Revert "Also fix translations"

This reverts commit 284b9e48ce.

Signed-off-by: Aaron Raimist <>
This commit is contained in:
Aaron Raimist 2021-05-06 00:07:55 -05:00
parent 284b9e48ce
commit f1413532e7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 37419210002890EF
12 changed files with 12 additions and 12 deletions

View file

@ -3168,7 +3168,7 @@
"Open": "Otevřít",
"Share decryption keys for room history when inviting users": "Při pozvání uživatelů sdílet dešifrovací klíče pro historii místnosti",
"Manage & explore rooms": "Spravovat a prozkoumat místnosti",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Inicializace vyhledávání zpráv se nezdařila",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Inicializace vyhledávání zpráv se nezdařila",
"%(count)s people you know have already joined|one": "%(count)s osoba, kterou znáte, se již připojila",
"Invited people will be able to read old messages.": "Pozvaní lidé budou moci číst staré zprávy.",
"If you do, please note that none of your messages will be deleted, but the search experience might be degraded for a few momentswhilst the index is recreated": "Pokud tak učiníte, nezapomeňte, že žádná z vašich zpráv nebude smazána, ale vyhledávání může být na několik okamžiků degradováno, zatímco index bude znovu vytvářen",

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@ -3227,7 +3227,7 @@
"This homeserver has been blocked by it's administrator.": "Dieser Heimserver wurde von seiner Administration blockiert.",
"You have unverified logins": "Du hast nicht-bestätigte Anmeldungen",
"Review to ensure your account is safe": "Überprüfen, um sicher zu sein, dass dein Konto sicher ist",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Initialisierung der Nachrichtensuche fehlgeschlagen",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Initialisierung der Nachrichtensuche fehlgeschlagen",
"Support": "Unterstützen",
"This room is suggested as a good one to join": "Dieser Raum wurde als gut zum Beitreten vorgeschlagen",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has been blocked by it's administrator. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Deine Nachricht wurde nicht versendet, weil dieser Heimserver von dessen Administrator gesperrt wurde. Bitte <a>kontaktiere deinen Dienstadministrator</a> um den Dienst weiterzunutzen.",

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@ -3213,7 +3213,7 @@
"Review to ensure your account is safe": "Revisa que tu cuenta esté segura",
"Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Envía el mensaje como un spoiler",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Consultando a %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transferir a %(transferee)s</a>",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Ha fallado la inicialización de la búsqueda de mensajes",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Ha fallado la inicialización de la búsqueda de mensajes",
"Reset event store?": "¿Restablecer almacenamiento de eventos?",
"You most likely do not want to reset your event index store": "Lo más probable es que no quieras restablecer tu almacenamiento de índice de ecentos",
"If you do, please note that none of your messages will be deleted, but the search experience might be degraded for a few momentswhilst the index is recreated": "Si lo haces, ten en cuenta que no se borrarán tus mensajes, pero la experiencia de búsqueda será peor durante unos momentos mientras se recrea el índice",

View file

@ -3249,7 +3249,7 @@
"Reset event store": "Lähtesta sündmuste andmekogu",
"Verify other login": "Verifitseeri muu sisselogimissessioon",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Suhtlen teise osapoolega %(transferTarget)s. <a>Saadan andmeid kasutajale %(transferee)s</a>",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Sõnumite otsingu alustamine ei õnnestunud",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Sõnumite otsingu alustamine ei õnnestunud",
"Invite messages are hidden by default. Click to show the message.": "Kutsed on vaikimisi peidetud. Sõnumi nägemiseks klõpsi.",
"Accept on your other login…": "Nõustu oma teise sisselogimissessiooniga…",
"Avatar": "Tunnuspilt",

View file

@ -3254,7 +3254,7 @@
"Quick actions": "Actions rapides",
"Invite to just this room": "Inviter seulement dans ce salon",
"Warn before quitting": "Avertir avant de quitter",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Échec de linitialisation de la recherche de message",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Échec de linitialisation de la recherche de message",
"Manage & explore rooms": "Gérer et découvrir les salons",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Consultation avec %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfert à %(transferee)s</a>",
"unknown person": "personne inconnue",

View file

@ -3269,7 +3269,7 @@
"unknown person": "persoa descoñecida",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Consultando con %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transferir a %(transferee)s</a>",
"Manage & explore rooms": "Xestionar e explorar salas",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Fallo a inicialización da busca de mensaxes",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Fallo a inicialización da busca de mensaxes",
"Quick actions": "Accións rápidas",
"Invite messages are hidden by default. Click to show the message.": "As mensaxes de convite están agochadas por defecto. Preme para amosar a mensaxe.",
"Record a voice message": "Gravar mensaxe de voz",

View file

@ -3272,7 +3272,7 @@
"Quick actions": "Gyors műveletek",
"Invite to just this room": "Meghívás csak ebbe a szobába",
"Warn before quitting": "Kilépés előtt figyelmeztet",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Üzenet keresés beállítása sikertelen",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Üzenet keresés beállítása sikertelen",
"Manage & explore rooms": "Szobák kezelése és felderítése",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Egyeztetés vele: %(transferTarget)s. <a>Átadás ide: %(transferee)s</a>",
"unknown person": "ismeretlen személy",

View file

@ -3260,7 +3260,7 @@
"Invite to just this room": "Invita solo in questa stanza",
"%(count)s people you know have already joined|other": "%(count)s persone che conosci sono già entrate",
"%(count)s people you know have already joined|one": "%(count)s persona che conosci è già entrata",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Inizializzazione ricerca messaggi fallita",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Inizializzazione ricerca messaggi fallita",
"Add existing rooms": "Aggiungi stanze esistenti",
"Warn before quitting": "Avvisa prima di uscire",
"Invited people will be able to read old messages.": "Le persone invitate potranno leggere i vecchi messaggi.",

View file

@ -3163,7 +3163,7 @@
"Quick actions": "Snelle acties",
"Invite to just this room": "Uitnodigen voor alleen dit gesprek",
"Warn before quitting": "Waarschuwen voordat u afsluit",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Zoeken in berichten opstarten is mislukt",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Zoeken in berichten opstarten is mislukt",
"Manage & explore rooms": "Beheer & ontdek gesprekken",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Overleggen met %(transferTarget)s. <a>Verstuur naar %(transferee)s</a>",
"unknown person": "onbekend persoon",

View file

@ -3265,7 +3265,7 @@
"Quick actions": "Veprime të shpejta",
"Invite to just this room": "Ftoje thjesht te kjo dhomë",
"Warn before quitting": "Sinjalizo përpara daljes",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Dështoi gatitje kërkimi mesazhesh",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Dështoi gatitje kërkimi mesazhesh",
"Manage & explore rooms": "Administroni & eksploroni dhoma",
"unknown person": "person i panjohur",
"Sends the given message as a spoiler": "E dërgon mesazhin e dhënë si <em>spoiler</em>",

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@ -3212,7 +3212,7 @@
"Verification requested": "Verifiering begärd",
"Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Skickar det angivna meddelandet som en spoiler",
"Manage & explore rooms": "Hantera och utforska rum",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Initialisering av meddelandesökning misslyckades",
"Message search initilisation failed": "Initialisering av meddelandesökning misslyckades",
"Please choose a strong password": "Vänligen välj ett starkt lösenord",
"Use another login": "Använd annan inloggning",
"Verify your identity to access encrypted messages and prove your identity to others.": "Verifiera din identitet för att komma åt krypterade meddelanden och bevisa din identitet för andra.",

View file

@ -3254,7 +3254,7 @@
"You have unverified logins": "您有未驗證的登入",
"unknown person": "不明身份的人",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "與 %(transferTarget)s 進行協商。<a>轉讓至 %(transferee)s</a>",
"Message search initialisation failed": "訊息搜尋初始化失敗",
"Message search initilisation failed": "訊息搜尋初始化失敗",
"Invite to just this room": "邀請到此聊天室",
"If you do, please note that none of your messages will be deleted, but the search experience might be degraded for a few momentswhilst the index is recreated": "如果這樣做,請注意,您的任何訊息都不會被刪除,但是在重新建立索引的同時,搜索體驗可能會降低片刻",
"Let's create a room for each of them.": "讓我們為每個主題建立一個聊天室吧。",