"Riot X" -> "RiotX"

This commit is contained in:
Benoit Marty 2019-07-18 14:28:46 +02:00
parent e218691bf2
commit f0671b9e73
8 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
This document aims to describe how Riot X android displays notifications to the end user. It also clarifies notifications and background settings in the app.
This document aims to describe how RiotX android displays notifications to the end user. It also clarifies notifications and background settings in the app.
# Table of Contents
1. [Prerequisites Knowledge](#prerequisites-knowledge)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ By default, this is 0, so the server will return immediately even if the respons
**delay** is a client preference. When the server responds to a sync request, the client waits for `delay`before calling a new sync.
When the Riot X Android app is open (i.e in foreground state), the default timeout is 30 seconds, and delay is 0.
When the RiotX Android app is open (i.e in foreground state), the default timeout is 30 seconds, and delay is 0.
## How does a mobile app receives push notification
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ This need some disambiguation, because it is the source of common confusion:
In order to send a push to a mobile, App developers need to have a server that will use the FCM APIs, and these APIs requires authentication!
This server is called a **Push Gateway** in the matrix world
That means that Riot X Android, a matrix client created by New Vector, is using a **Push Gateway** with the needed credentials (FCM API secret Key) in order to send push to the New Vector client.
That means that RiotX Android, a matrix client created by New Vector, is using a **Push Gateway** with the needed credentials (FCM API secret Key) in order to send push to the New Vector client.
If you create your own matrix client, you will also need to deploy an instance of a **Push Gateway** with the credentials needed to use FCM for your app.
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Upon reception of the FCM push, RiotX will perform a sync call to the Home Serve
* The sync generates additional notifications (e.g an encrypted message where the user is mentioned detected locally)
* The sync takes too long and the process is killed before completion, or network is not reliable and the sync fails.
Riot X implements several strategies in these cases (TODO document)
RiotX implements several strategies in these cases (TODO document)
## FCM Fallback mode

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@ -1523,7 +1523,7 @@ Abisua: Fitxategi hau ezabatu daiteke aplikazioa desinstalatzen bada.</string>
<string name="keys_backup_unable_to_get_keys_backup_data">Errore bat gertatu da gakoen babes-kopiaren datuak jasotzean</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_title">Ongi etorri betara!</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">Riot X oraindik garapenean dagoenez, ezaugarri batzuk faltan bota ditzakezu eta akatsen bat aurkitu dezakezu.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">RiotX oraindik garapenean dagoenez, ezaugarri batzuk faltan bota ditzakezu eta akatsen bat aurkitu dezakezu.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay">Azken ezaugarrien zerrenda hemen dago beti : %1$s, eta akatsak aurkitzen badituzu bidali mesedez akatsen txosten bat Hasiera pantailako goi ezkerreko menua erabiliz, eta ahalik eta lasterren konponduko dugu.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay_colored_part">Play Store-ko deskripzioa</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_fdroid">Akatsak aurkitzen badituzu bidali mesedez akatsen txosten bat Hasiera pantailako goi ezkerreko menua erabiliz, eta ahalik eta lasterren konponduko dugu.</string>

View file

@ -1526,7 +1526,7 @@ Jotta et menetä mitään, automaattiset päivitykset kannattaa pitää käytös
\nJos et kirjautunut toisella laitteella, voit jättää tämän pyynnön huomiotta.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_title">Tervetuloa beetaan!</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">Riot X on varhaisessa kehitysvaiheessa, mistä johtuen osa ominaisuuksista puuttuu ja saatat kohdata virheitä.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">RiotX on varhaisessa kehitysvaiheessa, mistä johtuen osa ominaisuuksista puuttuu ja saatat kohdata virheitä.</string>
<string name="settings_sdk_version">Matrix SDK:n versio</string>
<string name="settings_other_third_party_notices">Muut kolmansien osapuolten huomautukset</string>
<string name="quick_reactions">Pikareaktiot</string>

View file

@ -1527,7 +1527,7 @@ Ha nem te állítottad be a visszaállítási metódust, akkor egy támadó pró
<string name="keys_backup_unable_to_get_keys_backup_data">A kulcs mentés adatainak beszerzésekor hiba történt</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_title">Üdv a béta verzióban!</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">Amíg a Riot X újdonsült fejlesztés, néhány funkció hiányozhat és találkozhatsz hibákkal.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">Amíg a RiotX újdonsült fejlesztés, néhány funkció hiányozhat és találkozhatsz hibákkal.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay">A legfrissebb funkciók listáját itt találod: %1$s, és ha hibát találsz kérlek küldj egy jelentést róla a Kezdő oldal bal felső sarkában lévő menüvel és ahogy tudjuk javítjuk.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay_colored_part">Play áruház leírás</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_fdroid">Ha hibát találsz kérlek küldj egy jelentést róla a Kezdő oldal bal felső sarkában lévő menüvel és ahogy tudjuk javítjuk.</string>

View file

@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ Per essere certo di non perdere nulla, mantieni gli aggiornamenti attivi."</stri
<string name="keys_backup_unable_to_get_keys_backup_data">Si è verificato un errore nell\'ottenere i dati del backup chiavi</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_title">Benvenuti nella beta!</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">Mentre Riot X si trova nella fase iniziale dello sviluppo, potrebbero mancare alcune funzioni e potrebbero verificarsi errori.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">Mentre RiotX si trova nella fase iniziale dello sviluppo, potrebbero mancare alcune funzioni e potrebbero verificarsi errori.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay">L\'elenco di funzioni più recenti è sempre nel %1$s, se trovi errori ti preghiamo segnalarli nel menu in alto a sinistra della Pagina Iniziale e noi li correggeremo appena possibile.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay_colored_part">Descrizione nel Play Store</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_fdroid">Se trovi errori ti preghiamo segnalarli nel menu in alto a sinistra della Pagina Iniziale e noi li correggeremo appena possibile.</string>

View file

@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ Që të garantoni se sju shpëton gjë, thjesht mbajeni të aktivizuar mekani
<string name="keys_backup_unable_to_get_keys_backup_data">Ndodhi një gabim teksa merreshin të dhëna kopjeruajtjeje kyçesh</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_title">Mirë se vini në beta!</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">Teksa Riot X është në fillimet e zhvillimit, disa veçori mund të mos jenë gati dhe mund të hasni të meta.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">Teksa RiotX është në fillimet e zhvillimit, disa veçori mund të mos jenë gati dhe mund të hasni të meta.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay">Lista e veçorive më të reja gjendet te %1$s, dhe nëse gjeni të meta, ju lutemi, parashtroni një njoftim te menuja majtas sipër te Home, dhe do ti ndreqim sa më shpejt të mundemi.</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay_colored_part">Përshkrim në Play Store</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_fdroid">Nëse gjeni të meta, ju lutemi, parashtroni një njoftim te menuja majtas sipër te Home, dhe do ti ndreqim sa më shpejt të mundemi.</string>

View file

@ -1480,7 +1480,7 @@ Matrix 中的消息可見度類似于電子郵件。我們忘記您的郵件意
<string name="keys_backup_unable_to_get_keys_backup_data">取得金鑰備份資料時發生錯誤</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_title">歡迎使用測試版!</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">Riot X 還在早期開發階段,可能會缺少某些功能,您可能會遇到臭蟲。</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">RiotX 還在早期開發階段,可能會缺少某些功能,您可能會遇到臭蟲。</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay">最新的功能清單一直都會在 %1$s如果您發現臭蟲請在首頁左上角的選單中遞交回報我們將會盡快修復。</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay_colored_part">Play 商店描述</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_fdroid">如果您發現臭蟲,請在首頁左上角的選單中遞交回報,我們將會盡快修復。</string>

View file

@ -1522,7 +1522,7 @@ Why choose Riot.im?
<string name="keys_backup_unable_to_get_keys_backup_data">"An error occurred getting keys backup data"</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_title">Welcome to the beta!</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">"While Riot X is in early development, some features may be missing and you may experience bugs."</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_1">"While RiotX is in early development, some features may be missing and you may experience bugs."</string>
<!-- The parameter will be replaced by the value of string alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay_colored_part -->
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay">"The latest feature list is always in the %1$s, and if you find bugs please submit a report in the top left menu of Home, and well fix them as quickly as we can."</string>
<string name="alpha_disclaimer_content_line_2_gplay_colored_part">"Play Store description"</string>