Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.

This commit is contained in:
Weblate 2020-05-27 16:07:17 +00:00
commit 0188a0eebb
10 changed files with 297 additions and 31 deletions

View file

@ -2294,5 +2294,22 @@
"Sends a message to the given user": "Pošle zprávu danému uživateli",
"Waiting for your other session to verify…": "Čekáme na ověření od vaší druhé relace…",
"Verify all your sessions to ensure your account & messages are safe": "Ověřte všechny své relace, abyste zaručili, že jsou vaše zprávy a účet bezpečné",
"Verify the new login accessing your account: %(name)s": "Ověřte nové přihlášení na váš účet: %(name)s"
"Verify the new login accessing your account: %(name)s": "Ověřte nové přihlášení na váš účet: %(name)s",
"Room name or address": "Jméno nebo adresa místnosti",
"Joins room with given address": "Přidat se do místnosti s danou adresou",
"Unrecognised room address:": "Nerozpoznaná adresa místnosti:",
"Use IRC layout": "Používat rozložení IRC",
"Font size": "Velikost písma",
"Custom font size": "Vlastní velikost písma",
"IRC display name width": "šířka zobrazovného IRC jména",
"unexpected type": "neočekávaný typ",
"Session backup key:": "Klíč k záloze relace:",
"Confirm deleting these sessions by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|other": "Pomocí Jednotného přihlášení potvrdit odstranění těchto relací.",
"Confirm deleting these sessions by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|one": "Pomocí Jednotného přihlášení potvrdit odstranění této relace.",
"Size must be a number": "Velikost musí být číslo",
"Custom font size can only be between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Vlastní velikost písma může být pouze mezi %(min)s pt a %(max)s pt",
"Use between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Použijte velikost mezi %(min)s pt a %(max)s pt",
"Appearance": "Vzhled",
"Please verify the room ID or address and try again.": "Ověřte prosím, že ID místnosti je správné a zkuste to znovu.",
"Room ID or address of ban list": "ID nebo adresa seznamu zablokovaných"

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@ -2446,5 +2446,27 @@
"Custom font size can only be between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "La taille de police personnalisée doit être comprise entre %(min)s pt et %(max)s pt",
"Use between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Utiliser entre %(min)s pt et %(max)s pt",
"Appearance": "Apparence",
"Use the improved room list (in development - refresh to apply changes)": "Utiliser la liste de salons améliorée (en développement actualisez pour appliquer les changements)"
"Use the improved room list (in development - refresh to apply changes)": "Utiliser la liste de salons améliorée (en développement actualisez pour appliquer les changements)",
"Room name or address": "Nom ou adresse du salon",
"Joins room with given address": "Rejoint le salon à ladresse donnée",
"Unrecognised room address:": "Adresse de salon non reconnue :",
"Please verify the room ID or address and try again.": "Vérifiez lidentifiant ou ladresse du salon et réessayez.",
"Room ID or address of ban list": "Identifiant du salon ou adresse de la liste de bannissement",
"To link to this room, please add an address.": "Pour créer un lien vers ce salon, ajoutez une adresse.",
"Error creating address": "Erreur lors de la création de ladresse",
"There was an error creating that address. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.": "Une erreur est survenue lors de la création de ladresse. Ce nest peut-être pas autorisé par le serveur ou une erreur temporaire est survenue.",
"You don't have permission to delete the address.": "Vous navez pas la permission de supprimer cette adresse.",
"There was an error removing that address. It may no longer exist or a temporary error occurred.": "Une erreur est survenue lors de la suppression de cette adresse. Elle nexiste peut-être plus ou une erreur temporaire est survenue.",
"Error removing address": "Erreur lors de la suppression de ladresse",
"Categories": "Catégories",
"Room address": "Adresse du salon",
"Please provide a room address": "Veuillez fournir une adresse de salon",
"This address is available to use": "Cette adresse est disponible",
"This address is already in use": "Cette adresse est déjà utilisée",
"Set a room address to easily share your room with other people.": "Définissez une adresse de salon pour le partager facilement avec dautres personnes.",
"You've previously used a newer version of Riot with this session. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again.": "Vous avez précédemment utilisé une version plus récente de Riot avec cette session. Pour réutiliser cette version avec le chiffrement de bout en bout, vous devrez vous déconnecter et vous reconnecter.",
"Address (optional)": "Adresse (optionnel)",
"Delete the room address %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Supprimer ladresse du salon %(alias)s et supprimer %(name)s du répertoire ?",
"delete the address.": "supprimer ladresse.",
"Use a different passphrase?": "Utiliser une phrase secrète différente ?"

View file

@ -1085,5 +1085,88 @@
"Explore rooms": "Explorar salas",
"General failure": "Fallo xeral",
"This homeserver does not support login using email address.": "Este servidor non soporta a conexión usando enderezos de email.",
"Clear room list filter field": "Baleirar o campo do filtro de salas"
"Clear room list filter field": "Baleirar o campo do filtro de salas",
"Room name or address": "Nome da sala ou enderezo",
"Joins room with given address": "Unirse a sala co enderezo dado",
"Unrecognised room address:": "Non se recoñece o enderezo da sala:",
"%(senderName)s set the main address for this room to %(address)s.": "%(senderName)s estableceu o enderezo principal da sala %(address)s.",
"%(senderName)s removed the main address for this room.": "%(senderName)s eliminiou o enderezo principal desta sala.",
"%(senderName)s added the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|other": "%(senderName)s engadiu os enderezos alternativos %(addresses)s para esta sala.",
"%(senderName)s added the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|one": "%(senderName)s engadiu o enderezo alternativo %(addresses)s para esta sala.",
"%(senderName)s removed the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|other": "%(senderName)s eliminou os enderezos alternativos %(addresses)s desta sala.",
"%(senderName)s removed the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|one": "%(senderName)s eliminou o enderezo alternativo %(addresses)s desta sala.",
"%(senderName)s changed the alternative addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s cambiou os enderezos alternativos desta sala.",
"%(senderName)s changed the main and alternative addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s cambiou o enderezo principal e alternativo para esta sala.",
"%(senderName)s changed the addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s cambiou o enderezo desta sala.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call.": "%(senderName)s fixo unha chamada de voz.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s fixo unha chamada de voz. (non soportado neste navegador)",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s fixo unha chamada de vídeo.",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s fixo unha chamada de vídeo. (non soportado por este navegador)",
"%(senderName)s revoked the invitation for %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s revogou o convite para que %(targetDisplayName)s se una a esta sala.",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning users matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s eliminou a regra que bloqueaba usuarias con %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s eliminou a regra que bloquea salas con %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning servers matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s eliminou a regra que bloquea servidores con %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed a ban rule matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s eliminou a regra de bloqueo con %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s updated an invalid ban rule": "%(senderName)s actualizou unha regra de bloqueo non válida",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning users matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s actualizou a regra que bloquea usuarias con %(glob)s por %(reason)s",
"Show info about bridges in room settings": "Mostrar info sobre pontes nos axustes da sala",
"Room Addresses": "Enderezos da sala",
"There was an error updating the room's alternative addresses. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.": "Algo fallou ao actualizar os enderezos alternativos da sala. É posible que o servidor non o permita ou acontecese un fallo temporal.",
"Published addresses can be used by anyone on any server to join your room. To publish an address, it needs to be set as a local address first.": "Os enderezos publicados poden ser usados por calquera persoa ou servidor para unirse a sala. Para publicar un enderezo, primeiro debe establecerse como enderezo local.",
"Set addresses for this room so users can find this room through your homeserver (%(localDomain)s)": "Establecer enderezos para a sala para que poida ser atopada no teu servidor local (%(localDomain)s)",
"Room Settings - %(roomName)s": "Axustes da sala - %(roomName)s",
"Delete the room address %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Eliminar o enderezo da sala %(alias)s e eliminar %(name)s do directorio?",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s actualizou a regra de bloqueo de salas con %(glob)s por %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning servers matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s actualizou a regra de bloqueo de servidores con %(glob)s por %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s actualizou a regra de bloqueo con %(glob)s por %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning users matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s creou unha regra de bloqueo de usuarias con %(glob)s por %(reason)s",
"You signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "Conectácheste nunha nova sesión sen verificala:",
"Verify your other session using one of the options below.": "Verifica a túa outra sesión usando unha das opcións inferiores.",
"%(name)s (%(userId)s) signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "%(name)s (%(userId)s) conectouse a unha nova sesión sen verificala:",
"Ask this user to verify their session, or manually verify it below.": "Pídelle a usuaria que verifique a súa sesión, ou verificaa manualmente aquí.",
"Not Trusted": "Non confiable",
"Manually Verify by Text": "Verificar manualmente por texto",
"Interactively verify by Emoji": "Verificar interactivamente por Emoji",
"Done": "Feito",
"%(displayName)s is typing …": "%(displayName)s está escribindo…",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …|other": "%(names)s e outras %(count)s están escribindo…",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …|one": "%(names)s e outra están escribindo…",
"%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing …": "%(names)s e %(lastPerson)s están escribindo…",
"Cannot reach homeserver": "Non se acadou o servidor",
"Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "Asegúrate de que tes boa conexión a internet, ou contacta coa administración do servidor",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "O teu Riot está mal configurado",
"Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Pídelle a administración do teu Riot que comprobe a <a>configuración</a> para entradas duplicadas ou incorrectas.",
"Cannot reach identity server": "Non se acadou o servidor de identidade",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Podes rexistrarte, pero algunhas características non estarán dispoñibles ata que o servidor de identidade volte a conectarse. Se segues a ver este aviso, comproba os axustes ou contacta coa administración.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Podes restablecer o contrasinal, pero algunhas características non estarán dispoñibles ata que o servidor de identidade se conecte. Se segues a ver este aviso comproba os axustes ou contacta coa administración.",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Podes conectarte, pero algunhas características non estarán dispoñibles ata que o servidor de identidade volte a conectarse. Se segues a ver este aviso, comproba os axustes ou contacta coa administración.",
"No homeserver URL provided": "Non se estableceu URL do servidor",
"Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Houbo un fallo ao acceder a configuración do servidor",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Houbo un fallo ao acceder a configuración do servidor de identidade",
"The message you are trying to send is too large.": "A mensaxe a enviar é demasiado grande.",
"Unable to connect to Homeserver. Retrying...": "Non se conectou co Servidor. Reintentando...",
"a few seconds ago": "fai uns segundos",
"about a minute ago": "fai un minuto",
"%(num)s minutes ago": "fai %(num)s minutos",
"about an hour ago": "fai unha hora",
"%(num)s hours ago": "fai %(num)s horas",
"about a day ago": "onte",
"%(num)s days ago": "fai %(num)s días",
"a few seconds from now": "hai só uns segundos",
"about a minute from now": "haberá un minuto",
"%(num)s minutes from now": "fará %(num)s minutos",
"about an hour from now": "fará unha hora",
"%(num)s hours from now": "fará %(num)s horas",
"about a day from now": "foi onte",
"%(num)s days from now": "fará %(num)s días",
"%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)",
"Unrecognised address": "Enderezo non recoñecible",
"You do not have permission to invite people to this room.": "Non tes permiso para convidar a xente a esta sala.",
"User %(userId)s is already in the room": "A usuaria %(userId)s xa está na sala",
"User %(user_id)s does not exist": "A usuaria %(user_id)s non existe",
"User %(user_id)s may or may not exist": "A usuaria %(user_id)s podería non existir",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "A usuria debe ser desbloqueada antes de poder convidala.",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted.": "As mensaxes desta sala están cifradas de extremo-a-extremo.",
"Messages in this room are not end-to-end encrypted.": "As mensaxes desta sala non están cifradas de extremo-a-extremo.",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. Learn more & verify this user in their user profile.": "As mensaxes desta sala están cifradas de extremo-a-extremo. No perfil da usuaria tes máis info e podes verificala."

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@ -2424,5 +2424,18 @@
"Click the button below to confirm setting up encryption.": "Az alábbi gomb megnyomásával erősítsd meg, hogy megadod a titkosítási beállításokat.",
"Dismiss read marker and jump to bottom": "Az olvasottak jel eltűntetése és ugrás a végére",
"Jump to oldest unread message": "A legrégebbi olvasatlan üzenetre ugrás",
"Upload a file": "Fájl feltöltése"
"Upload a file": "Fájl feltöltése",
"Room name or address": "A szoba neve vagy címe",
"Joins room with given address": "Megadott címmel csatlakozik a szobához",
"Unrecognised room address:": "Ismeretlen szoba cím:",
"Font scaling": "Betű nagyítás",
"Use the improved room list (in development - refresh to apply changes)": "Fejlesztett szobalista használata (fejlesztés alatt - frissíts a változások életbe léptetéséhez)",
"Use IRC layout": "IRC kinézet használata",
"Font size": "Betűméret",
"Custom font size": "Egyedit betűméret",
"IRC display name width": "IRC megjelenítési név szélessége",
"Size must be a number": "A méretnek számnak kell lennie",
"Custom font size can only be between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Az egyedi betűméret csak %(min)s pont és %(max)s pont között lehet",
"Use between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Csak %(min)s pont és %(max)s pont közötti értéket használj",
"Appearance": "Megjelenítés"

View file

@ -2441,5 +2441,27 @@
"Custom font size can only be between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "La dimensione del carattere personalizzata può solo essere tra %(min)s pt e %(max)s pt",
"Use between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Usa tra %(min)s pt e %(max)s pt",
"Appearance": "Aspetto",
"Use the improved room list (in development - refresh to apply changes)": "Usa l'elenco stanze migliorato (in sviluppo - ricarica per applicare le modifiche)"
"Use the improved room list (in development - refresh to apply changes)": "Usa l'elenco stanze migliorato (in sviluppo - ricarica per applicare le modifiche)",
"Room name or address": "Nome stanza o indirizzo",
"Joins room with given address": "Accede alla stanza con l'indirizzo dato",
"Unrecognised room address:": "Indirizzo stanza non riconosciuto:",
"Please verify the room ID or address and try again.": "Verifica l'ID o l'indirizzo della stanza e riprova.",
"Room ID or address of ban list": "ID o indirizzo stanza della lista ban",
"To link to this room, please add an address.": "Per collegare a questa stanza, aggiungi un indirizzo.",
"Error creating address": "Errore creazione indirizzo",
"There was an error creating that address. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.": "Si è verificato un errore creando l'indirizzo. Potrebbe non essere permesso dal server o un problema temporaneo.",
"You don't have permission to delete the address.": "Non hai l'autorizzazione per eliminare l'indirizzo.",
"There was an error removing that address. It may no longer exist or a temporary error occurred.": "Si è verificato un errore rimuovendo l'indirizzo. Potrebbe non esistere più o essere un problema temporaneo.",
"Error removing address": "Errore rimozione indirizzo",
"Categories": "Categorie",
"Room address": "Indirizzo stanza",
"Please provide a room address": "Inserisci un indirizzo della stanza",
"This address is available to use": "Questo indirizzo è disponibile per l'uso",
"This address is already in use": "Questo indirizzo è già in uso",
"Set a room address to easily share your room with other people.": "Imposta un indirizzo della stanza per condividerla facilmente con le altre persone.",
"You've previously used a newer version of Riot with this session. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again.": "Hai precedentemente usato una versione più recente di Riot con questa sessione. Per usare ancora questa versione con la cifratura end to end, dovrai disconnetterti e riaccedere.",
"Address (optional)": "Indirizzo (facoltativo)",
"Delete the room address %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Eliminare l'indirizzo della stanza %(alias)s e rimuovere %(name)s dalla cartella?",
"delete the address.": "elimina l'indirizzo.",
"Use a different passphrase?": "Usare una password diversa?"

View file

@ -554,7 +554,7 @@
"Download %(text)s": "%(text)s をダウンロード",
"Invalid file%(extra)s": "無効なファイル %(extra)s",
"Error decrypting image": "イメージの復号化エラー",
"Error decrypting video": "動画の復号エラー",
"Error decrypting video": "動画の復号エラー",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the avatar for %(roomName)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s が %(roomName)s のアバターを変更しました",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s がルームアバターを削除しました。",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar to <img/>": "%(senderDisplayName)s はルームアバターを<img/>に変更しました",
@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@
"Error updating flair": "バッジの更新でエラーが発生しました。",
"There was an error updating the flair for this room. The server may not allow it or a temporary error occurred.": "この部屋のバッジの更新でエラーが発生しました。サーバーが許可していないか、一時的なエラーが発生しました。",
"Edited at %(date)s. Click to view edits.": "%(date)sに編集。クリックして編集を表示。",
"edited": "編集済",
"edited": "編集済",
"I don't want my encrypted messages": "暗号化されたメッセージは必要ありません",
"Manually export keys": "手動でキーをエクスポート",
"You'll lose access to your encrypted messages": "暗号化されたメッセージにアクセスできなくなります",
@ -1371,5 +1371,11 @@
"Riot URL": "Riot URL",
"Room ID": "部屋 ID",
"Maximize apps": "アプリを最大化する",
"More options": "更なるオプション"
"More options": "更なるオプション",
"Manually verify all remote sessions": "すべてのリモートセッションを手動で検証する",
"Individually verify each session used by a user to mark it as trusted, not trusting cross-signed devices.": "クロス署名されたデバイスを信頼せず、信頼済みとしてマークするためにユーザーが使用する各セッションを個別に検証します。",
"This session is backing up your keys. ": "このセッションでは鍵をバックアップしています。 ",
"Show all": "すべて表示",
"Message deleted": "メッセージが削除されました",
"Message deleted by %(name)s": "%(name)s によってメッセージが削除されました"

View file

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
"Please set a password!": "Prašau įrašykite slaptažodį!",
"powered by Matrix": "veikia su Matrix",
"You have successfully set a password!": "Jūs sėkmingai įrašėte slaptažodį!",
"Favourite": "Svarbūs",
"Favourite": "Favoritai",
"All Rooms": "Visi pokalbių kambariai",
"Explore Room State": "Peržiūrėti kambario būseną",
"Source URL": "Šaltinio URL adresas",
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
"Messages in group chats": "Žinutės grupės pokalbiuose",
"Yesterday": "Vakar",
"Error encountered (%(errorDetail)s).": "Susidurta su klaida (%(errorDetail)s).",
"Low Priority": "Nesvarbūs",
"Low Priority": "Žemo prioriteto",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot nežino kaip prisijungti prie kambario šiame tinkle",
"Set Password": "Nustatyti slaptažodį",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "Išsaugant pranešimų el. paštu nuostatas, įvyko klaida.",
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"Add rooms to this community": "Įtraukti kambarius į šią bendruomenę",
"Pin Message": "Prisegti žinutę",
"Failed to change settings": "Nepavyko pakeisti nustatymų",
"Leave": "Atsijungti",
"Leave": "Išeiti",
"View Community": "Peržiūrėti bendruomenes",
"Developer Tools": "Programuotojo įrankiai",
"Unhide Preview": "Rodyti paržiūrą",
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@
"Algorithm: ": "Algoritmas: ",
"Don't ask again": "Daugiau nebeklausti",
"Set up": "Nustatyti",
"Publish this room to the public in %(domain)s's room directory?": "Paskelbti šį kambarį į viešąjį %(domain)s kambarių katalogą?",
"Publish this room to the public in %(domain)s's room directory?": "Paskelbti šį kambarį viešai %(domain)s kambarių kataloge?",
"Start authentication": "Pradėti tapatybės nustatymą",
"Failed to load group members": "Nepavyko įkelti grupės dalyvių",
"Manage Integrations": "Valdyti integracijas",
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@
"Do you want to chat with %(user)s?": "Ar jūs norite kalbėtis su %(user)s?",
"<userName/> wants to chat": "<userName/> nori kalbėtis",
"Start chatting": "Pradėti kalbėtis",
"Do you want to join %(roomName)s?": "Ar jūs norite prisijungti prie %(roomName)s?",
"Do you want to join %(roomName)s?": "Ar jūs norite prisijungti prie %(roomName)s kanalo?",
"<userName/> invited you": "<userName/> jus pakvietė",
"You're previewing %(roomName)s. Want to join it?": "Jūs peržiūrite %(roomName)s. Norite prie jo prisijungti?",
"%(roomName)s can't be previewed. Do you want to join it?": "%(roomName)s negali būti peržiūrėtas. Ar jūs norite prie jo prisijungti?",
@ -896,7 +896,7 @@
"Explore": "Žvalgyti",
"Filter": "Filtruoti",
"Filter rooms…": "Filtruoti kambarius…",
"This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Šis kambarys nėra viešas. Jūs negalėsite prie jo vėl prisijungti be pakvietimo.",
"This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Šis kambarys nėra viešas. Jūs negalėsite vėl prie jo prisijungti be pakvietimo.",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Ar tikrai norite išeiti iš kambario %(roomName)s?",
"%(creator)s created and configured the room.": "%(creator)s sukūrė ir sukonfigūravo kambarį.",
"Riot failed to get the public room list.": "Riot nepavyko gauti viešų kambarių sąrašo.",
@ -957,10 +957,10 @@
"%(severalUsers)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s išėjo ir vėl prisijungė",
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s išėjo ir vėl prisijungė %(count)s kartų(-us)",
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s išėjo ir vėl prisijungė",
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s atmetė kvietimus %(count)s kartų(-us)",
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s atmetė kvietimus",
"%(oneUser)srejected their invitation %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s atmetė kvietimą %(count)s kartų(-us)",
"%(oneUser)srejected their invitation %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s atmetė kvietimą",
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s atmetė pakvietimus %(count)s kartų(-us)",
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s atmetė pakvietimus",
"%(oneUser)srejected their invitation %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s atmetė pakvietimą %(count)s kartų(-us)",
"%(oneUser)srejected their invitation %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s atmetė pakvietimą",
"%(severalUsers)shad their invitations withdrawn %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s atšaukė savo pakvietimus %(count)s kartų(-us)",
"%(severalUsers)shad their invitations withdrawn %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s atšaukė savo pakvietimus",
"%(oneUser)shad their invitation withdrawn %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s atšaukė savo pakvietimą %(count)s kartų(-us)",
@ -1097,11 +1097,11 @@
"Later": "Vėliau",
"Verify yourself & others to keep your chats safe": "Patvirtinkite save ir kitus, kad jūsų pokalbiai būtų saugūs",
"Go back": "Grįžti",
"This room is end-to-end encrypted": "Šis kambarys užšifruotas visapusiu šifravimu",
"This room is end-to-end encrypted": "Šis kambarys visapusiškai užšifruotas",
"Send a message…": "Siųsti žinutę…",
"Never lose encrypted messages": "Niekada nepraraskite šifruotų žinučių",
"Messages in this room are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.": "Žinutės šiame kambaryje yra apsaugotos visapusiu šifravimu. Tik jūs ir gavėjas(-ai) turite raktus šioms žinutėms perskaityti.",
"Securely back up your keys to avoid losing them. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Saugiai sukurkite jūsų raktų atsargines kopijas, kad išvengtumėte jų praradimo. <a>Sužinoti daugiau.</a>",
"Securely back up your keys to avoid losing them. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Saugiai sukurkite jūsų raktų atsarginę kopiją, kad išvengtumėte jų praradimo. <a>Sužinoti daugiau.</a>",
"Not now": "Ne dabar",
"Don't ask me again": "Daugiau neklausti",
"Send as message": "Siųsti kaip žinutę",
@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@
"Send report": "Siųsti pranešimą",
"Unknown sessions": "Nežinomi seansai",
"Verify other session": "Patvirtinti kitą seansą",
"Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Ar tikrai norite atšaukti pakvietimą?",
"Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Ar tikrai norite atmesti pakvietimą?",
"Share Permalink": "Dalintis nuoroda",
"Report Content": "Pranešti",
"Nice, strong password!": "Puiku, stiprus slaptažodis!",
@ -1528,5 +1528,21 @@
"Select room from the room list": "Pasirinkite kambarį iš kambarių sąrašo",
"Collapse room list section": "Sutraukti kambarių sąrašo skyrių",
"Expand room list section": "Išplėsti kambarių sąrašo skyrių",
"Clear room list filter field": "Išvalyti kambarių sąrašo filtro lauką"
"Clear room list filter field": "Išvalyti kambarių sąrašo filtro lauką",
"Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Bendruomenių ID negali būti tušti.",
"Failed to reject invitation": "Nepavyko atmesti pakvietimo",
"Failed to leave room": "Nepavyko išeiti iš kambario",
"Can't leave Server Notices room": "Negalima išeiti iš Serverio Pranešimų kambario",
"This room is used for important messages from the Homeserver, so you cannot leave it.": "Šis kambarys yra naudojamas svarbioms žinutėms iš serverio, todėl jūs negalite jo palikti.",
"Terms and Conditions": "Taisyklės ir Sąlygos",
"Self-verification request": "Savipatvirtinimo užklausa",
"Logout": "Atsijungti",
"Reject & Ignore user": "Atmesti ir ignoruoti vartotoją",
"Reject invitation": "Atmesti pakvietimą",
"Unable to reject invite": "Nepavyko atmesti pakvietimo",
"Whether you're using Riot as an installed Progressive Web App": "Nesvarbu, ar naudojate Riot kaip įdiegtą progresyviąją žiniatinklio programą",
"Your user agent": "Jūsų vartotojo agentas",
"The information being sent to us to help make Riot better includes:": "Informacija, siunčiama mums siekiant pagerinti Riot, yra:",
"Invite only": "Tik pakviestiems",
"You can only join it with a working invite.": "Jūs galite prisijungti tik su veikiančiu pakvietimu."

View file

@ -1342,5 +1342,7 @@
"Enter a recovery passphrase...": "Skriv inn en gjenopprettingspassfrase …",
"Please enter your recovery passphrase a second time to confirm.": "Skriv inn gjenopprettingspassfrasen din en andre gang for å bekrefte.",
"Repeat your recovery passphrase...": "Gjenta gjenopprettingspassfrasen din …",
"Other users may not trust it": "Andre brukere kan kanskje mistro den"
"Other users may not trust it": "Andre brukere kan kanskje mistro den",
"<reactors/><reactedWith> reacted with %(content)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith> reagerte med %(content)s</reactedWith>",
"<reactors/><reactedWith>reacted with %(shortName)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith> reagerte med %(shortName)s</reactedWith>"

View file

@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@
"You've successfully verified this user.": "Úspešne ste overili tohoto používateľa.",
"Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties.": "Zabezpečené správi s týmto používateľom sú E2E šifrované, čo znamená, že čítanie tretími stranami nie je možné.",
"Got It": "Rozumiem",
"Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Overte tohto používateľa tak, že zistíte, či sa na jeho obrazovke objaví nasledujúci emoji.",
"Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Overte tohto používateľa tak, že zistíte, či sa na jeho obrazovke objavia nasledujúce emoji.",
"Verify this user by confirming the following number appears on their screen.": "Overte tohoto používateľa tým, že zistíte, či sa na jeho obrazovke objaví nasledujúce číslo.",
"Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Nie je možné nájsť podporovanú metódu overenia.",
"Dog": "Hlava psa",
@ -1536,13 +1536,13 @@
"Set up encryption": "Nastaviť šifrovanie",
"Review where youre logged in": "Zobraziť, kde ste prihlásený",
"New login. Was this you?": "Nové pihlásenie. Ste to vy?",
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name) žiada o overenie",
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s žiada o overenie",
"Sign In or Create Account": "Prihlásiť sa alebo vytvoriť nový účet",
"Use your account or create a new one to continue.": "Použite váš existujúci účet alebo si vytvorte nový, aby ste mohli pokračovať.",
"Create Account": "Vytvoriť účet",
"Sign In": "Prihlásiť sa",
"Sends a message as html, without interpreting it as markdown": "Pošlite správu ako HTML, bez interpretácie v Markdowne",
"Failed to set topic": "Nastavenie témy zlyhalo",
"Failed to set topic": "Nepodarilo sa nastaviť tému",
"Command failed": "Príkaz zlyhal",
"Could not find user in room": "Nepodarilo sa nájsť používateľa v miestnosti",
"Please supply a widget URL or embed code": "Prosím, zadajte URL widgetu alebo vložte kód",
@ -1554,7 +1554,7 @@
"Incorrect recovery passphrase": "Nesprávne (dlhé) heslo pre obnovu zálohy",
"Backup could not be decrypted with this recovery passphrase: please verify that you entered the correct recovery passphrase.": "Záloha nemohla byť rozšifrovaná pomocou tohto (dlhého) helsa na obnovu zálohy: prosím, overte, či ste zadali správne (dlhé) helso na obnovu zálohy.",
"WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and session %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "VAROVANIE: OVERENIE KĽÚČOV ZLYHALO! Podpisovaný kľúč používateľa %(userId)s a relácia %(deviceId)s je \"%(fprint)s\" čo nezodpovedá zadanému kľúču \"%(fingerprint)s\". Môže to znamenať, že vaša komunikácia je infiltrovaná!",
"The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's session %(deviceId)s. Session marked as verified.": "Zadaný podpísaný kľúč sa zhoduje s podpísaným kľúčom od relácie %(deviceId)s používateľa %(userId)s. Relácia je označená ako overená.",
"The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's session %(deviceId)s. Session marked as verified.": "Zadaný podpisovací kľúč sa zhoduje s podpisovacím kľúčom od relácie %(deviceId)s používateľa %(userId)s. Relácia je označená ako overená.",
"Displays information about a user": "Zobrazuje informácie o používateľovi",
"Send a bug report with logs": "Zaslať chybové hlásenie so záznamami",
"Opens chat with the given user": "Otvorí konverzáciu s daným používateľom",
@ -1565,7 +1565,7 @@
"%(senderName)s removed the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|other": "%(senderName)s odstránil/a alternatívne adresy %(addresses)s pre túto miestnosť.",
"%(senderName)s removed the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|one": "%(senderName)s odstránil/a alternatívnu adresu %(addresses)s pre túto miestnosť.",
"%(senderName)s changed the alternative addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s zmenil/a alternatívne adresy pre túto miestnosť.",
"%(senderName)s changed the main and alternative addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s zmenil hlavnú a alternatívne adresy pre túto miestnosť.",
"%(senderName)s changed the main and alternative addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s zmenil/a hlavnú a alternatívnu/e adresy pre túto miestnosť.",
"%(senderName)s changed the addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s zmenil/a adresy pre túto miestnosť.",
"You signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "Prihlásili ste sa do novej relácie bez jej overenia:",
"Verify your other session using one of the options below.": "Overte svoje ostatné relácie pomocou jednej z nižšie uvedených možností.",
@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@
"about an hour ago": "približne pred hodinou",
"about a day ago": "približne deň dozadu",
"a few seconds from now": "o pár sekúnd",
"about a minute from now": "približne o minutu",
"about a minute from now": "približne o minútu",
"about an hour from now": "približne o hodinu",
"about a day from now": "približne o deň",
"Support adding custom themes": "Umožniť pridávať vlastný vzhľad",
@ -1664,5 +1664,68 @@
"If you can't scan the code above, verify by comparing unique emoji.": "Pokiaľ nemôžete kód vyššie skenovať, overte sa porovnaním jedinečnej kombinácie emoji.",
"Verify by comparing unique emoji.": "Overenie porovnaním jedinečnej kombinácie emoji",
"Verify by emoji": "Overte pomocou emoji",
"Compare emoji": "Porovnajte emoji"
"Compare emoji": "Porovnajte emoji",
"Verify all your sessions to ensure your account & messages are safe": "Overte všetky vaše relácie, aby ste si boli istý, že sú vaše správy a účet bezpečné",
"Review": "Prehliadnuť",
"Later": "Neskôr",
"Upgrade": "Upgradovať",
"Verify": "Overiť",
"Verify yourself & others to keep your chats safe": "Overte seba a ostatných, aby vaše komunikácie boli bezpečné",
"Other users may not trust it": "Ostatný používatelia jej nemusia veriť",
"Verify the new login accessing your account: %(name)s": "Overte nové prihlásenie na váš účet: %(name)s",
"From %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)": "Od %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)",
"This bridge was provisioned by <user />.": "Tento most poskytuje <user />.",
"Room name or address": "Meno alebo adresa miestnosti",
"Joins room with given address": "Pridať sa do miestnosti s danou adresou",
"Unrecognised room address:": "Nerozpoznaná adresa miestnosti:",
"Use the improved room list (in development - refresh to apply changes)": "Použiť vylepšený zoznam miestností (vo vývoji - znovunačítajte stránku pre aplikovanie zmien)",
"This bridge is managed by <user />.": "Tento most spravuje <user />.",
"Workspace: %(networkName)s": "Pracovisko: %(networkName)s",
"Channel: %(channelName)s": "Kanál: %(channelName)s",
"Show less": "Zobraziť menej",
"Show more": "Zobraziť viac",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Zmena hesla reštartuje všetky šifrovacie kľúče pre všetky vaše relácie. Šifrované správy sa stanú nečitateľnými, pokiaľ najprv nevyexportujete vaše kľúče a po zmene ich nenaimportujete. V budúcnosti sa tento proces zjednoduší.",
"well formed": "dobre sformulované",
"unexpected type": "neočakávaný typ",
"in memory": "v pamäti",
"Self signing private key:": "Samo-podpísané súkromné kľúče:",
"cached locally": "cachenuté lokálne",
"not found locally": "nenájdené lokálne",
"User signing private key:": "Používateľom-podpísané súkromné kľúče:",
"Session backup key:": "Kľúč na zálohu relácie:",
"Homeserver feature support:": "Funkcie podporované domovským serverom:",
"exists": "existuje",
"Your homeserver does not support session management.": "Váš domovský server nepodporuje správu relácií.",
"Unable to load session list": "Nemožno načítať zoznam relácií",
"Confirm deleting these sessions by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|other": "Potvrďte odstránenie týchto relácií použitím Jednotného prihlásenia na overenie vašej identity.",
"Confirm deleting these sessions by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|one": "Potvrďte odstránenie tejto relácie použitím Jednotného prihlásenia na overenie vašej identity.",
"Confirm deleting these sessions": "Potvrdiť odstránenie týchto relácií",
"Click the button below to confirm deleting these sessions.|other": "Stlačením tlačítka potvrdíte zmazanie týchto relácií.",
"Click the button below to confirm deleting these sessions.|one": "Stlačením tlačítka potvrdíte zmazanie tejto relácie.",
"Delete sessions|other": "Zmazať relácie",
"Delete sessions|one": "Zmazať reláciu",
"Delete %(count)s sessions|one": "Zmazať %(count)s reláciu",
"Manage": "Spravovať",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results.": "Bezpečne cachovať šifrované správy lokálne, aby sa mohli zobraziť vo vyhľadávaní.",
"Enable": "Povoliť",
"Riot is missing some components required for securely caching encrypted messages locally. If you'd like to experiment with this feature, build a custom Riot Desktop with <nativeLink>search components added</nativeLink>.": "Riotu chýbajú niektoré komponenty potrebné na bezpečné cachovanie šifrovaných správ lokálne. Pokiaľ chcete experimentovať s touto funkciou, spravte si svoj vlastný Riot Desktop <nativeLink>s pridanými vyhľadávacími komponentami</nativeLink>.",
"Riot can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <riotLink>Riot Desktop</riotLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "Riotu nemôže bezpečne cachovať šifrované správy lokálne keď beží v prehliadači. Použite <riotLink>Riot Desktop</riotLink>, aby sa šifrované správy zobrazili vo vyhľadávaní.",
"This session is backing up your keys. ": "Táto relácia zálohuje vaše kľúče. ",
"This session is <b>not backing up your keys</b>, but you do have an existing backup you can restore from and add to going forward.": "Táto relácia <b>nezálohuje vaše kľúče</b>, ale už máte jednu existujúcu zálohu z ktorej sa môžete obnoviť a postupne pridávať.",
"Connect this session to key backup before signing out to avoid losing any keys that may only be on this session.": "Pred odhlásením pripojte túto reláciu k zálohe kľúčov, aby ste predišli strate kľúčov, ktoré môžu byť len v tejto relácií.",
"Connect this session to Key Backup": "Pripojiť túto reláciu k Zálohe kľúčov",
"Backup has a signature from <verify>unknown</verify> session with ID %(deviceId)s": "Záloha je podpísaná z <verify>neznámej</verify> relácie s ID %(deviceId)s",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this session": "Záloha má <validity>platný</validity> podpis z tejto relácie",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from this session": "Záloha má <validity>neplatný</validity> podpis z tejto relácie",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> session <device></device>": "Záloha má <validity>platný</validity> podpis z <verify>overenej</verify> relácie <device></device>",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> session <device></device>": "Záloha má <validity>platný</validity> podpis z <verify>neoverenej</verify> relácie <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> session <device></device>": "Záloha má <validity>neplatný</validity> podpis z <verify>overenej</verify> relácie <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> session <device></device>": "Záloha má <validity>neplatný</validity> podpis z <verify>neoverenej</verify> relácie <device></device>",
"Backup is not signed by any of your sessions": "Záloha nemá podpis zo žiadnej vašej relácie",
"This backup is trusted because it has been restored on this session": "Táto záloha je dôveryhodná, lebo už bola načítaná v tejto relácií",
"Your keys are <b>not being backed up from this session</b>.": "Vaše kľúče <b>nie sú zálohované z tejto relácie</b>.",
"Enable desktop notifications for this session": "Povoliť desktopové notifikácie pre túto reláciu",
"Enable audible notifications for this session": "Povoliť zvukové notifikácie pre túto reláciu",
"Size must be a number": "Veľkosť musí byť číslo",
"Custom font size can only be between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Vlastná veľkosť písma môže byť len v rozmedzí %(min)s pt až %(max)s pt"

View file

@ -2445,5 +2445,27 @@
"Custom font size can only be between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "自訂字型大小僅能為 %(min)s 點至 %(max)s 點間",
"Use between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "使用 %(min)s 點至 %(max)s 點間",
"Appearance": "外觀",
"Use the improved room list (in development - refresh to apply changes)": "使用改進的聊天室清單(開發中 - 重新整理以套用變更)"
"Use the improved room list (in development - refresh to apply changes)": "使用改進的聊天室清單(開發中 - 重新整理以套用變更)",
"Room name or address": "聊天室名稱或地址",
"Joins room with given address": "以給定的地址加入聊天室",
"Unrecognised room address:": "無法識別的聊天室地址:",
"Please verify the room ID or address and try again.": "請驗證聊天室 ID 或地址並再試一次。",
"Room ID or address of ban list": "聊天室 ID 或地址的封鎖清單",
"To link to this room, please add an address.": "要連結到此聊天室,請新增地址。",
"Error creating address": "建立地址錯誤",
"There was an error creating that address. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.": "建立該地址時發生錯誤。伺服器可能不允許這麼做,或是有暫時性的問題。",
"You don't have permission to delete the address.": "您沒有刪除地址的權限。",
"There was an error removing that address. It may no longer exist or a temporary error occurred.": "移除地址時發生錯誤。它可能已不存在或是有暫時性的問題。",
"Error removing address": "移除地址時發生錯誤",
"Categories": "分類",
"Room address": "聊天室地址",
"Please provide a room address": "請提供聊天室地址",
"This address is available to use": "此地址可用",
"This address is already in use": "此地址已被使用",
"Set a room address to easily share your room with other people.": "設定聊天室地址以輕鬆地與其他夥伴分享。",
"You've previously used a newer version of Riot with this session. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again.": "您先前在此工作階段中使用了較新版本的 Riot。要再次與此版本一同使用端到端加密您必須先登出再登入。",
"Address (optional)": "地址(選擇性)",
"Delete the room address %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "刪除聊天室地址 %(alias)s 並從目錄移除 %(name)s",
"delete the address.": "刪除地址。",
"Use a different passphrase?": "使用不同的通關密語?"