Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.

This commit is contained in:
Weblate 2020-12-12 04:52:26 +00:00
commit cebf4e3efc
16 changed files with 1081 additions and 49 deletions

View file

@ -131,14 +131,14 @@
"Failed to send request.": "Odeslání žádosti se nezdařilo.",
"Failed to set display name": "Nepodařilo se nastavit zobrazované jméno",
"Failed to unban": "Přijetí zpět se nezdařilo",
"Failed to upload profile picture!": "Nahrání profilového obrázku se nezdařilo",
"Failed to upload profile picture!": "Nahrání profilového obrázku se nezdařilo!",
"Failure to create room": "Vytvoření místnosti se nezdařilo",
"Forget room": "Zapomenout místnost",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Z bezpečnostních důvodů bylo toto přihlášení ukončeno. Přihlašte se prosím znovu.",
"and %(count)s others...|other": "a %(count)s další...",
"%(widgetName)s widget modified by %(senderName)s": "Uživatel %(senderName)s upravil widget %(widgetName)s",
"%(widgetName)s widget removed by %(senderName)s": "Uživatel %(senderName)s odstranil widget %(widgetName)s",
"%(widgetName)s widget added by %(senderName)s": "Uživatel %(senderName)s přidal widget %(widgetName)s",
"%(widgetName)s widget added by %(senderName)s": "Uživatel %(senderName)s přidal widget %(widgetName)s",
"Automatically replace plain text Emoji": "Automaticky nahrazovat textové emoji",
"Failed to upload image": "Obrázek se nepodařilo nahrát",
"%(senderName)s answered the call.": "Uživatel %(senderName)s přijal hovor.",
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
"Submit": "Odeslat",
"Success": "Úspěch",
"The phone number entered looks invalid": "Zadané telefonní číslo se zdá být neplatné",
"This email address is already in use": "Tato e-mailová adresa je již požívána",
"This email address is already in use": "Tato e-mailová adresa je již používána",
"This email address was not found": "Tato e-mailová adresa nebyla nalezena",
"This room has no local addresses": "Tato místnost nemá žádné místní adresy",
"This room is not recognised.": "Tato místnost nebyla rozpoznána.",
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
"URL previews are enabled by default for participants in this room.": "Ve výchozím nastavení jsou náhledy URL adres povolené pro členy této místnosti.",
"URL previews are disabled by default for participants in this room.": "Ve výchozím nastavení jsou náhledy URL adres zakázané pro členy této místnosti.",
"Invalid file%(extra)s": "Neplatný soubor%(extra)s",
"You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with %(integrationsUrl)s. Do you wish to continue?": "Budete přesměrováni na stránku třetí strany k ověření svého účtu pro používání s %(integrationsUrl)s. Chcete pokračovat?",
"You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with %(integrationsUrl)s. Do you wish to continue?": "Budete přesměrováni na stránku třetí strany k ověření svého účtu pro používání s %(integrationsUrl)s. Chcete pokračovat?",
"Please check your email to continue registration.": "Pro pokračování v registraci prosím zkontrolujte své e-maily.",
"Token incorrect": "Neplatný token",
"A text message has been sent to %(msisdn)s": "Na číslo %(msisdn)s byla odeslána textová zpráva",
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
"Failed to add the following users to the summary of %(groupId)s:": "Do souhrnného seznamu skupiny %(groupId)s se nepodařilo přidat následující uživatele:",
"Add a User": "Přidat uživatele",
"Failed to remove a user from the summary of %(groupId)s": "Ze souhrnného seznamu skupiny %(groupId)s se nepodařilo odstranit uživatele",
"The user '%(displayName)s' could not be removed from the summary.": "Nelze odstranit uživatele '%(displayName)s' ze souhrnného seznamu.",
"The user '%(displayName)s' could not be removed from the summary.": "Nelze odstranit uživatele '%(displayName)s' ze souhrnného seznamu.",
"Unable to accept invite": "Nelze přijmout pozvání",
"Unable to reject invite": "Nelze odmítnout pozvání",
"Community Settings": "Nastavení skupiny",
@ -2213,5 +2213,74 @@
"Upload completed": "Nahrávání dokončeno",
"Cancelled signature upload": "Nahrávání podpisu zrušeno",
"Unable to upload": "Nelze nahrát",
"Server isn't responding": "Server neodpovídá"
"Server isn't responding": "Server neodpovídá",
"End": "End",
"Space": "Mezerník",
"Enter": "Enter",
"Esc": "Esc",
"Page Down": "Page Down",
"Page Up": "Page Up",
"Cancel autocomplete": "Zrušit automatické doplňování",
"Move autocomplete selection up/down": "Posun nahoru/dolu v automatickém doplňování",
"Toggle this dialog": "Zobrazit/skrýt tento dialog",
"Activate selected button": "Aktivovat označené tlačítko",
"Close dialog or context menu": "Zavřít dialog nebo kontextové menu",
"Toggle the top left menu": "Zobrazit/skrýt menu vlevo nahoře",
"Scroll up/down in the timeline": "Posunous se nahoru/dolů v historii",
"Clear room list filter field": "Smazat filtr místností",
"Expand room list section": "Rozbalit seznam místností",
"Collapse room list section": "Sbalit seznam místností",
"Select room from the room list": "Vybrat místnost v seznamu",
"Navigate up/down in the room list": "Posouvat se nahoru/dolů v seznamu místností",
"Jump to room search": "Filtrovat místnosti",
"Toggle video on/off": "Zapnout nebo vypnout video",
"Toggle microphone mute": "Ztlumit nebo zapnout mikrofon",
"Jump to start/end of the composer": "Skočit na konec/začátek textového pole",
"New line": "Nový řádek",
"Toggle Quote": "Citace",
"Toggle Italics": "Kurzíva",
"Toggle Bold": "Tučné písmo",
"Ctrl": "Ctrl",
"Shift": "Shift",
"Alt Gr": "Alt Gr",
"Autocomplete": "Automatické doplňování",
"Room List": "Seznam místností",
"Calls": "Hovory",
"To set up a filter, drag a community avatar over to the filter panel on the far left hand side of the screen. You can click on an avatar in the filter panel at any time to see only the rooms and people associated with that community.": "Pro nastavení filtru přetáhněte avatar skupiny do panelu filtrování na levé straně obrazovky. Pak v tomto panelu můžete kdykoliv klepnout na avatar skupiny a uvidíte jen místnosti a lidi z dané skupiny.",
"Send feedback": "Odeslat zpětnou vazbu",
"Feedback": "Zpětná vazba",
"Feedback sent": "Zpětná vazba byla odeslána",
"Security & privacy": "Zabezpečení",
"All settings": "Nastavení",
"Start a conversation with someone using their name, email address or username (like <userId/>).": "Napište jméno nebo emailovou adresu uživatele se kterým chcete začít konverzaci (např. <userId/>).",
"Start a new chat": "Založit nový chat",
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "Kterou oficiální instanci používáte (a jestli vůbec)",
"Change the topic of this room": "Změnit téma této místnosti",
"%(senderName)s declined the call.": "%(senderName)s odmítl/a hovor.",
"(an error occurred)": "(došlo k chybě)",
"(their device couldn't start the camera / microphone)": "(zařízení druhé strany nemohlo spustit kameru / mikrofon)",
"(connection failed)": "(spojení selhalo)",
"🎉 All servers are banned from participating! This room can no longer be used.": "🎉 K místnosti nemá přístup žádný server! Místnost už nemůže být používána.",
"Prepends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to a plain-text message": "Vloží ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) na začátek zprávy",
"Czech Republic": "Česká republika",
"Algeria": "Alžírsko",
"Albania": "Albánie",
"Åland Islands": "Alandy",
"Afghanistan": "Afgánistán",
"United States": "Spojené Státy",
"United Kingdom": "Spojené Království",
"This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "Ukončíme konferenci pro všechny účastníky. Chcete pokračovat?",
"End conference": "Ukončit konferenci",
"No other application is using the webcam": "Webkamera není blokována jinou aplikací",
"Permission is granted to use the webcam": "Aplikace má k webkameře povolen přístup",
"A microphone and webcam are plugged in and set up correctly": "Mikrofon a webkamera jsou zapojeny a správně nastaveny",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Hovor selhal, protože nešlo použít mikrofon nebo webkameru. Zkontrolujte, že:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Není možné použít webkameru nebo mikrofon",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Hovor selhal, protože nešlo použít mikrofon. Zkontrolujte, že je mikrofon připojen a správně nastaven.",
"Unable to access microphone": "Není možné použít mikrofon",
"The call was answered on another device.": "Hovor byl přijat na jiném zařízení.",
"Answered Elsewhere": "Zodpovězeno jinde",
"The call could not be established": "Hovor se nepovedlo navázat",
"The other party declined the call.": "Druhá strana hovor odmítla.",
"Call Declined": "Hovor odmítnut"

View file

@ -604,9 +604,9 @@
"Flair": "Abzeichen",
"Showing flair for these communities:": "Abzeichen für diese Communities zeigen:",
"This room is not showing flair for any communities": "Dieser Raum zeigt für keine Communities die Abzeichen an",
"Something went wrong when trying to get your communities.": "Beim Laden deiner Communites ist etwas schief gelaufen.",
"Something went wrong when trying to get your communities.": "Beim Laden deiner Communities ist etwas schief gelaufen.",
"Display your community flair in rooms configured to show it.": "Zeige deinen Community-Flair in den Räumen, die es erlauben.",
"This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.": "Dieser Heimserver verfügt über keinen, von diesem Client unterstütztes Anmeldeverfahren.",
"This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.": "Dieser Heimserver verfügt über kein von diesem Client unterstütztes Anmeldeverfahren.",
"Call Failed": "Anruf fehlgeschlagen",
"Send": "Senden",
"collapse": "Verbergen",
@ -2913,5 +2913,42 @@
"Åland Islands": "Äland-Inseln",
"Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
"United States": "Vereinigte Staaten",
"United Kingdom": "Großbritannien"
"United Kingdom": "Großbritannien",
"We call the places you where you can host your account homeservers.": "Orte, an denen du dein Benutzerkonto hosten kannst, nennen wir \"Homeserver\".",
"Specify a homeserver": "Gib einen Homeserver an",
"Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Zeige LaTeX-Matheformeln in Nachrichten an",
"Decide where your account is hosted": "Gib an wo dein Benutzerkonto gehostet werden soll",
"Already have an account? <a>Sign in here</a>": "Hast du schon ein Benutzerkonto? <a>Melde dich hier an</a>",
"%(ssoButtons)s Or %(usernamePassword)s": "%(ssoButtons)s oder %(usernamePassword)s",
"Continue with %(ssoButtons)s": "Mit %(ssoButtons)s fortfahren",
"That username already exists, please try another.": "Dieser Benutzername existiert schon. Bitte versuche es mit einem anderen.",
"New? <a>Create account</a>": "Neu? <a>Erstelle ein Benutzerkonto</a>",
"There was a problem communicating with the homeserver, please try again later.": "Es gab ein Problem bei der Kommunikation mit dem Homseserver. Bitte versuche es später erneut.",
"New here? <a>Create an account</a>": "Neu hier? <a>Erstelle ein Benutzerkonto</a>",
"Got an account? <a>Sign in</a>": "Hast du schon ein Benutzerkonto? <a>Melde dich an</a>",
"Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Nutze optional eine E-Mail-Adresse, um von Nutzern gefunden werden zu können.",
"Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Nutze optional eine E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer, um von Nutzern gefunden werden zu können.",
"Add an email to be able to reset your password.": "Füge eine E-Mail-Adresse hinzu, um dein Passwort zurücksetzen zu können.",
"Forgot password?": "Passwort vergessen?",
"That phone number doesn't look quite right, please check and try again": "Diese Telefonummer sieht nicht ganz richtig aus. Bitte überprüfe deine Eingabe und versuche es erneut",
"About homeservers": "Über Homeserver",
"Learn more": "Mehr dazu",
"Use your preferred Matrix homeserver if you have one, or host your own.": "Verwende einen Matrix-Homeserver deiner Wahl oder hoste deinen eigenen.",
"Other homeserver": "Anderer Homeserver",
"Sign into your homeserver": "Melde dich bei deinem Homeserver an",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so its a good place for many.": " ist der größte öffentliche Homeserver der Welt und daher ein guter Ort für viele.",
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "Aufgepasst: Wenn du keine E-Mail-Adresse angibst und dein Passwort vergisst, kannst du den <b>Zugriff auf deinen Account dauerhaft verlieren</b>.",
"Continuing without email": "Ohne E-Mail fortfahren",
"Reason (optional)": "Grund (optional)",
"Continue with %(provider)s": "Mit %(provider)s fortfahren",
"Homeserver": "Heimserver",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kannst in den benutzerdefinierten Serveroptionen eine andere Heimserver-URL angeben, um dich bei anderen Matrixservern anzumelden.",
"Server Options": "Servereinstellungen",
"No other application is using the webcam": "Keine andere Anwendung auf die Webcam zugreift",
"Permission is granted to use the webcam": "Auf die Webcam zugegriffen werden darf",
"A microphone and webcam are plugged in and set up correctly": "Mikrofon und Webcam eingesteckt und richtig eingerichtet sind",
"Call failed because no microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Der Anruf ist fehlgeschlagen weil nicht auf das Mikrofon zugegriffen werden konnte. Stelle sicher, dass das Mikrofon richtig eingesteckt und eingerichtet ist.",
"Call failed because no webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Der Anruf ist fehlgeschlagen weil nicht auf das Mikrofon oder die Webcam zugegriffen werden konnte. Stelle sicher, dass:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Auf Webcam / Mikrofon konnte nicht zugegriffen werden",
"Unable to access microphone": "Es konnte nicht auf das Mikrofon zugegriffen werden"

View file

@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@
"Community %(groupId)s not found": "%(groupId)s kogukonda ei leidunud",
"This homeserver does not support communities": "See koduserver ei toeta kogukondade funktsionaalsust",
"Failed to load %(groupId)s": "%(groupId)s kogukonna laadimine ei õnnestunud",
"Welcome to %(appName)s": "Tere tulemast %(appName)s kasutajaks",
"Welcome to %(appName)s": "Tere tulemast suhtlusrakenduse %(appName)s kasutajaks",
"Liberate your communication": "Vabasta oma suhtlus",
"Send a Direct Message": "Saada otsesõnum",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Kas oled kindel, et soovid lahkuda jututoast '%(roomName)s'?",
@ -2928,5 +2928,49 @@
"Call failed because no webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Kuna veebikaamerat või mikrofoni kasutada ei saanud, siis kõne ei õnnestunud. Palun kontrolli, et:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Puudub ligipääs veebikaamerale ja mikrofonile",
"Call failed because no microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Kuna mikrofoni kasutada ei saanud, siis kõne ei õnnestunud. Palun kontrolli, et mikrofon oleks ühendatud ja seadistatud.",
"Unable to access microphone": "Puudub ligipääs mikrofonile"
"Unable to access microphone": "Puudub ligipääs mikrofonile",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Serveri seadistusi muutes võid teise koduserveri aadressi sisestamisel logida sisse muudesse Matrix'i serveritesse. See võimaldab sul vestlusrakenduses Element kasutada olemasolevat kasutajakontot teises koduserveris.",
"Continuing without email": "Jätka ilma e-posti aadressi seadistamiseta",
"Continue with %(provider)s": "Jätka %(provider)s kasutamist",
"Homeserver": "Koduserver",
"Server Options": "Serveri seadistused",
"Host account on": "Sinu kasutajakontot teenindab",
"Decide where your account is hosted": "Vali kes võiks sinu kasutajakontot teenindada",
"Already have an account? <a>Sign in here</a>": "Sul juba on kasutajakonto olemas? <a>Logi siin sisse</a>",
"%(ssoButtons)s Or %(usernamePassword)s": "%(ssoButtons)s või %(usernamePassword)s",
"Continue with %(ssoButtons)s": "Jätkamiseks kasuta %(ssoButtons)s teenuseid",
"That username already exists, please try another.": "Selline kasutajanimi on juba olemas, palun vali midagi muud.",
"New? <a>Create account</a>": "Täitsa uus asi sinu jaoks? <a>Loo omale kasutajakonto</a>",
"There was a problem communicating with the homeserver, please try again later.": "Serveriühenduses tekkis viga. Palun proovi mõne aja pärast uuesti.",
"Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Kui soovid, et teised kasutajad saaksid sind leida, siis palun lisa oma e-posti aadress.",
"Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Kui soovid, et teised kasutajad saaksid sind leida, siis palun lisa oma e-posti aadress või telefoninumber.",
"Add an email to be able to reset your password.": "Selleks et saaksid vajadusel oma salasõna muuta, palun lisa oma e-posti aadress.",
"Forgot password?": "Kas unustasid oma salasõna?",
"That phone number doesn't look quite right, please check and try again": "See telefoninumber ei tundu õige olema, palun kontrolli ta üle ja proovi uuesti",
"About homeservers": "Teave koduserverite kohta",
"Learn more": "Loe veel",
"Use your preferred Matrix homeserver if you have one, or host your own.": "Kui sul on oma koduserveri eelistus olemas, siis kasuta seda. Samuti võid soovi korral oma enda koduserveri püsti panna.",
"Other homeserver": "Muu koduserver",
"We call the places you where you can host your account homeservers.": "Me nimetame „koduserveriks“ sellist serverit, mis haldab sinu kasutajakontot.",
"Sign into your homeserver": "Logi sisse oma koduserverisse",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so its a good place for many.": " on maailma suurim avalik koduserver ja see sobib paljude jaoks.",
"Specify a homeserver": "Sisesta koduserver",
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "Lihtsalt hoiatame, et kui sa ei lisa e-posti aadressi ning unustad oma konto salasõna, siis sa võid <b>püsivalt kaotada ligipääsu oma kontole</b>.",
"Reason (optional)": "Põhjus (kui soovid lisada)",
"We call the places where you can host your account homeservers.": "Me nimetame „koduserveriks“ sellist serverit, mis haldab sinu kasutajakontot.",
"Invalid URL": "Vigane aadress",
"Unable to validate homeserver": "Koduserveri õigsust ei õnnestunud kontrollida",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Kuna veebikaamerat või mikrofoni kasutada ei saanud, siis kõne ei õnnestunud. Palun kontrolli, et:",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Kuna mikrofoni kasutada ei saanud, siis kõne ei õnnestunud. Palun kontrolli, et mikrofon oleks ühendatud ja seadistatud.",
"sends confetti": "saatis serpentiine",
"Sends the given message with confetti": "Lisab sellele sõnumile serpentiine",
"Show chat effects": "Näita vestlustes efekte",
"Effects": "Vahvad täiendused",
"Hold": "Pane ootele",
"Resume": "Jätka",
"%(peerName)s held the call": "%(peerName)s pani kõne ootele",
"You held the call <a>Resume</a>": "Sa panid kõne ootele. <a>Jätka kõnet</a>",
"You've reached the maximum number of simultaneous calls.": "Oled jõudnud suurima lubatud samaaegsete kõnede arvuni.",
"%(name)s paused": "%(name)s peatas ajutiselt kõne",
"Too Many Calls": "Liiga palju kõnesid"

View file

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
"Collecting logs": "درحال جمع‌آوری گزارش‌ها",
"Search": "جستجو",
"(HTTP status %(httpStatus)s)": "(HTTP وضعیت %(httpStatus)s)",
"Failed to forget room %(errCode)s": "فراموش کردن گپ‌گاه %(errCode)s موفقیت‌آمیز نبود",
"Failed to forget room %(errCode)s": "فراموش کردن اتاق با خطا مواجه شد %(errCode)s",
"Wednesday": "چهارشنبه",
"Quote": "گفتآورد",
"Send": "ارسال",
@ -158,5 +158,69 @@
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "وارد حساب خود می‌شوید یا خیر (ما نام کاربری شما را ثبت نمی‌کنیم)",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this phone number.": "برای تائید اضافه‌شدن این شماره تلفن، بر روی دکمه‌ی زیر کلیک کنید.",
"Confirm adding this phone number by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "برای اثبات هویت خود، اضافه‌شدن این شماره تلفن را با استفاده از Single Sign On تائید کنید.",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "خطا در تائید آدرس ایمیل: مطمئن شوید که بر روی لینک موجود در ایمیل کلیک کرده اید"
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "خطا در تائید آدرس ایمیل: مطمئن شوید که بر روی لینک موجود در ایمیل کلیک کرده اید",
"Forget room": "فراموش کردن اتاق",
"Filter room members": "فیلتر کردن اعضای اتاق",
"Failure to create room": "ایجاد اتاق با خطا مواجه شد",
"Failed to upload profile picture!": "آپلود عکس پروفایل با خطا مواجه شد!",
"Failed to unban": "رفع مسدودیت با خطا مواجه شد",
"Failed to set display name": "تنظیم نام نمایشی با خطا مواجه شد",
"Failed to send request.": "ارسال درخواست با خطا مواجه شد.",
"Failed to send email": "ارسال ایمیل با خطا مواجه شد",
"Failed to join room": "پیوستن به اتاق انجام نشد",
"Failed to ban user": "کاربر مسدود نشد",
"Error decrypting attachment": "خطا در رمزگشایی پیوست",
"%(senderName)s ended the call.": "%(senderName)s به تماس پایان داد.",
"Emoji": "شکلک",
"Email address": "آدرس ایمیل",
"Email": "ایمیل",
"Drop File Here": "پرونده را اینجا رها کنید",
"Download %(text)s": "دانلود 2%(text)s",
"Disinvite": "پس‌گرفتن دعوت",
"Default": "پیشفرض",
"Deops user with given id": "کاربر را با شناسه داده شده را از بین می برد",
"Decrypt %(text)s": "رمزگشایی %(text)s",
"Deactivate Account": "غیرفعال کردن حساب",
"/ddg is not a command": "/ddg یک فرمان نیست",
"Current password": "گذرواژه فعلی",
"Cryptography": "رمزنگاری",
"Create Room": "ایجاد اتاق",
"Confirm password": "تأیید گذرواژه",
"Commands": "فرمان‌ها",
"Command error": "خطای فرمان",
"Click here to fix": "برای رفع مشکل اینجا کلیک کنید",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s نام اتاق را حذف کرد.",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s عکس پروفایل خود را تغییر داد.",
"Change Password": "تغییر گذواژه",
"Banned users": "کاربران مسدود شده",
"Autoplay GIFs and videos": "پخش خودکار GIF و فیلم",
"Attachment": "پیوست",
"Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید دعوت را رد کنید؟",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید از اتاق '2%(roomName)s' خارج شوید؟",
"Are you sure?": "مطمئنی؟",
"Anyone who knows the room's link, including guests": "هرکسی که لینک اتاق را می داند و کاربران مهمان",
"Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests": "هرکسی که لینک اتاق را می‌داند، غیر از کاربران مهمان",
"Anyone": "هر کس",
"An error has occurred.": "خطایی رخ داده است.",
"%(senderName)s answered the call.": "%(senderName)s تماس را پاسخ داد.",
"A new password must be entered.": "گذواژه جدید باید وارد شود.",
"Authentication": "احراز هویت",
"Always show message timestamps": "همیشه مهر زمان‌های پیام را نشان بده",
"Advanced": "پیشرفته",
"Camera": "دوربین",
"Microphone": "میکروفون",
"Default Device": "دستگاه پیشفرض",
"No media permissions": "عدم مجوز رسانه",
"No Webcams detected": "هیچ وبکمی شناسایی نشد",
"No Microphones detected": "هیچ میکروفونی شناسایی نشد",
"Admin": "ادمین",
"Add": "افزودن",
"Access Token:": "توکن دسترسی:",
"Account": "حساب کابری",
"Incorrect verification code": "کد فعال‌سازی اشتباه است",
"Incorrect username and/or password.": "نام کاربری و یا گذرواژه اشتباه است.",
"I have verified my email address": "ایمیل خود را تأید کردم",
"Home": "خانه",
"Hangup": "قطع",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "برای امنیت، این نشست نامعتبر شده است. لطفاً دوباره وارد سیستم شوید."

View file

@ -2376,5 +2376,82 @@
"Change the topic of this room": "Muuta huoneen aihetta",
"Change which room you're viewing": "Vaihda näytettävää huonetta",
"Send stickers into your active room": "Lähetä tarroja aktiiviseen huoneeseesi",
"Send stickers into this room": "Lähetä tarroja tähän huoneeseen"
"Send stickers into this room": "Lähetä tarroja tähän huoneeseen",
"Comoros": "Komorit",
"Colombia": "Kolumbia",
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Kookossaaret",
"Christmas Island": "Joulusaari",
"China": "Kiina",
"Chile": "Chile",
"Chad": "Tšad",
"Central African Republic": "Keski-Afrikan tasavalta",
"Cayman Islands": "Caymansaaret",
"Caribbean Netherlands": "Alankomaiden Karibia",
"Cape Verde": "Kap Verde",
"Canada": "Kanada",
"Cameroon": "Kamerun",
"Cambodia": "Kambodža",
"Burundi": "Burundi",
"Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
"Bulgaria": "Bulgaria",
"Brunei": "Brunei",
"British Virgin Islands": "Brittiläiset Neitsytsaaret",
"British Indian Ocean Territory": "Brittiläinen Intian valtameren alue",
"Brazil": "Brasilia",
"Bouvet Island": "Bouvetnsaari",
"Botswana": "Botswana",
"Bosnia": "Bosnia ja Hertsegovina",
"Bolivia": "Bolivia",
"Bhutan": "Bhutan",
"Bermuda": "Bermuda",
"Benin": "Benin",
"Belize": "Belize",
"Belgium": "Belgia",
"Belarus": "Valko-Venäjä",
"Barbados": "Barbados",
"Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
"Bahrain": "Bahrain",
"Bahamas": "Bahama",
"Azerbaijan": "Azerbaidžan",
"Austria": "Itävalta",
"Australia": "Australia",
"Aruba": "Aruba",
"Armenia": "Armenia",
"Argentina": "Argentiina",
"Antigua & Barbuda": "Antigua ja Barbuda",
"Antarctica": "Antarktis",
"Anguilla": "Anguilla",
"Angola": "Angola",
"Andorra": "Andorra",
"American Samoa": "Amerikan Samoa",
"Algeria": "Algeria",
"Albania": "Albania",
"Åland Islands": "Ahvenanmaa",
"Afghanistan": "Afganistan",
"United States": "Yhdysvallat",
"United Kingdom": "Iso-Britannia",
"No other application is using the webcam": "Mikään muu sovellus ei käytä kameraa",
"Permission is granted to use the webcam": "Lupa käyttää kameraa myönnetty",
"A microphone and webcam are plugged in and set up correctly": "Mikrofoni ja kamera on kytketty ja asennettu oiken",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Puhelu epäonnistui, koska kameraa tai mikrofonia ei voitu käyttää. Tarkista että:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Kameraa / mikrofonia ei voi käyttää",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Puhelu epäonnistui, koska mikrofonia ei voitu käyttää. Tarkista, että mikrofoni on kytketty ja asennettu oikein.",
"Unable to access microphone": "Mikrofonia ei voi käyttää",
"El Salvador": "El Salvador",
"Egypt": "Egypti",
"Ecuador": "Ecuador",
"Dominican Republic": "Dominikaaninen tasavalta",
"Dominica": "Dominica",
"Djibouti": "Djibouti",
"Denmark": "Tanska",
"Côte dIvoire": "Norsunluurannikko",
"Czech Republic": "Tšekki",
"Cyprus": "Kypros",
"Curaçao": "Curaçao",
"Cuba": "Kuuba",
"Croatia": "Kroatia",
"Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
"Cook Islands": "Cookinsaaret",
"Congo - Kinshasa": "Kongo-Kinshasa",
"Congo - Brazzaville": "Kongo-Brazzavile"

View file

@ -2927,5 +2927,46 @@
"Call failed because no webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "A chamada fallou porque non están accesibles a cámara ou o micrófono. Comproba que:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Non se puido acceder a cámara / micrófono",
"Call failed because no microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "A chamada fallou porque non se puido acceder a un micrófono. Comproba que o micrófono está conectado e correctamente configurado.",
"Unable to access microphone": "Non se puido acceder ó micrófono"
"Unable to access microphone": "Non se puido acceder ó micrófono",
"Decide where your account is hosted": "Decide onde queres crear a túa conta",
"Host account on": "Crea a conta en",
"Already have an account? <a>Sign in here</a>": "Xa tes unha conta? <a>Conecta aquí</a>",
"%(ssoButtons)s Or %(usernamePassword)s": "%(ssoButtons)s Ou %(usernamePassword)s",
"Continue with %(ssoButtons)s": "Continúa con %(ssoButtons)s",
"That username already exists, please try another.": "Ese nome de usuaria xa existe, proba con outro.",
"New? <a>Create account</a>": "Recén cheagada? <a>Crea unha conta</a>",
"There was a problem communicating with the homeserver, please try again later.": "Houbo un problema de comunicación co servidor de inicio, inténtao máis tarde.",
"Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Usa o email para ser opcionalmente descubrible para os contactos existentes.",
"Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Usa un email ou teléfono para ser (opcionalmente) descubrible polos contactos existentes.",
"Add an email to be able to reset your password.": "Engade un email para poder restablecer o contrasinal.",
"Forgot password?": "Esqueceches o contrasinal?",
"That phone number doesn't look quite right, please check and try again": "Non semella correcto este número, compróbao e inténtao outra vez",
"About homeservers": "Acerca dos servidores de inicio",
"Learn more": "Saber máis",
"Use your preferred Matrix homeserver if you have one, or host your own.": "Usa o teu servidor de inicio Matrix preferido, ou usa o teu propio.",
"Other homeserver": "Outro servidor de inicio",
"We call the places you where you can host your account homeservers.": "Chamámoslle 'Servidores de inicio' ós servidores onde poderías ter a túa conta.",
"Sign into your homeserver": "Conecta co teu servidor de inicio",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so its a good place for many.": " é o servidor de inicio máis grande de todos, polo que é lugar común para moitas persoas.",
"Specify a homeserver": "Indica un servidor de inicio",
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "Lembra que se non engades un email e esqueces o contrasinal <b>perderás de xeito permanente o acceso á conta</b>.",
"Continuing without email": "Continuando sen email",
"Continue with %(provider)s": "Continuar con %(provider)s",
"Homeserver": "Servidor de inicio",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Podes usar as opcións do servidor para poder conectarte a outros servidores Matrix indicando o URL dese servidor. Esto permíteche usar Element cunha conta Matrix existente noutro servidor.",
"Server Options": "Opcións do servidor",
"Reason (optional)": "Razón (optativa)",
"We call the places where you can host your account homeservers.": "Ós lugares onde podes ter unha conta chamámoslle 'servidores de inicio'.",
"Invalid URL": "URL non válido",
"Unable to validate homeserver": "Non se puido validar o servidor de inicio",
"sends confetti": "envía confetti",
"Sends the given message with confetti": "Envía a mensaxe con confetti",
"Show chat effects": "Mostrar efectos do chat",
"Effects": "Efectos",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "A chamada fallou porque non tiñas acceso á cámara ou ó micrófono. Comproba:",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "A chamada fallou porque non tiñas acceso ó micrófono. Comproba que o micrófono está conectado e correctamente configurado.",
"Hold": "Colgar",
"Resume": "Retomar",
"%(peerName)s held the call": "%(peerName)s finalizou a chamada",
"You held the call <a>Resume</a>": "Colgaches a chamada, <a>Retomar</a>"

View file

@ -2852,5 +2852,117 @@
"Go to Home View": "Vai alla vista home",
"<h1>HTML for your community's page</h1>\n<p>\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\n some important <a href=\"foo\">links</a>\n</p>\n<p>\n You can even add images with Matrix URLs <img src=\"mxc://url\" />\n</p>\n": "<h1>HTML per la pagina della tua comunità</h1>\n<p>\n Usa la descrizione estesa per introdurre i nuovi membri alla comunità, o distribuisci\n alcuni <a href=\"foo\">link</a> importanti\n</p>\n<p>\n Puoi anche aggiungere immagini con gli URL Matrix <img src=\"mxc://url\" />\n</p>\n",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Salva in cache i messaggi cifrati localmente in modo che appaiano nei risultati di ricerca, usando %(size)s per salvarli da %(rooms)s stanza.",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Salva in cache i messaggi cifrati localmente in modo che appaiano nei risultati di ricerca, usando %(size)s per salvarli da %(rooms)s stanze."
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Salva in cache i messaggi cifrati localmente in modo che appaiano nei risultati di ricerca, usando %(size)s per salvarli da %(rooms)s stanze.",
"See text messages posted to your active room": "Vedi messaggi di testo inviati alla tua stanza attiva",
"See text messages posted to this room": "Vedi messaggi di testo inviati a questa stanza",
"Send text messages as you in your active room": "Invia messaggi di testo a tuo nome nella tua stanza attiva",
"Send text messages as you in this room": "Invia messaggi di testo a tuo nome in questa stanza",
"See messages posted to your active room": "Vedi messaggi inviati alla tua stanza attiva",
"See messages posted to this room": "Vedi messaggi inviati a questa stanza",
"Send messages as you in your active room": "Invia messaggi a tuo nome nella tua stanza attiva",
"Send messages as you in this room": "Invia messaggi a tuo nome in questa stanza",
"The <b>%(capability)s</b> capability": "La capacità <b>%(capability)s</b>",
"See <b>%(eventType)s</b> events posted to your active room": "Vedi eventi <b>%(eventType)s</b> inviati alla tua stanza attiva",
"Send <b>%(eventType)s</b> events as you in your active room": "Invia eventi <b>%(eventType)s</b> a tuo nome nella tua stanza attiva",
"See <b>%(eventType)s</b> events posted to this room": "Vedi eventi <b>%(eventType)s</b> inviati a questa stanza",
"Send <b>%(eventType)s</b> events as you in this room": "Invia eventi <b>%(eventType)s</b> a tuo nome in questa stanza",
"with state key %(stateKey)s": "con la chiave di stato %(stateKey)s",
"with an empty state key": "con una chiave di stato vuota",
"See when anyone posts a sticker to your active room": "Vedi quando qualcuno invia un adesivo alla tua stanza attiva",
"Send stickers to this room as you": "Invia adesivi a questa stanza a tuo nome",
"Send stickers to your active room as you": "Invia adesivi alla tua stanza attiva a tuo nome",
"See when a sticker is posted in this room": "Vedi quando viene inviato un adesivo in questa stanza",
"See when the avatar changes in your active room": "Vedi quando l'avatar cambia nella tua stanza attiva",
"Change the avatar of your active room": "Cambia l'avatar della tua stanza attiva",
"See when the avatar changes in this room": "Vedi quando l'avatar cambia in questa stanza",
"Change the avatar of this room": "Cambia l'avatar di questa stanza",
"See when the name changes in your active room": "Vedi quando il nome cambia nella tua stanza attiva",
"Change the name of your active room": "Cambia il nome della tua stanza attiva",
"See when the name changes in this room": "Vedi quando il nome cambia in questa stanza",
"Change the name of this room": "Cambia il nome di questa stanza",
"See when the topic changes in your active room": "Vedi quando l'argomento cambia nella tua stanza attiva",
"Change the topic of your active room": "Cambia l'argomento della tua stanza attiva",
"See when the topic changes in this room": "Vedi quando l'argomento cambia in questa stanza",
"Change the topic of this room": "Cambia l'argomento di questa stanza",
"Change which room you're viewing": "Cambia quale stanza stai vedendo",
"Send stickers into your active room": "Invia adesivi nella tua stanza attiva",
"Send stickers into this room": "Invia adesivi in questa stanza",
"Remain on your screen while running": "Resta sul tuo schermo mentre in esecuzione",
"Remain on your screen when viewing another room, when running": "Resta sul tuo schermo quando vedi un'altra stanza, quando in esecuzione",
"No other application is using the webcam": "Nessun'altra applicazione sta usando la webcam",
"Permission is granted to use the webcam": "Permesso concesso per usare la webcam",
"A microphone and webcam are plugged in and set up correctly": "Un microfono e una webcam siano collegati e configurati correttamente",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Impossibile accedere alla webcam / microfono",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Chiamata fallita perchè la webcam o il microfono non sono accessibili. Controlla che:",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Chiamata fallita perchè il microfono non è accessibile. Controlla che ci sia un microfono collegato e configurato correttamente.",
"Unable to access microphone": "Impossibile accedere al microfono",
"Decide where your account is hosted": "Decidi dove ospitare il tuo account",
"Host account on": "Ospita account su",
"Already have an account? <a>Sign in here</a>": "Hai già un account? <a>Accedi qui</a>",
"%(ssoButtons)s Or %(usernamePassword)s": "%(ssoButtons)s o %(usernamePassword)s",
"Continue with %(ssoButtons)s": "Continua con %(ssoButtons)s",
"That username already exists, please try another.": "Quel nome utente esiste già, provane un altro.",
"New? <a>Create account</a>": "Prima volta? <a>Crea un account</a>",
"There was a problem communicating with the homeserver, please try again later.": "C'è stato un problema nella comunicazione con l'homeserver, riprova più tardi.",
"New here? <a>Create an account</a>": "Prima volta qui? <a>Crea un account</a>",
"Got an account? <a>Sign in</a>": "Hai un account? <a>Accedi</a>",
"Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Usa l'email per essere facoltativamente trovabile dai contatti esistenti.",
"Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Usa l'email o il telefono per essere facoltativamente trovabile dai contatti esistenti.",
"Add an email to be able to reset your password.": "Aggiungi un'email per poter reimpostare la password.",
"Forgot password?": "Hai dimenticato la password?",
"That phone number doesn't look quite right, please check and try again": "Quel numero di telefono non sembra corretto, controlla e riprova",
"Enter phone number": "Inserisci numero di telefono",
"Enter email address": "Inserisci indirizzo email",
"Decline All": "Rifiuta tutti",
"Approve widget permissions": "Approva permessi del widget",
"Approve": "Approva",
"This widget would like to:": "Il widget vorrebbe:",
"About homeservers": "Riguardo gli homeserver",
"Learn more": "Maggiori informazioni",
"Use your preferred Matrix homeserver if you have one, or host your own.": "Usa il tuo homeserver Matrix preferito se ne hai uno, o ospitane uno tuo.",
"Other homeserver": "Altro homeserver",
"We call the places where you can host your account homeservers.": "Chiamiamo \"homeserver\" i posti dove puoi ospitare il tuo account.",
"Sign into your homeserver": "Accedi al tuo homeserver",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so its a good place for many.": " è il più grande homeserver pubblico del mondo, quindi è un buon posto per molti.",
"Specify a homeserver": "Specifica un homeserver",
"Invalid URL": "URL non valido",
"Unable to validate homeserver": "Impossibile validare l'homeserver",
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "Solo un avviso, se non aggiungi un'email e dimentichi la password, potresti <b>perdere permanentemente l'accesso al tuo account</b>.",
"Continuing without email": "Continuando senza email",
"Reason (optional)": "Motivo (facoltativo)",
"Continue with %(provider)s": "Continua con %(provider)s",
"Homeserver": "Homeserver",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Puoi usare le opzioni di server personalizzato per accedere ad altri server Matrix specificando un URL homeserver diverso. Ciò ti permette di usare Element con un account Matrix esistente su un homeserver differente.",
"Server Options": "Opzioni server",
"Return to call": "Torna alla chiamata",
"Fill Screen": "Riempi schermo",
"Voice Call": "Telefonata",
"Video Call": "Videochiamata",
"sends confetti": "invia coriandoli",
"Sends the given message with confetti": "Invia il messaggio in questione con coriandoli",
"Show chat effects": "Mostra effetti chat",
"Use Ctrl + Enter to send a message": "Usa Ctrl + Invio per inviare un messaggio",
"Use Command + Enter to send a message": "Usa Comando + Invio per inviare un messaggio",
"Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Renderizza matematica LaTeX nei messaggi",
"See <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages posted to your active room": "Vedi messaggi <b>%(msgtype)s</b> inviati alla tua stanza attiva",
"See <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages posted to this room": "Vedi messaggi <b>%(msgtype)s</b> inviati a questa stanza",
"Send <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages as you in your active room": "Invia messaggi <b>%(msgtype)s</b> a tuo nome nella tua stanza attiva",
"Send <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages as you in this room": "Invia messaggi <b>%(msgtype)s</b> a tuo nome in questa stanza",
"See general files posted to your active room": "Vedi file generici inviati alla tua stanza attiva",
"See general files posted to this room": "Vedi file generici inviati a questa stanza",
"Send general files as you in your active room": "Invia file generici a tuo nome nella tua stanza attiva",
"Send general files as you in this room": "Invia file generici a tuo nome in questa stanza",
"See videos posted to your active room": "Vedi video inviati alla tua stanza attiva",
"See videos posted to this room": "Vedi video inviati a questa stanza",
"Send videos as you in your active room": "Invia video a tuo nome nella tua stanza attiva",
"Send videos as you in this room": "Invia video a tuo nome in questa stanza",
"See images posted to your active room": "Vedi immagini inviate alla tua stanza attiva",
"See images posted to this room": "Vedi immagini inviate a questa stanza",
"Send images as you in your active room": "Invia immagini a tuo nome nella tua stanza attiva",
"Send images as you in this room": "Invia immagini a tuo nome in questa stanza",
"See emotes posted to your active room": "Vedi emoticon inviate alla tua stanza attiva",
"See emotes posted to this room": "Vedi emoticon inviate a questa stanza",
"Send emotes as you in your active room": "Invia emoticon a tuo nome nella tua stanza attiva",
"Send emotes as you in this room": "Invia emoticon a tuo nome in questa stanza",
"Effects": "Effetti"

View file

@ -497,7 +497,7 @@
"'%(groupId)s' is not a valid community ID": "'%(groupId)s' は有効なコミュニティIDではありません",
"Showing flair for these communities:": "次のコミュニティのバッジを表示:",
"This room is not showing flair for any communities": "この部屋はどんなコミュニティに対してもバッジを表示していません",
"New community ID (e.g. +foo:%(localDomain)s)": "新しいコミュニティID (例 +foo:%(localDomain)s)",
"New community ID (e.g. +foo:%(localDomain)s)": "新しいコミュニティ ID (例: +foo:%(localDomain)s)",
"You have <a>enabled</a> URL previews by default.": "デフォルトで URL プレビューが<a>有効</a>です。",
"You have <a>disabled</a> URL previews by default.": "デフォルトで URL プレビューが<a>無効</a>です。",
"URL previews are enabled by default for participants in this room.": "この部屋の参加者は、デフォルトで URL プレビューが有効です。",
@ -981,7 +981,7 @@
"Preferences": "環境設定",
"Security & Privacy": "セキュリティとプライバシー",
"Room information": "部屋の情報",
"Internal room ID:": "内部 部屋ID:",
"Internal room ID:": "内部部屋 ID:",
"Room version": "部屋のバージョン",
"Room version:": "部屋のバージョン:",
"Developer options": "開発者オプション",
@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)": "他の Matrix ホームサーバーからの参加を禁止する (この設定はあとから変更できません!)",
"Room Settings - %(roomName)s": "部屋の設定 - %(roomName)s",
"Explore": "探索",
"Filter": "フィルター",
"Filter": "検索",
"Find a room… (e.g. %(exampleRoom)s)": "部屋を探す… (例: %(exampleRoom)s)",
"If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or <a>Create a new room</a>.": "もしお探しの部屋が見つからない場合、招待してもらうか<a>部屋を作成</a>しましょう。",
"Enable room encryption": "部屋の暗号化を有効化",
@ -1466,5 +1466,26 @@
"Recently Direct Messaged": "最近ダイレクトメッセージで会話したユーザー",
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "この部屋に誰かを招待したい場合は、招待したいユーザーの名前、( <userId/> の様な)ユーザー名、またはメールアドレスを指定するか、<a>この部屋を共有</a>してください。",
"Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "この部屋に誰かを招待したい場合は、招待したいユーザーの名前、メールアドレス、または( <userId/> の様な)ユーザー名を指定するか、<a>この部屋を共有</a>してください。",
"Upgrade your encryption": "暗号化をアップグレード"
"Upgrade your encryption": "暗号化をアップグレード",
"Role": "役割",
"Send a reply…": "返信を送信する…",
"Send a message…": "メッセージを送信する…",
"This is the beginning of your direct message history with <displayName/>.": "ここがあなたと <displayName/> のダイレクトメッセージの履歴の先頭です。",
"This is the start of <roomName/>.": "ここが <roomName/> の先頭です。",
"<a>Add a topic</a> to help people know what it is about.": "<a>トピックを追加する</a>と参加者がこの部屋の目的を理解しやすくなります。",
"Topic: %(topic)s (<a>edit</a>)": "トピック: %(topic)s (<a>編集</a>)",
"Topic: %(topic)s ": "トピック: %(topic)s ",
"%(displayName)s created this room.": "%(displayName)s がこの部屋を作成しました。",
"You created this room.": "あなたがこの部屋を作成しました。",
"%(creator)s created this DM.": "%(creator)s がこの DM を作成しました。",
"Messages here are end-to-end encrypted. Verify %(displayName)s in their profile - tap on their avatar.": "ここでのメッセージはエンドツーエンド暗号化されています。%(displayName)s のアバターをタップして、プロフィールから検証を行うことができます。",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. When people join, you can verify them in their profile, just tap on their avatar.": "この部屋内でのメッセージの送受信はエンドツーエンド暗号化されています。参加者のアバターをタップして、プロフィールから検証を行うことができます。",
"Use default": "既定の設定を使用",
"e.g. my-room": "例: my-room",
"Room address": "ルームアドレス",
"New published address (e.g. #alias:server)": "新しい公開アドレス (例: #alias:server)",
"No other published addresses yet, add one below": "現在、公開アドレスがありません。以下から追加可能です。",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "検索結果を表示させるために、暗号化されたメッセージをローカルに安全にキャッシュしています。現在、%(rooms)s 件の部屋のメッセージの保存に %(size)s を使用中です。",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "検索結果を表示させるために、暗号化されたメッセージをローカルに安全にキャッシュしています。現在、%(rooms)s 件の部屋のメッセージの保存に %(size)s を使用中です。",
"Mentions & Keywords": "メンションとキーワード"

View file

@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@
"%(senderName)s removed the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|other": "%(senderName)s pašalino alternatyvius šio kambario adresus %(addresses)s.",
"Room settings": "Kambario nustatymai",
"Link to most recent message": "Nuoroda į naujausią žinutę",
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "Pakviesti ką nors naudojant jų vardą, vartotojo vardą (pavyzdžiui <userId/>) arba <a>bendrinti šį kambarį</a>.",
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "Pakviesti ką nors naudojant jų vardą, vartotojo vardą (pvz.: <userId/>) arba <a>bendrinti šį kambarį</a>.",
"Share Room Message": "Bendrinti Kambario Žinutę",
"Share Room": "Bendrinti Kambarį",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Naudoti botus, tiltus, valdiklius ir lipdukų pakuotes",
@ -2027,5 +2027,25 @@
"See when the avatar changes in this room": "Matyti kada šiame kambaryje pasikeičia pseudoportretas",
"Change the avatar of this room": "Pakeisti šio kambario pseudoportretą",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. When people join, you can verify them in their profile, just tap on their avatar.": "Žinutės šiame kambaryje yra visapusiškai užšifruotos. Kai žmonės prisijungia, jūs galite patvirtinti juos jų profilyje, tiesiog paspauskite ant jų pseudoportreto.",
"Mentions & Keywords": "Paminėjimai ir Raktažodžiai"
"Mentions & Keywords": "Paminėjimai ir Raktažodžiai",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Nepavyksta prisijungti prie serverio - patikrinkite savo ryšį, įsitikinkite, kad jūsų <a>serverio SSL sertifikatas</a> yra patikimas ir, kad naršyklės plėtinys neužblokuoja užklausų.",
"Not trusted": "Nepatikimas",
"Trusted": "Patikimas",
"Role": "Rolė",
"You've previously used a newer version of %(brand)s with this session. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again.": "Anksčiau šiame seanse naudojote naujesnę %(brand)s versiją. Norėdami vėl naudoti šią versiją su visapusiu šifravimu, turėsite atsijungti ir prisijungti iš naujo.",
"To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of %(brand)s to do this": "Tam, kad neprarastumėte savo pokalbių istorijos, prieš atsijungdami turite eksportuoti kambario raktus. Norėdami tai padaryti, turėsite grįžti į naujesnę %(brand)s versiją",
"New version of %(brand)s is available": "Yra nauja %(brand)s versija",
"Failed to update community": "Nepavyko atnaujinti bendruomenės",
"Update status": "Atnaujinti statusą",
"Update community": "Atnaujinti bendruomenę",
"The visibility of '%(roomName)s' in %(groupId)s could not be updated.": "Kambario %(roomName)s matomumas bendruomenėje %(groupId)s negalėjo būti atnaujintas.",
"Update %(brand)s": "Atnaujinti %(brand)s",
"Someone is using an unknown session": "Kažkas naudoja nežinomą seansą",
"PRO TIP: If you start a bug, please submit <debugLogsLink>debug logs</debugLogsLink> to help us track down the problem.": "PRO PATARIMAS: Jei pradėjote klaidos pranešimą, pateikite <debugLogsLink>derinimo žurnalus</debugLogsLink>, kad padėtumėte mums išsiaiškinti problemą.",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Peržiūrėkite ir sutikite su šio serverio politika:",
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Peržiūrėkite ir sutikite su visa serverio politika",
"Please view <existingIssuesLink>existing bugs on Github</existingIssuesLink> first. No match? <newIssueLink>Start a new one</newIssueLink>.": "Pirmiausia peržiūrėkite <existingIssuesLink>Github'e esančius pranešimus apie klaidas</existingIssuesLink>. Jokio atitikmens? <newIssueLink>Pradėkite naują pranešimą</newIssueLink>.",
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please <a>report a bug</a>.": "Paprastai tai turi įtakos tik kambario apdorojimui serveryje. Jei jūs turite problemų su savo %(brand)s, <a>praneškite apie klaidą</a>.",
"Report a bug": "Pranešti apie klaidą",
"Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "Pakviesti ką nors, naudojant jų vardą, el. pašto adresą, vartotojo vardą (pvz.: <userId/>) arba <a>bendrinti šį kambarį</a>."

View file

@ -2859,5 +2859,46 @@
"Call failed because no webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "A chamada falhou porque não foi possível acessar alguma câmera ou microfone. Verifique se:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Não é possível acessar a câmera/microfone",
"Call failed because no microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "A chamada falhou porque não foi possível acessar algum microfone. Verifique se o microfone está conectado e configurado corretamente.",
"Unable to access microphone": "Não é possível acessar o microfone"
"Unable to access microphone": "Não é possível acessar o microfone",
"New? <a>Create account</a>": "Quer se registrar? <a>Crie uma conta</a>",
"Decide where your account is hosted": "Decida onde a sua conta será hospedada",
"Host account on": "Hospedar conta em",
"Already have an account? <a>Sign in here</a>": "Já tem uma conta? <a>Entre aqui</a>",
"%(ssoButtons)s Or %(usernamePassword)s": "%(ssoButtons)s ou %(usernamePassword)s",
"Continue with %(ssoButtons)s": "Continuar com %(ssoButtons)s",
"That username already exists, please try another.": "Este nome de usuário já existe. Por favor, digite outro.",
"There was a problem communicating with the homeserver, please try again later.": "Ocorreu um problema de comunicação com o servidor local. Tente novamente mais tarde.",
"Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Seja encontrado por seus contatos a partir de um e-mail.",
"Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Seja encontrado por seus contatos a partir de um e-mail ou número de telefone.",
"Add an email to be able to reset your password.": "Adicione um e-mail para depois poder redefinir sua senha.",
"Forgot password?": "Esqueceu a senha?",
"That phone number doesn't look quite right, please check and try again": "Esse número de telefone não é válido, verifique e tente novamente",
"About homeservers": "Sobre os servidores locais",
"Learn more": "Saiba mais",
"Use your preferred Matrix homeserver if you have one, or host your own.": "Use o seu servidor local Matrix preferido, ou hospede o seu próprio servidor.",
"Other homeserver": "Outro servidor local",
"We call the places you where you can host your account homeservers.": "Chamamos de \"servidores locais\" os locais onde você pode hospedar a sua conta.",
"Sign into your homeserver": "Faça login em seu servidor local",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so its a good place for many.": " é o maior servidor local público do mundo, então é um bom lugar para muitas pessoas.",
"Specify a homeserver": "Digite um servidor local",
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "Apenas um aviso: se você não adicionar um e-mail e depois esquecer sua senha, poderá <b>perder permanentemente o acesso à sua conta</b>.",
"Continuing without email": "Continuar sem e-mail",
"Continue with %(provider)s": "Continuar com %(provider)s",
"Homeserver": "Servidor local",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Você pode usar as opções personalizadas de servidor para entrar em outros servidores Matrix, especificando um URL de servidor local diferente. Isso permite que você use o Element com uma conta Matrix em um servidor local diferente.",
"Server Options": "Opções do servidor",
"Reason (optional)": "Motivo (opcional)",
"We call the places where you can host your account homeservers.": "Os locais onde você pode hospedar sua conta são chamados de \"servidores locais\".",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "A chamada falhou porque a câmera ou o microfone não puderam ser acessados. Verifique se:",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "A chamada falhou porque não foi possível acessar o microfone. Verifique se o microfone está conectado e configurado corretamente.",
"Invalid URL": "URL inválido",
"Unable to validate homeserver": "Não foi possível validar o servidor local",
"sends confetti": "envia confetes",
"Sends the given message with confetti": "Envia a mensagem com confetes",
"Show chat effects": "Mostrar efeitos em conversas",
"Effects": "Efeitos",
"Hold": "Pausar",
"Resume": "Retomar",
"%(peerName)s held the call": "%(peerName)s pausou a chamada",
"You held the call <a>Resume</a>": "Você pausou a chamada <a>Retomar</a>"

View file

@ -1084,8 +1084,8 @@
"Headphones": "Наушники",
"Folder": "Папка",
"Pin": "Кнопка",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Выполняется резервная копия ключей (первый раз это может занять несколько минут).",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "Размер файла '%(fileName)s' превышает ограничения сервера для загрузки.",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Выполняется резервная копия ключей (первый раз это может занять несколько минут).",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "Размер файла '%(fileName)s' превышает ограничения сервера для загрузки",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Добавляет смайл ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ в начало сообщения",
"Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Изменяет ваш псевдоним только для текущей комнаты",
"Gets or sets the room topic": "Читает или устанавливает тему комнаты",
@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@
"Italics": "Курсив",
"Strikethrough": "Перечёркнутый",
"Code block": "Блок кода",
"%(count)s unread messages.|other": "%(count)s непрочитанные сообщения.",
"%(count)s unread messages.|other": "%(count)s непрочитанных сообщений.",
"Unread mentions.": "Непрочитанные упоминания.",
"Show image": "Показать изображение",
"e.g. my-room": "например, моя-комната",
@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@
"This client does not support end-to-end encryption.": "Этот клиент не поддерживает сквозное шифрование.",
"Messages in this room are not end-to-end encrypted.": "Сообщения в этой комнате не шифруются сквозным шифрованием.",
"Please <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> on GitHub so that we can investigate this bug.": "Пожалуйста, <newIssueLink> создайте новую проблему/вопрос </newIssueLink> на GitHub, чтобы мы могли расследовать эту ошибку.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Используйте идентификационный сервер для приглашения по электронной почте. <default> Используйте значение по умолчанию (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) </default> или управляйте в <settings> Настройках</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Используйте идентификационный сервер для приглашения по электронной почте. <default>Используйте значение по умолчанию (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> или управляйте в <settings>Настройках</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Используйте идентификационный сервер для приглашения по электронной почте. Управление в <settings>Настройки</settings>.",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)": "Запретить пользователям других Matrix-Серверов присоединяться к этой комнате (этот параметр нельзя изменить позже!)",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Отчет о данном сообщении отправит свой уникальный 'event ID' администратору вашего домашнего сервера. Если сообщения в этой комнате зашифрованы, администратор вашего домашнего сервера не сможет прочитать текст сообщения или просмотреть какие-либо файлы или изображения.",
@ -2191,8 +2191,8 @@
"There was an error updating the room's alternative addresses. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.": "Произошла ошибка при обновлении альтернативных адресов комнаты. Это может быть запрещено сервером или произошел временный сбой.",
"There was an error creating that address. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.": "При создании этого адреса произошла ошибка. Это может быть запрещено сервером или произошел временный сбой.",
"There was an error removing that address. It may no longer exist or a temporary error occurred.": "Произошла ошибка при удалении этого адреса. Возможно, он больше не существует или произошла временная ошибка.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your Integration Manager.": "Используя этот виджет, вы можете делиться данными <helpIcon /> с %(widgetDomain)s и вашим Менеджером Интеграции.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s.": "Используя этот виджет, вы можете делиться данными <helpIcon /> с %(widgetDomain)s.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your Integration Manager.": "Используя этот виджет, вы можете делиться данными <helpIcon /> с %(widgetDomain)s и вашим Менеджером Интеграции.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s.": "Используя этот виджет, вы можете делиться данными <helpIcon /> с %(widgetDomain)s.",
"Can't find this server or its room list": "Не можем найти этот сервер или его список комнат",
"Deleting cross-signing keys is permanent. Anyone you have verified with will see security alerts. You almost certainly don't want to do this, unless you've lost every device you can cross-sign from.": "Удаление ключей кросс-подписи является мгновенным и необратимым действием. Любой, с кем вы прошли проверку, увидит предупреждения безопасности. Вы почти наверняка не захотите этого делать, если только не потеряете все устройства, с которых можно совершать кросс-подпись.",
"Clearing all data from this session is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Очистка всех данных этой сессии является необратимым действием. Зашифрованные сообщения будут потеряны, если их ключи не были сохранены.",
@ -2524,7 +2524,7 @@
"Starting microphone...": "Запуск микрофона…",
"🎉 All servers are banned from participating! This room can no longer be used.": "🎉 Все серверы запрещены к участию! Эта комната больше не может быть использована.",
"Remove messages sent by others": "Удалить сообщения, отправленные другими",
"Offline encrypted messaging using dehydrated devices": "Автономный обмен зашифрованными сообщениями с сохраненными устройствами",
"Offline encrypted messaging using dehydrated devices": "Автономный обмен зашифрованными сообщениями с сохранёнными устройствами",
"Move right": "Сдвинуть вправо",
"Move left": "Сдвинуть влево",
"Revoke permissions": "Отозвать разрешения",
@ -2605,5 +2605,363 @@
"Return to call": "Вернуться к звонку",
"Got an account? <a>Sign in</a>": "Есть учётная запись? <a>Войти</a>",
"New here? <a>Create an account</a>": "Впервые здесь? <a>Создать учётную запись</a>",
"Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Отображать математику LaTeX в сообщениях"
"Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Отображать математику LaTeX в сообщениях",
"<h1>HTML for your community's page</h1>\n<p>\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\n some important <a href=\"foo\">links</a>\n</p>\n<p>\n You can even add images with Matrix URLs <img src=\"mxc://url\" />\n</p>\n": "<h1>HTML для страницы вашего сообщества</h1>\n<p>\n Используйте подробное описание, чтобы представить новых участников сообществу или распространить\n некоторые важные <a href=\"foo\">ссылки</a>\n</p>\n<p>\n Вы даже можете добавлять изображения с URL-адресами Matrix <img src=\"mxc://url\" />\n</p>\n",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Надежно кэшируйте зашифрованные сообщения локально, чтобы они отображались в результатах поиска, используется %(size)s для хранения сообщений из %(rooms)s комнаты.",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Надежно кэшируйте зашифрованные сообщения локально, чтобы они отображались в результатах поиска, используется %(size)s для хранения сообщений из %(rooms)s комнат.",
"Messages here are end-to-end encrypted. Verify %(displayName)s in their profile - tap on their avatar.": "Сообщения в этом чате полностью зашифрованы. Вы можете проверить профиль %(displayName)s, нажав на аватар.",
"Unable to validate homeserver": "Невозможно проверить домашний сервер",
"Sign into your homeserver": "Войдите на свой домашний сервер",
"with state key %(stateKey)s": "с ключом состояния %(stateKey)s",
"%(creator)s created this DM.": "%(creator)s начал этот чат.",
"Show chat effects": "Показать эффекты чата",
"Host account on": "Ваша учётная запись обслуживается",
"%(ssoButtons)s Or %(usernamePassword)s": "%(ssoButtons)s или %(usernamePassword)s",
"Continuing without email": "Продолжить без электронной почты",
"Continue with %(ssoButtons)s": "Продолжить с %(ssoButtons)s",
"New? <a>Create account</a>": "Впервые тут? <a>Создать учётную запись</a>",
"Specify a homeserver": "Укажите домашний сервер",
"Continue with %(provider)s": "Продолжить с %(provider)s",
"Enter phone number": "Введите номер телефона",
"Enter email address": "Введите адрес электронной почты",
"The <b>%(capability)s</b> capability": "<b>%(capability)s</b> возможности",
"sends confetti": "отправить конфетти",
"Invalid URL": "Неправильный URL-адрес",
"Reason (optional)": "Причина (необязательно)",
"Forgot password?": "Забыли пароль?",
"About homeservers": "О домашних серверах",
"Learn more": "Узнать больше",
"Other homeserver": "Другой домашний сервер",
"Server Options": "Параметры сервера",
"Decline All": "Отклонить все",
"Homeserver": "Домашний сервер",
"Approve": "Одобрить",
"Approve widget permissions": "Одобрить разрешения виджета",
"Send stickers into your active room": "Отправить стикеры в активную комнату",
"Remain on your screen while running": "Оставаться на экране во время работы",
"Remain on your screen when viewing another room, when running": "Оставаться на экране, при отображании другой комнаты, во время работы",
"Effects": "Эффекты",
"Zimbabwe": "Зимбабве",
"Zambia": "Замбия",
"Yemen": "Йемен",
"Western Sahara": "Западная Сахара",
"Wallis & Futuna": "Уоллис и Футуна",
"Vietnam": "Вьетнам",
"Venezuela": "Венесуэла",
"Vatican City": "Ватикан",
"Vanuatu": "Вануату",
"Uzbekistan": "Узбекистан",
"Uruguay": "Уругвай",
"United Arab Emirates": "Объединенные Арабские Эмираты",
"Ukraine": "Украина",
"Uganda": "Уганда",
"U.S. Virgin Islands": "Виргинские острова (США)",
"Tuvalu": "Тувалу",
"Turks & Caicos Islands": "Острова Теркс и Кайкос",
"Turkmenistan": "Туркменистан",
"Turkey": "Турция",
"Tunisia": "Тунис",
"Trinidad & Tobago": "Тринидад и Тобаго",
"Tonga": "Тонга",
"Tokelau": "Токелау",
"Togo": "Того",
"Timor-Leste": "Тимор-Лешти",
"Thailand": "Таиланд",
"Tanzania": "Танзания",
"Tajikistan": "Таджикистан",
"Taiwan": "Тайвань",
"São Tomé & Príncipe": "Сан-Томе и Принсипи",
"Syria": "Сирия",
"Switzerland": "Швейцария",
"Sweden": "Швеция",
"Swaziland": "Эсватини",
"Svalbard & Jan Mayen": "Шпицберген и Ян-Майен",
"Suriname": "Суринам",
"Sudan": "Судан",
"St. Vincent & Grenadines": "Сент-Винсент и Гренадины",
"St. Pierre & Miquelon": "Сен-Пьер и Микелон",
"St. Martin": "Сен-Мартен",
"St. Lucia": "Сент-Люсия",
"St. Kitts & Nevis": "Сент-Китс и Невис",
"St. Helena": "Остров Святой Елены",
"St. Barthélemy": "Сен-Бартелеми",
"Sri Lanka": "Шри-Ланка",
"Spain": "Испания",
"South Sudan": "Южный Судан",
"South Korea": "Южная Корея",
"South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands": "Южная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы острова",
"South Africa": "Южная Африка",
"Somalia": "Сомали",
"Solomon Islands": "Соломоновы острова",
"Slovenia": "Словения",
"Slovakia": "Словакия",
"Sint Maarten": "Синт-Мартен",
"Singapore": "Сингапур",
"Sierra Leone": "Сьерра-Леоне",
"Seychelles": "Сейшельские острова",
"Serbia": "Сербия",
"Senegal": "Сенегал",
"Saudi Arabia": "Саудовская Аравия",
"San Marino": "Сан-Марино",
"Samoa": "Самоа",
"Réunion": "Реюньон",
"Rwanda": "Руанда",
"Russia": "Российская Федерация",
"Romania": "Румыния",
"Qatar": "Катар",
"Puerto Rico": "Пуэрто-Рико",
"Portugal": "Португалия",
"Poland": "Польша",
"Pitcairn Islands": "Питкэрн",
"Philippines": "Филиппины",
"Peru": "Перу",
"Paraguay": "Парагвай",
"Papua New Guinea": "Папуа - Новая Гвинея",
"Panama": "Панама",
"Palestine": "Палестина",
"Palau": "Палау",
"Pakistan": "Пакистан",
"Oman": "Оман",
"Norway": "Норвегия",
"Northern Mariana Islands": "Северные Марианские острова",
"North Korea": "Северная Корея",
"Norfolk Island": "Остров Норфолк",
"Niue": "Ниуэ",
"Nigeria": "Нигерия",
"Niger": "Нигер",
"Nicaragua": "Никарагуа",
"New Zealand": "Новая Зеландия",
"New Caledonia": "Новая Каледония",
"Netherlands": "Нидерланды",
"Nepal": "Непал",
"Nauru": "Науру",
"Namibia": "Намибия",
"Myanmar": "Мьянма",
"Mozambique": "Мозамбик",
"Morocco": "Марокко",
"Montserrat": "Монсеррат",
"Montenegro": "Черногория",
"Mongolia": "Монголия",
"Monaco": "Монако",
"Moldova": "Молдова",
"Micronesia": "Микронезия",
"Mexico": "Мексика",
"Mayotte": "Майотта",
"Mauritius": "Маврикий",
"Mauritania": "Мавритания",
"Martinique": "Мартиника",
"Marshall Islands": "Маршалловы острова",
"Malta": "Мальта",
"Mali": "Мали",
"Maldives": "Мальдивы",
"Malaysia": "Малайзия",
"Malawi": "Малави",
"Madagascar": "Мадагаскар",
"Macedonia": "Северная Македония",
"Macau": "Макао",
"Luxembourg": "Люксембург",
"Lithuania": "Литва",
"Liechtenstein": "Лихтенштейн",
"Libya": "Ливия",
"Liberia": "Либерия",
"Lesotho": "Лесото",
"Lebanon": "Ливан",
"Latvia": "Латвия",
"Laos": "Лаосская Народно-Демократическая Республика",
"Kyrgyzstan": "Кыргызстан",
"Kuwait": "Кувейт",
"Kosovo": "Косово",
"Kiribati": "Кирибати",
"Kenya": "Кения",
"Kazakhstan": "Казахстан",
"Jordan": "Иордания",
"Jersey": "Джерси",
"Japan": "Япония",
"Jamaica": "Ямайка",
"Italy": "Италия",
"Israel": "Израиль",
"Isle of Man": "Остров Мэн",
"Ireland": "Ирландия",
"Iraq": "Ирак",
"Iran": "Иран",
"Indonesia": "Индонезия",
"India": "Индия",
"Iceland": "Исландия",
"Hungary": "Венгрия",
"Hong Kong": "Гонконг",
"Honduras": "Гондурас",
"Heard & McDonald Islands": "Остров Херд и Острова Макдоналд",
"Haiti": "Гаити",
"Guyana": "Гайана",
"Guinea-Bissau": "Гвинея-Бисау",
"Guinea": "Гвинея",
"Guernsey": "Гернси",
"Guatemala": "Гватемала",
"Guam": "Гуам",
"Guadeloupe": "Гваделупа",
"Grenada": "Гренада",
"Greenland": "Гренландия",
"Greece": "Греция",
"Gibraltar": "Гибралтар",
"Ghana": "Гана",
"Germany": "Германия",
"Georgia": "Грузия",
"Gambia": "Гамбия",
"Gabon": "Габон",
"French Southern Territories": "Южные Французские Территории",
"French Polynesia": "Французская Полинезия",
"French Guiana": "Французская Гвиана",
"France": "Франция",
"Finland": "Финляндия",
"Fiji": "Фиджи",
"Faroe Islands": "Фарерские острова",
"Falkland Islands": "Фолклендские острова",
"Ethiopia": "Эфиопия",
"Estonia": "Эстония",
"Eritrea": "Еритрея",
"Equatorial Guinea": "Экваториальная Гвинея",
"El Salvador": "Сальвадор",
"Egypt": "Египет",
"Ecuador": "Эквадор",
"Dominican Republic": "Доминиканская Республика",
"Dominica": "Доминика",
"Djibouti": "Джибути",
"Denmark": "Дания",
"Côte dIvoire": "Кот-д'Ивуар",
"Czech Republic": "Чехия",
"Cyprus": "Кипр",
"Curaçao": "Кюрасао",
"Cuba": "Куба",
"Croatia": "Хорватия",
"Costa Rica": "Коста-Рика",
"Cook Islands": "Острова Кука",
"Congo - Kinshasa": "Демократическая Республика Конго",
"Congo - Brazzaville": "Конго",
"Comoros": "Коморские острова",
"Colombia": "Колумбия",
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Кокосовые (Килинг) острова",
"Christmas Island": "Остров Рождества",
"China": "Китай",
"Chile": "Чили",
"Chad": "Чад",
"Central African Republic": "Центрально-Африканская Республика",
"Cayman Islands": "Каймановы острова",
"Caribbean Netherlands": "Бонайре, Синт-Эстатиус и Саба",
"Cape Verde": "Кабо-Верде",
"Canada": "Канада",
"Cameroon": "Камерун",
"Cambodia": "Камбоджа",
"Burundi": "Бурунди",
"Burkina Faso": "Буркина-Фасо",
"Bulgaria": "Болгария",
"Brunei": "Бруней",
"British Virgin Islands": "Британские Виргинские острова",
"British Indian Ocean Territory": "Британская территория Индийского океана",
"Brazil": "Бразилия",
"Bouvet Island": "Остров Буве",
"Botswana": "Ботсвана",
"Bosnia": "Босния и Герцеговина",
"Bolivia": "Боливия",
"Bhutan": "Бутан",
"Bermuda": "Бермудские острова",
"Benin": "Бенин",
"Belize": "Белиз",
"Belgium": "Бельгия",
"Belarus": "Беларусь",
"Barbados": "Барбадос",
"Bangladesh": "Бангладеш",
"Bahrain": "Бахрейн",
"Bahamas": "Багамские острова",
"Azerbaijan": "Азербайджан",
"Austria": "Австрия",
"Australia": "Австралия",
"Aruba": "Аруба",
"Armenia": "Армения",
"Argentina": "Аргентина",
"Antigua & Barbuda": "Антигуа и Барбуда",
"Antarctica": "Антарктика",
"Anguilla": "Ангилья",
"Angola": "Ангола",
"Andorra": "Андорра",
"American Samoa": "Американское Самоа",
"Algeria": "Алжир",
"Albania": "Албания",
"Åland Islands": "Аландские острова",
"Afghanistan": "Афганистан",
"United States": "Соединенные Штаты Америки",
"United Kingdom": "Великобритания",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Вызов не удался, потому что не удалось получить доступ к веб-камере или микрофону. Проверь это:",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Вызов не удался из-за отсутствия доступа к микрофону. Убедитесь, что микрофон подключен и правильно настроен.",
"See <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages posted to your active room": "Посмотрите <b>%(msgtype)s</b> сообщения, размещённые в вашей активной комнате",
"Send general files as you in your active room": "Отправьте файлы от своего имени в активной комнате",
"Change the topic of your active room": "Измените тему вашей активной комнаты",
"See when the topic changes in this room": "Посмотрите, изменится ли тема этого чата",
"Change the topic of this room": "Измените тему этой комнаты",
"Change which room you're viewing": "Измените комнату, которую вы просматриваете",
"See <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages posted to this room": "Посмотрите <b>%(msgtype)s</b> сообщения размещённые в этой комнате",
"Send <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages as you in your active room": "Отправьте <b>%(msgtype)s</b> сообщения от своего имени в вашу активную комнату",
"Send <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages as you in this room": "Отправьте <b>%(msgtype)s</b> сообщения от своего имени в эту комнату",
"See general files posted to your active room": "Посмотрите файлы, размещённые в вашей активной комнате",
"See general files posted to this room": "Посмотрите файлы, размещённые в этой комнате",
"Send general files as you in this room": "Отправьте файлы от своего имени в этой комнате",
"See videos posted to your active room": "Посмотрите видео размещённые в вашей активной комнате",
"See videos posted to this room": "Посмотрите видео размещённые в этой комнате",
"Send videos as you in your active room": "Отправьте видео от своего имени в вашей активной комнате",
"Send videos as you in this room": "Отправьте видео от своего имени в этой комнате",
"See images posted to this room": "Посмотрите изображения, размещённые в этой комнате",
"See emotes posted to your active room": "Посмотрите эмоции, размещённые в вашей активной комнате",
"See emotes posted to this room": "Посмотрите эмоции, размещённые в этой комнате",
"See text messages posted to your active room": "Посмотрите текстовые сообщения, размещённые в вашей активной комнате",
"See text messages posted to this room": "Посмотрите текстовые сообщения, размещённые в этой комнате",
"See messages posted to your active room": "Посмотрите сообщения, размещённые в вашей активной комнате",
"See messages posted to this room": "Посмотрите сообщения, размещённые в этой комнате",
"See <b>%(eventType)s</b> events posted to your active room": "Посмотрите <b>%(eventType)s</b> события, размещённые в вашей активной комнате",
"See <b>%(eventType)s</b> events posted to this room": "Посмотрите <b>%(eventType)s</b> события, размещённые в этой комнате",
"See when anyone posts a sticker to your active room": "Посмотрите, когда кто-нибудь размещает стикер в вашей активной комнате",
"See when a sticker is posted in this room": "Посмотрите, когда в этой комнате размещается стикер",
"See images posted to your active room": "Посмотрите изображения, размещённые в вашей активной комнате",
"Send images as you in your active room": "Отправьте изображения от своего имени в свою активную комнату",
"Send images as you in this room": "Отправьте изображения от своего имени в эту комнату",
"Send emotes as you in your active room": "Отправляйте эмоции от своего имени в активную комнату",
"Send emotes as you in this room": "Отправляйте эмоции от своего имени в эту комнату",
"Send text messages as you in your active room": "Отправляйте текстовые сообщения от своего имени в активную комнату",
"Send text messages as you in this room": "Отправляйте текстовые сообщения от своего имени в этой комнате",
"Send messages as you in your active room": "Отправляйте сообщения от своего имени в вашу активную комнату",
"Send messages as you in this room": "Отправляйте сообщения от своего имени в этой комнате",
"Send <b>%(eventType)s</b> events as you in your active room": "Отправляйте <b>%(eventType)s</b> события от своего имени в вашей активной комнате",
"Send <b>%(eventType)s</b> events as you in this room": "Отправляйте события <b>%(eventType)s</b> от своего имени в этой комнате",
"Send stickers to your active room as you": "Отправьте стикер от своего имени в активную комнату",
"Send stickers to this room as you": "Отправьте стикеры от своего имени в эту комнату",
"with an empty state key": "с пустым ключом состояния",
"See when the avatar changes in your active room": "Посмотрите, когда изменится аватар в вашей активной комнате",
"See when the avatar changes in this room": "Посмотрите, когда изменится аватар в этой комнате",
"See when the name changes in your active room": "Посмотрите, когда изменится название в вашей активной комнате",
"See when the name changes in this room": "Посмотрите, когда изменится название этой комнаты",
"Change the avatar of your active room": "Измените аватар вашей активной комнаты",
"Change the avatar of this room": "Смените аватар этой комнаты",
"Change the name of this room": "Измените название этой комнаты",
"Change the name of your active room": "Измените название вашей активной комнаты",
"See when the topic changes in your active room": "Посмотрите, изменится ли тема текущего активного чата",
"This widget would like to:": "Этому виджету хотелось бы:",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Вы можете использовать настраиваемые параметры сервера для входа на другие серверы Matrix, указав другой URL-адрес домашнего сервера. Это позволяет вам использовать Element с существующей учётной записью Matrix на другом домашнем сервере.",
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "Предупреждаем: если вы не добавите адрес электронной почты и забудете пароль, вы можете <b>навсегда потерять доступ к своей учётной записи</b>.",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so its a good place for many.": " - крупнейший в мире домашний публичный сервер, который подходит многим.",
"Use your preferred Matrix homeserver if you have one, or host your own.": "Если вы предпочитаете домашний сервер Matrix, используйте его. Вы также можете настроить свой собственный домашний сервер, если хотите.",
"That phone number doesn't look quite right, please check and try again": "Этот номер телефона неправильный, проверьте его и повторите попытку",
"Add an email to be able to reset your password.": "Чтобы иметь возможность изменить свой пароль в случае необходимости, добавьте свой адрес электронной почты.",
"Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Если вы хотите, чтобы другие пользователи могли вас найти, укажите свой адрес электронной почты или номер телефона.",
"Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Если вы хотите, чтобы другие пользователи могли вас найти, укажите свой адрес электронной почты.",
"There was a problem communicating with the homeserver, please try again later.": "Возникла проблема при обмене данными с домашним сервером. Повторите попытку позже.",
"That username already exists, please try another.": "Это имя пользователя уже существует, попробуйте другое.",
"Already have an account? <a>Sign in here</a>": "Уже есть учётная запись? <a>Войдите здесь</a>",
"Decide where your account is hosted": "Выберите, кто обслуживает вашу учётную запись",
"We call the places where you can host your account homeservers.": "Мы называем места, где вы можете разместить свою учётную запись, 'домашними серверами'.",
"Sends the given message with confetti": "Отправляет данное сообщение с конфетти",
"Hold": "Удерживать",
"Resume": "Возобновить",
"%(peerName)s held the call": "%(peerName)s удерживает звонок",
"You held the call <a>Resume</a>": "Вы удерживаете звонок <a>Возобновить</a>",
"%(name)s paused": "%(name)s приостановлен",
"You've reached the maximum number of simultaneous calls.": "Вы достигли максимального количества одновременных звонков.",
"Too Many Calls": "Слишком много звонков"

View file

@ -25,5 +25,7 @@
"Call Declined": "Klic zavrnjen",
"Call Failed": "Klic ni uspel",
"Your homeserver's URL": "URL domačega strežnika",
"End": "Konec"
"End": "Konec",
"Use default": "Uporabi privzeto",
"Change": "Sprememba"

View file

@ -2919,5 +2919,32 @@
"Call failed because no webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Thirrja dështoi, ngaqë su bë dot hyrje në kamerë ose mikrofon. Kontrolloni që:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Sarrihet të përdoret kamerë / mikrofon",
"Call failed because no microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Thirrja dështoi, ngaqë su hap dot ndonjë mikrofon. Shihni që të jetë futur një mikrofon dhe ujdiseni saktë.",
"Unable to access microphone": "Sarrihet të përdoret mikrofoni"
"Unable to access microphone": "Sarrihet të përdoret mikrofoni",
"Decide where your account is hosted": "Vendosni se ku të ruhet llogaria juaj",
"Host account on": "Strehoni llogari në",
"Already have an account? <a>Sign in here</a>": "Keni tashmë një llogari? <a>Bëni hyrjen këtu</a>",
"%(ssoButtons)s Or %(usernamePassword)s": "%(ssoButtons)s Ose %(usernamePassword)s",
"Continue with %(ssoButtons)s": "Vazhdo me %(ssoButtons)s",
"That username already exists, please try another.": "Ka tashmë një emër përdoruesi të tillë, ju lutemi, provoni një tjetër.",
"New? <a>Create account</a>": "I ri? <a>Krijoni llogari</a>",
"There was a problem communicating with the homeserver, please try again later.": "Pati një problem në komunikimin me shërbyesin Home, ju lutemi, riprovoni më vonë.",
"Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Përdorni email që, nëse doni, të mund tju gjejnë kontaktet ekzistues.",
"Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Përdorni email ose telefon që, nëse doni, të mund tju gjejnë kontaktet ekzistues.",
"Add an email to be able to reset your password.": "Shtoni një email, që të jeni në gjendje të ricaktoni fjalëkalimin tuaj.",
"Forgot password?": "Harruat fjalëkalimin?",
"That phone number doesn't look quite right, please check and try again": "Ai numër telefoni sduket i saktë, ju lutemi, rikontrollojeni dhe riprovojeni",
"About homeservers": "Mbi shërbyesit Home",
"Learn more": "Mësoni më tepër",
"Use your preferred Matrix homeserver if you have one, or host your own.": "Përdorni shërbyesin tuaj Home të parapëlqyer Matrix, nëse keni një të tillë, ose strehoni një tuajin.",
"Other homeserver": "Tjetër shërbyes home",
"We call the places you where you can host your account homeservers.": "Vendet ku mund të strehoni llogarinë tuaj i quajmë “shërbyes Home”.",
"Sign into your homeserver": "Bëni hyrjen te shërbyesi juaj Home",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so its a good place for many.": " është shërbyesi Home më i madh në botë, ndaj është një vend i mirë për shumë vetë.",
"Specify a homeserver": "Tregoni një shërbyes Home",
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "Që mos thoni nuk e dinim, nëse sshtoni një email dhe harroni fjalëkalimin tuaj, mund <b>të humbi përgjithmonë hyrjen në llogarinë tuaj</b>.",
"Continuing without email": "Vazhdim pa email",
"Continue with %(provider)s": "Vazhdo me %(provider)s",
"Homeserver": "Shërbyes Home",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Mund të përdorni mundësi vetjake shërbyesi që të bëni hyrjen në shërbyes të tjerë Matrix duke dhënë një tjetër URL shërbyesi Home. Kjo ju lejon të përdorni Element-in me një llogari Matrix ekzistuese në një tjetër shërbyes Home.",
"Server Options": "Mundësi Shërbyesi"

View file

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"Failed to set display name": "Misslyckades att ange visningsnamn",
"Failed to unban": "Misslyckades att avbanna",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "Misslyckades att bekräfta e-postadressen: set till att du klickade på länken i e-postmeddelandet",
"Favourite": "Favorit",
"Favourite": "Favoritmarkera",
"Accept": "Godkänn",
"Access Token:": "Åtkomsttoken:",
"Active call (%(roomName)s)": "Aktiv samtal (%(roomName)s)",
@ -2506,7 +2506,7 @@
"Brazil": "Brasilien",
"Bouvet Island": "Bouvetön",
"Botswana": "Botswana",
"Bosnia": "Bosnien",
"Bosnia": "Bosnien och Hercegovina",
"Bolivia": "Bolivia",
"Bhutan": "Bhutan",
"Bermuda": "Bermuda",
@ -2601,7 +2601,7 @@
"Syria": "Syrien",
"Switzerland": "Schweiz",
"Sweden": "Sverige",
"Swaziland": "Swaziland",
"Swaziland": "Eswatini",
"Svalbard & Jan Mayen": "Svalbard och Jan Mayen",
"Suriname": "Surinam",
"Sudan": "Sudan",
@ -2776,12 +2776,89 @@
"Caribbean Netherlands": "Karibiska Nederländerna",
"Cape Verde": "Kap Verde",
"Change which room you're viewing": "Ändra vilket rum du visar",
"Send stickers into your active room": "Skicka dekaler in i ditt aktiva rum",
"Send stickers into this room": "Skicka dekaler in i det här rummet",
"Send stickers into your active room": "Skicka in dekaler i ditt aktiva rum",
"Send stickers into this room": "Skicka in dekaler i det här rummet",
"Remain on your screen while running": "Stanna kvar på skärmen när det körs",
"Remain on your screen when viewing another room, when running": "Stanna kvar på skärmen när ett annat rum visas, när det körs",
"See when the topic changes in this room": "Se när ämnet ändras i det här rummet",
"Change the topic of this room": "Ändra ämnet för det här rummet",
"See when the topic changes in your active room": "Se när ämnet ändras i ditt aktiva rum",
"Change the topic of your active room": "Ändra ämnet för ditt aktiva rum"
"Change the topic of your active room": "Ändra ämnet för ditt aktiva rum",
"Change the avatar of your active room": "Byta avatar för ditt aktiva rum",
"Change the avatar of this room": "Byta avatar för det här rummet",
"Change the name of your active room": "Byta namn på ditt aktiva rum",
"Change the name of this room": "Byta namn på det här rummet",
"See when the avatar changes in your active room": "Se när avataren byts för ditt aktiva rum",
"See when the avatar changes in this room": "Se när avataren byts för det här rummet",
"See when the name changes in your active room": "Se när namnet på ditt aktiva rum byts",
"See when the name changes in this room": "Se när namnet på det här rummet byts",
"See text messages posted to your active room": "Se textmeddelanden som skickas i ditt aktiva rum",
"See text messages posted to this room": "Se textmeddelanden som skickas i det här rummet",
"Send text messages as you in your active room": "Skicka textmeddelanden som dig i ditt aktiva rum",
"Send text messages as you in this room": "Skicka textmeddelanden som dig i det här rummet",
"See messages posted to your active room": "Se meddelanden som skickas i ditt aktiva rum",
"See messages posted to this room": "Se meddelanden som skickas i det här rummet",
"Send messages as you in your active room": "Skicka meddelanden som dig i ditt aktiva rum",
"Send messages as you in this room": "Skicka meddelanden som dig i det här rummet",
"with an empty state key": "med en tom statusnyckel",
"The <b>%(capability)s</b> capability": "<b>%(capability)s</b>-kapaciteten",
"See <b>%(eventType)s</b> events posted to your active room": "Se <b>%(eventType)s</b>-händelser som skickas i ditt aktiva rum",
"Send <b>%(eventType)s</b> events as you in your active room": "Skicka <b>%(eventType)s</b>-händelser som dig i ditt aktiva rum",
"See <b>%(eventType)s</b> events posted to this room": "Se <b>%(eventType)s</b>-händelser skickade i det här rummet",
"Send <b>%(eventType)s</b> events as you in this room": "Skicka <b>%(eventType)s</b>-händelser som dig i det här rummet",
"with state key %(stateKey)s": "med statusnyckel %(stateKey)s",
"See when a sticker is posted in this room": "Se när en dekal skickas i det här rummet",
"See when anyone posts a sticker to your active room": "Se när någon skickar en dekal till ditt aktiva rum",
"Send stickers to your active room as you": "Skicka dekaler till ditt aktiva rum som dig",
"Send stickers to this room as you": "Skicka dekaler till det här rummet som dig",
"Reason (optional)": "Orsak (valfritt)",
"Continue with %(provider)s": "Fortsätt med %(provider)s",
"Homeserver": "Hemserver",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kan använda anpassade serveralternativ för att logga in på andra Matrixservrar genom att specificera en annan hemserver-URL. Detta låter dig använda Element med ett existerande Matrix-konto på en annan hemserver.",
"Server Options": "Serveralternativ",
"Start a new chat": "Starta en ny chatt",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Cacha på ett säkert sätt krypterade meddelanden lokalt för att de ska visas i sökresultat, och använd %(size)s för att lagra meddelanden från %(rooms)s rum.",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Cacha på ett säkert sätt krypterade meddelanden lokalt för att de ska visas i sökresultat, och använd %(size)s för att lagra meddelanden från %(rooms)s rum.",
"Return to call": "Återgå till samtal",
"Fill Screen": "Fyll skärmen",
"Voice Call": "Röstsamtal",
"Video Call": "Videosamtal",
"Use Ctrl + Enter to send a message": "Använd Ctrl + Enter för att skicka ett meddelande",
"Use Command + Enter to send a message": "Använd Kommando + Enter för att skicka ett meddelande",
"Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Rendera LaTeX-matte i meddelanden",
"No other application is using the webcam": "Inget annat program använder webbkameran",
"Permission is granted to use the webcam": "Åtkomst till webbkameran har beviljats",
"A microphone and webcam are plugged in and set up correctly": "En webbkamera och en mikrofon är inkopplad och korrekt inställd",
"Call failed because no webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Samtal misslyckades eftersom ingen webbkamera eller mikrofon kunde kommas åt. Kolla att:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Kan inte komma åt webbkamera eller mikrofon",
"Call failed because no microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Samtal misslyckades eftersom ingen mikrofon kunde kommas åt. Kolla att en mikrofon är inkopplad och korrekt inställd.",
"Unable to access microphone": "Kan inte komma åt mikrofonen",
"See <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages posted to your active room": "Se <b>%(msgtype)s</b>-meddelanden som skickas i ditt aktiva rum",
"See <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages posted to this room": "Se <b>%(msgtype)s</b>-meddelanden som skickas i det här rummet",
"Send <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages as you in your active room": "Skicka <b>%(msgtype)s</b>-meddelanden som dig i ditt aktiva rum",
"Send <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages as you in this room": "Skicka <b>%(msgtype)s</b>-meddelanden som dig i det här rummet",
"See general files posted to your active room": "Se generella filer som skickas i ditt aktiva rum",
"See general files posted to this room": "Se generella filer som skickas i det här rummet",
"Send general files as you in your active room": "Skicka generella filer som dig i ditt aktiva rum",
"Send general files as you in this room": "Skicka generella filer som dig i det här rummet",
"See videos posted to your active room": "Se videor som skickas i ditt aktiva rum",
"See videos posted to this room": "Se videor som skickas i det här rummet",
"Send videos as you in your active room": "Skicka videor som dig i ditt aktiva rum",
"Send videos as you in this room": "Skicka videor som dig i det här rummet",
"See images posted to your active room": "Se bilder som skickas i ditt aktiva rum",
"See images posted to this room": "Se bilder som skickas i det här rummet",
"Send images as you in your active room": "Skicka bilder som dig i ditt aktiva rum",
"Send images as you in this room": "Skicka bilder som dig i det här rummet",
"See emotes posted to your active room": "Se emotes som skickas i ditt aktiva rum",
"See emotes posted to this room": "Se emotes som skickas i det här rummet",
"Send emotes as you in your active room": "Skicka emotes som dig i ditt aktiva rum",
"Send emotes as you in this room": "Skicka emotes som dig i det här rummet",
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "En förvarning, om du inte lägger till en e-postadress och glömmer ditt lösenord, så kan du <b>permanent förlora åtkomst till ditt konto</b>.",
"Continuing without email": "Fortsätter utan e-post",
"sends confetti": "skickar konfetti",
"Sends the given message with confetti": "Skickar det givna meddelandet med konfetti",
"Show chat effects": "Visa chatteffekter",
"Effects": "Effekter",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Samtal misslyckades eftersom webbkamera eller mikrofon inte kunde kommas åt. Kolla att:",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Samtal misslyckades eftersom att mikrofonen inte kunde kommas åt. Kolla att en mikrofon är inkopplat och korrekt inställd."

View file

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
"Explore Room State": "Перегляд статуса кімнати",
"Source URL": "Джерельне посилання",
"Messages sent by bot": "Повідомлення, надіслані ботом",
"Filter results": "Відцідити результати",
"Filter results": "Відфільтрувати результати",
"Members": "Учасники",
"No update available.": "Оновлення відсутні.",
"Resend": "Перенадіслати",
@ -794,7 +794,7 @@
"%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s": "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s",
"%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s": "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s",
"Custom user status messages": "користувацький статус",
"Group & filter rooms by custom tags (refresh to apply changes)": "Групувати та проціджувати кімнати за нетиповими наличками (оновіть щоб застосувати зміни)",
"Group & filter rooms by custom tags (refresh to apply changes)": "Групувати та фільтрувати кімнати за нетиповими наличками (оновіть, щоб застосувати зміни)",
"Multiple integration managers": "Декілька менджерів інтеграції",
"Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Спробуйте нові способи ігнорувати людей (експериментальні)",
"Support adding custom themes": "Підтримка користувацьких тем",
@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Не вдалось відкликати оприлюднювання адреси е-пошти",
"Revoke": "Відкликати",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Не вдалось відкликати оприлюднювання телефонного номеру",
"Filter room members": "Відцідити учасників кімнати",
"Filter room members": "Відфільтрувати учасників кімнати",
"Voice call": "Голосовий виклик",
"Video call": "Відеовиклик",
"Not now": "Не зараз",
@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning rooms matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s змінив(-ла) правило блокування кімнат зі збігу з %(oldGlob)s на збіг з %(newGlob)s через %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning servers matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s змінив(-ла) правило блокування серверів зі збігу з %(oldGlob)s на збіг з %(newGlob)s через %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule that was matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s змінив(-ла) правило блокування зі збігу з %(oldGlob)s на збіг з %(newGlob)s через %(reason)s",
"Enable Community Filter Panel": "Увімкнути панель спільнот",
"Enable Community Filter Panel": "Увімкнути фільтр панелі спільнот",
"Messages containing my username": "Повідомлення, що містять моє користувацьке ім'я",
"Messages containing @room": "Повідомлення, що містять @room",
"When rooms are upgraded": "Коли кімнати поліпшено",
@ -1204,8 +1204,8 @@
"You have ignored this user, so their message is hidden. <a>Show anyways.</a>": "Ви ігноруєте цього користувача, тож його повідомлення приховано. <a>Все одно показати.</a>",
"Show all": "Показати все",
"Add an Integration": "Додати інтеграцію",
"Filter community members": "Відцідити учасників спільноти",
"Filter community rooms": "Відцідити кімнати спільноти",
"Filter community members": "Відфільтрувати учасників спільноти",
"Filter community rooms": "Відфільтрувати кімнати спільноти",
"Display your community flair in rooms configured to show it.": "Відбивати ваш спільнотний значок у кімнатах, що налаштовані показувати його.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your Integration Manager.": "Користування цим знадобом може призвести до поширення ваших даних <helpIcon /> з %(widgetDomain)s та вашим менеджером інтеграцій.",
"Show advanced": "Показати розширені",
@ -1219,13 +1219,13 @@
"Did you know: you can use communities to filter your %(brand)s experience!": "Чи знаєте ви, що спільноти можна використовувати для припасування %(brand)s під ваші потреби?",
"Communities": "Спільноти",
"Create a new community": "Створити нову спільноту",
"Clear filter": "Очистити цідило",
"Clear filter": "Очистити фільтр",
"Syncing...": "Синхронізування…",
"Signing In...": "Входження…",
"If you've joined lots of rooms, this might take a while": "Якщо ви приєднались до багатьох кімнат, це може зайняти деякий час",
"Create account": "Створити обліковий запис",
"Failed to fetch avatar URL": "Не вдалось вибрати URL личини",
"Clear room list filter field": "Очистити поле цідила списку кімнат",
"Clear room list filter field": "Очистити поле фільтра списку кімнат",
"Cancel autocomplete": "Скасувати самодоповнення",
"Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "Журнали зневадження містять дані використання застосунку, включно з вашим користувацьким ім’ям, ідентифікаторами або псевдонімами відвіданих вами кімнат або груп, а також іменами інших користувачів. Вони не містять повідомлень.",
"Confirm your account deactivation by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Підтвердьте знедіяння вашого облікового запису через Single Sign On щоб підтвердити вашу особу.",
@ -1523,5 +1523,6 @@
"Finland": "Фінляндія",
"Fiji": "Фіджі",
"Faroe Islands": "Фарерські Острови",
"Unable to access microphone": "Неможливо доступитись до мікрофона"
"Unable to access microphone": "Неможливо доступитись до мікрофона",
"Filter rooms and people": "Відфільтрувати кімнати та людей"

View file

@ -2930,5 +2930,46 @@
"Call failed because no webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "因為無法存取網路攝影機或麥克風,所以通話失敗。請檢查:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "無法存取網路攝影機/麥克風",
"Call failed because no microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "因為無法存取麥克風,所以通話失敗。請檢查是否已插入麥克風並正確設定。",
"Unable to access microphone": "無法存取麥克風"
"Unable to access microphone": "無法存取麥克風",
"Decide where your account is hosted": "決定託管帳號的位置",
"Host account on": "帳號託管於",
"Already have an account? <a>Sign in here</a>": "已有帳號?<a>在此登入</a>",
"%(ssoButtons)s Or %(usernamePassword)s": "%(ssoButtons)s 或 %(usernamePassword)s",
"Continue with %(ssoButtons)s": "使用 %(ssoButtons)s 繼續",
"That username already exists, please try another.": "使用者名稱已存在,請試試其他的。",
"New? <a>Create account</a>": "新人?<a>建立帳號</a>",
"There was a problem communicating with the homeserver, please try again later.": "與家伺服器通訊時出現問題,請再試一次。",
"Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "使用電子郵件以選擇性地被既有的聯絡人探索。",
"Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "使用電子郵件或電話以選擇性地被既有的聯絡人探索。",
"Add an email to be able to reset your password.": "新增電子郵件以重設您的密碼。",
"Forgot password?": "忘記密碼?",
"That phone number doesn't look quite right, please check and try again": "電話號碼看起來不太對,請檢查並再試一次",
"About homeservers": "關於家伺服器",
"Learn more": "取得更多資訊",
"Use your preferred Matrix homeserver if you have one, or host your own.": "如果您有的話,可以使用您偏好的 Matrix 家伺服器,或是自己架一個。",
"Other homeserver": "其他家伺服器",
"We call the places you where you can host your account homeservers.": "我們將您可以託管您的帳號的地方稱為「家伺服器」。",
"Sign into your homeserver": "登入您的家伺服器",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so its a good place for many.": " 是世界上最大的公開伺服器,因此對許多人來說是個好地方。",
"Specify a homeserver": "指定家伺服器",
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "請注意,如果您不新增電子郵件且忘記密碼,您將<b>永遠失去對您帳號的存取權</b>。",
"Continuing without email": "不用電子郵件繼續",
"Continue with %(provider)s": "使用 %(provider)s 繼續",
"Homeserver": "家伺服器",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Element with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "您可以透過指定不同的家伺服器 URL 使用自訂伺服器選項來登入其他 Matrix 伺服器。這讓您可以使用在不同家伺服器上的既有 Matrix 帳號。",
"Server Options": "伺服器選項",
"Reason (optional)": "理由(選擇性)",
"We call the places where you can host your account homeservers.": "我們將可以託管您的帳號的地方稱為「家伺服器」。",
"Invalid URL": "無效的 URL",
"Unable to validate homeserver": "無法驗證家伺服器",
"sends confetti": "傳送五彩碎紙",
"Sends the given message with confetti": "使用五彩碎紙傳送訊息",
"Show chat effects": "顯示聊天特效",
"Effects": "影響",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "通話失敗,因為無法存取網路攝影機或麥克風。請檢查:",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "通話失敗,因為無法存取麥克風。請檢查是否已插入麥克風並正確設定。",
"Hold": "保留",
"Resume": "繼續",
"%(peerName)s held the call": "%(peerName)s 保留通話",
"You held the call <a>Resume</a>": "您已保留通話 <a>繼續</a>"