
366 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"An email has been sent to": "一封郵件已經被發送到",
"A new password must be entered.": "一個新的密碼必須被輸入。.",
"anyone": "任何人",
"An error has occurred.": "一個錯誤出現了。",
"Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests": "任何知道房間連結的人,但訪客除外",
"Anyone who knows the room's link, including guests": "任何知道房間連結的人,包括訪客",
"Are you sure?": "你確定嗎?",
"Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "您確認要謝絕邀請嗎?",
More i18n strings (#963) * Add i18n for E2E import and Export Dialogs Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add various previous missing i18n strings Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Translate CreateRoomButton Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add ChatInviteDialog and fix missing to. Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add ConfitmRedactDialog translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add DeactivateAccountDialog translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add DeviceVerifyDialog translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add SessionRestoreErrorDialog translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add SetDisplayNameDialog translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add UnknownDeviceDialog translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add AddressTile translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add DeviceVerifyButtons translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add Dropdown translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add UserSelector translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add CaptchaForm translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add CasLogin translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add CustomServerDialog translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add InteractiveAuthEntryComponents translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add LoginFooter translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add RegistrationForm translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add ServerConfig translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add MAudioBody translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add MImageBody translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add MVideoBody translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add TextualBody translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add UnknownBody translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add UrlPreviewSettings translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add AuxPanel translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * Add PresenceLabel translations Signed-off-by: MTRNord <mtrnord1@gmail.com> * fix syntax error * weird space :P * missing ',' * fix missing value * fix json fail * remove acidential added file * fix another json fail
2017-05-30 17:09:57 +03:00
"Are you sure you want to upload the following files?": "您確認要上傳以下文件嗎?",
"Attachment": "附件",
"Autoplay GIFs and videos": "自動播放GIF和視頻",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s 封禁了 %(targetName)s.",
"Ban": "封禁",
"Banned users": "被封禁的用戶",
"Blacklisted": "已列入黑名單",
"Bug Report": "臭蟲回報",
"Call Timeout": "通話超時",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity and ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted.": "無法連結主伺服器 - 請檢查網路狀況並確保您的 <a>主伺服器 SSL 證書</a> 得到信任",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "當瀏覽器網址列里有 HTTPS URL 時,不能使用 HTTP 連結主伺服器。請採用 HTTPS 或者 <a>允許不安全的腳本</a>",
"Can't load user settings": "無法載入使用者設定",
"Change Password": "變更密碼",
"%(targetName)s left the room.": "%(targetName)s 離開了聊天室。.",
"af": "南非荷蘭語",
"ar-ae": "阿拉伯語 (U.A.E.)",
"ar-bh": "阿拉伯語 (巴林)",
"ar-dz": "阿拉伯語 (阿爾吉利亞)",
"ar-eg": "阿拉伯語 (埃及)",
"ar-iq": "阿拉伯語 (伊拉克)",
"ar-jo": "阿拉伯語 (約旦)",
"ar-kw": "阿拉伯語 (科威特)",
"ar-lb": "阿拉伯語 (黎巴嫩)",
"ar-ly": "阿拉伯語 (利比亞)",
"ar-ma": "阿拉伯語 (摩洛哥)",
"ar-om": "阿拉伯語 (阿曼)",
"ar-qa": "阿拉伯語 (卡達)",
"ar-sa": "阿拉伯語 (沙烏地阿拉伯)",
"ar-sy": "阿拉伯語 (敍利亞)",
"ar-tn": "阿拉伯語 (突尼斯)",
"ar-ye": "阿拉伯語 (葉門)",
"be": "白俄羅斯語",
"bg": "保加利亞",
"ca": "加泰羅尼亞語",
"cs": "捷克語",
"da": "丹麥語",
"de-at": "德語(奧地利)",
"de-ch": "德語(瑞士)",
"de": "德語",
"de-lu": "德語(盧森堡)",
"el": "希臘語",
"en-au": "英語(澳大利亞)",
"en-bz": "英語 (貝里茲)",
"en-ca": "英語 (加拿大)",
"en": "英語",
"en-gb": "英語 (英國)",
"en-ie": "英語 (愛爾蘭)",
"en-jm": "英語 (牙買加)",
"en-nz": "英語 (新西蘭)",
"en-tt": "英語 (千里達)",
"en-us": "英語 (美國)",
"en-za": "英語 (南非)",
"es-ar": "西班牙語 (阿根廷)",
"es-bo": "西班牙語 (波利維亞)",
"es-cl": "西班牙語 (智利)",
"es-co": "西班牙語 (哥倫比亞)",
"es-cr": "西班牙語 (哥斯大黎加)",
"es-do": "西班牙語 (多明尼加共和國)",
"es-ec": "西班牙語 (厄瓜多)",
"es-gt": "西班牙語 (瓜地馬拉)",
"es-hn": "西班牙語 (宏都拉斯)",
"es-mx": "西班牙語 (墨西哥)",
"es-ni": "西班牙語 (尼加拉瓜)",
"es-pa": "西班牙語 (巴拿馬)",
"es-pe": "西班牙語 (祕魯)",
"es-pr": "西班牙語 (波多黎各)",
"es-py": "西班牙語 (巴拉圭)",
"es": "西班牙語 (西班牙)",
"es-sv": "西班牙語 (薩爾瓦多)",
"es-uy": "西班牙語 (烏拉圭)",
"es-ve": "西班牙語 (委內瑞拉)",
"fr-be": "法語 (比利時)",
"fr-ca": "法語 (加拿大)",
"fr-ch": "法語 (瑞士)",
"fr": "法語 (法國)",
"fr-lu": "法語 (慮森堡)",
"zh-cn": "中文(中國)",
"zh-hk": "中文(香港)",
"zh-sg": "中文(新加坡)",
"zh-tw": "中文(台灣)",
"zu": "祖魯語",
"accept": "接受",
"Account": "帳號",
"Access Token:": "取用令牌:",
"Add email address": "添加郵件地址",
"Add phone number": "添加電話號碼",
"Admin": "管理者",
"Advanced": "高級",
"Algorithm": "算法",
"Always show message timestamps": "總是顯示消息時間戳",
"Authentication": "授權",
"all room members": "所有聊天室成員",
"all room members, from the point they are invited": "所有聊天室成員,從他們被邀請開始",
"all room members, from the point they joined": "所有聊天室成員,從他們加入開始",
"an address": "一個地址",
"and": "和",
"%(items)s and %(remaining)s others": "%(items)s 和 %(remaining)s 其它",
"%(items)s and one other": "%(items)s 和其它",
"%(items)s and %(lastItem)s": "%(items)s 和 %(lastItem)s",
"and one other...": "與另一個...",
"%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing": "%(names)s 和 %(lastPerson)s 正在打字",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing": "%(names)s 和另外 %(count)s 個人正在打字",
"%(senderName)s answered the call.": "%(senderName)s 接了通話。.",
"Clear Cache": "清理緩存",
"Click here": "點擊這里",
"Click here to fix": "點擊這里修復",
"Confirm password": "確認密碼",
"Confirm your new password": "確認你的新密碼",
"Continue": "繼續",
"Create an account": "創建新帳號",
"Create Room": "創建聊天室",
"Cryptography": "加密",
"Current password": "當前密碼",
"/ddg is not a command": "/ddg 不是一個命令",
"Deactivate Account": "銷毀賬號",
"Deactivate my account": "銷毀我的帳號",
"decline": "拒絕",
"Decrypt %(text)s": "解密 %(text)s",
"Decryption error": "解密出錯",
"Delete": "刪除",
"Default": "默認",
"Device ID": "設備識別碼",
"Devices": "設備列表",
"Devices will not yet be able to decrypt history from before they joined the room": "新加入聊天室的設備不能解密加入之前的聊天記錄",
"Direct Chat": "私聊",
"Direct chats": "私聊",
"Disable inline URL previews by default": "默認禁用自動網址預覽",
"Disinvite": "取消邀請",
"Display name": "顯示名稱",
"Displays action": "顯示操作",
"Don't send typing notifications": "不要發送我的打字狀態",
"Download %(text)s": "下載 %(text)s",
"Drop here %(toAction)s": "拖拽到這里 %(toAction)s",
"Ed25519 fingerprint": "Ed25519指紋",
"Email": "電子郵箱",
"Email address": "電子郵箱地址",
"Email, name or matrix ID": "電子郵箱姓名或者matrix ID",
"Emoji": "Emoji",
"Enable encryption": "啟用加密",
"Encrypted messages will not be visible on clients that do not yet implement encryption": "不支持加密的客戶端將看不到加密的消息",
"Encrypted room": "加密聊天室",
"%(senderName)s ended the call.": "%(senderName)s 結束了通話。.",
"End-to-end encryption information": "端到端加密信息",
"End-to-end encryption is in beta and may not be reliable": "端到端加密現為測試版,不一定可靠",
"Enter Code": "輸入代碼",
"Error": "錯誤",
"Error decrypting attachment": "解密附件時出錯",
"Event information": "事件信息",
"Existing Call": "現有通話",
"Export E2E room keys": "導出聊天室的端到端加密密鑰",
"Failed to ban user": "封禁用戶失敗",
"Failed to change password. Is your password correct?": "修改密碼失敗。確認原密碼輸入正確嗎?",
"Failed to delete device": "刪除設備失敗",
"Failed to forget room %(errCode)s": "無法忘記聊天室 %(errCode)s",
"Failed to join room": "無法加入聊天室",
"Failed to join the room": "無法加入此聊天室",
"Failed to kick": "踢人失敗",
"Failed to leave room": "無法離開聊天室",
"Failed to load timeline position": "無法加載時間軸位置",
"Failed to lookup current room": "找不到當前聊天室",
"Failed to mute user": "禁言用戶失敗",
"Failed to reject invite": "拒絕邀請失敗",
"Failed to reject invitation": "拒絕邀請失敗",
"Failed to save settings": "保存設置失敗",
"Failed to send email": "發送郵件失敗",
"Failed to send request.": "發送請求失敗。",
"Failed to set avatar.": "設置頭像失敗。.",
"Failed to set display name": "設置暱稱失敗",
"Failed to set up conference call": "無法啟動群組通話",
"Failed to toggle moderator status": "無法切換管理員權限",
"Failed to unban": "解除封禁失敗",
"Failed to upload file": "上傳文件失敗",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "郵箱驗證失敗: 請確保你已點擊郵件中的鏈接",
"Failure to create room": "創建聊天室失敗",
"Favourite": "收藏",
"favourite": "收藏",
"Favourites": "收藏夾",
"Fill screen": "全螢幕顯示",
"Filter room members": "過濾聊天室成員",
"Forget room": "忘記聊天室",
"Forgot your password?": "忘記密碼?",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "出於安全考慮,此會話已被注銷。請重新登錄。.",
"For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "出於安全考慮,用戶注銷時會清除瀏覽器里的端到端加密密鑰。如果你想要下次登錄 Riot 時能解密過去的聊天記錄,請導出你的聊天室密鑰。",
"Found a bug?": "發現漏洞?",
"%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s 從 %(fromPowerLevel)s 變為 %(toPowerLevel)s",
"Guests can't set avatars. Please register.": "游客不能設置頭像。請注冊。.",
"Guest users can't create new rooms. Please register to create room and start a chat.": "游客不能創建聊天室。請注冊以創建聊天室和聊天.",
2017-06-07 20:41:18 +03:00
"Guest users can't upload files. Please register to upload.": "游客不能上傳文件。請注冊以上傳文件",
"Guests can't use labs features. Please register.": "游客不能使用實驗性功能。請注冊。.",
"Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "游客不能加入此聊天室,即使有人主動邀請。.",
"had": "已經",
"Hangup": "掛斷",
"Hide read receipts": "隱藏已讀回執",
"Hide Text Formatting Toolbar": "隱藏格式工具欄",
"Historical": "曆史",
"Homeserver is": "主服務器是",
"Identity Server is": "身份認證服務器是",
"I have verified my email address": "我已經驗證了我的郵箱地址",
"Import E2E room keys": "導入聊天室端對端加密密鑰",
"Incorrect verification code": "驗證碼錯誤",
"Interface Language": "界面語言",
"Invalid alias format": "別名格式錯誤",
"Invalid address format": "地址格式錯誤",
"Invalid Email Address": "郵箱地址格式錯誤",
"Invalid file%(extra)s": "非法文件%(extra)s",
"Invite new room members": "邀請新的聊天室成員",
"Join Room": "加入聊天室",
"joined": "加入了",
"%(targetName)s joined the room.": "%(targetName)s 加入了聊天室。.",
"Jump to first unread message.": "跳到第一條未讀消息。",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s 把 %(targetName)s 踢出了聊天室。.",
"Leave room": "離開聊天室",
"Login as guest": "以游客的身份登錄",
"New password": "新密碼",
"Report it": "報告",
"Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "重設密碼會導致所有設備上的端到端加密密鑰被重置,使得加密的聊天記錄不可讀,除非你事先導出密鑰,修改密碼后再導入。此問題將來會得到改善。.",
"restore": "恢復",
"Return to app": "返回 App",
"Return to login screen": "返回登錄頁面",
"Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot 未被允許向你推送消息 - 請檢查瀏覽器設置",
"Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot 未被允許推送消息通知 - 請重試",
"riot-web version:": "riot-網頁版:",
"Room %(roomId)s not visible": "聊天室 %(roomId)s 已隱藏",
"Room Colour": "聊天室顏色",
"Room name (optional)": "聊天室名稱 (可選)",
"Rooms": "聊天室",
"Scroll to bottom of page": "滾動到頁面底部",
"Scroll to unread messages": "滾動到未讀消息",
"Search": "搜索",
"Search failed": "搜索失敗",
"Searches DuckDuckGo for results": "搜索 DuckDuckGo",
"Send a message (unencrypted)": "發送消息 (非加密)",
"Send an encrypted message": "發送加密消息",
"Sender device information": "發送者的設備信息",
"Send Invites": "發送邀請",
"Send Reset Email": "發送密碼重設郵件",
"sent an image": "發了一張圖片",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "%(senderDisplayName)s 發了一張圖片。.",
"%(senderName)s sent an invitation to %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s 向 %(targetDisplayName)s 發了加入聊天室的邀請。.",
"sent a video": "發了一個視頻",
"Server error": "伺服器錯誤",
"Server may be unavailable or overloaded": "服務器可能不可用或者超載",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or search timed out :(": "服務器可能不可用、超載,或者搜索超時 :(",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or the file too big": "服務器可能不可用、超載,或者文件過大",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.": "服務器可能不可用、超載,或者你遇到了一個漏洞.",
"Server unavailable, overloaded, or something else went wrong.": "伺服器可能不可用、超載,或者其他東西出錯了.",
"Session ID": "會話 ID",
"%(senderName)s set a profile picture.": "%(senderName)s 設置了頭像。.",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(senderName)s 將暱稱改為了 %(displayName)s。.",
"Settings": "設置",
"Show panel": "顯示側邊欄",
"Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "用12小時制顯示時間戳 (如:下午 2:30",
"Signed Out": "已退出登錄",
"Sign in": "登錄",
"Sign out": "注銷",
"since the point in time of selecting this option": "從選擇此選項起",
"since they joined": "從他們加入時起",
"since they were invited": "從他們被邀請時起",
2017-06-07 20:41:18 +03:00
"Some of your messages have not been sent.": "部分消息發送失敗",
"Someone": "某個用戶",
"Sorry, this homeserver is using a login which is not recognised ": "很抱歉,無法識別此主伺服器使用的登錄方式 ",
"Start a chat": "創建聊天",
"Start Chat": "開始聊天",
"Submit": "提交",
"Success": "成功",
"The default role for new room members is": "此聊天室新成員的默認角色是",
"The main address for this room is": "此聊天室的主要地址是",
2017-06-08 17:14:46 +03:00
"This action cannot be performed by a guest user. Please register to be able to do this.": "訪客不能進行此操作。請注冊",
"This email address is already in use": "此郵箱地址已經被使用",
"This email address was not found": "未找到此郵箱地址",
"%(actionVerb)s this person?": "%(actionVerb)s 這個用戶?",
"The email address linked to your account must be entered.": "必須輸入和你帳號關聯的郵箱地址。",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this home server's size limit for uploads": "文件 '%(fileName)s' 超過了此主伺服器的上傳大小限制",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload": "文件 '%(fileName)s' 上傳失敗",
"Turn Markdown off": "關閉Markdown 語法",
"Turn Markdown on": "啟用Markdown 語法",
"%(senderName)s turned on end-to-end encryption (algorithm %(algorithm)s).": "%(senderName)s 啟用端對端加密 (algorithm %(algorithm)s).",
"Unable to add email address": "無法加入電郵地址",
"Unable to capture screen": "無法截取畫面",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "無法啟用通知功能",
"Would you like to": "你要",
"You are already in a call.": "你已在電話通話中",
"You're not in any rooms yet! Press": "你尚未加入任何聊天室!請按",
2017-06-08 17:14:46 +03:00
"You are trying to access %(roomName)s.": "你將進入 %(roomName)聊天室",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "你不能打電話給自已",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "在此瀏覽器下無法置入網路電話通話",
"Sun": "星期日",
"Mon": "星期一",
"Tue": "星期二",
"%(severalUsers)sleft": "%(severalUsers)s離開",
"%(oneUser)sleft": "%(oneUser)s離開",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined and left": "%(severalUsers)s加入與離開",
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined": "%(oneUser)s離開再重新加入",
"for %(amount)sh": " %(amount)sh",
"for %(amount)sd": " %(amount)sd",
"Online": "在線",
"Idle": "閒置",
"Offline": "下線",
"Disable URL previews for this room (affects only you)": "在這個房間禁止URL預覽只影響你",
"$senderDisplayName changed the room avatar to <img/>": "$senderDisplayName 更改了聊天室的圖像為 <img/>",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s 移除了聊天室圖像",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the avatar for %(roomName)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s 更改了聊天室 %(roomName)s 圖像",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Custom Server Options": "自定伺服器選項",
"Dismiss": "無視",
"Mute": "靜音",
"Notifications": "通知",
"Operation failed": "操作失敗",
"powered by Matrix": "由Matrix架設",
"Remove": "移除",
"unknown error code": "未知的錯誤代碼",
"Sunday": "星期日",
"Monday": "星期一",
"Tuesday": "星期二",
"Wednesday": "星期三",
"Thursday": "星期四",
"Friday": "星期五",
"Saturday": "星期六",
"OK": "OK",
"Please Register": "請註冊",
"Add a topic": "新增標題",
"VoIP": "VoIP",
"Default Device": "默認裝置",
"Microphone": "麥克風",
"Camera": "攝影機",
"Anyone": "任何人",
"Bulk Options": "批次選項",
"Command error": "指令出錯",
"Commands": "指令",
"Device ID:": "裝置 ID:",
"device id: ": "裝置 id:",
"Reason": "原因",
"Register": "注冊",
"Registration required": "要求註冊",
"rejected": "拒絕",
"Default server": "默認的伺服器",
"Custom server": "自定的伺服器",
"Home server URL": "自家伺服器網址",
"Identity server URL": "識別伺服器網址",
"What does this mean?": "它代表什麼意思?",
"Error decrypting audio": "解密音檔出錯",
"Error decrypting image": "解密圖片出錯",
"Image '%(Body)s' cannot be displayed.": "圖片 '%(Body)s' 無法顯示",
"This image cannot be displayed.": "這張圖片無法顯示",
"Error decrypting video": "解密影片出錯",
Update from Weblate. (#1017) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 43.8% (363 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/zh_Hant/ * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 23.2% (192 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/el/ * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 76.5% (633 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/ru/ * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 99.8% (826 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/pt/ * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 24.3% (201 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/el/ * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 24.5% (203 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/el/ * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 31.8% (263 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/el/
2017-06-03 14:43:43 +03:00
"Add an Integration": "新增整合器",
"Ongoing conference call%(supportedText)s. %(joinText)s": "%(supportedText)s. %(joinText)s 正在進行電話會議",
" (unsupported)": " (不支持)",
"URL Previews": "網址預覽",
"Enable URL previews for this room (affects only you)": "啟用此房間的網址預覽(僅影響您)",
"Drop file here to upload": "把文件放在這裡上傳",
"Disable URL previews by default for participants in this room": "默認情況下,此房間的參與者禁用網址預覽",
2017-06-09 01:00:55 +03:00
"URL previews are %(globalDisableUrlPreview)s by default for participants in this room.": "默認情況下,這個房間的參與者的網址預覽是%(globalDisableUrlPreview)s。",
Update from Weblate. (#1017) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 43.8% (363 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/zh_Hant/ * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 23.2% (192 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/el/ * Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 76.5% (633 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/ru/ * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 99.8% (826 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/pt/ * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 24.3% (201 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/el/ * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 24.5% (203 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/el/ * Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 31.8% (263 of 827 strings) Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.nordgedanken.de/projects/riot-web/matrix-react-sdk/el/
2017-06-03 14:43:43 +03:00
"Removed or unknown message type": "已刪除或未知的信息類型",
2017-06-09 01:00:55 +03:00
"You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with %(integrationsUrl)s. Do you wish to continue?": "您即將被帶到第三方網站,以便您可以驗證您的帳戶以使用%(integrationsUrl)s。你想繼續嗎"