# For ktlint configuration. Ref: https://ktlint.github.io/

# possible values: number (e.g. 2), "unset" (makes ktlint ignore indentation completely)
# true (recommended) / false
# possible values: number (e.g. 120) (package name, imports & comments are ignored), "off"
# it's automatically set to 100 on `ktlint --android ...` (per Android Kotlin Style Guide)

# Comma-separated list of rules to disable (Since 0.34.0)
# Note that rules in any ruleset other than the standard ruleset will need to be prefixed
# by the ruleset identifier.

# The following (so far identified) rules are kept:
# no-blank-line-before-rbrace
# final-newline
# no-consecutive-blank-lines
# comment-spacing
# filename
# comma-spacing
# paren-spacing
# op-spacing
# string-template
# no-unused-imports
# curly-spacing
# no-semi
# no-empty-class-body
# experimental:multiline-if-else
# experimental:no-empty-first-line-in-method-block
# no-wildcard-imports