[HiddifyNG in Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ang.hiddify.com&pcampaignid=web_share) Copy config in a form of a link. Open Hiddify app, click Clipboard button, enter any name for a group (e.g. xray), press Confirm. Then click Configs (on the bottom), you should see "easy-xray" with your server ip. Go to Settings, Custom rules, direct URL or IP section, and paste the content of [misc/customgeo4hiddify.txt](https://github.com/EvgenyNerush/easy-xray/blob/main/misc/customgeo4hiddify.txt) as plain text. Save, then click to connect/start. If the app connects, but browser doesn't open websites, try to delete Hiddify's VPN DNS setting: go to Settings -> VPN Settings -> VPN DNS (only IPv4/v6), leave the field blanck and press Ok. ![](figs/hiddify-1.jpg) ![](figs/hiddify-2.jpg) ![](figs/hiddify-3.jpg) ![](figs/hiddify-4.jpg)