Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.

This commit is contained in:
Weblate 2021-10-18 14:28:15 +00:00
commit 8c89ecc0e5
18 changed files with 1614 additions and 128 deletions

View file

@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
"%(roomName)s does not exist.": "%(roomName)s neexistuje.",
"%(roomName)s is not accessible at this time.": "Místnost %(roomName)s není v tuto chvíli dostupná.",
"Save": "Uložit",
"Send Reset Email": "Poslat resetovací e-mail",
"Send Reset Email": "Odeslat obnovovací e-mail",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "%(senderDisplayName)s poslal(a) obrázek.",
"%(senderName)s sent an invitation to %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s pozval(a) uživatele %(targetDisplayName)s ke vstupu do místnosti.",
"Server error": "Chyba serveru",
@ -2760,7 +2760,7 @@
"If you reset everything, you will restart with no trusted sessions, no trusted users, and might not be able to see past messages.": "Pokud vše resetujete, začnete bez důvěryhodných relací, bez důvěryhodných uživatelů a možná nebudete moci zobrazit minulé zprávy.",
"Only do this if you have no other device to complete verification with.": "Udělejte to, pouze pokud nemáte žádné jiné zařízení, se kterým byste mohli dokončit ověření.",
"Reset everything": "Resetovat vše",
"Forgotten or lost all recovery methods? <a>Reset all</a>": "Zapomněli nebo ztratili jste všechny metody obnovy? <a>Obnovit vše</a>",
"Forgotten or lost all recovery methods? <a>Reset all</a>": "Zapomněli nebo ztratili jste všechny metody obnovy? <a>Resetovat vše</a>",
"If you do, please note that none of your messages will be deleted, but the search experience might be degraded for a few moments whilst the index is recreated": "Pokud tak učiníte, nezapomeňte, že žádná z vašich zpráv nebude smazána, ale vyhledávání může být na několik okamžiků zpomaleno během opětovného vytvoření indexu",
"View message": "Zobrazit zprávu",
"Zoom in": "Přiblížit",
@ -3204,5 +3204,51 @@
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Opravdu chcete skončit během tohoto exportu?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s poslal(a) nálepku.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s změnil(a) avatar místnosti.",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s v %(time)s"
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s v %(time)s",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "Resetování ověřovacích klíčů nelze vrátit zpět. Po jejich resetování nebudete mít přístup ke starým zašifrovaným zprávám a všem přátelům, kteří vás dříve ověřili, se zobrazí bezpečnostní varování, dokud se u nich znovu neověříte.",
"Proceed with reset": "Pokračovat v resetování",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Vypadá to, že nemáte bezpečnostní klíč ani žádné jiné zařízení, které byste mohli ověřit. Toto zařízení nebude mít přístup ke starým šifrovaným zprávám. Abyste mohli na tomto zařízení ověřit svou totožnost, budete muset resetovat ověřovací klíče.",
"Really reset verification keys?": "Opravdu chcete resetovat ověřovací klíče?",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "Pokračujte pouze v případě, že jste si jisti, že jste ztratili všechna ostatní zařízení a bezpečnostní klíč.",
"I'll verify later": "Ověřím se později",
"Verify with another login": "Ověření pomocí jiného přihlášení",
"Verify with Security Key": "Ověření pomocí bezpečnostního klíče",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Ověření pomocí bezpečnostního klíče nebo fráze",
"Skip verification for now": "Prozatím přeskočit ověřování",
"Unable to verify this login": "Nelze ověřit toto přihlášení",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Pro pokračování, přijměte žádost o ověření na svém dalším zařízení.",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "Čekáme, až provedete ověření v jiné relaci…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Čekáme, až provedete ověření v jiné relaci, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…",
"Creating Space...": "Vytváření prostoru...",
"Fetching data...": "Načítání dat...",
"Show:": "Zobrazit:",
"Shows all threads from current room": "Zobrazí všechna vlákna z aktuální místnosti",
"All threads": "Všechna vlákna",
"Shows all threads youve participated in": "Zobrazí všechna vlákna, kterých jste se zúčastnili",
"My threads": "Moje vlákna",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Nebudou mít přístup ke všemu, čeho nejste správcem.",
"Unban them from specific things I'm able to": "Přijmout je zpět do konkrétních míst, do kterých jsem schopen",
"Unban them from everything I'm able to": "Přijmout zpět všude, kam můžu",
"Ban them from specific things I'm able to": "Vykopnout je z konkrétních míst, ze kterých jsem schopen",
"Kick them from specific things I'm able to": "Vykopnout je z konkrétních míst, ze kterých jsem schopen",
"Ban them from everything I'm able to": "Vykázat je všude, kam můžu",
"Ban from %(roomName)s": "Vykázat z %(roomName)s",
"Unban from %(roomName)s": "Přijmout zpět do %(roomName)s",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Stále budou mít přístup ke všemu, čeho nejste správcem.",
"Kick them from everything I'm able to": "Vykopnout je ze všeho, co to jde",
"Kick from %(roomName)s": "Vykopnout z %(roomName)s",
"Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "Zrušit pozvánku do %(roomName)s",
"Threads": "Vlákna",
"Create poll": "Vytvořit anketu",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Aktualizace prostoru...",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Aktualizace prostorů... (%(progress)s z %(count)s)",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Odeslání pozvánky...",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Odesílání pozvánek... (%(progress)s z %(count)s)",
"Loading new room": "Načítání nové místnosti",
"Upgrading room": "Upgrade místnosti",
"Polls (under active development)": "Ankety (v aktivním vývoji)",
"Downloading": "Stahování",
"%(count)s reply|one": "%(count)s odpověď",
"%(count)s reply|other": "%(count)s odpovědí",
"View in room": "Zobrazit v místnosti"

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"Bans user with given id": "Veta al usuario con la ID dada",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "No se ha podido conectar al servidor base a través de HTTP, cuando es necesario un enlace HTTPS en la barra de direcciones de tu navegador. Ya sea usando HTTPS o <a>activando los scripts inseguros</a>.",
"Change Password": "Cambiar la contraseña",
"%(senderName)s changed the power level of %(powerLevelDiffText)s.": "%(senderName)s ha cambiado el nivel de acceso de %(powerLevelDiffText)s.",
"%(senderName)s changed the power level of %(powerLevelDiffText)s.": "%(senderName)s cambió el nivel de acceso de %(powerLevelDiffText)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s cambió el nombre de la sala a %(roomName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s cambió el tema a \"%(topic)s\".",
"Changes your display nickname": "Cambia tu apodo público",
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to unknown (%(visibility)s).": "%(senderName)s hizo visible el historial futuro de la sala para desconocido (%(visibility)s).",
"Something went wrong!": "¡Algo ha fallado!",
"Create new room": "Crear nueva sala",
"Start chat": "Iniciar conversación",
"Start chat": "Empezar una conversación",
"New Password": "Contraseña nueva",
"Analytics": "Analítica de datos",
"Options": "Opciones",
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
"Drop file here to upload": "Suelta aquí el archivo para enviarlo",
"This event could not be displayed": "No se ha podido mostrar este evento",
"Key request sent.": "Solicitud de clave enviada.",
"Disinvite this user?": "¿Borrar la invitación a este usuario?",
"Disinvite this user?": "¿Dejar de invitar a este usuario?",
"Kick this user?": "¿Echar a este usuario?",
"Unban this user?": "¿Quitarle el veto a este usuario?",
"Ban this user?": "¿Vetar a este usuario?",
@ -985,7 +985,7 @@
"When rooms are upgraded": "Cuando las salas son actualizadas",
"My Ban List": "Mi lista de baneos",
"This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Esta es la lista de usuarios y/o servidores que has bloqueado. ¡No te salgas de la sala!",
"Decline (%(counter)s)": "Declinar (%(counter)s)",
"Decline (%(counter)s)": "Rechazar (%(counter)s)",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "<policyLink />, acepta para continuar:",
"ID": "ID",
"Public Name": "Nombre público",
@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@
"New login. Was this you?": "Nuevo inicio de sesión. ¿Has sido tú?",
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s solicita verificación",
"Sign In or Create Account": "Iniciar sesión o Crear una cuenta",
"Use your account or create a new one to continue.": "Usa tu cuenta existente o crea una nueva para continuar.",
"Use your account or create a new one to continue.": "Entra con tu cuenta si ya tienes una o crea una nueva para continuar.",
"Create Account": "Crear cuenta",
"Sign In": "Iniciar sesión",
"Sends a message as html, without interpreting it as markdown": "Envía un mensaje como HTML, sin interpretarlo en Markdown",
@ -1730,7 +1730,7 @@
"This account has been deactivated.": "Esta cuenta ha sido desactivada.",
"Room name or address": "Nombre o dirección de la sala",
"Help us improve %(brand)s": "Ayúdanos a mejorar %(brand)s",
"Send <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink> which helps us improve %(brand)s. This will use a <PolicyLink>cookie</PolicyLink>.": "Enviar <UsageDataLink>información anónima de uso</UsageDataLink> nos ayuda a mejorar %(brand)s. Esto usará <PolicyLink>una cookie</PolicyLink>.",
"Send <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink> which helps us improve %(brand)s. This will use a <PolicyLink>cookie</PolicyLink>.": "Envía <UsageDataLink>información anónima de uso</UsageDataLink> y ayúdanos a mejorar %(brand)s. Esto usará <PolicyLink>una cookie</PolicyLink>.",
"Ok": "Ok",
"You joined the call": "Te has unido a la llamada",
"%(senderName)s joined the call": "%(senderName)s se ha unido a la llamada",
@ -2290,7 +2290,7 @@
"Use Security Key": "Usar clave de seguridad",
"Use Security Key or Phrase": "Usar clave de seguridad o frase",
"Decide where your account is hosted": "Decide dónde quieres alojar tu cuenta",
"Host account on": "Alojar cuenta en",
"Host account on": "Alojar la cuenta en",
"Already have an account? <a>Sign in here</a>": "¿Ya tienes una cuenta? <a>Inicia sesión aquí</a>",
"That username already exists, please try another.": "Ese nombre de usuario ya está en uso, escoge otro.",
"New? <a>Create account</a>": "¿Primera vez? <a>Crea una cuenta</a>",
@ -2345,7 +2345,7 @@
"A call can only be transferred to a single user.": "Una llamada solo puede transferirse a un usuario.",
"Invite by email": "Invitar a través de correo electrónico",
"Send feedback": "Enviar comentarios",
"Report a bug": "Informar de un fallo",
"Report a bug": "Avísanos de un fallo",
"There are two ways you can provide feedback and help us improve %(brand)s.": "Hay dos maneras en las que nos puedes hacer llegar tus comentarios para ayudarnos a mejorar %(brand)s.",
"Comment": "Comentario",
"Add comment": "Añadir comentario",
@ -2356,8 +2356,8 @@
"There was an error finding this widget.": "Ha ocurrido un error al buscar este widget.",
"Active Widgets": "Widgets activos",
"This version of %(brand)s does not support viewing some encrypted files": "Esta versión de %(brand)s no permite ver algunos archivos cifrados",
"Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to search encrypted messages": "Usa la <a>aplicación de ordenador</a> para buscar en los mensajes cifrados",
"Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to see all encrypted files": "Usa la <a>aplicación de ordenador</a> para ver todos los archivos cifrados",
"Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to search encrypted messages": "Usa la <a>aplicación de escritorio</a> para buscar en los mensajes cifrados",
"Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to see all encrypted files": "Usa la <a>aplicación de escritorio</a> para ver todos los archivos cifrados",
"Video conference started by %(senderName)s": "Videoconferencia iniciada por %(senderName)s",
"Video conference updated by %(senderName)s": "Videoconferencia actualizada por %(senderName)s",
"You held the call <a>Resume</a>": "Has puesto la llamada en espera <a>Recuperar</a>",
@ -2449,7 +2449,7 @@
"Change the topic of your active room": "Cambiar el asunto de la sala en la que estés",
"See when the topic changes in this room": "Ver cuándo cambia el asunto de esta sala",
"Change the topic of this room": "Cambiar el asunto de esta sala",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the server ACLs for this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ha cambiado los permisos de la sala.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the server ACLs for this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s cambió los permisos de la sala.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s set the server ACLs for this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ha establecido los permisos de la sala.",
"Converts the DM to a room": "Convierte el mensaje directo a sala",
"Converts the room to a DM": "Convierte la sala a un mensaje directo",
@ -2723,11 +2723,11 @@
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Añade algún detalle para ayudar a que la gente lo reconozca.",
"Check your devices": "Comprueba tus dispositivos",
"You have unverified logins": "Tienes inicios de sesión sin verificar",
"Verification requested": "Verificación solicitada",
"Verification requested": "Solicitud de verificación",
"Avatar": "Imagen de perfil",
"Verify other login": "Verificar otro inicio de sesión",
"Verify other login": "Verifica otro inicio de sesión",
"Consult first": "Consultar primero",
"Invited people will be able to read old messages.": "Las personas invitadas podrán leer mensajes antiguos.",
"Invited people will be able to read old messages.": "Las personas que invites podrán leer los mensajes antiguos.",
"We couldn't create your DM.": "No hemos podido crear tu mensaje directo.",
"Adding...": "Añadiendo...",
"Add existing rooms": "Añadir salas que ya existan",
@ -2832,10 +2832,10 @@
"The user you called is busy.": "La persona a la que has llamado está ocupada.",
"User Busy": "Persona ocupada",
"End-to-end encryption isn't enabled": "El cifrado de extremo a extremo no está activado",
"If you can't see who youre looking for, send them your invite link below.": "Si no encuentras abajo a quien buscas, envíale tu enlace de invitación.",
"If you can't see who youre looking for, send them your invite link below.": "Si no encuentras a quien estés buscando, envíale tu enlace de invitación, que encontrarás más abajo.",
"Teammates might not be able to view or join any private rooms you make.": "Las personas de tu equipo no podrán ver o unirse a ninguna sala privada que crees.",
"Or send invite link": "O envía un enlace de invitación",
"Some suggestions may be hidden for privacy.": "Puede que se hayan ocultado algunas sugerencias por motivos de privacidad.",
"Some suggestions may be hidden for privacy.": "Puede que algunas sugerencias no se muestren por motivos de privacidad.",
"Search for rooms or people": "Busca salas o gente",
"Message preview": "Vista previa del mensaje",
"Forward message": "Reenviar mensaje",
@ -2877,10 +2877,10 @@
"This user is displaying toxic behaviour, for instance by insulting other users or sharing adult-only content in a family-friendly room or otherwise violating the rules of this room.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "Esta persona está teniendo un comportamiento tóxico. Por ejemplo, insultando al resto, compartiendo contenido explícito en una sala para todos los públicos, o incumpliendo las normas de la sala en general.\nSe avisará a los moderadores de la sala.",
"What this user is writing is wrong.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "Lo que esta persona está escribiendo no está bien.\nSe avisará a los moderadores de la sala.",
"Please provide an address": "Por favor, elige una dirección",
"%(oneUser)schanged the server ACLs %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s ha cambiado los permisos del servidor",
"%(oneUser)schanged the server ACLs %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s ha cambiado los permisos del servidor %(count)s veces",
"%(severalUsers)schanged the server ACLs %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s ha cambiado los permisos del servidor",
"%(severalUsers)schanged the server ACLs %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s ha cambiado los permisos del servidor %(count)s veces",
"%(oneUser)schanged the server ACLs %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s cambió los permisos del servidor",
"%(oneUser)schanged the server ACLs %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s cambió los permisos del servidor %(count)s veces",
"%(severalUsers)schanged the server ACLs %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s cambió los permisos del servidor",
"%(severalUsers)schanged the server ACLs %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s cambió los permisos del servidor %(count)s veces",
"Message search initialisation failed, check <a>your settings</a> for more information": "Ha fallado el sistema de búsqueda de mensajes. Comprueba <a>tus ajustes</a> para más información",
"Set addresses for this space so users can find this space through your homeserver (%(localDomain)s)": "Elige una dirección para este espacio y los usuarios de tu servidor base (%(localDomain)s) podrán encontrarlo a través del buscador",
"To publish an address, it needs to be set as a local address first.": "Para publicar una dirección, primero debe ser añadida como dirección local.",
@ -2915,9 +2915,9 @@
"%(targetName)s joined the room": "%(targetName)s se ha unido a la sala",
"%(senderName)s made no change": "%(senderName)s no ha hecho ningún cambio",
"%(senderName)s set a profile picture": "%(senderName)s se ha puesto una foto de perfil",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s ha cambiado su foto de perfil",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s cambió su foto de perfil",
"%(senderName)s removed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s ha eliminado su foto de perfil",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(oldDisplayName)s ha cambiado su nombre a %(displayName)s",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(oldDisplayName)s cambió su nombre a %(displayName)s",
"%(senderName)s invited %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s ha invitado a %(targetName)s",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s ha aceptado una invitación",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s": "%(targetName)s ha aceptado la invitación a %(displayName)s",
@ -3084,7 +3084,7 @@
"To view Spaces, hide communities in <a>Preferences</a>": "Para ver espacios, oculta las comunidades en <a>ajustes</a>",
"<b>It's not recommended to make encrypted rooms public.</b> It will mean anyone can find and join the room, so anyone can read messages. You'll get none of the benefits of encryption. Encrypting messages in a public room will make receiving and sending messages slower.": "<b>No está recomendado activar el cifrado en salas públicas.</b> Cualquiera puede encontrar la sala y unirse, por lo que cualquiera puede leer los mensajes. No disfrutarás de los beneficios del cifrado. Además, activarlo en una sala pública hará que recibir y enviar mensajes tarde más.",
"Communities have been archived to make way for Spaces but you can convert your communities into Spaces below. Converting will ensure your conversations get the latest features.": "Las comunidades han sido archivadas para dar paso a los espacios, pero puedes convertir tus comunidades a espacios debajo. Al convertirlas, te aseguras de que tus conversaciones tienen acceso a las últimas funcionalidades.",
"If you've submitted a bug via GitHub, debug logs can help us track down the problem. Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited, which UI elements you last interacted with, and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "Si nos has avisado de un fallo a través de Github, los registros de depuración nos pueden ayudar a encontrar más fácil el problema. Los registros incluyen datos de uso de la aplicación incluyendo tu nombre de usuario, las IDs o nombres de las salas o grupos que has visitado, los elementos de la interfaz con los que hayas interactuado recientemente, y los nombres de usuario de otras personas. No contienen mensajes.",
"If you've submitted a bug via GitHub, debug logs can help us track down the problem. Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited, which UI elements you last interacted with, and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "Si nos has avisado de un fallo a través de Github, los registros de depuración nos pueden ayudar a encontrar más fácil el problema. Los registros incluyen datos de uso de la aplicación como tu nombre de usuario, las IDs o nombres de las salas o grupos que has visitado, los elementos de la interfaz con los que hayas interactuado recientemente, y los nombres de usuario de otras personas. No contienen mensajes.",
"Delete avatar": "Borrar avatar",
"Flair won't be available in Spaces for the foreseeable future.": "Por ahora no está previsto que las insignias estén disponibles en los espacios.",
"Ask the <a>admins</a> of this community to make it into a Space and keep a look out for the invite.": "Pídele a los <a>admins</a> que conviertan la comunidad en un espacio y espera a que te inviten.",
@ -3092,8 +3092,8 @@
"To create a Space from another community, just pick the community in Preferences.": "Para crear un espacio a partir de otra comunidad, escoge la comunidad en ajustes.",
"Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited, which UI elements you last interacted with, and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "Los registros de depuración contienen datos de uso de la aplicación como tu nombre de usuario, las IDs o los nombres de las salas o grupos que has visitado, con qué elementos de la interfaz has interactuado recientemente, y nombres de usuario de otras personas. No incluyen mensajes.",
"To avoid these issues, create a <a>new public room</a> for the conversation you plan to have.": "Para evitar estos problemas, crea una <a>nueva sala pública</a> para la conversación que planees tener.",
"%(severalUsers)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times.|other": "%(severalUsers)s han cambiado los <a>mensajes fijados</a> de la sala %(count)s veces.",
"%(oneUser)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times.|other": "%(oneUser)s han cambiado los <a>mensajes fijados</a> de la sala %(count)s veces.",
"%(severalUsers)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times.|other": "%(severalUsers)s cambiaron los <a>mensajes fijados</a> de la sala %(count)s veces.",
"%(oneUser)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times.|other": "%(oneUser)s cambiaron los <a>mensajes fijados</a> de la sala %(count)s veces.",
"Cross-signing is ready but keys are not backed up.": "La firma cruzada está lista, pero no hay copia de seguridad de las claves.",
"Rooms and spaces": "Salas y espacios",
"Results": "Resultados",
@ -3186,5 +3186,65 @@
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "¿Seguro que quieres salir durante la exportación?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s cambió la imagen de la sala.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s envió una pegatina."
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s envió una pegatina.",
"Size can only be a number between %(min)s MB and %(max)s MB": "El tamaño solo puede ser un número de %(min)s a %(max)s MB",
"This room is in some spaces youre not an admin of. In those spaces, the old room will still be shown, but people will be prompted to join the new one.": "Esta sala está incluida en algunos espacios en los que no tienes permisos de administración. En esos espacios, la sala que aparecerá será la antigua, pero se avisará a las personas que estén en la sala y podrán unirse a la nueva.",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Esperando a que lo verifiques tu otra sesión, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "Esperando a que lo verifiques en tu otra sesión…",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s a la(s) %(time)s",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Parece que no tienes una clave de seguridad u otros dispositivos para la verificación. Este dispositivo no podrá acceder los mensajes cifrados antiguos. Para verificar tu identidad en este dispositivo, tendrás que restablecer tus claves de verificación.",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "Por favor, hazlo solo si de verdad crees que has perdido todos tus demás dispositivos y tu clave de seguridad.",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "Una vez restableces las claves de verificación, no lo podrás deshacer. Después de restablecerlas, no podrás acceder a los mensajes cifrados antiguos, y cualquier persona que te haya verificado verá avisos de seguridad hasta que vuelvas a hacer la verificación con ella.",
"I'll verify later": "La verificaré en otro momento",
"Verify with another login": "Verificar usando otro inicio de sesión",
"Verify with Security Key": "Verificar con una clave de seguridad",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Verificar con una clave o frase de seguridad",
"Proceed with reset": "Continuar y restablecer",
"Skip verification for now": "Saltar la verificación por ahora",
"Really reset verification keys?": "¿De verdad quieres restablecer las claves de verificación?",
"Unable to verify this login": "No se ha podido verificar este inicio de sesión",
"To join this Space, hide communities in your <a>preferences</a>": "Para unirte a este espacio, oculta las comunidades en tus <a>ajustes</a>",
"To view this Space, hide communities in your <a>preferences</a>": "Para ver este espacio, oculta las comunidades en tus <a>ajustes</a>",
"To view %(communityName)s, swap to communities in your <a>preferences</a>": "Para ver %(communityName)s, cambia a las comunidades en tus <a>ajustes</a>",
"To join %(communityName)s, swap to communities in your <a>preferences</a>": "Para unirte a %(communityName)s, cambia a las comunidades en tus <a>ajustes</a>",
"Select from the options below to export chats from your timeline": "Selecciona entre las opciones siguientes las conversaciones que quieres exportar",
"Are you sure you want to stop exporting your data? If you do, you'll need to start over.": "¿Seguro que quieres parar la exportación de tus datos? Si quieres exportarlos más adelante, tendrás que empezarla de nuevo.",
"Your export was successful. Find it in your Downloads folder.": "La exportación ha terminado correctamente. La puedes encontrar en tu carpeta de Descargas.",
"The export was cancelled successfully": "Has cancelado la exportación",
"Export Successful": "Exportado con éxito",
"Number of messages": "Número de mensajes",
"Enter a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "Escribe un número entre %(min)s y %(max)s",
"Creating Space...": "Creando el espacio…",
"Fetching data...": "Pidiendo los datos…",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Antes de continuar, acepta la solicitud de verificación en algún otro sitio donde tengas tu sesión iniciada, por favor.",
"Number of messages can only be a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "El número de mensajes solo puede ser de %(min)s a %(max)s",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "No podrán acceder a donde no tengas permisos de administración.",
"Show:": "Mostrar:",
"Shows all threads from current room": "Muestra todos los hilos de la sala actual",
"All threads": "Todos los hilos",
"Shows all threads youve participated in": "Muestra todos los hilos en los que has participado",
"My threads": "Mis hilos",
"Downloading": "Descargando",
"Unban them from specific things I'm able to": "Quitar veto de algunos sitios donde tenga los permisos suficientes",
"Ban them from specific things I'm able to": "Vetar de algunos sitios donde tenga los permisos suficientes",
"Ban them from everything I'm able to": "Vetar de todos los sitios donde tenga los permisos suficientes",
"Unban them from everything I'm able to": "Quitar veto de todos los sitios donde tenga los permisos suficientes",
"Ban from %(roomName)s": "Vetar de %(roomName)s",
"Unban from %(roomName)s": "Quitar veto de %(roomName)s",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Podrán seguir accediendo a donde no tengas permisos de administración.",
"Kick them from specific things I'm able to": "Echar de alguna sala en concreto donde tenga los permisos suficientes",
"Kick them from everything I'm able to": "Echar de todas las salas donde tenga los permisos suficientes",
"Kick from %(roomName)s": "Echar de %(roomName)s",
"Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "Anular la invitación a %(roomName)s",
"Threads": "Hilos",
"Create poll": "Crear una encuesta",
"%(count)s reply|one": "%(count)s respuesta",
"%(count)s reply|other": "%(count)s respuestas",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Actualizando espacio…",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Actualizando espacios… (%(progress)s de %(count)s)",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Enviando invitación…",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Enviando invitaciones… (%(progress)s de %(count)s)",
"Loading new room": "Cargando la nueva sala",
"Upgrading room": "Actualizar sala",
"Polls (under active development)": "Encuestas (en construcción)"

View file

@ -1856,8 +1856,8 @@
"The homeserver the user youre verifying is connected to": "Sinu poolt verifitseeritava kasutaja koduserver",
"Yours, or the other users internet connection": "Sinu või teise kasutaja internetiühendus",
"Yours, or the other users session": "Sinu või teise kasutaja sessioon",
"Trusted": "Usaldusväärsed",
"Not trusted": "Ei ole usaldusväärsed",
"Trusted": "Usaldusväärne",
"Not trusted": "Ei ole usaldusväärne",
"%(count)s verified sessions|other": "%(count)s verifitseeritud sessiooni",
"%(count)s verified sessions|one": "1 verifitseeritud sessioon",
"Hide verified sessions": "Peida verifitseeritud sessioonid",
@ -2902,7 +2902,7 @@
"Collapse reply thread": "Ahenda vastuste jutulõng",
"Show preview": "Näita eelvaadet",
"View source": "Vaata algset teavet",
"Forward": "Edasi",
"Forward": "Edasta",
"Settings - %(spaceName)s": "Seadistused - %(spaceName)s",
"Toxic Behaviour": "Ebasobilik käitumine",
"Report the entire room": "Teata tervest jututoast",
@ -3200,5 +3200,51 @@
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid lõpetada tegevuse selle ekspordi ajal?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s saatis kleepsu.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s muutis jututoa tunnuspilti.",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s %(time)s"
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s %(time)s",
"Proceed with reset": "Jätka kustutamisega",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Tundub, et sul ei ole ei turvavõtit ega muid seadmeid, mida saaksid verifitseerimiseks kasutada. Siin seadmes ei saa lugeda vanu krüptitud sõnumeid. Enda tuvastamiseks selles seadmed pead oma vanad verifitseerimisvõtmed kustutama.",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "Palun jätka ainult siis, kui sa oled kaotanud ligipääsu kõikidele oma seadmetele ning oma turvavõtmele.",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "Verifitseerimisvõtmete kustutamist ei saa hiljem tagasi võtta. Peale seda sul puudub ligipääs vanadele krüptitud sõnumitele ja kõik sinu verifitseeritud sõbrad-tuttavad näevad turvahoiatusi seni kuni sa uuesti nad verifitseerid.",
"I'll verify later": "Ma verifitseerin hiljem",
"Verify with another login": "Verifitseeri oma muu sessiooniga",
"Verify with Security Key": "Verifitseeri turvavõtmega",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Verifitseeri turvavõtme või turvafraasiga",
"Skip verification for now": "Jäta verifitseerimine praegu vahele",
"Really reset verification keys?": "Kas tõesti kustutame kõik verifitseerimisvõtmed?",
"Unable to verify this login": "Selle seadme verifitseerimine ei õnnestunud",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Jätkamaks palun võta vastu verifitseerimispalve oma teises seadmes.",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "Ootan, et sa verifitseeriksid teises sessioonis…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Ootan, et sa verifitseerid oma teises sessioonis: %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…",
"Creating Space...": "Loon kogukonnakeskust…",
"Fetching data...": "Laadin andmeid...",
"Polls (under active development)": "Küsitlused (aktiivses arendusjärgus)",
"Create poll": "Koosta üks küsitlus",
"Space Autocomplete": "Kogukonnakeskuste dünaamiline otsing",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Uuendan kogukonnakeskust...",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Uuendan kogukonnakeskuseid... (%(progress)s / %(count)s)",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Saadan kutset...",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Saadan kutseid... (%(progress)s / %(count)s)",
"Loading new room": "Laadin uut jututuba",
"Upgrading room": "Uuendan jututoa versiooni",
"Show:": "Näita:",
"Shows all threads from current room": "Näitab kõiki praeguse jututoa jutulõngasid",
"All threads": "Kõik jutulõngad",
"Shows all threads youve participated in": "Näitab kõiki jutulõngasid, kus sa oled osalenud",
"My threads": "Minu jutulõngad",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Kasutaja ei saa ligi kohtadele, kus sul pole peakasutaja õigusi.",
"Ban them from specific things I'm able to": "Määra kasutajale suhtluskeeld valitud kohtades, kust ma saan",
"Unban them from specific things I'm able to": "Eemalda kasutajalt suhtluskeeld valitud kohtadest, kust ma saan",
"Ban them from everything I'm able to": "Määra kasutajale suhtluskeeld kõikjal, kus ma saan",
"Unban them from everything I'm able to": "Eemalda kasutajalt suhtluskeeld kõikjalt, kust ma saan",
"Ban from %(roomName)s": "Määra suhtluskeeld %(roomName)s jututoas",
"Unban from %(roomName)s": "Eemalda suhtluskeeld %(roomName)s jututoas",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Kasutaja saab jätkuvalt ligi kohtadele, kus sul pole peakasutaja õigusi.",
"Kick them from specific things I'm able to": "Müksa kasutaja välja valitud kohtadest, kust ma saan",
"Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "Võta tagasi %(roomName)s jututoa kutse",
"Kick them from everything I'm able to": "Müksa kasutaja välja kõikjalt, kust ma saan",
"Kick from %(roomName)s": "Müksa %(roomName)s jututoast välja",
"Threads": "Jutulõngad",
"Downloading": "Laadin alla",
"%(count)s reply|one": "%(count)s vastus",
"%(count)s reply|other": "%(count)s vastust"

View file

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"Register": "Rekisteröidy",
"Reject invitation": "Hylkää kutsu",
"Return to login screen": "Palaa kirjautumissivulle",
"%(brand)s version:": "%(brand)s-webin versio:",
"%(brand)s version:": "%(brand)s-versio:",
"Rooms": "Huoneet",
"Save": "Tallenna",
"Search failed": "Haku epäonnistui",
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
"Import room keys": "Tuo huoneen avaimet",
"File to import": "Tuotava tiedosto",
"You must join the room to see its files": "Sinun pitää liittyä huoneeseen voidaksesi nähdä sen sisältämät tiedostot",
"Reject all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Hylkää kaikki %(invitedRooms)s kutsut",
"Reject all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Hylkää kaikki %(invitedRooms)s kutsua",
"Failed to invite": "Kutsu epäonnistui",
"Confirm Removal": "Varmista poistaminen",
"Unknown error": "Tuntematon virhe",
@ -920,7 +920,7 @@
"User %(userId)s is already in the room": "Käyttäjä %(userId)s on jo huoneessa",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Käyttäjän porttikielto täytyy poistaa ennen kutsumista.",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Päivitä</a> omaan verkkotunnukseen",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Hyväksy kaikki %(invitedRooms)s kutsut",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Hyväksy kaikki %(invitedRooms)s kutsua",
"Change room avatar": "Vaihda huoneen kuva",
"Change room name": "Vaihda huoneen nimi",
"Change main address for the room": "Vaihda huoneen pääosoite",
@ -2591,6 +2591,301 @@
"Identity server": "Identiteettipalvelin",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identiteettipalvelin (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Identiteettipalvelimeen ei saatu yhteyttä",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Ei kelvollinen identiteettipalvelin (tilakoodi %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Identiteettipalvelimen URL-osoitteen täytyy olla HTTPS-alkuinen"
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Identiteettipalvelin ei ole kelvollinen (tilakoodi %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Identiteettipalvelimen URL-osoitteen täytyy olla HTTPS-alkuinen",
"Transfer Failed": "Siirto epäonnistui",
"Unable to transfer call": "Puhelun siirtäminen ei onnistu",
"Invite your teammates": "Kutsu tiimikaverit",
"Me and my teammates": "Minä ja tiimikaverit",
"Just me": "Vain minä",
"Go to my space": "Mene avaruuteeni",
"Go to my first room": "Mene ensimmäiseen huoneeseeni",
"Search for rooms or spaces": "Etsi huoneita tai avaruuksia",
"Support": "Tuki",
"Rooms and spaces": "Huoneet ja avaruudet",
"No results for \"%(query)s\"": "Ei tuloksia kyselyllä \"%(query)s\"",
"Unable to copy a link to the room to the clipboard.": "Huoneen linkin kopiointi leikepöydälle ei onnistu.",
"Unable to copy room link": "Huoneen linkin kopiointi ei onnistu",
"Private community": "Yksityinen yhteisö",
"Public community": "Julkinen yhteisö",
"Play": "Toista",
"Pause": "Keskeytä",
"Error downloading audio": "Virhe ääntä ladattaessa",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"Join the beta": "Liity beetaan",
"Leave the beta": "Poistu beetasta",
"Spaces is a beta feature": "Avaruudet eli Spaces on beetaominaisuus",
"Show preview": "Näytä esikatselu",
"Forward": "Välitä",
"View source": "Näytä lähde",
"Settings - %(spaceName)s": "Asetukset - %(spaceName)s",
"Space settings": "Avaruuden asetukset",
"Report the entire room": "Raportoi koko huone",
"Search spaces": "Etsi avaruuksia",
"Unnamed Space": "Nimetön avaruus",
"You may contact me if you have any follow up questions": "Voitte olla yhteydessä minuun, jos teillä on lisäkysymyksiä",
"Search for rooms or people": "Etsi huoneita tai ihmisiä",
"Message preview": "Viestin esikatselu",
"Forward message": "Välitä viesti",
"Sent": "Lähetetty",
"Open link": "Avaa linkki",
"Include Attachments": "Sisällytä liitteet",
"Stop": "Pysäytä",
"Are you sure you want to stop exporting your data? If you do, you'll need to start over.": "Pysäytä",
"Export Successful": "Vienti onnistui",
"Number of messages": "Viestien määrä",
"Server did not require any authentication": "Palvelin ei vaatinut mitään tunnistautumista",
"Adding...": "Lisätään...",
"Only people invited will be able to find and join this space.": "Vain kutsutut ihmiset voivat löytää tämän avaruuden ja liittyä siihen.",
"Public space": "Julkinen avaruus",
"Failed to migrate community": "Yhteisön migraatio epäonnistui",
"This community has been upgraded into a Space": "Tämä yhteisö on päivitetty avaruudeksi",
"Public room": "Julkinen huone",
"Private room (invite only)": "Yksityinen huone (vain kutsulla)",
"Create a room": "Luo huone",
"Only people invited will be able to find and join this room.": "Vain kutsutut ihmiset voivat löytää tämän huoneen ja liittyä siihen.",
"You can change this at any time from room settings.": "Voit muuttaa tämän milloin tahansa huoneen asetuksista.",
"Everyone in <SpaceName/> will be able to find and join this room.": "Kaikki avaruudessa <SpaceName/> voivat löytää tämän huoneen ja liittyä siihen.",
"Zoom in": "Lähennä",
"Zoom out": "Loitonna",
"%(count)s members including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s|other": "%(count)s jäsentä mukaan lukien %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Mukaan lukien %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"Share content": "Jaa sisältö",
"Application window": "Sovelluksen ikkuna",
"Share entire screen": "Jaa koko näyttö",
"Image": "Kuva",
"Sticker": "Tarra",
"Expand quotes │ ⇧+click": "Laajenna lainaukset │ ⇧+napsauta",
"Collapse quotes │ ⇧+click": "Supista lainaukset │ ⇧+napsauta",
"Error processing audio message": "Virhe ääniviestiä käsiteltäessä",
"Decrypting": "Puretaan salausta",
"The call is in an unknown state!": "Puhelu on tuntemattomassa tilassa!",
"Missed call": "Vastaamaton puhelu",
"Unknown failure: %(reason)s": "Tuntematon virhe: %(reason)s",
"An unknown error occurred": "Tapahtui tuntematon virhe",
"Their device couldn't start the camera or microphone": "Laite ei voinut käyynnistää kameraa tai mikrofonia",
"Connection failed": "Yhteys epäonnistui",
"No answer": "Ei vastausta",
"Message": "Viesti",
"Pinned messages": "Kiinnitetyt viestit",
"Nothing pinned, yet": "Ei mitään kiinnitetty, ei vielä",
"Stop recording": "Pysäytä nauhoittaminen",
"Copy Room Link": "Kopioi huoneen linkki",
"Joining space …": "Liitytään avaruuteen…",
"Explore %(spaceName)s": "Tutki avaruutta %(spaceName)s",
"Invite to just this room": "Kutsu vain tähän huoneeseen",
"Send voice message": "Lähetä ääniviesti",
"Send a sticker": "Lähetä tarra",
"Add emoji": "Lisää emoji",
"Invite to this space": "Kutsu tähän avaruuteen",
"Are you sure you want to make this encrypted room public?": "Haluatko varmasti tehdä tästä salatusta huoneesta julkisen?",
"Unknown failure": "Tuntematon virhe",
"Change description": "Vaihda kuvaus",
"Change space name": "Vaihda avaruuden nimi",
"Change space avatar": "Vaihda avaruuden avatar",
"Open Space": "Avaa avaruus",
"Message bubbles": "Viestikuplat",
"IRC": "IRC",
"Upgrade anyway": "Päivitä silti",
"Before you upgrade": "Ennen kuin päivität",
"Space members": "Avaruuden jäsenet",
"& %(count)s more|one": "& %(count)s lisää",
"& %(count)s more|other": "& %(count)s lisää",
"Anyone can find and join.": "Kuka tahansa voi löytää ja liittyä.",
"Only invited people can join.": "Vain kutsutut ihmiset voivat liittyä.",
"Space options": "Avaruuden valinnat",
"Collapse": "Supista",
"Expand": "Laajenna",
"Recommended for public spaces.": "Suositeltu julkisiin avaruuksiin.",
"Guests can join a space without having an account.": "Vieraat voivat liittyä avaruuteen ilman tiliä.",
"Enable guest access": "Ota käyttöön vieraiden pääsy",
"Failed to save space settings.": "Avaruuden asetusten tallentaminen epäonnistui.",
"Thank you for trying Spaces. Your feedback will help inform the next versions.": "Kiitos, että kokeilet Avaruudet-ominaisuuta. Palautteesi auttaa tulevien versioiden kanssa.",
"Delete avatar": "Poista avatar",
"Mute the microphone": "Mykistä mikrofoni",
"Unmute the microphone": "Poista mikrofonin mykistys",
"Dialpad": "Numeronäppäimistö",
"Show sidebar": "Näytä sivupalkki",
"Hide sidebar": "Piilota sivupalkki",
"Start sharing your screen": "Aloita näyttösi jakaminen",
"Stop sharing your screen": "Lopeta näyttösi jakaminen",
"Stop the camera": "Pysäytä kamera",
"Start the camera": "Käynnistä kamera",
"Your camera is still enabled": "Kamerasi on edelleen päällä",
"Your camera is turned off": "Kamerasi on pois päältä",
"%(sharerName)s is presenting": "%(sharerName)s esittää",
"You are presenting": "Esität parhaillaan",
"Don't send read receipts": "Älä lähetä lukukuittauksia",
"Send pseudonymous analytics data": "Lähetä pseudonymisoitua analytiikkadataa",
"Threaded messaging": "Säikeistetty viestittely",
"Set up Secure Backup": "Määritä turvallinen varmuuskopio",
"Error fetching file": "Virhe tiedostoa noutaessa",
"You have unverified logins": "Vahvistamattomia kirjautumisia havaittu",
"Review to ensure your account is safe": "Katselmoi varmistaaksesi, että tilisi on turvassa",
"%(creatorName)s created this room.": "%(creatorName)s loi tämän huoneen.",
"Plain Text": "Raakateksti",
"Share your public space": "Jaa julkinen avaruutesi",
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Kutsu avaruuteen %(spaceName)s",
"User %(userId)s is already invited to the room": "Käyttäjä %(userId)s on jo kutsuttu huoneeseen",
"%(senderName)s pinned a message to this room. See all pinned messages.": "%(senderName)s kiinnitti viestin tähän huoneeseen. Katso kaikki kiinnitetyt viestit.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s lähetti tarran.",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s)": "%(senderName)s poisti näyttönimensä (%(oldDisplayName)s)",
"The user you called is busy.": "Käyttäjä, jolle soitit, on varattu.",
"User Busy": "Käyttäjä varattu",
"Decide who can join %(roomName)s.": "Päätä ketkä voivat liittyä huoneeseen %(roomName)s.",
"Decide who can view and join %(spaceName)s.": "Päätä ketkä voivat katsella avaruutta %(spaceName)s ja liittyä siihen.",
"Space information": "Avaruuden tiedot",
"Allow people to preview your space before they join.": "Salli ihmisten esikatsella avaruutesi ennen liittymistä.",
"Preview Space": "Esikatsele avaruus",
"Space visibility": "Avaruuden näkyvyys",
"Room visibility": "Huoneen näkyvyys",
"Visibility": "Näkyvyys",
"Are you sure you want to leave the space '%(spaceName)s'?": "Haluatko varmasti poistua avaruudesta '%(spaceName)s'?",
"Leave space": "Poistu avaruudesta",
"Would you like to leave the rooms in this space?": "Haluatko poistua tässä avaruudessa olevista huoneista?",
"You are about to leave <spaceName/>.": "Olet aikeissa poistua avaruudesta <spaceName/>.",
"Leave %(spaceName)s": "Poistu avaruudesta %(spaceName)s",
"Leave Space": "Poistu avaruudesta",
"Edit settings relating to your space.": "Muokkaa avaruuteesi liittyviä asetuksia.",
"Welcome to <name/>": "Tervetuloa, tämä on <name/>",
"Filter all spaces": "Suodata kaikista avaruuksista",
"Enable encryption in settings.": "Ota salaus käyttöön asetuksissa.",
"A private space for you and your teammates": "Yksityinen avaruus sinulle ja tiimikavereille",
"A private space to organise your rooms": "Yksityinen avaruus jossa voit järjestää huoneesi",
"Your private messages are normally encrypted, but this room isn't. Usually this is due to an unsupported device or method being used, like email invites.": "Yksityiset viestisi ovat normaalisti salattu, mutta tämä huone ei ole. Yleensä tämä johtuu ei tuetusta laitteesta tai käytetystä tavasta, kuten sähköpostikutsuista.",
"End-to-end encryption isn't enabled": "Päästä päähän -salaus ei ole käytössä",
"You have no visible notifications.": "Sinulla ei ole näkyviä ilmoituksia.",
"Add space": "Lisää avaruus",
"Want to add an existing space instead?": "Haluatko sen sijaan lisätä olemassa olevan avaruuden?",
"Add a space to a space you manage.": "Lisää avaruus hallitsemaasi avaruuteen.",
"Anyone will be able to find and join this room, not just members of <SpaceName/>.": "Kuka tahansa voi löytää tämän huoneen ja liittyä siihen, ei pelkästään avaruuden <SpaceName/> jäsenet.",
"Anyone will be able to find and join this space, not just members of <SpaceName/>.": "Kuka tahansa voi löytää tämän avaruuden ja liittyä siihen, ei pelkästään avaruuden <SpaceName/> jäsenet.",
"Anyone in <SpaceName/> will be able to find and join.": "Kuka tahansa avaruudessa <SpaceName/> voi löytää ja liittyä.",
"Anyone will be able to find and join this room.": "Kuka tahansa voi löytää tämän huoneen ja liittyä siihen.",
"e.g. my-space": "esim. minun-avaruus",
"Private space": "Yksityinen avaruus",
"Private space (invite only)": "Yksityinen avaruus (vain kutsulla)",
"Visible to space members": "Näkyvissä avaruuden jäsenille",
"To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "Katso kaikki pikanäppäimet napsauttamalla tästä.",
"Autoplay videos": "Toista videot automaattisesti",
"Autoplay GIFs": "Toista GIF-tiedostot automaattisesti",
"Images, GIFs and videos": "Kuvat, GIF:t ja videot",
"Code blocks": "Koodilohkot",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "Pikanäppäimet",
"Displaying time": "Ajan näyttäminen",
"Olm version:": "Olm-versio:",
"Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Käyttöpolettisi (ns. token) antaa täyden pääsyn tilillesi. Älä jaa sitä kenenkään kanssa.",
"Access Token": "Käyttöpoletti",
"Select spaces": "Valitse avaruudet",
"Want to add a new space instead?": "Haluatko lisätä sen sijaan uuden avaruuden?",
"Add existing space": "Lisää olemassa oleva avaruus",
"Space selection": "Avaruuden valinta",
"Search for rooms": "Etsi huoneita",
"Search for spaces": "Etsi avaruuksia",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s tulos kaikissa avaruuksissa",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s tulosta kaikissa avaruuksissa",
"Global": "Yleiset",
"New keyword": "Uusi avainsana",
"Keyword": "Avainsana",
"Messages containing keywords": "Viestit, jotka sisältävät avainsanoja",
"Enable email notifications for %(email)s": "Sähköposti-ilmoitukset osoitteeseen %(email)s",
"Enable for this account": "Ota käyttöön tällä tilillä",
"Mentions & keywords": "Maininnat ja avainsanat",
"%(targetName)s left the room": "%(targetName)s poistui huoneesta",
"%(targetName)s left the room: %(reason)s": "%(targetName)s poistui huoneesta: %(reason)s",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation": "%(targetName)s hylkäsi kutsun",
"%(targetName)s joined the room": "%(targetName)s liittyi huoneeseen",
"%(senderName)s made no change": "%(senderName)s ei tehnyt muutosta",
"%(senderName)s set a profile picture": "%(senderName)s asetti profiilikuvan",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s vaihtoi profiilikuvansa",
"%(senderName)s removed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s poisti profiilikuvansa",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(oldDisplayName)s vaihtoi näyttönimekseen %(displayName)s",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(senderName)s asetti näyttönimekseen %(displayName)s",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s hyväksyi kutsun",
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "Joitain kutsuja ei voitu lähettää",
"We couldn't log you in": "Emme voineet kirjata sinua sisään",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s klo %(time)s",
"Collapse space panel": "Supista avaruuspaneeli",
"Expand space panel": "Laajenna avaruuspaneeli",
"Spaces": "Avaruudet",
"Show all rooms": "Näytä kaikki huoneet",
"To join a space you'll need an invite.": "Liittyäksesi avaruuteen tarvitset kutsun.",
"You can also make Spaces from <a>communities</a>.": "Voit myös luoda avaruuksia <a>yhteisöistä</a>.",
"Your private space": "Yksityinen avaruutesi",
"Your public space": "Julkinen avaruutesi",
"Invite only, best for yourself or teams": "Vain kutsulla, paras itsellesi tai tiimeille",
"Open space for anyone, best for communities": "Avoin avaruus kaikille, paras yhteisöille",
"Give feedback.": "Anna palautetta.",
"Spaces feedback": "Palautetta avaruuksista",
"Please enter a name for the space": "Anna nimi avaruudelle",
"Address": "Osoite",
"You can change this later.": "Voit muuttaa tämän myöhemmin.",
"Spaces are a new way to make a community, with new features coming.": "Avaruudet ovat uusi tapa luoda yhteisö, ja lisää ominaisuuksia on tulossa.",
"Spaces are a new way to group rooms and people.": "Avaruudet on uudenlainen tapa ryhmitellä huoneita ja ihmisiä.",
"Spaces are a new feature.": "Avaruudet ovat uusi ominaisuus.",
"Create Space from community": "Luo avaruus yhteisöstä",
"Space created": "Avaruus luotu",
"Create a new space": "Luo uusi avaruus",
"You do not have permissions to create new rooms in this space": "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia luoda uusia huoneita tässä avaruudessa",
"Create Space": "Luo avaruus",
"What kind of Space do you want to create?": "Minkälaisen avaruuden haluat luoda?",
"Create a space": "Luo avaruus",
"%(senderName)s unpinned a message from this room. See all pinned messages.": "%(senderName)s poisti viestin kiinnityksen tästä huoneesta. Katso kaikki kiinnitetyt viestit.",
"Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Lähettää annetun viestin spoilerina",
"I'll verify later": "Vahvistan myöhemmin",
"Skip verification for now": "Ohita vahvistus toistaiseksi",
"Unable to verify this login": "Tätä kirjautumista ei voitu vahvistaa",
"What projects are you working on?": "Minkä projektien parissa työskentelet?",
"Invite by username": "Kutsu käyttäjänimellä",
"Failed to invite the following users to your space: %(csvUsers)s": "Seuraavien käyttäjien kutsuminen avaruuteesi epäonnistui: %(csvUsers)s",
"Who are you working with?": "Kenen kanssa työskentelet?",
"Created from <Community />": "Luotu yhteisöstä <Community />",
"Results": "Tulokset",
"Suggested": "Ehdotettu",
"Communities won't receive further updates.": "Yhteisöt eivät saa enää päivityksiä.",
"You can create a Space from this community <a>here</a>.": "Voit luoda avaruuden tästä yhteisöstä <a>täällä</a>.",
"Verify other login": "Vahvista toinen kirjautuminen",
"Illegal Content": "Laiton sisältö",
"You won't be able to rejoin unless you are re-invited.": "Et voi liittyä uudelleen, ellei sinua kutsuta uudelleen.",
"User Directory": "Käyttäjähakemisto",
"Size Limit": "Kokoraja",
"The export was cancelled successfully": "Vienti peruttiin onnistuneesti",
"MB": "Mt",
"Server did not return valid authentication information.": "Palvelin ei palauttanut kelvollista tunnistautumistietoa.",
"This description will be shown to people when they view your space": "Tämä kuvaus näytetään ihmisille, kun he katselevat avaruuttasi",
"Creating Space...": "Luodaan avaruutta...",
"Fetching data...": "Noudetaan tietoja...",
"Please provide an address": "Määritä osoite",
"Thread": "Ketju",
"Call back": "Soita takaisin",
"Role in <RoomName/>": "Rooli huoneessa <RoomName/>",
"Screen sharing is here!": "Näytönjakaminen on täällä!",
"Reply to thread…": "Vastaa ketjuun…",
"Reply to encrypted thread…": "Vastaa salattuun ketjuun…",
"Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "Haluatko varmasti lisätä salauksen tähän julkiseen huoneeseen?",
"Show my Communities": "Näytä omat yhteisöt",
"There was an error loading your notification settings.": "Virhe ladatessa ilmoitusasetuksia.",
"An error occurred whilst saving your notification preferences.": "Ilmoitusasetuksia tallentaessa tapahtui virhe.",
"Error saving notification preferences": "Virhe tallentaessa ilmoitusasetuksia",
"Private (invite only)": "Yksityinen (vain kutsulla)",
"Workspace: <networkLink/>": "Työtila: <networkLink/>",
"This may be useful for public spaces.": "Tämä voi olla hyödyllinen julkisille avaruuksille.",
"Invite with email or username": "Kutsu sähköpostiosoitteella tai käyttäjänimellä",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "Odotetaan sinun vahvistavan toinen istuntosi…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Odotetaan sinun vahvistan toinen istuntosi, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…",
"Display Communities instead of Spaces": "Näytä yhteisöt avaruuksien sijaan",
"Use Ctrl + F to search timeline": "Ctrl + F hakee aikajanalta",
"%(senderName)s unpinned <a>a message</a> from this room. See all <b>pinned messages</b>.": "%(senderName)s poisti <a>viestin</a> kiinnityksen tästä huoneesta. Katso kaikki <b>kiinnitetyt viestit</b>.",
"%(senderName)s pinned <a>a message</a> to this room. See all <b>pinned messages</b>.": "%(senderName)s kiinnitti <a>viestin</a> tähän huoneeseen. Katso kaikki <b>kiinnitetyt viestit</b>.",
"Silence call": "Hiljennä puhelu",
"Sound on": "Ääni päällä",
"Don't miss a reply": "Älä jätä vastauksia huomiotta",
"Current Timeline": "Nykyinen aikajana",
"Specify a number of messages": "Määritä viestien lukumäärä",
"From the beginning": "Alusta lähtien",
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Haluatko varmasti poistua tämän viennin aikana?",
"File Attached": "Tiedosto liitetty",
"Topic: %(topic)s": "Aihe: %(topic)s"

View file

@ -3169,5 +3169,83 @@
"Leave all rooms": "Quitter tous les salons",
"Don't leave any rooms": "Ne quitter aucun salon",
"Expand quotes │ ⇧+click": "Développer les citations │ ⇧+clic",
"Collapse quotes │ ⇧+click": "Réduire les citations │ ⇧+clic"
"Collapse quotes │ ⇧+click": "Réduire les citations │ ⇧+clic",
"Include Attachments": "Inclure les fichiers attachés",
"Size Limit": "Taille maximale",
"Format": "Format",
"Select from the options below to export chats from your timeline": "Sélectionner les options ci-dessous pour exporter les conversations privées de votre historique",
"Export Chat": "Exporter la conversation privée",
"Exporting your data": "Export de vos données",
"Stop": "Arrêter",
"Are you sure you want to stop exporting your data? If you do, you'll need to start over.": "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir arrêter lexport de vos données ? Si vous le fait, vous devrez recommencer depuis le début.",
"Your export was successful. Find it in your Downloads folder.": "Votre export est réussi. Vous le trouverez dans votre dossier Téléchargements.",
"The export was cancelled successfully": "Cet export a été annulé avec succès",
"Export Successful": "Export réussi",
"MB": "Mo",
"Number of messages": "Nombre de messages",
"Number of messages can only be a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "Le nombre de messages ne peut être quun nombre compris entre %(min)s et %(max)s",
"Size can only be a number between %(min)s MB and %(max)s MB": "La taille ne peut être qu'un nombre compris entre %(min)s Mo et %(max)s Mo",
"Enter a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "Entrez un nombre entre %(min)s et %(max)s",
"In reply to <a>this message</a>": "En réponse à <a>ce message</a>",
"Export chat": "Exporter la conversation privée",
"File Attached": "Fichier attaché",
"Error fetching file": "Erreur lors de la récupération du fichier",
"Topic: %(topic)s": "Sujet : %(topic)s",
"This is the start of export of <roomName/>. Exported by <exporterDetails/> at %(exportDate)s.": "Cest le début de lexport de <roomName/>. Exporté par <exporterDetails/> le %(exportDate)s.",
"%(creatorName)s created this room.": "%(creatorName)s a créé ce salon.",
"Media omitted - file size limit exceeded": "Média ignoré taille limite de fichier dépassée",
"Media omitted": "Média ignorés",
"Current Timeline": "Historique actuel",
"Specify a number of messages": "Spécifiez un nombre de messages",
"From the beginning": "Depuis le début",
"Plain Text": "Text brut",
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir quitter pendant cet export ?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s a envoyé un autocollant.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s a changé lavatar du salon.",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s à %(time)s",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "La réinitialisation de vos clés de vérification ne peut pas être annulé. Après la réinitialisation, vous naurez plus accès à vos anciens messages chiffrés, et tous les amis que vous aviez précédemment vérifiés verront des avertissement de sécurité jusqu'à ce vous les vérifiiez à nouveau.",
"Downloading": "Téléchargement en cours",
"Polls (under active development)": "Sondages (en cours de développement)",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "Veuillez ne continuer que si vous êtes certain davoir perdu tous vos autres appareils et votre clé de sécurité.",
"I'll verify later": "Je ferai la vérification plus tard",
"Verify with another login": "Vérifier avec une autre connexion",
"Verify with Security Key": "Vérifié avec une clé de sécurité",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Vérifier avec une clé de sécurité ou une phrase",
"Proceed with reset": "Faire la réinitialisation",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Il semblerait que vous navez pas de clé de sécurité ou dautres appareils pour faire la vérification. Cet appareil ne pourra pas accéder aux anciens messages chiffrés. Afin de vérifier votre identité sur cet appareil, vous devrez réinitialiser vos clés de vérifications.",
"Skip verification for now": "Ignorer la vérification pour linstant",
"Really reset verification keys?": "Réinitialiser les clés de vérification, cest certain ?",
"Unable to verify this login": "Impossible de vérifier cette connexion",
"Show:": "Affiche :",
"Shows all threads from current room": "Affiche tous les fils de discussion du salon actuel",
"All threads": "Tous les fils de discussion",
"Shows all threads youve participated in": "Affiche tous les fils de discussion auxquels vous avez participé",
"My threads": "Mes fils de discussion",
"Creating Space...": "Création de lespace…",
"Fetching data...": "Récupération des données…",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Ils ne pourront plus accéder aux endroits dans lesquels vous nêtes pas administrateur.",
"Ban them from specific things I'm able to": "Les bannir de certains endroits où jai le droit de le faire",
"Unban them from specific things I'm able to": "Annuler le bannissement de certains endroits où jai le droit de le faire",
"Ban them from everything I'm able to": "Les bannir de partout où jai le droit de le faire",
"Unban them from everything I'm able to": "Annuler le bannissement de partout où jai le droit de le faire",
"Ban from %(roomName)s": "Bannir de %(roomName)s",
"Unban from %(roomName)s": "Annuler le bannissement de %(roomName)s",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Ils pourront toujours accéder aux endroits dans lesquels vous nêtes pas administrateur.",
"Kick them from specific things I'm able to": "Les expulser de certains endroits où jai le droit de le faire",
"Kick them from everything I'm able to": "Les expulser de partout où jai le droit de le faire",
"Kick from %(roomName)s": "Expulser de %(roomName)s",
"Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "Annuler linvitation à %(roomName)s",
"Threads": "Fils",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Pour continuer, veuillez accepter la demande de vérification sur votre autre connexion.",
"Create poll": "Créer un sondage",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Mise-à-jour de lespace…",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Mise-à-jour des espaces… (%(progress)s sur %(count)s)",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Envoi de linvitation…",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Envoi des invitations… (%(progress)s sur %(count)s)",
"Loading new room": "Chargement du nouveau salon",
"Upgrading room": "Mise-à-jour du salon",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "En attente de votre vérification sur votre autre session…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "En attente de votre vérification sur votre autre session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…"

View file

@ -3166,5 +3166,85 @@
"%(reactors)s reacted with %(content)s": "%(reactors)s reaccionou con %(content)s",
"Joining space …": "Uníndote ao espazo…",
"Expand quotes │ ⇧+click": "Despregar citas | ⇧+click",
"Collapse quotes │ ⇧+click": "Pechar citas | ⇧+click"
"Collapse quotes │ ⇧+click": "Pechar citas | ⇧+click",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "Continúa só se estas segura de que perdeches a túa chave de seguridade e o acceso noutros dispositivos.",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "O restablecemento das chaves de seguridade non se pode desfacer. Tras o restablecemento, non terás acceso ás antigas mensaxes cifradas, e calquera amizade que verificaras con anterioridade vai ver un aviso de seguridade ata que volvades a verificarvos mutuamente.",
"I'll verify later": "Verificarei máis tarde",
"Verify with another login": "Verificar con outra conexión",
"Verify with Security Key": "Verificar coa Chave de Seguridade",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Verificar coa Chave ou Frase de Seguridade",
"Proceed with reset": "Procede co restablecemento",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Semella que non tes unha Chave de Seguridade ou outros dispositivos cos que verificar. Este dispositivo non poderá acceder a mensaxes antigas cifradas. Para poder verificar a túa identidade neste dispositivo tes que restablecer as chaves de verificación.",
"Skip verification for now": "Omitir a verificación por agora",
"Really reset verification keys?": "Queres restablecer as chaves de verificación?",
"Unable to verify this login": "Non se puido verificar esta conexión",
"Include Attachments": "Incluír anexos",
"Size Limit": "Límite do tamaño",
"Format": "Formato",
"Select from the options below to export chats from your timeline": "Elixe entre as opcións seguintes para exportar a túa cronoloxía",
"Export Chat": "Exportar chat",
"Exporting your data": "Exportando os teus datos",
"Stop": "Deter",
"Are you sure you want to stop exporting your data? If you do, you'll need to start over.": "Tes a certeza de querer deter a exportación de datos? Se é así, terás que volver a iniciala.",
"Your export was successful. Find it in your Downloads folder.": "A exportación foi correcta. Atoparala no cartafol de Descargas.",
"The export was cancelled successfully": "Cancelouse con éxito a exportación",
"Export Successful": "Exportación correcta",
"MB": "MB",
"Number of messages": "Número de mensaxes",
"Number of messages can only be a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "O número de mensaxes só pode ser un número entre %(min)s e %(max)s",
"Size can only be a number between %(min)s MB and %(max)s MB": "O tamaño só pode ser un número entre %(min)s MB e %(max)s MB",
"Enter a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "Escribe un número entre %(min)s e %(max)s",
"Creating Space...": "Creando Espazo...",
"Fetching data...": "Obtendo datos...",
"In reply to <a>this message</a>": "En resposta a <a>esta mensaxe</a>",
"Export chat": "Exportar chat",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Para continuar, acepta a solicitude de verificación na túa outra conexión.",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "Agardando a que verifiques na túa outra sesión…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Agardando a que verifiques na túa outra sesión, %(deviceName)s %(deviceId)s…",
"File Attached": "Ficheiro anexado",
"Error fetching file": "Erro ao obter o ficheiro",
"Topic: %(topic)s": "Asunto: %(topic)s",
"This is the start of export of <roomName/>. Exported by <exporterDetails/> at %(exportDate)s.": "Este é o inicio da exportación de <roomName/>. Exportada por <exporterDetails/> o %(exportDate)s.",
"%(creatorName)s created this room.": "%(creatorName)s creou esta sala.",
"Media omitted - file size limit exceeded": "Multimedia omitido - excedeuse o límite de tamaño",
"Media omitted": "Omitir multimedia",
"Current Timeline": "Cronoloxía actual",
"Specify a number of messages": "Indica un número de mensaxes",
"From the beginning": "Desde o comezo",
"Plain Text": "Texto plano",
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Tes a certeza de querer saír durante esta exportación?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s enviou un adhesivo.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s cambiou o avatar da sala.",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s ás %(time)s",
"Show:": "Mostrar:",
"Shows all threads from current room": "Mostra tódalas conversas da sala actual",
"All threads": "Tódalas conversas",
"Shows all threads youve participated in": "Mostra tódalas conversas nas que participaches",
"My threads": "As miñas conversas",
"Downloading": "Descargando",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Non poderán acceder a calquera lugar no que non sexas administradora.",
"Ban them from specific things I'm able to": "Vetalos en lugares específicos nos que eu poida",
"Unban them from specific things I'm able to": "Retirar o veto de lugares específicos que eu poida",
"Ban them from everything I'm able to": "Vetalos en tódolos sitios nos que eu poida",
"Unban them from everything I'm able to": "Devolverlle o acceso a tódolos sitios onde eu poida",
"Ban from %(roomName)s": "Vetar en %(roomName)s",
"Unban from %(roomName)s": "Permitir acceso a %(roomName)s",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Poderán seguir accedendo a sitios onde ti non es administradora.",
"Kick them from specific things I'm able to": "Expulsalos de sitios específicos que eu poida",
"Kick them from everything I'm able to": "Expulsalos de todos os lugares que eu poida",
"Kick from %(roomName)s": "Expulsar de %(roomName)s",
"Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "Retirar o convite para %(roomName)s",
"Threads": "Conversas",
"Create poll": "Crear enquisa",
"%(count)s reply|one": "%(count)s resposta",
"%(count)s reply|other": "%(count)s respostas",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Actualizando espazo...",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Actualizando espazos... (%(progress)s de %(count)s)",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Enviando convite...",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Enviando convites... (%(progress)s de %(count)s)",
"Loading new room": "Cargando nova sala",
"Upgrading room": "Actualizando sala",
"Polls (under active development)": "Enquisas (en desenvolvemento activo)"

View file

@ -3194,5 +3194,57 @@
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Biztos, hogy kilép az exportálás közben?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s matricát küldött.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s megváltoztatta a szoba avatar képét.",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s %(time)s"
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s %(time)s",
"I'll verify later": "Később ellenőrzöm",
"Verify with another login": "Ellenőrizze egy másik bejelentkezéssel",
"Proceed with reset": "Lecserélés folytatása",
"Skip verification for now": "Ellenőrzés kihagyása most",
"Really reset verification keys?": "Biztosan lecseréli az ellenőrzési kulcsokat?",
"Unable to verify this login": "Ennek a bejelentkezésnek az ellenőrzése nem lehetséges",
"Are you sure you want to stop exporting your data? If you do, you'll need to start over.": "Biztos, hogy megállítja az adatai kimentését? Ha igen, később újra előröl kell kezdeni.",
"Your export was successful. Find it in your Downloads folder.": "Az exportálás sikeres volt. Megtalálja a Letöltések könyvtárban.",
"Number of messages can only be a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "Az üzenetek száma csak %(min)s és %(max)s közötti szám lehet",
"Size can only be a number between %(min)s MB and %(max)s MB": "A méret csak %(min)s MB és %(max)s MB közötti szám lehet",
"Enter a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "Adjon meg egy számot %(min)s és %(max)s között",
"Creating Space...": "Tér készítése…",
"Fetching data...": "Adatok letöltése…",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "A folytatáshoz fogadja el az ellenőrzés kérést a másik munkamenetben.",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "A megerősítést várjuk a másik munkamenetből…",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "Csak akkor folytassa ha biztos benne, hogy elvesztett minden hozzáférést a többi eszközéhez és biztonsági kulcsához.",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "Az ellenőrzéshez használt kulcsok alaphelyzetbe állítását nem lehet visszavonni. A visszaállítás után nem fog hozzáférni a régi titkosított üzenetekhez és minden ismerőse aki eddig ellenőrizte a személyazonosságát biztonsági figyelmeztetést fog látni amíg újra nem ellenőrzi.",
"Verify with Security Key": "Ellenőrzés Biztonsági Kulccsal",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Ellenőrzés Biztonsági Kulccsal vagy Jelmondattal",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Úgy tűnik nem rendelkezik Biztonsági Kulccsal vagy másik eszközzel amivel ellenőrizni lehetne. Ezzel az eszközzel nem fér majd hozzá a régi titkosított üzenetekhez. Ahhoz, hogy a személyazonosságát ezen az eszközön ellenőrizni lehessen a kulcsokat alaphelyzetbe kell állítani.",
"Select from the options below to export chats from your timeline": "Az idővonalon a beszélgetés kimentéséhez tartozó beállítások kiválasztása",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Várakozás a másik munkamenetből való ellenőrzésre, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…",
"This is the start of export of <roomName/>. Exported by <exporterDetails/> at %(exportDate)s.": "Ez az exportálás kezdete ehhez a szobához: <roomName/>. Kimentette: <exporterDetails/>, időpont: %(exportDate)s.",
"Create poll": "Szavazás létrehozása",
"Polls (under active development)": "Szavazások (intenzív fejlesztés alatt)",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Terek frissítése…",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Terek frissítése… (%(progress)s / %(count)s)",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Meghívók küldése…",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Meghívók küldése… (%(progress)s / %(count)s)",
"Loading new room": "Új szoba betöltése",
"Upgrading room": "Szoba fejlesztése",
"Show:": "Mutat:",
"Shows all threads from current room": "Minden üzenetszál megjelenítése a szobából",
"All threads": "Minden üzenetszál",
"Shows all threads youve participated in": "Minden üzenetszál megjelenítése ahol szerepel",
"My threads": "Üzenetszálak",
"Downloading": "Letöltés",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Később nem férhetnek hozzá olyan helyekhez ahol ön nem adminisztrátor.",
"Ban them from specific things I'm able to": "Kitiltani őket bizonyos helyekről ahonnan joga van hozzá",
"Unban them from specific things I'm able to": "Kitiltásuk visszavonása bizonyos helyekről ahol joga van hozzá",
"Ban them from everything I'm able to": "Kitiltani őket mindenhonnan ahonnan joga van hozzá",
"Unban them from everything I'm able to": "Kitiltásuk visszavonása mindenhonnan ahol joga van hozzá",
"Ban from %(roomName)s": "Kitiltás innen: %(roomName)s",
"Unban from %(roomName)s": "Kitiltás visszavonása innen: %(roomName)s",
"Kick from %(roomName)s": "Kirúg innen: %(roomName)s",
"Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "Meghívó visszavonása innen: %(roomName)s",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Továbbra is hozzáférhetnek olyan helyekhez ahol ön nem adminisztrátor.",
"Kick them from specific things I'm able to": "Kirúgni őket bizonyos helyekről ahonnan joga van hozzá",
"Kick them from everything I'm able to": "Kirúgni őket mindenhonnan ahonnan joga van hozzá",
"Threads": "Üzenetszálak",
"%(count)s reply|one": "%(count)s válasz",
"%(count)s reply|other": "%(count)s válasz"

View file

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
"Accept": "Terima",
"Account": "Akun",
"Add": "Tambah",
"Add": "Tambahkan",
"No Microphones detected": "Tidak ada mikrofon terdeteksi",
"No media permissions": "Tidak ada izin media",
"Microphone": "Mikrofon",
"Camera": "Kamera",
"Are you sure?": "Anda yakin?",
"Are you sure?": "Apakah Anda yakin?",
"An error has occurred.": "Telah terjadi kesalahan.",
"Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Anda yakin menolak undangannya?",
"Change Password": "Ubah Password",
"Change Password": "Ubah Kata Sandi",
"Close": "Tutup",
"Commands": "Perintah",
"Confirm password": "Konfirmasi password",
"Confirm password": "Konfirmasi kata sandi",
"Continue": "Lanjut",
"Create Room": "Buat Ruang",
"Current password": "Password sekarang",
"Create Room": "Buat Ruangan",
"Current password": "Kata sandi sekarang",
"Deactivate Account": "Nonaktifkan Akun",
"Email": "Email",
"Email address": "Alamat email",
@ -25,54 +25,54 @@
"Default": "Bawaan",
"Download %(text)s": "Unduh %(text)s",
"Export": "Ekspor",
"Failed to join room": "Gagal gabung ruang",
"Failed to join room": "Gagal saat bergabung ruangan",
"Failed to reject invitation": "Gagal menolak undangan",
"Failed to send email": "Gagal mengirim email",
"Favourite": "Favorit",
"Favourites": "Favorit",
"Import": "Impor",
"Incorrect verification code": "Kode verifikasi tidak benar",
"Invalid Email Address": "Alamat email tidak benar",
"Invalid Email Address": "Alamat Email Tidak Valid",
"Invited": "Diundang",
"Sign in with": "Masuk dengan",
"Leave room": "Meninggalkan ruang",
"Leave room": "Tinggalkan ruangan",
"Logout": "Keluar",
"Low priority": "Prioritas rendah",
"Mute": "Bisu",
"Mute": "Bisukan",
"Name": "Nama",
"New passwords don't match": "Password baru tidak cocok",
"New passwords don't match": "Kata sandi baru tidak cocok",
"<not supported>": "<tidak didukung>",
"No results": "Tidak ada hasil",
"OK": "OK",
"Operation failed": "Operasi gagal",
"Passwords can't be empty": "Password tidak boleh kosong",
"Passwords can't be empty": "Kata sandi tidak boleh kosong",
"Permissions": "Izin",
"Profile": "Profil",
"Reason": "Alasan",
"Register": "Registrasi",
"%(brand)s version:": "%(brand)s versi:",
"Register": "Daftar",
"%(brand)s version:": "Versi %(brand)s:",
"Return to login screen": "Kembali ke halaman masuk",
"Rooms": "Ruang",
"Rooms": "Ruangan",
"Save": "Simpan",
"Search": "Cari",
"Search failed": "Pencarian gagal",
"Send Reset Email": "Kirim Email Atur Ulang",
"Server error": "Server bermasalah",
"Server error": "Kesalahan server",
"Session ID": "ID Sesi",
"Settings": "Pengaturan",
"Sign in": "Masuk",
"Sign out": "Keluar",
"Someone": "Seseorang",
"Submit": "Kirim",
"Success": "Sukses",
"This email address was not found": "Alamat email ini tidak ada",
"This room": "Ruang ini",
"Success": "Berhasil",
"This email address was not found": "Alamat email ini tidak ditemukan",
"This room": "Ruangan ini",
"Unable to add email address": "Tidak dapat menambahkan alamat email",
"Unable to verify email address.": "Tidak dapat memverifikasi alamat email.",
"unknown error code": "kode kesalahan tidak diketahui",
"Verification Pending": "Verifikasi Tertunda",
"Video call": "Panggilan Video",
"Voice call": "Panggilan Suara",
"Verification Pending": "Verifikasi Menunggu",
"Video call": "Panggilan video",
"Voice call": "Panggilan suara",
"Warning!": "Peringatan!",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Anda tidak dapat melakukan panggilan dengan diri sendiri.",
"Sun": "Min",
@ -97,111 +97,111 @@
"Admin": "Admin",
"Admin Tools": "Peralatan Admin",
"No Webcams detected": "Tidak ada Webcam terdeteksi",
"You may need to manually permit %(brand)s to access your microphone/webcam": "Anda mungkin perlu secara manual mengizinkan %(brand)s untuk mengakses mikrofon/webcam",
"You may need to manually permit %(brand)s to access your microphone/webcam": "Anda mungkin perlu mengizinkan %(brand)s secara manual untuk mengakses mikrofon/webcam",
"Default Device": "Perangkat Bawaan",
"Advanced": "Tingkat Lanjut",
"Always show message timestamps": "Selalu tampilkan cap waktu dari pesan",
"Authentication": "Autentikasi",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Anda yakin ingin meninggalkan ruang '%(roomName)s'?",
"A new password must be entered.": "Password baru harus diisi.",
"Always show message timestamps": "Selalu tampilkan stempel waktu pesan",
"Authentication": "Otentikasi",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Anda yakin ingin meninggalkan ruangan '%(roomName)s'?",
"A new password must be entered.": "Kata sandi baru harus dimasukkan.",
"%(items)s and %(lastItem)s": "%(items)s dan %(lastItem)s",
"Banned users": "Pengguna yang diblokir",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke server Home - harap cek koneksi anda, pastikan <a>sertifikat SSL server Home</a> Anda terpercaya, dan ekstensi dari browser tidak memblokir permintaan.",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke server Home melalui HTTP ketika URL di browser berupa HTTPS. Pilih gunakan HTTPS atau <a>aktifkan skrip yang tidak aman</a>.",
"Banned users": "Pengguna yang dicekal",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke homeserver - harap cek koneksi anda, pastikan <a>sertifikat SSL homeserver</a> Anda terpercaya, dan ekstensi browser tidak memblokir permintaan.",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke homeserver melalui HTTP ketika URL di browser berupa HTTPS. Gunakan HTTPS atau <a>aktifkan skrip yang tidak aman</a>.",
"%(senderName)s changed the power level of %(powerLevelDiffText)s.": "%(senderName)s telah mengubah tingkat kekuatan dari %(powerLevelDiffText)s.",
"Changes your display nickname": "Ubah tampilan nama panggilan Anda",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s telah menghapus nama ruang.",
"Changes your display nickname": "Ubah tampilan nama tampilan Anda",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s telah menghapus nama ruangan.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s telah mengubah nama ruang menjadi %(roomName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s telah mengubah topik menjadi \"%(topic)s\".",
"Cryptography": "Kriptografi",
"Decrypt %(text)s": "Dekrip %(text)s",
"Ban": "Blokir",
"Bans user with given id": "Blokir pengguna dengan id",
"Decrypt %(text)s": "Dekripsi %(text)s",
"Ban": "Cekal",
"Bans user with given id": "Blokir pengguna dengan id yang dicantumkan",
"Fetching third party location failed": "Gagal mengambil lokasi pihak ketiga",
"Sunday": "Minggu",
"Guests can join": "Tamu dapat gabung",
"Guests can join": "Tamu dapat bergabung",
"Messages sent by bot": "Pesan dikirim oleh bot",
"Notification targets": "Target notifikasi",
"Failed to set direct chat tag": "Gagal mengatur tag obrolan langsung",
"Failed to set direct chat tag": "Gagal mengatur tanda pesan langsung",
"Today": "Hari Ini",
"Dismiss": "Abaikan",
"Update": "Perbarui",
"Notifications": "Notifikasi",
"What's New": "Apa Yang Baru",
"On": "Nyala",
"Changelog": "Daftar perubahan",
"Changelog": "Changelog",
"Waiting for response from server": "Menunggu respon dari server",
"Leave": "Tinggalkan",
"World readable": "Terpublikasi Umum",
"World readable": "Bisa dibaca oleh semua",
"Warning": "Peringatan",
"This Room": "Ruang ini",
"This Room": "Ruangan ini",
"Noisy": "Berisik",
"Messages containing my display name": "Pesan mengandung nama tampilan saya",
"Messages containing my display name": "Pesan yang berisi nama tampilan saya",
"Messages in one-to-one chats": "Pesan di obrolan satu-ke-satu",
"Unavailable": "Tidak Tersedia",
"remove %(name)s from the directory.": "hapus %(name)s dari direktori.",
"remove %(name)s from the directory.": "hapus %(name)s dari direktorinya.",
"powered by Matrix": "didukung oleh Matrix",
"All Rooms": "Semua Ruang",
"Source URL": "URL sumber",
"Failed to add tag %(tagName)s to room": "Gagal menambahkan tag %(tagName)s ke ruang",
"All Rooms": "Semua Ruangan",
"Source URL": "URL Sumber",
"Failed to add tag %(tagName)s to room": "Gagal menambahkan tag %(tagName)s ke ruangan",
"Members": "Anggota",
"No update available.": "Tidak ada pembaruan.",
"No update available.": "Tidak ada pembaruan yang tersedia.",
"Resend": "Kirim Ulang",
"Collecting app version information": "Mengumpukan informasi versi aplikasi",
"Collecting app version information": "Mengumpulkan informasi versi aplikasi",
"Room not found": "Ruang tidak ditemukan",
"Tuesday": "Selasa",
"Search…": "Cari…",
"Remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Hapus %(name)s dari direktori?",
"Remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Hapus %(name)s dari direktorinya?",
"Unnamed room": "Ruang tanpa nama",
"Friday": "Jumat",
"Saturday": "Sabtu",
"The server may be unavailable or overloaded": "Server mungkin tidak tersedia atau kelebihan muatan",
"Reject": "Tolak",
"Monday": "Senin",
"Remove from Directory": "Hapus dari DIrektori",
"Collecting logs": "Mengumpulkan catatan",
"Failed to forget room %(errCode)s": "Gagal melupakan ruang %(errCode)s",
"Remove from Directory": "Hapus dari Direktori",
"Collecting logs": "Mengumpulkan log",
"Failed to forget room %(errCode)s": "Gagal melupakan ruangan %(errCode)s",
"Wednesday": "Rabu",
"You cannot delete this message. (%(code)s)": "Anda tidak dapat menghapus pesan ini. (%(code)s)",
"Quote": "Kutip",
"Send": "Kirim",
"Error": "Terjadi Kesalahan",
"Send logs": "Kirim catatan",
"Error": "Kesalahan",
"Send logs": "Kirim log",
"All messages": "Semua pesan",
"Call invitation": "Undangan panggilan",
"Downloading update...": "Unduh pembaruan...",
"Downloading update...": "Mengunduh pembaruan...",
"What's new?": "Apa yang baru?",
"When I'm invited to a room": "Ketika Saya diundang ke ruang",
"When I'm invited to a room": "Ketika saya diundang ke ruangan",
"Cancel": "Batal",
"Unable to look up room ID from server": "Tidak dapat mencari ID ruang dari server",
"Couldn't find a matching Matrix room": "Tidak dapat menemukan ruang Matrix yang sesuai",
"Invite to this room": "Undang ke ruang ini",
"Invite to this room": "Undang ke ruangan ini",
"Thursday": "Kamis",
"Back": "Kembali",
"Show message in desktop notification": "Tampilkan pesan pada desktop",
"Unable to join network": "Tidak dapat bergabung di jaringan",
"Show message in desktop notification": "Tampilkan pesan di notifikasi desktop",
"Unable to join network": "Tidak dapat bergabung ke jaringan",
"Messages in group chats": "Pesan di obrolan grup",
"Yesterday": "Kemarin",
"Error encountered (%(errorDetail)s).": "Terjadi kesalahan (%(errorDetail)s).",
"Low Priority": "Prioritas Rendah",
"Off": "Mati",
"%(brand)s does not know how to join a room on this network": "%(brand)s tidak tau bagaimana gabung ruang di jaringan ini",
"Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Gagal menghapus tag %(tagName)s dari ruang",
"%(brand)s does not know how to join a room on this network": "%(brand)s tidak tahu bagaimana untuk gabung ruang di jaringan ini",
"Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Gagal menghapus tanda %(tagName)s dari ruangan",
"Remove": "Hapus",
"No rooms to show": "Tidak ada ruang ditunjukkan",
"Failed to change password. Is your password correct?": "Gagal untuk mengubah password. Apakah password Anda benar?",
"No rooms to show": "Tidak ada ruang yang ditampilkan",
"Failed to change password. Is your password correct?": "Gagal untuk mengubah kata sandi. Apakah kata sandi Anda benar?",
"View Source": "Tampilkan Sumber",
"Thank you!": "Terima kasih!",
"Checking for an update...": "Cek pembaruan...",
"Checking for an update...": "Mengecek untuk pembaruan...",
"This email address is already in use": "Alamat email ini telah terpakai",
"This phone number is already in use": "Nomor telepon ini telah terpakai",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "Gagal memverifikasi alamat email: pastikan Anda telah menekan link di dalam email",
"The version of %(brand)s": "Versi %(brand)s",
"Your language of choice": "Pilihan bahasamu",
"Your homeserver's URL": "URL Homeserver Anda",
"Your language of choice": "Pilihan bahasa Anda",
"Your homeserver's URL": "URL homeserver Anda",
"e.g. %(exampleValue)s": "mis. %(exampleValue)s",
"Every page you use in the app": "Setiap halaman yang digunakan di app",
"e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "e.g. <URLHalamanSaatIni>",
"e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "e.g. <CurrentPageURL>",
"Your device resolution": "Resolusi perangkat Anda",
"Analytics": "Analitik",
"The information being sent to us to help make %(brand)s better includes:": "Informasi yang dikirim membantu kami memperbaiki %(brand)s, termasuk:",
@ -209,10 +209,461 @@
"Call Failed": "Panggilan Gagal",
"VoIP is unsupported": "VoIP tidak didukung",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "Anda tidak dapat melakukan panggilan VoIP di browser ini.",
"Permission Required": "Permisi Dibutuhkan",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Anda tidak memiliki permisi untuk memulai panggilan massal di ruang ini",
"Explore rooms": "Jelajahi ruang",
"Permission Required": "Izin Dibutuhkan",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Anda tidak memiliki permisi untuk memulai panggilan konferensi di ruang ini",
"Explore rooms": "Jelajahi ruangan",
"Sign In": "Masuk",
"Create Account": "Buat Akun",
"Identity server": "Server identitas"
"Identity server": "Server identitas",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s mencekal %(targetName)s",
"Prepends ┬──┬ ( ゜-゜ノ) to a plain-text message": "Menambahkan ┬──┬ ( ゜-゜ノ) ke pesan teks biasa",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s",
"The call was answered on another device.": "Panggilan dijawab di perangkat lainnya.",
"%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s menghilangkan cekalan %(targetName)s",
"%(targetName)s left the room": "%(targetName)s keluar dari ruangan ini",
"%(targetName)s left the room: %(reason)s": "%(targetName)s keluar dari ruangan ini: %(reason)s",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation": "%(targetName)s menolak undangannya",
"%(targetName)s joined the room": "%(targetName)s bergabung ke ruangan ini",
"%(senderName)s made no change": "%(senderName)s tidak membuat perubahan",
"%(senderName)s set a profile picture": "%(senderName)s mengatur foto profil",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s mengubah foto profilnya",
"%(senderName)s removed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s menghilangkan foto profilnya",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s)": "%(senderName)s menghilangkan nama tampilannya (%(oldDisplayName)s)",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(senderName)s mengatur nama tampilannya ke %(displayName)s",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(oldDisplayName)s mengubah nama tampilannya ke %(displayName)s",
"%(senderName)s invited %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s mengundang %(targetName)s",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s mencekal %(targetName)s: %(reason)s",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s menerima sebuah undangan",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s": "%(targetName)s menerima undangan %(displayName)s",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s melakukan panggilan video. (tidak didukung oleh browser ini)",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s melakukan panggilan video.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s melakukan panggilan suara. (tidak didukung oleh browser ini)",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call.": "%(senderName)s melakukan panggilan video.",
"Displays action": "Menampilkan aksi",
"Converts the DM to a room": "Mengubah pesan langsung ke ruangan",
"Converts the room to a DM": "Mengubah ruangan ini ke pesan langsung",
"Takes the call in the current room off hold": "Melanjutkan panggilan di ruang saat ini",
"Places the call in the current room on hold": "Menunda panggilan di ruangan saat ini",
"Sends a message to the given user": "Mengirim sebuah pesan ke pengguna yang dicantumkan",
"Opens chat with the given user": "Membuat chat dengan pengguna yang dicantumkan",
"Send a bug report with logs": "Mengirim laporan bug dengan log",
"Displays information about a user": "Menampilkan informasi tentang sebuah pengguna",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Menampilkan daftar perintah dengan penggunaan dan deskripsi",
"Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow": "Mengirim emote dengan warna pelangi",
"Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow": "Mengirim pesan dengan warna pelangi",
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Memaksa sesi grup keluar saat ini di ruang terenkripsi untuk dibuang",
"The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's session %(deviceId)s. Session marked as verified.": "Kunci penandatanganan yang Anda sediakan cocok dengan kunci penandatanganan yang Anda terima dari sesi %(userId)s %(deviceId)s. Sesi ditandai sebagai terverifikasi.",
"Verified key": "Kunci terverifikasi",
"WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and session %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "PERINGATAN: VERIFIKASI KUNCI GAGAL! Kunci penandatanganan untuk %(userId)s dan sesi %(deviceId)s adalah \"%(fprint)s\" yang tidak cocok dengan kunci \"%(fingerprint)s\" yang disediakan. Ini bisa saja berarti komunikasi Anda sedang disadap!",
"WARNING: Session already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "PERINGATAN: Sesi telah diverifikasi, tetapi kuncinya TIDAK COCOK!",
"Session already verified!": "Sesi telah diverifikasi!",
"Unknown (user, session) pair:": "Tidak diketahui (pengguna, sesi) pasangan:",
"Verifies a user, session, and pubkey tuple": "Memverifikasi sebuah pengguna, sesi, dan tupel pubkey",
"You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "Anda tidak dapat mengubah widget di ruangan ini.",
"Please supply a https:// or http:// widget URL": "Mohon masukkan sebuah URL widget https:// atau http://",
"Please supply a widget URL or embed code": "Silakan masukkan URL widget atau kode embed",
"Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Menambahkan widget kustom dari URL ke ruangan ini",
"Opens the Developer Tools dialog": "Membuka dialog Peralatan Pengembang",
"Deops user with given id": "De-op pengguna dengan ID yang dicantumkan",
"Could not find user in room": "Tidak dapat menemukan pengguna di ruangan",
"Command failed": "Perintah gagal",
"Define the power level of a user": "Tentukan tingkat daya pengguna",
"You are no longer ignoring %(userId)s": "Anda sekarang berhenti mengabaikan %(userId)s",
"Unignored user": "Pengguna yang berhenti diabaikan",
"Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you": "Mengabaikan pengguna, dan sembunyikan pesan mereka",
"Stops ignoring a user, showing their messages going forward": "Berhenti mengabaikan pengguna, dan tampilkan pesan mereka",
"You are now ignoring %(userId)s": "Anda sekarang mengabaikan %(userId)s",
"Ignored user": "Pengguna yang diabaikan",
"Unbans user with given ID": "Menhilangkan cekalan pengguna dengan ID yang dicantumkan",
"Kicks user with given id": "Mengeluarkan pengguna dengan ID yang dicantumkan",
"Unrecognised room address:": "Alamat ruangan yang tidak diketahui:",
"Joins room with given address": "Bergabung ke ruangan dengan alamat yang dicantumkan",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Gunakan server identitas untuk mengundang melalui email. Kelola di Pengaturan.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Gunakan server identitas untuk mengundang melalui email. Klik lanjutkan untuk menggunakan server identitas default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) atau kelola di Pengaturan.",
"Use an identity server": "Gunakan sebuah server identitias",
"Invites user with given id to current room": "Mengundang pengguna dengan ID yang dicantumkan ke ruangan saat ini",
"Sets the room name": "Mengatur nama ruangan",
"This room has no topic.": "Ruangan ini tidak ada topik.",
"Failed to set topic": "Gagal untuk mengatur topik",
"Gets or sets the room topic": "Mendapatkan atau mengatur topik ruangan",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Mengubah avatar Anda di semua ruangan",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Mengubah avatar Anda di ruangan saat ini saja",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Mengubah avatar ruangan saat ini",
"Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Mengubah nama tampilan di ruangan saat ini saja",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Anda tidak memiliki izin yang dibutuhkan untuk menggunakan perintah ini.",
"Upgrades a room to a new version": "Meningkatkan ruangan ke versi yang baru",
"Sends a message as html, without interpreting it as markdown": "Mengirim pesan sebagai HTML, tanpa mengubahnya ke markdown",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Mengirim pesan sebagai teks biasa, tanpa mengubahnya ke markdown",
"Prepends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to a plain-text message": "Menambahkan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ke pesan teks biasa",
"Prepends (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ to a plain-text message": "Menambahkan (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ke pesan teks biasa",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Menambahkan ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ ke pesan teks biasa",
"Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Mengirim pesan sebagai spoiler",
"Usage": "Penggunaan",
"Other": "Lainnya",
"Effects": "Efek",
"Actions": "Aksi",
"Messages": "Pesan",
"Setting up keys": "Menyiapkan kunci",
"Go Back": "Kembali",
"Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "Apakah Anda yakin untuk membatalkan pemasukkan frasa sandi?",
"Cancel entering passphrase?": "Batalkan memasukkan frasa sandi?",
"Missing user_id in request": "Kurang user_id di permintaan",
"Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Ruangan %(roomId)s tidak terlihat",
"Missing room_id in request": "Kurang room_id di permintaan",
"Missing roomId.": "Kurang ID ruangan.",
"You do not have permission to do that in this room.": "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk melakukannya di ruangan ini.",
"You are not in this room.": "Anda tidak berada di ruangan ini.",
"Power level must be positive integer.": "Level kekuatan harus angka yang positif.",
"This room is not recognised.": "Ruangan ini tidak dikenal.",
"Failed to send request.": "Gagal untuk mengirim permintaan.",
"Unable to create widget.": "Tidak dapat membuat widget.",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Anda harus dapat mengundang pengguna untuk melakukannya.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Anda harus masuk.",
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "Kami telah mengirim yang lainnya, tetapi orang berikut ini tidak dapat diundang ke <RoomName/>",
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "Beberapa undangan tidak dapat dikirim",
"Failed to invite users to the room:": "Gagal untuk mengundang pengguna ke ruangan ini:",
"Failed to invite": "Gagal untuk mengundang",
"Custom (%(level)s)": "Kustom (%(level)s)",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Restricted": "Dibatasi",
"Sign In or Create Account": "Masuk atau Buat Akun",
"Use your account or create a new one to continue.": "Gunakan akun Anda atau buat akun baru untuk lanjut.",
"Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe",
"Zambia": "Zambia",
"Yemen": "Yaman",
"Western Sahara": "Sahara Barat",
"Wallis & Futuna": "Wallis & Futuna",
"Vietnam": "Vietnam",
"Venezuela": "Venezuela",
"Vatican City": "Kota Vatikan",
"Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
"Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistan",
"Uruguay": "Uruguay",
"United Arab Emirates": "Uni Emirat Arab",
"Ukraine": "Ukraina",
"Uganda": "Uganda",
"U.S. Virgin Islands": "Kepulauan Virgin AS",
"Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
"Turks & Caicos Islands": "Kepulauan Turks & Caicos",
"Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
"Turkey": "Turki",
"Tunisia": "Tunisia",
"Trinidad & Tobago": "Trinidad & Tobago",
"Tonga": "Tonga",
"Tokelau": "Tokelau",
"Togo": "Togo",
"Timor-Leste": "Timor-Leste",
"Thailand": "Thailand",
"Tanzania": "Tanzania",
"Tajikistan": "Tajikistan",
"Taiwan": "Taiwan",
"São Tomé & Príncipe": "São Tomé & Príncipe",
"Syria": "Suriah",
"Switzerland": "Swiss",
"Sweden": "Swedia",
"Swaziland": "Swaziland",
"Svalbard & Jan Mayen": "Svalbard & Jan Mayen",
"Suriname": "Suriname",
"Sudan": "Sudan",
"St. Vincent & Grenadines": "St. Vincent & Grenadines",
"St. Pierre & Miquelon": "St. Pierre & Miquelon",
"St. Martin": "St. Martin",
"St. Lucia": "St. Lucia",
"St. Kitts & Nevis": "St. Kitts & Nevis",
"St. Helena": "St. Helena",
"Sri Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
"St. Barthélemy": "St. Barthélemy",
"Spain": "Spanyol",
"South Sudan": "Sudan Selatan",
"South Korea": "Korea Selatan",
"South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands": "Georgia Selatan & Kepulauan Sandwich Selatan",
"South Africa": "Afrika Selatan",
"Somalia": "Somalia",
"Solomon Islands": "Pulau Solomon",
"Slovenia": "Slovenia",
"Slovakia": "Slowakia",
"Sint Maarten": "Sint Maarten",
"Singapore": "Singapura",
"Sierra Leone": "Sierra Leone",
"Seychelles": "Seychelles",
"Serbia": "Serbia",
"Senegal": "Senegal",
"Saudi Arabia": "Arab Saudi",
"San Marino": "San Marino",
"Samoa": "Samoa",
"Réunion": "Reuni",
"Rwanda": "Rwanda",
"Russia": "Rusia",
"Romania": "Rumania",
"Qatar": "Qatar",
"Puerto Rico": "Puerto Riko",
"Portugal": "Portugal",
"Poland": "Polandia",
"Pitcairn Islands": "Kepulauan Pitcairn",
"Philippines": "Filipina",
"Peru": "Peru",
"Paraguay": "Paraguay",
"Papua New Guinea": "Papua Nugini",
"Panama": "Panama",
"Palestine": "Palestina",
"Pakistan": "Pakistan",
"Palau": "Palau",
"Oman": "Oman",
"Norway": "Norway",
"Northern Mariana Islands": "Kepulauan Mariana Utara",
"North Korea": "Korea Utara",
"Norfolk Island": "Pulau Norfolk",
"Niue": "Niue",
"Nigeria": "Nigeria",
"Niger": "Niger",
"Nicaragua": "Nikaragua",
"New Zealand": "Selandia Baru",
"New Caledonia": "Kaledonia Baru",
"Netherlands": "Belanda",
"Nepal": "Nepal",
"Nauru": "Nauru",
"Namibia": "Namibia",
"Myanmar": "Myanmar",
"Mozambique": "Mozambik",
"Morocco": "Maroko",
"Montserrat": "Montserrat",
"Montenegro": "Montenegro",
"Mongolia": "Mongolia",
"Monaco": "Monako",
"Moldova": "Moldova",
"Micronesia": "Mikronesia",
"Mexico": "Meksiko",
"Mayotte": "Mayotte",
"Mauritius": "Mauritius",
"Mauritania": "Mauritania",
"Martinique": "Martinik",
"Marshall Islands": "Pulau Marshall",
"Malta": "Malta",
"Mali": "Mali",
"Maldives": "Maladewa",
"Malaysia": "Malaysia",
"Malawi": "Malawi",
"Madagascar": "Madagaskar",
"Macedonia": "Makedonia",
"Macau": "Makau",
"Luxembourg": "Luksemburg",
"Lithuania": "Lithuania",
"Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
"Libya": "Libya",
"Liberia": "Liberia",
"Lesotho": "Lesotho",
"Lebanon": "Libanon",
"Latvia": "Latvia",
"Laos": "Laos",
"Kyrgyzstan": "Kirgistan",
"Kuwait": "Kuwait",
"Kosovo": "Kosovo",
"Kiribati": "Kiribati",
"Kenya": "Kenya",
"Kazakhstan": "Kazakstan",
"Jordan": "Yordania",
"Jersey": "Jersey",
"Japan": "Jepang",
"Jamaica": "Jamaika",
"Italy": "Italia",
"Israel": "Israel",
"Isle of Man": "Isle of Man",
"Ireland": "Irlandia",
"Iraq": "Irak",
"Iran": "Iran",
"Indonesia": "Indonesia",
"India": "India",
"Iceland": "Islandia",
"Hungary": "Hungaria",
"Hong Kong": "Hongkong",
"Honduras": "Honduras",
"Heard & McDonald Islands": "Pulau Heard & McDonald",
"Haiti": "Haiti",
"Guyana": "Guyana",
"Guinea-Bissau": "Guinea-Bissau",
"Guinea": "Guinea",
"Guernsey": "Guernsey",
"Guatemala": "Guatemala",
"Guam": "Guam",
"Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
"Grenada": "Grenada",
"Greenland": "Greenland",
"Greece": "Yunani",
"Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
"Ghana": "Ghana",
"Germany": "Jerman",
"Georgia": "Georgia",
"Gambia": "Gambia",
"Gabon": "Gabon",
"French Southern Territories": "Wilayah Selatan Prancis",
"French Polynesia": "Polinesia Perancis",
"French Guiana": "Guyana Perancis",
"France": "Perancis",
"Finland": "Finlandia",
"Fiji": "Fiji",
"Faroe Islands": "Kepulauan Faroe",
"Falkland Islands": "Kepulauan Falkland",
"Ethiopia": "Etiopia",
"Estonia": "Estonia",
"Eritrea": "Eritrea",
"Equatorial Guinea": "Guinea Ekuator",
"El Salvador": "El Salvador",
"Egypt": "Mesir",
"Ecuador": "Ekuador",
"Dominican Republic": "Republik Dominika",
"Dominica": "Dominika",
"Djibouti": "Djibouti",
"Denmark": "Denmark",
"Côte dIvoire": "Pantai Gading",
"Czech Republic": "Republik Ceko",
"Cyprus": "Siprus",
"Curaçao": "Curacao",
"Cuba": "Kuba",
"Croatia": "Kroasia",
"Costa Rica": "Kosta Rika",
"Cook Islands": "Kepulauan Cook",
"Congo - Kinshasa": "Kongo - Kinshasa",
"Congo - Brazzaville": "Kongo - Brazzaville",
"Comoros": "Komoro",
"Colombia": "Kolumbia",
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Kepulauan Cocos (Keeling)",
"Christmas Island": "Pulau Natal",
"China": "Cina",
"Chile": "Chili",
"Chad": "Chad",
"Central African Republic": "Republik Afrika Tengah",
"Cayman Islands": "Pulau Cayman",
"Caribbean Netherlands": "Karibia Belanda",
"Cape Verde": "Tanjung Verde",
"Canada": "Kanada",
"Cameroon": "Kamerun",
"Cambodia": "Kamboja",
"Burundi": "Burundi",
"Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
"Bulgaria": "Bulgaria",
"Brunei": "Brunei",
"British Virgin Islands": "Kepulauan Virgin Inggris",
"British Indian Ocean Territory": "Wilayah Samudra Hindia Britania",
"Brazil": "Brazil",
"Bouvet Island": "Pulau Bouvet",
"Botswana": "Botswana",
"Bosnia": "Bosnia",
"Bolivia": "Bolivia",
"Bhutan": "Bhutan",
"Bermuda": "Bermuda",
"Benin": "Benin",
"Belize": "Belize",
"Belgium": "Belgium",
"Belarus": "Belarusia",
"Barbados": "Barbados",
"Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
"Bahrain": "Bahrain",
"Bahamas": "Bahama",
"Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
"Austria": "Austria",
"Australia": "Australia",
"Aruba": "Aruba",
"Armenia": "Armenia",
"Argentina": "Argentina",
"Antigua & Barbuda": "Antigua & Barbuda",
"Antarctica": "Antartika",
"Anguilla": "Anguila",
"Angola": "Angola",
"Andorra": "Andora",
"American Samoa": "Samoa Amerika",
"Algeria": "Aljazair",
"Albania": "Albania",
"Åland Islands": "Pulau Aland",
"Afghanistan": "Afganistan",
"United States": "Amerika Serikat",
"United Kingdom": "Britania Raya",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Alamat email Anda tidak tertaut dengan ID Matrix di homeserver ini.",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Tidak dapat mengaktifkan Notifikasi",
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s tidak memiliki izin untuk mengirim Anda notifikasi - silakan coba lagi",
"%(brand)s does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "%(brand)s tidak memiliki izin untuk mengirim Anda notifikasi - mohon periksa pengaturan browser Anda",
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s meminta verifikasi",
"Your homeserver was unreachable and was not able to log you in. Please try again. If this continues, please contact your homeserver administrator.": "Homeserver Anda tidak dapat diakses dan tidak dapat memasukkan Anda. Silakan coba lagi. Jika ini terus terjadi, hubungi administrator homeserver Anda.",
"Your homeserver rejected your log in attempt. This could be due to things just taking too long. Please try again. If this continues, please contact your homeserver administrator.": "Homeserver Anda menolak upaya masuk Anda. Ini bisa jadi karena hal-hal yang terlalu lama. Silakan coba lagi. Jika ini berlanjut, hubungi administrator homeserver Anda.",
"Try again": "Coba lagi",
"We asked the browser to remember which homeserver you use to let you sign in, but unfortunately your browser has forgotten it. Go to the sign in page and try again.": "Kami menanyakan browser ini untuk mengingat homeserver apa yang Anda gunakan untuk membantu Anda masuk, tetapi sayangnya browser ini melupakannya. Pergi ke halaman masuk dan coba lagi.",
"We couldn't log you in": "Kami tidak dapat memasukkan Anda",
"Trust": "Percayakan",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Hanya lanjutkan jika Anda mempercayai pemilik server ini.",
"This action requires accessing the default identity server <server /> to validate an email address or phone number, but the server does not have any terms of service.": "Aksi ini memerlukan mengakses server identitas bawaan <server /> untuk memvalidasi sebuah alamat email atau nomor telepon, tetapi server ini tidak memiliki syarat layanan apapun.",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Identitas server ini tidak memiliki syarat layanan",
"Unnamed Room": "Ruangan Tanpa Nama",
"Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:": "Gagal untuk menambahkan ruangan berikut ini ke %(groupId)s:",
"Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s": "Gagal untuk mengundang pengguna ke %(groupId)s",
"Failed to invite users to community": "Gagal untuk mengundang pengguna ke komunitas",
"Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "Gagal mengundang pengguna berikut ini ke %(groupId)s:",
"Add to community": "Tambahkan ke komunitas",
"Room name or address": "Nama ruangan atau alamat",
"Add rooms to the community": "Tambahkan ruangan ke komunitas ini",
"Show these rooms to non-members on the community page and room list?": "Tampilkan ruangan ini ke orang yang bukan anggota komunitas di halaman komunitas dan daftar ruangan?",
"Which rooms would you like to add to this community?": "Ruangan apa yang Anda ingin tambahkan ke komunitas ini?",
"Invite to Community": "Undang ke Komunitas",
"Name or Matrix ID": "Nama atau ID Matrix",
"Invite new community members": "Undang anggota komunitas baru",
"Warning: any person you add to a community will be publicly visible to anyone who knows the community ID": "Peringatan: setiap orang yang Anda tambahkan ke komunitas akan terlihat oleh siapa saja yang mengetahui ID komunitas",
"Who would you like to add to this community?": "Siapa yang ingin Anda tambahkan ke komunitas ini?",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s pada %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(time)s",
"AM": "AM",
"PM": "PM",
"Failure to create room": "Gagal untuk membuat ruangan",
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "Server ini tidak mendukung versi ruangan yang dicantumkan.",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.": "Server mungkin tidak tersedia, kelebihan beban, atau Anda mengalami bug.",
"Upload Failed": "Unggahan Gagal",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "File '%(fileName)s' melebihi batas ukuran unggahan file homeserver",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "File '%(fileName)s' gagal untuk diunggah.",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "Saat ini membalas dengan file tidak dapat dilakukan. Apakah Anda ingin menunggah file ini tanpa membalas?",
"Replying With Files": "Membalas Dengan File",
"This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "Ini akan mengakhiri konferensi ini untuk semuanya. Lanjut?",
"End conference": "Akhiri konferensi",
"Unable to transfer call": "Tidak dapat memindahkan panggilan",
"Failed to transfer call": "Gagal untuk memindahkan panggilan",
"Transfer Failed": "Pemindahan Gagal",
"There was an error looking up the phone number": "Sebuah kesalahan terjadi mencari nomor teleponnya",
"Unable to look up phone number": "Tidak dapat mencari nomor telepon",
"You've reached the maximum number of simultaneous calls.": "Anda telah mencapai jumlah maksimum panggilan pada waktu bersamaan.",
"Too Many Calls": "Terlalu Banyak Panggilan",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Anda sudah ada di panggilan dengan orang itu.",
"Already in call": "Sudah ada di panggilan",
"No other application is using the webcam": "Tidak ada aplikasi lain yang menggunakan webcam",
"Permission is granted to use the webcam": "Izin diberikan untuk menggunakan webcam",
"A microphone and webcam are plugged in and set up correctly": "Mikrofon dan webcam telah dicolokkan dan diatur dengan benar",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Panggilan gagal karena webcam atau mikrofon tidak bisa diakses. Periksa itu:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Tidak dapat mengakses webcam/mikrofon",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Panggilan gagal karena mikrofon tidak bisa diakses. Periksa apakah mikrofon sudah dicolokkan dan diatur dengan benar.",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Tidak dapat dimuat! Periksa koneksi jaringan Anda dan coba lagi.",
"Unable to access microphone": "Tidak dapat mengakses mikrofon",
"Try using": "Coba menggunakan",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code></code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Alternatifnya, Anda bisa coba menggunakan server publik di <code></code>, tetapi ini tidak terlalu andal, dan akan membagikan alamat IP Anda dengan servernya. Anda juga bisa kelola ini di Pengaturan.",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Mohon tanyakan ke administrator homeserver Anda (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) untuk mengkonfigurasikan server TURN supaya panggilan dapat bekerja dengan benar.",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Panggilan gagal karena servernya tidak dikonfigurasi dengan benar",
"Answered Elsewhere": "Dijawab di Perangkat Lain",
"The call could not be established": "Panggilan tidak dapat dilakukan",
"The user you called is busy.": "Pengguna yang Anda panggil sedang sibuk.",
"User Busy": "Pengguna Sibuk",
"Your user agent": "Agen pengguna Anda",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s as an installed Progressive Web App": "Apakah Anda menggunakan %(brand)s sebagai Aplikasi Web Progresif yang terpasang",
"Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Apakah Anda menggunakan fitur 'breadcrumbs' atau tidak (avatar di atas daftar ruangan)",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s on a device where touch is the primary input mechanism": "Apakah Anda menggunakan %(brand)s pada perangkat yang mekanisme input utamanya adalah sentuhan",
"Whether or not you're using the Richtext mode of the Rich Text Editor": "Apakah Anda menggunakan mode Richtext dari Rich Text Editor atau tidak",
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "Instansi mana yang secara resmi Anda gunakan, jika ada",
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Apakah Anda masuk atau tidak (kami tidak mencatat nama pengguna Anda)",
"The platform you're on": "Platform yang Anda berada saat ini",
"Add Phone Number": "Tambahkan Nomor Telepon",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this phone number.": "Klik tombol di bawah untuk mengkonfirmasi penambahan nomor telepon ini.",
"Confirm adding phone number": "Konfirmasi penambahan nomor telepon",
"Confirm adding this phone number by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Konfirmasi penambahan nomor telepon ini dengan menggunakan Single Sign On untuk membuktikan identitas Anda.",
"Add Email Address": "Tambahkan Alamat Email",
"Confirm": "Konfirmasi",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this email address.": "Klik tombol di bawah untuk mengkonfirmasi penambahan alamat email ini.",
"Confirm adding email": "Konfirmasi penambahan email",
"Single Sign On": "Single Sign On",
"Confirm adding this email address by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Konfirmasi penambahan alamat email ini dengan menggunakan Single Sign On untuk membuktikan identitas Anda.",
"Use Single Sign On to continue": "Gunakan Single Sign On untuk melanjutkan"

View file

@ -3168,5 +3168,65 @@
"Leave all rooms": "Esci da tutte le stanze",
"Don't leave any rooms": "Non uscire da alcuna stanza",
"Expand quotes │ ⇧+click": "Espandi le menzioni │ ⇧+clic",
"Collapse quotes │ ⇧+click": "Riduci le menzioni │ ⇧+clic"
"Collapse quotes │ ⇧+click": "Riduci le menzioni │ ⇧+clic",
"Current Timeline": "Linea temporale attuale",
"Specify a number of messages": "Specifica un numero di messaggi",
"From the beginning": "Dall'inizio",
"Plain Text": "Testo semplice",
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Vuoi davvero uscire durante l'esportazione?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ha inviato uno sticker.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ha cambiato l'avatar della stanza.",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s alle %(time)s",
"Displaying time": "Mostrando l'ora",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "Procedi solo se sei sicuro di avere perso tutti gli altri tuoi dispositivi e la chiave di sicurezza.",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "La reimpostazione delle chiavi di verifica non può essere annullata. Dopo averlo fatto, non avrai accesso ai vecchi messaggi cifrati, e gli amici che ti avevano verificato in precedenza vedranno avvisi di sicurezza fino a quando non ti ri-verifichi con loro.",
"I'll verify later": "Verificherò dopo",
"Verify with another login": "Verifica con un altro accesso",
"Verify with Security Key": "Verifica con chiave di sicurezza",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Verifica con chiave di sicurezza o frase",
"Proceed with reset": "Procedi con la reimpostazione",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Pare che tu non abbia una chiave di sicurezza o altri dispositivi con cui poterti verificare. Questo dispositivo non potrà accedere ai vecchi messaggi cifrati. Per potere verificare la tua ideintità su questo dispositivo, dovrai reimpostare le chiavi di verifica.",
"Skip verification for now": "Salta la verifica per adesso",
"Really reset verification keys?": "Reimpostare le chiavi di verifica?",
"Unable to verify this login": "Impossibile verificare questo accesso",
"Include Attachments": "Includi allegati",
"Size Limit": "Limite dimensione",
"Format": "Formato",
"Select from the options below to export chats from your timeline": "Seleziona dalle opzioni sotto per esportare le chat dalla linea temporale",
"Export Chat": "Esporta conversazione",
"Exporting your data": "Esportazione dei dati",
"Stop": "Ferma",
"Are you sure you want to stop exporting your data? If you do, you'll need to start over.": "Vuoi davvero fermare l'esportazione dei dati? Se lo fai, dovrai ricominciare da capo.",
"Your export was successful. Find it in your Downloads folder.": "Esportazione riuscita. La puoi trovare nella cartella Download.",
"The export was cancelled successfully": "Esportazione annullata correttamente",
"Export Successful": "Esportazione riuscita",
"MB": "MB",
"Number of messages": "Numero di messaggi",
"Number of messages can only be a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "Il numero di messaggi può essere solo tra %(min)s e %(max)s",
"Size can only be a number between %(min)s MB and %(max)s MB": "La dimensione può essere solo tra %(min)s MB e %(max)s MB",
"Enter a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "Inserisci un numero tra %(min)s e %(max)s",
"Creating Space...": "Creazione spazio...",
"Fetching data...": "Recupero dei dati...",
"In reply to <a>this message</a>": "In risposta a <a>questo messaggio</a>",
"Export chat": "Esporta conversazione",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Per continuare, accetta la richiesta di verifica nell'altro tuo accesso.",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "In attesa della verifica nella tua altra sessione…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "In attesa della verifica nella tua altra sessione, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…",
"File Attached": "File allegato",
"Error fetching file": "Errore di recupero del file",
"Topic: %(topic)s": "Argomento: %(topic)s",
"This is the start of export of <roomName/>. Exported by <exporterDetails/> at %(exportDate)s.": "Questo è l'inizio dell'esportazione di <roomName/>. Esportata da <exporterDetails/> il %(exportDate)s.",
"%(creatorName)s created this room.": "%(creatorName)s ha creato questa stanza.",
"Media omitted - file size limit exceeded": "File omesso - superata dimensione massima",
"Media omitted": "File omesso",
"Create poll": "Crea sondaggio",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Aggiornamento spazio...",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Aggiornamento spazi... (%(progress)s di %(count)s)",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Spedizione invito...",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Spedizione inviti... (%(progress)s di %(count)s)",
"Loading new room": "Caricamento nuova stanza",
"Upgrading room": "Aggiornamento stanza",
"Polls (under active development)": "Sondaggi (in sviluppo)"

View file

@ -1735,5 +1735,82 @@
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Bruk en integreringsbehandler <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> til å behandle botter, moduler, og klistremerkepakker.",
"Identity server": "Identitetstjener",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identitetstjener (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Kunne ikke koble til identitetsserveren"
"Could not connect to identity server": "Kunne ikke koble til identitetsserveren",
"Show:": "Vis:",
"Results": "Resultat",
"Retry all": "Prøv alle igjen",
"Play": "Spill av",
"Pause": "Pause",
"Beta": "Beta",
"Move down": "Gå ned",
"Move up": "Gå opp",
"Report": "Rapporter",
"Forward": "Videresend",
"Forward message": "Videresend melding",
"Open link": "Åpne lenken",
"Sent": "Sendt",
"Sending": "Sender",
"Format": "Format",
"Stop": "Stopp avspilling",
"MB": "MB",
"Zoom in": "Forstørr",
"Zoom out": "Forminske",
"Add reaction": "Legg til reaksjon",
"Image": "Bilde",
"Sticker": "Klistremerke",
"Thread": "Tråd",
"Downloading": "Laster ned",
"Connection failed": "Tilkobling mislyktes",
"Message": "Melding",
"Threads": "Tråder",
"Send a sticker": "Send et klistremerke",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "Tastatursnarveier",
"Global": "Globalt",
"Keyword": "Nøkkelord",
"IRC": "IRC",
"Collapse": "Trekk sammen",
"Expand": "Utvid",
"Visibility": "Synlighet",
"Address": "Adresse",
"Delete avatar": "Slett profilbilde",
"Corn": "Mais",
"Cloud": "Sky",
"Mute the microphone": "Demp mikrofonen",
"Unmute the microphone": "Opphev demping av mikrofonen",
"Dialpad": "Nummerpanel",
"More": "Mer",
"Stop the camera": "Stopp kameraet",
"Start the camera": "Start kameraet",
"Connecting": "Kobler til",
"Plain Text": "Ren tekst",
"Change the name of this room": "Endre rommets navn",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed guest access to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s endret gjestetilgangen til %(rule)s",
"%(senderDisplayName)s made the room invite only.": "%(senderDisplayName)s merket rommet som kun for inviterte.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s endret rommets avatar.",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s sparket ut %(targetName)s",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s sparket ut %(targetName)s: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s trakk tilbake invitasjonen til %(targetName)s: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s opphevde bannlysningen av %(targetName)s",
"%(targetName)s left the room": "%(targetName)s forlot rommet",
"%(targetName)s left the room: %(reason)s": "%(targetName)s forlot rommet: %(reason)s",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation": "%(targetName)s avslo invitasjonen",
"%(targetName)s joined the room": "%(targetName)s ble med i rommet",
"%(senderName)s made no change": "%(senderName)s gjorde ingen endringer",
"%(senderName)s set a profile picture": "%(senderName)s valgte seg et profilbilde",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s endret profilbildet sitt",
"%(senderName)s removed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s fjernet profilbildet sitt",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s)": "%(senderName)s fjernet visningsnavnet sitt (%(oldDisplayName)s)",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(senderName)s satte visningsnavnet sitt til %(displayName)s",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(oldDisplayName)s endret visningsnavnet sitt til %(displayName)s",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s bannlyste %(targetName)s",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s bannlyste %(targetName)s: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s invited %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s inviterte %(targetName)s",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s aksepterte en invitasjon",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s": "%(targetName)s aksepterte invitasjonen til %(displayName)s",
"St. Pierre & Miquelon": "Saint-Pierre og Miquelon",
"St. Martin": "Saint Martin",
"St. Barthélemy": "Saint Barthélemy",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s klokken %(time)s"

View file

@ -3201,5 +3201,10 @@
"Plain Text": "Platte tekst",
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Weet u zeker dat u wilt afsluiten tijdens een export?"
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Weet u zeker dat u wilt afsluiten tijdens een export?",
"Creating Space...": "Ruimte aanmaken...",
"Fetching data...": "Gegevens ophalen...",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Om door te gaan, accepteer het verificatieverzoek op uw andere login.",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "Wachten op uw verificatie op uw andere sessie…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Wachten op uw verificatie op uw andere sessie, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…"

View file

@ -2959,5 +2959,29 @@
"To avoid these issues, create a <a>new encrypted room</a> for the conversation you plan to have.": "Para evitar esses problemas, crie uma <a>nova sala criptografada</a> para a conversa que você planeja ter.",
"Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "Tem certeza que deseja adicionar criptografia para esta sala pública?",
"Select the roles required to change various parts of the space": "Selecionar os cargos necessários para alterar certas partes do espaço",
"Change main address for the space": "Mudar o endereço principal para o espaço"
"Change main address for the space": "Mudar o endereço principal para o espaço",
"Include Attachments": "Incluir Anexos",
"Size Limit": "Limite de Tamanho",
"MB": "MB",
"Number of messages": "Número de mensagens",
"Number of messages can only be a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "Número de mensagens pode ser apenas um número entre %(min)s e %(max)s",
"Size can only be a number between %(min)s MB and %(max)s MB": "O tamanho pode ser apenas um número entre %(min)s MB e %(max)s MB",
"Enter a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "Insira um número entre %(min)s e %(max)s",
"Creating Space...": "Criando Espaço…",
"Fetching data...": "Buscando dados…",
"In reply to <a>this message</a>": "Em resposta a <a>esta mensagem</a>",
"Zoom in": "Aumentar zoom",
"Zoom out": "Diminuir zoom",
"Expand quotes │ ⇧+click": "Expandir citações | ⇧+click",
"Export chat": "Exportar conversa",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Para prosseguir, por favor aceite o pedido de verificação em seu outro login.",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "Aguardando sua verificação em sua outra sessão…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Aguardando sua verificação na outra sessão, %(deviceName)s%(deviceId)s…",
"File Attached": "Arquivo Anexado",
"Topic: %(topic)s": "Tópico: %(topic)s",
"%(creatorName)s created this room.": "%(creatorName)s criou esta sala.",
"Plain Text": "Texto Simples",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s enviou uma figurinha."

View file

@ -2746,7 +2746,7 @@
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Неправильный Сервер идентификации (код статуса %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "URL-адрес сервера идентификации должен быть HTTPS",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Общение с %(transferTarget)s. <a>Перевод на %(transferee)s</a>",
"[number]": "[номер]",
"[number]": "[цифра]",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "Введите секретную фразу второй раз, чтобы подтвердить ее.",
"Space Autocomplete": "Автозаполнение пространства",
"Without verifying, you wont have access to all your messages and may appear as untrusted to others.": "Без проверки вы не сможете получить доступ ко всем своим сообщениям и можете показаться другим людям недоверенным.",
@ -2793,7 +2793,7 @@
"Manage & explore rooms": "Управление и список комнат",
"Add space": "Добавить простанство",
"Report": "Сообщить",
"Collapse reply thread": "Свернуть ответы",
"Collapse reply thread": "Свернуть ответы ветки",
"Show preview": "Предпросмотр",
"View source": "Исходный код",
"Forward": "Переслать",
@ -3195,5 +3195,57 @@
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Вы уверены, что хотите выйти во время экспорта?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s отправил(а) стикер.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s сменил(а) аватар комнаты.",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s в %(time)s"
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s в %(time)s",
"Select from the options below to export chats from your timeline": "Выберите один из приведенных ниже вариантов экспорта чатов из вашей временной шкалы",
"Current Timeline": "Текущая временная шкала",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "Пожалуйста, действуйте только в том случае, если вы уверены, что потеряли все остальные устройства и ключ безопасности.",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "Сброс ключей проверки нельзя отменить. После сброса вы не сможете получить доступ к старым зашифрованным сообщениям, а друзья, которые ранее проверили вас, будут видеть предупреждения о безопасности, пока вы не пройдете повторную проверку.",
"Skip verification for now": "Пока пропустить проверку",
"I'll verify later": "Я проверю позже",
"Verify with another login": "Проверить с помощью другого логина",
"Verify with Security Key": "Проверить с помощью ключа безопасности",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Проверка с помощью ключа безопасности или фразы",
"Proceed with reset": "Выполнить сброс",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Похоже, что у вас нет Ключа безопасности или других устройств, которые можно проверить. Это устройство не сможет получить доступ к старым зашифрованным сообщениям. Чтобы подтвердить свою личность на этом устройстве, вам необходимо сбросить ключи проверки.",
"Really reset verification keys?": "Действительно сбросить ключи проверки?",
"Unable to verify this login": "Невозможно проверить этот логин",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Чтобы продолжить, пожалуйста, примите запрос на проверку на другом логине.",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "Ожидаем проверки на другом сеансе…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Ожидаем проверки на другом сеансе, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…",
"Creating Space...": "Создание пространства…",
"Fetching data...": "Получение данных…",
"Create poll": "Создать опрос",
"Polls (under active development)": "Опросы (в стадии активной разработки)",
"Thread": "Ветка",
"Show threads": "Показать ветки",
"Reply to thread…": "Ответить на ветку…",
"Reply to encrypted thread…": "Ответить на зашифрованную ветку…",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Обновление пространства…",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Обновление пространств... (%(progress)s из %(count)s)",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Отправка приглашения…",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Отправка приглашений... (%(progress)s из %(count)s)",
"Loading new room": "Загрузка новой комнаты",
"Upgrading room": "Обновление комнаты",
"Threaded messaging": "Сообщение в ветке",
"Ban from %(roomName)s": "Заблокировать в %(roomName)s",
"Unban from %(roomName)s": "Разблокировать в %(roomName)s",
"Show:": "Показать:",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Они не смогут получить доступ к тем местам, где вы не являетесь администратором.",
"Ban them from specific things I'm able to": "Заблокировать их в определённых местах, где я могу это сделать",
"Unban them from specific things I'm able to": "Разблокировать их из определённых мест, где я могу это сделать",
"Ban them from everything I'm able to": "Заблокировать их везде, где я могу это сделать",
"Unban them from everything I'm able to": "Разблокировать их везде, где я могу это сделать",
"Kick them from specific things I'm able to": "Выгнать их из определенных мест, где я могу это сделать",
"Kick them from everything I'm able to": "Выгнать их из любого места, где я могу это сделать",
"Shows all threads from current room": "Показывает все ветки из текущей комнаты",
"All threads": "Все ветки",
"Shows all threads youve participated in": "Показывает все ветки, в которых вы принимали участие",
"My threads": "Мои ветки",
"Downloading": "Загрузка",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Они по-прежнему смогут получить доступ ко всему, где вы не являетесь администратором.",
"Kick from %(roomName)s": "Выгнать из %(roomName)s",
"Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "Отменить приглашение из %(roomName)s",
"Threads": "Ветки",
"%(count)s reply|one": "%(count)s ответ",
"%(count)s reply|other": "%(count)s ответов"

View file

@ -3198,5 +3198,50 @@
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Jeni i sigurt se doni të dilet gjatë këtij eksportimi?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s dërgoi një ngjitës.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ndryshoi avatarin e dhomës.",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s më %(time)s"
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s më %(time)s",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "Ju lutemi, ecni më tej vetëm nëse jeni i sigurt se keni humbur krejt pajisjet tuaja të tjera dhe kyçin tuaj të sigurisë.",
"I'll verify later": "Do ta verifikoj më vonë",
"Verify with another login": "Verifikoje nga tjetër skenë hyrjesh",
"Verify with Security Key": "Verifikoje me Kyç Sigurie",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Verifikojeni me Kyç ose Frazë Sigurie",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Duket sikur skeni Kyç Sigurie ose ndonjë pajisje tjetër nga e cila mund të bëni verifikimin. Kjo pajisje sdo të jetë në gjendje të hyjë te mesazhe të dikurshëm të fshehtëzuar. Që të mund të verifikohet identiteti juaj në këtë pajisje, you'll need to reset your verification keys.",
"Skip verification for now": "Anashkaloje verifikimin hëpërhë",
"Unable to verify this login": "Sarrihet të verifikohet kjo hyrje",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Që të vazhdohet, ju lutemi, pranoni kërkesën për verifikim në skenën(pajisjen) tuaj tjetër për hyrje.",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "Po pritet që ju të bëni verifikimin në sesionin tuaj tjetër…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Po pritet që ju të bëni verifikimin në sesionin tuaj tjetër, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…",
"Creating Space...": "Po Krijohet Hapësirë…",
"Fetching data...": "Po sillen të dhëna…",
"Create poll": "Krijoni anketim",
"Polls (under active development)": "Anketime (në zhvillim aktiv)",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Po përditësohet hapësirë…",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Po përditësohen hapësira… (%(progress)s nga %(count)s) gjithsej",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Po dërgohen ftesa…",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Po dërgohen ftesa… (%(progress)s nga %(count)s) gjithsej",
"Loading new room": "Po ngarkohet dhomë e re",
"Upgrading room": "Përmirësim dhome",
"Downloading": "Shkarkim",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Sdo të jenë në gjendje të hyjnë kudo qoftë ku sjeni përgjegjës.",
"Ban them from specific things I'm able to": "Dëboji prej gjërash të caktuara ku mundem ta bëj këtë",
"Unban them from specific things I'm able to": "Hiqua dëbimin prej gjërash të caktuara ku mundem ta bëj këtë",
"Ban them from everything I'm able to": "Dëboji prej gjithçkaje ku mundem ta bëj këtë",
"Unban them from everything I'm able to": "Hiqua dëbimin prej gjithçkaje ku mundem ta bëj këtë",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "Rikthimi te parazgjedhjet i kyçeve tuaj të verifikimit smund të zhbëhet. Pas rikthimit te parazgjedhjet, sdo të mund të hyni dot te mesazhe të dikurshëm të fshehtëzuar dhe, cilido shok që ju ka verifikuar më parë, do të shohë një sinjalizim sigurie deri sa të ribëni verifikimin me ta.",
"Proceed with reset": "Vazhdo me rikthimin te parazgjedhjet",
"Really reset verification keys?": "Të kthehen vërtet te parazgjedhjet kyçet e verifikimit?",
"Show:": "Shfaq:",
"Shows all threads from current room": "Shfaq krejt rrjedhat në dhomën e tanishme",
"All threads": "Krejt rrjedhat",
"Shows all threads youve participated in": "Shfaq krejt rrjedhat ku keni marrë pjesë",
"My threads": "Rrjedhat e mia",
"Ban from %(roomName)s": "Dëboje prej %(roomName)s",
"Unban from %(roomName)s": "Hiqja dëbimin prej %(roomName)s",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Do të jenë prapë në gjendje të hyjnë kudo ku nuk jeni përgjegjës.",
"Kick them from specific things I'm able to": "Përzëri prej gjërash specifike që jam në gjendje të bëj",
"Kick them from everything I'm able to": "Përzëri prej gjithçkaje ku jam në gjendje ta bëj",
"Kick from %(roomName)s": "Përzëreni nga %(roomName)s",
"Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "Hiqja ftesën për %(roomName)s",
"Threads": "Rrjedha",
"%(count)s reply|one": "%(count)s përgjigje",
"%(count)s reply|other": "%(count)s përgjigje"

View file

@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
"Noisy": "Högljudd",
"Room not found": "Rummet hittades inte",
"Messages containing my display name": "Meddelanden som innehåller mitt visningsnamn",
"Messages in one-to-one chats": "Meddelanden i en-till-en chattar",
"Messages in one-to-one chats": "Meddelanden i en-till-en-chattar",
"Unavailable": "Otillgänglig",
"remove %(name)s from the directory.": "ta bort %(name)s från katalogen.",
"Explore Room State": "Utforska rumsstatus",
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
"File to import": "Fil att importera",
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "Vilken officiellt tillhandahållen instans du använder, om någon",
"Drop file here to upload": "Släpp en fil här för att ladda upp",
"Options": "Alternativ",
"Options": "Inställningar",
"Replying": "Svarar",
"Kick this user?": "Kicka användaren?",
"This room": "Detta rum",
@ -768,7 +768,7 @@
"Enable Community Filter Panel": "Aktivera gemenskapsfilterpanel",
"Messages containing my username": "Meddelanden som innehåller mitt användarnamn",
"Messages containing @room": "Meddelanden som innehåller @room",
"Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats": "Krypterade meddelanden i en-till-en chattar",
"Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats": "Krypterade meddelanden i en-till-en-chattar",
"Encrypted messages in group chats": "Krypterade meddelanden i gruppchattar",
"Dog": "Hund",
"Cat": "Katt",
@ -3164,5 +3164,21 @@
"You are about to leave <spaceName/>.": "Du kommer att lämna <spaceName/>.",
"Leave some rooms": "Lämna vissa rum",
"Leave all rooms": "Lämna alla rum",
"Don't leave any rooms": "Lämna inga rum"
"Don't leave any rooms": "Lämna inga rum",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s skickade en dekal.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s bytte rummets avatar.",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s vid %(time)s",
"Error fetching file": "Fel vid hämtning av fil",
"Topic: %(topic)s": "Ämne: %(topic)s",
"This is the start of export of <roomName/>. Exported by <exporterDetails/> at %(exportDate)s.": "Det här är början på exporten av <roomName/>. Exporterad av <exporterDetails/> vid %(exportDate)s.",
"%(creatorName)s created this room.": "%(creatorName)s skapade det här rummet.",
"Media omitted - file size limit exceeded": "Media uteslutet - filstorleksgräns överskriden",
"Media omitted": "Media uteslutet",
"Current Timeline": "Nuvarande tidslinje",
"Specify a number of messages": "Specificera ett antal meddelanden",
"From the beginning": "Från början",
"Plain Text": "Vanlig text",
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Är du säker på att du vill avsluta under den här exporten?"

View file

@ -1724,7 +1724,7 @@
"Start a new chat": "Почати нову бесіду",
"This is the start of <roomName/>.": "Це початок <roomName/>.",
"Start sharing your screen": "Почати показ екрана",
"Start the camera": "Запустити камеру",
"Start the camera": "Увімкнути камеру",
"Scan this unique code": "Скануйте цей унікальний код",
"Verify this session by completing one of the following:": "Звірте цей сеанс одним із запропонованих способів:",
"Leave %(groupName)s?": "Вийти з %(groupName)s?",
@ -2136,5 +2136,13 @@
"Upload completed": "Вивантаження виконано",
"Search %(spaceName)s": "Пошук %(spaceName)s",
"Leave some rooms": "Вийте з кількох кімнат",
"Leave all rooms": "Вийти з кімнати"
"Leave all rooms": "Вийти з кімнати",
"More": "Більше",
"Show sidebar": "Показати бічну панель",
"Hide sidebar": "Сховати бічну панель",
"Stop sharing your screen": "Вимкнути показ екрана",
"Stop the camera": "Вимкнути камеру",
"Your camera is still enabled": "Ваша камера досі увімкнена",
"Your camera is turned off": "Вашу камеру вимкнено",
"sends snowfall": "надсилає снігопад"

View file

@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
"Flair": "个性徽章",
"Code": "代码",
"Remove from community": "从社群中移除",
"Disinvite this user from community?": "是否不再邀请此用户加入本社群?",
"Disinvite this user from community?": "是否取消邀请此用户加入本社群?",
"Remove this user from community?": "是否要从社群中移除此用户?",
"Failed to withdraw invitation": "撤回邀请失败",
"Failed to remove user from community": "移除用户失败",
@ -3201,5 +3201,51 @@
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "您确定要在导出未完成时退出吗?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s 发送了一张贴纸。",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s 更改了聊天室头像。",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s 的 %(time)s"
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s 的 %(time)s",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "除非你确定丢失了所有其他设备和安全密钥,否则不要继续重置操作。",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "使用安全密钥或短语进行验证",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "无法撤消重置验证密钥的操作。重置后,你将无法访问旧的加密消息,任何之前验证过你的朋友将看到安全警告,直到你再次和他们进行验证。",
"I'll verify later": "我稍后进行验证",
"Verify with another login": "使用另一个登录进行验证",
"Verify with Security Key": "使用安全密钥进行验证",
"Proceed with reset": "进行重置",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "看起来你没有安全密钥或者任何其他可以验证的设备。 此设备将无法访问旧的加密信息。为了在这个设备上验证你的身份,你需要重置你的验证密钥。",
"Skip verification for now": "暂时跳过验证",
"Really reset verification keys?": "确实要重置验证密钥?",
"Unable to verify this login": "无法验证此登录",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "继续,请接受您其他登录的验证请求。",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "等待您验证您的其他会话…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "等待您验证您的其他会话,%(deviceName)s%(deviceId)s…",
"Creating Space...": "正在创建空间…",
"Fetching data...": "获取数据中…",
"Create poll": "创建投票",
"Polls (under active development)": "投票 (在积极开发中)",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "正在更新聊天室… %(count)s 中的 %(progress)s",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "正在更新空间…",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "正在发送邀请…",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "正在发送邀请… %(count)s 中的 %(progress)s",
"Loading new room": "正在加载新聊天室",
"Upgrading room": "正在升级聊天室",
"Kick from %(roomName)s": "从 %(roomName)s 中踢出去",
"Threads": "帖子",
"Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "取消邀请加入 %(roomName)s",
"Show:": "显示:",
"Shows all threads from current room": "显示当前聊天室的所有帖子",
"All threads": "所有帖子",
"Shows all threads youve participated in": "显示所有你已参与的帖子",
"My threads": "我的帖子",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "他们将无法访问你不是管理员的一切。",
"Ban them from specific things I'm able to": "禁止这些人做某些我有权决定的事",
"Unban them from specific things I'm able to": "解除我权限范围内对这些人的某些禁令",
"Ban them from everything I'm able to": "禁止这些人做任何我有权决定的事",
"Unban them from everything I'm able to": "解除我权限范围内对这些人的所有禁令",
"Ban from %(roomName)s": "禁止进入 %(roomName)s",
"Unban from %(roomName)s": "解除 %(roomName)s 禁令",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "这些人仍然可以访问你不是管理员的一切东西。",
"Kick them from specific things I'm able to": "禁止这些人做某些我有权决定的事",
"Kick them from everything I'm able to": "禁止这些人做任何我有权决定的事",
"Downloading": "下载中",
"%(count)s reply|one": "%(count)s 条回复",
"%(count)s reply|other": "%(count)s 条回复",
"View in room": "在聊天室内查看"

View file

@ -3204,5 +3204,50 @@
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "您確定您要從此匯出流程中退出嗎?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s 傳送了貼圖。",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s 變更了聊天室大頭照。",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s 於 %(time)s"
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s 於 %(time)s",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "請僅在您確定您遺失您所有其他裝置與您的安全金鑰時繼續。",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "重設您的驗證金鑰將無法復原。重設後,您將無法存取舊的加密訊息,之前任何驗證過您的朋友也會看到安全警告,直到您重新驗證。",
"I'll verify later": "我稍後驗證",
"Verify with another login": "使用其他登入進行驗證",
"Verify with Security Key": "使用安全金鑰進行驗證",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "使用安全金鑰或密語進行驗證",
"Proceed with reset": "繼續重設",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "您似乎沒有安全金鑰或其他可以驗證的裝置。此裝置將無法存取舊的加密訊息。為了在此裝置上驗證您的身份,您必須重設您的驗證金鑰。",
"Skip verification for now": "暫時略過驗證",
"Really reset verification keys?": "真的要重設驗證金鑰?",
"Unable to verify this login": "無法驗證此登入",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "要繼續,請在您的其他裝置上接受驗證請求。",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "正在等待您驗證您的其他工作階段……",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "正在等待您驗證您的其他工作階段,%(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)……",
"Creating Space...": "正在建立空間……",
"Fetching data...": "正在擷取資料……",
"Create poll": "建立投票",
"Polls (under active development)": "投票(正在積極開發中)",
"Show:": "顯示:",
"Shows all threads from current room": "顯示從目前聊天室而來的所有討論串",
"All threads": "所有討論串",
"Shows all threads youve participated in": "顯示您參與的所有討論串",
"My threads": "我的討論串",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "他們將無法存取您不是管理員的任何地方。",
"Ban them from specific things I'm able to": "從我有權限的特定地方封鎖他們",
"Unban them from specific things I'm able to": "從我有權限的特定地方取消封鎖他們",
"Ban them from everything I'm able to": "從我有權限的所有地方封鎖他們",
"Unban them from everything I'm able to": "從我有權限的所有地方取消封鎖他們",
"Ban from %(roomName)s": "從 %(roomName)s 封鎖",
"Unban from %(roomName)s": "從 %(roomName)s 取消封鎖",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "他們仍然可以存取您不是管理員的任何地方。",
"Kick them from specific things I'm able to": "從我有權限的特定地方踢除他們",
"Kick them from everything I'm able to": "從我有權限的所有地方踢除他們",
"Kick from %(roomName)s": "從 %(roomName)s 踢出",
"Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "拒絕來自 %(roomName)s 的邀請",
"Threads": "討論串",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "正在更新空間……",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "正在更新空間……(%(count)s 中的第 %(progress)s 個)",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "正在傳送邀請……",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "正在傳送邀請……(%(count)s 中的第 %(progress)s 個)",
"Loading new room": "正在載入新的聊天室",
"Upgrading room": "正在升級聊天室",
"Downloading": "正在下載",
"%(count)s reply|one": "%(count)s 回覆",
"%(count)s reply|other": "%(count)s 回覆"