// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[` should not render a non-permalink 1`] = ``; exports[` should not render an avatar or link when called with inMessage = false and shouldShowPillAvatar = false 1`] = ` Room 1 `; exports[` should render the expected pill for @room 1`] = ` @room `; exports[` should render the expected pill for a room alias 1`] = ` Room 1 `; exports[` should render the expected pill for a space 1`] = ` Space 1 `; exports[` should render the expected pill for a user not in the room 1`] = ` User 2 `; exports[` when rendering a pill for a room should render the expected pill 1`] = ` Room 1 `; exports[` when rendering a pill for a user in the room should render as expected 1`] = ` User 1 `;