Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.

This commit is contained in:
Weblate 2020-07-20 14:19:37 +00:00
commit 44461479fc
22 changed files with 1995 additions and 125 deletions

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@ -60,5 +60,310 @@
"powered by Matrix": "مشغل بواسطة Matrix",
"The platform you're on": "المنصة الحالية",
"Your language of choice": "اللغة المختارة",
"e.g. %(exampleValue)s": "مثال %(exampleValue)s"
"e.g. %(exampleValue)s": "مثال %(exampleValue)s",
"Use Single Sign On to continue": "استخدم تسجيل الدخول الموحد للاستمرار",
"Confirm adding this email address by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "اكد اضافة بريدك الالكتروني عن طريق الدخول الموحد (SSO) لتثبت هويتك.",
"Single Sign On": "تسجيل الدخول الموحد",
"Confirm adding email": "تأكيد اضافة بريدك الالكتروني",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this email address.": "انقر على الزر ادناه لتأكد اضافة هذا البريد الالكتروني.",
"Confirm": "تأكيد",
"Add Email Address": "اضافة بريد الكتروني",
"Confirm adding this phone number by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "قم بتأكيد اضافة رقم الهاتف هذا باستخدام تقنية الدخول الموحد لتثبت هويتك.",
"Confirm adding phone number": "قم بتأكيد اضافة رقم الهاتف",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this phone number.": "انقر الزر ادناه لتأكيد اضافة رقم الهاتف.",
"Add Phone Number": "اضافة رقم هاتف",
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "التي تقدم البيئة التي تستخدمها بشكل رسمي، اذا كان هناك",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s on a device where touch is the primary input mechanism": "عندما تستخدم %(brand)s على جهاز تكون شاشة اللمس هي طريقة الادخال الرئيسية",
"Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "اذا كنت تستخدم او لا تستخدم ميزة 'breadcrumbs' (الافاتار فوق قائمة الغرف)",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s as an installed Progressive Web App": "اذا كنت تستخدم %(brand)s كتطبيق ويب",
"Your user agent": "وكيل المستخدم الخاص بك",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "غير قادر على التحميل! قم فحص اتصالك الشبكي وحاول مرة اخرى.",
"Call Timeout": "مهلة الاتصال",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "فشل الاتصال بسبب إعداد السيرفر بشكل خاطئ",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "يرجى مطالبة مسئول سيرفرك (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) بإعداد سيرفر TURN لكي تعمل المكالمات بشكل صحيح.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code></code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "بدلاً من ذلك، يمكنك محاولة استخدام السيرفر العام على <code></code>، ولكن هذا لن يكون موثوقًا به، وسيشارك عنوان IP الخاص بك مع هذا السيرفر. يمكنك أيضًا تعديل ذلك في الإعدادات.",
"Try using": "جرب استخدام",
"OK": "حسنا",
"Unable to capture screen": "غير قادر على التقاط الشاشة",
"Call Failed": "فل الاتصال",
"You are already in a call.": "أنت بالفعل في مكالمة.",
"VoIP is unsupported": "تقنية VoIP غير مدعومة",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "لايمكنك اجراء مكالمات VoIP عبر هذا المتصفح.",
"A call is currently being placed!": "يتم حاليًا إجراء مكالمة!",
"A call is already in progress!": "المكالمة جارية بالفعل!",
"Permission Required": "مطلوب صلاحية",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "ليس لديك صلاحية لبدء مكالمة جماعية في هذه الغرفة",
"Replying With Files": "الرد مع الملفات",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "في الوقت الحالي ، لا يمكن الرد مع ملف. هل تريد تحميل هذا الملف بدون رد؟",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "فشل في رفع الملف '%(fileName)s'.",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "إن حجم الملف '%(fileName)s' يتجاوز الحد المسموح به للرفع في السيرفر",
"Upload Failed": "فشل الرفع",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.": "قد يكون السيرفر غير متوفر، او محملا بشكل زائد او انك طلبت ميزة بها مشكلة.",
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "السيرفر لا يدعم إصدار الغرفة المحدد.",
"Failure to create room": "فشل في انشاء الغرفة",
"Cancel entering passphrase?": "هل تريد إلغاء إدخال عبارة المرور؟",
"Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء إدخال عبارة المرور؟",
"Go Back": "الرجوع للخلف",
"Setting up keys": "إعداد المفاتيح",
"Sun": "احد",
"Mon": "اثنين",
"Tue": "ثلاثاء",
"Wed": "اربعاء",
"Thu": "خميس",
"Fri": "جمعة",
"Sat": "سبت",
"Jan": "يناير",
"Feb": "فبراير",
"Mar": "مارس",
"Apr": "ابريل",
"May": "مايو",
"Jun": "يونيو",
"Jul": "يوليو",
"Aug": "اغسطس",
"Sep": "سبتمبر",
"Oct": "اكتوبر",
"Nov": "نوفمبر",
"Dec": "ديسمبر",
"PM": "مساء",
"AM": "صباحا",
"%(weekDayName)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s",
"Who would you like to add to this community?": "هل ترغب في اضافة هذا المجتمع؟",
"Warning: any person you add to a community will be publicly visible to anyone who knows the community ID": "تحذير: أي شخص تضيفه إلى مجتمع سيكون مرئيًا للعامة لأي شخص يعرف معرف المجتمع",
"Invite new community members": "دعوى اعضاء جدد للمجتمع",
"Name or Matrix ID": "الاسم او معرف Matrix",
"Invite to Community": "دعوة الى المجتمع",
"Which rooms would you like to add to this community?": "ما هي الغرف التي ترغب في إضافتها إلى هذا المجتمع؟",
"Show these rooms to non-members on the community page and room list?": "هل تريد إظهار هذه الغرف لغير الأعضاء في صفحة المجتمع وقائمة الغرف؟",
"Add rooms to the community": "اضافة غرف الى المجتمع",
"Room name or address": "اسم او عنوان الغرفة",
"Add to community": "اضافة لمجتمع",
"Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "فشل في اضافة المستخدمين التاليين الى %(groupId)s:",
"Failed to invite users to community": "فشل دعوة المستخدمين إلى المجتمع",
"Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s": "فشل في دعوة المستخدمين الى %(groupId)s",
"Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:": "فشل في اضافة الغرف التالية الى %(groupId)s:",
"Unnamed Room": "غرفة بدون اسم",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "سيرفر الهوية ليس لديه شروط للخدمة",
"This action requires accessing the default identity server <server /> to validate an email address or phone number, but the server does not have any terms of service.": "هذا الحدث يتطلب الوصول الى السيرفر الافتراضي للهوية <server /> للتحقق من البريد الالكتروني او رقم الهاتف، ولكن هذا السيرفر ليس لديه اي شروط للخدمة.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "لا تستمر إلا إذا كنت تثق في مالك السيرفر.",
"Trust": "ثِق",
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s يطلب التحقق",
"%(brand)s does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "%(brand)s ليس لديه الصلاحية لارسال التنبيهات - يرجى فحص اعدادات متصفحك",
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "لم تعطى الصلاحية ل %(brand)s لارسال التنبيهات - يرجى المحاولة ثانية",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "غير قادر على تفعيل التنبيهات",
"This email address was not found": "لم يتم العثور على البريد الالكتروني هذا",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "يبدو ان بريدك الالكتروني غير مرتبط بمعرف Matrix على هذا السيرفر.",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "استخدم حسابك للدخول الى الاصدار الاخير",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "نحن سعيدون باعلان ان Riot اصبح الان Element",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot اصبح الان Element!",
"Learn More": "تعلم المزيد",
"Sign In or Create Account": "قم بتسجيل الدخول او انشاء حساب جديد",
"Use your account or create a new one to continue.": "استخدم حسابك او قم بانشاء حساب اخر للاستمرار.",
"Create Account": "انشاء حساب",
"Sign In": "الدخول",
"Default": "افتراضي",
"Restricted": "مقيد",
"Moderator": "مشرف",
"Admin": "مدير",
"Custom (%(level)s)": "(%(level)s) مخصص",
"Failed to invite": "فشل في الدعوة",
"Operation failed": "فشلت العملية",
"Failed to invite users to the room:": "فشل في دعوة المستخدمين للغرفة:",
"Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "فشل في دعوة المستخدمين التالية اسمائهم الى الغرفة %(roomName)s:",
"You need to be logged in.": "تحتاج إلى تسجيل الدخول.",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "يجب أن تكون قادرًا على دعوة المستخدمين للقيام بذلك.",
"Unable to create widget.": "غير قادر على إنشاء Widget.",
"Missing roomId.": "معرف الغرفة مفقود.",
"Failed to send request.": "فشل في ارسال الطلب.",
"This room is not recognised.": "لم يتم التعرف على هذه الغرفة.",
"Power level must be positive integer.": "يجب أن يكون مستوى الطاقة عددًا صحيحًا موجبًا.",
"You are not in this room.": "أنت لست في هذه الغرفة.",
"You do not have permission to do that in this room.": "ليس لديك صلاحية للقيام بذلك في هذه الغرفة.",
"Missing room_id in request": "رقم الغرفة مفقود في الطلب",
"Room %(roomId)s not visible": "الغرفة %(roomId)s غير مرئية",
"Missing user_id in request": "رقم المستخدم مفقود في الطلب",
"Messages": "الرسائل",
"Actions": "الإجراءات",
"Advanced": "متقدم",
"Other": "أخرى",
"Command error": "خطأ في الأمر",
"Usage": "الاستخدام",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "ادخل احد الرموز ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ قبل نص الرسالة",
"Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "ارسال رسالة كنص، دون تفسيرها على انها معلمات",
"Sends a message as html, without interpreting it as markdown": "ارسال رسالة بشكل HTML، دون تفسيرها على انها معلمات",
"Searches DuckDuckGo for results": "البحث في DuckDuckGo للحصول على نتائج",
"/ddg is not a command": "/ddg ليس امر",
"To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.": "لاستخدامها، فقط انتظر حتى يكتمل تحميل النتائج والمرور عليها.",
"Upgrades a room to a new version": "ترقية الغرفة الى الاصدار الجديد",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "ليس لديك الأذونات المطلوبة لاستخدام هذا الأمر.",
"Error upgrading room": "خطأ في ترقية الغرفة",
"Double check that your server supports the room version chosen and try again.": "تحقق مرة أخرى من أن سيرفرك يدعم إصدار الغرفة المختار وحاول مرة أخرى.",
"Changes your display nickname": "يغير لقب العرض الخاص بك",
"Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "يغير لقب العرض الخاص بك في الغرفة الحالية فقط",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "يغير الصورة الرمزية للغرفة الحالية",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "تغيير الصورة الرمزية الخاصة بك في هذه الغرفة الحالية فقط",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "يغير صورتك الرمزية في جميع الغرف",
"Gets or sets the room topic": "الحصول على أو تحديد موضوع الغرفة",
"Failed to set topic": "فشل في تحديد الموضوع",
"This room has no topic.": "هذه الغرفة ليس لها موضوع.",
"Sets the room name": "يضبط اسم الغرفة",
"Invites user with given id to current room": "يدعو المستخدم حسب المعرّف المعطى إلى الغرفة الحالية",
"Use an identity server": "خادوم التعريف",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "استخدم سيرفر للهوية للدعوة عبر البريد الالكتروني. انقر على استمرار لاستخدام سيرفر الهوية الافتراضي (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) او قم بضبط الاعدادات.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "استخدم سيرفر الهوية للدعوة عبر البريد الالكتروني. ضبط الاعدادات.",
"Joins room with given address": "الانضمام الى الغرفة بحسب العنوان المعطى",
"Leave room": "اترك الغرفة",
"Unrecognised room address:": "عنوان الغرفة غير معروف:",
"Kicks user with given id": "يطرد المستخدم حسب المعرّف المعطى",
"Bans user with given id": "يحظر المستخدم حسب المعرّف المعطى",
"Unbans user with given ID": "يُلغي الحظر عن المستخدم حسب المعرّف المعطى",
"Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you": "يتجاهل المستخدم، ويخفي رسائله عنك",
"Ignored user": "مستخدم متجاهل",
"You are now ignoring %(userId)s": "انت تقوم الان بتجاهل %(userId)s",
"Stops ignoring a user, showing their messages going forward": "يوقف تجاهل المستخدم ويظهر رسائله من الان فصاعدا",
"Unignored user": "المستخدم غير متجاهل",
"You are no longer ignoring %(userId)s": "انت لم تعد متجاهلا للمستخدم %(userId)s",
"Define the power level of a user": "قم بتعريف مستوى الطاقة للمستخدم",
"Command failed": "فشل الامر",
"Could not find user in room": "لم يستطع ايجاد مستخدم في غرفة",
"Deops user with given id": "يُلغي إدارية المستخدم حسب المعرّف المعطى",
"Opens the Developer Tools dialog": "يفتح نافذة ادوات المطور",
"Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "يضيف Widget خاص عبر URL الى الغرفة",
"Please supply a widget URL or embed code": "رجاء قم بتحديد Widget URL او قم بتضمين كود",
"Please supply a https:// or http:// widget URL": "يرجى ادخال a https:// او http:// widget URL",
"You cannot modify widgets in this room.": "لا يمكنك تعديل الحاجيات في هذه الغرفة.",
"Verifies a user, session, and pubkey tuple": "يتحقق من العناصر: المستخدم والجلسة والمفتاح العام",
"Unknown (user, session) pair:": "زوج (المستخدم، الجلسة)غير معروف:",
"Session already verified!": "تم التحقق من الجلسة بالفعل!",
"WARNING: Session already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "تحذير: تم التحقق من الجلسة بالفعل ، ولكن لا تتطابق المفاتيح!",
"WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and session %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "تحذير: فشل التحقق من المفتاح! مفتاح التوقيع للمستخدم %(userId)s و الجلسة %(deviceId)s هو \"%(fprint)s\" والتي لا تتوافق مع المفتاح \"%(fingerprint)s\" المعطى. هذا يعني ان اتصالك اصبح مكشوف!",
"Verified key": "مفتاح مؤكد",
"The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's session %(deviceId)s. Session marked as verified.": "مفتاح التوقيع الذي اعطيته يتوافق مع مفتاح التوقيع الذي استلمته من جلسة المستخدم %(userId)s رقم %(deviceId)s. تم تحديد الجلسة على انها مؤكدة.",
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "يفرض تجاهل جلسة المجموعة الصادرة الحالية في غرفة مشفرة",
"Sends the given message coloured as a rainbow": "يرسل رسالة معينة ملونة مثل قوس قزح",
"Sends the given emote coloured as a rainbow": "يرسل الرمز المعطى باللون كقوس قزح",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "يعرض قائمة الأوامر مع الوصف وطرق الاستخدام",
"Displays information about a user": "يعرض معلومات عن المستخدم",
"Send a bug report with logs": "إرسال تقرير خطأ يحتوي على سجلات الاحداث",
"Logs sent": "تم ارسال سجل الاحداث",
"Opens chat with the given user": "يفتح دردشة من المستخدم المعطى",
"Sends a message to the given user": "يرسل رسالة الى المستخدم المعطى",
"Displays action": "يعرض إجراءً",
"Reason": "السبب",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s.": "%(targetName)s قبل دعوة %(displayName)s.",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation.": "%(targetName)s قبل الدعوة.",
"%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s طلب مكالمة VoIP جماعية.",
"%(senderName)s invited %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s دعا %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s حظر %(targetName)s.",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s غير اسم العرض الخاص به الى %(displayName)s.",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(senderName)s حدد اسم العرض:%(displayName)s.",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s).": "%(senderName)s ازال اسم العرض (%(oldDisplayName)s).",
"%(senderName)s removed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s ازال صورة البروفايل الخاصة به.",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s غير صورة البروفايل الخاصة به.",
"%(senderName)s set a profile picture.": "%(senderName)s غير صورة البروفايل الخاصة به.",
"%(senderName)s made no change.": "%(senderName)s لم يقم باية تعديلات.",
"VoIP conference started.": "بدأ اجتماع VoIP.",
"%(targetName)s joined the room.": "%(targetName)s انضم الى الغرفة.",
"VoIP conference finished.": "انتهى اجتماع VoIP.",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.": "%(targetName)s رفض الدعوة.",
"%(targetName)s left the room.": "%(targetName)s غادر الغرفة.",
"%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s الغى الحظر على %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.": "%(senderName)s سحب دعوة %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s طرد %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s غير الموضوع الى \"%(topic)s\".",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ازال اسم الغرفة.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name from %(oldRoomName)s to %(newRoomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s غير اسم الغرفة من %(oldRoomName)s الى %(newRoomName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s غير اسم الغرفة الى %(roomName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s upgraded this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s قام بترقية هذه الغرفة.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s made the room public to whoever knows the link.": "%(senderDisplayName)s قام بجعل هذة الغرفة عامة لكل شخص يعرف الرابط.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s made the room invite only.": "%(senderDisplayName)s جعل ممكنه لكل من لديه دعوة فقط.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the join rule to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s قام بتغيير قاعدة الانضمام الى %(rule)s",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has allowed guests to join the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s قام بالسماح للضيوف بالانضمام الى الغرفة.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has prevented guests from joining the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s قام بإيقاف امكانية انضمام الضيوف الى الغرفة.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed guest access to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s غير طريقة دخول الضيوف الى %(rule)s",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s قام بتفعيل الذوق لمجموعة %(groups)s في هذه الغرفة.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s disabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s قام بإيقاف الذوق لمجموعة %(groups)s في هذه الغرفة.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(newGroups)s and disabled flair for %(oldGroups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s قام بتفعيل الذوق لمجموعة %(newGroups)s و إيقاف الذوق للمجموعة %(oldGroups)s في هذه الغرفة.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "قام %(senderDisplayName)s بإرسال صورة.",
"%(senderName)s set the main address for this room to %(address)s.": "قام %(senderName)s بتعديل العنوان الرئيسي لهذه الغرفة الى %(address)s.",
"%(senderName)s removed the main address for this room.": "قام %(senderName)s بإزالة العنوان الرئيسي لهذه الغرفة.",
"%(senderName)s added the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|other": "قام %(senderName)s بإضافة العناوين البديلة %(addresses)s لهذه الغرفة.",
"%(senderName)s added the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|one": "قام %(senderName)s بإضافة العنوان البديل %(addresses)s لهذه الغرفة.",
"%(senderName)s removed the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|other": "قام %(senderName)s بإزالة العناوين البديلة %(addresses)s لهذه الغرفة.",
"%(senderName)s removed the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|one": "قام %(senderName)s بإزالة العنوان البديل %(addresses)s لهذه الغرفة.",
"%(senderName)s changed the alternative addresses for this room.": "قام %(senderName)s بتعديل العناوين البديلة لهذه الغرفة.",
"%(senderName)s changed the main and alternative addresses for this room.": "قام %(senderName)s بتعديل العناوين الرئيسية و البديلة لهذه الغرفة.",
"%(senderName)s changed the addresses for this room.": "قام %(senderName)s بتعديل عناوين هذه الغرفة.",
"Someone": "شخص ما",
"(not supported by this browser)": "(غير مدعوم في هذا المتصفح)",
"%(senderName)s answered the call.": "%(senderName)s رد على المكالمة.",
"(could not connect media)": "(غير قادر على الاتصال بالوسيط)",
"(no answer)": "(لايوجد رد)",
"(unknown failure: %(reason)s)": "(فشل غير معروف:%(reason)s)",
"%(senderName)s ended the call.": "%(senderName)s انهى المكالمة.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call.": "أجرى %(senderName)s مكالمة صوتية.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "أجرى %(senderName)s مكالمة صوتية. (غير متوافقة مع هذا المتصفح)",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "أجرى %(senderName)s مكالمة فيديو.",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call. (not supported by this browser)": "أجرى %(senderName)s مكالمة فيديو. (غير متوافقة مع هذا المتصفح)",
"%(senderName)s revoked the invitation for %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "قام %(senderName)s بسحب الدعوة الى %(targetDisplayName)s بالانضمام الى الغرفة.",
"%(senderName)s sent an invitation to %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "أرسل %(senderName)s دعوة الى %(targetDisplayName)s للانضمام الى الغرفة.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they are invited.": "قام %(senderName)s بتعديل رؤية المحادثات السابقة ممكنة لكل الاعضاء من تاريخ دعوتهم بالانضمام.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined.": "قام %(senderName)s بتعديل رؤية المحادثات السابقة ممكنة لكل الاعضاء من لحظة انضمامهم.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members.": "قام %(senderName)s بتعديل رؤية المحادثات السابقة ممكنة لكل الاعضاء.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to anyone.": "قام %(senderName)s بتعديل رؤية المحادثات السابقة ممكنة لأي شخص.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to unknown (%(visibility)s).": "قام %(senderName)s بجعل المحادثات السابقة مرئية لمجهول (%(visibility)s).",
"%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s من %(fromPowerLevel)s الى %(toPowerLevel)s",
"%(senderName)s changed the power level of %(powerLevelDiffText)s.": "غير %(senderName)s مستوى الطاقة الخاصة ب %(powerLevelDiffText)s.",
"%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "عدل %(senderName)s الرسائل المثبتة للغرفة.",
"%(widgetName)s widget modified by %(senderName)s": "الودجت %(widgetName)s تعدلت بواسطة %(senderName)s",
"%(widgetName)s widget added by %(senderName)s": "الودجت %(widgetName)s اضيفت بواسطة %(senderName)s",
"%(widgetName)s widget removed by %(senderName)s": "الودجت %(widgetName)s حذفت بواسطة %(senderName)s",
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "سواءً كنت مسجلا دخولك أم لا (لا نحتفظ باسم المستخدم)",
"Every page you use in the app": "كل صفحة تستخدمها في التطبيق",
"e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "مثلا <رابط الصفحة الحالية>",
"Your device resolution": "دقة شاشة جهازك",
"Where this page includes identifiable information, such as a room, user or group ID, that data is removed before being sent to the server.": "على الرغم من كون هذه الصفحة تحوي معلومات تمكن تحديد الهوية، مثل معرف الغرفة والمستخدم والمجموعة، فهذه البيانات يتم حذفها قبل أن ترسل للسيرفر.",
"The remote side failed to pick up": "الطرف الآخر لم يتمكن من الرد",
"Existing Call": "مكالمة موجودة",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "لا يمكنك الاتصال بنفسك.",
"Call in Progress": "المكالمة قيد التحضير",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "يرجى تثبيت <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning users matching %(glob)s": "%(اسم المرسل)S إزالة القاعدة التي تحظر المستخدمين المتطابقين %(عام)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s": "%(اسم المرسل)s إزالة القاعدة التي تحظر الغرف المتطابقة %(عام)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning servers matching %(glob)s": "%(اسم المرسل)s إزالة القاعدة التي تحظر الغرف المتطابقة %(عام)s",
"%(senderName)s removed a ban rule matching %(glob)s": "%(اسم المرسل)s إزالة قاعدة الحظر المتطابقة %(عام)s",
"%(senderName)s updated an invalid ban rule": "%(اسم المرسل)s قاعدة حظر محدثة غير صالحة",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning users matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s قاعدة حظر المستخدمين المتطابقين محدثة %(glob)s من أجل %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s قاعدة حظر مطابقة محدثة %(glob)s من أجل %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s قاعدة حظر غرف مطابقة منشأة %(glob)s من أجل %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning servers matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s قاعدة حظر سيرفرات مظابقة منشأة %(glob)s من أجل %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a ban rule matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s قاعدة حظر مطابق منشأة %(glob)s من أجل %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning users matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s قاعدة متغيرة التي تحظر المستخدمين المطابقين %(oldGlob)s من أجل تطابق %(newGlob)s من أجل %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning rooms matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s قاعدة متغيرة التي تحظر الغرف المطابقة %(oldGlob)s من أجل مطابقة %(newGlob)s من أجل %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning servers matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s قاعدة متغيرة التي تحظر سيرفرات مطابقة %(oldGlob)s من أجل مطابقة %(newGlob)s من أجل %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule that was matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s قاعدة حظر محدثة التي طابقت %(oldGlob)s لتطابق %(newGlob)s من أجل %(reason)s",
"Light": "ضوء",
"Dark": "مظلم",
"You signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "قمت بتسجيل الدخول لجلسة جديدة من غير التحقق منها",
"Verify your other session using one of the options below.": "تحقق من جلستك الأخرى باستخدام أحد الخيارات في الأسفل",
"%(name)s (%(userId)s) signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "%(name)s%(userId)s تم تسجيل الدخول لجلسة جديدة من غير التحقق منها",
"Ask this user to verify their session, or manually verify it below.": "اطلب من هذا المستخدم التحقق من جلسته أو تحقق منها بشكل يدوي في الأسفل",
"Not Trusted": "غير موثوقة",
"Manually Verify by Text": "التحقق بشكل يدوي عبر نص",
"Interactively verify by Emoji": "التحقق بشكل تفاعلي عبر صور إيموجي",
"Done": "تم",
"%(displayName)s is typing …": "%(displayName)s يكتب",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …|other": "%(names)s و %(count)s آخرين يكتبون",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …|one": "%(names)s و آخر يكتب",
"%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing …": "%(names)s و %(lastPerson)s يكتبون",
"Cannot reach homeserver": "لا يمكن الوصول إلى السيرفر",
"Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "تأكد من أنك تملك اتصال بالانترنت مستقر أو تواصل مع مدير السيرفر",
"Your %(brand)s is misconfigured": "%(brand)s لديك غير مهيأ",
"Ask your %(brand)s admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "اطلب من %(brand)s مديرك لفحص <a> إعدادك </a> من أجل مدخلات مكررة أو خاطئة",
"Cannot reach identity server": "لا يمكن الوصول لهوية السيرفر",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "يمكنك التسجيل , لكن بعض الميزات ستكون غير متوفرة حتى يتم التعرف على هوية السيرفر بشكل متصل . إن كنت ما تزال ترى هذا التحذير , تأكد من إعداداتك أو تواصل مع مدير السيرفر",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "يمكنك إعادة ضبط كلمة السر لكن بعض الميزات ستكون غير متوفرة حتى عودة السيرفر للإنترنت . إذا كنت لا تزال ترى هذا التحذير تأكد من إعداداتك أو تواصل مع مدير السيرفر",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "ادرك المخاطر وارغب في الاستمرار"

View file

@ -2267,5 +2267,43 @@
"Leave Room": "Напусни стаята",
"Room options": "Настройки на стаята",
"Use Recovery Key or Passphrase": "Използвай ключ за възстановяване или парола",
"Use Recovery Key": "Използвай ключ за възстановяване"
"Use Recovery Key": "Използвай ключ за възстановяване",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "Използвайте профила си за да влезете в последната версия",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "Развълнувани сме да обявим, че Riot вече е Element",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot вече е Element!",
"Learn More": "Научи повече",
"You joined the call": "Присъединихте се към разговор",
"%(senderName)s joined the call": "%(senderName)s се присъедини към разговор",
"Call in progress": "Тече разговор",
"You left the call": "Напуснахте разговора",
"%(senderName)s left the call": "%(senderName)s напусна разговора",
"Call ended": "Разговора приключи",
"You started a call": "Започнахте разговор",
"%(senderName)s started a call": "%(senderName)s започна разговор",
"Waiting for answer": "Изчакване на отговор",
"%(senderName)s is calling": "%(senderName)s се обажда",
"You created the room": "Създадохте стаята",
"%(senderName)s created the room": "%(senderName)s създаде стаята",
"You made the chat encrypted": "Направихте чата шифрован",
"%(senderName)s made the chat encrypted": "%(senderName)s направи чата шифрован",
"You made history visible to new members": "Направихте историята видима за нови членове",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to new members": "%(senderName)s направи историята видима за нови членове",
"You made history visible to anyone": "Направихте историята видима за всички",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to anyone": "%(senderName)s направи историята видима за всички",
"You made history visible to future members": "Направихте историята видима за бъдещи членове",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to future members": "%(senderName)s направи историята видима за бъдещи членове",
"You were invited": "Бяхте поканени",
"%(targetName)s was invited": "%(targetName)s беше поканен",
"You left": "Напуснахте",
"%(targetName)s left": "%(targetName)s напусна",
"You were kicked (%(reason)s)": "Бяхте изгонени (%(reason)s)",
"%(targetName)s was kicked (%(reason)s)": "%(targetName)s беше изгонен(а) (%(reason)s)",
"You were kicked": "Бяхте изгонени",
"%(targetName)s was kicked": "%(targetName)s беше изгонен(а)",
"You rejected the invite": "Отхвърлихте поканата",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invite": "%(targetName)s отхвърли поканата",
"You were uninvited": "Поканата към вас беше премахната",
"%(targetName)s was uninvited": "Поканата към %(targetName)s беше премахната",
"You were banned (%(reason)s)": "Бяхте блокирани (%(reason)s)",
"%(targetName)s was banned (%(reason)s)": "%(targetName)s беше блокиран(а) (%(reason)s)"

View file

@ -2326,5 +2326,12 @@
"Message deleted on %(date)s": "Nachricht am %(date)s gelöscht",
"Wrong file type": "Falscher Dateityp",
"Wrong Recovery Key": "Falscher Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Invalid Recovery Key": "Ungültiger Wiederherstellungsschlüssel"
"Invalid Recovery Key": "Ungültiger Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot ist jetzt Element!",
"Learn More": "Mehr erfahren",
"Unknown caller": "Unbekannter Anrufer",
"Incoming voice call": "Eingehender Sprachanruf",
"Incoming video call": "Eingehender Videoanruf",
"Incoming call": "Eingehender Anruf",
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here.": "Es sind erweiterte Benachrichtigungen vorhanden, die hier nicht angezeigt werden."

View file

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Ne povas ŝalti sciigojn",
"This email address was not found": "Tiu ĉi retpoŝtadreso ne troviĝis",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Via retpoŝtareso ŝajne ne ligiĝas al Matrix-identigilo sur tiu ĉi hejmservilo.",
"Default": "Norma",
"Default": "Ordinara",
"Restricted": "Limigita",
"Moderator": "Ĉambrestro",
"Admin": "Administranto",
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
"Not a valid %(brand)s keyfile": "Nevalida ŝlosila dosiero de %(brand)s",
"Authentication check failed: incorrect password?": "Aŭtentikiga kontrolo malsukcesis: ĉu pro malĝusta pasvorto?",
"Failed to join room": "Malsukcesis aliĝi al ĉambro",
"Message Pinning": "Fikso de mesaĝoj",
"Message Pinning": "Fiksado de mesaĝoj",
"Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "Montri tempindikojn en 12-hora formo (ekz. 2:30 post.)",
"Always show message timestamps": "Ĉiam montri mesaĝajn tempindikojn",
"Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Memfare ludi GIF-bildojn kaj filmojn",
@ -800,7 +800,7 @@
"There was an error joining the room": "Aliĝo al la ĉambro eraris",
"Sorry, your homeserver is too old to participate in this room.": "Pardonon, via hejmservilo estas tro malnova por partoprenado en la ĉambro.",
"Please contact your homeserver administrator.": "Bonvolu kontakti la administranton de via hejmservilo.",
"Show a reminder to enable Secure Message Recovery in encrypted rooms": "Montri memorigilon por ŝalti Sekuran Ricevon de Mesaĝoj en ĉifrataj ĉambroj",
"Show a reminder to enable Secure Message Recovery in encrypted rooms": "Montri memorigilon por ŝalti Sekuran ricevon de mesaĝoj en ĉifrataj ĉambroj",
"Show developer tools": "Montri verkistajn ilojn",
"Messages containing @room": "Mesaĝoj enhavantaj @room",
"Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats": "Ĉifritaj mesaĝoj en duopaj babiloj",
@ -915,7 +915,7 @@
"Change permissions": "Ŝanĝi permesojn",
"Change topic": "Ŝanĝi temon",
"Modify widgets": "Aliigi fenestraĵojn",
"Default role": "Norma rolo",
"Default role": "Ordinara rolo",
"Send messages": "Sendi mesaĝojn",
"Invite users": "Inviti uzantojn",
"Change settings": "Ŝanĝi agordojn",
@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@
"Encryption": "Ĉifrado",
"Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.": "Post ŝalto, ne plu eblas malŝalti ĉifradon.",
"Encrypted": "Ĉifrata",
"The conversation continues here.": "La interparolo pluas ĉi tie.",
"The conversation continues here.": "La interparolo daŭras ĉi tie.",
"This room has been replaced and is no longer active.": "Ĉi tiu ĉambro estas anstataŭita, kaj ne plu aktivas.",
"Loading room preview": "Preparas antaŭrigardon al la ĉambro",
"Only room administrators will see this warning": "Nur administrantoj de ĉambro vidos ĉi tiun averton",
@ -1357,9 +1357,9 @@
"If you don't want to set this up now, you can later in Settings.": "Se vi ne volas agordi tion nun, vi povas fari ĝin poste per agordoj.",
"Don't ask again": "Ne demandi ree",
"New Recovery Method": "Nova rehava metodo",
"A new recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages have been detected.": "Novaj rehava pasfrazo kaj ŝlosilo por sekuraj mesaĝoj troviĝis.",
"A new recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages have been detected.": "Novaj rehava pasfrazo kaj ŝlosilo por Sekuraj mesaĝoj troviĝis.",
"If you didn't set the new recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.": "Se vi ne agordis la novan rehavan metodon, eble atakanto provas aliri vian konton. Vi tuj ŝanĝu la pasvorton de via konto, kaj agordu novan rehavan metodon en la agordoj.",
"Set up Secure Messages": "Agordi sekurajn mesaĝojn",
"Set up Secure Messages": "Agordi Sekurajn mesaĝojn",
"Recovery Method Removed": "Rehava metodo foriĝis",
"If you didn't remove the recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.": "Se vi ne forigis la rehavan metodon, eble atakanto provas aliri vian konton. Vi tuj ŝanĝu la pasvorton de via konto, kaj agordu novan rehavan metodon en la agordoj.",
"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns": "Uzu pli longan tekston kun plia varieco",
@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@
"<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Konservu ĝin</b> en poŝmemorilo aŭ savkopia disko",
"<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopiu ĝin</b> al via persona enreta konservejo",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Viaj ŝlosiloj estas savkopiataj (la unua savkopio povas daŭri kelkajn minutojn).",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Agordi sekuran rehavon de mesaĝoj",
"Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Agordi Sekuran rehavon de mesaĝoj",
"Starting backup...": "Komencante savkopion…",
"Unable to create key backup": "Ne povas krei savkopion de ŝlosiloj",
"Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you'll lose your secure message history when you log out.": "Sen agordo de Sekura rehavo de mesaĝoj, vi perdos vian sekuran historion de mesaĝoj per adiaŭo.",
@ -2230,5 +2230,159 @@
"Upgrade your %(brand)s": "Gradaltigi vian %(brand)son",
"A new version of %(brand)s is available!": "Nova versio de %(brand)s estas disponebla!",
"New version available. <a>Update now.</a>": "Nova versio estas disponebla. <a>Ĝisdatigu nun.</a>",
"Emoji picker": "Elektilo de bildsignoj"
"Emoji picker": "Elektilo de bildsignoj",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "Uzu vian konton por saluti la plej freŝan version",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "Ni ekscite anoncas, ke Riot nun estas Elemento",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot nun estas Elemento!",
"Learn More": "Eksciu plion",
"Light": "Hela",
"Dark": "Malhela",
"You joined the call": "Vi aliĝis al la voko",
"%(senderName)s joined the call": "%(senderName)s aliĝis al la voko",
"Call in progress": "Voko okazas",
"You left the call": "Vi foriris de la voko",
"%(senderName)s left the call": "%(senderName)s foriris de la voko",
"Call ended": "Voko finiĝis",
"You started a call": "Vi komencis vokon",
"%(senderName)s started a call": "%(senderName)s komencis vokon",
"Waiting for answer": "Atendante respondon",
"%(senderName)s is calling": "%(senderName)s vokas",
"You created the room": "Vi kreis la ĉambron",
"%(senderName)s created the room": "%(senderName)s kreis la ĉambron",
"You made the chat encrypted": "Vi ekĉifris la babilon",
"%(senderName)s made the chat encrypted": "%(senderName)s ekĉifris la babilon",
"You made history visible to new members": "Vi videbligis la historion al novaj anoj",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to new members": "%(senderName)s videbligis la historion al novaj anoj",
"You made history visible to anyone": "Vi videbligis la historion al ĉiu ajn",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to anyone": "%(senderName)s videbligis la historion al ĉiu ajn",
"You made history visible to future members": "Vi videbligis la historion al osaj anoj",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to future members": "%(senderName)s videbligis la historion al osaj anoj",
"You were invited": "Vi estis invitita",
"%(targetName)s was invited": "%(senderName)s estis invitita",
"You left": "Vi foriris",
"%(targetName)s left": "%(senderName)s foriris",
"You were kicked (%(reason)s)": "Vi estis forpelita (%(reason)s)",
"%(targetName)s was kicked (%(reason)s)": "%(targetName)s estis forpelita (%(reason)s)",
"You were kicked": "Vi estis forpelita",
"%(targetName)s was kicked": "%(targetName)s estis forpelita",
"You rejected the invite": "Vi rifuzis la inviton",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invite": "%(targetName)s rifuzis la inviton",
"You were uninvited": "Vi estis malinvitita",
"%(targetName)s was uninvited": "%(targetName)s estis malinvitita",
"You were banned (%(reason)s)": "Vi estis forbarita (%(reason)s)",
"%(targetName)s was banned (%(reason)s)": "%(targetName)s estis forbarita (%(reason)s)",
"You were banned": "Vi estis forbarita",
"%(targetName)s was banned": "%(targetName)s estis forbarita",
"You joined": "Vi aliĝis",
"%(targetName)s joined": "%(targetName)s aliĝis",
"You changed your name": "Vi ŝanĝis vian nomon",
"%(targetName)s changed their name": "%(targetName)s ŝanĝis sian nomon",
"You changed your avatar": "Vi ŝanĝis vian profilbildon",
"%(targetName)s changed their avatar": "%(targetName)s ŝanĝis sian profilbildon",
"%(senderName)s %(emote)s": "%(senderName)s %(emote)s",
"%(senderName)s: %(message)s": "%(senderName)s: %(message)s",
"You changed the room name": "Vi ŝanĝis la nomon de la ĉambro",
"%(senderName)s changed the room name": "%(senderName)s ŝanĝis la nomon de la ĉambro",
"%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s": "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s",
"%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s": "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s",
"You uninvited %(targetName)s": "Vi malinvitis uzanton %(targetName)s",
"%(senderName)s uninvited %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s malinvitis uzanton %(targetName)s",
"You invited %(targetName)s": "Vi invitis uzanton %(targetName)s",
"%(senderName)s invited %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s invitis uzanton %(targetName)s",
"You changed the room topic": "Vi ŝanĝis la temon de la ĉambro",
"%(senderName)s changed the room topic": "%(senderName)s ŝanĝis la temon de la ĉambro",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Uzi la plibonigitan ĉambrobreton (aktualigos la paĝon por apliki la ŝanĝojn)",
"Use custom size": "Uzi propran grandon",
"Use a more compact Modern layout": "Uzi pli densan »Modernan« aranĝon",
"Use a system font": "Uzi sisteman tiparon",
"System font name": "Nomo de sistema tiparo",
"Enable experimental, compact IRC style layout": "Ŝalti eksperimentan, densan IRC-ecan aranĝon",
"Unknown caller": "Nekonata vokanto",
"Incoming voice call": "Envena voĉvoko",
"Incoming video call": "Envena vidvoko",
"Incoming call": "Envena voko",
"%(brand)s can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "%(brand)s ne povas sekure kaŝkopii ĉifritajn mesaĝojn loke, funkciante per foliumilo. Uzu <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> por aperigi ĉifritajn mesaĝojn en serĉrezultoj.",
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here.": "Ekzistas specialaj sciigoj, kiuj ne estas montrataj ĉi tie.",
"You might have configured them in a client other than %(brand)s. You cannot tune them in %(brand)s but they still apply.": "Vi eble agordis ilin en kliento alia ol %(brand)s. Vi ne povas agordi ilin en %(brand)s, sed ili tamen estas aplikataj.",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "He, vi. Vi bonegas!",
"Message layout": "Aranĝo de mesaĝoj",
"Compact": "Densa",
"Modern": "Moderna",
"Set the name of a font installed on your system & %(brand)s will attempt to use it.": "Agordu la nomon de tiparo instalita en via sistemo kaj %(brand)s provos ĝin uzi.",
"Customise your appearance": "Adaptu vian aspekton",
"Appearance Settings only affect this %(brand)s session.": "Agordoj de aspekto nur efikos sur ĉi tiun salutaĵon de %(brand)s.",
"Add users and servers you want to ignore here. Use asterisks to have %(brand)s match any characters. For example, <code>@bot:*</code> would ignore all users that have the name 'bot' on any server.": "Aldonu uzantojn kaj servilojn, kiujn vi volas malatenti, ĉi tien. Uzu steletojn por ke %(brand)s atendu iujn ajn signojn. Ekzemple, <code>@bot:*</code> malatentigus ĉiujn uzantojn, kiuj havas la nomon «bot» sur ĉiu ajn servilo.",
"Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages.": "La administranto de via servilo malŝaltis implicitan tutvojan ĉifradon en privataj kaj rektaj ĉambroj.",
"Make this room low priority": "Doni al la ĉambro malaltan prioritaton",
"Low priority rooms show up at the bottom of your room list in a dedicated section at the bottom of your room list": "Ĉambroj kun malalta prioritato montriĝas en aparta sekcio, en la suba parto de via ĉambrobreto,",
"The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.": "La aŭtentikeco de ĉi tiu ĉifrita mesaĝo ne povas esti garantiita sur ĉi tiu aparato.",
"No recently visited rooms": "Neniuj freŝdate vizititaj ĉambroj",
"People": "Homoj",
"Unread rooms": "Nelegitaj ĉambroj",
"Always show first": "Ĉiam montri unuaj",
"Show": "Montri",
"Message preview": "Antaŭrigardo al mesaĝo",
"Sort by": "Ordigi laŭ",
"Activity": "Aktiveco",
"A-Z": "AZ",
"List options": "Elektebloj pri listo",
"Show %(count)s more|other": "Montri %(count)s pliajn",
"Show %(count)s more|one": "Montri %(count)s plian",
"Use default": "Uzi implicitan",
"Mentions & Keywords": "Mencioj kaj ŝlosilvortoj",
"Notification options": "Elektebloj pri sciigoj",
"Favourited": "Elstarigita",
"Leave Room": "Foriri de ĉambro",
"Forget Room": "Forgesi ĉambron",
"Room options": "Elektebloj pri ĉambro",
"Message deleted on %(date)s": "Mesaĝo forigita je %(date)s",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version of the app at <a />": "Uzu vian konton por saluti la plej freŝan version de la aplikaĵo je <a />",
"Youre already signed in and good to go here, but you can also grab the latest versions of the app on all platforms at <a></a>.": "Vi jam estas salutinta kaj preta ĉi tie, sed vi povas ankaŭ ekhavi la plej freŝajn versiojn de la aplikaĵoj sur ĉiuj platformoj je <a></a>.",
"Go to Element": "Iri al Elemento",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element!": "Ni estas ekscititaj anonci, ke Riot nun estas Elemento!",
"Learn more at <a></a>": "Eksciu plion je <a></a>",
"Wrong file type": "Neĝusta dosiertipo",
"Looks good!": "Ŝajnas bona!",
"Wrong Recovery Key": "Neĝusta rehava ŝlosilo",
"Invalid Recovery Key": "Nevalida rehava ŝlosilo",
"Security Phrase": "Sekureca frazo",
"Enter your Security Phrase or <button>Use your Security Key</button> to continue.": "Enigu vian sekurecan frazon aŭ <button>uzu vian sekurecan ŝlosilon</button> por daŭrigi.",
"Security Key": "Sekureca ŝlosilo",
"Use your Security Key to continue.": "Uzu vian sekurecan ŝlosilon por daŭrigi.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use %(brand)s with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Vi povas uzi proprajn elekteblojn pri servilo por saluti aliajn servilojn de Matrix, per specifo de alia URL de hejmservilo. Tio ebligas al vi uzi la programon %(brand)s kun jama konto de Matrix je alia hejmservilo.",
"Search rooms": "Serĉi ĉambrojn",
"Switch to light mode": "Ŝalti helan reĝimon",
"Switch to dark mode": "Ŝalti malhelan reĝimon",
"Switch theme": "Ŝalti haŭton",
"Security & privacy": "Sekureco kaj privateco",
"All settings": "Ĉiuj agordoj",
"User menu": "Menuo de uzanto",
"Use Recovery Key or Passphrase": "Uzi rehavan ŝlosilon aŭ pasfrazon",
"Use Recovery Key": "Uzi rehavan ŝlosilon",
"%(brand)s Web": "%(brand)s por Reto",
"%(brand)s Desktop": "%(brand)s por Labortablo",
"%(brand)s iOS": "%(brand)s por iOS",
"%(brand)s X for Android": "%(brand)s X por Android",
"Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data by backing up encryption keys on your server.": "Malhelpu perdon de aliro al ĉifritaj mesaĝoj kaj datumoj per savkopiado de ĉifraj ŝlosiloj al via servilo.",
"Generate a Security Key": "Generi sekurecan ŝlosilon",
"Well generate a Security Key for you to store somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe.": "Ni estigos sekurecan ŝlosilon, kiun vi devus konservi en sekura loko, ekzemple administrilo de pasvortoj, aŭ sekurŝranko.",
"Enter a Security Phrase": "Enigiu sekurecan frazon",
"Use a secret phrase only you know, and optionally save a Security Key to use for backup.": "Uzu sekretan frazon kiun konas nur vi, kaj laŭplaĉe konservu sekurecan ŝlosilon, uzotan por savkopiado.",
"Enter a security phrase only you know, as its used to safeguard your data. To be secure, you shouldnt re-use your account password.": "Enigu sekurecan pasfrazon kiun konas nur vi, ĉar ĝi protektos viajn datumojn. Por esti certa, vi ne reuzu la pasvorton de via konto.",
"Store your Security Key somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe, as its used to safeguard your encrypted data.": "Deponu vian sekurecan ŝlosilon en sekura loko, ekzemple administrilo de pasvortoj aŭ sekurŝranko, ĉar ĝi protektos viajn ĉifritajn datumojn.",
"If you cancel now, you may lose encrypted messages & data if you lose access to your logins.": "Se vi nuligos nun, vi eble perdos ĉifritajn mesaĝojn kaj datumojn se vi perdos aliron al viaj salutoj.",
"You can also set up Secure Backup & manage your keys in Settings.": "Vi ankaŭ povas agordi Sekuran savkopiadon kaj administri viajn ŝlosilojn per Agordoj.",
"Set up Secure backup": "Agordi Sekuran savkopiadon",
"Set a Security Phrase": "Agordi Sekurecan frazon",
"Confirm Security Phrase": "Konfirmi Sekurecan frazon",
"Save your Security Key": "Konservi vian Sekurecan ŝlosilon",
"New spinner design": "",
"Show rooms with unread messages first": "Montri ĉambrojn kun nelegitaj mesaĝoj kiel unuajn",
"Show previews of messages": "Montri antaŭrigardojn al mesaĝoj",
"This room is public": "Ĉi tiu ĉambro estas publika",
"Away": "For",
"Edited at %(date)s": "Redaktita je %(date)s",
"Click to view edits": "Klaku por vidi redaktojn",
"Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "Ĉu vi certe volas nuligi enigon de pasfrazo?",
"Enable advanced debugging for the room list": "Ŝalti altnivelan erarserĉadon por la ĉambrobreto"

View file

@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>), email address or <a>share this room</a>.": "Kutsu kedagi tema nime, kasutajanime (nagu <userId/>), e-posti aadressi alusel või <a>jaga seda jututuba</a>.",
"Upload completed": "Üleslaadimine valmis",
"%(brand)s now uses 3-5x less memory, by only loading information about other users when needed. Please wait whilst we resynchronise with the server!": "%(brand)s kasutab varasemaga võrreldes 3-5 korda vähem mälu, sest laeb teavet kasutajate kohta vaid siis, kui vaja. Palun oota hetke, kuni sünkroniseerime andmeid serveriga!",
"Updating %(brand)s": "Uuenda %(brand)s'it",
"Updating %(brand)s": "Uuendan rakendust %(brand)s",
"I don't want my encrypted messages": "Ma ei soovi oma krüptitud sõnumeid",
"Manually export keys": "Ekspordi võtmed käsitsi",
"You'll lose access to your encrypted messages": "Sa kaotad ligipääsu oma krüptitud sõnumitele",
@ -1750,5 +1750,565 @@
"%(severalUsers)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s lahkusid ja liitusid uuesti %(count)s korda",
"%(severalUsers)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s lahkusid ja liitusid uuesti",
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s lahkus ja liitus uuesti %(count)s korda",
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s lahkus ja liitus uuesti"
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s lahkus ja liitus uuesti",
"To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.": "Selle kasutamiseks oota, kuni automaatne sõnalõpetus laeb kõik valikud ja sa saad nad läbi lapata.",
"Bans user with given id": "Keela ligipääs antud tunnusega kasutajale",
"Unbans user with given ID": "Taasta ligipääs antud tunnusega kasutajale",
"Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you": "Eirab kasutajat peites kõik tema sõnumid sinu eest",
"Ignored user": "Eiratud kasutaja",
"You are now ignoring %(userId)s": "Sa praegu eirad kasutajat %(userId)s",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s keelas ligipääsu kasutajale %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s taastas ligipääsu kasutajale %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.": "%(senderName)s võttis tagasi %(targetName)s kutse.",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s müksas kasutajat %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s muutis selle jututoa klammerdatud sõnumeid.",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning users matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s eemaldas kasutajate ligipääsukeelu reegli, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s eemaldas jututubade ligipääsukeelu reegli, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning servers matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s eemaldas serverite ligipääsukeelu reegli, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed a ban rule matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s eemaldas ligipääsukeelu reegli, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s updated an invalid ban rule": "%(senderName)s uuendas vigast ligipääsukeelu reeglit",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning users matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s uuendas %(reason)s põhjusel kasutajate ligipääsukeelu reeglit, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s uuendas %(reason)s põhjusel jututubade ligipääsukeelu reeglit, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning servers matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s uuendas %(reason)s põhjusel serverite ligipääsukeelu reeglit, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s uuendas %(reason)s põhjusel ligipääsukeelu reeglit, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning users matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s määras %(reason)s tõttu kasutajate ligipääsukeelu reegli, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s määras %(reason)s tõttu jututubade ligipääsukeelu reegli, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning servers matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s määras %(reason)s tõttu serverite ligipääsukeelu reegli, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s created a ban rule matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s määras %(reason)s tõttu ligipääsukeelu reegli, mis vastas tingimusele %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning users matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muutis %(reason)s tõttu kasutajate ligipääsukeelu reegli algset tingimust %(oldGlob)s uueks tingimuseks %(newGlob)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning rooms matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muutis %(reason)s tõttu jututubade ligipääsukeelu reegli algset tingimust %(oldGlob)s uueks tingimuseks %(newGlob)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning servers matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muutis %(reason)s tõttu serverite ligipääsukeelu reegli algset tingimust %(oldGlob)s uueks tingimuseks %(newGlob)s",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule that was matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s muutis %(reason)s tõttu ligipääsukeelu reegli algset tingimust %(oldGlob)s uueks tingimuseks %(newGlob)s",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Enne kutse saatmist peab kasutajalt olema eemaldatud ligipääsukeeld.",
"Your homeserver has exceeded its user limit.": "Sinu koduserver on ületanud kasutajate arvu ülempiiri.",
"Your homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "Sinu koduserver on ületanud ühe oma ressursipiirangutest.",
"Contact your <a>server admin</a>.": "Võta ühendust <a>oma serveri haldajaga</a>.",
"Warning": "Hoiatus",
"Ok": "Sobib",
"Set password": "Määra salasõna",
"To return to your account in future you need to set a password": "Selleks, et sa saaksid tulevikus oma konto juurde tagasi pöörduda, peaksid määrama salasõna",
"You were banned (%(reason)s)": "Sinule on seatud ligipääsukeeld %(reason)s",
"%(targetName)s was banned (%(reason)s)": "%(targetName)s seati ligipääsukeeld %(reason)s",
"You were banned": "Sinule seati ligipääsukeeld",
"%(targetName)s was banned": "%(targetName)s'le seati ligipääsukeeld",
"New spinner design": "Uus vurri-moodi paigutus",
"Message Pinning": "Sõnumite klammerdamine",
"IRC display name width": "IRC kuvatava nime laius",
"Enable experimental, compact IRC style layout": "Võta kasutusele katseline, IRC-stiilis kompaktne sõnumite paigutus",
"My Ban List": "Minu poolt seatud ligipääsukeeldude loend",
"Active call (%(roomName)s)": "Käsilolev kõne (%(roomName)s)",
"Unknown caller": "Tundmatu helistaja",
"Incoming voice call": "Saabuv häälkõne",
"Incoming video call": "Saabuv videokõne",
"Incoming call": "Saabuv kõne",
"Waiting for your other session to verify…": "Ootan, et sinu teine sessioon alustaks verifitseerimist…",
"This bridge was provisioned by <user />.": "Selle võrgusilla võttis kasutusele <user />.",
"This bridge is managed by <user />.": "Seda võrgusilda haldab <user />.",
"Workspace: %(networkName)s": "Tööruum: %(networkName)s",
"Channel: %(channelName)s": "Kanal: %(channelName)s",
"Upload new:": "Lae üles uus:",
"Export E2E room keys": "Ekspordi jututubade läbiva krüptimise võtmed",
"Your homeserver does not support cross-signing.": "Sinu koduserver ei toeta risttunnustamist.",
"Cross-signing and secret storage are enabled.": "Risttunnustamine ja turvahoidla on kasutusel.",
"Connecting to integration manager...": "Ühendan lõiminguhalduriga...",
"Cannot connect to integration manager": "Ei saa ühendust lõiminguhalduriga",
"The integration manager is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Lõiminguhaldur kas ei tööta või ei õnnestu tal teha päringuid sinu koduserveri suunas.",
"Delete Backup": "Kustuta varundatud koopia",
"Are you sure? You will lose your encrypted messages if your keys are not backed up properly.": "Kas sa oled kindel? Kui sul muud varundust pole, siis kaotad ligipääsu oma krüptitud sõnumitele.",
"Your keys are <b>not being backed up from this session</b>.": "Sinu selle sessiooni krüptovõtmeid <b>ei varundata</b>.",
"Back up your keys before signing out to avoid losing them.": "Vältimaks nende kaotamist, varunda krüptovõtmed enne väljalogimist.",
"Advanced notification settings": "Teavituste lisaseadistused",
"Enable desktop notifications for this session": "Võta selleks sessiooniks kasutusele töölauakeskkonnale omased teavitused",
"Show message in desktop notification": "Näita sõnumit töölauakeskkonnale omases teavituses",
"Enable audible notifications for this session": "Võta selleks sessiooniks kasutusele kuuldavad teavitused",
"Off": "Välja lülitatud",
"On": "Kasutusel",
"Noisy": "Jutukas",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Võta kasutusele</a> oma domeen",
"Error encountered (%(errorDetail)s).": "Tekkis viga (%(errorDetail)s).",
"Checking for an update...": "Kontrollin uuenduste olemasolu...",
"No update available.": "Uuendusi pole saadaval.",
"New version available. <a>Update now.</a>": "Saadaval on uus versioon. <a>Uuenda nüüd.</a>",
"Check for update": "Kontrolli uuendusi",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Hei sina. Sa oled parim!",
"Size must be a number": "Suurus peab olema number",
"Custom font size can only be between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Kohandatud fondisuurus peab olema vahemikus %(min)s pt ja %(max)s pt",
"Use between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Kasuta suurust vahemikus %(min)s pt ja %(max)s pt",
"Message layout": "Sõnumite paigutus",
"Compact": "Kompaktne",
"Modern": "Moodne",
"Set the name of a font installed on your system & %(brand)s will attempt to use it.": "Vali sinu seadmes leiduv fondi nimi ning %(brand)s proovib seda kasutada.",
"Customise your appearance": "Kohenda välimust",
"Appearance Settings only affect this %(brand)s session.": "Välimuse kohendused kehtivad vaid selles %(brand)s'i sessioonis.",
"Legal": "Juriidiline teave",
"Credits": "Tänuavaldused",
"Bug reporting": "Vigadest teatamine",
"Clear cache and reload": "Tühjenda puhver ja lae uuesti",
"FAQ": "Korduma kippuvad küsimused",
"Versions": "Versioonid",
"%(brand)s version:": "%(brand)s'i versioon:",
"olm version:": "olm'i versioon:",
"Homeserver is": "Koduserver on",
"Identity Server is": "Isikutuvastusserver on",
"Access Token:": "Pääsuluba:",
"click to reveal": "kuvamiseks klõpsi siin",
"Labs": "Katsed",
"Customise your experience with experimental labs features. <a>Learn more</a>.": "Sa võid täiendada oma kasutuskogemust katseliste funktsionaalsusetega. <a>Vaata lisateavet</a>.",
"Ignored/Blocked": "Eiratud või ligipääs blokeeritud",
"Error adding ignored user/server": "Viga eiratud kasutaja või serveri lisamisel",
"Something went wrong. Please try again or view your console for hints.": "Midagi läks valesti. Proovi uuesti või otsi lisavihjeid konsoolilt.",
"Error subscribing to list": "Viga loendiga liitumisel",
"Please verify the room ID or address and try again.": "Palun kontrolli, kas jututoa tunnus või aadress on õiged ja proovi uuesti.",
"Error removing ignored user/server": "Viga eiratud kasutaja või serveri eemaldamisel",
"Error unsubscribing from list": "Viga loendist lahkumisel",
"Please try again or view your console for hints.": "Palun proovi uuesti või otsi lisavihjeid konsoolilt.",
"None": "Ei ühelgi juhul",
"Ban list rules - %(roomName)s": "Ligipääsukeelu reeglid - %(roomName)s",
"Server rules": "Serveri kasutustingimused",
"User rules": "Kasutajaga seotud tingimused",
"You have not ignored anyone.": "Sa ei ole veel kedagi eiranud.",
"You are currently ignoring:": "Hetkel eiratavate kasutajate loend:",
"You are not subscribed to any lists": "Sa ei ole liitunud ühegi loendiga",
"Unsubscribe": "Lõpeta liitumine",
"View rules": "Näita reegleid",
"You are currently subscribed to:": "Sa oled hetkel liitunud:",
"Ignored users": "Eiratud kasutajad",
"⚠ These settings are meant for advanced users.": "⚠ Need seadistused on mõeldud kogenud kasutajatele.",
"Ignoring people is done through ban lists which contain rules for who to ban. Subscribing to a ban list means the users/servers blocked by that list will be hidden from you.": "Kasutajate eiramine toimub ligipääsukeelu reeglite loendite alusel ning seal on kirjas blokeeritavad kasutajad, jututoad või serverid. Sellise loendi kasutusele võtmine tähendab et blokeeritud kasutajad või serverid ei ole sulle nähtavad.",
"Personal ban list": "Minu isiklik ligipääsukeelu reeglite loend",
"Your personal ban list holds all the users/servers you personally don't want to see messages from. After ignoring your first user/server, a new room will show up in your room list named 'My Ban List' - stay in this room to keep the ban list in effect.": "Sinu isiklikus ligipääsukeelu reeglite loendis on kasutajad ja serverid, kellelt sa ei soovi sõnumeid saada. Peale esimese kasutaja või serveri blokeerimist tekib sinu jututubade loendisse uus jututuba \"Minu isiklik ligipääsukeelu reeglite loend\" ning selle jõustamiseks ära logi nimetatud jututoast välja.",
"Subscribing to a ban list will cause you to join it!": "Ligipääsukeelu reeglite loendi tellimine tähendab sellega liitumist!",
"Room ID or address of ban list": "Ligipääsukeelu reeglite loendi jututoa tunnus või aadress",
"Show tray icon and minimize window to it on close": "Näita süsteemisalve ikooni ja Element'i akna sulgemisel minimeeri ta salve",
"Read Marker off-screen lifetime (ms)": "Lugemise markeri iga, kui Element pole fookuses (ms)",
"Make this room low priority": "Muuda see jututuba vähetähtsaks",
"Low priority rooms show up at the bottom of your room list in a dedicated section at the bottom of your room list": "Vähetähtsad jututoad kuvatakse jututubade loendi lõpus omaette grupina",
"Failed to unban": "Ligipääsu taastamine ei õnnestunud",
"Unban": "Taasta ligipääs",
"Banned by %(displayName)s": "Ligipääs on keelatud %(displayName)s poolt",
"Error changing power level requirement": "Viga õiguste taseme nõuete muutmisel",
"An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Jututoa õiguste taseme nõuete muutmisel tekkis viga. Kontrolli, et sul on selleks piisavalt õigusi ja proovi uuesti.",
"Error changing power level": "Viga õiguste muutmisel",
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Kasutaja õiguste muutmisel tekkis viga. Kontrolli, et sul on selleks piisavalt õigusi ja proovi uuesti.",
"To link to this room, please add an address.": "Sellele jututoale viitamiseks palun lisa talle aadress.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Otsinguvõimaluste loend kuvatakse, kui oled ülale sisestanud e-posti aadressi.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Otsinguvõimaluste loend kuvatakse, kui oled ülale sisestanud telefoninumbri.",
"Mod": "Moderaator",
"Key share requests are sent to your other sessions automatically. If you rejected or dismissed the key share request on your other sessions, click here to request the keys for this session again.": "Võtmete jagamise päringud saadetakse sinu teistele sessioonidele automaatselt. Kui sa oled mõnes muus sessioonis võtmete jagamise päringud tagasi lükanud või tühistanud, siis klõpsi siia võtmete uuesti pärimiseks selle sessiooni jaoks.",
"If your other sessions do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "Kui sinu muudel sesioonidel pole selle sõnumi jaoks võtmeid, siis nad ei suuda ka sõnumit dekrüptida.",
"Key request sent.": "Võtmete jagamise päring on saadetud.",
"<requestLink>Re-request encryption keys</requestLink> from your other sessions.": "Küsi oma muudest sessioonidest <requestLink>krüptimisvõtmed uuesti</requestLink>.",
"The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.": "Selle krüptitud sõnumi autentsus pole selles seadmes tagatud.",
"and %(count)s others...|other": "ja %(count)s muud...",
"and %(count)s others...|one": "ja üks muu...",
"Invited": "Kutsutud",
"%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)": "%(userName)s (õigused %(powerLevelNumber)s)",
"Emoji picker": "Emoji'de valija",
"No pinned messages.": "Klammerdatud sõnumeid ei ole.",
"Loading...": "Laen...",
"Pinned Messages": "Klammerdatud sõnumid",
"Unpin Message": "Eemalda sõnumi klammerdus",
"No recently visited rooms": "Hiljuti külastatud jututubasid ei leidu",
"Create room": "Loo jututuba",
"People": "Inimesed",
"Unread rooms": "Lugemata jututoad",
"Always show first": "Näita alati esimisena",
"Error creating address": "Viga aadressi loomisel",
"There was an error creating that address. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.": "Aadressi loomisel tekkis viga. See kas on serveri poolt keelatud või tekkis ajutine tõrge.",
"You don't have permission to delete the address.": "Sinul pole õigusi selle aadressi kustutamiseks.",
"There was an error removing that address. It may no longer exist or a temporary error occurred.": "Selle aadressi kustutamisel tekkis viga. See kas juba on kustutatud või tekkis ajutine tõrge.",
"Error removing address": "Viga aadresi kustutamisel",
"This room has no local addresses": "Sellel jututoal puudub kohalik aadress",
"Local address": "Kohalik aadress",
"Published Addresses": "Avaldatud aadressid",
"Published addresses can be used by anyone on any server to join your room. To publish an address, it needs to be set as a local address first.": "Avaldatud aadresse saab mis iganes serveri kasutaja pruukida sinu jututoaga liitumiseks. Aadressi avaldamiseks peab ta alustuseks olema määratud kohaliku aadressina.",
"Other published addresses:": "Muud avaldatud aadressid:",
"No other published addresses yet, add one below": "Ühtegi muud aadressi pole veel avaldatud, lisa üks alljärgnevalt",
"Local Addresses": "Kohalikud aadressid",
"Set addresses for this room so users can find this room through your homeserver (%(localDomain)s)": "Et muud kasutajad saaks seda jututuba leida sinu koduserveri (%(localDomain)s) kaudu, lisa sellele jututoale aadresse",
"Invalid community ID": "Vigane kogukonna tunnus",
"'%(groupId)s' is not a valid community ID": "'%(groupId)s' ei ole korrektne kogukonna tunnus",
"Direct message": "Otsevestlus",
"Demote yourself?": "Kas vähendad enda õigusi?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Kuna sa vähendad enda õigusi, siis sul ei pruugi enam olla võimalik seda muutust tagasi pöörata. Kui sa juhtumisi oled viimane haldusõigustega kasutaja jututoas, siis hiljem on võimatu samu õigusi tagasi saada.",
"Demote": "Vähenda enda õigusi",
"Ban": "Keela ligipääs",
"Unban this user?": "Kas taastame selle kasutaja ligipääsu?",
"Ban this user?": "Kas keelame selle kasutaja ligipääsu?",
"Failed to ban user": "Kasutaja ligipääsu keelamine ei õnnestunud",
"Almost there! Is your other session showing the same shield?": "Peaaegu valmis! Kas sinu teises sessioonis kuvatakse sama kilpi?",
"Almost there! Is %(displayName)s showing the same shield?": "Peaaegu valmis! Kas %(displayName)s kuvab sama kilpi?",
"Yes": "Jah",
"Verify all users in a room to ensure it's secure.": "Tagamaks, et jututuba on turvaline, verifitseeri kõik selle kasutajad.",
"You've successfully verified your device!": "Sinu seadme verifitseerimine oli edukas!",
"You've successfully verified %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)!": "Sa oled edukalt verifitseerinud seadme %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)!",
"You've successfully verified %(displayName)s!": "Sa oled edukalt verifitseerinud kasutaja %(displayName)s!",
"Verified": "Verifitseeritud",
"Got it": "Selge lugu",
"Start verification again from the notification.": "Alusta verifitseerimist uuesti teavitusest.",
"Message deleted": "Sõnum on kustutatud",
"Message deleted by %(name)s": "%(name)s kustutas sõnumi",
"Message deleted on %(date)s": "Sõnum on kustutatud %(date)s",
"Add an Integration": "Lisa lõiming",
"You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with %(integrationsUrl)s. Do you wish to continue?": "Sind juhatatakse kolmanda osapoole veebisaiti, kus sa saad autentida oma kontoga %(integrationsUrl)s kasutamiseks. Kas sa soovid jätkata?",
"Categories": "Kategooriad",
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s lükkasid tagasi oma kutse %(count)s korda",
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s lükkasid tagasi oma kutse",
"%(oneUser)srejected their invitation %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s lükkas tagasi oma kutse %(count)s korda",
"%(oneUser)srejected their invitation %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s lükkas taagasi oma kutse",
"%(severalUsers)shad their invitations withdrawn %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s kutse võeti tagasi %(count)s korda",
"%(severalUsers)shad their invitations withdrawn %(count)s times|one": "Kasutajate %(severalUsers)s kutse võeti tagasi",
"%(oneUser)shad their invitation withdrawn %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s kutse võeti tagasi %(count)s korda",
"%(oneUser)shad their invitation withdrawn %(count)s times|one": "Kasutaja %(oneUser)s kutse võeti tagasi",
"were banned %(count)s times|other": "said ligipääsukeelu %(count)s korda",
"were banned %(count)s times|one": "said ligipääsukeelu",
"was banned %(count)s times|other": "sai ligipääsukeelu %(count)s korda",
"was banned %(count)s times|one": "sai ligipääsukeelu",
"were unbanned %(count)s times|other": "taastati ligipääs %(count)s korda",
"were unbanned %(count)s times|one": "taastati ligipääs",
"was unbanned %(count)s times|other": "taastati ligipääs %(count)s korda",
"was unbanned %(count)s times|one": "taastati ligipääs",
"were kicked %(count)s times|other": "müksati välja %(count)s korda",
"were kicked %(count)s times|one": "müksati välja",
"was kicked %(count)s times|other": "müksati välja %(count)s korda",
"was kicked %(count)s times|one": "müksati välja",
"%(severalUsers)smade no changes %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s ei teinud muudatusi %(count)s korda",
"%(severalUsers)smade no changes %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s ei teinud muudatusi",
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s ei teinud muutusi %(count)s korda",
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s ei teinud muudatusi",
"Power level": "Õiguste tase",
"Custom level": "Kohandatud õigused",
"QR Code": "QR kood",
"Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.": "Ei ole võimalik laadida seda sündmust, millele vastus on tehtud - teda kas pole olemas või sul pole õigusi seda näha.",
"Room address": "Jututoa aadress",
"Some characters not allowed": "Mõned tähemärgid ei ole siin lubatud",
"Please provide a room address": "Palun kirjuta jututoa aadress",
"This address is available to use": "See aadress on kasutatav",
"This address is already in use": "See aadress on juba kasutusel",
"Room directory": "Jututubade loend",
"Sign in with single sign-on": "Logi sisse ühekordse sisselogimise abil",
"And %(count)s more...|other": "Ja %(count)s muud...",
"ex.": "näiteks",
"If there is additional context that would help in analysing the issue, such as what you were doing at the time, room IDs, user IDs, etc., please include those things here.": "Kui sul leidub lisateavet, mis võis selle vea analüüsimisel abiks olla, siis palun lisa need ka siia - näiteks mida sa vea tekkimise hetkel tegid, jututoa tunnus, kasutajate tunnused, jne.",
"Send logs": "Saada logikirjed",
"Unable to load commit detail: %(msg)s": "Ei õnnestu laadida sõnumi lisateavet: %(msg)s",
"Unavailable": "Ei ole saadaval",
"Changelog": "Versioonimuudatuste loend",
"You cannot delete this message. (%(code)s)": "Sa ei saa seda sõnumit kustutada. (%(code)s)",
"Navigate recent messages to edit": "Muutmiseks liigu viimaste sõnumite juurde",
"Move autocomplete selection up/down": "Liiguta automaatse sõnalõpetuse valikut üles või alla",
"Cancel autocomplete": "Lülita automaatne sõnalõpetus välja",
"Removing…": "Eemaldan…",
"Destroy cross-signing keys?": "Kas hävitame risttunnustamise võtmed?",
"Deleting cross-signing keys is permanent. Anyone you have verified with will see security alerts. You almost certainly don't want to do this, unless you've lost every device you can cross-sign from.": "Risttunnustamise võtmete kustutamine on tegevus, mida ei saa tagasi pöörata. Kõik sinu verifitseeritud vestluskaaslased näevad seejärel turvateateid. Kui sa just pole kaotanud ligipääsu kõikidele oma seadmetele, kust sa risttunnustamist oled teinud, siis sa ilmselgelt ei peaks kustutamist ette võtma.",
"Clear cross-signing keys": "Eemalda risttunnustamise võtmed",
"Confirm Removal": "Kinnita eemaldamine",
"Clear all data in this session?": "Kas eemaldame kõik selle sessiooni andmed?",
"Clearing all data from this session is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Sessiooni kõikide andmete kustutamine on tegevus, mida ei saa tagasi pöörata. Kui sa pole varundanud krüptovõtmeid, siis sa kaotad ligipääsu krüptitud sõnumitele.",
"Clear all data": "Eemalda kõik andmed",
"Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Kogukonna tunnus ei või olla puudu.",
"Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "Kogukonna tunnuses võivad olla vaid järgnevad tähemärgid: a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'",
"Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Kogukonna loomisel läks midagi viltu",
"Create Community": "Loo kogukond",
"Community Name": "Kogukonna nimi",
"Example": "Näiteks",
"Community ID": "Kogukonna tunnus",
"example": "näiteks",
"Create": "Loo",
"Please enter a name for the room": "Palun sisesta jututoa nimi",
"Set a room address to easily share your room with other people.": "Jagamaks jututuba teiste kasutajatega, sisesta jututoa aadress.",
"You cant disable this later. Bridges & most bots wont work yet.": "Seda funktsionaalsust sa ei saa hiljem kinni keerata. Sõnumisillad ja enamus roboteid veel ei oska seda kasutada.",
"Enable end-to-end encryption": "Võta läbiv krüptimine kasutusele",
"Confirm your account deactivation by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Kinnitamaks seda, et soovid oma konto kasutusest eemaldada, kasuta oma isiku tuvastamiseks ühekordset sisselogimist.",
"This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. <b>This action is irreversible.</b>": "See muudab sinu konto jäädavalt mittekasutatavaks. Sina ei saa enam sisse logida ja keegi teine ei saa seda kasutajatunnust uuesti pruukida. Samuti logitakse sind välja kõikidest jututubadest, kus sa osaled ning eemaldatakse kõik sinu andmed sinu isikutuvastusserverist. <b>Seda tegevust ei saa tagasi pöörata.</b>",
"Deactivating your account <b>does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent.</b> If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below.": "Sinu konto kustutamine <b>vaikimisi ei tähenda, et unustatakse ka sinu saadetud sõnumid.</b> Kui sa siiski soovid seda, siis palun tee märge alljärgnevasse kasti.",
"Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.": "Matrix'i sõnumite nähtavus on sarnane e-posti kirjadega. Sõnumite unustamine tegelikult tähendab seda, et sinu varemsaadetud sõnumeid ei jagata uute või veel registreerumata kasutajatega, kuid registeerunud kasutajad, kes juba on need sõnumid saanud, võivad neid ka jätkuvalt lugeda.",
"Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated (<b>Warning:</b> this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations)": "Minu konto kustutamisel palun unusta minu saadetud sõnumid (<b>Hoiatus:</b> seetõttu näevad tulevased kasutajad poolikuid vestlusi)",
"To continue, use Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Jätkamaks tuvasta oma isik kasutades ühekordset sisselogimist.",
"Confirm to continue": "Soovin jätkata",
"Click the button below to confirm your identity.": "Oma isiku tuvastamiseks klõpsi alljärgnevat nuppu.",
"Incompatible local cache": "Kohalikud andmepuhvrid ei ühildu",
"Clear cache and resync": "Tühjenda puhver ja sünkroniseeri andmed uuesti",
"Confirm by comparing the following with the User Settings in your other session:": "Kinnita seda võrreldes järgnevaid andmeid oma teise sessiooni kasutajaseadetes:",
"Confirm this user's session by comparing the following with their User Settings:": "Kinnita selle kasutaja sessioon võrreldes järgnevaid andmeid tema kasutajaseadetes:",
"Session name": "Sessiooni nimi",
"Session ID": "Sessiooni tunnus",
"Session key": "Sessiooni võti",
"If they don't match, the security of your communication may be compromised.": "Kui nad omavahel ei klapi, siis teie suhtluse turvalisus võib olla ohus.",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "Tundub, et sinu koduserver ei toeta sellist funktsionaalsust.",
"Message edits": "Sõnumite muutmised",
"Your account is not secure": "Sinu kasutajakonto ei ole turvaline",
"This session, or the other session": "See või teine sessioon",
"The internet connection either session is using": "Internetiühendus, mida emb-kumb sessioon kasutab",
"New session": "Uus sessioon",
"Use this session to verify your new one, granting it access to encrypted messages:": "Kasuta seda sessiooni uute sessioonide verifitseerimiseks, andes sellega ligipääsu krüptitud sõnumitele:",
"If you didnt sign in to this session, your account may be compromised.": "Kui sa pole sellesse sessiooni sisse loginud, siis sinu kasutajakonto andmed võivad olla sattunud valedesse kätesse.",
"This wasn't me": "See ei olnud mina",
"If you run into any bugs or have feedback you'd like to share, please let us know on GitHub.": "Kui sa leiad vigu või soovid jagada muud tagasisidet, siis teata sellest GitHub'i vahendusel.",
"To help avoid duplicate issues, please <existingIssuesLink>view existing issues</existingIssuesLink> first (and add a +1) or <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> if you can't find it.": "Topelt veateadete vältimiseks palun <existingIssuesLink>vaata esmalt olemasolevaid</existingIssuesLink> (ning lisa a + 1), aga kui sa samal teemal viga ei leia, siis <newIssueLink>koosta uus veateade</newIssueLink>.",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Sellest sõnumist teatamine saadab tema unikaalse sõnumi tunnuse sinu koduserveri haldurile. Kui selle jututoa sõnumid on krüptitud, siis sinu koduserveri haldur ei saa lugeda selle sõnumi teksti ega vaadata seal leiduvaid faile ja pilte.",
"Failed to upgrade room": "Jututoa versiooni uuendamine ei õnnestunud",
"The room upgrade could not be completed": "Jututoa uuendust ei õnnestunud teha",
"Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue.": "Palun vaata oma e-kirju ning klõpsi meie saadetud kirjas leiduvat linki. Kui see on tehtud, siis vajuta Jätka-nuppu.",
"Email address": "E-posti aadress",
"This will allow you to reset your password and receive notifications.": "See võimaldab sul luua uue salasõna ning saada teavitusi.",
"Wrong file type": "Vale failitüüp",
"Wrong Recovery Key": "Vale taastevõti",
"Invalid Recovery Key": "Vigane taastevõti",
"Security Phrase": "Turvafraas",
"Unable to access secret storage. Please verify that you entered the correct recovery passphrase.": "Ei õnnestu saada ligipääsu turvahoidlale. Palun kontrolli, et sa oleksid sisestanud õige taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraasi.",
"Enter your Security Phrase or <button>Use your Security Key</button> to continue.": "Jätkamiseks sisesta oma turvafraas või kasuta <button>turvavõtit</button>.",
"Security Key": "Turvavõti",
"Use your Security Key to continue.": "Jätkamiseks kasuta turvavõtit.",
"Restoring keys from backup": "Taastan võtmed varundusest",
"Fetching keys from server...": "Laen võtmed serverist...",
"%(completed)s of %(total)s keys restored": "%(completed)s / %(total)s võtit taastatud",
"Unable to load backup status": "Varunduse oleku laadimine ei õnnestunud",
"Recovery key mismatch": "Taastevõtmed ei klapi",
"Backup could not be decrypted with this recovery key: please verify that you entered the correct recovery key.": "Selle taastevõtmega ei õnnestunud varundust dekrüptida: palun kontrolli, kas sa kasutad õiget taastevõtit.",
"Incorrect recovery passphrase": "Vigane taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraas",
"Backup could not be decrypted with this recovery passphrase: please verify that you entered the correct recovery passphrase.": "Selle paroolifraasiga ei õnnestunud varundust dekrüptida: palun kontrolli, kas sa kasutad õiget taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraasi.",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.": "Sisestades taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraasi, saad ligipääsu oma turvatud sõnumitele ning sätid üles krüptitud sõnumivahetuse.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>": "Kui sa oled unudtanud taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraasi, siis sa saad <button1>kasutada oma taastevõtit</button1> või <button2>seadistada uued taastamise võimalused</button2>",
"<b>Warning</b>: You should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.": "<b>Hoiatus</b>: Sa peaksid võtmete varundust seadistama vaid arvutist, mida sa usaldad.",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "Meil on hea meel teatada, et Riot'i uus nimi on nüüd Element",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot'i uus nimi on Element!",
"Secret storage public key:": "Turvahoidla avalik võti:",
"Verify User": "Verifitseeri kasutaja",
"For extra security, verify this user by checking a one-time code on both of your devices.": "Lisaturvalisus mõttes verifitseeri see kasutaja võrreldes selleks üheks korraks loodud koodi mõlemas seadmes.",
"Your messages are not secure": "Sinu sõnumid ei ole turvatud",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version of the app at <a />": "Kasuta oma kontot logimaks sisse rakenduse viimasesse versiooni <a /> serveris",
"Youre already signed in and good to go here, but you can also grab the latest versions of the app on all platforms at <a></a>.": "Sa oled juba sisse loginud ja võid rahumeeli jätkata, kuid alati on hea mõte, kui kasutad viimast rakenduse versiooni, mille erinevate süsteemide jaoks leiad <a></a> lehelt.",
"Go to Element": "Võta Element kasutusele",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element!": "Meil on hea meel teatada, et Riot'i uus nimi on nüüd Element!",
"Learn more at <a></a>": "Lisateavet leiad <a></a> lehelt",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery key.": "Pääse ligi oma turvatud sõnumitele ning säti üles krüptitud sõnumivahetus.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery key you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>": "Kui sa oled unustanud oma taastevõtme, siis sa võid <button>seada üles uued taastamise võimalused</button>",
"Custom": "Kohandatud",
"Enter the location of your Element Matrix Services homeserver. It may use your own domain name or be a subdomain of <a></a>.": "Sisesta Element Matrix Services kodiserveri aadress. See võib kasutada nii sinu oma domeeni, kui olla <a></a> alamdomeen.",
"To set up a filter, drag a community avatar over to the filter panel on the far left hand side of the screen. You can click on an avatar in the filter panel at any time to see only the rooms and people associated with that community.": "Tõhusamaks kasutuseks seadista filter sikutades kogukonna tunnuspilti filtriribale ekraani vasakus ääres. Sa saad sobival ajal klõpsata filtriribal asuvat tunnuspilti ning näha vaid kasutajaid ja jututubasid, kes on seotud selle kogukonnaga.",
"Delete the room address %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Kas kustutame jututoa aadressi %(alias)s ja eemaldame %(name)s kataloogist?",
"delete the address.": "kustuta aadress.",
"The server may be unavailable or overloaded": "Server kas pole kättesaadav või on ülekoormatud",
"Unable to join network": "Võrguga liitumine ei õnnestu",
"Search rooms": "Otsi jututube",
"User menu": "Kasutajamenüü",
"You have been logged out of all sessions and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device.": "Sa oled kõikidest sessioonidest välja logitud ning enam ei saa tõuketeavitusi. Nende taaskuvamiseks logi sisse kõikides oma seadmetes.",
"Return to login screen": "Mine tagasi sisselogimisvaatele",
"Set a new password": "Seadista uus salasõna",
"Invalid homeserver discovery response": "Vigane vastus koduserveri tuvastamise päringule",
"Failed to get autodiscovery configuration from server": "Serveri automaattuvastuse seadistuste laadimine ei õnnestunud",
"Invalid base_url for m.homeserver": "m.homeserver'i kehtetu base_url",
"Homeserver URL does not appear to be a valid Matrix homeserver": "Koduserveri URL ei tundu viitama korrektsele Matrix'i koduserverile",
"Invalid identity server discovery response": "Vigane vastus isikutuvastusserveri tuvastamise päringule",
"Invalid base_url for m.identity_server": "m.identity_server'i kehtetu base_url",
"Passphrases must match": "Paroolifraasid ei klapi omavahel",
"Passphrase must not be empty": "Paroolifraas ei tohi olla tühi",
"Export room keys": "Ekspordi jututoa võtmed",
"This process allows you to export the keys for messages you have received in encrypted rooms to a local file. You will then be able to import the file into another Matrix client in the future, so that client will also be able to decrypt these messages.": "Selle toiminguga on sul võimalik saabunud krüptitud sõnumite võtmed eksportida sinu kontrollitavasse kohalikku faili. Seetõttu on sul tulevikus võimalik importida need võtmed mõnda teise Matrix'i klienti ning seeläbi muuta saabunud krüptitud sõnumid ka seal loetavaks.",
"The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure. To help with this, you should enter a passphrase below, which will be used to encrypt the exported data. It will only be possible to import the data by using the same passphrase.": "Kes iganes saab kätte selle ekspordifaili, saab ka lugeda sinu krüptitud sõnumeid, seega ole hoolikas selle faili talletamisel. Andmaks lisakihi turvalisust, peaksid sa alljärgnevalt sisestama paroolifraasi, millega krüptitakse eksporditavad andmed. Faili hilisem importimine õnnestub vaid sama paroolifraasi sisestamisel.",
"Confirm passphrase": "Sisesta paroolifraas veel üks kord",
"Export": "Ekspordi",
"Import room keys": "Impordi jututoa võtmed",
"This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "Selle toiminguga saad importida krüptimisvõtmed, mis sa viimati olid teisest Matrix'i kliendist eksportinud. Seejärel on võimalik dekrüptida ka siin kõik need samad sõnumid, mida see teine klient suutis dekrüptida.",
"The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "Ekspordifail on turvatud paroolifraasiga ning alljärgnevalt peaksid dekrüptimiseks sisestama selle paroolifraasi.",
"File to import": "Imporditav fail",
"Import": "Impordi",
"Confirm encryption setup": "Krüptimise seadistuse kinnitamine",
"Click the button below to confirm setting up encryption.": "Kinnitamaks, et soovid krüptimist seadistada, klõpsi järgnevat nuppu.",
"Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data by backing up encryption keys on your server.": "Tagamaks, et sa ei kaota ligipääsu krüptitud sõnumitele ja andmetele, varunda krüptimisvõtmed oma serveris.",
"Generate a Security Key": "Loo turvavõti",
"Well generate a Security Key for you to store somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe.": "Me loome turvavõtme, mida sa peaksid hoidma turvalises kohas, nagu näiteks arvutis salasõnade halduris või vana kooli seifis.",
"Enter a Security Phrase": "Sisesta turvafraas",
"Use a secret phrase only you know, and optionally save a Security Key to use for backup.": "Sisesta turvafraas, mida vaid sina tead ning lisaks võid salvestada varunduse turvavõtme.",
"Enter your account password to confirm the upgrade:": "Kinnitamaks seda muudatust, sisesta oma konto salasõna:",
"Restore your key backup to upgrade your encryption": "Krüptimine uuendamiseks taasta oma varundatud võtmed",
"Restore": "Taasta",
"You'll need to authenticate with the server to confirm the upgrade.": "Uuenduse kinnitamiseks pead end autentima serveris.",
"Upgrade this session to allow it to verify other sessions, granting them access to encrypted messages and marking them as trusted for other users.": "Teiste sessioonide verifitseerimiseks pead uuendama seda sessiooni. Muud verifitseeritud sessioonid saavad sellega ligipääsu krüptitud sõnumitele ning nad märgitakse usaldusväärseteks ka teiste kasutajate jaoks.",
"Enter a security phrase only you know, as its used to safeguard your data. To be secure, you shouldnt re-use your account password.": "Andmete kaitsmiseks sisesta turvafraas, mida vaid sina tead. On mõistlik ja palun ära kasuta selleks oma tavalist konto salasõna.",
"Enter a recovery passphrase": "Sisesta taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraas",
"Great! This recovery passphrase looks strong enough.": "Suurepärane! Taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraas on piisavalt kange.",
"That matches!": "Klapib!",
"Use a different passphrase?": "Kas kasutame muud paroolifraasi?",
"That doesn't match.": "Ei klapi mitte.",
"Go back to set it again.": "Mine tagasi ja sisesta nad uuesti.",
"Enter your recovery passphrase a second time to confirm it.": "Kinnitamaks sisesta taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraas teist korda.",
"Confirm your recovery passphrase": "Kinnita oma taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraas",
"Store your Security Key somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe, as its used to safeguard your encrypted data.": "Kuna seda kasutatakse sinu krüptitud andmete kaitsmiseks, siis hoia oma turvavõtit kaitstud ja turvalises kohas, nagu näiteks arvutis salasõnade halduris või vana kooli seifis.",
"Unable to query secret storage status": "Ei õnnestu tuvastada turvahoidla olekut",
"If you cancel now, you may lose encrypted messages & data if you lose access to your logins.": "Kui sa tühistad nüüd, siis sa võid peale viimasest seadmest välja logimist kaotada ligipääsu oma krüptitud sõnumitele ja andmetele.",
"You can also set up Secure Backup & manage your keys in Settings.": "Samuti võid sa seadetes võtta kasutusse turvalise varunduse ning hallata oma krüptovõtmeid.",
"Set up Secure backup": "Võta kasutusele turvaline varundus",
"Set a Security Phrase": "Sisesta turvafraas",
"Confirm Security Phrase": "Kinnita turvafraas",
"Save your Security Key": "Salvesta turvavõti",
"Unable to set up secret storage": "Turvahoidla kasutuselevõtmine ei õnnestu",
"We'll store an encrypted copy of your keys on our server. Secure your backup with a recovery passphrase.": "Me salvestame krüptitud koopia sinu krüptovõtmetest oma serveris. Seades taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraasi, saad turvata oma varundust.",
"For maximum security, this should be different from your account password.": "Parima turvalisuse jaoks peaks paroolifraas olema erinev sinu konto salasõnast.",
"Set up with a recovery key": "Võta kasutusele taastevõti",
"Please enter your recovery passphrase a second time to confirm.": "Kinnitamiseks palun sisesta taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraas teist korda.",
"Repeat your recovery passphrase...": "Korda oma taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraasi...",
"Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your recovery passphrase.": "Sinu taastevõti toimib turvavõrguna - juhul, kui sa unustad taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraasi, siis sa saad seda kasutada taastamaks ligipääsu krüptitud sõnumitele.",
"Keep a copy of it somewhere secure, like a password manager or even a safe.": "Hoia seda turvalises kohas, nagu näiteks salasõnahalduris või vana kooli seifis.",
"Your keys are being backed up (the first backup could take a few minutes).": "Sinu krüptovõtmeid varundatakse (esimese varukoopia tegemine võib võtta paar minutit).",
"Autocomplete": "Automaatne sõnalõpetus",
"Favourited": "Märgitud lemmikuks",
"Leave Room": "Lahku jututoast",
"Forget Room": "Unusta jututuba ära",
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "Mis iganes ametlikku klienti sa kasutad, kui üldse kasutad",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s on a device where touch is the primary input mechanism": "Kui kasutad %(brand)s seadmes, kus puuteekraan on põhiline sisestusviis",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "Kasuta oma kontot selleks, et sisse logida rakenduse viimasesse versiooni",
"Learn More": "Lisateave",
"Upgrades a room to a new version": "Uuendab jututoa uue versioonini",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "Sul ei ole piisavalt õigusi selle käsu käivitamiseks.",
"Error upgrading room": "Viga jututoa uuendamisel",
"Double check that your server supports the room version chosen and try again.": "Kontrolli veel kord, kas sinu koduserver toetab seda jututoa versiooni ning proovi uuesti.",
"Changes your display nickname": "Muudab sinu kuvatavat nime",
"Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Muudab sinu kuvatavat nime vaid selles jututoas",
"Changes the avatar of the current room": "Muudab selle jututoa tunnuspilti",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Muudab sinu tunnuspilti vaid selles jututoas",
"Failed to set topic": "Teema määramine ei õnnestunud",
"This room has no topic.": "Sellel jututoal puudub teema.",
"Invites user with given id to current room": "Kutsub nimetatud kasutajatunnusega kasutaja sellesse jututuppa",
"Use an identity server": "Kasuta isikutuvastusserverit",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s.": "%(targetName)s võttis vastu kutse %(displayName)s nimel.",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation.": "%(targetName)s võttis kutse vastu.",
"%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s soovib alustada VoIP rühmakõnet.",
"%(senderName)s made no change.": "%(senderName)s ei teinud muutusi.",
"VoIP conference started.": "VoIP rühmakõne algas.",
"VoIP conference finished.": "VoIP rühmakõne lõppes.",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.": "%(targetName)s lükkas kutse tagasi.",
"%(targetName)s left the room.": "%(targetName)s lahkus jututoast.",
"%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s õigused muutusid: %(fromPowerLevel)s -> %(toPowerLevel)s",
"%(senderName)s changed the power level of %(powerLevelDiffText)s.": "%(senderName)s muutis %(powerLevelDiffText)s õigusi.",
"Render simple counters in room header": "Näita jututoa päises lihtsaid loendure",
"Multiple integration managers": "Mitmed lõiminguhaldurid",
"Enable advanced debugging for the room list": "Lülita jututubade loendi jaoks sisse detailne silumine",
"Show a reminder to enable Secure Message Recovery in encrypted rooms": "Näita krüptitud jututubades meeldetuletust krüptitud sõnumite taastamisvõimaluste kohta",
"Use a system font": "Kasuta süsteemset fonti",
"System font name": "Süsteemse fondi nimi",
"Allow fallback call assist server when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Kui sinu koduserveris on seadistamata kõnehõlbustusserver, siis luba alternatiivina kasutada avalikku serverit (kõne ajal jagatakse nii sinu avalikku, kui privaatvõrgu IP-aadressi)",
"Send read receipts for messages (requires compatible homeserver to disable)": "Saada sõnumite lugemiskinnitusi (selle võimaluse keelamine eeldab, et koduserver sellist funktsionaalsust toetab)",
"This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "See on sinu serverite ja kasutajate ligipääsukeeldude loend. Palun ära lahku sellest jututoast!",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Kui sa just enne ekspordi selle jututoa võtmed ja impordi need hiljem, siis salasõna muutmine tühistab kõik läbiva krüptimise võtmed sinu kõikides sessioonides ning seega muutub kogu sinu krüptitud vestluste ajalugu loetamatuks. Tulevaste arenduste käigus tehakse see funktsionaalsus paremaks.",
"Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this session.": "Sinu kontol on turvahoidlas olemas risttunnustamise identiteet, kuid seda veel ei loeta antud sessioonis usaldusväärseks.",
"Cross-signing and secret storage are not yet set up.": "Risttunnustamine ja turvahoidla pole veel seadistatud.",
"Reset cross-signing and secret storage": "Tühista risttunnustamise tulemused ja turvahoidla sisu",
"Bootstrap cross-signing and secret storage": "Võta risttunnustamine ja turvahoidla kasutusele",
"well formed": "korrektses vormingus",
"unexpected type": "tundmatut tüüpi",
"in secret storage": "turvahoidlas",
"Self signing private key:": "Sinu privaatvõtmed:",
"cached locally": "on puhverdatud kohalikus seadmes",
"not found locally": "ei leidu kohalikus seadmes",
"User signing private key:": "Kasutaja privaatvõti:",
"Session backup key:": "Sessiooni varundusvõti:",
"in account data": "kasutajakonto andmete hulgas",
"Homeserver feature support:": "Koduserver on tugi sellele funktsionaalusele:",
"exists": "olemas",
"Confirm deleting these sessions by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|other": "Kinnitamaks seda, et soovid neid sessioone kustutada, kasuta oma isiku tuvastamiseks ühekordset sisselogimist.",
"Confirm deleting these sessions by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|one": "Kinnitamaks seda, et soovid seda sessiooni kustutada, kasuta oma isiku tuvastamiseks ühekordset sisselogimist.",
"Confirm deleting these sessions": "Kinnita nende sessioonide kustutamine",
"Click the button below to confirm deleting these sessions.|other": "Nende sessioonide kustutamiseks klõpsi järgnevat nuppu.",
"Click the button below to confirm deleting these sessions.|one": "Selle sessiooni kustutamiseks klõpsi järgnevat nuppu.",
"Delete sessions|other": "Kustuta sessioonid",
"Delete sessions|one": "Kustuta sessioon",
"Authentication": "Autentimine",
"%(brand)s can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "%(brand)s ei võimalda veebibrauseris töötades krüptitud sõnumeid turvaliselt puhverdada. Selleks, et krüptitud sõnumeid saaks otsida, kasuta <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> rakendust Matrix'i kliendina.",
"Encrypted messages are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.": "Krüptitud sõnumid kasutavad läbivat krüptimist. Ainult sinul ja saaja(te)l on võtmed selliste sõnumite lugemiseks.",
"Unable to load key backup status": "Võtmete varunduse oleku laadimine ei õnnestunud",
"Restore from Backup": "Taasta varundusest",
"This session is backing up your keys. ": "See sessioon varundab sinu krüptovõtmeid. ",
"This session is <b>not backing up your keys</b>, but you do have an existing backup you can restore from and add to going forward.": "See sessioon <b>ei varunda sinu krüptovõtmeid</b>, aga sul on olemas varundus, millest saad taastada ning millele saad võtmeid lisada.",
"Success": "Õnnestus",
"Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other sessions until you log back in to them": "Sinu salasõna sai edukalt muudetud. Sa ei saa oma teistes sessioonides tõuketeateid seni, kuni sa pole neist välja ja tagasi loginud",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Selleks, et sind võiks leida e-posti aadressi või telefoninumbri alusel, nõustu isikutuvastusserveri (%(serverName)s) kautustingimustega.",
"Account management": "Kontohaldus",
"Deactivating your account is a permanent action - be careful!": "Kuna kasutajakonto dektiveerimist ei saa tagasi pöörata, siis palun ole ettevaatlik!",
"Deactivate Account": "Deaktiveeri konto",
"Discovery": "Leia kasutajaid",
"Deactivate account": "Deaktiveeri kasutajakonto",
"For help with using %(brand)s, click <a>here</a>.": "Kui otsid lisateavet %(brand)s kasutamise kohta, palun vaata <a>siia</a>.",
"Add users and servers you want to ignore here. Use asterisks to have %(brand)s match any characters. For example, <code>@bot:*</code> would ignore all users that have the name 'bot' on any server.": "Lisa siia kasutajad ja serverid, mida sa soovid eirata. Kui soovid, et %(brand)s kasutaks üldist asendamist, siis kasuta tärni. Näiteks <code>@bot:*</code> eirab kõikide serverite kasutajat 'bot'.",
"Use default": "Kasuta vaikimisi väärtusi",
"Mentions & Keywords": "Mainimised ja võtmesõnad",
"Notification options": "Teavituste eelistused",
"Room options": "Jututoa eelistused",
"This room is public": "See jututuba on avalik",
"Away": "Eemal",
"Room avatar": "Jututoa tunnuspilt ehk avatar",
"Publish this room to the public in %(domain)s's room directory?": "Kas avaldame selle jututoa %(domain)s jututubade loendis?",
"When someone puts a URL in their message, a URL preview can be shown to give more information about that link such as the title, description, and an image from the website.": "Kui keegi lisab oma sõnumisse URL'i, siis võidakse näidata selle URL'i eelvaadet, mis annab lisateavet tema kohta, nagu näiteks pealkiri, kirjeldus ja kuidas ta välja näeb.",
"Waiting for you to accept on your other session…": "Ootan, et sa nõustuksid teises sessioonis…",
"Waiting for %(displayName)s to accept…": "Ootan, et %(displayName)s nõustuks…",
"Accepting…": "Nõustun …",
"Start Verification": "Alusta verifitseerimist",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted.": "See jututuba on läbivalt krüptitud.",
"Your messages are secured and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.": "Sinu sõnumid on turvatud ning ainult sinul ja saaja(te)l on unikaalsed võtmed selliste sõnumite lugemiseks.",
"Messages in this room are not end-to-end encrypted.": "See jututuba ei ole läbivalt krüptitud.",
"One of the following may be compromised:": "Üks järgnevatest võib olla sattunud valedesse kätesse:",
"Your homeserver": "Sinu koduserver",
"The homeserver the user youre verifying is connected to": "Sinu poolt verifitseeritava kasutaja koduserver",
"Yours, or the other users internet connection": "Sinu või teise kasutaja internetiühendus",
"Yours, or the other users session": "Sinu või teise kasutaja sessioon",
"Trusted": "Usaldusväärne",
"Not trusted": "Ei ole usaldusväärne",
"%(count)s verified sessions|other": "%(count)s verifitseeritud sessiooni",
"%(count)s verified sessions|one": "1 verifitseeritud sessioon",
"Hide verified sessions": "Peida verifitseeritud sessioonid",
"%(count)s sessions|other": "%(count)s sessiooni",
"%(count)s sessions|one": "%(count)s sessioon",
"Hide sessions": "Peida sessioonid",
"The session you are trying to verify doesn't support scanning a QR code or emoji verification, which is what %(brand)s supports. Try with a different client.": "See sessioon, mida sa tahad verifitseerida ei toeta QR koodi ega emoji-põhist verifitseerimist, aga just neid %(brand)s oskab kasutada. Proovi mõne muu Matrix'i kliendiga.",
"Verify by scanning": "Verifitseeri skaneerides",
"Ask %(displayName)s to scan your code:": "Palu, et %(displayName)s skaneeriks sinu koodi:",
"If you can't scan the code above, verify by comparing unique emoji.": "Kui sa ei saa skaneerida eespool kuvatud koodi, siis verifitseeri unikaalsete emoji'de võrdlemise teel.",
"Verify by comparing unique emoji.": "Verifitseeri unikaalsete emoji'de võrdlemise teel.",
"Verify by emoji": "Verifitseeri emoji'de abil",
"Edited at %(date)s": "Muutmise kuupäev %(date)s",
"Click to view edits": "Muudatuste nägemiseks klõpsi",
"<a>In reply to</a> <pill>": "<a>Vastuseks kasutajale</a> <pill>",
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here.": "On olemad detailseid teavitusi, mida siin ei kuvata.",
"You might have configured them in a client other than %(brand)s. You cannot tune them in %(brand)s but they still apply.": "Sa võib-olla oled seadistanud nad %(brand)s'ist erinevas kliendis. Sa küll ei saa neid %(brand)s'is muuta, kuid nad kehtivad siiski.",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Sa hetkel kasutad <server></server> serverit, et olla leitav ja ise leida sinule teadaolevaid inimesi. Alljärgnevalt saad sa muuta oma isikutuvastusserverit.",
"If you don't want to use <server /> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, enter another identity server below.": "Kui sa ei soovi kasutada <server /> serverit, et olla leitav ja ise leida sinule teadaolevaid inimesi, siis sisesta alljärgnevalt mõni teine isikutuvastusserver.",
"Identity Server": "Isikutuvastusserver",
"Do not use an identity server": "Ära kasuta isikutuvastusserverit",
"Enter a new identity server": "Sisesta uue isikutuvastusserveri nimi",
"Change": "Muuda",
"Use an Integration Manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Robotite, vidinate ja kleepsupakkide jaoks kasuta lõiminguhaldurit <b>(%(serverName)s)</b>.",
"Use an Integration Manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Robotite, vidinate ja kleepsupakkide seadistamiseks kasuta lõiminguhaldurit.",
"Manage integrations": "Halda lõiminguid",
"Integration Managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Lõiminguhalduritel on laiad volitused - nad võivad sinu nimel lugeda seadistusi, kohandada vidinaid, saata jututubade kutseid ning määrata õigusi.",
"Define the power level of a user": "Määra kasutaja õigused",
"Command failed": "Käsk ei toiminud",
"Opens the Developer Tools dialog": "Avab arendusvahendite akna",
"Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Lisab jututuppa URL-ist valitud kohandatud vidina",
"Backing up %(sessionsRemaining)s keys...": "Varundan %(sessionsRemaining)s krüptovõtmeid...",
"All keys backed up": "Kõik krüptovõtmed on varundatud",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this user": "Varukoopial on selle kasutaja <validity>kehtiv</validity> allkiri",
"Backup has a <validity>invalid</validity> signature from this user": "Varukoopial on selle kasutaja <validity>vigane</validity> allkiri",
"Backup has a signature from <verify>unknown</verify> user with ID %(deviceId)s": "Varukoopial <verify>tundmatu</verify> kasutaja allkiri seadme tunnusega %(deviceId)s",
"Backup has a signature from <verify>unknown</verify> session with ID %(deviceId)s": "Varukoopial <verify>tundmatu</verify> sessiooni allkiri seadme tunnusega %(deviceId)s",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this session": "Varukoopial on selle sessiooni <validity>kehtiv</validity> allkiri",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from this session": "Varukoopial on selle sessiooni <validity>vigane</validity> allkiri",
"Backup is not signed by any of your sessions": "Varunduse andmetel pole mitte ühegi sinu sessiooni allkirja",
"This backup is trusted because it has been restored on this session": "See varukoopia on usaldusväärne, sest ta on taastatud sellest sessioonist",
"Backup version: ": "Varukoopia versioon: ",
"Algorithm: ": "Algoritm: ",
"Backup key stored: ": "Varukoopia võti on salvestatud: ",
"Start using Key Backup": "Võta kasutusele krüptovõtmete varundamine",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Sa hetkel ei kasuta isikutuvastusserverit. Et olla leitav ja ise leida sinule teadaolevaid inimesi seadista ta alljärgnevalt.",
"Show rooms with unread messages first": "Näita lugemata sõnumitega jututubasid esimesena",
"Show previews of messages": "Näita sõnumite eelvaateid",
"Sort by": "Järjestamisviis",
"Activity": "Aktiivsuse alusel",
"A-Z": "Tähestiku järjekorras",
"Jump to first unread room.": "Siirdu esimesse lugemata jututuppa.",
"Jump to first invite.": "Siirdu esimese kutse juurde.",
"Recovery Method Removed": "Taastemeetod on eemaldatud",
"This session has detected that your recovery passphrase and key for Secure Messages have been removed.": "Oleme tuvastanud, et selles sessioonis ei leidu taastamiseks mõeldud paroolifraas ega krüptitud sõnumite taastevõtit.",
"If you did this accidentally, you can setup Secure Messages on this session which will re-encrypt this session's message history with a new recovery method.": "Kui sa tegid seda juhuslikult, siis sa võid selles sessioonis uuesti seadistada sõnumite krüptimise, mille tulemusel krüptime uuesti kõik sõnumid ja loome uue taastamise meetodi.",
"If you didn't remove the recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.": "Kui sa ei ole ise taastamise meetodeid eemaldanud, siis võib olla tegemist ründega sinu konto vastu. Palun vaheta koheselt oma salasõna ning määra seadistustes uus taastemeetod."

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"Start chat": "Hasi txata",
"Custom Server Options": "Zerbitzari pertsonalizatuaren aukerak",
"Dismiss": "Baztertu",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrix mamian",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrix-ekin egina",
"Room": "Gela",
"Historical": "Historiala",
"Save": "Gorde",

View file

@ -120,5 +120,6 @@
"With your current browser, the look and feel of the application may be completely incorrect, and some or all features may not function. If you want to try it anyway you can continue, but you are on your own in terms of any issues you may encounter!": "با مرورگر کنونی شما، ظاهر و حس استفاده از برنامه ممکن است کاملا اشتباه باشد و برخی یا همه‌ی ویژگی‌ها ممکن است کار نکنند. می‌توانید به استفاده ادامه دهید اما مسئولیت هر مشکلی که به آن بربخورید بر عهده‌ی خودتان است!",
"Checking for an update...": "درحال بررسی به‌روزرسانی‌ها...",
"This email address is already in use": "این آدرس ایمیل در حال حاضر در حال استفاده است",
"This phone number is already in use": "این شماره تلفن در حال استفاده است"
"This phone number is already in use": "این شماره تلفن در حال استفاده است",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "لطفا برای تجربه بهتر <chromeLink>کروم</chromeLink>، <firefoxLink>فایرفاکس</firefoxLink>، یا <safariLink>سافاری</safariLink> را نصب کنید."

View file

@ -754,7 +754,7 @@
"Show message in desktop notification": "Afficher le message dans les notifications de bureau",
"Unhide Preview": "Dévoiler l'aperçu",
"Unable to join network": "Impossible de rejoindre le réseau",
"Sorry, your browser is <b>not</b> able to run %(brand)s.": "Désolé, %(brand)s <b>n'</b>est <b>pas</b> supporté par votre navigateur.",
"Sorry, your browser is <b>not</b> able to run %(brand)s.": "Désolé, %(brand)s n'est <b>pas</b> supporté par votre navigateur.",
"Uploaded on %(date)s by %(user)s": "Téléchargé le %(date)s par %(user)s",
"Messages in group chats": "Messages dans les discussions de groupe",
"Yesterday": "Hier",
@ -2347,5 +2347,35 @@
"Set up Secure backup": "Configurer la sauvegarde sécurisée",
"Set a Security Phrase": "Définir une phrase de sécurité",
"Confirm Security Phrase": "Confirmer la phrase de sécurité",
"Save your Security Key": "Sauvegarder votre clé de sécurité"
"Save your Security Key": "Sauvegarder votre clé de sécurité",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "Connectez-vous à la nouvelle version",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que Riot est désormais Element",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot est maintenant Element !",
"Learn More": "Plus d'infos",
"Enable experimental, compact IRC style layout": "Disposition expérimentale compacte style IRC",
"Incoming voice call": "Appel vocal entrant",
"Incoming video call": "Appel vidéo entrant",
"Incoming call": "Appel entrant",
"Make this room low priority": "Définir ce salon en priorité basse",
"Low priority rooms show up at the bottom of your room list in a dedicated section at the bottom of your room list": "Les salons de priorité basse s'affichent en bas de votre liste de salons, dans une section dédiée",
"Show rooms with unread messages first": "Afficher les salons non lus en premier",
"Show previews of messages": "Afficher un aperçu des messages",
"Use default": "Utiliser la valeur par défaut",
"Mentions & Keywords": "Mentions et mots-clés",
"Notification options": "Paramètres de notifications",
"Unknown caller": "Appelant inconnu",
"Favourited": "Favori",
"Forget Room": "Oublier le salon",
"This room is public": "Ce salon est public",
"Edited at %(date)s": "Édité le %(date)s",
"Click to view edits": "Cliquez pour éditer",
"Go to Element": "Aller à Element",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element!": "Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que Riot est désormais Element !",
"Learn more at <a></a>": "Plus d'infos sur <a></a>",
"Search rooms": "Chercher des salons",
"User menu": "Menu d'utilisateur",
"%(brand)s Web": "%(brand)s Web",
"%(brand)s Desktop": "%(brand)s Desktop",
"%(brand)s iOS": "%(brand)s iOS",
"%(brand)s X for Android": "%(brand)s X pour Android"

View file

@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
"Leave room": "Deixar a sala",
"Favourite": "Favorita",
"Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "As convidadas non se poden unir a esta sala ainda que fosen convidadas explicitamente.",
"Click here to fix": "Pulse aquí para solución",
"Click here to fix": "Preme aquí para solucionar",
"Who can access this room?": "Quen pode acceder a esta sala?",
"Only people who have been invited": "Só persoas que foron convidadas",
"Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests": "Calquera que coñeza o enderezo da sala, aparte das convidadas",
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@
"%(inviter)s has invited you to join this community": "%(inviter)s convidoute a entrar nesta comunidade",
"You are an administrator of this community": "Administras esta comunidade",
"You are a member of this community": "É membro desta comunidade",
"Your community hasn't got a Long Description, a HTML page to show to community members.<br />Click here to open settings and give it one!": "A súa comunidade non ten unha descrición longa, ou unha páxina HTML que lle mostrar aos seus participantes.<br />Pulse aquí para abrir os axustes e publicar unha!",
"Your community hasn't got a Long Description, a HTML page to show to community members.<br />Click here to open settings and give it one!": "A túa comunidade non ten unha descrición longa, ou unha páxina HTML que lle mostrar ás participantes.<br />Preme aquí para abrir os axustes e publicar unha!",
"Long Description (HTML)": "Descrición longa (HTML)",
"Description": "Descrición",
"Community %(groupId)s not found": "Non se atopou a comunidade %(groupId)s",
@ -530,11 +530,11 @@
"Room": "Sala",
"Failed to reject invite": "Fallo ao rexeitar o convite",
"Fill screen": "Encher pantalla",
"Click to unmute video": "Pulse para escoitar vídeo",
"Click to mute video": "Pulse para acalar video",
"Click to unmute audio": "Pulse para escoitar audio",
"Click to mute audio": "Pulse para acalar audio",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Intentouse cargar un punto concreto do historial desta sala, pero non ten permiso para ver a mensaxe en cuestión.",
"Click to unmute video": "Preme para escoitar vídeo",
"Click to mute video": "Preme para acalar video",
"Click to unmute audio": "Preme para escoitar audio",
"Click to mute audio": "Preme para acalar audio",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Intentouse cargar un punto concreto do historial desta sala, pero non tes permiso para ver a mensaxe en cuestión.",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "Intentouse cargar un punto específico do historial desta sala, pero non se puido atopar.",
"Failed to load timeline position": "Fallo ao cargar posición da liña temporal",
"Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others|other": "Subindo %(filename)s e %(count)s máis",
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
"Profile": "Perfil",
"Account": "Conta",
"Access Token:": "Testemuño de acceso:",
"click to reveal": "pulse para revelar",
"click to reveal": "Preme para mostrar",
"Homeserver is": "O servidor de inicio é",
"Identity Server is": "O servidor de identidade é",
"%(brand)s version:": "versión %(brand)s:",
@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@
"Butterfly": "Bolboreta",
"Flower": "Flor",
"Tree": "Árbore",
"Cactus": "Cactus",
"Cactus": "Cacto",
"Mushroom": "Cogomelo",
"Globe": "Globo",
"Moon": "Lúa",
@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@
"Room version": "Versión da sala",
"Room version:": "Versión da sala:",
"Developer options": "Opcións desenvolvemento",
"Open Devtools": "Open Devtools",
"Open Devtools": "Abrir Devtools",
"This room is bridging messages to the following platforms. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Esta sala está enviando mensaxes ás seguintes plataformas. <a>Coñece máis.</a>",
"This room isnt bridging messages to any platforms. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Esta sala non está enviando mensaxes a outras plataformas. <a>Saber máis.</a>",
"Bridges": "Pontes",
@ -2232,7 +2232,7 @@
"Autocomplete": "Autocompletado",
"Alt": "Alt",
"Alt Gr": "Alt Gr",
"Shift": "Maiús.",
"Shift": "Maiús",
"Super": "Super",
"Ctrl": "Ctrl",
"Toggle Bold": "Activa Resaltar",
@ -2344,5 +2344,47 @@
"Set up Secure backup": "Configurar Copia de apoio Segura",
"Set a Security Phrase": "Establece a Frase de Seguridade",
"Confirm Security Phrase": "Confirma a Frase de Seguridade",
"Save your Security Key": "Garda a Chave de Seguridade"
"Save your Security Key": "Garda a Chave de Seguridade",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "Usa a túa conta para conectarte á última versión",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "Emociónanos anunciar que Riot agora chámase Element",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot agora é Element!",
"Learn More": "Saber máis",
"Enable experimental, compact IRC style layout": "Activar o estilo experimental IRC compacto",
"Unknown caller": "Descoñecido",
"Incoming voice call": "Chamada de voz entrante",
"Incoming video call": "Chamada de vídeo entrante",
"Incoming call": "Chamada entrante",
"%(brand)s can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "%(brand)s non pode por na caché local de xeito as mensaxes cifradas cando usa un navegador web. Usa <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> para que as mensaxes cifradas aparezan nos resultados.",
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here.": "Existen notificacións avanzadas que non aparecen aquí.",
"You might have configured them in a client other than %(brand)s. You cannot tune them in %(brand)s but they still apply.": "Deberialas ter configurado nun cliente diferente de %(brand)s. Non podes modificalas en %(brand)s pero aplícanse igualmente.",
"Set the name of a font installed on your system & %(brand)s will attempt to use it.": "Escolle unha das tipografías instaladas no teu sistema e %(brand)s intentará utilizalas.",
"Make this room low priority": "Marcar a sala como de baixa prioridade",
"Low priority rooms show up at the bottom of your room list in a dedicated section at the bottom of your room list": "As salas de baixa prioridade aparecen abaixo na lista de salas, nunha sección dedicada no final da lista",
"Use default": "Usar por omisión",
"Mentions & Keywords": "Mencións e Palabras chave",
"Notification options": "Opcións de notificación",
"Favourited": "Con marca de Favorita",
"Forget Room": "Esquecer sala",
"If the other version of %(brand)s is still open in another tab, please close it as using %(brand)s on the same host with both lazy loading enabled and disabled simultaneously will cause issues.": "Se a outra versión de %(brand)s aínda está aberta noutra lapela, péchaa xa que usar %(brand)s no mesmo servidor con carga preguiceira activada e desactivada ao mesmo tempo causará problemas.",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version of the app at <a />": "Usa a túa conta para conectarte á última versión da app en <a />",
"Youre already signed in and good to go here, but you can also grab the latest versions of the app on all platforms at <a></a>.": "Xa estás conectada e podes ir alá, pero tamén podes ir á última versión da app en tódalas plataformas en <a></a>.",
"Go to Element": "Ir a Element",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element!": "Emociónanos comunicar que Riot agora é Element!",
"Learn more at <a></a>": "Coñece máis en <a></a>",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use %(brand)s with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Podes usar as opcións de servidor personalizado para conectar con outros servidores Matrix indicando un URL diferente para o servidor. Poderás usar %(brand)s cunha conta Matrix existente noutro servidor de inicio.",
"Enter the location of your Element Matrix Services homeserver. It may use your own domain name or be a subdomain of <a></a>.": "Escribe a localización do teu servidor Element Matrix Services. Podería ser o teu propio dominio ou un subdominio de <a></a>.",
"Search rooms": "Buscar salas",
"User menu": "Menú de usuaria",
"%(brand)s Web": "Web %(brand)s",
"%(brand)s Desktop": "%(brand)s Desktop",
"%(brand)s iOS": "%(brand)s iOS",
"%(brand)s X for Android": "%(brand)s X para Android",
"This room is public": "Esta é unha sala pública",
"Away": "Fóra",
"Enable advanced debugging for the room list": "Activar depuración avanzada para a lista da sala",
"Show rooms with unread messages first": "Mostrar primeiro as salas con mensaxes sen ler",
"Show previews of messages": "Mostrar vista previa das mensaxes",
"Edited at %(date)s": "Editado o %(date)s",
"Click to view edits": "Preme para ver as edicións",
"Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "¿Estás seguro de que non queres escribir a frase de paso?"

View file

@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
"Invites": "Meghívók",
"Invites user with given id to current room": "A megadott azonosítójú felhasználó meghívása a jelenlegi szobába",
"Sign in with": "Belépés ezzel:",
"Join as <voiceText>voice</voiceText> or <videoText>video</videoText>.": "Csatlakozás <voiceText>hang</voiceText>gal vagy <videoText>videó</videoText>val.",
"Join as <voiceText>voice</voiceText> or <videoText>video</videoText>.": "Csatlakozás <voiceText>hanggal</voiceText> vagy <videoText>videóval</videoText>.",
"Join Room": "Belépés a szobába",
"%(targetName)s joined the room.": "%(targetName)s belépett a szobába.",
"Jump to first unread message.": "Ugrás az első olvasatlan üzenetre.",
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
"Users": "Felhasználók",
"Verification Pending": "Ellenőrzés függőben",
"Verified key": "Ellenőrzött kulcs",
"Video call": "Videó hívás",
"Video call": "Videóhívás",
"Voice call": "Hang hívás",
"VoIP conference finished.": "VoIP konferencia befejeződött.",
"VoIP conference started.": "VoIP konferencia elkezdődött.",
@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@
"Deactivating your account is a permanent action - be careful!": "A fiók felfüggesztése végleges - légy óvatos!",
"For help with using %(brand)s, click <a>here</a>.": "A %(brand)s használatában való segítséghez kattints <a>ide</a>.",
"For help with using %(brand)s, click <a>here</a> or start a chat with our bot using the button below.": "A %(brand)s használatában való segítségér kattints <a>ide</a> vagy kezdj beszélgetni a botunkkal az alábbi gombra kattintva.",
"Help & About": "Segítség & Névjegy",
"Help & About": "Súgó és névjegy",
"Bug reporting": "Hiba bejelentése",
"FAQ": "GYIK",
"Versions": "Verziók",
@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@
"Autocomplete delay (ms)": "Automatikus kiegészítés késleltetése (ms)",
"Roles & Permissions": "Szerepek & Jogosultságok",
"Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.": "A üzenetek olvashatóságának változtatása csak az új üzenetekre lesz érvényes. A régi üzenetek láthatósága nem fog változni.",
"Security & Privacy": "Biztonság & Adatvédelem",
"Security & Privacy": "Biztonság és adatvédelem",
"Encryption": "Titkosítás",
"Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.": "Ha egyszer bekapcsolod, már nem lehet kikapcsolni.",
"Encrypted": "Titkosítva",
@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@
"Key backup": "Kulcsok biztonsági mentése",
"Missing media permissions, click the button below to request.": "Hiányzó média jogosultságok, kattints a gombra alul a jogok megadásához.",
"Request media permissions": "Média jogosultságok megkérése",
"Voice & Video": "Hang & Videó",
"Voice & Video": "Hang és videó",
"Main address": "Fő cím",
"Room avatar": "Szoba képe",
"Room Name": "Szoba neve",
@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@
"Remove %(email)s?": "%(email)s törlése?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "%(phone)s törlése?",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "A szöveges üzenetet elküldtük a +%(msisdn)s számra. Kérlek add meg az ellenőrző kódot amit tartalmazott.",
"Command Help": "Parancs Segítség",
"Command Help": "Parancsok súgója",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Nincs azonosítási szerver beállítva: adj meg egyet a szerver beállításoknál, hogy a jelszavadat vissza tudd állítani.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Ez a fiók zárolva van.",
"You do not have the required permissions to use this command.": "A parancs használatához nincs meg a megfelelő jogosultságod.",
@ -1732,7 +1732,7 @@
"Language Dropdown": "Nyelvválasztó lenyíló menü",
"Country Dropdown": "Ország lenyíló menü",
"The message you are trying to send is too large.": "Túl nagy képet próbálsz elküldeni.",
"Help": "Segítség",
"Help": "Súgó",
"Show more": "Mutass többet",
"Recent Conversations": "Legújabb Beszélgetések",
"Direct Messages": "Közvetlen Beszélgetések",
@ -2045,15 +2045,15 @@
"Shift": "Shift",
"Super": "Super",
"Ctrl": "Ctrl",
"Toggle Bold": "Félkövér váltása",
"Toggle Italics": "Dőlt váltása",
"Toggle Quote": "Idézet váltása",
"Toggle Bold": "Félkövér be/ki",
"Toggle Italics": "Dőlt be/ki",
"Toggle Quote": "Idézet be/ki",
"New line": "Új sor",
"Navigate recent messages to edit": "Friss üzenetekben navigálás a szerkesztéshez",
"Jump to start/end of the composer": "Az üzenet elejére/végére ugrás a szerkesztőben",
"Navigate composer history": "A szerkesztő korábbi üzeneteiben navigálás",
"Toggle microphone mute": "Mikrofon némítás váltása",
"Toggle video on/off": "Videó ki-/bekapcsolás váltása",
"Toggle microphone mute": "Mikrofon némítás be/ki",
"Toggle video on/off": "Videó be/ki",
"Jump to room search": "A szoba keresésre ugrás",
"Navigate up/down in the room list": "A szoba listában fel/le navigál",
"Select room from the room list": "Szoba kiválasztása a szoba listából",
@ -2063,11 +2063,11 @@
"Scroll up/down in the timeline": "Az idővonalon görgetés fel/le",
"Previous/next unread room or DM": "Előző/következő olvasatlan szoba vagy közvetlen üzenet",
"Previous/next room or DM": "Előző/következő szoba vagy közvetlen üzenet",
"Toggle the top left menu": "Bal felső menü ki-/bekapcsolása",
"Toggle the top left menu": "Bal felső menü be/ki",
"Close dialog or context menu": "Párbeszédablak vagy menü bezárása",
"Activate selected button": "Kiválasztott gomb aktiválása",
"Toggle right panel": "Jobb oldali panel váltása",
"Toggle this dialog": "Ennek a párbeszédablaknak a váltása",
"Toggle right panel": "Jobb oldali panel be/ki",
"Toggle this dialog": "E párbeszédablak be/ki",
"Move autocomplete selection up/down": "Automatikus kiegészítés kijelölésének mozgatása fel/le",
"Cancel autocomplete": "Automatikus kiegészítés megszakítása",
"Page Up": "Page Up",
@ -2343,5 +2343,34 @@
"Set up Secure backup": "Biztonsági mentés beállítása",
"Set a Security Phrase": "Biztonsági Jelmondat beállítása",
"Confirm Security Phrase": "Biztonsági Jelmondat megerősítése",
"Save your Security Key": "Ments el a Biztonsági Kulcsodat"
"Save your Security Key": "Ments el a Biztonsági Kulcsodat",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "A legutolsó verzióba való bejelentkezéshez használd a fiókodat",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "Izgatottan jelentjük, hogy a Riot mostantól Element",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot mostantól Element!",
"Learn More": "Tudj meg többet",
"Enable experimental, compact IRC style layout": "Egyszerű (kísérleti) IRC stílusú kinézet engedélyezése",
"Unknown caller": "Ismeretlen hívó",
"Incoming voice call": "Bejövő hanghívás",
"Incoming video call": "Bejövő videó hívás",
"Incoming call": "Bejövő hívás",
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here.": "Vannak haladó értesítési beállítások amik itt nem jelennek meg.",
"Appearance Settings only affect this %(brand)s session.": "A megjelenítési beállítások csak erre az %(brand)s munkamenetre lesznek érvényesek.",
"Make this room low priority": "Ez a szoba legyen alacsony prioritású",
"Use default": "Alapértelmezett használata",
"Mentions & Keywords": "Megemlítések és kulcsszavak",
"Notification options": "Értesítési beállítások",
"Favourited": "Kedvencek",
"Forget Room": "Szoba elfelejtése",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version of the app at <a />": "Az alkalmazás legutolsó verzióba való bejelentkezéshez itt <a /> használd a fiókodat",
"Go to Element": "Irány az Element",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element!": "Izgatottan jelentjük, hogy a Riot mostantól Element!",
"Learn more at <a></a>": "Tudj meg többet: <a></a>",
"Search rooms": "Szobák keresése",
"User menu": "Felhasználói menü",
"%(brand)s Web": "%(brand)s Web",
"%(brand)s Desktop": "Asztali %(brand)s",
"%(brand)s iOS": "%(brand)s iOS",
"%(brand)s X for Android": "%(brand)s X Android",
"This room is public": "Ez egy nyilvános szoba",
"Away": "Távol"

View file

@ -193,8 +193,8 @@
"Room Colour": "Colore della stanza",
"Active call (%(roomName)s)": "Chiamata attiva (%(roomName)s)",
"unknown caller": "Chiamante sconosciuto",
"Incoming voice call from %(name)s": "Chiamata vocale in arrivo da %(name)s",
"Incoming video call from %(name)s": "Chiamata video in arrivo da %(name)s",
"Incoming voice call from %(name)s": "Telefonata in arrivo da %(name)s",
"Incoming video call from %(name)s": "Videochiamata in arrivo da %(name)s",
"Incoming call from %(name)s": "Chiamata in arrivo da %(name)s",
"Decline": "Rifiuta",
"Accept": "Accetta",
@ -254,8 +254,8 @@
"%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)": "%(userName)s (poteri %(powerLevelNumber)s)",
"Attachment": "Allegato",
"Hangup": "Riaggancia",
"Voice call": "Chiamata vocale",
"Video call": "Chiamata video",
"Voice call": "Telefonata",
"Video call": "Videochiamata",
"Upload file": "Invia file",
"Send an encrypted reply…": "Invia una risposta criptata…",
"Send an encrypted message…": "Invia un messaggio criptato…",
@ -532,7 +532,7 @@
"Failed to leave room": "Uscita dalla stanza fallita",
"Signed Out": "Disconnesso",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Per sicurezza questa sessione è stata disconnessa. Accedi di nuovo.",
"Old cryptography data detected": "Rilevati dati di cifratura obsoleti",
"Old cryptography data detected": "Rilevati dati di crittografia obsoleti",
"Data from an older version of %(brand)s has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Sono stati rilevati dati da una vecchia versione di %(brand)s. Ciò avrà causato malfunzionamenti della crittografia end-to-end nella vecchia versione. I messaggi cifrati end-to-end scambiati di recente usando la vecchia versione potrebbero essere indecifrabili in questa versione. Anche i messaggi scambiati con questa versione possono fallire. Se riscontri problemi, disconnettiti e riaccedi. Per conservare la cronologia, esporta e re-importa le tue chiavi.",
"Logout": "Disconnetti",
"Your Communities": "Le tue comunità",
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@
"Confirm passphrase": "Conferma password",
"Export": "Esporta",
"Import room keys": "Importa chiavi della stanza",
"This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "Questa procedura ti permette di importare le chiavi di cifratura precedentemente esportate da un altro client Matrix. Potrai poi decifrare tutti i messaggi che quel client poteva decifrare.",
"This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "Questa procedura ti permette di importare le chiavi di crittografia precedentemente esportate da un altro client Matrix. Potrai poi decifrare tutti i messaggi che quel client poteva decifrare.",
"The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "Il file esportato sarà protetto da una password. Dovresti inserire la password qui, per decifrarlo.",
"File to import": "File da importare",
"Import": "Importa",
@ -783,7 +783,7 @@
"e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "es. <CurrentPageURL>",
"Your device resolution": "La risoluzione del dispositivo",
"Missing roomId.": "ID stanza mancante.",
"Always show encryption icons": "Mostra sempre icone di cifratura",
"Always show encryption icons": "Mostra sempre icone di crittografia",
"Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets": "Attiva le schermate dei widget sui widget supportati",
"Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.": "Impossibile caricare l'evento a cui si è risposto, o non esiste o non hai il permesso di visualizzarlo.",
"Refresh": "Aggiorna",
@ -914,7 +914,7 @@
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Si prega di rivedere e accettare tutte le politiche dell'homeserver",
"To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of %(brand)s to do this": "Per evitare di perdere la cronologia della chat, devi esportare le tue chiavi della stanza prima di uscire. Dovrai tornare alla versione più recente di %(brand)s per farlo",
"Incompatible Database": "Database non compatibile",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Continua con la cifratura disattivata",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Continua con la crittografia disattivata",
"Unable to load backup status": "Impossibile caricare lo stato del backup",
"Unable to restore backup": "Impossibile ripristinare il backup",
"No backup found!": "Nessun backup trovato!",
@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@
"We've sent you an email to verify your address. Please follow the instructions there and then click the button below.": "Ti abbiamo inviato un'email per verificare il tuo indirizzo. Segui le istruzioni contenute e poi clicca il pulsante sotto.",
"Email Address": "Indirizzo email",
"Are you sure? You will lose your encrypted messages if your keys are not backed up properly.": "Sei sicuro? Perderai i tuoi messaggi cifrati se non hai salvato adeguatamente le tue chiavi.",
"Encrypted messages are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.": "I messaggi criptati sono resi sicuri con una cifratura end-to-end. Solo tu e il/i destinatario/i avete le chiavi per leggere questi messaggi.",
"Encrypted messages are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.": "I messaggi cifrati sono resi sicuri con una crittografia end-to-end. Solo tu e il/i destinatario/i avete le chiavi per leggere questi messaggi.",
"Restore from Backup": "Ripristina da un backup",
"Back up your keys before signing out to avoid losing them.": "Fai una copia delle tue chiavi prima di disconnetterti per evitare di perderle.",
"Backing up %(sessionsRemaining)s keys...": "Copia di %(sessionsRemaining)s chiavi...",
@ -1148,11 +1148,11 @@
"Send %(eventType)s events": "Invia eventi %(eventType)s",
"Roles & Permissions": "Ruoli e permessi",
"Select the roles required to change various parts of the room": "Seleziona i ruoli necessari per cambiare varie parti della stanza",
"Enable encryption?": "Attivare la cifratura?",
"Once enabled, encryption for a room cannot be disabled. Messages sent in an encrypted room cannot be seen by the server, only by the participants of the room. Enabling encryption may prevent many bots and bridges from working correctly. <a>Learn more about encryption.</a>": "Una volta attivata, la cifratura di una stanza non può essere disattivata. I messaggi inviati in una stanza cifrata non possono essere letti dal server, solo dai partecipanti della stanza. L'attivazione della cifratura può impedire il corretto funzionamento di bot e bridge. <a>Maggiori informazioni sulla cifratura.</a>",
"Enable encryption?": "Attivare la crittografia?",
"Once enabled, encryption for a room cannot be disabled. Messages sent in an encrypted room cannot be seen by the server, only by the participants of the room. Enabling encryption may prevent many bots and bridges from working correctly. <a>Learn more about encryption.</a>": "Una volta attivata, la crittografia di una stanza non può essere disattivata. I messaggi inviati in una stanza cifrata non possono essere letti dal server, solo dai partecipanti della stanza. L'attivazione della crittografia può impedire il corretto funzionamento di bot e bridge. <a>Maggiori informazioni sulla crittografia.</a>",
"Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.": "Le modifiche a chi può leggere la cronologia si applicheranno solo ai messaggi futuri in questa stanza. La visibilità della cronologia esistente rimarrà invariata.",
"Encryption": "Cifratura",
"Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.": "Una volta attivata, la cifratura non può essere disattivata.",
"Encryption": "Crittografia",
"Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.": "Una volta attivata, la crittografia non può essere disattivata.",
"Encrypted": "Cifrato",
"Never lose encrypted messages": "Non perdere mai i messaggi cifrati",
"Messages in this room are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.": "I messaggi in questa stanza sono protetti con crittografia end-to-end. Solo tu e i destinatari avete le chiavi per leggere questi messaggi.",
@ -1306,7 +1306,7 @@
"Notes": "Note",
"If there is additional context that would help in analysing the issue, such as what you were doing at the time, room IDs, user IDs, etc., please include those things here.": "Se ci sono ulteriori dettagli che possono aiutare ad analizzare il problema, ad esempio cosa stavi facendo in quel momento, ID stanze, ID utenti, ecc., puoi includerli qui.",
"View Servers in Room": "Vedi i server nella stanza",
"Sign out and remove encryption keys?": "Disconnettere e rimuovere le chiavi di cifratura?",
"Sign out and remove encryption keys?": "Disconnettere e rimuovere le chiavi di crittografia?",
"To help us prevent this in future, please <a>send us logs</a>.": "Per aiutarci a prevenire questa cosa in futuro, <a>inviaci i log</a>.",
"Missing session data": "Dati di sessione mancanti",
"Some session data, including encrypted message keys, is missing. Sign out and sign in to fix this, restoring keys from backup.": "Alcuni dati di sessione, incluse le chiavi dei messaggi cifrati, sono mancanti. Esci e riaccedi per risolvere, ripristinando le chiavi da un backup.",
@ -1457,7 +1457,7 @@
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Usa un server di identità per invitare via email. Clicca \"Continua\" per usare quello predefinito (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) o gestiscilo nelle impostazioni.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Usa un server di identità per invitare via email. Gestisci nelle impostazioni.",
"Upgrade the room": "Aggiorna la stanza",
"Enable room encryption": "Attiva la cifratura della stanza",
"Enable room encryption": "Attiva la crittografia della stanza",
"Deactivate user?": "Disattivare l'utente?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "Disattivare questo utente lo disconnetterà e ne impedirà nuovi accessi. In aggiunta, abbandonerà tutte le stanze in cui è presente. Questa azione non può essere annullata. Sei sicuro di volere disattivare questo utente?",
"Deactivate user": "Disattiva utente",
@ -1554,7 +1554,7 @@
"contact the administrators of identity server <idserver />": "contattare l'amministratore del server di identità <idserver />",
"wait and try again later": "attendere e riprovare più tardi",
"Failed to deactivate user": "Disattivazione utente fallita",
"This client does not support end-to-end encryption.": "Questo client non supporta la cifratura end-to-end.",
"This client does not support end-to-end encryption.": "Questo client non supporta la crittografia end-to-end.",
"Messages in this room are not end-to-end encrypted.": "I messaggi in questa stanza non sono cifrati end-to-end.",
"React": "Reagisci",
"Frequently Used": "Usati di frequente",
@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@
"Use an Integration Manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Usa un gestore di integrazioni per gestire bot, widget e pacchetti di adesivi.",
"Integration Managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "I gestori di integrazione ricevono dati di configurazione e possono modificare widget, inviare inviti alla stanza, assegnare permessi a tuo nome.",
"Failed to connect to integration manager": "Connessione al gestore di integrazioni fallita",
"Widgets do not use message encryption.": "I widget non usano la cifratura dei messaggi.",
"Widgets do not use message encryption.": "I widget non usano la crittografia dei messaggi.",
"More options": "Altre opzioni",
"Integrations are disabled": "Le integrazioni sono disattivate",
"Enable 'Manage Integrations' in Settings to do this.": "Attiva 'Gestisci integrazioni' nelle impostazioni per continuare.",
@ -1665,10 +1665,10 @@
"Ignored/Blocked": "Ignorati/Bloccati",
"Verification Request": "Richiesta verifica",
"Match system theme": "Usa il tema di sistema",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call.": "%(senderName)s ha effettuato una chiamata vocale.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s ha effettuato una chiamata vocale. (non supportata da questo browser)",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s ha effettuato una videochiamata.",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s ha effettuato una videochiamata. (non supportata da questo browser)",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call.": "%(senderName)s ha iniziato una telefonata.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s ha iniziato una telefonata. (non supportata da questo browser)",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s ha iniziato una videochiamata.",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s ha iniziato una videochiamata. (non supportata da questo browser)",
"Clear notifications": "Cancella le notifiche",
"Customise your experience with experimental labs features. <a>Learn more</a>.": "Personalizza la tua esperienza con funzionalità sperimentali. <a>Maggiori informazioni</a>.",
"Error upgrading room": "Errore di aggiornamento stanza",
@ -1787,10 +1787,10 @@
"Send as message": "Invia come messaggio",
"Enter your account password to confirm the upgrade:": "Inserisci la password del tuo account per confermare l'aggiornamento:",
"You'll need to authenticate with the server to confirm the upgrade.": "Dovrai autenticarti con il server per confermare l'aggiornamento.",
"Upgrade your encryption": "Aggiorna la tua cifratura",
"Set up encryption": "Imposta la cifratura",
"Upgrade your encryption": "Aggiorna la tua crittografia",
"Set up encryption": "Imposta la crittografia",
"Verify this session": "Verifica questa sessione",
"Encryption upgrade available": "Aggiornamento cifratura disponibile",
"Encryption upgrade available": "Aggiornamento crittografia disponibile",
"Enable message search in encrypted rooms": "Attiva la ricerca messaggi nelle stanze cifrate",
"Waiting for %(displayName)s to verify…": "In attesa della verifica da %(displayName)s …",
"They match": "Corrispondono",
@ -1816,7 +1816,7 @@
"Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions from this session": "Non inviare mai messaggi cifrati a sessioni non verificate da questa sessione",
"Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions in this room from this session": "Non inviare mai messaggi cifrati a sessioni non verificate in questa stanza da questa sessione",
"To be secure, do this in person or use a trusted way to communicate.": "Per sicurezza, fatelo di persona o usate un metodo fidato per comunicare.",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Il cambio della password reimposterà qualsiasi chiave di cifratura end-to-end in tutte le sessioni, rendendo illeggibile la cronologia di chat, a meno che prima non esporti le chiavi della stanza e le reimporti dopo. In futuro questa cosa verrà migliorata.",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Il cambio della password reimposterà qualsiasi chiave di crittografia end-to-end in tutte le sessioni, rendendo illeggibile la cronologia di chat, a meno che prima non esporti le chiavi della stanza e le reimporti dopo. In futuro questa cosa verrà migliorata.",
"Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this session.": "Il tuo account ha un'identità a firma incrociata nell'archivio segreto, ma non è ancora fidata da questa sessione.",
"in memory": "in memoria",
"Your homeserver does not support session management.": "Il tuo homeserver non supporta la gestione della sessione.",
@ -1859,7 +1859,7 @@
"Your key share request has been sent - please check your other sessions for key share requests.": "La tua richiesta di condivisione chiavi è stata inviata - controlla le tue altre sessioni per le richieste.",
"Key share requests are sent to your other sessions automatically. If you rejected or dismissed the key share request on your other sessions, click here to request the keys for this session again.": "Le richieste di condivisione chiavi vengono inviate alle tue altre sessioni automaticamente. Se sulle altre sessioni l'hai rifiutata o annullata, clicca qui per chiedere di nuovo le chiavi per questa sessione.",
"If your other sessions do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "Se le altre sessioni non hanno la chiave per questo messaggio non sarai in grado di decifrarlo.",
"<requestLink>Re-request encryption keys</requestLink> from your other sessions.": "<requestLink>Chiedi di nuovo le chiavi di cifratura</requestLink> dalle altre sessioni.",
"<requestLink>Re-request encryption keys</requestLink> from your other sessions.": "<requestLink>Chiedi di nuovo le chiavi di crittografia</requestLink> dalle altre sessioni.",
"Encrypted by an unverified session": "Cifrato da una sessione non verificata",
"Encrypted by a deleted session": "Cifrato da una sessione eliminata",
"Waiting for %(displayName)s to accept…": "In attesa che %(displayName)s accetti…",
@ -1879,10 +1879,10 @@
"If you can't scan the code above, verify by comparing unique emoji.": "Se non riesci a scansionare il codice sopra, verifica confrontando emoji specifiche.",
"You've successfully verified %(displayName)s!": "Hai verificato correttamente %(displayName)s!",
"Got it": "Capito",
"Encryption enabled": "Cifratura attivata",
"Encryption enabled": "Crittografia attivata",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. Learn more & verify this user in their user profile.": "I messaggi in questa stanza sono cifrati end-to-end. Maggiori info e verifica di questo utente nel suo profilo.",
"Encryption not enabled": "Cifratura non attivata",
"The encryption used by this room isn't supported.": "La cifratura usata da questa stanza non è supportata.",
"Encryption not enabled": "Crittografia non attivata",
"The encryption used by this room isn't supported.": "La crittografia usata da questa stanza non è supportata.",
"Clear all data in this session?": "Svuotare tutti i dati in questa sessione?",
"Clearing all data from this session is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Lo svuotamento dei dati di questa sessione è permanente. I messaggi cifrati andranno persi a meno non si abbia un backup delle loro chiavi.",
"Verify session": "Verifica sessione",
@ -1903,11 +1903,11 @@
"Confirm your identity by entering your account password below.": "Conferma la tua identità inserendo la password dell'account sotto.",
"Your new session is now verified. Other users will see it as trusted.": "La tua nuova sessione è ora verificata. Gli altri utenti la vedranno come fidata.",
"Without completing security on this session, it wont have access to encrypted messages.": "Senza completare la sicurezza di questa sessione, essa non avrà accesso ai messaggi cifrati.",
"Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another session before resetting your password.": "La modifica della password reimposterà qualsiasi chiave di cifratura end-to-end su tutte le sessioni, rendendo illeggibile la cronologia delle chat cifrate. Configura il Backup Chiavi o esporta le tue chiavi della stanza da un'altra sessione prima di reimpostare la password.",
"Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another session before resetting your password.": "La modifica della password reimposterà qualsiasi chiave di crittografia end-to-end su tutte le sessioni, rendendo illeggibile la cronologia delle chat cifrate. Configura il Backup Chiavi o esporta le tue chiavi della stanza da un'altra sessione prima di reimpostare la password.",
"You have been logged out of all sessions and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device.": "Sei stato disconnesso da tutte le sessioni e non riceverai più notifiche push. Per riattivare le notifiche, riaccedi su ogni dispositivo.",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored in this session. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages in any session.": "Riprendi l'accesso al tuo account e recupera le chiavi di cifratura memorizzate in questa sessione. Senza di esse, non sarai in grado di leggere tutti i tuoi messaggi sicuri in qualsiasi sessione.",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored in this session. Clear it if you're finished using this session, or want to sign in to another account.": "Attenzione: i tuoi dati personali (incluse le chiavi di cifratura) sono ancora memorizzati in questa sessione. Cancellali se hai finito di usare questa sessione o se vuoi accedere ad un altro account.",
"Restore your key backup to upgrade your encryption": "Ripristina il tuo backup chiavi per aggiornare la cifratura",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored in this session. Without them, you wont be able to read all of your secure messages in any session.": "Riprendi l'accesso al tuo account e recupera le chiavi di crittografia memorizzate in questa sessione. Senza di esse, non sarai in grado di leggere tutti i tuoi messaggi sicuri in qualsiasi sessione.",
"Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored in this session. Clear it if you're finished using this session, or want to sign in to another account.": "Attenzione: i tuoi dati personali (incluse le chiavi di crittografia) sono ancora memorizzati in questa sessione. Cancellali se hai finito di usare questa sessione o se vuoi accedere ad un altro account.",
"Restore your key backup to upgrade your encryption": "Ripristina il tuo backup chiavi per aggiornare la crittografia",
"Upgrade this session to allow it to verify other sessions, granting them access to encrypted messages and marking them as trusted for other users.": "Aggiorna questa sessione per consentirle di verificare altre sessioni, garantendo loro l'accesso ai messaggi cifrati e contrassegnandole come fidate per gli altri utenti.",
"Keep a copy of it somewhere secure, like a password manager or even a safe.": "Conservane una copia in un luogo sicuro, come un gestore di password o una cassaforte.",
"Your recovery key": "La tua chiave di recupero",
@ -2117,7 +2117,7 @@
"Click the button below to confirm deleting these sessions.|one": "Clicca il pulsante sottostante per confermare l'eliminazione di questa sessione.",
"Delete sessions|other": "Elimina sessioni",
"Delete sessions|one": "Elimina sessione",
"Enable end-to-end encryption": "Attiva cifratura end-to-end",
"Enable end-to-end encryption": "Attiva crittografia end-to-end",
"You cant disable this later. Bridges & most bots wont work yet.": "Non potrai più disattivarla. I bridge e molti bot non funzioneranno.",
"Confirm your account deactivation by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Conferma la disattivazione del tuo account usando Single Sign On per dare prova della tua identità.",
"Are you sure you want to deactivate your account? This is irreversible.": "Sei sicuro di volere disattivare il tuo account? È irreversibile.",
@ -2185,8 +2185,8 @@
"To continue, use Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Per continuare, usa Single Sign On per provare la tua identità.",
"Confirm to continue": "Conferma per continuare",
"Click the button below to confirm your identity.": "Clicca il pulsante sotto per confermare la tua identità.",
"Confirm encryption setup": "Conferma impostazione cifratura",
"Click the button below to confirm setting up encryption.": "Clicca il pulsante sotto per confermare l'impostazione della cifratura.",
"Confirm encryption setup": "Conferma impostazione crittografia",
"Click the button below to confirm setting up encryption.": "Clicca il pulsante sotto per confermare l'impostazione della crittografia.",
"QR Code": "Codice QR",
"Dismiss read marker and jump to bottom": "Scarta il segno di lettura e salta alla fine",
"Jump to oldest unread message": "Salta al messaggio non letto più vecchio",
@ -2216,7 +2216,7 @@
"This address is available to use": "Questo indirizzo è disponibile per l'uso",
"This address is already in use": "Questo indirizzo è già in uso",
"Set a room address to easily share your room with other people.": "Imposta un indirizzo della stanza per condividerla facilmente con le altre persone.",
"You've previously used a newer version of %(brand)s with this session. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again.": "Hai precedentemente usato una versione più recente di %(brand)s con questa sessione. Per usare ancora questa versione con la cifratura end to end, dovrai disconnetterti e riaccedere.",
"You've previously used a newer version of %(brand)s with this session. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again.": "Hai precedentemente usato una versione più recente di %(brand)s con questa sessione. Per usare ancora questa versione con la crittografia end to end, dovrai disconnetterti e riaccedere.",
"Address (optional)": "Indirizzo (facoltativo)",
"Delete the room address %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Eliminare l'indirizzo della stanza %(alias)s e rimuovere %(name)s dalla cartella?",
"delete the address.": "elimina l'indirizzo.",
@ -2328,5 +2328,65 @@
"New spinner design": "Nuovo design dello spinner",
"Use a more compact Modern layout": "Usa un layout più compatto e moderno",
"Always show first": "Mostra sempre per prime",
"Message deleted on %(date)s": "Messaggio eliminato il %(date)s"
"Message deleted on %(date)s": "Messaggio eliminato il %(date)s",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "Usa il tuo account per accedere alla versione più recente",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "Siamo entusiasti di annunciare che Riot ora si chiama Element",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot ora si chiama Element!",
"Learn More": "Maggiori info",
"Enable experimental, compact IRC style layout": "Attiva il layout in stile IRC, sperimentale e compatto",
"Unknown caller": "Chiamante sconosciuto",
"Incoming voice call": "Telefonata in arrivo",
"Incoming video call": "Videochiamata in arrivo",
"Incoming call": "Chiamata in arrivo",
"%(brand)s can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "%(brand)s non può tenere in cache i messaggi cifrati quando usato in un browser web. Usa <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> affinché i messaggi cifrati appaiano nei risultati di ricerca.",
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here.": "Ci sono notifiche avanzate che non vengono mostrate qui.",
"You might have configured them in a client other than %(brand)s. You cannot tune them in %(brand)s but they still apply.": "Potresti averle configurate in un client diverso da %(brand)s. Non puoi regolarle in %(brand)s ma sono comunque applicate.",
"Set the name of a font installed on your system & %(brand)s will attempt to use it.": "Imposta il nome di un font installato nel tuo sistema e %(brand)s proverà ad usarlo.",
"Make this room low priority": "Rendi questa stanza a bassa priorità",
"Low priority rooms show up at the bottom of your room list in a dedicated section at the bottom of your room list": "Le stanze a bassa priorità vengono mostrate in fondo all'elenco stanze in una sezione dedicata",
"Use default": "Usa predefinito",
"Mentions & Keywords": "Citazioni e parole chiave",
"Notification options": "Opzioni di notifica",
"Favourited": "Preferito",
"Forget Room": "Dimentica stanza",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version of the app at <a />": "Usa il tuo account per accedere alla versione più recente dell'app in <a />",
"Youre already signed in and good to go here, but you can also grab the latest versions of the app on all platforms at <a></a>.": "Hai già fatto l'accesso e sei pronto ad iniziare, ma puoi anche ottenere le versioni più recenti dell'app su tutte le piattaforme in <a></a>.",
"Go to Element": "Vai su Element",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element!": "Siamo entusiasti di annunciare che Riot ora si chiama Element!",
"Learn more at <a></a>": "Maggiori informazioni su <a></a>",
"Wrong file type": "Tipo di file errato",
"Wrong Recovery Key": "Chiave di ripristino errata",
"Invalid Recovery Key": "Chiave di ripristino non valida",
"Security Phrase": "Frase di sicurezza",
"Enter your Security Phrase or <button>Use your Security Key</button> to continue.": "Inserisci una frase di sicurezza o <button>Usa la tua chiave di sicurezza</button> per continuare.",
"Security Key": "Chiave di sicurezza",
"Use your Security Key to continue.": "Usa la tua chiave di sicurezza per continuare.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use %(brand)s with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Puoi usare le opzioni di server personalizzato per accedere ad altri server Matrix, specificando un URL diverso di homeserver. Ciò ti consente di usare %(brand)s con un account Matrix esistente su un homeserver diverso.",
"Enter the location of your Element Matrix Services homeserver. It may use your own domain name or be a subdomain of <a></a>.": "Inserisci la posizione del tuo homeserver di Element Matrix Services. Potrebbe usare il tuo nome di dominio o essere un sottodominio di <a></a>.",
"Search rooms": "Cerca stanze",
"User menu": "Menu utente",
"%(brand)s Web": "%(brand)s Web",
"%(brand)s Desktop": "%(brand)s Desktop",
"%(brand)s iOS": "%(brand)s iOS",
"%(brand)s X for Android": "%(brand)s X per Android",
"Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data by backing up encryption keys on your server.": "Proteggiti contro la perdita dell'accesso ai messaggi e dati cifrati facendo un backup delle chiavi crittografiche sul tuo server.",
"Generate a Security Key": "Genera una chiave di sicurezza",
"Well generate a Security Key for you to store somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe.": "Genereremo per te una chiave di sicurezza da conservare in un posto sicuro, come un gestore di password o una cassaforte.",
"Enter a Security Phrase": "Inserisci una frase di sicurezza",
"Use a secret phrase only you know, and optionally save a Security Key to use for backup.": "Usa una frase segreta che conosci solo tu e salva facoltativamente una chiave di sicurezza da usare come backup.",
"Enter a security phrase only you know, as its used to safeguard your data. To be secure, you shouldnt re-use your account password.": "Inserisci una frase di sicurezza che conosci solo tu, dato che è usata per proteggere i tuoi dati. Per sicurezza, non dovresti riutilizzare la password dell'account.",
"Store your Security Key somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe, as its used to safeguard your encrypted data.": "Conserva la chiave di sicurezza in un posto sicuro, come un gestore di password o una cassaforte, dato che è usata per proteggere i tuoi dati cifrati.",
"If you cancel now, you may lose encrypted messages & data if you lose access to your logins.": "Se annulli ora, potresti perdere i messaggi e dati cifrati in caso tu perda l'accesso ai tuoi login.",
"You can also set up Secure Backup & manage your keys in Settings.": "Puoi anche impostare il Backup Sicuro e gestire le tue chiavi nelle impostazioni.",
"Set up Secure backup": "Imposta il Backup Sicuro",
"Set a Security Phrase": "Imposta una frase di sicurezza",
"Confirm Security Phrase": "Conferma frase di sicurezza",
"Save your Security Key": "Salva la tua chiave di sicurezza",
"This room is public": "Questa stanza è pubblica",
"Away": "Assente",
"Enable advanced debugging for the room list": "Attiva il debug avanzato per l'elenco di stanze",
"Show rooms with unread messages first": "Mostra prima le stanze con messaggi non letti",
"Show previews of messages": "Mostra anteprime dei messaggi",
"Edited at %(date)s": "Modificato il %(date)s",
"Click to view edits": "Clicca per vedere le modifiche"

View file

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
"Download this file": "この添付ファイルをダウンロード",
"Call invitation": "通話への招待",
"Forget": "忘れる",
"Messages containing <span>keywords</span>": "<span>keywords</span>を含むメッセージ",
"Messages containing <span>keywords</span>": "<span>キーワード</span> を含むメッセージ",
"Error saving email notification preferences": "電子メール通知設定の保存エラー",
"Tuesday": "火曜日",
"Enter keywords separated by a comma:": "キーワードをコンマで区切って入力:",
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@
"Name": "名前",
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "この機能を使用するには<a>登録</a>する必要があります",
"You must join the room to see its files": "そのファイルを見るために部屋に参加する必要があります",
"There are no visible files in this room": "この部屋には目に見えるファイルはありません",
"There are no visible files in this room": "この部屋に表示可能なファイルは存在しません",
"<h1>HTML for your community's page</h1>\n<p>\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\n some important <a href=\"foo\">links</a>\n</p>\n<p>\n You can even use 'img' tags\n</p>\n": "<h1>コミュニティのページのHTML</h1>\n<p>\n 詳細な説明を使用して、新しいメンバーをコミュニティに紹介する、または配布する\n 重要な<a href=\"foo\">リンク</a>\n</p>\n<p>\n あなたは 'img'タグを使うことさえできます\n</p>\n",
"Add rooms to the community summary": "コミュニティサマリーに部屋を追加する",
"Which rooms would you like to add to this summary?": "このサマリーにどの部屋を追加したいですか?",
@ -754,8 +754,8 @@
"Failed to load %(groupId)s": "%(groupId)s をロードできませんでした",
"Failed to reject invitation": "招待を拒否できませんでした",
"This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "この部屋は公開されていません。 あなたは招待なしで再び参加することはできません。",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "本当にその部屋 '%(roomName)s' を離れますか?",
"Failed to leave room": "部屋を離れることができなかった",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "本当にこの部屋「%(roomName)s」から退出してよろしいですか",
"Failed to leave room": "部屋からの退出に失敗しました",
"Can't leave Server Notices room": "サーバー通知部屋を離れることはできません",
"This room is used for important messages from the Homeserver, so you cannot leave it.": "この部屋はホームサーバーからの重要なメッセージに使用されるため、そこを離れることはできません。",
"Signed Out": "サインアウト",
@ -772,7 +772,7 @@
"Error whilst fetching joined communities": "参加したコミュニティを取得中にエラーが発生しました",
"Create a new community": "新しいコミュニティを作成する",
"Create a community to group together users and rooms! Build a custom homepage to mark out your space in the Matrix universe.": "ユーザーと部屋をグループ化するコミュニティを作成してください! Matrixユニバースにあなたの空間を目立たせるためにカスタムホームページを作成してください。",
"You have no visible notifications": "表示される通知はありません",
"You have no visible notifications": "通知はありません",
"You can't send any messages until you review and agree to <consentLink>our terms and conditions</consentLink>.": "<consentLink>利用規約</consentLink> を確認して同意するまでは、いかなるメッセージも送信できません。",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User Limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "このホームサーバーが月間アクティブユーザー制限を超えたため、メッセージは送信されませんでした。 サービスを引き続き使用するには、<a>サービス管理者にお問い合わせ</a>ください。",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has exceeded a resource limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "このホームサーバーがリソース制限を超えたため、メッセージは送信されませんでした。 サービスを引き続き使用するには、<a>サービス管理者にお問い合わせ</a>ください。",
@ -1324,5 +1324,41 @@
"Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.": "このログインを他のセッションで承認し、あなたの認証情報を確認すれば、暗号化されたメッセージへアクセスできるようになります。",
"This requires the latest %(brand)s on your other devices:": "最新版の %(brand)s が他のあなたのデバイスで実行されている必要があります:",
"or another cross-signing capable Matrix client": "もしくはクロス署名に対応した他の Matrix クライアント",
"Without completing security on this session, it wont have access to encrypted messages.": "このセッションでのセキュリティを完了させない限り、暗号化されたメッセージにはアクセスできません。"
"Without completing security on this session, it wont have access to encrypted messages.": "このセッションでのセキュリティを完了させない限り、暗号化されたメッセージにはアクセスできません。",
"Single Sign On": "シングルサインオン",
"Light": "ライト",
"Dark": "ダーク",
"Font size": "フォントサイズ",
"Use custom size": "独自のサイズを使用",
"Use a more compact Modern layout": "よりコンパクトで現代的なレイアウトを使用",
"Use a system font": "システムフォントを使用",
"System font name": "システムフォントの名前",
"Enable experimental, compact IRC style layout": "コンパクトな IRC スタイルレイアウトを使用 (実験的機能)",
"Messages containing my username": "自身のユーザー名を含むメッセージ",
"Messages containing @room": "@room を含むメッセージ",
"When rooms are upgraded": "部屋がアップグレードされた時",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "こんにちは、よろしくね!",
"Customise your appearance": "外観のカスタマイズ",
"Appearance Settings only affect this %(brand)s session.": "外観の設定はこの %(brand)s セッションにのみ適用されます。",
"People": "連絡先",
"Notification options": "通知設定",
"Verify User": "ユーザーの検証",
"Your homeserver": "あなたのホームサーバー",
"%(displayName)s cancelled verification.": "%(displayName)s が検証をキャンセルしました。",
"You cancelled verification.": "あなたが検証をキャンセルしました。",
"Verification cancelled": "検証のキャンセル",
"Notification settings": "通知設定",
"Switch to light mode": "ライトテーマに切り替え",
"Switch to dark mode": "ダークテーマに切り替え",
"Switch theme": "テーマを切り替え",
"Security & privacy": "セキュリティとプライバシー",
"All settings": "全ての設定",
"Feedback": "フィードバック",
"User menu": "ユーザーメニュー",
"Connecting to integration manager...": "インテグレーションマネージャに接続中...",
"Cannot connect to integration manager": "インテグレーションマネージャに接続できません",
"Leave Room": "部屋を退出",
"Failed to connect to integration manager": "インテグレーションマネージャへの接続に失敗しました",
"Start verification again from their profile.": "プロフィールから再度検証を開始してください。",
"Integration Manager": "インテグレーションマネージャ"

View file

@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
"New passwords must match each other.": "Nauji slaptažodžiai privalo sutapti.",
"I have verified my email address": "Aš patvirtinau savo el. pašto adresą",
"Return to login screen": "Grįžti į prisijungimą",
"Send Reset Email": "Siųsti nustatymo iš naujo el. laišką",
"Send Reset Email": "Siųsti naujo slaptažodžio nustatymo el. laišką",
"Incorrect username and/or password.": "Neteisingas vartotojo vardas ir/arba slaptažodis.",
"Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not": "Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad jūs jungiatės prie %(hs)s serverio, o ne",
"Failed to fetch avatar URL": "Nepavyko gauti pseudoportreto URL",
@ -840,10 +840,10 @@
"Confirm": "Patvirtinti",
"Create your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Sukurkite savo Matrix paskyrą %(serverName)s serveryje",
"Create your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Sukurkite savo Matrix paskyrą <underlinedServerName /> serveryje",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Nustatykite el. paštą paskyros atgavimui. Naudokite el. paštą ar tel. nr. norėdami pasirinktinai būti aptinkami esamų kontaktų.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Nustatykite el. paštą paskyros atgavimui. Naudokite el. paštą norėdami pasirinktinai būti aptinkami esamų kontaktų.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Nustatykite el. paštą paskyros susigrąžinimui. Naudokite el. paštą ar telefoną, jei norite, kad esami kontaktai galėtų jus rasti.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Nustatykite el. paštą paskyros susigrąžinimui. Naudokite el. paštą, jei norite, kad esami kontaktai galėtų jus rasti.",
"Sign in instead": "Prisijungti",
"A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "Patvirtinimo laiškas bus išsiųstas į jūsų pašto dėžutę tam, kad patvirtintumėte naujo slaptažodžio nustatymą.",
"A verification email will be sent to your inbox to confirm setting your new password.": "Tam, kad patvirtinti jūsų naujo slaptažodžio nustatymą, į jūsų pašto dėžutę bus išsiųstas patvirtinimo laiškas.",
"Set a new password": "Nustatykite naują slaptažodį",
"Create account": "Sukurti paskyrą",
"Create your account": "Sukurkite savo paskyrą",
@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@
"You have not verified this user.": "Jūs nepatvirtinote šio vartotojo.",
"You have verified this user. This user has verified all of their sessions.": "Jūs patvirtinote šį vartotoją. Šis vartotojas patvirtino visus savo seansus.",
"Everyone in this room is verified": "Visi šiame kambaryje yra patvirtinti",
"Encrypted by a deleted session": "Užšifruota ištrintos sesijos",
"Encrypted by a deleted session": "Užšifruota ištrinto seanso",
"Use an identity server in Settings to receive invites directly in %(brand)s.": "Nustatymuose naudokite tapatybės serverį, kad gautumėte pakvietimus tiesiai į %(brand)s.",
"%(count)s verified sessions|one": "1 patvirtintas seansas",
"If you can't scan the code above, verify by comparing unique emoji.": "Jei nuskaityti aukščiau esančio kodo negalite, patvirtinkite palygindami unikalius jaustukus.",
@ -1436,7 +1436,7 @@
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s prašo patvirtinimo",
"Sign In or Create Account": "Prisijungti arba Sukurti Paskyrą",
"Use your account or create a new one to continue.": "Norėdami tęsti naudokite savo paskyrą arba sukurkite naują.",
"Create Account": "Sukurti Paskyrą",
"Create Account": "Sukurti paskyrą",
"Custom (%(level)s)": "Pasirinktinis (%(level)s)",
"Ask this user to verify their session, or manually verify it below.": "Paprašykite šio vartotojo patvirtinti savo seansą arba patvirtinkite jį rankiniu būdu žemiau.",
"Encryption upgrade available": "Galimas šifravimo atnaujinimas",
@ -1625,5 +1625,7 @@
"Toggle right panel": "Perjungti dešinį skydelį",
"Toggle this dialog": "Perjungti šį dialogą",
"Move autocomplete selection up/down": "Perkelti automatinio užbaigimo pasirinkimą aukštyn/žemyn",
"Cancel autocomplete": "Atšaukti automatinį užbaigimą"
"Cancel autocomplete": "Atšaukti automatinį užbaigimą",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Geriausiam veikimui suinstaliuokite <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, arba <safariLink>Safari</safariLink>.",
"Use Recovery Key or Passphrase": "Naudoti atgavimo raktą arba slaptafrazę"

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"Failed to set direct chat tag": "Kunne ikke angi direkte chat-tagg",
"Today": "I dag",
"Files": "Filer",
"You are not receiving desktop notifications": "Du mottar ikke skrivebords varsler",
"You are not receiving desktop notifications": "Du mottar ikke skrivebordsvarsler",
"Friday": "Fredag",
"Notifications": "Varsler",
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Kunne ikke hente varsel-mål liste",
@ -1401,5 +1401,11 @@
"Toggle Bold": "Veksle fet",
"Toggle Italics": "Veksle kursiv",
"Toggle Quote": "Veksle siteringsformat",
"Upload a file": "Last opp en fil"
"Upload a file": "Last opp en fil",
"Confirm the emoji below are displayed on both sessions, in the same order:": "Bekreft at emotene nedenfor vises på begge økter, i samme rekkefølge:",
"Not sure of your password? <a>Set a new one</a>": "Er du usikker på passordet ditt? <a>Velg et nytt et</a>",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Logg inn på Matrix-kontoen din på %(serverName)s",
"Sign in to your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Logg inn på Matrix-kontoen din på <underlinedServerName />",
"If you've joined lots of rooms, this might take a while": "Hvis du har blitt med i mange rom, kan dette ta en stund",
"Your new session is now verified. It has access to your encrypted messages, and other users will see it as trusted.": "Den nye økten din er nå verifisert. Den har tilgang til dine krypterte meldinger, og andre brukere vil se at den blir stolt på."

View file

@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@
"Reactions": "Reacties",
"<reactors/><reactedWith> reacted with %(content)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith> heeft gereageerd met %(content)s</reactedWith>",
"Frequently Used": "Vaak gebruikt",
"Smileys & People": "Smileys en personen",
"Smileys & People": "Emoticons en personen",
"Animals & Nature": "Dieren en natuur",
"Food & Drink": "Eten en drinken",
"Activities": "Activiteiten",
@ -2024,5 +2024,7 @@
"Dark": "Donker",
"Set password": "Stel wachtwoord in",
"To return to your account in future you need to set a password": "Zonder wachtwoord kunt u later niet tot uw account terugkeren",
"Restart": "Herstarten"
"Restart": "Herstarten",
"People": "Tweegesprekken",
"Set a room address to easily share your room with other people.": "Geef het gesprek een adres om het gemakkelijk met anderen te kunnen delen."

View file

@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
"Something went wrong!": "Что-то пошло не так!",
"This will be your account name on the <span></span> homeserver, or you can pick a <a>different server</a>.": "Это будет имя вашей учётной записи на <span></span> домашнем сервере, либо вы можете выбрать <a>другой сервер</a>.",
"If you already have a Matrix account you can <a>log in</a> instead.": "Если у вас уже есть учётная запись Matrix, вы можете <a>войти</a>.",
"Home": "Начало",
"Home": "Home",
"Accept": "Принять",
"Active call (%(roomName)s)": "Текущий вызов (%(roomName)s)",
"Admin Tools": "Инструменты администратора",
@ -1993,5 +1993,98 @@
"Signature upload success": "Отпечаток успешно отправлен",
"Signature upload failed": "Сбой отправки отпечатка",
"Room name or address": "Имя или адрес комнаты",
"Unrecognised room address:": "Не удалось найти адрес комнаты:"
"Unrecognised room address:": "Не удалось найти адрес комнаты:",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "Используйте свой аккаунт для входа в последнюю версию",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "Мы рады объявить, что Riot теперь Element",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot теперь Element!",
"Learn More": "Узнать больше",
"Joins room with given address": "Присоединиться к комнате с указанным адресом",
"Opens chat with the given user": "Открыть чат с данным пользователем",
"Sends a message to the given user": "Отправить сообщение данному пользователю",
"You signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "Вы вошли в новый сеанс, не подтвердив его:",
"Verify your other session using one of the options below.": "Проверьте другой сеанс, используя один из вариантов ниже.",
"Help us improve %(brand)s": "Помогите нам улучшить %(brand)s",
"Send <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink> which helps us improve %(brand)s. This will use a <PolicyLink>cookie</PolicyLink>.": "Отправьте <UsageDataLink>анонимные данные об использовании</UsageDataLink>, которые помогут нам улучшить %(brand)s. Для этого будеть использоваться <PolicyLink>cookie</PolicyLink>.",
"I want to help": "Я хочу помочь",
"Review where youre logged in": "Проверьте, где вы вошли",
"Verify all your sessions to ensure your account & messages are safe": "Проверьте все свои сеансы, чтобы убедиться, что ваша учетная запись и сообщения в безопасности",
"Your homeserver has exceeded its user limit.": "Ваш домашний сервер превысил свой лимит пользователей.",
"Your homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "Ваш домашний сервер превысил один из своих лимитов ресурсов.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "Вы уверены, что хотите отменить ввод пароля?",
"Go Back": "Назад",
"Contact your <a>server admin</a>.": "Обратитесь к <a>администратору сервера</a>.",
"Ok": "Хорошо",
"Set password": "Установить пароль",
"To return to your account in future you need to set a password": "Чтобы вернуться в свой аккаунт в будущем, вам необходимо установить пароль",
"New login. Was this you?": "Новый вход в вашу учётную запись. Это были Вы?",
"Verify the new login accessing your account: %(name)s": "Проверьте новый вход в вашу учётную запись: %(name)s",
"Restart": "Перезапустить",
"Upgrade your %(brand)s": "Обновите ваш %(brand)s",
"A new version of %(brand)s is available!": "Доступна новая версия %(brand)s!",
"You joined the call": "Вы присоединились к звонку",
"%(senderName)s joined the call": "%(senderName)s присоединился к звонку",
"Call in progress": "Звонок в процессе",
"You left the call": "Вы покинули звонок",
"%(senderName)s left the call": "%(senderName)s покинул звонок",
"Call ended": "Звонок завершён",
"You started a call": "Вы начали звонок",
"%(senderName)s started a call": "%(senderName)s начал(а) звонок",
"Waiting for answer": "Ждём ответа",
"%(senderName)s is calling": "%(senderName)s звонит",
"You created the room": "Вы создали комнату",
"%(senderName)s created the room": "%(senderName)s создал(а) комнату",
"You made the chat encrypted": "Вы включили шифрование в комнате",
"%(senderName)s made the chat encrypted": "%(senderName)s включил(а) шифрование в комнате",
"You made history visible to new members": "Вы сделали историю видимой для новых участников",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to new members": "%(senderName)s сделал(а) историю видимой для новых участников",
"You made history visible to anyone": "Вы сделали историю видимой для всех",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to anyone": "%(senderName)s сделал(а) историю видимой для всех",
"You made history visible to future members": "Вы сделали историю видимой для будущих участников",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to future members": "%(senderName)s сделал(а) историю видимой для будущих участников",
"You were invited": "Вы были приглашены",
"%(targetName)s was invited": "%(targetName)s был(а) приглашен(а)",
"You left": "Вы покинули комнату",
"%(targetName)s left": "%(targetName)s покинул комнату",
"You were kicked (%(reason)s)": "Вас исключили из комнаты (%(reason)s)",
"%(targetName)s was kicked (%(reason)s)": "%(targetName)s был(а) исключен(а) из комнаты (%(reason)s)",
"You were kicked": "Вас исключили из комнаты",
"%(targetName)s was kicked": "%(targetName)s был(а) исключен(а) из комнаты",
"You rejected the invite": "Вы отвергли приглашение",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invite": "%(targetName)s отверг приглашение",
"You were uninvited": "Вам отменили приглашение",
"%(targetName)s was uninvited": "Приглашение для %(targetName)s отменено",
"You were banned (%(reason)s)": "Вас забанили (%(reason)s)",
"%(targetName)s was banned (%(reason)s)": "%(targetName)s был(а) исключен(а) из комнаты (%(reason)s)",
"You were banned": "Вас заблокировали",
"%(targetName)s was banned": "%(targetName)s был(а) забанен(а)",
"You joined": "Вы вошли",
"%(targetName)s joined": "%(targetName)s присоединился(ась)",
"You changed your name": "Вы поменяли своё имя",
"%(targetName)s changed their name": "%(targetName)s поменял(а) своё имя",
"You changed your avatar": "Вы поменяли свой аватар",
"%(targetName)s changed their avatar": "%(targetName)s поменял(а) свой аватар",
"You changed the room name": "Вы поменяли имя комнаты",
"Enable experimental, compact IRC style layout": "Включите экспериментальный, компактный стиль IRC",
"Unknown caller": "Неизвестный абонент",
"Incoming call": "Входящий звонок",
"Waiting for your other session to verify…": "В ожидании вашего другого сеанса, чтобы проверить…",
"%(brand)s can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "%(brand)s не может безопасно кэшировать зашифрованные сообщения локально во время работы в веб-браузере. Используйте <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink>, чтобы зашифрованные сообщения появились в результатах поиска.",
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here.": "Есть расширенные уведомления, которые здесь не отображаются.",
"You might have configured them in a client other than %(brand)s. You cannot tune them in %(brand)s but they still apply.": "Возможно, вы настроили их на клиенте, отличном от %(brand)s. Вы не можете настроить их на %(brand)s, но они все еще применяются.",
"New version available. <a>Update now.</a>": "Доступна новая версия. <a>Обновить сейчас.</a>",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Эй! Ты лучший!",
"Size must be a number": "Размер должен быть числом",
"Custom font size can only be between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Пользовательский размер шрифта может быть только между %(min)s pt и %(max)s pt",
"Use between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Введите значение между %(min)s pt и %(max)s pt",
"Message layout": "Макет сообщения",
"Compact": "Компактно",
"Modern": "Новый",
"Set the name of a font installed on your system & %(brand)s will attempt to use it.": "Установите имя шрифта, установленного в вашей системе, и %(brand)s попытается его использовать.",
"Customise your appearance": "Настройка внешнего вида",
"Reload": "Перезагрузить",
"Take picture": "Сделать снимок",
"Remove for everyone": "Убрать для всех",
"Remove for me": "Убрать для меня",
"User Status": "Статус пользователя",
"Country Dropdown": "Выпадающий список стран"

View file

@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Zobrazovať skryté udalosti v histórii obsahu miestností",
"Low bandwidth mode": "Režim šetrenia údajov",
"Allow fallback call assist server when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Ak váš domovský server neposkytuje pomocný server pri uskutočňovaní hovorov, povoliť použitie záložného servera (týmto počas hovoru zdieľate svoju adresu IP)",
"When rooms are upgraded": "Keď sú miestnosti aktualizované",
"When rooms are upgraded": "Keď sú miestnosti upgradované",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Ak chcete pokračovať, musíte prijať <policyLink />:",
"ID": "ID",
"Public Name": "Verejný názov",
@ -1594,5 +1594,180 @@
"To return to your account in future you need to set a password": "Aby ste sa k účtu mohli vrátiť aj neskôr, je potrebné nastaviť heslo",
"Restart": "Reštartovať",
"Upgrade your %(brand)s": "Upgradujte svoj %(brand)s",
"A new version of %(brand)s is available!": "Nová verzia %(brand)su je dostupná!"
"A new version of %(brand)s is available!": "Nová verzia %(brand)su je dostupná!",
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "Ktorú oficiálne poskytovanú inštanciu používate, pokiaľ nejakú",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "Použite svoj účet na prihlásenie sa do najnovšej verzie",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "Sme nadšený oznámiť, že Riot je odteraz Element",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot je odteraz Element!",
"Learn More": "Dozvedieť sa viac",
"Light": "Svetlý",
"Dark": "Tmavý",
"Ask your %(brand)s admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Požiadajte správcu vášho %(brand)su, aby skontroloval <a>vašu konfiguráciu</a>. Pravdepodobne obsahuje chyby alebo duplikáty.",
"You joined the call": "Pridali ste sa do hovoru",
"%(senderName)s joined the call": "%(senderName)s sa pridal/a do hovoru",
"Call in progress": "Práve prebieha hovor",
"You left the call": "Opustili ste hovor",
"%(senderName)s left the call": "%(senderName)s opustil/a hovor",
"Call ended": "Hovor skončil",
"You started a call": "Začali ste hovor",
"%(senderName)s started a call": "%(senderName)s začal/a hovor",
"Waiting for answer": "Čakám na odpoveď",
"%(senderName)s is calling": "%(senderName)s volá",
"You created the room": "Vytvorili ste miestnosť",
"%(senderName)s created the room": "%(senderName)s vytvoril/a miestnosť",
"You made the chat encrypted": "Zašifrovali ste čet",
"%(senderName)s made the chat encrypted": "%(senderName)s zašifroval/a čet",
"You made history visible to new members": "Zviditeľnili ste históriu pre nových členov",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to new members": "%(senderName)s zviditeľnil/a históriu pre nových členov",
"You made history visible to anyone": "Zviditeľnili ste históriu pre všetkých",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to anyone": "%(senderName)s zviditeľnil/a históriu pre všetkých",
"You made history visible to future members": "Zviditeľnili ste históriu pre budúcich členov",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to future members": "%(senderName)s zviditeľnil/a históriu pre budúcich členov",
"You were invited": "Boli ste pozvaný/á",
"%(targetName)s was invited": "%(targetName)s vás pozval/a",
"You left": "Odišli ste",
"%(targetName)s left": "%(targetName)s odišiel/odišla",
"You were kicked (%(reason)s)": "Boli ste vykopnutý/á (%(reason)s)",
"%(targetName)s was kicked (%(reason)s)": "%(targetName)s bol vykopnutý/á (%(reason)s)",
"You were kicked": "Boli ste vykopnutý/á",
"%(targetName)s was kicked": "%(targetName)s bol vykopnutý/á",
"You rejected the invite": "Odmietli ste pozvánku",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invite": "%(targetName)s odmietol/odmietla pozvánku",
"You were uninvited": "Boli ste odpozvaný/á",
"%(targetName)s was uninvited": "%(targetName)s bol odpozvaný/á",
"You were banned (%(reason)s)": "Boli ste vyhostený/á (%(reason)s)",
"%(targetName)s was banned (%(reason)s)": "%(targetName)s bol vyhostený/á (%(reason)s)",
"You were banned": "Boli ste vyhostený/á",
"%(targetName)s was banned": "%(targetName)s bol vyhostený/á",
"You joined": "Pridali ste sa",
"%(targetName)s joined": "%(targetName)s sa pridal/a",
"You changed your name": "Zmenili ste vaše meno",
"%(targetName)s changed their name": "%(targetName)s zmenil/a svoje meno",
"You changed your avatar": "Zmenili ste svojho avatara",
"%(targetName)s changed their avatar": "%(targetName)s zmenil/a svojho avatara",
"%(senderName)s %(emote)s": "%(senderName)s %(emote)s",
"%(senderName)s: %(message)s": "%(senderName)s: %(message)s",
"You changed the room name": "Zmenili ste meno miestnosti",
"%(senderName)s changed the room name": "%(senderName)s zmenil/a meno miestnosti",
"%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s": "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s",
"%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s": "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s",
"You uninvited %(targetName)s": "Odpozvali ste používateľa %(targetName)s",
"%(senderName)s uninvited %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s odpozval/a používateľa %(targetName)s",
"You invited %(targetName)s": "Pozvali ste používateľa %(targetName)s",
"%(senderName)s invited %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s pozval/a používateľa %(targetName)s",
"You changed the room topic": "Zmenili ste tému miestnosti",
"%(senderName)s changed the room topic": "%(senderName)s zmenil/a tému miestnosti",
"New spinner design": "Nový točivý štýl",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Použiť vylepšený list miestností (obnový stránku, aby sa aplikovali zmeny)",
"Use custom size": "Použiť vlastnú veľkosť",
"Use a more compact Modern layout": "Použiť kompaktnejšie 'moderné' rozloženie",
"Use a system font": "Použiť systémové písmo",
"System font name": "Meno systémového písma",
"Enable experimental, compact IRC style layout": "Povoliť experimentálne, kompaktné rozloženie v štýle IRC",
"Unknown caller": "Neznámy volajúci",
"Incoming voice call": "Prichádzajúci hovor",
"Incoming video call": "Prichádzajúci video hovor",
"Incoming call": "Prichádzajúci hovor",
"To set up a filter, drag a community avatar over to the filter panel on the far left hand side of the screen. You can click on an avatar in the filter panel at any time to see only the rooms and people associated with that community.": "Vytvorte si filter, potiahnite avatara komunity do panelu filtrov na ľavý okraj obrazovky. Môžete kliknúť na avatara v paneli filtorv, aby ste videli len miestnosti a ľudí patriacich do danej komunity.",
"%(num)s minutes ago": "pred %(num)s minútami",
"%(num)s hours ago": "pred %(num)s hodinami",
"%(num)s days ago": "pred %(num)s dňami",
"%(brand)s can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "%(brand)s nemôže bezpečne cachovať šiforvané správy lokálne pomocou prehlliadača. Použite <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> na zobrazenie výsledkov vyhľadávania šiforavných správ.",
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here.": "Sú tam pokročilé notifikácie, ktoré tu nie sú zobrazené.",
"You might have configured them in a client other than %(brand)s. You cannot tune them in %(brand)s but they still apply.": "Možno ste ich nakonfigurovali v inom kliente než v %(brand)se. Nemôžete ich napasovať do %(brand)su, ale stále platia.",
"New version available. <a>Update now.</a>": "Je dostupná nová verzia. <a>Aktualizovať.</a>",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Hej, ty. Si borec/borka!",
"Use between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Použite veľkosť mezi %(min)s pt a %(max)s pt",
"Invalid theme schema.": "Neplatná schéma vzhľadu.",
"Error downloading theme information.": "Chyba pri stiahnutí informácií o vzhľade.",
"Theme added!": "Vzhľad pridaný!",
"Custom theme URL": "URL adresa vlastného vzhľadu",
"Add theme": "Pridať vzhľad",
"Message layout": "Rozloženie správy",
"Compact": "Kompaktný",
"Modern": "Moderný",
"Set the name of a font installed on your system & %(brand)s will attempt to use it.": "Nastavte meno písma, ktoré máte nainštalované na vašom systéme & %(brand)s sa ho pokúsi použiť.",
"Customise your appearance": "Upravte si svoj výzor",
"Appearance Settings only affect this %(brand)s session.": "Nastavenia Výzoru ovplyvnia len túto reláciu %(brand)su.",
"Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other sessions until you log back in to them": "Vaše heslo bolo úspešne zmenené. Nebudete dostávať žiadne notifikácie z iných relácií, dokiaľ sa na nich znovu neprihlásite",
"To report a Matrix-related security issue, please read the <a>Security Disclosure Policy</a>.": "Pre nahlásenie bezpečnostnej chyby súvisiacu s Matrixom si prosím prečítajte <a>Bezpečnostnú Politiku</a> (anglicky).",
"Keyboard Shortcuts": "Klávesové skratky",
"Please verify the room ID or address and try again.": "Prosím, overte ID miestnosti alebo adresu a skúste to znovu.",
"Error unsubscribing from list": "Chyba pri zrušení odberu z listu",
"Please try again or view your console for hints.": "Skúste to prosím znovu alebo nahliadnite do konzoly po nápovedy.",
"None": "Žiadne",
"Ban list rules - %(roomName)s": "Pravidlá vyhosťovania - %(roomName)s",
"Server rules": "Pravidlá serveru",
"User rules": "Pravidlá používateľa",
"You have not ignored anyone.": "Nikoho neignorujete.",
"You are currently ignoring:": "Ignorujete:",
"You are not subscribed to any lists": "Neodbreráte žiadne listy",
"Unsubscribe": "Prestať odberať",
"View rules": "Zobraziť pravidlá",
"You are currently subscribed to:": "Odberáte:",
"⚠ These settings are meant for advanced users.": "⚠ Tieto nastavenia sú určené pre pokročilých používateľov.",
"Add users and servers you want to ignore here. Use asterisks to have %(brand)s match any characters. For example, <code>@bot:*</code> would ignore all users that have the name 'bot' on any server.": "Pridajte používateľov a servery, ktorých chcete ignorovať. Použite hviezdičku '*', aby %(brand)s ju priradil každému symbolu. Napríklad <code>@bot:*</code> by odignoroval všetkých používateľov s menom 'bot' na akomkoľvek serveri.",
"Ignoring people is done through ban lists which contain rules for who to ban. Subscribing to a ban list means the users/servers blocked by that list will be hidden from you.": "Ľudia a servery sú ignorovaný pomocou vyhosťovacích listov obsahujúce pravidlá, koho vyhostiť. Odberom vyhosťovacieho listu skryjete používateľov a servery, ktorý sú v ňom blokovaný.",
"Personal ban list": "Osobný zoznam vyhostených",
"Server or user ID to ignore": "Server alebo ID používateľa na odignorovanie",
"eg: @bot:* or": "napr.: @bot:* alebo",
"Subscribed lists": "Odberané listy",
"Subscribing to a ban list will cause you to join it!": "Odbraním listu vyhostených sa pridáte do jeho miestnosti!",
"If this isn't what you want, please use a different tool to ignore users.": "Pokiaľ to nechcete, tak prosím použite iný nástroj na ignorovanie používateľov.",
"Room ID or address of ban list": "ID miestnosti alebo adresa listu vyhostených",
"Subscribe": "Odberať",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Vždy zobraziť hornú lištu okna",
"Show tray icon and minimize window to it on close": "Zobraziť systémovú ikonu a minimalizovať pri zavretí",
"Read Marker lifetime (ms)": "Platnosť značky Prečítané (ms)",
"Read Marker off-screen lifetime (ms)": "Platnosť značky Prečítané mimo obrazovku (ms)",
"Session ID:": "ID relácie:",
"Session key:": "Kľúč relácie:",
"Message search": "Vyhľadávanie v správach",
"Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages.": "Váš administrátor serveru zakázal predvolené E2E šifrovanie súkromných miestností & Priamych konverzácií.",
"Where youre logged in": "Kde ste prihlásený",
"Manage the names of and sign out of your sessions below or <a>verify them in your User Profile</a>.": "Spravujte mená a odhláste sa z vašich relácií nižšie alebo <a>ich overte vo vašom profile používateľa</a>.",
"A session's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "Verejné meno relácie je viditeľné ľudom, s ktorými komunikujete",
"Upgrade this room to the recommended room version": "Upgradujte túto miestnosť na odporúčanú verziu",
"this room": "táto miestnosť",
"View older messages in %(roomName)s.": "Zobraziť staršie správy v miestnosti %(roomName)s.",
"Make this room low priority": "Priradiť tejto miestnosti nízku prioritu",
"Low priority rooms show up at the bottom of your room list in a dedicated section at the bottom of your room list": "Miestnosti s nízkou prioritou sa zobrazia vo vyhradenej sekcií na konci vášho zoznamu miestností",
"This room is bridging messages to the following platforms. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Táto miestnosť premosťuje správy s nasledujúcimi platformami. <a>Viac informácií</a>",
"This room isnt bridging messages to any platforms. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Táto miestnosť nepremosťuje správy so žiadnymi ďalšími platformami. <a>Viac informácií</a>",
"Bridges": "Mosty",
"Uploaded sound": "Nahratý zvuk",
"Sounds": "Zvuky",
"Notification sound": "Zvuk oznámenia",
"Reset": "Obnoviť predvolené",
"Set a new custom sound": "Nastaviť vlastný zvuk",
"Browse": "Prechádzať",
"Upgrade the room": "Upgradovať miestnosť",
"Enable room encryption": "Povoliť v miestnosti šifrovanie",
"Error changing power level requirement": "Chyba pri zmene požiadavky na úroveň moci",
"An error occurred changing the room's power level requirements. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Došlo k chybe pri zmene požiadavok na úroveň moci miestnosti. Ubezpečte sa, že na to máte dostatočné povolenia a skúste to znovu.",
"Error changing power level": "Chyba pri zmene úrovne moci",
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Došlo k chybe pri zmene úrovne moci používateľa. Ubezpečte sa, že na to máte dostatočné povolenia a skúste to znova.",
"To link to this room, please add an address.": "Na prepojenie s touto miestnosťou pridajte prosím adresu.",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Nepodarilo sa zrušiť zdieľanie emailovej adresy",
"Unable to share email address": "Nepodarilo sa zdieľať emailovú adresu",
"Your email address hasn't been verified yet": "Vaša emailová adresa nebola zatiaľ overená",
"Click the link in the email you received to verify and then click continue again.": "Pre overenie kliknite na odkaz v emaile, ktorý ste dostali, a potom znova kliknite pokračovať.",
"Verify the link in your inbox": "Overte si odkaz v emailovej schránke",
"Complete": "Dokončiť",
"Revoke": "Odvolať",
"Share": "Zdieľať",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Nepodarilo sa zrušiť zdieľanie telefónneho čísla",
"Unable to share phone number": "Nepodarilo sa zdieľanie telefónneho čísla",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Zadajte prosím overovací SMS kód.",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Odstrániť adresu %(email)s?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Odstrániť číslo %(phone)s?",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "SMSka vám bola zaslaná na +%(msisdn)s. Zadajte prosím overovací kód, ktorý obsahuje.",
"This user has not verified all of their sessions.": "Tento používateľ si neoveril všetky svoje relácie.",
"You have not verified this user.": "Tohto používateľa ste neoverili.",
"You have verified this user. This user has verified all of their sessions.": "Tohto používateľa ste overili. Tento používateľ si overil všetky svoje relácie.",
"Someone is using an unknown session": "Niekto používa neznámu reláciu",
"This room is end-to-end encrypted": "Táto miestnosť je E2E šifrovaná",
"Everyone in this room is verified": "Všetci v tejto miestnosti sú overení",
"Edit message": "Upraviť správu",
"Mod": "Moderátor"

View file

@ -2345,5 +2345,45 @@
"Set up Secure backup": "Ujdisni kopjeruajtje të Sigurt",
"Set a Security Phrase": "Caktoni një Frazë Sigurie",
"Confirm Security Phrase": "Ripohoni Frazë Sigurie",
"Save your Security Key": "Ruani Kyçin tuaj të Sigurisë"
"Save your Security Key": "Ruani Kyçin tuaj të Sigurisë",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "Përdorni llogarinë tuaj për të bërë hyrjen te versioni më i ri",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "Jemi të ngazëllyer tju njoftojmë se Riot tanimë është Element",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot-i tani është Element!",
"Learn More": "Mësoni Më Tepër",
"Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "Jeni i sigurt se doni të anulohet dhënie frazëkalimi?",
"Enable advanced debugging for the room list": "Aktivizo diagnostikim të thelluar për listën e dhomave",
"Enable experimental, compact IRC style layout": "Aktivizo skemë eksperimentale, kompakte, IRC-je",
"Unknown caller": "Thirrës i panjohur",
"Incoming voice call": "Thirrje zanore ardhëse",
"Incoming video call": "Thirrje video ardhëse",
"Incoming call": "Thirrje ardhëse",
"%(brand)s can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "%(brand)s smund të ruajë lokalisht në fshehtinë në mënyrë të siguruar mesazhe të fshehtëzuar, teksa xhirohet në një shfletues. Që mesazhet e fshehtëzuar të shfaqen te përfundime kërkimi, përdorni <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink>.",
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here.": "Ka njoftime të thelluara që sjanë shfaqur këtu.",
"You might have configured them in a client other than %(brand)s. You cannot tune them in %(brand)s but they still apply.": "Mund ti keni formësuar në një klient tjetër nga %(brand)s. Smund ti përimtoni në %(brand)s, por janë ende të vlefshëm.",
"Set the name of a font installed on your system & %(brand)s will attempt to use it.": "Caktoni emrin e një palë shkronjash të instaluara në sistemin tuaj & %(brand)s do të provojë ti përdorë.",
"Make this room low priority": "Bëje këtë dhomë të përparësisë së ulët",
"Low priority rooms show up at the bottom of your room list in a dedicated section at the bottom of your room list": "Dhomat me përparësi të ulët shfaqen në fund të listës tuaj të dhomave, në një ndarje enkas në fund të listës tuaj të dhomave",
"Show rooms with unread messages first": "Së pari shfaq dhoma me mesazhe të palexuar",
"Show previews of messages": "Shfaq paraparje mesazhesh",
"Use default": "Përdor parazgjedhjen",
"Mentions & Keywords": "Përmendje & Fjalëkyçe",
"Notification options": "Mundësi njoftimesh",
"Forget Room": "Harroje Dhomën",
"This room is public": "Kjo dhomë është publike",
"Away": "I larguar",
"Edited at %(date)s": "Përpunuar më %(date)s",
"Click to view edits": "Klikoni që të shihni përpunime",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version of the app at <a />": "Përdorni llogarinë tuaj për të hyrë te versioni më i ri i aplikacionit te <a />",
"Youre already signed in and good to go here, but you can also grab the latest versions of the app on all platforms at <a></a>.": "Keni bërë tashmë hyrjen këtu dhe jeni në rregull, por mundeni edhe të merrnit versionet më të reja të aplikacioneve në krejt platformat, te <a></a>.",
"Go to Element": "Shko te Element-i",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element!": "Jemi të ngazëllyer të njoftojmë se Riot-i tani e tutje është Element-i!",
"Learn more at <a></a>": "Mësoni më tepër te <a></a>",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use %(brand)s with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Mund të përdorni mundësitë vetjake për shërbyesin Që të bëni hyrjen te shërbyes të tjerë Matrix, duke specifikuar një URL të një shërbyesi Home tjetër. Kjo ju lejon të përdorni %(brand)s në një tjetër shërbyes Home me një llogari Matrix ekzistuese.",
"Enter the location of your Element Matrix Services homeserver. It may use your own domain name or be a subdomain of <a></a>.": "Jepni vendndodhjen e shërbyesit tuaj vatër Element Matrix Services. Mund të përdorë emrin e përkatësisë tuaj vetjake ose të jetë një nënpërkatësi e <a></a>.",
"Search rooms": "Kërkoni në dhoma",
"User menu": "Menu përdoruesi",
"%(brand)s Web": "%(brand)s Web",
"%(brand)s Desktop": "%(brand)s Desktop",
"%(brand)s iOS": "%(brand)s iOS",
"%(brand)s X for Android": "%(brand)s X për Android"

View file

@ -420,7 +420,7 @@
"Custom level": "Прилагођени ниво",
"Quote": "Цитат",
"Room directory": "Фасцикла са собама",
"Start chat": "Започни ћаскање",
"Start chat": "Започни разговор",
"And %(count)s more...|other": "И %(count)s других...",
"ex.": "нпр.:",
"Add User": "Додај корисника",
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@
"Invite to this room": "Позови у ову собу",
"You cannot delete this message. (%(code)s)": "Не можете обрисати ову поруку. (%(code)s)",
"Thursday": "Четвртак",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Разумем опасност и желим да наставим",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Разумем могуће последице и желим наставити",
"Back": "Назад",
"Reply": "Одговори",
"Show message in desktop notification": "Прикажи поруку у стоном обавештењу",
@ -867,5 +867,116 @@
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Позив није успео због погрешно подешеног сервера",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Замолите администратора вашег сервера (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) да подеси TURN сервер како би позиви радили поуздано.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code></code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Или, можете покушати да користите јавни сервер на <code></code>, али ово неће бити толико поуздано, и поделиће вашу IP адресу са тим сервером. Ово такође можете мењати у Подешавањима.",
"Try using": "Покушајте да користите"
"Try using": "Покушајте да користите",
"Use Single Sign On to continue": "Користи јединствену пријаву за наставак",
"Confirm adding this email address by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Потврдите додавање ове е-адресе коришћењем јединствене пријаве за доказивање вашег идентитета.",
"Single Sign On": "Јединствена пријава",
"Confirm adding email": "Потврди додавање е-адресе",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this email address.": "Кликните на дугме испод за потврђивање додавања ове е-адресе.",
"Add Email Address": "Додај е-адресу",
"Room name or address": "Назив собе или адреса",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Идентитетски сервер нема услове коришћења",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Промените ваш аватар у свим собама",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call.": "Корисник %(senderName)s је започео гласовни позив.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "Корисник %(senderName)s је започео гласовни позив. (није подржано од стране овог прегледача)",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "Корисник %(senderName)s је започео видео позив.",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call. (not supported by this browser)": "Корисник %(senderName)s је започео видео позив. (није подржано од стране овог прегледача)",
"You do not have permission to invite people to this room.": "Немате дозволу за позивање људи у ову собу.",
"Set up encryption": "Подеси шифровање",
"Encryption upgrade available": "Надоградња шифровања је доступна",
"You changed the room name": "Променили сте назив собе",
"%(senderName)s changed the room name": "Корисник %(senderName)s је променио назив собе",
"%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s": "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s",
"You changed the room topic": "Променили сте тему собе",
"%(senderName)s changed the room topic": "Корисник %(senderName)s је променио тему собе",
"Multiple integration managers": "Више управника уградњи",
"Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Испробајте нове начине за игнорисање људи (у пробној фази)",
"Show info about bridges in room settings": "Прикажи податке о мостовима у подешавањима собе",
"Enable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Омогући предлоге емоџија приликом куцања",
"Upload": "Отпреми",
"Show more": "Прикажи више",
"Connecting to integration manager...": "Повезујем се на управника уградњи…",
"Cannot connect to integration manager": "Не могу се повезати на управника уградњи",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Искористите</a> ваш сопствени домен",
"Email addresses": "Мејл адресе",
"Phone numbers": "Бројеви телефона",
"Set a new account password...": "Подеси нову лозинку налога…",
"Language and region": "Језик и област",
"General": "Опште",
"Discovery": "Откривање",
"None": "Ништа",
"Security & Privacy": "Безбедност и приватност",
"Change room name": "Промени назив собе",
"Enable room encryption": "Омогући шифровање собе",
"Roles & Permissions": "Улоге и дозволе",
"Enable encryption?": "Омогућити шифровање?",
"Encryption": "Шифровање",
"Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.": "Након омогућавања, шифровање се не можете онемогућити.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Опције откривања појавиће се након што додате мејл адресу изнад.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Опције откривања појавиће се након што додате број телефона изнад.",
"Email Address": "Е-адреса",
"Phone Number": "Број телефона",
"Encrypted by an unverified session": "Шифровано од стране непотврђене сесије",
"Scroll to most recent messages": "Пребаци на најновије поруке",
"Emoji picker": "Бирач емоџија",
"Send a message…": "Пошаљи поруку…",
"Direct Messages": "Непосредне поруке",
"Create room": "Направи собу",
"People": "Људи",
"Forget this room": "Заборави ову собу",
"Start chatting": "Започни ћаскање",
"Messages in this room are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.": "Поруке у овој соби су обезбеђене шифровањем с краја на крај. Само ви и ваши саговорници имате кључеве потребне за читање ових порука.",
"List options": "Прикажи опције",
"Use default": "Користи подразумевано",
"Mentions & Keywords": "Спомињања и кључне речи",
"Notification options": "Опције обавештавања",
"Forget Room": "Заборави собу",
"Room options": "Опције собе",
"Mark all as read": "Означи све као прочитано",
"Room Name": "Назив собе",
"Room Topic": "Тема собе",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted.": "Поруке у овој соби су шифроване с краја на крај.",
"Messages in this room are not end-to-end encrypted.": "Поруке у овој соби нису шифроване с краја на крај.",
"%(count)s verified sessions|other": "Укупно потврђених сесија: %(count)s",
"%(count)s verified sessions|one": "Једна потврђена сесија",
"Hide verified sessions": "Сакриј потврђене сесије",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Уклони недавне поруке корисника %(user)s",
"Remove recent messages": "Уклони недавне поруке",
"Encryption enabled": "Шифровање омогућено",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. Learn more & verify this user in their user profile.": "Поруке у овој соби су шифроване с краја на крај. Сазнајте више и потврдите овог корисника у његовом корисничком профилу.",
"Encryption not enabled": "Шифровање није омогућено",
"The encryption used by this room isn't supported.": "Начин шифровања унутар ове собе није подржан.",
"React": "Реагуј",
"Reactions": "Реакције",
"<reactors/><reactedWith> reacted with %(content)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith> реаговали са %(content)s</reactedWith>",
"<reactors/><reactedWith>reacted with %(shortName)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith>реаговали са %(shortName)s</reactedWith>",
"Smileys & People": "Смешци и особе",
"Quick Reactions": "Брзе реакције",
"Widgets do not use message encryption.": "Виџети не користе шифровање порука.",
"Join": "Приступи",
"Enable end-to-end encryption": "Омогући шифровање с краја на крај",
"Suggestions": "Предлози",
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>), email address or <a>share this room</a>.": "Позовите некога уз помоћ њихово имена, корисничког имена (типа <userId/>), мејл адресе или <a>поделите ову собу</a>.",
"Report bugs & give feedback": "Пријави грешке и пошаљи повратне податке",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Пријави садржај администратору вашег кућног сервера",
"Room Settings - %(roomName)s": "Подешавања собе - %(roomName)s",
"Terms of Service": "Услови коришћења",
"To continue you need to accept the terms of this service.": "За наставак, морате прихватити услове коришћења ове услуге.",
"Service": "Услуга",
"Summary": "Сажетак",
"Document": "Документ",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Поново пошаљи укупно %(unsentCount)s реакција",
"Share Permalink": "Подели трајну везу",
"Report Content": "Пријави садржај",
"Notification settings": "Подешавања обавештења",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Инсталирајте <chromeLink>Хром</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Фајерфокс</firefoxLink>, или <safariLink>Сафари</safariLink> за најбољи доживљај.",
"%(creator)s created and configured the room.": "Корисник %(creator)s је направио и подесио собу.",
"Preview": "Претпреглед",
"Switch to light mode": "Пребаци на светлу тему",
"Switch to dark mode": "Пребаци на тамну тему",
"Security & privacy": "Безбедност и приватност",
"All settings": "Сва подешавања",
"Feedback": "Повратни подаци",
"General failure": "Општа грешка",
"Copy": "Копирај"

View file

@ -1692,5 +1692,70 @@
"Verify by comparing unique emoji.": "Eşsiz emoji eşleştirme ile doğrulama.",
"Edited at %(date)s. Click to view edits.": "%(date)s tarihinde düzenlendi. Düzenlemeleri görmek için tıkla.",
"Failed to load group members": "Grup üyeleri yüklenirken başarısız",
"Visibility in Room List": "Oda Listesindeki Görünürlük"
"Visibility in Room List": "Oda Listesindeki Görünürlük",
"Confirm adding email": "E-posta adresini eklemeyi onayla",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this email address.": "E-posta adresini eklemeyi kabul etmek için aşağıdaki tuşa tıklayın.",
"Confirm adding phone number": "Telefon numayasını ekleyi onayla",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this phone number.": "Telefon numarasını eklemeyi kabul etmek için aşağıdaki tuşa tıklayın.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "Parola girmeyi iptal etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
"Room name or address": "Oda adı ya da adresi",
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s doğrulama istiyor",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "En son sürümde oturum açmak için hesabınızı kullanın",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "Riot'ın artık Element olduğunu duyurmaktan heyecan duyuyoruz",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot artık Element!",
"Learn More": "",
"Sends a message as html, without interpreting it as markdown": "İletiyi MarkDown olarak göndermek yerine HTML olarak gönderir",
"Failed to set topic": "Konu belirlenemedi",
"Joins room with given address": "Belirtilen adres ile odaya katılır",
"Unrecognised room address:": "Tanımlanamayan oda adresi:",
"Command failed": "Komut başarısız",
"Could not find user in room": "Kullanıcı odada bulunamadı",
"Send a bug report with logs": "Günlükler (log) ile hata raporu gönderin",
"Opens chat with the given user": "Belirtilen kullanıcı ile sohbet başlatır",
"Sends a message to the given user": "Belirtilen kullanıcıya ileti gönderir",
"Light": "Aydınlık",
"Dark": "Karanlık",
"You signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "Yeni bir oturuma, doğrulamadan oturum açtınız:",
"Verify your other session using one of the options below.": "Diğer oturumunuzu aşağıdaki seçeneklerden birini kullanarak doğrulayın.",
"I want to help": "Yardım etmek istiyorum",
"Review where youre logged in": "Nerelerde oturum açığınızı inceleyin",
"Verify all your sessions to ensure your account & messages are safe": "Hesabınızın ve iletileriniz güvenliği için bütün oturumlarınızı doğrulayın",
"Your homeserver has exceeded its user limit.": "Homeserver'ınız kullanıcı limitini aştı.",
"Your homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "Homeserver'ınız kaynaklarından birisinin sınırını aştı.",
"Contact your <a>server admin</a>.": "<a>Sunucu yöneticinize</a> başvurun.",
"Ok": "Tamam",
"Set password": "Parola belirle",
"To return to your account in future you need to set a password": "İleride hesabınızı tekrar kullanabilmek için bir parola belirlemeniz gerek",
"New login. Was this you?": "",
"Restart": "Yeniden başlat",
"You joined the call": "Çağrıya katıldınız",
"%(senderName)s joined the call": "%(senderName)s çağrıya katıldı",
"Call in progress": "Çağrı devam ediyor",
"You left the call": "Çağrıdan ayrıldınız",
"%(senderName)s left the call": "%(senderName)s çağrıdan ayrıldı",
"Call ended": "Çağrı sonlandı",
"You started a call": "Bir çağrı başlattınız",
"%(senderName)s started a call": "%(senderName)s bir çağrı başlattı",
"Waiting for answer": "Yanıt bekleniyor",
"%(senderName)s is calling": "%(senderName)s arıyor",
"You created the room": "Odayı oluşturdunuz",
"%(senderName)s created the room": "%(senderName)s odayı oluşturdu",
"You made the chat encrypted": "Sohbeti şifrelediniz",
"%(senderName)s made the chat encrypted": "%(senderName)s sohbeti şifreledi",
"You made history visible to new members": "Yeni üyelere sohbet geçmişini görünür yaptınız",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to new members": "%(senderName)s yeni üyelere sohbet geçmişini görünür yaptı",
"You made history visible to anyone": "Sohbet geçmişini herkese görünür yaptınız",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to anyone": "%(senderName)s sohbet geçmişini herkese görünür yaptı",
"You made history visible to future members": "Sohbet geçmişini gelecek kullanıcılara görünür yaptınız",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to future members": "%(senderName)s sohbet geçmişini gelecek kullanıcılara görünür yaptı",
"You were invited": "Davet edildiniz",
"%(targetName)s was invited": "%(targetName)s davet edildi",
"You left": "Ayrıldınız",
"%(targetName)s left": "%(targetName)s ayrıldı",
"You were kicked (%(reason)s)": "Atıldınız (%(reason)s)",
"%(targetName)s was kicked (%(reason)s)": "%(targetName)s atıldı (%(reason)s)",
"You were kicked": "Atıldınız",
"%(targetName)s was kicked": "%(targetName)s atıldı",
"You rejected the invite": "Daveti reddettiniz",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invite": "%(targetName)s daveti reddetti"

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Failed to send request.": "请求发送失败。",
"Failed to set display name": "设置昵称失败",
"Failed to unban": "解除封禁失败",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "邮箱验证失败: 请确保你已点击邮件中的链接",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "邮箱验证失败:请确保你已点击邮件中的链接",
"Failure to create room": "创建聊天室失败",
"Favourite": "收藏",
"Favourites": "收藏夹",
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
"Verification Pending": "验证等待中",
"(unknown failure: %(reason)s)": "(未知错误:%(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.": "%(senderName)s 收回了 %(targetName)s 的邀请。",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "你怎么寂寞到要和自己打电话,不支持的啦。",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "您无法向自己发起通话。",
"You have <a>disabled</a> URL previews by default.": "你已经默认 <a>禁用</a> 链接预览。",
"You have <a>enabled</a> URL previews by default.": "你已经默认 <a>启用</a> 链接预览。",
"Set a display name:": "设置昵称:",
@ -456,11 +456,11 @@
"Warning": "警告",
"Room Notification": "聊天室通知",
"The platform you're on": "您使用的平台是",
"The version of %(brand)s": "%(brand)s版本",
"The version of %(brand)s": "%(brand)s 版本",
"Your language of choice": "您选择的语言是",
"Whether or not you're using the Richtext mode of the Rich Text Editor": "您是否正在使用富文本编辑器的富文本模式",
"Your homeserver's URL": "您的主服务器的链接",
"The information being sent to us to help make %(brand)s better includes:": "发送信息给我们以帮助%(brand)s",
"The information being sent to us to help make %(brand)s better includes:": "正在给我们发送信息以帮助 %(brand)s",
"Where this page includes identifiable information, such as a room, user or group ID, that data is removed before being sent to the server.": "此页面中含有可用于识别您身份的信息,比如聊天室、用户或群组 ID这些数据会在发送到服务器前被移除。",
"%(weekDayName)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s": "%(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s, %(weekDayName)s",
@ -716,7 +716,7 @@
"Downloading update...": "正在下载更新…",
"State Key": "状态密钥",
"Failed to send custom event.": "自定义事件发送失败。",
"What's new?": "更新了什么?",
"What's new?": "更新内容",
"Notify me for anything else": "通知所有消息",
"When I'm invited to a room": "当我被邀请进入聊天室",
"Can't update user notification settings": "不能更新用户通知设置",
@ -777,7 +777,7 @@
"Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets": "对支持的小挂件启用小挂件截图",
"Demote yourself?": "是否降低您自己的权限?",
"Demote": "降权",
"A call is currently being placed!": "已发起一次通话!",
"A call is currently being placed!": "正在发起通话!",
"Permission Required": "需要权限",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "您没有在此聊天室发起通话会议的权限",
"This event could not be displayed": "无法显示此事件",
@ -836,7 +836,7 @@
"An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below.": "已向 %(emailAddress)s 发送了一封电子邮件。点开邮件中的链接后,请点击下面。",
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "强制丢弃加密聊天室中的当前出站群组会话",
"Unable to connect to Homeserver. Retrying...": "无法连接至主服务器。正在重试…",
"Sorry, your homeserver is too old to participate in this room.": "对不起,您的主服务器的程序版本过旧以至于无法加入此聊天室。",
"Sorry, your homeserver is too old to participate in this room.": "抱歉,因您的主服务器的程序版本过旧,无法加入此聊天室。",
"Mirror local video feed": "镜像翻转本地视频源",
"This room has been replaced and is no longer active.": "此聊天室已被取代,且不再活跃。",
"The conversation continues here.": "对话在这里继续。",
@ -858,7 +858,7 @@
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has exceeded a resource limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "您的消息未被发送,因为本主服务器已达到其使用量限制之一。请 <a>联系您的服务管理员</a> 以继续使用本服务。",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User Limit. Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "您的消息未被发送,因为本主服务器已达到其每月活跃用户限制。请 <a>联系您的服务管理员</a> 以继续使用本服务。",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "请 <a>联系您的服务管理员</a> 以继续使用本服务。",
"Please contact your homeserver administrator.": "请 联系您主服务器管理员。",
"Please contact your homeserver administrator.": "请 联系您主服务器管理员。",
"%(senderName)s set the main address for this room to %(address)s.": "%(senderName)s 将此聊天室的主地址设为了 %(address)s。",
"%(senderName)s removed the main address for this room.": "%(senderName)s 移除了此聊天室的主地址。",
"Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "无法加载!请检查您的网络连接并重试。",
@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@
"Folder": "文件夹",
"Pin": "别针",
"Yes": "是",
"No": "",
"No": "拒绝",
"We've sent you an email to verify your address. Please follow the instructions there and then click the button below.": "我们已向您发送了一封电子邮件,以验证您的地址。 请按照里面的说明操作,然后单击下面的按钮。",
"Email Address": "电子邮箱地址",
"Are you sure? You will lose your encrypted messages if your keys are not backed up properly.": "您确定吗?如果密钥没有正确地备份您将失去您的加密消息。",
@ -1267,12 +1267,12 @@
"Confirm adding this phone number by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "通过单点确认添加此电话号码以确认您的身份。",
"Confirm adding phone number": "确认添加电话号码",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this phone number.": "点击下面的按钮,确认添加此电话号码。",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s on a device where touch is the primary input mechanism": "是否在触屏设备上使用%(brand)s",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s as an installed Progressive Web App": "您是否已经安装%(brand)s作为一种渐进式的Web应用",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s on a device where touch is the primary input mechanism": "是否在触屏设备上使用 %(brand)s",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s as an installed Progressive Web App": "您是否已经安装 %(brand)s 作为一种渐进式的 Web 应用",
"Your user agent": "您的代理用户",
"Replying With Files": "回复文件",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "无法回复此文件。您要上传此文件但无需回复吗?",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "上传文件 %(fileName)s失败。",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "当前无法在回复中附加文件。您想要仅上传此文件而不回复吗?",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "上传文件 %(fileName)s 失败。",
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "服务器不支持指定的聊天室版本。",
"If you cancel now, you won't complete verifying the other user.": "如果现在取消,您将无法完成验证其他用户。",
"If you cancel now, you won't complete verifying your other session.": "如果现在取消,您将无法完成验证您的其他会话。",
@ -1371,5 +1371,76 @@
"Room name or address": "房间名称或地址",
"Joins room with given address": "使用给定地址加入房间",
"Verify this login": "验证此登录名",
"Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.": "通过从其他会话之一验证此登录名并授予其访问加密信息的权限来确认您的身份"
"Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.": "通过从其他会话之一验证此登录名并授予其访问加密信息的权限来确认您的身份",
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "如果您在使用官方实例,是哪一个",
"Every page you use in the app": "您在应用中使用的每个页面",
"Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "确定要取消输入密码?",
"Go Back": "后退",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "使用您的帐户登录到最新版本",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "我们很高兴地宣布Riot现在更名为Element",
"Learn More": "了解更多",
"Unrecognised room address:": "无法识别的聊天室地址:",
"Light": "浅色",
"Dark": "深色",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "您可以注册,但部分功能在身份服务器重新上线之前不可用。如果持续看到此警告,请检查配置或联系服务器管理员。",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "您可以重置密码,但部分功能在身份服务器重新上线之前不可用。如果持续看到此警告,请检查配置或联系服务器管理员。",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "您可以登录,但部分功能在身份服务器重新上线之前不可用。如果持续看到此警告,请检查配置或联系服务器管理员。",
"No homeserver URL provided": "未输入主服务器链接",
"Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "解析主服务器配置时发生未知错误",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "解析身份服务器配置时发生未知错误",
"The message you are trying to send is too large.": "您正发送的信息过大。",
"a few seconds ago": "数秒前",
"about a minute ago": "约一分钟前",
"%(num)s minutes ago": "%(num)s分钟前",
"about an hour ago": "约一小时前",
"%(num)s hours ago": "%(num)s小时前",
"about a day ago": "约一天前",
"%(num)s days ago": "%(num)s天前",
"a few seconds from now": "从现在开始数秒",
"about a minute from now": "从现在开始约一分钟",
"%(num)s minutes from now": "从现在开始%(num)s分钟",
"about an hour from now": "从现在开始约一小时",
"%(num)s hours from now": "从现在开始%(num)s小时",
"about a day from now": "从现在开始约一天",
"%(num)s days from now": "从现在开始%(num)s天",
"%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s%(userId)s",
"Your browser does not support the required cryptography extensions": "您的浏览器不支持必需的加密插件",
"The user's homeserver does not support the version of the room.": "用户的主服务器不支持该聊天室版本。",
"Help us improve %(brand)s": "请协助我们改进%(brand)s",
"Send <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink> which helps us improve %(brand)s. This will use a <PolicyLink>cookie</PolicyLink>.": "发送<UsageDataLink>匿名使用情况数据</UsageDataLink>,以协助我们改进%(brand)s。这将使用<PolicyLink>cookie</PolicyLink>。",
"I want to help": "我乐意协助",
"Verify all your sessions to ensure your account & messages are safe": "验证您的所有会话,以确保帐户和消息安全",
"Review": "开始验证",
"Later": "稍后再说",
"Your homeserver has exceeded its user limit.": "您的主服务器已超过用户限制。",
"Your homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "您的主服务器已超过某项资源限制。",
"Contact your <a>server admin</a>.": "请联系您的<a>服务器管理员</a>。",
"Ok": "确定",
"Set password": "设置密码",
"To return to your account in future you need to set a password": "要在之后取回您的帐户,您需要设置密码",
"Upgrade": "升级加密",
"Verify": "验证",
"Verify yourself & others to keep your chats safe": "验证您自己和他人身份,以确保您的聊天安全",
"Other users may not trust it": "其他用户可能不信任它",
"Verify the new login accessing your account: %(name)s": "验证正访问您帐户的新登录:%(name)s",
"Restart": "重启应用",
"Upgrade your %(brand)s": "升级您的%(brand)s",
"A new version of %(brand)s is available!": "发现%(brand)s的新版本",
"You joined the call": "您加入通话",
"%(senderName)s joined the call": "%(senderName)s加入通话",
"Call in progress": "通话中",
"You left the call": "您离开了通话",
"%(senderName)s left the call": "%(senderName)s离开了通话",
"Call ended": "通话结束",
"You started a call": "您开始了通话",
"%(senderName)s started a call": "%(senderName)s开始了通话",
"Waiting for answer": "等待接听",
"%(senderName)s is calling": "%(senderName)s正在通话",
"You created the room": "您创建了聊天室",
"%(senderName)s created the room": "%(senderName)s创建了聊天室",
"You made the chat encrypted": "您启用了聊天加密",
"%(senderName)s made the chat encrypted": "%(senderName)s启用了聊天加密",
"You made history visible to new members": "您设置了历史记录对新成员可见",
"%(senderName)s made history visible to new members": "%(senderName)s设置了历史记录对新成员可见",
"You made history visible to anyone": "您设置了历史记录对所有人可见"

View file

@ -2346,5 +2346,48 @@
"Set up Secure backup": "設定安全備份",
"Set a Security Phrase": "設定安全密語",
"Confirm Security Phrase": "確認安全密語",
"Save your Security Key": "儲存您的安全金鑰"
"Save your Security Key": "儲存您的安全金鑰",
"Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "您確定您想要取消輸入通關密語嗎?",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version": "使用您的帳號以登入到最新版本",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element": "我們很高興地宣佈 Riot 現在變為 Element 了",
"Riot is now Element!": "Riot 現在變為 Element 了!",
"Learn More": "取得更多資訊",
"Enable advanced debugging for the room list": "啟用聊天室清單的進階除錯",
"Enable experimental, compact IRC style layout": "啟用實驗性、簡潔的 IRC 風格佈局",
"Unknown caller": "未知的來電者",
"Incoming voice call": "語音來電",
"Incoming video call": "視訊來電",
"Incoming call": "來電",
"%(brand)s can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "%(brand)s 無法在網路瀏覽器中執行時安全地在本機快取加密訊息。使用 <desktopLink>%(brand)s 桌面版</desktopLink>以讓加密訊息出現在搜尋結果中。",
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here.": "有些進階通知未在此處顯示。",
"You might have configured them in a client other than %(brand)s. You cannot tune them in %(brand)s but they still apply.": "您可能已在 %(brand)s 以外的客戶端設定它們了。您無法以 %(brand)s 調整,但仍然適用。",
"Set the name of a font installed on your system & %(brand)s will attempt to use it.": "設定您系統上安裝的字型名稱,%(brand)s 將會嘗試使用它。",
"%(brand)s version:": "%(brand)s 版本:",
"Make this room low priority": "將此聊天室設為較低優先程度",
"Low priority rooms show up at the bottom of your room list in a dedicated section at the bottom of your room list": "低優先程度的聊天室會顯示在您聊天室清單底部的專用區域中",
"Show rooms with unread messages first": "先顯示有未讀訊息的聊天室",
"Show previews of messages": "顯示訊息預覽",
"Use default": "使用預設值",
"Mentions & Keywords": "提及與關鍵字",
"Notification options": "通知選項",
"Favourited": "最愛",
"Forget Room": "忘記聊天室",
"This room is public": "此聊天室是公開的",
"Away": "離開",
"Edited at %(date)s": "編輯於 %(date)s",
"Click to view edits": "點擊以檢視編輯",
"If the other version of %(brand)s is still open in another tab, please close it as using %(brand)s on the same host with both lazy loading enabled and disabled simultaneously will cause issues.": "如果其他版本的 %(brand)s 仍在其他分頁中開啟,請關閉它,因為在同一主機上使用同時啟用與停用惰性載入的 %(brand)s 可能會造成問題。",
"Use your account to sign in to the latest version of the app at <a />": "使用您的帳號以登入到最新版本的應用程式於 <a />",
"Youre already signed in and good to go here, but you can also grab the latest versions of the app on all platforms at <a></a>.": "您已登入並可在此處進行存取,但您可以在 <a></a> 取得所有平臺的最新版本的應用程式。",
"Go to Element": "到 Element",
"Were excited to announce Riot is now Element!": "我們很高興地宣佈 Riot 現在變為 Element 了!",
"Learn more at <a></a>": "在 <a></a> 取得更多資訊",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use %(brand)s with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "您可以透過指定不同的家伺服器 URL 來使用自訂伺服器選項以登入到其他 Matrix 伺服器。這讓您可以與既有的 Matrix 帳號在不同的家伺服器一起使用 %(brand)s。",
"Enter the location of your Element Matrix Services homeserver. It may use your own domain name or be a subdomain of <a></a>.": "輸入您的 Element Matrix 服務家伺服器位置。它可能使用您的域名或 <a></a> 的子網域。",
"Search rooms": "搜尋聊天室",
"User menu": "使用者選單",
"%(brand)s Web": "%(brand)s 網頁版",
"%(brand)s Desktop": "%(brand)s 桌面版",
"%(brand)s iOS": "%(brand)s iOS",
"%(brand)s X for Android": "Android 的 %(brand)s X"