contentState.getEntity(entityKey).getType() === 'LINK';
}).size > 0;
shouldSendHTML = hasLink;
let shouldSendHTML = true;
if (shouldSendHTML) {
contentHTML = HtmlUtils.processHtmlForSending(
} else {
// Use the original contentState because `contentText` has had mentions
// stripped and these need to end up in contentHTML.
// Replace all Entities of type `LINK` with markdown link equivalents.
// TODO: move this into `Markdown` and do the same conversion in the other
// two places (toggling from MD->RT mode and loading MD history into RT mode)
// but this can only be done when history includes Entities.
const pt = contentState.getBlocksAsArray().map((block) => {
let blockText = block.getText();
let offset = 0;
this.findPillEntities(contentState, block, (start, end) => {
const entity = contentState.getEntity(block.getEntityAt(start));
if (entity.getType() !== 'LINK') {
const text = blockText.slice(offset + start, offset + end);
const url = entity.getData().url;
const mdLink = `[${text}](${url})`;
blockText = blockText.slice(0, offset + start) + mdLink + blockText.slice(offset + end);
offset += mdLink.length - text.length;
return blockText;
const md = new Markdown(contentText);
// if contains no HTML and we're not quoting (needing HTML)
if (md.isPlainText() && !mustSendHTML) {
contentText = md.toPlaintext();
} else {
contentText = md.toPlaintext();
contentHTML = md.toHTML();
let sendHtmlFn = ContentHelpers.makeHtmlMessage;
let sendTextFn = ContentHelpers.makeTextMessage;
this.state.isRichtextEnabled ? 'rich' : 'markdown',
if (contentText.startsWith('/me')) {
if (replyingToEv) {
const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog");
Modal.createTrackedDialog('Emote Reply Fail', '', ErrorDialog, {
title: _t("Unable to reply"),
description: _t("At this time it is not possible to reply with an emote."),
return false;
contentText = contentText.substring(4);
// bit of a hack, but the alternative would be quite complicated
if (contentHTML) contentHTML = contentHTML.replace(/\/me ?/, '');
sendHtmlFn = ContentHelpers.makeHtmlEmote;
sendTextFn = ContentHelpers.makeEmoteMessage;
let content = contentHTML ? sendHtmlFn(contentText, contentHTML) : sendTextFn(contentText);
if (replyingToEv) {
const replyContent = ReplyThread.makeReplyMixIn(replyingToEv);
content = Object.assign(replyContent, content);
// Part of Replies fallback support - prepend the text we're sending with the text we're replying to
const nestedReply = ReplyThread.getNestedReplyText(replyingToEv);
if (nestedReply) {
if (content.formatted_body) {
content.formatted_body = nestedReply.html + content.formatted_body;
content.body = nestedReply.body + content.body;
// Clear reply_to_event as we put the message into the queue
// if the send fails, retry will handle resending.
action: 'reply_to_event',
event: null,
this.client.sendMessage(this.props.room.roomId, content).then((res) => {
action: 'message_sent',
}).catch((e) => {
onSendMessageFailed(e, this.props.room);
editorState: this.createEditorState(),
}, ()=>{ this.refs.editor.focus() });
return true;
onVerticalArrow = (e, up) => {
if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) {
// Select history only if we are not currently auto-completing
if (this.autocomplete.state.completionList.length === 0) {
// determine whether our cursor is at the top or bottom of the multiline
// input box by just looking at the position of the plain old DOM selection.
const selection = window.getSelection();
const range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
const cursorRect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
const editorNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.editor);
const editorRect = editorNode.getBoundingClientRect();
let navigateHistory = false;
if (up) {
const scrollCorrection = editorNode.scrollTop;
const distanceFromTop = cursorRect.top - editorRect.top + scrollCorrection;
//console.log(`Cursor distance from editor top is ${distanceFromTop}`);
if (distanceFromTop == 0) {
navigateHistory = true;
else {
const scrollCorrection =
editorNode.scrollHeight - editorNode.clientHeight - editorNode.scrollTop;
const distanceFromBottom = cursorRect.bottom - editorRect.bottom + scrollCorrection;
//console.log(`Cursor distance from editor bottom is ${distanceFromBottom}`);
if (distanceFromBottom == 0) {
navigateHistory = true;
if (!navigateHistory) return;
const selected = this.selectHistory(up);
if (selected) {
// We're selecting history, so prevent the key event from doing anything else
} else {
selectHistory = async (up) => {
const delta = up ? -1 : 1;
// True if we are not currently selecting history, but composing a message
if (this.historyManager.currentIndex === this.historyManager.history.length) {
// We can't go any further - there isn't any more history, so nop.
if (!up) {
currentlyComposedEditorState: this.state.editorState,
} else if (this.historyManager.currentIndex + delta === this.historyManager.history.length) {
// True when we return to the message being composed currently
editorState: this.state.currentlyComposedEditorState,
this.historyManager.currentIndex = this.historyManager.history.length;
let editorState = this.historyManager.getItem(delta, this.state.isRichtextEnabled ? 'rich' : 'markdown');
// Move selection to the end of the selected history
const change = editorState.change().collapseToEndOf(editorState.document);
// XXX: should we be calling this.onChange(change) now?
// we skip it for now given we know we're about to setState anyway
editorState = change.value;
this.setState({ editorState }, ()=>{
return true;
onTab = async (e) => {
someCompletions: null,
if (this.autocomplete.state.completionList.length === 0) {
// Force completions to show for the text currently entered
const completionCount = await this.autocomplete.forceComplete();
someCompletions: completionCount > 0,
// Select the first item by moving "down"
await this.moveAutocompleteSelection(false);
} else {
await this.moveAutocompleteSelection(e.shiftKey);
moveAutocompleteSelection = (up) => {
up ? this.autocomplete.onUpArrow() : this.autocomplete.onDownArrow();
onEscape = async (e) => {
if (this.autocomplete) {
await this.setDisplayedCompletion(null); // restore originalEditorState
/* If passed null, restores the original editor content from state.originalEditorState.
* If passed a non-null displayedCompletion, modifies state.originalEditorState to compute new state.editorState.
setDisplayedCompletion = async (displayedCompletion: ?Completion): boolean => {
const activeEditorState = this.state.originalEditorState || this.state.editorState;
if (displayedCompletion == null) {
if (this.state.originalEditorState) {
let editorState = this.state.originalEditorState;
return false;
const {range = null, completion = '', href = null, suffix = ''} = displayedCompletion;
let inline;
if (href) {
inline = Inline.create({
type: 'pill',
isVoid: true,
data: { url: href },
} else if (completion === '@room') {
inline = Inline.create({
type: 'pill',
isVoid: true,
data: { type: Pill.TYPE_AT_ROOM_MENTION },
let editorState = activeEditorState;
if (range) {
const change = editorState.change().moveOffsetsTo(range.start, range.end);
editorState = change.value;
const change = editorState.change().insertInlineAtRange(
editorState.selection, inline
editorState = change.value;
this.setState({ editorState, originalEditorState: activeEditorState }, ()=>{
// this.refs.editor.focus();
let selection;
if (range) {
selection = RichText.textOffsetsToSelectionState(
range, contentState.getBlocksAsArray(),
} else {
selection = activeEditorState.getSelection();
contentState = Modifier.replaceText(contentState, selection, completion, null, entityKey);
// Move the selection to the end of the block
const afterSelection = contentState.getSelectionAfter();
if (suffix) {
contentState = Modifier.replaceText(contentState, afterSelection, suffix);
let editorState = EditorState.push(activeEditorState, contentState, 'insert-characters');
editorState = EditorState.forceSelection(editorState, contentState.getSelectionAfter());
this.setState({editorState, originalEditorState: activeEditorState});
return true;
renderNode = props => {
const { attributes, children, node, isSelected } = props;
switch (node.type) {
case 'paragraph': {
return {children}
case 'pill': {
const { data, text } = node;
const url = data.get('url');
const type = data.get('type');
const shouldShowPillAvatar = !SettingsStore.getValue("Pill.shouldHidePillAvatar");
const Pill = sdk.getComponent('elements.Pill');
if (type === Pill.TYPE_AT_ROOM_MENTION) {
return ;
else if (Pill.isPillUrl(url)) {
return ;
else {
{ text }
onFormatButtonClicked = (name: "bold" | "italic" | "strike" | "code" | "underline" | "quote" | "bullet" | "numbullet", e) => {
e.preventDefault(); // don't steal focus from the editor!
const command = {
code: 'code-block',
quote: 'blockquote',
bullet: 'unordered-list-item',
numbullet: 'ordered-list-item',
}[name] || name;
/* returns inline style and block type of current SelectionState so MessageComposer can render formatting
buttons. */
getSelectionInfo(editorState: Value) {
return {};
const styleName = {
BOLD: _td('bold'),
ITALIC: _td('italic'),
STRIKETHROUGH: _td('strike'),
UNDERLINE: _td('underline'),
const originalStyle = editorState.getCurrentInlineStyle().toArray();
const style = originalStyle
.map((style) => styleName[style] || null)
.filter((styleName) => !!styleName);
const blockName = {
'code-block': _td('code'),
'blockquote': _td('quote'),
'unordered-list-item': _td('bullet'),
'ordered-list-item': _td('numbullet'),
const originalBlockType = editorState.getCurrentContent()
const blockType = blockName[originalBlockType] || null;
return {
getAutocompleteQuery(editorState: Value) {
// FIXME: do we really want to regenerate this every time the control is rerendered?
// We can just return the current block where the selection begins, which
// should be enough to capture any autocompletion input, given autocompletion
// providers only search for the first match which intersects with the current selection.
// This avoids us having to serialize the whole thing to plaintext and convert
// selection offsets in & out of the plaintext domain.
return editorState.document.getDescendant(editorState.selection.anchorKey).text;
// Don't send markdown links to the autocompleter
// return this.removeMDLinks(contentState, ['@', '#']);
getSelectionRange(editorState: Value) {
// return a character range suitable for handing to an autocomplete provider.
// the range is relative to the anchor of the current editor selection.
// if the selection spans multiple blocks, then we collapse it for the calculation.
const range = {
start: editorState.selection.anchorOffset,
end: (editorState.selection.anchorKey == editorState.selection.focusKey) ?
editorState.selection.focusOffset : editorState.selection.anchorOffset,
if (range.start > range.end) {
const tmp = range.start;
range.start = range.end;
range.end = tmp;
return range;
// delinkifies any matrix.to markdown links (i.e. pills) of form
// [#foo:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#foo:matrix.org).
// the prefixes is an array of sigils that will be matched on.
removeMDLinks(contentState: ContentState, prefixes: string[]) {
const plaintext = contentState.getPlainText();
if (!plaintext) return '';
return plaintext.replace(REGEX_MATRIXTO_MARKDOWN_GLOBAL,
(markdownLink, text, resource, prefix, offset) => {
if (!prefixes.includes(prefix)) return markdownLink;
// Calculate the offset relative to the current block that the offset is in
let sum = 0;
const blocks = contentState.getBlocksAsArray();
let block;
for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
block = blocks[i];
sum += block.getLength();
if (sum > offset) {
sum -= block.getLength();
offset -= sum;
const entityKey = block.getEntityAt(offset);
const entity = entityKey ? contentState.getEntity(entityKey) : null;
if (entity && entity.getData().isCompletion) {
// This is a completed mention, so do not insert MD link, just text
return text;
} else {
// This is either a MD link that was typed into the composer or another
// type of pill (e.g. room pill)
return markdownLink;
onMarkdownToggleClicked = (e) => {
e.preventDefault(); // don't steal focus from the editor!
render() {
const activeEditorState = this.state.originalEditorState || this.state.editorState;
const className = classNames('mx_MessageComposer_input', {
mx_MessageComposer_input_error: this.state.someCompletions === false,
return (
{ SettingsStore.isFeatureEnabled("feature_rich_quoting") &&
this.autocomplete = e}
MessageComposerInput.propTypes = {
// a callback which is called when the height of the composer is
// changed due to a change in content.
onResize: PropTypes.func,
// js-sdk Room object
room: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
// called with current plaintext content (as a string) whenever it changes
onContentChanged: PropTypes.func,
onFilesPasted: PropTypes.func,
onInputStateChanged: PropTypes.func,