using System; using Bit.App.Abstractions; using Bit.App.Resources; using Xamarin.Forms; using XLabs.Ioc; using Bit.App.Controls; using Acr.UserDialogs; using Plugin.Settings.Abstractions; using Plugin.Fingerprint.Abstractions; using PushNotification.Plugin.Abstractions; namespace Bit.App.Pages { public class SettingsPage : ExtendedContentPage { private readonly IAuthService _authService; private readonly IUserDialogs _userDialogs; private readonly ISettings _settings; private readonly IFingerprint _fingerprint; private readonly IPushNotification _pushNotification; // TODO: Model binding context? public SettingsPage() { _authService = Resolver.Resolve(); _userDialogs = Resolver.Resolve(); _settings = Resolver.Resolve(); _fingerprint = Resolver.Resolve(); _pushNotification = Resolver.Resolve(); Init(); } private ExtendedSwitchCell PinCell { get; set; } private ExtendedSwitchCell FingerprintCell { get; set; } private ExtendedTextCell LockOptionsCell { get; set; } private void Init() { FingerprintCell = new ExtendedSwitchCell { Text = "Unlock with Touch ID" + (!_fingerprint.IsAvailable ? " (Unavilable)" : null), On = _settings.GetValueOrDefault(Constants.SettingFingerprintUnlockOn), IsEnabled = _fingerprint.IsAvailable }; FingerprintCell.OnChanged += FingerprintCell_Changed; PinCell = new ExtendedSwitchCell { Text = "Unlock with PIN Code", On = _settings.GetValueOrDefault(Constants.SettingPinUnlockOn) }; PinCell.OnChanged += PinCell_Changed; LockOptionsCell = new ExtendedTextCell { Text = "Lock Options", Detail = GetLockOptionsDetailsText(), ShowDisclousure = true }; LockOptionsCell.Tapped += LockOptionsCell_Tapped; var changeMasterPasswordCell = new ExtendedTextCell { Text = "Change Master Password", ShowDisclousure = true }; changeMasterPasswordCell.Tapped += ChangeMasterPasswordCell_Tapped; var changeEmailCell = new ExtendedTextCell { Text = "Change Email", ShowDisclousure = true }; changeEmailCell.Tapped += ChangeEmailCell_Tapped; var foldersCell = new ExtendedTextCell { Text = "Folders", ShowDisclousure = true }; foldersCell.Tapped += FoldersCell_Tapped; var syncCell = new ExtendedTextCell { Text = "Sync", ShowDisclousure = true }; syncCell.Tapped += SyncCell_Tapped; var lockCell = new ExtendedTextCell { Text = "Lock" }; lockCell.Tapped += LockCell_Tapped; var logOutCell = new ExtendedTextCell { Text = "Log Out" }; logOutCell.Tapped += LogOutCell_Tapped; var aboutCell = new ExtendedTextCell { Text = "About", ShowDisclousure = true }; aboutCell.Tapped += AboutCell_Tapped; var helpCell = new ExtendedTextCell { Text = "Help and Feedback", ShowDisclousure = true }; helpCell.Tapped += HelpCell_Tapped; var rateCell = new ExtendedTextCell { Text = "Rate the App", ShowDisclousure = true }; rateCell.Tapped += RateCell_Tapped; var table = new ExtendedTableView { EnableScrolling = true, Intent = TableIntent.Menu, HasUnevenRows = true, Root = new TableRoot { new TableSection("Security") { LockOptionsCell, FingerprintCell, PinCell }, new TableSection { changeMasterPasswordCell, changeEmailCell }, new TableSection("Manage") { foldersCell, syncCell }, new TableSection("Current Session") { lockCell, logOutCell }, new TableSection("Other") { helpCell, rateCell, aboutCell } } }; if(Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) { table.RowHeight = -1; table.EstimatedRowHeight = 44; } Title = AppResources.Settings; Content = table; } private async void LockOptionsCell_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { var selection = await DisplayActionSheet("Lock Options", AppResources.Cancel, null, "Immediately", "1 minute", "15 minutes", "1 hour", "4 hours", "Never"); if(selection == AppResources.Cancel) { return; } if(selection == "Immediately") { _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingLockSeconds, 0); } else if(selection == "1 minute") { _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingLockSeconds, 60); } else if(selection == "5 minutes") { _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingLockSeconds, 60 * 5); } else if(selection == "15 minutes") { _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingLockSeconds, 60 * 15); } else if(selection == "1 hour") { _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingLockSeconds, 60 * 60); } else if(selection == "4 hours") { _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingLockSeconds, 60 * 60 * 4); } else if(selection == "Never") { _settings.Remove(Constants.SettingLockSeconds); } LockOptionsCell.Detail = selection; } private void SyncCell_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { Navigation.PushAsync(new SettingsSyncPage()); } private void AboutCell_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { Navigation.PushAsync(new SettingsAboutPage()); } private void RateCell_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: link to app stores } private void HelpCell_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { Navigation.PushAsync(new SettingsHelpPage()); } private void LockCell_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingLocked, true); MessagingCenter.Send(Application.Current, "Lock", true); } private async void LogOutCell_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(!await _userDialogs.ConfirmAsync("Are you sure you want to log out?", null, AppResources.Yes, AppResources.Cancel)) { return; } MessagingCenter.Send(Application.Current, "Logout", (string)null); } private async void ChangeMasterPasswordCell_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(!await _userDialogs.ConfirmAsync("You can change your master password on the web vault. Do you want to visit the website now?", null, AppResources.Yes, AppResources.Cancel)) { return; } Device.OpenUri(new Uri("")); } private async void ChangeEmailCell_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(!await _userDialogs.ConfirmAsync("You can change your email address on the web vault. Do you want to visit the website now?", null, AppResources.Yes, AppResources.Cancel)) { return; } Device.OpenUri(new Uri("")); } private void FingerprintCell_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e) { var cell = sender as ExtendedSwitchCell; if(cell == null) { return; } _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingFingerprintUnlockOn, cell.On); if(cell.On) { _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingPinUnlockOn, false); PinCell.On = false; } } private void PinCell_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e) { var cell = sender as ExtendedSwitchCell; if(cell == null) { return; } if(cell.On) { var pinPage = new SettingsPinPage(); pinPage.OnPinEntered += PinEntered; Navigation.PushAsync(pinPage); } else { _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingPinUnlockOn, false); } } private void PinEntered(object sender, EventArgs args) { var page = sender as SettingsPinPage; page.Navigation.PopAsync(); _authService.PIN = page.Model.PIN; _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingPinUnlockOn, true); _settings.AddOrUpdateValue(Constants.SettingFingerprintUnlockOn, false); FingerprintCell.On = false; } private void FoldersCell_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { Navigation.PushAsync(new SettingsListFoldersPage()); } private string GetLockOptionsDetailsText() { var lockSeconds = _settings.GetValueOrDefault(Constants.SettingLockSeconds); if(!lockSeconds.HasValue) { return "Never"; } if(lockSeconds.Value == 60) { return "1 minute"; } else if(lockSeconds.Value == 60 * 5) { return "5 minutes"; } else if(lockSeconds.Value == 60 * 15) { return "15 minutes"; } else if(lockSeconds.Value == 60 * 60) { return "1 hour"; } else if(lockSeconds.Value == 60 * 60 * 4) { return "4 hours"; } else { return "Immediately"; } } } }