/* Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd Copyright 2017 New Vector Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { _t } from '../../languageHandler'; import sdk from '../../index'; import dis from '../../dispatcher'; import { MatrixClient } from 'matrix-js-sdk'; import Analytics from '../../Analytics'; import RateLimitedFunc from '../../ratelimitedfunc'; import AccessibleButton from '../../components/views/elements/AccessibleButton'; import { showGroupInviteDialog, showGroupAddRoomDialog } from '../../GroupAddressPicker'; import GroupStore from '../../stores/GroupStore'; import { formatCount } from '../../utils/FormattingUtils'; import MatrixClientPeg from "../../MatrixClientPeg"; class HeaderButton extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); } onClick(ev) { Analytics.trackEvent(...this.props.analytics); dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_right_panel_phase', phase: this.props.clickPhase, }); } render() { const TintableSvg = sdk.getComponent("elements.TintableSvg"); const AccessibleButton = sdk.getComponent("elements.AccessibleButton"); // XXX: We really shouldn't be hardcoding colors here, but the way TintableSvg // works kinda prevents us from using normal CSS tactics. We use $warning-color // here. // Note: This array gets passed along to the Tinter's forceColors eventually. const tintableColors = this.props.badgeHighlight ? ["#ff0064"] : null; const classNames = ["mx_RightPanel_headerButton"]; if (this.props.badgeHighlight) classNames.push("mx_RightPanel_headerButton_badgeHighlight"); return
{ this.props.badge ? this.props.badge :   }
{ this.props.isHighlighted ?
} ; } } HeaderButton.propTypes = { // Whether this button is highlighted isHighlighted: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, // The phase to swap to when the button is clicked clickPhase: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // The source file of the icon to display iconSrc: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // The badge to display above the icon badge: PropTypes.node, badgeHighlight: PropTypes.bool, // The parameters to track the click event analytics: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired, // Button title title: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }; module.exports = React.createClass({ displayName: 'RightPanel', propTypes: { // TODO: We're trying to move away from these being props, but we need to know // whether we should be displaying a room or group member list roomId: React.PropTypes.string, // if showing panels for a given room, this is set groupId: React.PropTypes.string, // if showing panels for a given group, this is set collapsed: React.PropTypes.bool, // currently unused property to request for a minimized view of the panel }, contextTypes: { matrixClient: PropTypes.instanceOf(MatrixClient), }, Phase: { RoomMemberList: 'RoomMemberList', GroupMemberList: 'GroupMemberList', GroupRoomList: 'GroupRoomList', GroupRoomInfo: 'GroupRoomInfo', FilePanel: 'FilePanel', NotificationPanel: 'NotificationPanel', RoomMemberInfo: 'RoomMemberInfo', GroupMemberInfo: 'GroupMemberInfo', }, componentWillMount: function() { this.dispatcherRef = dis.register(this.onAction); const cli = this.context.matrixClient; cli.on("RoomState.members", this.onRoomStateMember); this._initGroupStore(this.props.groupId); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { dis.unregister(this.dispatcherRef); if (this.context.matrixClient) { this.context.matrixClient.removeListener("RoomState.members", this.onRoomStateMember); } this._unregisterGroupStore(this.props.groupId); }, getInitialState: function() { return { phase: this.props.groupId ? this.Phase.GroupMemberList : this.Phase.RoomMemberList, isUserPrivilegedInGroup: null, }; }, componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { if (newProps.groupId !== this.props.groupId) { this._unregisterGroupStore(this.props.groupId); this._initGroupStore(newProps.groupId); } }, _initGroupStore(groupId) { if (!groupId) return; GroupStore.registerListener(groupId, this.onGroupStoreUpdated); }, _unregisterGroupStore() { GroupStore.unregisterListener(this.onGroupStoreUpdated); }, onGroupStoreUpdated: function() { this.setState({ isUserPrivilegedInGroup: GroupStore.isUserPrivileged(this.props.groupId), }); }, onCollapseClick: function() { dis.dispatch({ action: 'hide_right_panel', }); }, onInviteButtonClick: function() { if (this.context.matrixClient.isGuest()) { dis.dispatch({action: 'require_registration'}); return; } // call AddressPickerDialog dis.dispatch({ action: 'view_invite', roomId: this.props.roomId, }); }, onInviteToGroupButtonClick: function() { showGroupInviteDialog(this.props.groupId).then(() => { this.setState({ phase: this.Phase.GroupMemberList, }); }); }, onAddRoomToGroupButtonClick: function() { showGroupAddRoomDialog(this.props.groupId).then(() => { this.forceUpdate(); }); }, onRoomStateMember: function(ev, state, member) { if (member.roomId !== this.props.roomId) { return; } // redraw the badge on the membership list if (this.state.phase === this.Phase.RoomMemberList && member.roomId === this.props.roomId) { this._delayedUpdate(); } else if (this.state.phase === this.Phase.RoomMemberInfo && member.roomId === this.props.roomId && member.userId === this.state.member.userId) { // refresh the member info (e.g. new power level) this._delayedUpdate(); } }, _delayedUpdate: new RateLimitedFunc(function() { this.forceUpdate(); // eslint-disable-line babel/no-invalid-this }, 500), onAction: function(payload) { if (payload.action === "event_notification") { // Try and re-caclulate any badge counts we might have this.forceUpdate(); } else if (payload.action === "view_user") { dis.dispatch({ action: 'show_right_panel', }); if (payload.member) { this.setState({ phase: this.Phase.RoomMemberInfo, member: payload.member, }); } else { if (this.props.roomId) { this.setState({ phase: this.Phase.RoomMemberList, }); } else if (this.props.groupId) { this.setState({ phase: this.Phase.GroupMemberList, member: payload.member, }); } } } else if (payload.action === "view_group") { this.setState({ phase: this.Phase.GroupMemberList, member: null, }); } else if (payload.action === "view_group_room") { this.setState({ phase: this.Phase.GroupRoomInfo, groupRoomId: payload.groupRoomId, }); } else if (payload.action === "view_group_room_list") { this.setState({ phase: this.Phase.GroupRoomList, }); } else if (payload.action === "view_group_member_list") { this.setState({ phase: this.Phase.GroupMemberList, }); } else if (payload.action === "view_group_user") { this.setState({ phase: this.Phase.GroupMemberInfo, member: payload.member, }); } else if (payload.action === "view_room") { this.setState({ phase: this.Phase.RoomMemberList, }); } else if (payload.action === "view_right_panel_phase") { this.setState({ phase: payload.phase, }); } }, render: function() { const MemberList = sdk.getComponent('rooms.MemberList'); const MemberInfo = sdk.getComponent('rooms.MemberInfo'); const NotificationPanel = sdk.getComponent('structures.NotificationPanel'); const FilePanel = sdk.getComponent('structures.FilePanel'); const GroupMemberList = sdk.getComponent('groups.GroupMemberList'); const GroupMemberInfo = sdk.getComponent('groups.GroupMemberInfo'); const GroupRoomList = sdk.getComponent('groups.GroupRoomList'); const GroupRoomInfo = sdk.getComponent('groups.GroupRoomInfo'); const TintableSvg = sdk.getComponent("elements.TintableSvg"); let inviteGroup; let membersBadge; let membersTitle = _t('Members'); if ((this.state.phase === this.Phase.RoomMemberList || this.state.phase === this.Phase.RoomMemberInfo) && this.props.roomId ) { const cli = this.context.matrixClient; const room = cli.getRoom(this.props.roomId); let isUserInRoom; if (room) { const numMembers = room.getJoinedMemberCount(); membersTitle = _t('%(count)s Members', { count: numMembers }); membersBadge =
{ formatCount(numMembers) }
; isUserInRoom = room.hasMembershipState(this.context.matrixClient.credentials.userId, 'join'); } if (isUserInRoom) { inviteGroup =
{ _t('Invite to this room') }
; } } const isPhaseGroup = [ this.Phase.GroupMemberInfo, this.Phase.GroupMemberList, ].includes(this.state.phase); let headerButtons = []; if (this.props.roomId) { let notifCountBadge; let notifCount = 0; MatrixClientPeg.get().getRooms().forEach(r => notifCount += (r.getUnreadNotificationCount('highlight') || 0)); if (notifCount > 0) { notifCountBadge =
{ formatCount(notifCount) }
; } headerButtons = [ , , 0} analytics={['Right Panel', 'Notification List Button', 'click']} />, ]; } else if (this.props.groupId) { headerButtons = [ , , ]; } if (this.props.roomId || this.props.groupId) { // Hiding the right panel hides it completely and relies on an 'expand' button // being put in the RoomHeader or GroupView header, so only show the minimise // button on these 2 screens or you won't be able to re-expand the panel. headerButtons.push( , ); } let panel =
; if (!this.props.collapsed) { if (this.props.roomId && this.state.phase === this.Phase.RoomMemberList) { panel = ; } else if (this.props.groupId && this.state.phase === this.Phase.GroupMemberList) { panel = ; } else if (this.state.phase === this.Phase.GroupRoomList) { panel = ; } else if (this.state.phase === this.Phase.RoomMemberInfo) { panel = ; } else if (this.state.phase === this.Phase.GroupMemberInfo) { panel = ; } else if (this.state.phase === this.Phase.GroupRoomInfo) { panel = ; } else if (this.state.phase === this.Phase.NotificationPanel) { panel = ; } else if (this.state.phase === this.Phase.FilePanel) { panel = ; } } if (!panel) { panel =
; } if (this.props.groupId && this.state.isUserPrivilegedInGroup) { inviteGroup = isPhaseGroup ? (
{ _t('Invite to this community') }
) : (
{ _t('Add rooms to this community') }
); } const classes = classNames("mx_RightPanel", "mx_fadable", { "collapsed": this.props.collapsed, "mx_fadable_faded": this.props.disabled, }); return ( ); }, });