using System; using Bit.iOS.Extension.Models; using UIKit; using Plugin.Settings.Abstractions; namespace Bit.iOS.Extension { public partial class SetupViewController : UIViewController { public SetupViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) { } public Context Context { get; set; } public LoadingViewController LoadingController { get; set; } public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated) { UINavigationBar.Appearance.ShadowImage = new UIImage(); UINavigationBar.Appearance.SetBackgroundImage(new UIImage(), UIBarMetrics.Default); base.ViewWillAppear(animated); } public override void ViewDidLoad() { View.BackgroundColor = new UIColor(red: 0.94f, green: 0.94f, blue: 0.96f, alpha: 1.0f); var descriptor = UIFontDescriptor.PreferredBody; DescriptionLabel.Text = @"Your logins are now easily accessable from Safari, Chrome, and other supported apps. In Safari and Chrome, find bitwarden using the share icon (hint: scroll to the right on the bottom row of the share menu)."; DescriptionLabel.Font = UIFont.FromDescriptor(descriptor, descriptor.PointSize); DescriptionLabel.TextColor = new UIColor(red: 0.47f, green: 0.47f, blue: 0.47f, alpha: 1.0f); ActivatedLabel.Font = UIFont.FromDescriptor(descriptor, descriptor.PointSize * 1.3f); base.ViewDidLoad(); } partial void BackButton_Activated(UIBarButtonItem sender) { LoadingController.CompleteRequest(null); } } }