
186 lines
6.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import React from 'react';
import ReactTestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import expect from 'expect';
import lolex from 'lolex';
import * as TestUtils from 'test-utils';
import sdk from '../../../../src/index';
import MatrixClientPeg from '../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg';
import { DragDropContext } from 'react-beautiful-dnd';
import dis from '../../../../src/dispatcher';
import DMRoomMap from '../../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap.js';
import { Room, RoomMember } from 'matrix-js-sdk';
describe('RoomList', () => {
let parentDiv = null;
let sandbox = null;
let client = null;
let root = null;
const myUserId = '@me:domain';
let clock = null;
beforeEach(function() {
sandbox = TestUtils.stubClient(sandbox);
client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
client.credentials = {userId: myUserId};
clock = lolex.install();
parentDiv = document.createElement('div');
const RoomList = sdk.getComponent('views.rooms.RoomList');
const WrappedRoomList = TestUtils.wrapInMatrixClientContext(RoomList);
root = ReactDOM.render(
<WrappedRoomList searchFilter="" />
, parentDiv);
ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(root, RoomList);
afterEach((done) => {
if (parentDiv) {
parentDiv = null;
describe('when no tags are selected', () => {
describe('does correct optimistic update when dragging from', () => {
const movingRoomId = '!someroomid';
const movingRoom = new Room(movingRoomId);
// Mock joined member
const myMember = new RoomMember(movingRoomId, myUserId);
myMember.membership = 'join';
movingRoom.getMember = (userId) => ({
[client.credentials.userId]: myMember,
function expectRoomInSubList(room, subListTest) {
const RoomSubList = sdk.getComponent('structures.RoomSubList');
const RoomTile = sdk.getComponent('views.rooms.RoomTile');
const subLists = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(root, RoomSubList);
const containingSubList = subLists.find(subListTest);
let expectedRoomTile;
try {
expectedRoomTile = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(containingSubList, RoomTile);
} catch (err) {
// truncate the error message because it's spammy
err.message = 'Error finding RoomTile: ' + err.message.split('componentType')[0] + '...';
throw err;
function expectCorrectMove(oldTag, newTag) {
const getTagSubListTest = (tag) => {
if (tag === undefined) return (s) => s.props.label.endsWith('Rooms');
return (s) => s.props.tagName === tag;
// Default to finding the destination sublist with newTag
const destSubListTest = getTagSubListTest(newTag);
const srcSubListTest = getTagSubListTest(oldTag);
// Mock the matrix client
client.getRooms = () => [movingRoom];
if (['m.favourite', 'm.lowpriority'].includes(oldTag)) movingRoom.tags = {[oldTag]: {}};
if (oldTag === 'im.vector.fake.direct') {
// Mock inverse m.direct
DMRoomMap.shared().roomToUser = {
[movingRoom.roomId]: '@someotheruser:domain',
dis.dispatch({action: 'MatrixActions.sync', prevState: null, state: 'PREPARED', matrixClient: client});
expectRoomInSubList(movingRoom, srcSubListTest);
dis.dispatch({action: 'RoomListActions.tagRoom.pending', request: {
oldTag, newTag, room: movingRoom,
// Run all setTimeouts for dispatches and room list rate limiting
expectRoomInSubList(movingRoom, destSubListTest);
it('rooms to people', () => {
expectCorrectMove(undefined, 'im.vector.fake.direct');
it('rooms to favourites', () => {
expectCorrectMove(undefined, 'm.favourite');
it('rooms to low priority', () => {
expectCorrectMove(undefined, 'm.lowpriority');
// XXX: Known to fail - the view does not update immediately to reflect the change.
// Whe running the app live, it updates when some other event occurs (likely the
// m.direct arriving) that these tests do not fire.
xit('people to rooms', () => {
expectCorrectMove('im.vector.fake.direct', undefined);
it('people to favourites', () => {
expectCorrectMove('im.vector.fake.direct', 'm.favourite');
it('people to lowpriority', () => {
expectCorrectMove('im.vector.fake.direct', 'm.lowpriority');
it('low priority to rooms', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.lowpriority', undefined);
it('low priority to people', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.lowpriority', 'im.vector.fake.direct');
it('low priority to low priority', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.lowpriority', 'm.lowpriority');
it('favourites to rooms', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.favourite', undefined);
it('favourites to people', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.favourite', 'im.vector.fake.direct');
it('favourites to low priority', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.favourite', 'm.lowpriority');