/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import EventEmitter from "events"; import { ActionPayload } from "../../src/dispatcher/payloads"; import defaultDispatcher from "../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; import { DispatcherAction } from "../../src/dispatcher/actions"; import Modal from "../../src/Modal"; export const emitPromise = (e: EventEmitter, k: string | symbol) => new Promise((r) => e.once(k, r)); /** * Waits for a certain payload to be dispatched. * @param waitForAction The action string to wait for or the callback which is invoked for every dispatch. If this returns true, stops waiting. * @param timeout The max time to wait before giving up and stop waiting. If 0, no timeout. * @param dispatcher The dispatcher to listen on. * @returns A promise which resolves when the callback returns true. Resolves with the payload that made it stop waiting. * Rejects when the timeout is reached. */ export function untilDispatch( waitForAction: DispatcherAction | ((payload: ActionPayload) => boolean), dispatcher = defaultDispatcher, timeout = 1000, ): Promise { const callerLine = new Error().stack!.toString().split("\n")[2]; if (typeof waitForAction === "string") { const action = waitForAction; waitForAction = (payload) => { return payload.action === action; }; } const callback = waitForAction as (payload: ActionPayload) => boolean; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let fulfilled = false; let timeoutId: number; // set a timeout handler if needed if (timeout > 0) { timeoutId = window.setTimeout(() => { if (!fulfilled) { reject(new Error(`untilDispatch: timed out at ${callerLine}`)); fulfilled = true; } }, timeout); } // listen for dispatches const token = dispatcher.register((p: ActionPayload) => { const finishWaiting = callback(p); if (finishWaiting || fulfilled) { // wait until we're told or we timeout // if we haven't timed out, resolve now with the payload. if (!fulfilled) { resolve(p); fulfilled = true; } // cleanup dispatcher.unregister(token); if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); } } }); }); } /** * Waits for a certain event to be emitted. * @param emitter The EventEmitter to listen on. * @param eventName The event string to wait for. * @param check Optional function which is invoked when the event fires. If this returns true, stops waiting. * @param timeout The max time to wait before giving up and stop waiting. If 0, no timeout. * @returns A promise which resolves when the callback returns true or when the event is emitted if * no callback is provided. Rejects when the timeout is reached. */ export function untilEmission( emitter: EventEmitter, eventName: string, check?: (...args: any[]) => boolean, timeout = 1000, ): Promise { const callerLine = new Error().stack!.toString().split("\n")[2]; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let fulfilled = false; let timeoutId: number; // set a timeout handler if needed if (timeout > 0) { timeoutId = window.setTimeout(() => { if (!fulfilled) { reject(new Error(`untilEmission: timed out at ${callerLine}`)); fulfilled = true; } }, timeout); } const callback = (...args: any[]) => { // if they supplied a check function, call it now. Bail if it returns false. if (check) { if (!check(...args)) { return; } } // we didn't time out, resolve. Otherwise, we already rejected so don't resolve now. if (!fulfilled) { resolve(); fulfilled = true; } // cleanup emitter.off(eventName, callback); if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); } }; // listen for emissions emitter.on(eventName, callback); }); } export const flushPromises = async () => await new Promise((resolve) => window.setTimeout(resolve)); // with jest's modern fake timers process.nextTick is also mocked, // flushing promises in the normal way then waits for some advancement // of the fake timers // https://gist.github.com/apieceofbart/e6dea8d884d29cf88cdb54ef14ddbcc4?permalink_comment_id=4018174#gistcomment-4018174 export const flushPromisesWithFakeTimers = async (): Promise => { const promise = new Promise((resolve) => process.nextTick(resolve)); jest.advanceTimersByTime(1); await promise; }; /** * Call fn before calling componentDidUpdate on a react component instance, inst. * @param {React.Component} inst an instance of a React component. * @param {number} updates Number of updates to wait for. (Defaults to 1.) * @returns {Promise} promise that resolves when componentDidUpdate is called on * given component instance. */ export function waitForUpdate(inst: React.Component, updates = 1): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const cdu = inst.componentDidUpdate; console.log(`Waiting for ${updates} update(s)`); inst.componentDidUpdate = (prevProps, prevState, snapshot) => { updates--; console.log(`Got update, ${updates} remaining`); if (updates == 0) { inst.componentDidUpdate = cdu; resolve(); } if (cdu) cdu(prevProps, prevState, snapshot); }; }); } /** * Advance jests fake timers and Date.now mock by ms * Useful for testing code using timeouts or intervals * that also checks timestamps */ export const advanceDateAndTime = (ms: number) => { jest.spyOn(global.Date, "now").mockReturnValue(Date.now() + ms); jest.advanceTimersByTime(ms); }; /** * A horrible hack necessary to wait enough time to ensure any modal is shown after a * `Modal.createDialog(...)` call. We have to contend with the Modal code which renders * things asyncronhously and has weird sleeps which we should strive to remove. */ export const waitEnoughCyclesForModal = async ({ useFakeTimers = false, }: { useFakeTimers?: boolean; } = {}): Promise => { // XXX: Maybe in the future with Jest 29.5.0+, we could use `runAllTimersAsync` instead. const flushFunc = useFakeTimers ? flushPromisesWithFakeTimers : flushPromises; await flushFunc(); await flushFunc(); await flushFunc(); }; /** * A horrible hack necessary to make sure modals don't leak and pollute tests. * `jest-matrix-react` automatic cleanup function does not pick up the async modal * rendering and the modals don't unmount when the component unmounts. We should strive * to fix this. */ export const clearAllModals = async (): Promise => { // Prevent modals from leaking and polluting other tests let keepClosingModals = true; while (keepClosingModals) { keepClosingModals = Modal.closeCurrentModal(); // Then wait for the screen to update (probably React rerender and async/await). // Important for tests using Jest fake timers to not get into an infinite loop // of removing the same modal because the promises don't flush otherwise. // // XXX: Maybe in the future with Jest 29.5.0+, we could use `runAllTimersAsync` instead. // this is called in some places where timers are not faked // which causes a lot of noise in the console // to make a hack even hackier check if timers are faked using a weird trick from github // then call the appropriate promise flusher // https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/10555#issuecomment-1136466942 const jestTimersFaked = setTimeout.name === "setTimeout"; if (jestTimersFaked) { await flushPromisesWithFakeTimers(); } else { await flushPromises(); } } }; /** Install a stub object at `navigator.mediaDevices` */ export function useMockMediaDevices(): void { // @ts-ignore assignment of a thing that isn't a `MediaDevices` to read-only property navigator["mediaDevices"] = { enumerateDevices: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([]), getUserMedia: jest.fn(), }; } /** * Clean up the JSDOM after each test. * * Registers `beforeEach` and `afterEach` functions which will deregister any event listeners and timers from the * `window` and `document` objects. * * Also clears out `localStorage` and `sessionStorage`. */ export function resetJsDomAfterEach(): void { // list of calls to run in afterEach const resetCalls: (() => void)[] = []; beforeEach(() => { // intercept `window.addEventListener` and `document.addEventListener`, and register 'removeEventListener' calls // for `afterEach`. for (const obj of [window, document]) { const originalFn = obj.addEventListener; obj.addEventListener = (...args: Parameters) => { originalFn.apply(obj, args); resetCalls.push(() => obj.removeEventListener(...args)); }; // also reset the intercept after the test resetCalls.push(() => { obj.addEventListener = originalFn; }); } // intercept setTimeout and setInterval, and clear them at the end. // // *Don't* use jest.spyOn for this because it makes the DOM testing library think we are using fake timers. // ["setTimeout", "setInterval"].forEach((name) => { const originalFn = window[name as keyof Window]; // @ts-ignore assignment to read-only property window[name] = (...args) => { const result = originalFn.apply(window, args); resetCalls.push(() => window.clearTimeout(result)); return result; }; resetCalls.push(() => { // @ts-ignore assignment to read-only property window[name] = originalFn; }); }); }); afterEach(() => { // clean up event listeners, timers, etc. for (const call of resetCalls) { call(); } resetCalls.splice(0); // other cleanup localStorage.clear(); sessionStorage.clear(); }); }