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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import React from "react";
import fetchMock from "fetch-mock-jest";
import { Translation } from "matrix-web-i18n";
import { TranslationStringsObject } from "@matrix-org/react-sdk-module-api";
import SdkConfig from "../src/SdkConfig";
import {
} from "../src/languageHandler";
import { stubClient } from "./test-utils";
import { setupLanguageMock } from "./setup/setupLanguage";
async function setupTranslationOverridesForTests(overrides: TranslationStringsObject) {
const lookupUrl = "/translations.json";
const fn = (url: string): TranslationStringsObject => {
return overrides;
custom_translations_url: lookupUrl,
CustomTranslationOptions.lookupFn = fn;
await registerCustomTranslations({
testOnlyIgnoreCustomTranslationsCache: true,
describe("languageHandler", () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await setLanguage("en");
afterEach(() => {
CustomTranslationOptions.lookupFn = undefined;
it("should support overriding translations", async () => {
const str: TranslationKey = "power_level|default";
const enOverride: Translation = "Visitor";
const deOverride: Translation = "Besucher";
// First test that overrides aren't being used
await setLanguage("en");
await setLanguage("de");
await setupTranslationOverridesForTests({
[str]: {
en: enOverride,
de: deOverride,
// Now test that they *are* being used
await setLanguage("en");
await setLanguage("de");
it("should support overriding plural translations", async () => {
const str: TranslationKey = "voip|n_people_joined";
const enOverride: Translation = {
other: "%(count)s people in the call",
one: "%(count)s person in the call",
const deOverride: Translation = {
other: "%(count)s Personen im Anruf",
one: "%(count)s Person im Anruf",
// First test that overrides aren't being used
await setLanguage("en");
expect(_t(str, { count: 1 })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"1 person joined"`);
expect(_t(str, { count: 5 })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"5 people joined"`);
await setLanguage("de");
expect(_t(str, { count: 1 })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"1 Person beigetreten"`);
expect(_t(str, { count: 5 })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"5 Personen beigetreten"`);
await setupTranslationOverridesForTests({
[str]: {
en: enOverride,
de: deOverride,
// Now test that they *are* being used
await setLanguage("en");
expect(_t(str, { count: 1 })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"1 person in the call"`);
expect(_t(str, { count: 5 })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"5 people in the call"`);
await setLanguage("de");
expect(_t(str, { count: 1 })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"1 Person im Anruf"`);
expect(_t(str, { count: 5 })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"5 Personen im Anruf"`);
describe("UserFriendlyError", () => {
const testErrorMessage = "This email address is already in use (%(email)s)" as TranslationKey;
beforeEach(async () => {
// Setup some strings with variable substituations that we can use in the tests.
const deOverride = "Diese E-Mail-Adresse wird bereits verwendet (%(email)s)";
await setupTranslationOverridesForTests({
[testErrorMessage]: {
en: testErrorMessage,
de: deOverride,
it("includes English message and localized translated message", async () => {
await setLanguage("de");
const friendlyError = new UserFriendlyError(testErrorMessage, {
email: "test@example.com",
cause: undefined,
// Ensure message is in English so it's readable in the logs
expect(friendlyError.message).toStrictEqual("This email address is already in use (test@example.com)");
// Ensure the translated message is localized appropriately
"Diese E-Mail-Adresse wird bereits verwendet (test@example.com)",
it("includes underlying cause error", async () => {
await setLanguage("de");
const underlyingError = new Error("Fake underlying error");
const friendlyError = new UserFriendlyError(testErrorMessage, {
email: "test@example.com",
cause: underlyingError,
it("ok to omit the substitution variables and cause object, there just won't be any cause", async () => {
const friendlyError = new UserFriendlyError("foo error" as TranslationKey);
describe("getAllLanguagesWithLabels", () => {
it("should handle unknown language sanely", async () => {
en: "en_EN.json",
de: "de_DE.json",
qq: "qq.json",
{ overwriteRoutes: true },
await expect(getAllLanguagesWithLabels()).resolves.toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
"label": "English",
"labelInTargetLanguage": "English",
"value": "en",
"label": "German",
"labelInTargetLanguage": "Deutsch",
"value": "de",
"label": "qq",
"labelInTargetLanguage": "qq",
"value": "qq",
setupLanguageMock(); // restore language mock
describe("languageHandler JSX", function () {
// See setupLanguage.ts for how we are stubbing out translations to provide fixture data for these tests
const basicString = "common|rooms";
const selfClosingTagSub = "Accept <policyLink /> to continue:" as TranslationKey;
const textInTagSub = "<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain" as TranslationKey;
const plurals = "common|and_n_others";
const variableSub = "slash_command|ignore_dialog_description";
type TestCase = [string, TranslationKey, IVariables, Tags | undefined, TranslatedString];
const testCasesEn: TestCase[] = [
// description of the test case, translationString, variables, tags, expected result
["translates a basic string", basicString, {}, undefined, "Rooms"],
["handles plurals when count is 0", plurals, { count: 0 }, undefined, "and 0 others..."],
["handles plurals when count is 1", plurals, { count: 1 }, undefined, "and one other..."],
["handles plurals when count is not 1", plurals, { count: 2 }, undefined, "and 2 others..."],
["handles simple variable substitution", variableSub, { userId: "foo" }, undefined, "You are now ignoring foo"],
"handles simple tag substitution",
{ policyLink: () => "foo" },
"Accept foo to continue:",
["handles text in tags", textInTagSub, {}, { a: (sub: string) => `x${sub}x` }, "xUpgradex to your own domain"],
"handles variable substitution with React function component",
{ userId: () => <i>foo</i> },
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
You are now ignoring <i>foo</i>
"handles variable substitution with react node",
{ userId: <i>foo</i> },
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
You are now ignoring <i>foo</i>
"handles tag substitution with React function component",
{ policyLink: () => <i>foo</i> },
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key
Accept <i>foo</i> to continue:
let oldNodeEnv: string | undefined;
beforeAll(() => {
oldNodeEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV;
process.env.NODE_ENV = "test";
afterAll(() => {
process.env.NODE_ENV = oldNodeEnv;
describe("when translations exist in language", () => {
2023-03-01 18:23:35 +03:00
beforeEach(function () {
2023-03-01 18:23:35 +03:00
setMissingEntryGenerator((key) => key.split("|", 2)[1]);
2023-03-01 18:23:35 +03:00
it("translates a string to german", async () => {
await setLanguage("de");
const translated = _t(basicString);
it.each(testCasesEn)("%s", (_d, translationString, variables, tags, result) => {
expect(_t(translationString, variables, tags!)).toEqual(result);
it("replacements in the wrong order", function () {
const text = "%(var1)s %(var2)s" as TranslationKey;
expect(_t(text, { var2: "val2", var1: "val1" })).toBe("val1 val2");
it("multiple replacements of the same variable", function () {
const text = "%(var1)s %(var1)s";
expect(substitute(text, { var1: "val1" })).toBe("val1 val1");
it("multiple replacements of the same tag", function () {
const text = "<a>Click here</a> to join the discussion! <a>or here</a>";
expect(substitute(text, {}, { a: (sub) => `x${sub}x` })).toBe(
"xClick herex to join the discussion! xor herex",
describe("for a non-en language", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// counterpart doesnt expose any way to restore default config
// missingEntryGenerator is mocked in the root setup file
// reset to default here
const counterpartDefaultMissingEntryGen = function (key: string) {
return "missing translation: " + key;
// mocked lv has only `"Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others|one"`
const lvExistingPlural = "room|upload|uploading_multiple_file";
const lvNonExistingPlural = "%(spaceName)s and %(count)s others";
describe("pluralization", () => {
const pluralCases = [
"falls back when plural string exists but not for for count",
{ count: 2, filename: "test.txt" },
"Uploading test.txt and 2 others",
"falls back when plural string does not exists at all",
{ count: 2, spaceName: "test" },
"test and 2 others",
] as TestCase[];
describe("_t", () => {
it("translated correctly when plural string exists for count", () => {
expect(_t(lvExistingPlural, { count: 1, filename: "test.txt" })).toEqual(
"Качване на test.txt и 1 друг",
2022-12-12 14:24:14 +03:00
it.each(pluralCases)("%s", (_d, translationString, variables, tags, result) => {
expect(_t(translationString, variables, tags!)).toEqual(result);
describe("_tDom()", () => {
it("translated correctly when plural string exists for count", () => {
expect(_tDom(lvExistingPlural, { count: 1, filename: "test.txt" })).toEqual(
"Качване на test.txt и 1 друг",
"%s and translates with fallback locale, attributes fallback locale",
(_d, translationString, variables, tags, result) => {
expect(_tDom(translationString, variables, tags!)).toEqual(<span lang="en">{result}</span>);
describe("when a translation string does not exist in active language", () => {
describe("_t", () => {
"%s and translates with fallback locale",
(_d, translationString, variables, tags, result) => {
expect(_t(translationString, variables, tags!)).toEqual(result);
describe("_tDom()", () => {
"%s and translates with fallback locale, attributes fallback locale",
(_d, translationString, variables, tags, result) => {
expect(_tDom(translationString, variables, tags!)).toEqual(<span lang="en">{result}</span>);
describe("when languages dont load", () => {
it("_t", () => {
const STRING_NOT_IN_THE_DICTIONARY = "a string that isn't in the translations dictionary" as TranslationKey;
it("_tDom", () => {
const STRING_NOT_IN_THE_DICTIONARY = "a string that isn't in the translations dictionary" as TranslationKey;
expect(_tDom(STRING_NOT_IN_THE_DICTIONARY, {})).toEqual(
<span lang="en">{STRING_NOT_IN_THE_DICTIONARY}</span>,