Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.

This commit is contained in:
Weblate 2019-12-23 18:10:56 +00:00
commit 746522358f
8 changed files with 374 additions and 42 deletions

View file

@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@
"This room is a continuation of another conversation.": "Tämä huone on jatkumo toisesta keskustelusta.",
"Don't ask me again": "Älä kysy uudelleen",
"Not now": "Ei nyt",
"The conversation continues here.": "Keskustelu jatkuu tässä.",
"The conversation continues here.": "Keskustelu jatkuu täällä.",
"Share Link to User": "Jaa linkki käyttäjälle",
"Muted Users": "Mykistetyt käyttäjät",
"Timeline": "Aikajana",
@ -1926,5 +1926,37 @@
"Customise your experience with experimental labs features. <a>Learn more</a>.": "Muokkaa kokemustasi kokeellisilla laboratio-ominaisuuksia. <a>Tutki vaihtoehtoja</a>.",
"Error upgrading room": "Virhe päivitettäessä huonetta",
"Double check that your server supports the room version chosen and try again.": "Tarkista, että palvelimesi tukee valittua huoneversiota ja yritä uudelleen.",
"Invite joined members to the new room automatically": "Kutsu huoneen jäsenet liittymään uuteen huoneeseen automaattisesti"
"Invite joined members to the new room automatically": "Kutsu huoneen jäsenet liittymään uuteen huoneeseen automaattisesti",
"Send cross-signing keys to homeserver": "Lähetä ristivarmennuksen tarvitsemat avaimet kotipalvelimelle",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning users matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s poisti porttikiellon käyttäjiltä, jotka täsmäsivät sääntöön %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s poisti huoneita estävän säännön %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning servers matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s poisti palvelimia estävän säännön %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed a ban rule matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s poisti estosäännön %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s updated an invalid ban rule": "%(senderName)s muokkasi epäkelpoa estosääntöä",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning users matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muokkasi käyttäjiä estävää sääntöä %(glob)s seuraavasta syystä: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muokkasi huoneita estävää sääntöä %(glob)s seuraavasta syystä: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning servers matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muokkasi palvelimia estävää sääntöä %(glob)s seuraavasta syystä: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muokkasi estosääntöä %(glob)s seuraavasta syystä: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning users matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s loi porttikiellonsäännön %(glob)s, syy: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s loi huoneita estävän säännön %(glob)s, syy: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning servers matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s loi palvelimia estävän säännön %(glob)s, syy: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a ban rule matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s loi estosäännön %(glob)s, syy: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning users matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muutti sääntöä, joka esti käyttäjiä säännöllä %(oldGlob)s muotoon %(newGlob)s. Syy: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning rooms matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muutti sääntöä, joka esti huoneita säännöllä %(oldGlob)s muotoon %(newGlob)s. Syy: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning servers matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muutti sääntöä, joka esti palvelimia säännöllä %(oldGlob)s muotoon %(newGlob)s. Syy: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule that was matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muutti estosääntöä muodosta %(oldGlob)s muotoon %(newGlob)s. Syy: %(reason)s",
"The message you are trying to send is too large.": "Lähettämäsi viesti on liian suuri.",
"Cross-signing and secret storage are enabled.": "Ristivarmennus ja salavarasto on käytössä.",
"Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this device.": "Tunnuksellasi on ristivarmennusidentiteetti salavarastossa, mutta tämä laite ei luota siihen.",
"Cross-signing and secret storage are not yet set up.": "Ristivarmennusta ja salavarastoa ei ole vielä otettu käyttöön.",
"Bootstrap cross-signing and secret storage": "Ota käyttöön ristivarmennus ja salavarasto",
"Cross-signing public keys:": "Ristivarmennuksen julkiset avaimet:",
"on device": "laitteella",
"not found": "ei löydetty",
"Cross-signing private keys:": "Ristivarmennuksen salaiset avaimet:",
"in secret storage": "salavarastossa",
"Secret storage public key:": "Salavaraston julkinen avain:",
"in account data": "tunnuksen tiedoissa",
"not stored": "ei tallennettu",
"Cross-signing": "Ristivarmennus"

View file

@ -2008,5 +2008,16 @@
"Hide verified sessions": "Masquer les sessions vérifiées",
"%(count)s verified sessions|other": "%(count)s sessions vérifiées",
"%(count)s verified sessions|one": "1 session vérifiée",
"Close preview": "Fermer laperçu"
"Close preview": "Fermer laperçu",
"This user has not verified all of their devices.": "Cet utilisateur n'a pas vérifié tous ses appareils.",
"You have not verified this user. This user has verified all of their devices.": "Vous n'avez pas vérifié cet utilisateur. Cet utilisateur a vérifié tous ses appareils.",
"You have verified this user. This user has verified all of their devices.": "Vous avez vérifié cet utilisateur. Cet utilisateur a vérifié tous ses appareils.",
"Some users in this encrypted room are not verified by you or they have not verified their own devices.": "Certains utilisateurs dans ce salon chiffré nont pas été vérifiés par vous ou nont pas vérifié leurs propres appareils.",
"All users in this encrypted room are verified by you and they have verified their own devices.": "Tous les utilisateurs de ce salon chiffré ont été vérifiés par vous et ont vérifié leurs propres appareils.",
"Language Dropdown": "Sélection de la langue",
"Country Dropdown": "Sélection du pays",
"The message you are trying to send is too large.": "Le message que vous essayez denvoyer est trop gros.",
"Secret Storage will be set up using your existing key backup details.Your secret storage passphrase and recovery key will be the same as they were for your key backup": "Le coffre secret sera configuré en utilisant vos informations de sauvegarde de clés existantes. Votre phrase de passe et votre clé de récupération seront les mêmes que pour la sauvegarde de clés",
"Migrate from Key Backup": "Migrer depuis la sauvegarde de clés",
"Help": "Aide"

View file

@ -2009,5 +2009,15 @@
"Access your secure message history and your cross-signing identity for verifying other devices by entering your passphrase.": "A jelmondat megadásával hozzáférhetsz a titkosított üzeneteidhez és a kereszt-aláíráshoz tartozó azonosítódhoz amivel más eszközöket ellenőrizhetsz.",
"Access your secure message history and your cross-signing identity for verifying other devices by entering your recovery key.": "A visszaállítási kulcs megadásával hozzáférhetsz a titkosított üzeneteidhez és a kereszt-aláíráshoz tartozó azonosítódhoz amivel más eszközöket ellenőrizhetsz.",
"We'll use secret storage to optionally store an encrypted copy of your cross-signing identity for verifying other devices and message keys on our server. Protect your access to encrypted messages with a passphrase to keep it secure.": "Biztonsági tárolót fogunk használni, hogy tárolhassuk a kereszt-aláíráshoz tartozó azonosítót titkosított formában, amivel más eszközöket és üzenet kulcsokat lehet ellenőrizni. Védd a titkosított üzenetekhez való hozzáférést jelmondattal és azt tartsd titokban.",
"Without setting up secret storage, you won't be able to restore your access to encrypted messages or your cross-signing identity for verifying other devices if you log out or use another device.": "A biztonsági tároló beállítása nélkül ha kijelentkezel és egy másik eszközön lépsz be nem fogsz hozzáférni a titkosított üzeneteidhez és a kereszt-aláíráshoz tartozó azonosítódhoz amivel más eszközöket ellenőrizhetsz."
"Without setting up secret storage, you won't be able to restore your access to encrypted messages or your cross-signing identity for verifying other devices if you log out or use another device.": "A biztonsági tároló beállítása nélkül ha kijelentkezel és egy másik eszközön lépsz be nem fogsz hozzáférni a titkosított üzeneteidhez és a kereszt-aláíráshoz tartozó azonosítódhoz amivel más eszközöket ellenőrizhetsz.",
"This user has not verified all of their devices.": "Ez a felhasználó még ellenőrizte az összes eszközét.",
"You have not verified this user. This user has verified all of their devices.": "Ezt a felhasználót még nem ellenőrizted. Minden eszközét ellenőrizte ez a felhasználó.",
"You have verified this user. This user has verified all of their devices.": "Ezt a felhasználót ellenőrizted. Minden eszközét ellenőrizte ez a felhasználó.",
"Some users in this encrypted room are not verified by you or they have not verified their own devices.": "Néhány felhasználót még nem ellenőriztél ebben a titkosított szobában vagy még ők nem ellenőrizték az összes eszközüket.",
"All users in this encrypted room are verified by you and they have verified their own devices.": "Minden felhasználót ellenőriztél ebben a titkosított szobában és ők ellenőrizték az összes eszközüket.",
"Language Dropdown": "Nyelvválasztó lenyíló menü",
"Country Dropdown": "Ország lenyíló menü",
"The message you are trying to send is too large.": "Túl nagy képet próbálsz elküldeni.",
"Secret Storage will be set up using your existing key backup details.Your secret storage passphrase and recovery key will be the same as they were for your key backup": "A Biztonsági Tároló a már létező kulcs mentés adatai felhasználásával lesz létrehozva. A biztonsági tároló jelmondata és a visszaállítási kulcs meg fog egyezni a kulcs mentésénél használttal",
"Migrate from Key Backup": "Mozgatás a Kulcs Mentésből"

View file

@ -271,9 +271,9 @@
"Blacklisted": "In lista nera",
"device id: ": "ID dispositivo: ",
"Disinvite": "Revoca invito",
"Kick": "Caccia fuori",
"Kick": "Butta fuori",
"Disinvite this user?": "Revocare l'invito a questo utente?",
"Kick this user?": "Cacciare questo utente?",
"Kick this user?": "Buttare fuori questo utente?",
"Failed to kick": "Espulsione fallita",
"Unban": "Togli ban",
"Ban": "Bandisci",
@ -2006,5 +2006,15 @@
"Secure your encrypted messages with a passphrase": "Proteggi i tuoi messaggi cifrati con una password",
"Storing secrets...": "Memorizzo i segreti...",
"Unable to set up secret storage": "Impossibile impostare un archivio segreto",
"Close preview": "Chiudi anteprima"
"Close preview": "Chiudi anteprima",
"This user has not verified all of their devices.": "Questo utente non ha verificato tutti i suoi dispositivi.",
"You have not verified this user. This user has verified all of their devices.": "Non hai verificato questo utente. Questo utente ha verificato tutti i suoi dispositivi.",
"You have verified this user. This user has verified all of their devices.": "Hai verificato questo utente. Questo utente ha verificato tutti i suoi dispositivi.",
"Some users in this encrypted room are not verified by you or they have not verified their own devices.": "Non hai verificato alcuni utenti in questa stanza criptata o essi non hanno verificato i loro dispositivi.",
"All users in this encrypted room are verified by you and they have verified their own devices.": "Hai verificato tutti gli utenti in questa stanza criptata ed essi hanno verificato i loro dispositivi.",
"Language Dropdown": "Lingua a tendina",
"Country Dropdown": "Nazione a tendina",
"The message you are trying to send is too large.": "Il messaggio che stai tentando di inviare è troppo grande.",
"Secret Storage will be set up using your existing key backup details.Your secret storage passphrase and recovery key will be the same as they were for your key backup": "L'archivio segreto verrà impostato usando i dettagli del tuo backup chiavi. La password dell'archivio segreto e la chiave di ripristino saranno le stesse del tuo backup chiavi",
"Migrate from Key Backup": "Migra dal backup chiavi"

View file

@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
"Key share requests are sent to your other devices automatically. If you rejected or dismissed the key share request on your other devices, click here to request the keys for this session again.": "共有キーリクエストは、他の端末に自動的に送信されます。 他の端末での共有キーリクエストを拒否または却下した場合は、ここをクリックしてこのセッションのキーを再度要求してください。",
"If your other devices do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "他の端末にこのメッセージのキーがない場合、それらの端末を復号化することはできません。",
"Key request sent.": "キーリクエストが送信されました。",
"<requestLink>Re-request encryption keys</requestLink> from your other devices.": "他の端末から<requestLink>暗号化キーを再リクエスト</ requestLink>します。",
"<requestLink>Re-request encryption keys</requestLink> from your other devices.": "他の端末から<requestLink>暗号化キーを再リクエスト</requestLink>します。",
"Undecryptable": "解読不能",
"Encrypted by an unverified device": "未検証の端末によって暗号化されました",
"Unencrypted message": "暗号化されていないメッセージ",

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@ -1187,70 +1187,70 @@
"Verify this user by confirming the following number appears on their screen.": "Overte tohoto používateľa tým, že zistíte, či sa na jeho obrazovke objaví nasledujúce číslo.",
"Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Nie je možné nájsť podporovanú metódu overenia.",
"For maximum security, we recommend you do this in person or use another trusted means of communication.": "Pre zachovanie maximálnej bezpečnosti odporúčame, aby ste toto vykonali osobne, alebo použili iný dôverihodný komunikačný kanál.",
"Dog": "Pes",
"Cat": "Mačka",
"Lion": "Lev",
"Dog": "Hlava psa",
"Cat": "Hlava mačky",
"Lion": "Hlava leva",
"Horse": "Kôň",
"Unicorn": "Jednorožec",
"Pig": "Prasa",
"Unicorn": "Hlava jednorožca",
"Pig": "Hlava Prasaťa",
"Elephant": "Slon",
"Rabbit": "Zajac",
"Panda": "Panda",
"Rabbit": "Hlava Zajaca",
"Panda": "Hlava Pandy",
"Rooster": "Kohút",
"Penguin": "Tučniak",
"Turtle": "Korytnačka",
"Fish": "Ryba",
"Octopus": "Chobotnica",
"Butterfly": "Motýľ",
"Flower": "Kvetina",
"Tree": "Strom",
"Flower": "Tulipán",
"Tree": "Listnatý strom",
"Cactus": "Kaktus",
"Mushroom": "Hríb",
"Mushroom": "Huba",
"Globe": "Zemeguľa",
"Moon": "Mesiac",
"Moon": "Polmesiac",
"Cloud": "Oblak",
"Fire": "Oheň",
"Banana": "Banán",
"Apple": "Jablko",
"Apple": "Červené jablko",
"Strawberry": "Jahoda",
"Corn": "Kukurica",
"Corn": "Kukuričný klas",
"Pizza": "Pizza",
"Cake": "Koláč",
"Heart": "Srdce",
"Smiley": "Úsmev",
"Cake": "Narodeninová torta",
"Heart": "Červené srdce",
"Smiley": "Škeriaca sa tvár",
"Robot": "Robot",
"Hat": "Klobúk",
"Hat": "Cylinder",
"Glasses": "Okuliare",
"Spanner": "Skrutkovač",
"Santa": "Mikuláš",
"Spanner": "Francúzsky kľúč",
"Santa": "Santa Claus",
"Thumbs up": "palec nahor",
"Umbrella": "Dáždnik",
"Hourglass": "Presýpacie hodiny",
"Clock": "Hodiny",
"Gift": "Darček",
"Clock": "Budík",
"Gift": "Zabalený darček",
"Light bulb": "Žiarovka",
"Book": "Kniha",
"Book": "Zatvorená kniha",
"Pencil": "Ceruzka",
"Paperclip": "Kancelárska sponka",
"Paperclip": "Sponka na papier",
"Scissors": "Nožnice",
"Padlock": "Visiaci zámok",
"Padlock": "Zatvorená zámka",
"Key": "Kľúč",
"Hammer": "Kladivo",
"Telephone": "Telefón",
"Flag": "Vlajka",
"Train": "Vlak",
"Flag": "Kockovaná zástava",
"Train": "Rušeň",
"Bicycle": "Bicykel",
"Aeroplane": "Lietadlo",
"Rocket": "Raketa",
"Trophy": "Trofej",
"Ball": "Lopta",
"Ball": "Futbal",
"Guitar": "Gitara",
"Trumpet": "Trúbka",
"Bell": "Zvonček",
"Bell": "Zvon",
"Anchor": "Kotva",
"Headphones": "Slúchadlá",
"Folder": "Priečinok",
"Pin": "Pin",
"Folder": "Fascikel",
"Pin": "Špendlík",
"Your homeserver does not support device management.": "Váš domovský server nepodporuje správu zariadení.",
"Yes": "Áno",
"No": "Nie",
@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "Server nepodporuje zadanú verziu miestnosti.",
"Name or Matrix ID": "Meno alebo Matrix ID",
"Email, name or Matrix ID": "Email, meno alebo Matrix ID",
"Failed to start chat": "Nepodarilo sa spustiť konverzáciu",
"Failed to start chat": "Nepodarilo sa začať konverzáciu",
"Messages": "Správy",
"Actions": "Akcie",
"Room upgrade confirmation": "Potvrdenie aktualizácii miestnosti",
@ -1514,5 +1514,115 @@
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Neprijali ste Podmienky poskytovania služby alebo to nie je správny server.",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Server totožností nemá žiadne podmienky poskytovania služieb",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Zadaný server totožností nezverejňuje žiadne podmienky poskytovania služieb.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Pokračujte len v prípade, že dôverujete prevádzkovateľovi servera."
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Pokračujte len v prípade, že dôverujete prevádzkovateľovi servera.",
"Add Email Address": "Pridať emailovú adresu",
"Add Phone Number": "Pridať telefónne číslo",
"Send cross-signing keys to homeserver": "Poslať kľúče pre podpisovanie naprieč zariadeniami na domovský server",
"This action requires accessing the default identity server <server /> to validate an email address or phone number, but the server does not have any terms of service.": "Táto akcia si vyžaduje mať overenú emailovú adresu alebo telefónne číslo cez predvolený server totožností <server />, ale server nezverejnil podmienky používania.",
"Trust": "Dôverovať",
"Custom (%(level)s)": "Vlastná (%(level)s)",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Odošle správu vo formáte obyčajný text, bez prekladu markdown",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Na použitie tohoto príkazu nemáte dostatočné povolenia.",
"Error upgrading room": "Chyba pri aktualizácii miestnosti",
"Double check that your server supports the room version chosen and try again.": "Uistite sa, že domovský server podporuje zvolenú verziu miestnosti a skúste znovu.",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Zmení obrázok miestnosti",
"Use an identity server": "Použiť server totožností",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Aby ste mohli používateľov pozývať zadaním emailovej adresy, je potrebné nastaviť adresu servera totožností. Klepnutím na tlačidlo pokračovať použijete predvolený server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) a zmeniť to môžete v nastaveniach.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Server totožností sa použije na pozývanie používateľov zadaním emailovej adresy. Spravujte v nastaveniach.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call.": "%(senderName)s uskutočnil telefonát.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s uskutočnil telefonát. (Nepodporované týmto prehliadačom)",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s uskutočnil video hovor.",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s uskutočnil video hovor. (Nepodporované týmto prehliadačom)",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning users matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s odstránil pravidlo zákazu vstúpiť používateľom zhodujúcich sa s %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s odstránil pravidlo zákaz vstúpiť do miestností zhodujúcich sa s %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning servers matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s odstránil pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť z domovského servera zhodnými s %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed a ban rule matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s odstránil pravidlo zákazu vstupu zhodné s %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s updated an invalid ban rule": "%(senderName)s aktualizoval neplatné pravidlo zákazu vstúpiť",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning users matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s aktualizoval pravidlo zákazu vstúpiť používateľom zhodujúcim sa s %(glob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s aktualizoval pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť do miestností shodujúcich sa s %(glob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning servers matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s aktualizoval pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť z domovských serverov zhodujúcich sa s %(glob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s aktualizoval pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť zhodujúce sa s %(glob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning users matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s vytvoril pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť používateľom zhodujúcim sa s %(glob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s vytvoril pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť do miestností zhodujúcich sa s %(glob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning servers matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s vytvoril pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť z domovských serverov zhodujúcich sa s %(glob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a ban rule matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s vytvoril pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť zhodujúce sa s %(glob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning users matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s zmenil pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť používateľom pôvodne zhodujúcich sa s %(oldGlob)s na používateľov zhodujúcich sa s %(newGlob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning rooms matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s zmenil pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť do miestností pôvodne zhodujúcich sa s %(oldGlob)s na miestnosti zhodujúce sa s %(newGlob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning servers matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s zmenil pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť z domovských serverov pôvodne sa zhodujúcich s %(oldGlob)s na servery zhodujúce sa s %(newGlob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule that was matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s aktualizoval pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť pôvodne sa zhodujúce s %(oldGlob)s na %(newGlob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s",
"%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)",
"Multiple integration managers": "Viacej integračných serverov",
"Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Vyskúšajte si nový spôsob ignorovania používateľov (experiment)",
"Send verification requests in direct message, including a new verification UX in the member panel.": "Požiadavky na overenie používateľov posielať v priamych konverzáciách, zahŕňa tiež nové rozhranie overenia v zozname používateľov.",
"Enable cross-signing to verify per-user instead of per-device (in development)": "Povoliť podpisovanie naprieč zariadeniami, umožňuje overovanie používateľov namiesto ich zariadení (vo vývoji)",
"Enable local event indexing and E2EE search (requires restart)": "Povoliť lokálne indexovanie udalostí a vyhľadávanie v šifrovaných miestnostiach",
"Use the new, faster, composer for writing messages": "Používať nový, rýchly, editor pri písaní správ",
"Match system theme": "Prispôsobiť sa vzhľadu systému",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Odosielať potvrdenia o prečítaní správ (na zakázanie je vyžadovaný kompatibilný domovský server)",
"Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Zobrazovať ukážky/náhľady obrázkov",
"My Ban List": "Môj zoznam zakázať vstúpiť",
"Decline (%(counter)s)": "Zamietnuť (%(counter)s)",
"The message you are trying to send is too large.": "Správa, ktorú sa usilujete odoslať, je príliš veľká.",
"This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Toto je zoznam používateľov / serverov, ktorých ste zablokovali - neopúšťajte miestnosť!",
"Upload": "Nahrať",
"Cross-signing and secret storage are enabled.": "Podpisovanie naprieč zariadeniami a bezpečné úložisko sú aktívne.",
"Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this device.": "Na bezpečnom úložisku vo vašom účte máte uloženú totožnosť podpisovania naprieč zariadeniami, ale v tomto zariadení zatiaľ tejto totožnosti nedôverujete.",
"Cross-signing and secret storage are not yet set up.": "Podpisovanie naprieč zariadeniami a bezpečné úložisko zatiaľ nie sú nastavené.",
"Bootstrap cross-signing and secret storage": "Zaviesť podpisovanie naprieč zariadeniami a bezpečné úložisko",
"Cross-signing public keys:": "Verejné kľúče podpisovania naprieč zariadeniami:",
"on device": "na zariadení",
"not found": "nenájdené",
"Cross-signing private keys:": "Súkromné kľúče podpisovania naprieč zariadeniami:",
"in secret storage": "na bezpečnom úložisku",
"Secret storage public key:": "Verejný kľúč bezpečného úložiska:",
"in account data": "v údajoch účtu",
"Connecting to integration manager...": "Pripájanie k integračnému serveru…",
"Cannot connect to integration manager": "Nie je možné sa pripojiť k integračnému serveru",
"The integration manager is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Integračný server je offline, alebo nemôže pristupovať k domovskému serveru.",
"not stored": "neuložené",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this user": "Záloha je podpísaná <validity>platným</validity> kľúčom od tohoto používateľa",
"Backup has a <validity>invalid</validity> signature from this user": "Záloha je podpísaná <validity>neplatným</validity> kľúčom od tohoto používateľa",
"Backup has a signature from <verify>unknown</verify> user with ID %(deviceId)s": "Podpis zálohy pochádza od <verify>neznámeho</verify> používateľa ID %(deviceId)s",
"Backup has a signature from <verify>unknown</verify> device with ID %(deviceId)s": "Podpis zálohy pochádza z <verify>neznámeho</verify> zariadenia ID %(deviceId)s",
"Backup key stored in secret storage, but this feature is not enabled on this device. Please enable cross-signing in Labs to modify key backup state.": "Záloha kľúčov je uložená na bezpečnom úložisku, ale funkcia podpisovanie naprieč zariadeniami nie je na tomto zariadení aktívna. Ak chcete zmeniť stav zálohy kľúčov, zapnite podpisovanie naprieč zariadeniami v časti experimenty.",
"Backup key stored: ": "Záloha kľúčov uložená: ",
"Start using Key Backup with Secure Secret Storage": "Začnite používať zálohu kľúčov na bezpečnom úložisku",
"Clear notifications": "Vymazať oznámenia",
"Change identity server": "Zmeniť server totožností",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Naozaj si želáte odpojiť od servera totožností <current /> a pripojiť sa namiesto toho k serveru <new />?",
"Disconnect identity server": "Odpojiť server totožností",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Naozaj sa chcete odpojiť od servera totožností <idserver />?",
"Disconnect": "Odpojiť",
"You should <b>remove your personal data</b> from identity server <idserver /> before disconnecting. Unfortunately, identity server <idserver /> is currently offline or cannot be reached.": "Pred odpojením zo servera totožností <idserver /> by ste mali z neho <b>odstrániť vaše osobné údaje</b>. Žiaľ, server <idserver /> momentálne nie je dostupný a nie je možné sa k nemu pripojiť.",
"You should:": "Mali by ste:",
"check your browser plugins for anything that might block the identity server (such as Privacy Badger)": "Skontrolovať rozšírenia inštalované vo webovom prehliadači, ktoré by mohli blokovať prístup k serveru totožností (napr. rozšírenie Privacy Badger)",
"contact the administrators of identity server <idserver />": "Kontaktovať správcu servera totožností <idserver />",
"wait and try again later": "Počkať a skúsiť znovu neskôr",
"Disconnect anyway": "Napriek tomu sa odpojiť",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "na servery <idserver /> <b>máte stále uložené vaše osobné údaje</b>.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Odporúčame, aby ste ešte pred odpojením sa zo servera totožností odstránili vašu emailovú adresu a telefónne číslo.",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Server totožností (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Momentálne na vyhľadávanie kontaktov a na možnosť byť nájdení kontaktmi ktorých poznáte používate <server></server>. Zmeniť server totožností môžete nižšie.",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Ak nechcete na vyhľadávanie kontaktov a možnosť byť nájdení používať <server />, zadajte adresu servera totožností nižšie.",
"Identity Server": "Server totožností",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Momentálne nepoužívate žiaden server totožností. Ak chcete vyhľadávať kontakty a zároveň umožniť ostatným vašim kontaktom, aby mohli nájsť vás, nastavte si server totožností nižšie.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Ak sa odpojíte od servera totožností, vaše kontakty vás nebudú môcť nájsť a ani vy nebudete môcť pozývať používateľov zadaním emailovej adresy a telefónneho čísla.",
"Using an identity server is optional. If you choose not to use an identity server, you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Používanie servera totožností je voliteľné. Ak sa rozhodnete, že nebudete používať server totožností, nebudú vás vaši známi môcť nájsť a ani vy nebudete môcť pozývať používateľov zadaním emailovej adresy alebo telefónneho čísla.",
"Do not use an identity server": "Nepoužívať server totožností",
"Enter a new identity server": "Zadať nový server totožností",
"Use an Integration Manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Použiť integračný server <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> na správu botov, widgetov a balíčkov s nálepkami.",
"Use an Integration Manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Použiť integračný server na správu botov, widgetov a balíčkov s nálepkami.",
"Manage integrations": "Spravovať integrácie",
"Integration Managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Integračné servery zhromažďujú údaje nastavení, môžu spravovať widgety, odosielať vo vašom mene pozvánky alebo meniť úroveň moci.",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Súhlas s podmienkami používania servera totožností (%(serverName)s), aby ste mohli byť nájdení zadaním emailovej adresy alebo telefónneho čísla.",
"Discovery": "Objaviť",
"Deactivate account": "Deaktivovať účet",
"Clear cache and reload": "Vymazať vyrovnávaciu pamäť a načítať znovu",
"Customise your experience with experimental labs features. <a>Learn more</a>.": "Prispôsobte si zážitok s používania aktivovaním experimentálnych vlastností. <a>Zistiť viac</a>.",
"Ignored/Blocked": "Ignorovaní / Blokovaní",
"Error adding ignored user/server": "Chyba pri pridávaní ignorovaného používateľa / servera",
"Something went wrong. Please try again or view your console for hints.": "Niečo sa nepodarilo. Prosím, skúste znovu neskôr alebo si prečítajte ďalšie usmernenia zobrazením konzoly.",
"Error subscribing to list": "Chyba pri prihlasovaní sa do zoznamu",
"Please verify the room ID or alias and try again.": "Prosím, overte platnosť ID miestnosti alebo alias a skúste znovu.\nPlease verify the room ID or alias and try again.",
"Error removing ignored user/server": "Chyba pri odstraňovaní ignorovaného používateľa / servera"

View file

@ -589,5 +589,154 @@
"The platform you're on": "Bulunduğun platform",
"The version of": "'in sürümü",
"Your language of choice": "Seçtiginiz diliniz",
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": ""
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "",
"Add Email Address": "E-posta Adresi Ekle",
"Add Phone Number": "Telefon Numarası Ekle",
"Your identity server's URL": "Kimlik sunucunuzun linki",
"e.g. %(exampleValue)s": "örn.%(exampleValue)s",
"Every page you use in the app": "uygulamadaki kullandığınız tüm sayfalar",
"e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "örn. <CurrentPageURL>",
"Your User Agent": "Kullanıcı Ajanınız",
"Your device resolution": "Cihazınızın çözünürlüğü",
"Call Failed": "Arama Başarısız",
"Review Devices": "Cihazları Gözden Geçir",
"Call Anyway": "Yinede Ara",
"Answer Anyway": "Yinede Cevapla",
"Call": "Ara",
"Answer": "Cevap",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Hatalı yapılandırılmış sunucu nedeniyle arama başarısız",
"Call in Progress": "Arama Yapılıyor",
"A call is already in progress!": "Zaten bir arama devam etmekte!",
"Permission Required": "İzin Gerekli",
"Replying With Files": "Dosyalarla Cevaplanıyor",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s%(monthName)s%(day)s%(fullYear)s",
"Invite new community members": "Yeni topluluk üyelerini davet et",
"Name or Matrix ID": "İsim yada Matrix ID",
"Invite to Community": "Topluluğa Davet",
"Add rooms to the community": "Topluluğa odalar ekle",
"Add to community": "Topluluğa ekle",
"Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "%(groupId)s grubuna belirtilen kullanıcıların davet işlemi başarısız oldu:",
"Failed to invite users to community": "Kullanıcıların topluluğa daveti başarısız",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Kimlik sunucusu hizmet kurallarına sahip değil",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Sadece sunucunun sahibine güveniyorsanız devam edin.",
"Trust": "Güven",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Yüklenemiyor! Ağ bağlantınızı kontrol edin ve yeniden deneyin.",
"Registration Required": "Kayıt Zorunlu",
"You need to register to do this. Would you like to register now?": "Bunu yapabilmek için kayıt olmalısınız. Şimdi kayıt olmak ister misiniz?",
"Restricted": "Sınırlı",
"Email, name or Matrix ID": "E-posta, isim yada Matrix ID",
"Failed to start chat": "Sohbet başlatma başarısız",
"Failed to invite users to the room:": "Kullanıcıların odaya daveti başarısız oldu:",
"Missing roomId.": "roomId eksik.",
"You are not in this room.": "Bu odada değilsin.",
"You do not have permission to do that in this room.": "Bu odada bunu yapma yetkiniz yok.",
"Messages": "Mesajlar",
"Actions": "Eylemler",
"Other": "Diğer",
"Upgrades a room to a new version": "Odayı yeni bir sürüme yükseltir",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Bu komutu kullanmak için gerekli izinlere sahip değilsin.",
"Error upgrading room": "Oda güncellenirken hata",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Tüm odalardaki avatarlarını değiştirir",
"This room has no topic.": "Bu odanın başlığı yok.",
"Sets the room name": "Oda adını düzenler",
"Use an identity server": "Bir kimlik sunucusu kullan",
"Define the power level of a user": "Bir kullanıcının güç düzeyini tanımla",
"Opens the Developer Tools dialog": "Geliştirici Araçları kutucuğunu açar",
"%(senderDisplayName)s upgraded this room.": "Odayı güncelleyen %(senderDisplayName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s made the room invite only.": "Odayı sadece davetle yapan %(senderDisplayName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has prevented guests from joining the room.": "Odaya misafirlerin girişini engelleyen %(senderDisplayName)s.",
"%(senderName)s removed the main address for this room.": "Bu oda için ana adresi silen %(senderName)s.",
"Light theme": "Açık tema",
"Dark theme": "Koyu tema",
"%(displayName)s is typing …": "%(displayName)s yazıyor…",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …|one": "%(names)s ve bir diğeri yazıyor…",
"%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing …": "%(names)s ve %(lastPerson)s yazıyor…",
"Cannot reach homeserver": "Ana sunucuya erişilemiyor",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Rioutunuz hatalı yapılandırılmış",
"Cannot reach identity server": "Kimlik sunucu erişilemiyor",
"No homeserver URL provided": "Ana sunucu adresi belirtilmemiş",
"Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Ana sunucu yapılandırması çözümlenirken beklenmeyen hata",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Kimlik sunucu yapılandırması çözümlenirken beklenmeyen hata",
"The message you are trying to send is too large.": "Göndermeye çalıştığın mesaj çok büyük.",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit.": "Bu ana sunucu Aylık Aktif Kullanıcı limitine ulaştı.",
"Riot URL": "Riot Linki",
"Room ID": "Oda ID",
"More options": "Daha fazla seçenek",
"Join": "Katıl",
"Yes": "Evet",
"No": "Hayır",
"expand": "genişlet",
"Communities": "Topluluklar",
"Rotate Left": "Sola Döndür",
"Rotate Right": "Sağa Döndür",
"Rotate clockwise": "Saat yönünde döndür",
"%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s": "%(nameList)s%(transitionList)s",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s %(count)s kez katıldı",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s katıldı",
"%(oneUser)sjoined %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s %(count)s kez katıldı",
"%(oneUser)sjoined %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s katıldı",
"%(severalUsers)sleft %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s kullanıcı ayrıldı",
"%(oneUser)sleft %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s ayrıldı",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined and left %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s katıldı ve ayrıldı",
"%(oneUser)sjoined and left %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s katıldı ve ayrıldı",
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s ayrıldı ve yeniden katıldı",
"were invited %(count)s times|other": "%(count)s kez davet edildi",
"were invited %(count)s times|one": "davet edildi",
"was invited %(count)s times|other": "%(count)s kez davet edildi",
"was invited %(count)s times|one": "davet edildi",
"were kicked %(count)s times|other": "%(count)s kez atıldı",
"were kicked %(count)s times|one": "atıldı",
"was kicked %(count)s times|other": "%(count)s kez atıldı",
"was kicked %(count)s times|one": "atıldı",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their name %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s isimlerini değiştrtiler",
"%(oneUser)schanged their name %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s ismini değiştirdi",
"Power level": "Güç düzeyi",
"e.g. my-room": "örn. odam",
"Some characters not allowed": "Bazı karakterlere izin verilmiyor",
"Matrix ID": "Matrix ID",
"Matrix Room ID": "Matrix Oda ID",
"email address": "e-posta adresi",
"That doesn't look like a valid email address": "Geçerli bir e-posta adresi gibi gözükmüyor",
"You have entered an invalid address.": "Geçersiz bir adres girdiniz.",
"Invite anyway and never warn me again": "Yinede davet et ve asla beni uyarma",
"Invite anyway": "Yinede davet et",
"Close dialog": "Kutucuğu kapat",
"Preparing to send logs": "Loglar gönderilmek için hazırlanıyor",
"Logs sent": "Loglar gönderiliyor",
"Thank you!": "Teşekkürler!",
"Failed to send logs: ": "Loglarıb gönderilmesi başarısız: ",
"GitHub issue": "GitHub sorunu",
"Notes": "Notlar",
"Removing…": "Siliniyor…",
"Clear all data on this device?": "Bu cihazdaki bütün verileri sil?",
"Clear all data": "Bütün verileri sil",
"Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Topluluk ID leri boş bırakılamaz.",
"Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Topluluğunuz oluşturulurken bir şeyler yanlış gitti",
"Create Community": "Topluluk Oluştur",
"Community Name": "Topluluk Adı",
"Example": "Örnek",
"Community ID": "Topluluk ID",
"example": "örnek",
"Create": "Oluştur",
"Please enter a name for the room": "Lütfen oda için bir ad girin",
"This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.": "Bu oda özel, sadece davet ile katılınabilir.",
"Create a private room": "Özel bir oda oluştur",
"Hide advanced": "Gelişmiş gizle",
"Show advanced": "Gelişmiş göster",
"Incompatible Database": "Uyumsuz Veritabanı",
"To continue, please enter your password:": "Devam etmek için lütfen şifrenizi giriniz:",
"Begin Verifying": "Doğrulamaya Başla",
"Use two-way text verification": "İki yönlü metin doğrulama kullan",
"Back": "Geri",
"You must specify an event type!": "Bir olay tipi seçmek zorundasınız!",
"Event sent!": "Olay gönderildi!",
"Event Type": "Olay Tipi",
"State Key": "Durum Anahtarı",
"Event Content": "Olay İçeriği",
"Send Account Data": "Hesap Verisi Gönder",
"Filter results": "Sonuçları filtrele",
"View Servers in Room": "Odadaki Sunucuları Gör",
"Toolbox": "Araç Kutusu",
"Developer Tools": "Geliştirici Araçları",
"Integrations are disabled": "Bütünleştirmeler kapatılmış"

View file

@ -2008,5 +2008,15 @@
"Secure your encrypted messages with a passphrase": "使用密碼保護您的加密訊息",
"Storing secrets...": "正在儲存秘密……",
"Unable to set up secret storage": "無法設定秘密儲存空間",
"Close preview": "關閉預覽"
"Close preview": "關閉預覽",
"This user has not verified all of their devices.": "這個使用者尚未驗證所有裝置。",
"You have not verified this user. This user has verified all of their devices.": "您尚未驗證此使用者。此使用者已驗證所有裝置。",
"You have verified this user. This user has verified all of their devices.": "您已驗證此使用者。此使用者已驗證所有裝置。",
"Some users in this encrypted room are not verified by you or they have not verified their own devices.": "在此已加密的聊天室中的某些使用者尚未被您驗證,或是他們尚未驗證他們的裝置。",
"All users in this encrypted room are verified by you and they have verified their own devices.": "在此已加密的聊天室中的所有使用者已被您驗證,他們也已驗證所有裝置。",
"Language Dropdown": "語言下拉式選單",
"Country Dropdown": "國家下拉式選單",
"The message you are trying to send is too large.": "您正試圖傳送的訊息太大了。",
"Secret Storage will be set up using your existing key backup details.Your secret storage passphrase and recovery key will be the same as they were for your key backup": "秘密儲存空間將使用你既有的金鑰備份資訊來設定。您的秘密儲存空間密碼與復原金鑰會與您的金鑰備份相同",
"Migrate from Key Backup": "從金鑰備份導入"